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273315 documents matched the search for Pedro M. B. Afonso in authors.
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Lourdes B. Afonso and Pedro Corte Real, in ASTIN Bulletin (2016) Downloads

Nowcasting GDP: An Application to Portugal,
João B. Assunção and Pedro Afonso Fernandes, in Forecasting (2022)
Keywords: time series; macroeconomic forecasting; nowcasting; error correction models; combining forecasts

Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos, in Macroeconomic Dynamics (2016) Downloads

Industry Dynamics and Aggregate Stability over Transition,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2013)
Keywords: industry dynamics, Kaldor facts, high tech, low tech, directed technical change

Skill-Structure Shocks, the Share of the High-Tech Sector and Economic Growth Dynamics,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2015)
Keywords: industry dynamics, high tech, low tech, directed technical change, economic growth

A Review on Micro-Combustion Flame Dynamics and Micro-Propulsion Systems,
David M. Dias, Pedro R. Resende and Alexandre M. Afonso, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: micro-scale combustion; flame dynamics; micro-propulsion; flame types

Fiscal Impact of Annexation Methodology on Municipal Finances in North Carolina,
Russell M. Smith and Whitney B. Afonso, in Growth and Change (2016) Downloads

Linhas de orientação para a selecção de métodos de avaliação de projectos de investimento em sistemas de apoio à decisão,
A. Ricardo M. Afonso, Pedro Godinho and João Costa, in Portuguese Journal of Management Studies (1999)
Keywords: análise e avaliação de projectos: teoria da decisão: sistemas de apoio à decisão.

Numerical Investigations of Combustion—An Overview,
Mohsen Ayoobi, Pedro R. Resende and Alexandre M. Afonso, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: n/a

Forecasting with Neuro-Dynamic Programming,
Pedro Afonso Fernandes, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

Labour Market Heterogeneity: Distinguishing between Unemployment and Inactivity,
Pedro Afonso Fernandes, in Economic Bulletin and Financial Stability Report Articles and Banco de Portugal Economic Studies (2004) Downloads

Registered author: Pedro Miguel Baptista Afonso

Nowcasting the Portuguese GDP with Monthly Data,
Jo\~ao B. Assun\c{c}\~ao and Pedro Afonso Fernandes, from arXiv.org (2022) Downloads

The Surprising Robustness of Partial Least Squares,
Jo\~ao B. Assun\c{c}\~ao and Pedro Afonso Fernandes, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

Improving DNS Security Using Active Firewalling with Network Probes,
Joao Afonso and Pedro Veiga, in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (2012) Downloads

Technological-Knowledge Dynamics in Lab-Equipment Models of Quality Ladders,
Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2008)
Keywords: endogenous growth, endogenous depreciation rate, Perpetual Inventory Model, technological-knowledge dynamics

Effects of North–South trade on wage inequality and on human-capital accumulation,
Oscar Afonso and Pedro Gil, in Economic Modelling (2013)
Keywords: North–South trade; Technological knowledge; Human capital; Wage inequality;

Technological-knowledge dynamics in lab-equipment models of quality ladders,
Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, in Applied Economics Letters (2011) Downloads

Territorial comparative advantage, wage inequality, and monetary policy in the global world,
Oscar Afonso and Pedro Gil, in Journal of International Money and Finance (2024)
Keywords: Endogenous economic growth; Global firms; Inflation; Technological knowledge; Territorial comparative advantage; Skill premium;

A contribuição da Informática para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável: o exemplo do conceito de Grid Computing [The contribution of informatics to the sustainable development: the example of the Grid Computing concept],
Hugo Aguiar and Pedro Afonso, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology (2009)
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Informatics, Computer Energy, Grid Computing

Interactions between private and public sector wages,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2014)
Keywords: Public sector wages; Private sector wages; Employment; Fiscal policy;

Exchange-traded funds as an alternative investment option,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Cardoso, in Notas Económicas (2019)
Keywords: Exchange-traded fund; mutual fund; performance evaluation; tracking error; price efficiency.

Interactions between Private and Public Sector Wages,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2008)
Keywords: public wages; private wages; employment.

Do fiscal imbalances deteriorate sovereign debt ratings?,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2010)
Keywords: credit ratings; sovereign debt; rating agencies.

Exchange-traded Funds as an Alternative Investment Option: a Case Study,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Cardoso, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa (2017)
Keywords: Exchange-traded fund; Mutual fund; Performance evaluation; Tracking error; Price efficiency

Do Fiscal Imbalances Deteriorate Sovereign Debt Ratings ?,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, in Revue économique (2011) Downloads

Interactions between private and public sector wages,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, from European Central Bank (2008)
Keywords: employment, private wages, public wages

Interactions between Private and Public Sector Wages,
Antonio Afonso and Pedro Gomes, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2010)
Keywords: employment, private sector wages, public sector wages, fiscal policy

A statistical descriptor for texture images based on the box counting fractal dimension,
Pedro M. Silva and Joao B. Florindo, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2019)
Keywords: Fractal dimension; Box counting; Texture image classification;

Combustion Characteristics of Premixed Hydrogen/Air in an Undulate Microchannel,
Pedro R. Resende, Leandro C. Morais, Carlos Pinho and Alexandre M. Afonso, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: numerical study; microcombustion; hydrogen; complex geometry

The Barriers Created by Complexity: A State-by-State Analysis of Local Sales Tax Laws in Light of the Wayfair Ruling,
Whitney B. Afonso, in National Tax Journal (2019) Downloads

Lost and found tax dollars: The impact of local option sales taxes on property taxes and own source revenue,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (2015) Downloads

Local Government Capital Spending During and After Recessions: A Cause for Concern?,
Whitney B. Afonso, in International Journal of Public Administration (2014) Downloads

Revenue Portfolio and Expenditures: An Examination of the Volatility of Tax Revenue and Expenditure Patterns during the Great Recession,
Whitney B. Afonso, in International Journal of Public Administration (2017) Downloads

Diversificaiton toward stability? The effect of local sales taxes on own source revenue,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (2013) Downloads

The effect of a state income tax on migration: the example of Connecticut,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Journal of Public Policy (2018) Downloads

The Impact of the Amazon Tax on Local Sales Tax Revenue in Urban and Rural Jurisdictions,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2019) Downloads

State LST Laws: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Laws Governing Local Sales Taxes,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2017) Downloads

Whitney B. Afonso, in Contemporary Economic Policy (2015) Downloads

Registered author: Afonso H B Ferreira

Leviathan or Flypaper: Examining the Fungibility of Earmarked Local Sales Taxes for Transportation,
Whitney B. Afonso, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2015) Downloads

Extreme diving behaviour in devil rays links surface waters and the deep ocean,
Simon R. Thorrold, Pedro Afonso, Jorge Fontes, Camrin D. Braun, Ricardo S. Santos, Gregory B. Skomal and Michael L. Berumen, in Nature Communications (2014) Downloads

Registered author: Gara M. Afonso

Equilibrium Price Distribution with Directed Technical Change,
Pedro Gil, Fernanda Figueiredo and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2009)
Keywords: price distribution, directed technical change, scale effects, labour endowment

Growth and Firm Dynamics with Horizontal and Vertical R&D,
Pedro Gil, Paulo Brito and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2010)
Keywords: endogenous growth, vertical and horizontal R&D, firm dynamics, transitional dynamics

Scale Effects, Relative Supply of Skills, Industrial Structure and Endogenous Growth,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo Brito, from DEGIT, Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (2012)
Keywords: high-tech, low-tech, scale effects, supply of skills, directed technical change

Technological-knowledge bias and the industrial structure under costly investment and complementarities,
Elena Sochirca, Oscar Afonso and Pedro Gil, in Economic Modelling (2013)
Keywords: Vertical and horizontal R&D; Technological-knowledge bias; Industrial structure; Complementarities; Costly investment;

Equilibrium price distribution with directed technical change,
Pedro Gil, Fernanda Figueiredo and Oscar Afonso, in Economics Letters (2010)
Keywords: Price distribution Directed technical change Scale effects Labour endowment

Directed technological change with costly investment and complementarities, and the skill premium,
Elena Sochirca, Oscar Afonso and Pedro Gil, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2011)
Keywords: technological-knowledge bias, skill premium, complementarities, costly investment, vertical and horizontal R&D

Skill Structure and Technology Structure: Innovation and Growth Implications,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo Brito, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2012)
Keywords: high-tech, low-tech, scale effects, skills, directed technical change

Effects of monetary policy on the skill premium and the growth rate in a directed technical change model with heterogeneous cash‐in‐advance constraints,
Oscar Afonso and Pedro G. Lima, in International Journal of Finance & Economics (2023) Downloads

Pedro Gil, Paulo Brito and Oscar Afonso, in Macroeconomic Dynamics (2013) Downloads

Is the skills mismatch important under skill-biased technological change and imperfect substitutability between immigrants and natives?,
Pedro Gil, Susana Gabriel and Oscar Afonso, in Economic Modelling (2020)
Keywords: Immigration; Skills mismatch; Imperfect substitutability; Wage (skill) premium; Technological-knowledge bias; Endogenous growth;

Economic growth, the high-tech sector, and the high skilled: Theory and quantitative implications,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo Brito, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2019)
Keywords: Growth; High skilled; High tech; Scale effects; Directed technical change;

A non-scale-directed technical change model with endogenous labor share,
Óscar Afonso and Pedro G. Lima, in Applied Economics (2020) Downloads

Inflation, complexity and endogenous growth,
Tiago Sequeira, Pedro Gil and Óscar Afonso, in Applied Economics (2021) Downloads

The struggle between capitalists and workers concerning patent and monetary policies in a Schumpeterian economy,
Óscar Afonso and Pedro G. Lima, in Economic Systems (2024)
Keywords: Markup; Inflation rate; Nominal interest rate; Economic growth rate; Social welfare; Class struggle;

Costly Investment, Complementarities, International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion and the Skill Premium,
Oscar Afonso, Pedro Neves and Maria Thompsom, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2010)
Keywords: technological-knowledge bias, skill premium, complementarities, costly investment, technological-knowledge diffusion

The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion,
Oscar Afonso, Pedro Neves and Maria Thompson, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2014) Downloads

A Model of Quality Ladders with Horizontal Entry,
Pedro Gil, Paulo Brito and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2008)
Keywords: endogenous growth, firm dynamics, transitional dynamics

Endogenous growth and entropy,
Tiago Sequeira, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2018)
Keywords: Endogenous growth; Complexity effects; Entropy; Knowledge production function; R&D;

Behavioral Economics and Auto Insurance: The Role of Biases and Heuristics,
Pedro Brandão Graminha and Luís Afonso, in RAC - Revista de Administração Contemporânea (Journal of Contemporary Administration) (2022) Downloads

Technology Structure and Skill Structure: Costly Investment and Complementarity Effects Quantification,
Elena Sochirca, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2013)
Keywords: high-tech, low-tech, skills, complementarity, Tobin-q, technological-knowledge bias

Economic Growth and the High Skilled: the Role of Scale Effects and of Barriers to Entry into the High Tech,
Pedro Gil, Oscar Afonso and Paulo Brito, from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia (2014)
Keywords: growth, high skilled, high tech, scale eects, directed technical change.

Technology structure and skill structure: Costly investment and complementarity effects quantification,
Elena Sochirca, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2014)
Keywords: High-tech; Low-tech; Skills; Complementarity; Tobin-q; Technological-knowledge bias;

Growth without scale effects due to entropy,
Tiago Sequeira, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2016)
Keywords: Endogenous economic growth, network effects, complexity effects, entropy.

A Meta-Analytic Assessment of the Effects of Inequality on Growth,
Pedro Neves, Sandra Silva and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2012)
Keywords: meta-analysis; inequality; economic growth; publication bias.

Endogenous Growth and Entropy,
Tiago Sequeira, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2018)
Keywords: endogenous economic growth; complexity effects; entropy.

Costly Investment, Complementarities, International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion and the Skill Premium,
Oscar Afonso, Pedro Neves and Maria Thompson, from NIPE - Universidade do Minho (2010)
Keywords: technological-knowledge bias, skill premium, complementarities, costly investment, technological-knowledge diffusion

Endogenous Growth and Entropy,
Tiago Sequeira, Pedro Gil and Oscar Afonso, from Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER), University of Coimbra (2018)
Keywords: endogenous economic growth, complexity effects, entropy

Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Abderrahim Taamouti, in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2014)
Keywords: Sovereign ratings; Yields; Stock market returns; Volatility; EGARCH; Optimal portfolio; Financial gain; Risk management; Value-at-risk;

Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: Application to European data,
Antonio Afonso, Davide Furceri and Pedro Gomes, in Journal of International Money and Finance (2012)
Keywords: Credit ratings; Sovereign yields; Rating agencies;

Ordered Response Models for Sovereign Debt Ratings,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Philipp Rother, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2006)
Keywords: ordered probit; ordered logit; random effects ordered probit; sovereign rating.

What “Hides” Behind Sovereign Debt Ratings?,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Philipp Rother, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2006)
Keywords: credit ratings; sovereign debt; rating agencies; panel data; random effects ordered probit.

Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: application to European data,
Antonio Afonso, Davide Furceri and Pedro Gomes, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2011)
Keywords: credit ratings; sovereign yields; rating agencies. Classification-C23; E44; G15.

Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Abderrahim Taamouti, from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa (2014)
Keywords: Sovereign ratings; yields; stock market returns; volatility; EGARCH; optimal portfolio; financial gain; risk management; value-at-risk.

What “hides” behind sovereign debt ratings?,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Philipp Rother, from European Central Bank (2007)
Keywords: credit ratings, Panel data, random effects ordered probit, rating agencies, sovereign debt

Sovereign credit ratings and financial markets linkages: application to European data,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Davide Furceri, from European Central Bank (2011)
Keywords: credit ratings, rating agencies, sovereign yields

Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Abderrahim Taamouti, from European Central Bank (2014)
Keywords: EGARCH, financial gain, optimal portfolio, risk management, sovereign ratings, stock market returns, value-at-risk, volatility, yields

Fiscal Policy in Europe: An Introduction,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Cerqueira and Andreea Stoian, in Comparative Economic Studies (2020) Downloads

Ordered response models for sovereign debt ratings,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Philipp Rother, in Applied Economics Letters (2009) Downloads

Short‐ and long‐run determinants of sovereign debt credit ratings,
Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Philipp Rother, in International Journal of Finance & Economics (2011)

Lourdes B. Afonso, Rui M. R. Cardoso, Alfredo Egidio dos Reis and Gracinda Rita Guerreiro, in ASTIN Bulletin (2017) Downloads

Ruin Probabilities And Capital Requirement for Open Automobile Portfolios With a Bonus‐Malus System Based on Claim Counts,
Lourdes B. Afonso, Rui M. R. Cardoso, Alfredo Egidio dos Reis and Gracinda R. Guerreiro, in Journal of Risk & Insurance (2020) Downloads

An Extension of the Carathéodory Differentiability to Set-Valued Maps,
Pedro Hurtado, Alexander Leones, M. Martelo and J. B. Moreno, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2021) Downloads

Output maximization container loading problem with time availability constraints,
Pedro B. Castellucci, Franklina M.B. Toledo and Alysson M. Costa, in Operations Research Perspectives (2019)
Keywords: Container loading; Cross-docking; Packing; Stochastic dynamic programming;

Numerical computation for initial value problems in economics,
Oscar Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos, from Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia do Porto (2006)
Keywords: North-South; Technological Knowledge Diffusion; Convergence; Numerical Computations

Re-examining International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion,
Oscar Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos, in International Economic Journal (2007)
Keywords: North-South, R&D, Human capital, convergence, numerical computations,

The Adoption of Local Option Fuel Taxes: Evidence From Florida Counties,
Can Chen and Whitney B. Afonso, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2021) Downloads

Revisiting the theory of revenue diversification: Insights from an empirical analysis of municipal budgetary solvency,
Benedict S. Jimenez and Whitney B. Afonso, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2022) Downloads

Local sales tax exportation: The impact of commuters, tourists, and college students on the tax base,
Whitney B. Afonso and Jeremy G. Moulton, in Public Budgeting & Finance (2024) Downloads

Impact of International Technological-Knowledge Diffusion on Southern Convergence,
Oscar Afonso and Paulo B Vasconcelos, from Society for Computational Economics (2006)
Keywords: North-South, R&D, Human Capital, Convergence, Numerical Computations

Some issues about the application of the analytic hierarchy process to R&D project selection,
Pedro Godinho, João Costa, Joana Fialho and Ricardo Afonso, in Global Business and Economics Review (2011)
Keywords: research and development; R&D projects; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; project evaluation; project selection.

Growth and welfare effects of corruption penalties,
Oscar Afonso, Ana Maria Bandeira and Pedro G. Lima, in Economic Systems (2022)
Keywords: Horizontal growth model; Consumer’s welfare; Corruption;

Experimental assessment of pre-turbo aftertreatment configurations in a single stage turbocharged diesel engine. Part 1: Steady-state operation,
José Manuel Luján, Vicente Bermúdez, Pedro Piqueras and Oscar Afonso, in Energy (2015)
Keywords: Diesel engine; Aftertreatment; Pre-turbo aftertreatment configuration; Steady-state operation; Fuel consumption; Emissions;

Diversity and Variation in China's Yao Ancient Wood Frame Structures Through Genetic Algorithms,
Filipe Afonso, Kirill Jedenov, Pedro Gomes Januário and Paulo Almeida, in International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG) (2022) Downloads

Exploring sociodemographic and economic factors that promote adverse drug reactions reporting by patients,
Pedro Inácio, João José Gomes, Marja Airaksinen and Afonso Cavaco, in Health Policy (2018)
Keywords: Pharmacovigilance; Adverse drug reactions reporting systems; Health policy; Quality of health care; Patient reported outcome measures; Adverse drug reactions;

Population growth and the wage skill premium,
Pedro Cunha Neves, Oscar Afonso and Tiago Sequeira, in Economic Modelling (2018)
Keywords: Population growth; Endogenous economic growth; Skill premium;

The link between intellectual property rights, innovation, and growth: A meta-analysis,
Pedro Cunha Neves, Oscar Afonso, Diana Silva and Elena Sochirca, in Economic Modelling (2021)
Keywords: Intellectual property rights; Innovation; R&D; Economic growth; Meta-analysis;

The non-observed economy and economic growth: A meta-analysis,
Oscar Afonso, Pedro Cunha Neves and Tiago Pinto, in Economic Systems (2020)
Keywords: Economic growth; Parallel economy; Non-observed economy; Meta-analysis; Publication bias;

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