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19775 documents matched the search for Philip Lane in authors.
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International Financial Integration and the External Positions of Euro Area Countries,
Philip Lane, from OECD Publishing (2010)
Keywords: capital flows, currency exposures, euro area, flux de capitaux, international investment position, position d’investissements internationaux, risque de change, zone Euro

Credit Dynamics and Financial Globalisation,
Philip Lane, in National Institute Economic Review (2013)
Keywords: domestic credit; international capital flows; financial globalisation

A Financial Perspective on the UK Current Account Deficit,
Philip Lane, in National Institute Economic Review (2015)
Keywords: current account; financial globalisation; international investment income

Innovation et mondialisation financière,
Philip Lane, in Revue d’économie du développement (2010) Downloads

International Financial Flows and the Irish Crisis,
Philip Lane, in CESifo Forum (2014)
Keywords: Internationale Finanzierung, Finanzkrise, Öffentliche Schulden, Irland

International Diversification and the Irish Economy,
Philip Lane, in The Economic and Social Review (2000) Downloads

A New Fiscal Strategy for Ireland,
Philip Lane, in The Economic and Social Review (2009) Downloads

Philip Lane, in The Economic and Social Review (2013) Downloads

Financial Globalisation and the Irish Economy,
Philip Lane, in Quarterly Economic Commentary: Special Articles (2003)
Keywords: qec

The Real Effects of EMU,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2006)
Keywords: Emu; Heterogeneity; Integration

Macro-Financial Stability under EMU,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2015)
Keywords: Emu; Financial stability; Macroprudential

Cross-Border Financial Integration in Asia and the Macro-Financial Policy Framework,
Philip Lane, in World Economics (2013) Downloads

Risk Exposures in International and Sectoral Balance Sheet Data,
Philip Lane, in World Economics (2015) Downloads

Philip Lane, in NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics (2010) Downloads

Desinflación, cambio de anclas nominales y crisis gemelas: la experiencia irlandesa,
Philip Lane, in Revista ESPE - Ensayos Sobre Política Económica (2000) Downloads

Desinflación, cambio de anclas nominales y crisis gemelas: la experiencia irlandesa,
Philip Lane, in Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica (2000) Downloads

Evolution of the external account under international capital market frictions,
Philip Lane, in Economics Letters (1998) Downloads

Harry Huizinga and Lars Jonung, The Internationalization of Asset Ownership in Europe, Cambridge University Press (2005),
Philip Lane, in Journal of International Economics (2007) Downloads

External Funding and Long-term Investment,
Philip Lane, from Reserve Bank of Australia (2014)
Keywords: capital controls; capital flows; emerging markets; policy coordination

Do International Investment Income Flows Smooth Income?,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (1999)
Keywords: Asset Trade; income-smoothing; international investment income flows; international investment positions

External imbalances and macroeconomic policy,
Philip Lane, in New Zealand Economic Papers (2013) Downloads

Disinflation, switching nominal anchors and twin crises: The irish experience,
Philip Lane, in Journal of Economic Policy Reform (2000) Downloads

Stabilization policy in a currency union,
Philip Lane, in Economics Letters (1996) Downloads

International investment positions: a cross-sectional analysis,
Philip Lane, in Journal of International Money and Finance (2000) Downloads

What Determines the Nominal Exchange Rate? Some Cross Sectional Evidence,
Philip Lane, in Canadian Journal of Economics (1999) Downloads

The New Open Economy Macroeconomics: a Survey,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (1999)
Keywords: Imperfect Competition; International Macroeconomics; nominal rigidities

The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2015)
Keywords: Bank funding; International capital flows; Irish crisis

The cyclical behaviour of fiscal policy: evidence from the OECD,
Philip Lane, in Journal of Public Economics (2003) Downloads

The Irish Crisis,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2011)
Keywords: Emu; Irish crisis

The European Sovereign Debt Crisis,
Philip Lane, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (2012) Downloads

The Real Effects of European Monetary Union,
Philip Lane, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (2006) Downloads

Capital Flows in the Euro Area,
Philip Lane, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2013)
Keywords: Capital flows; Euro; Imbalances

Capital Flows in the Euro Area,
Philip Lane, from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission (2013) Downloads

International Financial Flows in Low-Income Countries,
Philip Lane, in Pacific Economic Review (2015) Downloads

Asymmetric Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union,
Philip Lane, in Scandinavian Journal of Economics (2000) Downloads

North-South Lending with Moral Hazard and Repudiation Risk,
Philip Lane, in Review of International Economics (1999)

Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Policy in Emerging Market Economies,
Philip Lane, in International Finance (2003) Downloads

The Swedish external position and the krona,
Philip Lane, in International Economics and Economic Policy (2007)
Keywords: Real exchange rate, External adjustment, Sweden., F0, F2, F3.,

Financial Globalisation and the Crisis,
Philip Lane, in Open Economies Review (2013)
Keywords: Financial globalization, Global financial crisis, E60, F30,

International Financial Flows and Macro-Financial Risk in SSA,
Philip Lane, in Journal of African Economies (2016) Downloads

Empirical Perspectives on Long-Term External Debt,
Philip Lane, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2004)
Keywords: external debt, repudiation, productivity

Global Bond Portfolios and EMU,
Philip Lane, in International Journal of Central Banking (2006) Downloads

Inflation in open economies,
Philip Lane, in Journal of International Economics (1997) Downloads

International Trade and Economic Convergence: The Credit Channel,
Philip Lane, in Oxford Economic Papers (2001)

Comment on "Financial Integration within EU Countries: The Role of Institutions, Confidence and Trust",
Philip Lane, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2009) Downloads

Comment on "The Feldstein-Horioka Fact",
Philip Lane, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2010) Downloads

Comment on "The "Austerity Myth": Gain Without Pain?",
Philip Lane, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2012) Downloads

Macrofinancial Stability and the Euro,
Philip Lane, in IMF Economic Review (2019)
Keywords: E00, E58, F33, F45

Global Bond Portfolios and EMU,
Philip Lane, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006) Downloads

Global bond portfolios and EMU,
Philip Lane, from European Central Bank (2005)
Keywords: bond portfolios, EMU, financial integration

The new open economy macroeconomics: a survey,
Philip Lane, in Journal of International Economics (2001) Downloads

Fiscal Policy for a Slowing Economy,
Philip Lane, from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) (2007)
Keywords: Ireland

Do international investment income flows smooth income?,
Philip Lane, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2001)
Keywords: F02, F21, F42, G15,

The Swedish External Position and the Krona,
Philip Lane, from Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden) (2006)
Keywords: real exchange rate; external adjustment; Sweden

Comment on: Net foreign assets and the exchange rate: Redux revived,
Philip Lane, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2002) Downloads

The International Community and the CIS-7,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2003)
Keywords: CIS7, international financial institutions, policy reform, external debt

The Macroeconomics of International Financial Trade,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2003)
Keywords: Law, EC, WTO, Subsidies, State Aid, Governance, Private Parties.

The Real Effects of EMU,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2006) Downloads

Global Bond Portfolios and EMU,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2006) Downloads

EMU and Financial Market Integration,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2008) Downloads

The Macroeconomics of Financial Integration: A European Perspective,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2008) Downloads

EMU and Financial Integration,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2008) Downloads

External Imbalances and Fiscal Policy,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2010)
Keywords: external imbalances, fiscal policy

A New Fiscal Framework for Ireland,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2010)
Keywords: fiscal framework, Irish fiscal policy, fiscal policy council, fiscal rules

Some Lessons for Fiscal Policy from the Financial Crisis,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2010)
Keywords: fiscal council, fiscal rules, macroeconomic stabilisation

International Differences in Fiscal Policy During the Global Crisis,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2010)
Keywords: fiscal policy, global crisis

The Irish Crisis,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2011)
Keywords: Irish crisis

External Imbalances and Macroeconomic Policy in New Zealand,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2011)
Keywords: New Zealand, external imbalances, macroeconomic policy

The Dynamics of Ireland?s Net External Position,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2011)
Keywords: net external position, Ireland, valuation

Cross-Border Financial Integration in Asia and the Macro-Financial Policy Framework,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2013)
Keywords: Asian financial integration, macro-financial framework

Growth and Adjustment Challenge for the Euro Area,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2013)
Keywords: euro crisis, structural reform, external adjustment

Growth and Adjustment Challenge for the Euro Area,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2013)
Keywords: euro crisis, structural reform, external adjustment

International Capital Flows and Domestic Financial Conditions: Lessons for Emerging Asia,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2013)
Keywords: international capital flows, financial stability, emerging Asia

International Financial Flows and the Irish Crisis,
Philip Lane, from IIIS (2014)
Keywords: international capital flows, euro crisis, Irish crisis

Climate Change and the Irish Financial System,
Philip Lane, from Central Bank of Ireland (2019) Downloads

The Treatment of Global Firms in National Accounts,
Philip Lane, from Central Bank of Ireland (2017) Downloads

Financial Globalisation and the Crisis,
Philip Lane, from Bank for International Settlements (2012)
Keywords: financial globalization, global financial crisis

Registered author: Philip Lane

Monetary-Fiscal Interactions in an Uncertain World: Lessons for European Policymakers,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2002) Downloads

The New Open Economy Macroeconomics: A Survey,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1999)
Keywords: international macroeconomics, nominal rigidities, imperfect competition.

Asymmetric Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1999)
Keywords: monetary union, stabilization.

International Investment Positions: A Cross-Sectional Analysis,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1999)
Keywords: international investment positions, international investment income flows, asset trade.

The National Pensions Reserve Fund: Pitfalls and Opportunities,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2001) Downloads

The Cyclical Behaviour of Fiscal Policy: Evidence from the OECD,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2002) Downloads

Monetary-Fiscal Interactions in an Uncertain World: Lessons for European Policymakers,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2002) Downloads

Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Policy in Emerging Market Economies,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2003) Downloads

The International Community and the CIS-7,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2003) Downloads

The Macroeconomics of International Financial Trade,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2003) Downloads

The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2015)
Keywords: bank funding, international capital flows, Irish crisis

Macro-Financial Stability under EMU,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2015)
Keywords: EMU, financial stability, macroprudential

North-South Lending with Moral Hazard and Repudiation Risk,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1998) Downloads

International Diversification and the Irish Economy,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1998) Downloads

What Determines the Nominal Exchange Rate? Some Cross-Sectional Evidence,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1998) Downloads

Profits and Wages in Ireland, 1987-1996,
Philip Lane, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (1998) Downloads

La stratégie de politique monétaire de la Banque centrale européenne,
Philip R. Lane, in Revue d'économie financière (2021) Downloads

Macro-Financial Stability Under EMU,
Philip R. Lane, from European Systemic Risk Board (2016)
Keywords: exchange rate, financial stability, inflation, international capital flows, macroeconomic stabilisation

Globalisation: A Macro-Financial Perspective,
Philip R. Lane, in The Economic and Social Review (2019)
Keywords: globalisation, macro-financial stability, global economy

The Resilience of the Euro,
Philip R. Lane, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (2021) Downloads

Credit Dynamics and Financial Globalisation,
Philip R. Lane, in National Institute Economic Review (2013) Downloads

International Differences in Fiscal Policy During the Global Crisis,
Philip Lane and ,, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2010)
Keywords: Fiscal policy; Global crisis

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