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37014 documents matched the search for Pierre-Alain Jayet in authors.
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Découplage des aides, revenus et facteurs de production,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, in INRAE Sciences Sociales (2007)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Production Economics

Decoupling of aids, incomes and production factors,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, in INRAE Sciences Sociales (2007)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Revenus et politiques agricoles, efficacité et équité - un modèle pour des réponses quantifiées,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Économie rurale (1994) Downloads

Évaluation de politiques de retrait des terres pour la régulation d'un marché agricole,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Annals of Economics and Statistics (2001) Downloads

Agricultural incomes and policies, efficiency and equity. A model for quantitative responses,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (1994)

Agricultural incomes and policies, efficiency and equity. A model for quantitative responses,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (1993)

Registered author: Pierre-Alain Jayet

De l’utilité sociale du contrôle public de la qualité minimale des vins,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Daniel Fuentes-Castro, in Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR) (2002)
Keywords: Agribusiness

Régulation multi-facteurs: gel de terre et mesure agri-environnementale de réduction d'intrant,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and P. Bontems, in Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR) (1996)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

De l’utilité sociale du contrôle public de la qualité minimale des vins,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Daniel Fuentes-Castro, in Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales (2002) Downloads

Régulation multi-facteurs: gel de terre et mesure agri-environnementale de réduction d'intrant,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and P Bontems, in Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales (1996) Downloads

Retrait des terres et subsidiarité dans le cadre de la Politique Agricole Commune,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Gilles Rotillon, in Recherches économiques de Louvain (2002) Downloads

Les valorisations énergétiques des biomasses, difficultés et promesses,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and J.C. Sourie, in Économie rurale (1983) Downloads

Représentation d'un secteur de production agricole multi-producteurs. Une méthode pour l'estimation des charges variables par culture,
Annie Hofstetter and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Économie rurale (1990) Downloads

European farmers’ response to crop residue prices and implications for bioenergy policies,
Maxence Gérard and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Bioenergy policy,Renewable energy directive,Biomass supply,Crop residues,Mathematical programming model

Set-aside and subsidiarity within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and G. Rotillon, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Production et marchés

Short term effects of the CAP reform in France and the United-Kingdom: some results for intra-EC strategy,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Y. Le Roux, from HAL (1992)
Keywords: eec,united kingdom,modelling,linear programming,POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE,économie du bien-être,AROPAJ,soft wheat,cereal,international trade,ble tendre,orge,céréale,commerce international,exportation,restitution à l'exportation,cee,france,royaume uni,modélisation,économétrie,programmation linéaire,offre

De l’utilité sociale du contrôle public de la qualité minimale des vins,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Daniel Fuentes-Castro, from HAL (2002) Downloads

Geographical Labeling of Agri-Food Products and its Incidence on the Cross-Sectional Approach to Climate Change Impacts Assessment,
Anna Lungarska and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use

Sensitivity of miscanthus supply: Application of Faustmann's rule in deterministic and stochastic cases,
Nosra Ben Fradj and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2016)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty

Regulation of relationships between heterogeneous farmers and an aquifer accounting for lag effects,
Cyril Bourgeois and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2016)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management

Evaluating the efficiency of a N-input tax under different policy scenarios at different scales,
Athanasios Petsakos and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2010)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Security and Poverty, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics

Set-Aside versus Quotas in Contracts for Agro-Environmental Regulation,
Anne-Sophie Crepin and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2002)
Keywords: Political Economy

Impacts of Promoting Perennial Crops in the French Agriculture,
Nosra Ben Fradj and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2011)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Marketing

Economic valuation of the nitrogen content of urban organic residue by the agricultural sector,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Elvire Petel, in Ecological Economics (2015)
Keywords: Organic nitrogen; Shadow prices; Urban waste; Agricultural supply model;

European farmers’ response to crop residue prices and implications for bioenergy policies,
Maxence Gérard and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Energy Policy (2023)
Keywords: Bioenergy policy; Renewable energy directive; Biomass supply; Crop residues; Mathematical programming model;

Impact d’une réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune par le découplage,
Julien Labonne and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Économie et Prévision (2005) Downloads

Impact of a reform of the common agricultural policy via uncoupling,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Julien Labonne, from HAL (2005)

Impact d'une réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune par le découplage,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Julien Labonne, in Economie & Prévision (2005)
Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, uncoupling, agricultural profits, agricultural budget.

Economic and environmental effects of decoupled agricultural support in the EU,
E. Galko and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Agricultural Economics (2011) Downloads

Regulation of relationships between heterogeneous farmers and an aquifer accounting for lag effects,
Cyril Bourgeois and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2016) Downloads

Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2001)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS burden sharing agreement,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Ecological Economics (2011)
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emissions Agriculture Marginal abatement costs Cap-and-trade system Methane Nitrous oxide European Union

Régulation de l'effet de serre d'origine agricole: puits de carbone et instruments de second rang,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Économie et Prévision (2000) Downloads

Évaluation et régulation de l’effet de serre d’origine agricole,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in L'Actualité Economique (1999) Downloads

Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS burden sharing agreement,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2011)

Emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture: the heterogeneity of abatement costs in France,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2000)
Keywords: Environnement, espace et société

Regulation of the greenhouse effect from farming: carbon sinks and second-best policies,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2000)
Keywords: Environnement, espace et société,ALIMENTATION DES ANIMAUX

Impact of Spatial Differentiation of Nitrogen Taxes on French Farms’ Compliance Costs,
Anna Lungarska and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2018)
Keywords: Fertilizer, Livestock, Nitrate, Pollution, Scale, Tax, Water

Emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture: the heterogeneity of abatement costs in France,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in European Review of Agricultural Economics (2000)

Retrait des terres et subsidiarité dans le cadre de la Politique Agricole Commune,
Pierre-Alain Jayet and Gilles Rotillon, from Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES) (2002)
Keywords: Théorie des contrats, gel de terres, asymétries d’information

Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS Burden Sharing Agreement,
Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from Chaire Economie du climat (2011)
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emissions, Agriculture, Marginal abatement costs, Cap-and-trade system, Methane, Nitrous oxide, European Union

Revisited water-oriented relationships between a set of farmers and an aquifer: accounting for lag effect,
Cyril Bourgeois and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from INRA, Economie Publique (2010)
Keywords: Non-point source pollution, Farming pollution, Aquifer, Nitrate, Time lag, Optimal control, Mechanism design

Forêt paysanne et Politique agricole commune: une évaluation des impacts d'une incitation au reboisement,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Alain Birfet and Annie Hofstetter, in Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR) (1998)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Forêt paysanne et Politique agricole commune: une évaluation des impacts d'une incitation au reboisement,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Alain Birfet and Annie Hofstetter, in Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales (1998) Downloads

Farm-level bio-economic modeling of water and nitrogen use: Calibrating yield response functions with limited data,
Pierre Humblot, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Athanasios Petsakos, in Agricultural Systems (2017)
Keywords: Irrigation water; Bio-economic modeling; Calibration; Crop model; Water-nitrogen response function;

Spatializing the results of a bioeconomic model on water demand for irrigation needs,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Delphine Barberis, Pierre Humblot and Anna Lungarska, from HAL (2018) Downloads

Common Agricultural Policy: An Incentive Aproach to the Land Set-Aside Program,
Jean-Marc Bourgeon, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Picard, from Paris X - Nanterre, U.F.R. de Sc. Ec. Gest. Maths Infor. (1993)
Keywords: agricultural policy ; contracts

An incentive approach to land set-aside programs,
Jean-Marc Bourgeon, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Picard, from HAL (1995)

An incentive approach to land set-aside programs,
Jean-Marc Bourgeon, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Picard, in European Economic Review (1995) Downloads

An assessment of the distributional impacts of autonomous adaptation to climate change from European agriculture,
Maxime Ollier, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Humblot, in Ecological Economics (2024)
Keywords: European agriculture; Climate change; Autonomous adaptation; Income inequality; Inequality decomposition;

An assessment of the distributional impacts of autonomous adaptation to climate change from European agriculture,
Maxime Ollier, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Humblot, from HAL (2024)
Keywords: Income inequality,Inequality decomposition,Autonomous adaptation

Short-term Farm Level Adaptations of EU15 Agricultural Supply to Climate Change,
David Leclere, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudre, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management

Improvement of a bio-economic mathematical programming model in the case of on-farm source inputs and outputs,
Parisa Aghajanzadeh-Darzi, Pierre-Alain Jayet and M.J.p Domingues, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2012)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Perennial crops in European farming systems and land use change: a model assessment,
Nosra Ben Fradj, Parisa Aghajanzadeh-Darzi and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2012)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Estimating the Marginal Social Value of Agriculturally Driven Nitrate Concentrations in an Aquifer: A Combined Theoretical-Applied Approach,
Cyril Bourgeois, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Florence Habets and Pascal Viennot, in Water Economics and Policy (WEP) (2018)
Keywords: Hydro-economic modeling, WFD, Aquifer pollution, nitrate, non-point source pollution, inverse modeling, optimal control, lag effect

Managing a Common Renewable Resource in Asymmetric Information,
D. Fuentes Catro, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Gilles Rotillon, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2000)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Farm-level Autonomous Adaptation of European Agricultural Supply to Climate Change,
David Leclère, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, in Ecological Economics (2013)
Keywords: Climate change; Agriculture; Europe; Residual impact; Autonomous adaptation; Water use efficiency; Modeling;

Carbon sequestration in French agricultural soils: A spatial economic evaluation,
Laure Bamière, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Salomé Kahindo and Elsa Martin, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: mathematical programming model,climate change,carbon sequestration,agricultural soil,Programmation mathématique,Changement Climatique,Séquestration de carbone,Sol agricole

Carbon sequestration in French agricultural soils: A spatial economic evaluation,
Laure Bamière, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Salomé Kahindo and Elsa Martin, in Agricultural Economics (2021) Downloads

Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in the EU: A spatial assessment of sources and abatement costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Martin Houze and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2004)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Ancuta Isbasoiu and Stéphane De Cara, in Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (2020)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy

Agri-environmental schemes: Adverse selection, information structure and delegation,
Joan Canton, Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Ecological Economics (2009)
Keywords: Agri-environmental policies Contracts Adverse selection Information structure Delegation

Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Ancuta Isbasoiu and Stéphane De Cara, in Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (2020)
Keywords: Food calories · Agricultural production · Livestock and feed · Greenhouse gas emissions · Mathematical programming model

Agri-environmental schemes: Adverse selection, information structure and delegation,
Joan Canton, Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2009)

Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture in the EU: a spatial assessment of sources and abatement costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Martin Houzé and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Environnement, espace et société

Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Ancuta Isbasoiu and Stéphane De Cara, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: food calories,Agricultural production,Livestock,Feed,Greenhouse gas,mathematical programming model,Food calories,Livestock and feed,Greenhouse gas emissions,Mathematical programming model

Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting,
Ancuta Isbasoiu, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Stéphane De Cara, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emissions,Food production,Carbon price,European Union,Mathematical programming model,greenhouse gas emissions,food production,carbon price,mathematical programming model JEL Classification: Q18,Emission de gaz à effet de serre,Production alimentaire,Prix du carbone,Union européenne,Programmation mathématique

Optimal coverage of an emission tax in the presence of monitoring, reporting, and verification costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Loïc Henry and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Climate policy,Emission tax,Partial coverage,Greenhouse gas emissions,Agriculture

Optimal coverage of an emission tax in presence of MRV costs: Application to GHG emissions from EU agriculture,
Stéphane De Cara, Loïc Henry and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: couverture partielle,taxe sur les émissions

Optimal coverage of an emission tax in the presence of monitoring, reporting, and verification costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Loïc Henry and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018)
Keywords: Climate policy; Emission tax; Partial coverage; Greenhouse gas emissions; Agriculture;

Conséquences pour le secteur agricole français de diverses options en matière de réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune,
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Y. Le Roux, from HAL (1992)
Keywords: POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE,modelling,fertilizer,plant production,linear programming,variable load,environment,tax,gross margins,reformation,eec,AROPAJ,offre,charge variable,revenu agricole,environnement,taxe,exportation,marge brute,réforme,cee,programmation linéaire,production végétale,engrais,modélisation,économétrie,france

Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agriculture in the EU: A Spatial Assessment of Sources and Abatement Costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Martin Houzé and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2005)
Keywords: agriculture, climate change, European Union, greenhouse gas emissions, marginal abatement costs, methane, nitrous oxide, Q15, Q25,

Estimating the Marginal Social Value of Agriculturally Driven Nitrate Concentrations in an Aquifer: A Combined Theoretical-Applied Approach,
Cyril Bourgeois, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Florence Habets and Pascal Viennot, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: non-point source pollution,nitrate,Aquifer pollution,WFD,Hydro-economic modeling,inverse modeling,optimal control,lag effect

Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France,
Pierre-Alain Jayet, Ancuta Isbasoiu and Stéphane De Cara, in Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (2020)
Keywords: Food calories, Agricultural production, Livestock and feed, Greenhouse gas emissions, Mathematical programming model

Improvement of a Bio-Economic Mathematical Programming Model in the Case of On-Farm Source Inputs and Outputs,
Parisa Aghajanzadeh-Darzi, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Athanasios Petsakos, in Journal of Quantitative Economics (2017)
Keywords: Bioeconomic farm model, Mathematical programming, On-farm source products, Shadow prices

Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting,
Ancuta Isbasoiu, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Stéphane De Cara, in Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2021)
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emissions, Food production, Carbon price, European Union, mathematical programming model

Post 2020 CAP in Poland: An impact analysis,
Nosra Ben Fradj, Stelios Rozakis and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2018)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Managing a common renewable resource in asymetric information,
Daniel Fuentes Castro, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Gilles Rotillon, from THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise (2003)

The Global Warming Potential Paradox: Implications for the Design of Climate Policy,
Stéphane De Cara, Elodie Debove and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from INRA, Economie Publique (2006)
Keywords: Global Warming Potential, climate change, climate policy, Multi-greenhouse gas agreements

Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in the EU: A spatial assessment of sources and abatement costs,
Stéphane De Cara, Martin Houzé and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from INRA, Economie Publique (2004)
Keywords: Climate change, Greenhouse gas emissions, Agriculture, Methane, Nitrous oxide, European Union, Marginal abatement costs

Assessment of ozone impacts on farming systems: A bio-economic modeling approach applied to the widely diverse French case,
Pierre Humblot, Delphine Leconte-Demarsy, Paola Clerino, Sophie Szopa, Jean-François Castell and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Ecological Economics (2013)
Keywords: Ozone; Bio-economic modeling; Agricultural production; Land use; Greenhouse gas;

Climate Change and Irrigation Water: Should the North/South Hierarchy of Impacts on Agricultural Systems Be Reconsidered?,
Delphine Barberis, Ines Chiadmi, Pierre Humblot, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Anna Lungarska and Maxime Ollier, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Irrigation water demand,Climate change,Water price,Agro-economic supply model,Demande en eau d'irrigation,Changement climatique,Prix de l'eau,Modèle d'offre agro-économique

Bio-economic assessment of ozone impacts on French farming systems,
Jean-François Castell, Pierre Humblot, Delphine Leconte-Demarsy, Paola Clerino, Sophie Szopa and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: tropospheric ozone,culture,cropping system,agricultural production,ozone,polluant atmosphérique,impact sur le rendement,système de culture,production agricole

Existe-t-il des interactions fiscales stratégiques entre les collectivités locales,
Hubert Jayet, Sonia Paty and Alain Pentel, in Économie et Prévision (2002) Downloads

Existe-t-il des interactions fiscales stratégiques entre collectivités locales ?,
Hubert Jayet, Sonia Paty and Pentel Alain, from HAL (2002)

Existe-t-il des interactions fiscales stratégiques entre les collectivités locales,
Hubert Jayet, Sonia Paty and Alain Pentel, in Economie & Prévision (2002)
Keywords: Taxation, spatial autoregression, mimicry

David Leclere, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Paul Zakharov and Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudre, from International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (2010)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Coupling biophysical and micro-economic models to assess the effect of mitigation measures on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture,
Sophie Durandeau, Benoit Gabrielle, Caroline Godard, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Christine Le Bas, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: nitrous oxide,agro-ecosystem model,economic modeling,greenhouse gas,mitigation measures

Improvement of the AROPAj model covering a large range of agricultural activities at wide (UE) and high resolution (mapping of farm types) scales,
Edouard Baranger, Melissa Clodic, Elodie Galko, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Paul Zakharov, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2008)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Limiting the Nitrogen Losses by N-tax and Bioenergy Support: A Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Policy Mix Impacts in the North of France,
Nosra Ben Fradj, Cyril Bourgeois, Melissa Clodic and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Economic and Environmental Analysis of Maize Inoculation by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in the French Rhône-Alpes Region,
Myriam Bounaffaa, Alessandro Florio, Xavier Le Roux and Pierre-Alain Jayet, in Ecological Economics (2018)
Keywords: Maize Inoculation by Azospirillum; Bio-Economic Supply Model; GHG Emissions; Mathematical Programming;

Use of available information at a European level to construct crop nitrogen response curves for the regions of the EU,
C. Godard, J. Roger-Estrade, Pierre-Alain Jayet, N. Brisson and C. Le Bas, in Agricultural Systems (2008) Downloads

Contribution of agricultural systems to the bioeconomy in Poland: Integration of willow in the context of a stylised CAP diversification,
Nosra Ben Fradj, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Stelios Rozakis, Eleni Georganta and Anna Jędrejek, in Land Use Policy (2020)
Keywords: Bioeconomy; Willow SRC; Common agricultural policy; Crop diversification; Linear programming model; Impact assessment;

Contribution of agricultural systems to the bioeconomy in Poland: Integration of willow in the context of a stylised CAP diversification,
Nosra Ben Fradj, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Stelios Rozakis, Eleni Georganta and Anna Jędrejek, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Bioeconomy,Willow SRC,Common agricultural policy,Crop diversification,Linear programming model,Impact assessment,Bioéconomie,Politique agricole commune,Diversification des cultures,Modèle de programmation linéaire

Interface between Agriculture and the Environment: Integrating Yield Response Functions in an Economic Model of EU Agriculture,
Caroline Godard, Laure Bamière, Elodie Debove, Stéphane De Cara, Pierre-Alain Jayet and N.B. Niang, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2005)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

How cost-effective is a mixed policy targeting the management of three pollutants from N-fertilizers,
Cyril Bourgeois, Nosra Ben-Fradj, Mélissa Clodic and Pierre-Alain Jayet, from INRA, Economie Publique (2011)
Keywords: Cost-effectiveness, mixed policy, N-input tax, Lans-use policy, nitrogen pollutants, bio-economic model, mathematical linear programming

Using a Crop Model to Benchmark Miscanthus and Switchgrass,
Monia El Akkari, Fabien Ferchaud, Loïc Strullu, Ian Shield, Aurélie Perrin, Jean-Louis Drouet, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Benoit Gabrielle, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: crop modeling,lignocellulosic species,second generation biofuels,modélisation des cultures,espèce lignocellulosique,biocarburant de seconde génération

Politique agricole commune et stratégie des Etats membres: coopération et intégration,
Eric Giraud-Heraud, Pierre-Alain Jayet, Yves Le Roux and . Inra - Esr. Département d'Economie Et Sociologie Rurales, Ivry, from HAL (1994)
Keywords: POLITIQUE AGRICOLE COMMUNE,CEREALES,UNION EUROPEENNE,THEORIE DES JEUX,united kingdom,cereal,world market,reformation,european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund,modelling,theory of games,france,royaume uni,céréale,marché mondial,réforme,feoga,modélisation,théorie des jeux

Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: Insights from multi‐scale land‐use models,
Anna Lungarska, Thierry Brunelle, Raja Chakir, Pierre‐Alain Jayet, Rémi Prudhomme, Stéphane De Cara and Jean-Christophe Bureau, from HAL (2023) Downloads

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