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441 documents matched the search for Ranganathan, Rupa in authors.
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East Africa's infrastructure: a regional perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Airports and Air Services,Infrastructure Economics,Transport and Trade Logistics,Common Carriers Industry

ECCAS's infrastructure: a regional perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Infrastructure Economics,Airports and Air Services,Roads&Highways,Transport and Trade Logistics

The SADC's infrastructure: a regional perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Airports and Air Services,Infrastructure Economics,Transport and Trade Logistics,Roads&Highways

ECOWAS's infrastructure: a regional perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Airports and Air Services,Infrastructure Economics,Transport and Trade Logistics,Roads&Highways

Uganda's infrastructure: a continental perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster, from The World Bank (2012)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Town Water Supply and Sanitation,Infrastructure Economics,E-Business,Water Supply and Systems

South Sudan's infrastructure: a continental perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,E-Business,Infrastructure Economics,Energy Production and Transportation,Roads&Highways

Sudan's infrastructure: a continental perspective,
Rupa Ranganathan and Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Infrastructure Economics,Energy Production and Transportation,E-Business,Banks&Banking Reform

South Sudan's Infrastructure,
Rupa Ranganathan and Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia, from The World Bank Group (2011)
Keywords: Energy - Energy Production and Transportation Finance and Financial Sector Development - Banks & Banking Reform Infrastructure Economics and Finance - Infrastructure Economics Private Sector Development - E-Business Transport - Transport Economics Policy and Planning

Sudan Infrastructure,
Rupa Ranganathan and Cecilia Briceno-Garmendia, from The World Bank Group (2011)
Keywords: Energy - Energy Production and Transportation Finance and Financial Sector Development - Banks & Banking Reform Infrastructure Economics and Finance - Infrastructure Economics Private Sector Development - E-Business Transport - Transport Economics Policy and Planning

Rupa Chanda, in Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP) (2014)
Keywords: Globalization, services, trade, F1, F2, F6

Rupa Chanda, in The Singapore Economic Review (SER) (2008)
Keywords: Services, outsourcing, offshoring, information technology (IT), IT-enabled services, business process outsourcing

Rupa Chanda, in Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP) (2010)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment (FDI), hospitals, India, constraints, regulations, reforms, F1, F2

Asia: Jordan: A Political Study 1948–57 By Aqil Hyder Hasan Abidi. Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 1965. 251p. Rs. 25.00,
Rupa Jansen, in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs (1966) Downloads

Inter-modal Linkages in Services Trade,
Rupa Chanda, from OECD Publishing (2006) Downloads

Challenges to Regional Services Integration in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, in South Asia Economic Journal (2015)
Keywords: Services; integration; regulation; mobility; infrastructure; regional cooperation

Social Services and The GATS: Key Issues and Concerns,
Rupa Chanda, in World Development (2003) Downloads

Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Services Trade, Trade Liberalization, trade and investment, services employment, South Asia

Analysis, About the Origin, Development and Formation of the Notion of Ownership, its Review in Relation to the Economic Developments,
Yllka Rupa, in Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (2015) Downloads

Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Services Trade, Trade Liberalization, trade and investment, services employment, South Asia

Don't sneer at suburbia,
Rupa Huq, in Public Policy Review (2008) Downloads

Movement of Natural Persons and the GATS,
Rupa Chanda, in The World Economy (2001) Downloads

Getting a Dial Tone: telecommunications liberalisation in Malaysia and the Philippines - by Lorraine Carlos Salazar,
Rupa Chanda, in Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (2009) Downloads

The Albanian Reform in the Institutions of Justice and Its Impact on the Integration of Albania in the European Union,
Rupa Yllka, in Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (2017)
Keywords: reform, judicial power, court, prosecution, verification

An Examination of Factors Affecting Perception of Workplace Discrimination,
Rupa Banerjee, in Journal of Labor Research (2008)
Keywords: Discrimination, Racial minorities, Perceptions, Employment inequity,

Endogenous fertility and growth in a model with old age support,
Rupa Chakrabarti, in Economic Theory (1999)
Keywords: Endogenous fertility · Old age support · Growth.

Introduction to the Special Issue—Canada’s Economic Immigration Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for the Road Ahead,
Rupa Banerjee, in Journal of International Migration and Integration (2023)
Keywords: Canada, Immigration policy, Economic immigration, Labour market outcomes

Implications of the Uruguay Round for Kenya,
Rupa Chandha, from International Monetary Fund (1996)
Keywords: WP;export;Kenya;product;trade;tropical product; Kenya's export; liberalization commitment; preference margin; exports consist; export structure; leather products export; tariff reduction; bound rate; Exports; Tariffs; Agricultural commodities; Agricultural prices; Export earnings; Africa

Modalities and Determinants of Trade in Health Services,
Rupa Chanda, from The World Bank Group (2022)
Keywords: Health, Nutrition and Population-Health Economics & Finance International Economics and Trade-Trade and Services

Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Services Trade, Trade Liberalization, trade and investment, services employment, South Asia

Trade in Services Between India and Pakistan,
Rupa Chanda, from Springer (2015)
Keywords: Business Service, Medical Tourism, Service Trade, Bilateral Relation, Reveal Comparative Advantage

Introduction to Data, Data Governance, and Data Management,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data and Its Governance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance and Data Management Functions and Initiatives,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Technology and Tools,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance and Data Management—Concluding Thoughts and Way Forward,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Journey—Introduction,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Challenges and Dynamics,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Strategy and Data Governance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Maturity Models,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Components and Framework,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance—Metrics,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Success—Concluding Thoughts and the Way Forward,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Introduction to Governance, Corporate Governance, and Compliance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Governance Evolution and Basic Concepts,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Corporate Governance Subdisciplines, Data, and Data Governance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance and Compliance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance and Compliance: Concluding Thoughts and the Way Ahead,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Interviews,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Medical tourism and outward FDI in health services: India in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2015)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy Social Policy and Sociology,

Trade in services,
Rupa Chanda, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2017)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy

Regional Integration of Services in South Asia: Prospects and Challenges,
Rupa Chanda, from Oxford University Press (2011)

Registered author: Rupa Korde

Trade in Services and South Asia: An Aggressive Agenda,
Rupa Chanda, from eSocialSciences (2007)
Keywords: Mumbai, India, Karachi, Pakistan, trade, Srilanka, MFA, SAARC, SAFTA, GATS

Trade in Health Services,
Rupa Chanda, from eSocialSciences (2008)
Keywords: health services, trade, world economy, systems, equity,national, GATS, India, efficicency, access, services, barriers, policy globalization

Trade in Financial Services: India's Opportunities and Constraints,
Rupa Chanda, from eSocialSciences (2010)
Keywords: prospects, liberalizing, financial services, financial sector, strengths, weaknesses, investment prospects, commitments, multilateral liberalization, opportunities arising

Mapping the Universe of Services Disciplines in Asian PTAs,
Rupa Chanda, from World Trade Institute (2011) Downloads

Data Governance and Compliance,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Registered author: Rupa Chanda

Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia,
Rupa Chanda, from Asian Development Bank Institute (2012)
Keywords: services; service sector employment; service sector; south asia

Relative Effectiveness of Policy Choices During the Global Financial Crisis in SEACEN Countries,
Rupa Dheerasinghe, from South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research and Training Centre (2011) Downloads

Data Governance and Data Management,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Data Governance Success,
Rupa Mahanti, from Springer (2021)

Conference on Regional Development in India and China (19-20 November 1998): A Report,
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (1999) Downloads

Sino-Indian Relations in the New Millennium: Challenges and Prospects,
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (2001) Downloads

Cooperation within and across Regions makes for Good Multilateralism,
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (2004) Downloads

Towards an Understanding of the Bases of Cooperation between China, India and Russia,
Ranganathan Cv, in China Report (2002) Downloads

India and China: 'Learning to Learn',
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (2003) Downloads

A Festive Spring For Indian Diplomacy,
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (2005) Downloads

Tribute to an Outstanding Student of China,
C.V. Ranganathan, in China Report (2016) Downloads

Leapfrogging the Digital Divide: Myth or Reality for Emerging Regions?,
Kavitha Ranganathan, in International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) (2011) Downloads

Electricity Reforms: A Review,
V. Ranganathan, in Paradigm (1998) Downloads

The Kunming Initiative,
C.V. Ranganathan, in South Asian Survey (2001) Downloads

India: V.K. Subramanian: The Indian Financial System. Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1979, xii, 233p., Rs. 60,
S. Ranganathan, in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs (1981) Downloads

The Role of Extrinsic Cues in Consumer Decision Process in Online Shopping Environments,
C. Ranganathan, in Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) (2012) Downloads

Bioinformatics Education—Perspectives and Challenges,
Shoba Ranganathan, in PLOS Computational Biology (2005) Downloads

When the Tasks Line Up: How the Nature of Supplementary Tasks Affects Worker Productivity,
Aruna Ranganathan, in ILR Review (2023)
Keywords: productivity; tasks; mixed methods; workers; India

Rule by difference: Empire, liberalism, and the legacies of urban “improvementâ€,
Malini Ranganathan, in Environment and Planning A (2018)
Keywords: Colonial governmentality; genealogy; historiography; race and empire; urban India

Professionalization and Market Closure: The Case of Plumbing in India,
Aruna Ranganathan, in ILR Review (2013) Downloads

Hydropower and environment in India,
V Ranganathan, in Energy Policy (1997) Downloads

Electricity privatization revisited: A commentary on the case for new initiatives in India,
V Ranganathan, in Energy Policy (1996) Downloads

Electricity privatization The case of India,
V. Ranganathan, in Energy Policy (1993) Downloads

Rural electrification revisited,
V. Ranganathan, in Energy Policy (1993) Downloads

Identification and Worker Responses to Workplace Change: Evidence from Four Cases in India,
Aruna Ranganathan, in ILR Review (2021)
Keywords: identification; workplace change; workers; India; qualitative methods

Towards a Political Ecology of Caste and the City,
Malini Ranganathan, in Journal of Urban Technology (2022) Downloads

Work-life balance is mediating and social fulfilment is moderating: the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction among working people in developing countries,
Ranganathan Venkatesan, in International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (2024)
Keywords: life satisfaction; job satisfaction; work-life balance; WLB; social fulfilment; work-family conflict; WFC; family-work conflict; FWC.

CODA: The Racial Ecologies of Urban Wetlands,
Malini Ranganathan, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2022) Downloads

Paying for Pipes, Claiming Citizenship: Political Agency and Water Reforms at the Urban Periphery,
Malini Ranganathan, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2014) Downloads

Kavitha Ranganathan, in Bulletin of Economic Research (2018) Downloads

Airline CEO’s AI system for driving personalization,
Gopal Ranganathan, in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management (2023)
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Personalization, Revenue management

Every Stitch You Make: The Divergent Effects of Monitoring Technology by Employee's Level of Identification with Their Work,
Aruna Ranganathan, from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2015) Downloads

Lost in Translation: Organizational Practices and Formal Employment of Women in India,
Aruna Ranganathan, from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2015) Downloads

The Artisan and His Audience: Identification with Work and Price-Setting in a Handicraft Cluster in Southern India,
Aruna Ranganathan, from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2015) Downloads

Identification and Worker Responses to Workplace Change: Evidence from Four Cases in India,
Aruna Ranganathan, from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2020) Downloads

When the Tasks Line Up: How the Nature of Supplementary Taasks Affects Worker Productivity,
Aruna Ranganathan, from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2020) Downloads

Enabling a Mobile Cloud Service: Data-Sharing in Ad-hoc Device-to-Device Mobile Networks,
Kavitha Ranganathan, from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department (2017) Downloads

FRIW: Free Radicle Inspired Walk Capturing Social Bonds for a Realistic Human Mobility Model,
Kavitha Ranganathan, from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department (2016) Downloads

An Adaptive Probabilistic Model for Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
Kavitha Ranganathan, from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department (2011) Downloads

Efficient Broadcasting for a Mobile Ad-hoc Network based Peer-to-peer Community Radio Service,
Kavitha Ranganathan, from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department (2011) Downloads

Studying Soft Power,
Maya Ranganathan, from eSocialSciences (2011)
Keywords: media, communication technologies, soft power, media influence, media studies

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