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23605 documents matched the search for Pütz, Marco in authors.
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Assessing the regional governance capacities of spatial planning: the case of the canton of Zurich,
Nadine Kiessling and Marco Pütz, in Regional Studies, Regional Science (2020) Downloads

Assessing Spatial Planning Outcomes – A Novel Framework Based on Conformance and Governance Capacities,
Nadine Kiessling and Marco Pütz, in Planning Theory & Practice (2021) Downloads

Adaptive Capacities of Spatial Planning in the Context of Climate Change in the European Alps,
Sylvia Kruse and Marco Pütz, in European Planning Studies (2014) Downloads

Die neuere Veterinärgesetzgebung und ihre volkswirtschaftliche Wirkung,
Pütz, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1892) Downloads

Risiken des automatisierten Fahrens. Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Kfz-Versicherung. Proceedings zum 14. FaRis & DAV-Symposium am 7.12.2018 in Köln,
Marco Morawetz, Fabian Pütz and Torsten Rohlfs, from Technische Hochschule Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Insurance Studies (2019)
Keywords: Kraftfahrtversicherung, Telematik, Versicherungswirtschaft

Susan Müller, Daniel Baumgartner and Marco Pütz, in ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (2008) Downloads

What Kind of Entrepreneurship Drives Regional Development in European Non-core Regions? A Literature Review on Empirical Entrepreneurship Research,
Daniel Baumgartner, Marco Pütz and Irmi Seidl, in European Planning Studies (2013) Downloads

Mapping governance of adaptation to climate change in Switzerland,
Dominik Braunschweiger, Marco Pütz, Frank Heidmann and Mark-Jan Bludau, in Regional Studies, Regional Science (2018) Downloads

Responding to the COVID‐19 Crisis: Transformative Governance in Switzerland,
Yasmine Willi, Gero Nischik, Dominik Braunschweiger and Marco Pütz, in Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (2020) Downloads

Entrepreneurship als lokales unternehmerisches Potenzial für die Regionalentwicklung im ländlichen Raum – Definition und Indikatoren: Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Studie in der Schweiz,
Baumgartner Daniel, Lehmann Bernard, Weber Michael and Pütz Marco, in ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography (2010)
Keywords: entrepreneurship, regional development, rural area, Delphi-survey, Switzerland, entrepreneurship, regional development, rural area, Delphi-survey, Switzerland

Alpine open spaces in spatial planning: A plea for greater cross-border cooperation,
Peter Haßlacher, Marco Pütz, Gero Nischik, Christoph Knauf, Marius Mayer and Hubert Job, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2022)
Keywords: Alpine open spaces, GIS analysis, open space analysis, nature conservation, spatial planning, tourism

Alpine Freiräume in der räumlichen Planung: Ein Plädoyer für mehr grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit,
Peter Haßlacher, Marco Pütz, Gero Nischik, Christoph Knauf, Marius Mayer and Hubert Job, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2018)
Keywords: Alpine Freiräume, GIS-Analyse, Freiraumanalyse, Naturschutz, Raumordnung, Räumliche Planung, Tourismus, alpine open spaces, GIS-analysis, open space analysis, nature protection, spatial planning, tourism

Die Vermarktlichung von Wildnis. Lebendige Waren, Companionability und Encounter Value beim Mustang Makeover Germany,
Pütz Robert, in ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography (2020)
Keywords: Companionability, Encounter Value, Lively Commodity, Marketization, Wilderness, Companionability, Encounter Value, lebendige Waren, Vermarktlichung, Wildnis

Considerations on the Study of Consumption and Consumers' Behaviour,
Ecaterina Putz, in Quaestus Multidisciplinary Research Journal (2013)
Keywords: Need, request, consumption, consumer behaviour, motivational research

Krankensparkonten aus Sicht der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen und ihrer Versicherten: Korreferat zum Beitrag von Ronny Klein: "Ansparen von Selbstbeteiligung in der Krankenversicherung?",
Claudia Pütz, in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (2004) Downloads

Culture and Entrepreneurship – Remarks on Transculturality as Practice,
Robert Pütz, in Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (2003) Downloads

Die Vermarktlichung von Wildnis. Lebendige Waren, Companionability und Encounter Value beim Mustang Makeover Germany,
Pütz Robert, in ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography (2020)
Keywords: Companionability, Encounter Value, Lively Commodity, Marketization, Wilderness, Companionability, Encounter Value, lebendige Waren, Vermarktlichung, Wildnis

Problemas y vicisitudes de la política coyuntural,
T. Pütz, in Estudios Economicos (1962) Downloads

Studien zum Inflationsproblem,
Theodor Pütz, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (1975)
Keywords: Inflation

Logistic vs. W-Lambert Information in Quantum Modeling of Enzyme Kinetics,
Mihai V. Putz and Ana-Maria Putz, in International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) (2011) Downloads

David B. Lindenmayer and Jerry F. Franklin, Conserving forest biodiversity. A comprehensive multiscaled approach, Island Press, 2002, ISBN: 155963934X, xiii+351 pp,
Francis E. Putz, in Ecological Economics (2005) Downloads

Gina Rae La Cerva: Feasting wild: in search of the last untamed food,
F. E. Jack Putz, in Agriculture and Human Values (2020) Downloads

Analysing, assessing and safeguarding Alpine open spaces through spatial planning,
Hubert Job, Marius Mayer, Peter Haßlacher, Gero Nischik, Christoph Knauf, Marco Pütz, Josef Essl, Andreas Marlin, Manfred Kopf and Stefan Obkircher, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2021)
Keywords: Alpine open spaces, GIS analysis, open space analysis, nature conservation, spatial planning, tourism

Analyse, Bewertung und Sicherung alpiner Freiräume durch Raumordnung und räumliche Planung,
Hubert Job, Marius Mayer, Peter Haßlacher, Gero Nischik, Christoph Knauf, Marco Pütz, Josef Essl, Andreas Marlin, Manfred Kopf and Stefan Obkircher, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2017)
Keywords: Alpine Freiräume, GIS-Analyse, Freiraumanalyse, Naturschutz, Raumordnung, Tourismus, Alpine open spaces, GIS-analysis, Open space analysis, Nature protection, Spatial planning, Tourism

Postwachstum und Raumentwicklung: Denkanstöße für Wissenschaft und Praxis,
Benjamin Best, Heike Brückner, Martina Hülz, Britta Klagge, Bastian Lange, Samuel Mössner, Sebastian Norck, Marco Pütz, Anne Ritzinger, Benedikt Schmid, Christian Schulz, Viola Schulze Dieckhoff and Sabine Weck, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2021) Downloads

Großschutzgebiete, Biodiversität und räumliche Planung,
Stefan Heiland, Eckhard Jedicke, Hubert Job, Peter Meyer, Birte Nienaber, Tobias Plieninger, Marco Pütz, Sven Rannow, Eick von Ruschkowski, Barbara Warner and Manuel Woltering, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2016) Downloads

The Alps 2050 Atlas ALPS 2050,
Tobias Chilla, Anna Heugel, Thomas Streifeneder, Elisa Ravazzoli, Peter Laner, Ulrike Tappeiner, Francesca Teston, Lukas Egarter, Thomas Dax, Ingrid Machold, Marco Pütz, Naja Marot and Jean-François Ruault, from HAL (2019) Downloads

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit erfordert mehr! Anmerkungen zur starren Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte,
Lasse Pütz and Marion Weckes, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2014) Downloads

Der deutschen Unternehmensmitbestimmung entzogen: Die Zahl der Unternehmen mit ausländischer Rechtsform wächst,
Lasse Pütz and Sebastian Sick, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2011) Downloads

Choosing two business degrees versus choosing one: What does it tell about mutual fund managers' investment behavior?,
Laura Andreu and Alexander Pütz, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2016)
Keywords: Mutual funds, Investment behavior, Manager education, MBA, CFA

Choosing two business degrees versus choosing one: What does it tell about mutual fund managers' investment behavior?,
Laura Andreu and Alexander Pütz, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2015)

Are two business degrees better than one? Evidence from mutual fund managers' education,
Laura Andreu and Alexander Pütz, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2012)

Compliance: Ein Thema für Betriebs- und Aufsichtsräte,
Lasse Pütz and Manuela Maschke, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2012) Downloads

Nagelprobe EuGH: Mitbestimmung untergraben oder festigen?,
Lasse Pütz and Sebastian Sick, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2015) Downloads

Acid Test ECJ: Undermine or strengthen co-determination?,
Lasse Pütz and Sebastian Sick, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2015) Downloads

EU-domstolen BLIR nagelprovet: Undergräva eller stärka medbestämmanderätten,
Lasse Pütz and Sebastian Sick, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2015) Downloads

Geschlechterquote: Geschlechterquote für mehr Frauen in den Aufsichtsräten - vor allem Anteilseigner sind gefordert,
Lasse Pütz and Marion Weckes, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2014) Downloads

Mehr Beteiligungskapital: Vorschläge zur Reform von Unternehmensrecht und Kapitalmarkt,
Paul Pütz and Hans Willgerodt, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (1983) Downloads

Alternative Capital und Basisrisiko in der Standardformel (non-life) von Solvency II,
Stefan Materne and Fabian Pütz, from Technische Hochschule Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Insurance Studies (2017)
Keywords: Rückversicherung

Die Anforderungen an die Ereignisdefinition des Rückversicherungsvertrags: Eindeutigkeit und Konsistenz mit dem zugrundeliegenden Risiko,
Fabian Pütz and Stefan Materne, from Technische Hochschule Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Insurance Studies (2016)
Keywords: Rückversicherung

Implementing Value Engineering based on a multidimensional quality-oriented control calculus within a Target Costing and Target Pricing approach,
Stefan Bock and Markus Pütz, in International Journal of Production Economics (2017)
Keywords: Value Engineering; Target Costing; Target Pricing; Product quality planning; Control calculus; Variance analysis;

Test décisif auprès de la CJUE: la cogestion en sortira-t-elle affaiblie ou renforcée ? La CJUE vérifie la conformité de la cogestion allemande avec le droit européen,
Lasse Pütz and Sebastian Sick, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2015) Downloads

Overconfidence among professional investors: Evidence from mutual fund managers,
Alexander Pütz and Stefan Ruenzi, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2010)
Keywords: professional investors, overconfidence, behavioral biases, mutual funds

Overconfidence among professional investors: Evidence from mutual fund managers,
Alexander Pütz and Stefan Ruenzi, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2009)

Der Mangel an Eigenkapital,
Willgerodt Hans and Pütz Paul, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1983) Downloads

Absorptive capacity in family firms: a systematic literature review,
Laura Pütz and Arndt Werner, in Review of Managerial Science (2024)
Keywords: Systematic literature review, Family business, Absorptive capacity, Heterogeneity

Monitoring carbon sequestration benefits associated with a Reduced-Impact Logging Project in Malaysia,
Michelle Pinard and Francis Putz, in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (1997)
Keywords: biomass, carbon offsets, logging damage, Malaysia, monitoring program, simulation model, tropical forest,

A penalized spline estimator for fixed effects panel data models,
Peter Pütz and Thomas Kneib, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2018)
Keywords: First-difference estimator, Life satisfaction, Panel data, Penalized splines, Simultaneous confidence bands

Optional deductibles in social health insurance systems,
Claudia Pütz and Christian Hagist, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2006)
Keywords: Social health insurance, Deductibles, Germany,

A Penalized Spline Estimator for Fixed Effects Panel Data Models,
Peter Pütz and Thomas Kneib, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2016)
Keywords: First-difference estimator, life satisfaction, panel data, penalized splines, simultaneous confidence bands

Risikobasierter Hochwasserschutz durch Regionalplanung,
Rainer Danielzyk, Wolfgang Durner, Klaus Einig, Stefan Greiving, Susan Grotefels, Holger Janssen, Axel Priebs, Marco Pütz, Frank Reitzig, Petra Schmidt-Kaden, Kerstin Schürholt, Armin von Weschpfennig and Thorsten Wiechmann, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2022)
Keywords: Regionalplanung, Hochwasserrisiko, Hochwasserschutz

Große Transformation und nachhaltige Raumentwicklung machen: Impulse zur Umsetzung in der regionalen und kommunalen Praxis,
Barbara Malburg-Graf, Hans-Martin Zademach, Falk Dornbach, Simon Dudek, Marie Graef, Damian Jerjen, Nadine Kießling, Walter Kufeld, Manfred Miosga, Petra Neubauer, Marco Pütz, Anne Ritzinger, Raymond Saller, Alexander Stark and Barbara Warner, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2024)
Keywords: Große Transformation, Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung, Planungs- und Raumentwicklungspraxis, Great Transformation, Sustainable Spatial Development, Planning and Spatial Development Practice

Le développement inégal de la technologie des lasers industriels en France et en Allemagne - Quelques enseignements pour la politique technologique,
Achim Wolter, Thomas Pùtz and Helwig Schmied, in Revue d'Économie Industrielle (1996) Downloads

Mihai V. Putz and Ioan Petri?or, in Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (2019)
Keywords: clustering, [the] cube of strategic management, nano-chemistry, Thom’s catastrophes, turbo-potentials.

Analyzing Migration Management: On the Recruitment of Nurses to Germany,
Jan Kordes, Robert Pütz and Sigrid Rand, in Social Sciences (2020)
Keywords: care; migration; migration management; nursing; recruitment; globalized labor markets; Germany

Treatment effects beyond the mean using distributional regression: Methods and guidance,
Maike Hohberg, Peter Pütz and Thomas Kneib, in PLOS ONE (2020) Downloads

Deductibles in social health insurance systems: Findings from Germany,
Christian Hagist, Inken Holldorf and Claudia Pütz, from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Finanzwissenschaft (2005) Downloads

Caught in the act: How hedge funds manipulate their equity positions,
Gjergji Cici, Alexander Kempf and Alexander Pütz, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2010)

Die Anforderungen an die Ereignisdefinition des Rückversicherungsvertrags: Eindeutigkeit und Konsistenz mit dem zugrundeliegenden Risiko,
Stefan Materne, Fabian Pütz and Matthias Engling, from Technische Hochschule Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Insurance Studies (2016)
Keywords: Rückversicherung

Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on inland navigation,
Bianca Borca and Lisa-Maria Putz, from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (2021)
Keywords: Supply Chain Risk Management, Supply Chain Security

Can gamification reduce the shortage of skilled logistics personnel?,
Florian Hofbauer and Lisa-Maria Putz, from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (2019)
Keywords: Logistics, Career choice, Theoretical framework, Gamification

A novel approach to multi-horizon wind power forecasting based on deep neural architecture,
Dominik Putz, Michael Gumhalter and Hans Auer, in Renewable Energy (2021)
Keywords: Wind power forecasting; Neural networks; Deep learning; N-BEATS; Pinball-sMAPE;

Cost comparisons of reduced-impact and conventional logging in the tropics,
Vincent P. Medjibe and Francis E. Putz, in Journal of Forest Economics (2012)
Keywords: Forest economics; Timber harvesting costs; Tropical forestry; Tropical silviculture; REDD+;

Financial viability and carbon payment potential of large-scale silvicultural intensification in logged dipterocarp forests in Indonesia,
Ruslandi,, C. Romero and F.E. Putz, in Forest Policy and Economics (2017)
Keywords: Enrichment planting; Selective logging; SILFOR; Strip planting; Sustained timber yield; Tropical forestry;

Sharing managerial contract information in a vertically related market,
Michael Kopel and Eva Maria Putz, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2021) Downloads

“Who pays the piper calls the tune” – Networks and transaction costs in commodity markets,
Alexander Pütz, Pierre Siklos and Christoph Sulewski, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2019)
Keywords: Early commodity futures markets, Information transmission, Connectedness, Network analysis

Speculation and the Informational Efficiency of Commodity Futures Markets,
Martin Bohl, Alexander Pütz and Christoph Sulewski, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2019)
Keywords: Market efficiency, Variance ratio test, Commodity futures

Do Mature Economies Grow Exponentially?,
Steffen Lange, Peter Pütz and Thomas Kopp, in Ecological Economics (2018)
Keywords: Per capita gross domestic product; Economic growth; Exponential growth; Linear growth; Time series analysis; Post-growth; Degrowth; Secular stagnation; Theories of economic growth;

Market Making and the Contested Performation of Value in the Global (Bulk) Wine Industry,
Gerhard Rainer, Christian Steiner and Robert Pütz, in Economic Geography (2023) Downloads

The impact of duality on managerial decisions and performance: Evidence from the mutual fund industry,
Alexander Kempf, Alexander Pütz and Florian Sonnenburg, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2013)
Keywords: Manager duality, governance, managerial decisions, agency conflicts, mutual funds

The valuation of hedge funds' equity positions,
Gjergji Cici, Alexander Kempf and Alexander Pütz, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2011)
Keywords: hedge funds, fair value, return smoothing, valuation manipulation, fraud

Fund manager duality: Impact on performance and investment behavior,
Alexander Kempf, Alexander Pütz and Florian Sonnenburg, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2012)
Keywords: Fund manager duality, Fund governance, Agency conflicts, Mutual funds

Information sharing in a Cournot–Bertrand duopoly,
Michael Kopel and Eva Maria Putz, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2021) Downloads

Enhanced integration of energy-related considerations in discrete event simulation for manufacturing applications,
J Stoldt, A Schlegel and M Putz, in Journal of Simulation (2016) Downloads

MAMMUT idea scanner: From the initial idea to a convincing business model,
Ewald Mittelstädt and Lisa-Marie Pütz, in Journal of the International Council for Small Business (2024) Downloads

Why socially concerned firms use low-powered managerial incentives: A complementary explanation,
Michael Kopel and Eva Maria Putz, in Economic Modelling (2021)
Keywords: Managerial compensation; Intrinsic motivation; Socially concerned firms; Strategic incentives in duopoly;

Ecolocical certification of forest products: Economic challenges,
Clyde F. Kiker and Francis E. Putz, in Ecological Economics (1997) Downloads

Small Area Estimation of Poverty Under Structural Change,
Simon Lange, Utz Pape and Peter Pütz, in Review of Income and Wealth (2022) Downloads

Peter Pütz and Stephan B. Bruns, in Journal of Economic Surveys (2021) Downloads

External Costs in Inland Waterway Transport: An Analysis of External Cost Categories and Calculation Methods,
Florian Hofbauer and Lisa-Maria Putz, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: inland waterway transport; external costs; transport emissions; sustainability; sustainable freight transport; external cost calculation methods

Openness to knowledge: does corporate social responsibility mediate the relationship between familiness and absorptive capacity?,
Laura Pütz, Sabrina Schell and Arndt Werner, in Small Business Economics (2023)
Keywords: Family firms, Familiness, Corporate social responsibility, Dynamic capabilities, Absorptive capacity, Signaling theory

Identifying drivers and mitigators for congestion and redispatch in the German electric power system with explainable AI,
Maurizio Titz, Sebastian Pütz and Dirk Witthaut, in Applied Energy (2024)
Keywords: Congestion management; Cross-border flows; Electricity trading; Explainable artificial intelligence grid congestion; Redispatch;

Job Placement via Private vs. Public Employment Agencies: Investigating Selection Effects and Job Match Quality in Germany,
Adam Ayaita, Christian Grund and Lisa Pütz, in Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research (2022)
Keywords: Cream-skimming, Employment agencies, Job match quality, Job placement, Job search, Vouchers

Driving to a future without accidents? Connected automated vehicles’ impact on accident frequency and motor insurance risk,
Fabian Pütz, Finbarr Murphy and Martin Mullins, in Environment Systems and Decisions (2019)
Keywords: Connected automated vehicles, Automated driving accident risk, Motor insurance

Job Placement via Private vs. Public Employment Agencies: Investigating Selection Effects and Job Match Quality in Germany,
Adam Ayaita, Christian Grund and Lisa Pütz, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2021)
Keywords: Cream-skimming, employment agencies, job match quality, job placement, job search, selection, vouchers

Job Placement via Private vs. Public Employment Agencies: Investigating Selection Effects and Job Match Quality in Germany,
Adam Ayaita, Christian Grund and Lisa Pütz, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2021)
Keywords: job placement, job search, private employment agencies, job match quality, public employment agency, cream-skimming, selection, vouchers

What Can We Learn from Student Performance Measures? Identifying Treatment in the Presence of Curves and Letter Grades,
Glen R. Waddell and Jenni Putz, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2022)
Keywords: program evaluation, grades, curves, gpa, education

Clustering by Nanotech: The Tunneling Approach,
Mihai V. Putz and Ioan Petrisor, from Springer (2020)

Small area estimation of poverty under structural change,
Simon Lange, Utz Pape and Peter Putz, from The World Bank (2018)
Keywords: Inequality,Employment and Unemployment,Poverty Diagnostics,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis,Poverty Lines,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Small Area Estimation Poverty Mapping,Poverty Assessment,Educational Sciences,Global Environment

Roland Faller, Mathias Pütz and Florian Müller-Plathe, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (1999)
Keywords: Molecular dynamics, Orientation correlation, Polymer melts

Measuring Psychological Capital: Construction and Validation of the Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12),
Timo Lorenz, Clemens Beer, Jan Pütz and Kathrin Heinitz, in PLOS ONE (2016) Downloads

Brauchen wir ein neues System der Berufsausbildung?,
Adolf Kieslinger, Traute Pütz, Herbert Raspe and Heinrich Abel, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1964) Downloads

A MIP-based approach to solve the prize-collecting local access network design problem,
Ivana Ljubić, Peter Putz and Juan-José Salazar-González, in European Journal of Operational Research (2014)
Keywords: Network loading; Local access; Prize-collecting; Matheuristic algorithm;

Analysis of corrective action requests from Forest Stewardship Council audits of natural forest management in Indonesia,
Hermudananto,, Claudia Romero, Ruslandi, and Francis E. Putz, in Forest Policy and Economics (2018)
Keywords: Forest management certification; Corrective action request; Market based conservation interventions; Impact evaluation;

Modeling of nutrient export and effects of management practices in a cold-climate prairie watershed: Assiniboine River watershed, Canada,
Balew A. Mekonnen, Kerry A. Mazurek and Gordon Putz, in Agricultural Water Management (2017)
Keywords: Cold-climate; Prairie watershed; Nutrient; Sub-basin discretization; Management practices; Soil and water assessment tool;

Information transmission under increasing political tensions—Evidence from the Berlin Produce Exchange 1887–1896,
Martin T. Bohl, Alexander Pütz, Pierre Siklos and Christoph Sulewski, in Journal of Futures Markets (2021) Downloads

Information Transmission under Increasing Political Tension – Evidence for the Berlin Produce Exchange 1887-1896,
Martin T. Bohl, Alexander Pütz, Pierre Siklos and Christoph Sulewski, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2018)
Keywords: Early commodity futures markets, Berlin Produce Exchange, Uncertainty, Price discovery, Regulation

Speculation and the informational efficiency of commodity futures markets,
Martin T. Bohl, Alexander Pütz and Christoph Sulewski, in Journal of Commodity Markets (2021)
Keywords: Market efficiency; Variance ratio test; Commodity futures;

Connected automated vehicles and insurance: Analysing future market-structure from a business ecosystem perspective,
Fabian Pütz, Finbarr Murphy, Martin Mullins and Lisa O'Malley, in Technology in Society (2019)
Keywords: Mobility ecosystems; Connected automated vehicles; Automobile services; Motor insurance; Business ecosystems;

Crises and Their Effects on Freight Transport Modes: A Literature Review and Research Framework,
Bianca Borca, Lisa-Maria Putz and Florian Hofbauer, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: crises; freight transport; transport modes; road; rail; inland waterway; maritime; air; COVID-19 crisis

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