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1607 documents matched the search for Randy Caruso in authors.
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Exploring Potential Data Sources for Estimating Private Climate Finance,
Randy Caruso and Raphaël Jachnik, from OECD Publishing (2014) Downloads

Comparing Definitions and Methods to Estimate Mobilised Climate Finance,
Randy Caruso and Jane Ellis, from OECD Publishing (2013)
Keywords: climate finance, financement climatique, leverage, MNV, mobilise, mobiliser, MRV, stimuler, suivi, tracking

Estimating Mobilised Private Climate Finance: Methodological Approaches, Options and Trade-offs,
Raphaël Jachnik, Randy Caruso and Aman Srivastava, from OECD Publishing (2015)
Keywords: climate change, estimation, measurement, mobilisation, private finance, public interventions

Exploring Climate Finance Effectiveness,
Jane Ellis, Randy Caruso and Stephanie Ockenden, from OECD Publishing (2013)
Keywords: aid effectiveness, climate finance effectiveness, efficacité de l’aide, efficacité du financement climatique, mobilisation, mobilise, monitoring and evaluation, suivi et évaluation

Scaling up and replicating effective climate finance interventions,
Takayoshi Kato, Jane Ellis, Pieter Pauw and Randy Caruso, from OECD Publishing (2014)
Keywords: augmentation, cadres institutionnels, climate finance, climate funds, conditions favorables, enabling environments, financement climatique, fonds pour le climat, institutional frameworks, mobilise, mobiliser, replication, réitération, scaling up

Stock Prices and Money Velocity: A Multi-Country Analysis,
M. Caruso, from Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi (1996)

Le asimmetrie della crescita e le probabilità della stagnazione e dello sviluppo: alcune stime con dati settoriali e regionali,
Massimo Caruso, in Rivista di Politica Economica (2001) Downloads

Idiosyncratic Risk and Consumption Insurance Across the Italian Regions,
Massimo Caruso, in Rivista di Politica Economica (2005) Downloads

Digital Capitalism and the End of Politics: The Case of the Italian Five Star Movement,
Loris Caruso, in Politics & Society (2017)
Keywords: Five Star Movement; digital capitalism; populism; ICT and democracy; movement parties

Durata della disoccupazione e probabilità di reimpiego in presenza di incentivi all'assunzione: l'evidenza empirica della lista di mobilità della regione Umbria,
Enza Caruso, in Politica economica (2001) Downloads

The Syrian diaspora in London through the transnational lens: a distinctive contribution to contemporary public space and citizenship,
Carmen Caruso, in Border Crossing (2018)
Keywords: diaspora; transnationalism; Syria; citizenship; intersectional analysis; public space

Monetary Policy Impulses, Local Output and the Transmission Mechanism,
Massimo Caruso, in Giornale degli Economisti (2006)
Keywords: monetary policy shocks, business opinion surveys, heterogeneity

Toward Regenerative Hospitality Business Models: The Case of “Hortel”,
Luca Caruso, in Tourism and Hospitality (2023)
Keywords: hospitality; regenerative sustainability; regenerative business model; corporate social responsibility; urban biodiversity; nature-based solutions; green marketing; biophilia; landscape design; environmental design

EUTELSAT: The European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation and the 1992 market,
Andrea Caruso, in European Management Journal (1988) Downloads

Nowcasting with the help of foreign indicators: The case of Mexico,
Alberto Caruso, in Economic Modelling (2018)
Keywords: Nowcasting; Dynamic factor model; Macroeconomic forecasting;

The legacy of natural disasters: The intergenerational impact of 100 years of disasters in Latin America,
German Caruso, in Journal of Development Economics (2017)
Keywords: Long term effects; Intergenerational transmission; Natural disasters;

The Missing View of the Cathedral: The Private Law Paradigm of European Legal Integration,
Daniela Caruso, from Jean Monnet Chair (1996)
Keywords: Austria; Council of Ministers; economic law; economics; European Court of Justice; France; Germany; harmonisation; history; integration theory; law; legislative procedure; neo-functionalism; Netherlands; political science; trade policy; unanimity; U.K.

The first stage of the transition in the economies of the former USSR: asymmetric shocks, macroeconomic imbalances and seigniorage,
M. Caruso, in BNL Quarterly Review (1995)
Keywords: Evaluation, Economic aspects, Capitalism, Former Soviet Union

The first stage of the transition in the economies of the former USSR: asymmetric shocks, macroeconomic imbalances and seigniorage,
M. Caruso, in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review (1995)
Keywords: Evaluation, Economic aspects, Capitalism, Former Soviet Union

Food city, by C.J. Lim, New York, Routledge, 2014, 304 pp., £48.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-415-53927-2,
Nadia Caruso, in Urban Research & Practice (2015) Downloads

Staging the New Berlin: Place Marketing and the Politics of Urban Reinvention Post-1989, by Claire Colomb, London and New York, Routledge, 2012, 358 pp., £34.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-415-59403-5,
Nadia Caruso, in Urban Research & Practice (2014) Downloads

Macroeconomic news and market reaction: Surprise indexes meet nowcasting,
Alberto Caruso, in International Journal of Forecasting (2019)
Keywords: Macroeconomic news; Macroeconomic forecasting; Surveys; Dynamic factor model; Asset prices;

Investment and the persistence of price uncertainty,
Massimo Caruso, in Research in Economics (2001) Downloads

Stock Market Fluctuations and Money Demand in Italy, 1913–2003,
Massimo Caruso, in Economic Notes (2006) Downloads

Infrequent Shocks, Output Persistence and Economic Growth,
Massimo Caruso, in Manchester School (2004) Downloads

Inclusiveness and Difference in Dakar,
Giuseppe Caruso, in Development (2011) Downloads

Procyclical Productivity and Output Growth in China: An Econometric Analysis,
Massimo Caruso, in Open Economies Review (2002)
Keywords: economic growth, economies in transition, total factor productivity, labor hoarding, openness,

Promotion and Protection of Childhood and Adolescence - The “Child Contact Centreâ€,
Giorgia Caruso, in European Journal of Education Articles (2021)
Keywords: Promotion, Protection, Childhood, Adolescence

The Impact of International Economic Sanctions on Trade: An Empirical Analysis,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2003)
Keywords: International negative sanctions, international trade, gravity model

Conflict and Conflict Management with Interdependent Instruments and Asymmetric Stakes, (The Good-Cop and the Bad-Cop Game),
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2006)
Keywords: conflict, contest, conflict management, asymmetry in evaluation, statistical entropy

List of Referees/Reviewers,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2009) Downloads

List of Referees/Reviewers 2009,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2010) Downloads

International Relative Prices and Civil Wars in Africa: A Note,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2010)
Keywords: civil war, commodity prices, MUV, relative price, probit analysis

List of Referees 2010,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2010) Downloads

In Memoriam: Walter Isard,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2012) Downloads

On the Nature of Peace Economics,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2011)
Keywords: peace economics, productive and unproductive activities, conflict, contested and uncontested sectors, Butter, Guns and Ice-Cream

List of Referees/Reviewers 2011,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2012) Downloads

1st Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2018) Downloads

3rd Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2020) Downloads

What Post COVID-19? Avoiding a «Twenty-first Century General Crisis»,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2020)
Keywords: pandemic, COVID-19, 17th Century General Crisis, crisis, international institutions

Introduction to the Proceedings of the 18th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2018) Downloads

Fifth Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2022) Downloads

PEPS has Gained Further Attention,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2022) Downloads

6th Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2023) Downloads

7th Walter Isard Annual Award for the Best Article in Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy,
Raul Caruso, in Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy (2024) Downloads

Raul Caruso, in Defence and Peace Economics (2010)
Keywords: Civil war, Resource curse, Butter, guns and ice-cream, Structure of the economy, Panel probit analysis,

Differentials in property Rights in a two-sector economy,
Raul Caruso, in Revue d'économie politique (2012)
Keywords: property rights, conflict, productive and unproductive Activities, Butte

Spesa pubblica e criminalità organizzata in Italia: evidenza empirica su dati Panel nel periodo 1997-2003,
Raul Caruso, in Economia & lavoro (2009) Downloads

Il pensiero di Kenneth Boulding, economista irenico. Relazioni sociali tra scambio, dono e coercizione,
Keywords: Kenneth Boulding; Threat; Love; Integrative systems; power; philanthropy; reciprocity; altruism.

Conflict and Conflict Management with Interdependent Instruments and Asymmetric Stakes,(The Good-Cop and the Bad-Cop Game),
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: Conflict; Contest; Conflict management; Asymmetry in evaluation; Statistical entropy; Uncertainty

Conflict and Conflict Managment with Asymmetric Stakes (The Bad-Cop and the Good Cop part II),
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Conflict; Contest; Conflict management; Asymmetry in evaluation; Entropy; Returns to Scale; Concession; Guns; Talks

Recirpcity in the shadow of Threat,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Conflict; Contest; Conflict management; conflict resolution; concessions; reciprocity; asymmetry in evaluation; Statistical entropy; cooperation; integrative systems; ‘guns’ and ‘talks’

Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A Note,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Conflict; Stalemate; ‘Butter’; ‘Guns’; Hirshleifer; Entropy; Violence

THE Economics of Match-Fixing,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Contest; Football; Sport Contest; Contest Management; Match-Fixing; Asymmetry in evaluation; Concession; FIFA; UEFA; CHampions League; World Cup

A Tentative Model of Conflict, Appropriation and Production in a two-sector Economy,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Conflict; Productive and Unproductive Activities; Butter and Guns; Crime; Warlords; Civil War

Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: [ENGLISH]organised crime, rent-seeking, conflict, monopoly, panel data, Mafia. [ITALIAN]crimine organizzato, rent-seeking, conflitto, monopolio, panel data, Mafia

Al Qaeda as a Tournament: Empirical Evidence,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Terrorism, al Qaeda, Contest Theory, Tournament, Information

International Relative Prices and Civil Wars in Sub-Saharan Africa. Theory and Evidence over the period (1995-2006),
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: Theoretical model of conflict, Civil war, resource curse, butter guns and ice-cream, structure of the economy, commodity prices, MUV, panel probit analysis

What is the relationship between unemployment and rape? Evidence from a panel of European regions,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: rape, sexual assault, violent crime, opportunity perspective, unemployment, youth unemployment, intimate and spousal violence.

Beyond Deterrence and Decline. Towards a General Understanding of Peace Economics,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: peace; war; development; military expenditures; butter, guns and ice-cream

Identity and Incentives an Economic Interpretation of the Holocaust,
Raul Caruso, from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Dipartimenti e Istituti di Scienze Economiche (DISCE) (2015)
Keywords: Holocaust, identity, expropriation, dehumanization, Aryanization, extermination camps, genocide

Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A note,
Raul Caruso, in Economics Bulletin (2007)
Keywords: Conflict

Contest with cooperative behavior: a note,
Raul Caruso, in Economics Bulletin (2012)
Keywords: contest, cooperative and competitive efforts, contest success function

The Basic Economics of Match Fixing in Sport Tournaments,
Raul Caruso, in Economic Analysis and Policy (2009)
Keywords: Football, Sport Contest; Contest Management; Match-Fixing; Tacit Collusion; Asymmetry in evaluation; Concession; FIFA; UEFA; World Cup; Champions League

Crime and sport participation: Evidence from Italian regions over the period 1997–2003,
Raul Caruso, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics) (2011)
Keywords: Sport participation; Pro-social behaviour; Property crime; Violent crime; Juvenile crime; Relational goods; Kenneth Boulding; Cognitive and non-cognitive abilities;

Peace economics and peaceful economic policies,
Raul Caruso, in Economics of Peace and Security Journal (2017)
Keywords: Peace economics

Pompeo Della Posta (a cura di), Crisi dell’economia e crisi della teoria economica. Teoria tradizionale e nuova economia civile a confronto, Napoli, Liguori, 2012, pp. 308,
Raul Caruso, in History of Economic Ideas (2013) Downloads

Asimmetrie negli incentivi, equilibrio competititvo e impegno agonistico: distorsioni in presenza di doping e combine,
Raul Caruso, in Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport (2005) Downloads

Umberto Lago, Alessandro Baroncelli, Stefan Szymanski (a cura di), Il business del calcio, successi sportivi e rovesci finanziari, Egea, Milano, 2004,
Raul Caruso, in Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport (2006) Downloads

Il calcio tra mercato, relazioni e coercizione,
Raul Caruso, in Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport (2008) Downloads

Sport, crimine e produttività. Un’analisi per le regioni italiane su dati panel (1997-2003),
Raul Caruso, in Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport (2009)
Keywords: Sport, crimine, produttività, relazionalità, panel data

A Trade Institution as a Peaceful Institution? A Contribution to Integrative Theory,
Raul Caruso, in Conflict Management and Peace Science (2006)
Keywords: contest success function; conflict; trade; institutions

The Impact of International Economic Sanctions on Trade Empirical Evidence over the Period 1960-2000,
Raul Caruso, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (2005)
Keywords: International negative sanctions, international trade, gravity model

Beyond deterrence and decline. Towards a general understanding of peace economics,
Raul Caruso, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (2015)
Keywords: Peace, War, Development, Military expenditures, Butter, Guns and Ice-cream

The Impact of International Economic Sanctions on Trade An empirical Analysis,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2003)
Keywords: International negative sanctions, international trade, gravity model

Should We Set the Market Free? Some Notes on International Economic Sanctions,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: International Political economy, International economic sanctions, international trade

A Trade Institution as a Peaceful Institution?,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Contest Success Function, Conflict, international Trade Institution.

A Very Simple Model of Conflict with Asymmetric Evaluations and Institutional Constraint,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Conflict, asymmetric evaluations, contest success function, institutional constraint

Regioni e Territori nello Spazio Europeo della Ricerca,
Raul Caruso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Regions, Research, Eurpean Research Area, European Union, Regioni, Spazio Europeo della Ricerca, Unione Europea

Stock prices and money velocity: a multi-country analysis,
Massimo Caruso, in Empirical Economics (2001)
Keywords: stock market fluctuations, asset prices volatility, demand for money, monetary policy

Reciprocity in the shadow of threat,
Raul Caruso, in International Review of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Conflict, Contest, Conflict management, Concessions, Reciprocity, Asymmetry in evaluation, Statistical entropy, Cooperation, Integrative systems, ‘Guns’ and ‘talks’, D7, D74, D61, D64, F59, H56,

The Impact of Macroeconomic News on the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate,
Alberto Caruso, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2016)
Keywords: macroeconomic news; exchange rate; event studies; real-time data

Nowcasting Mexican GDP,
Alberto Caruso, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2015) Downloads

Macroeconomic News and Market Reaction: Surprise Indexes meet Nowcasting,
Alberto Caruso, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2018) Downloads

Registered author: Alberto Caruso

Registered author: Geoffrey Caruso

Essays on Empirical Macroeconomics,
Alberto Caruso, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2020)
Keywords: Nowcasting; Forecasting; Macroeconomic news; Yield curve; Factor models; Public debt; Bayesian VAR; Macroeconometrics

Local development and technological innovation in Algeria: experiences and perspectives,
Immacolata Caruso, from European Regional Science Association (2001) Downloads

New Horizons of Chinese Healthcare System: Reforms and Perspectives,
Daniela Caruso, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2018)
Keywords: Healthcare Industry, China, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Business, Law,

China and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Policies: Medical Education System and Vocational Training,
Daniela Caruso, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2018)
Keywords: Healthcare Industry, China, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Business, Law,

Registered author: Immacolata Caruso

Economic Statecraft: from Negative Sanctions to Positive Sanctions,
Raul Caruso, from European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation (CESPIC), Catholic University 'Our Lady of Good Counsel' (2021)
Keywords: economic sanctions, positive sanctions, negative sanctions, effectiveness, trade, interest groups

The Foundation of Peace Economics in the Thought of Kenneth Boulding,
Raul Caruso, from European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation (CESPIC), Catholic University 'Our Lady of Good Counsel' (2024)
Keywords: Kenneth Boulding. Peace economics, Conflict, Threat, Love, Integrative systems, Power, Instability

Relational Goods at Work! Crime and Sport Participation in Italy: Evidence from Panel Data Regional Analysis over the Period 1997–2003,
Raul Caruso, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Registered author: Raul Caruso

Crime and Sport Participation in Itay: Evidence from Panel Data Regional Analysis over the Period 1997-2003.\,
Raul Caruso, from International Association of Sports Economists (2009)
Keywords: Sport participation, relational goods, crime

Differentials in Property Rights in a two sector-economy,
Raul Caruso, from Network of European Peace Scientists (2012)
Keywords: property rights; conflict; productive and unproductive Activities; Butter; Guns and Ice-cream; appropriation; entrepreneurship; redistribution; kleptocracy

Relational Good at Work! Crime and Sport Participation in Italy. Evidence from Panel Data Regional Analysis over the Period 1997-2003,
Raul Caruso, from National Centre for Econometric Research (2009)
Keywords: Sport participation, relational goods, crime, Kenneth Boulding

Studi di settore: analisi quantitativa dei risultati,
Donatello Caruso, from Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche e Statistiche, Universita' di Foggia (2009) Downloads

Registered author: Enza Caruso

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