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61006 documents matched the search for Paul Collier in authors.
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War and military spending in developing countries and their consequences for development,
Paul Collier, in Economics of Peace and Security Journal (2006)
Keywords: Peace, security, development

Les performances de l’Afrique sont-elles les conséquences de sa géographie ?,
Paul Collier, in Économie et Prévision (2008) Downloads

Rebellion as a Quasi-Criminal Activity,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2000) Downloads

How to Reduce Corruption,
Paul Collier, in African Development Review (2000)

The Future of Perennial Crops,
Paul Collier, in African Development Review (2002)

Les performances de l'Afrique sont-elles les conséquences de sa géographie ?,
Paul Collier, in Economie & Prévision (2008)
Keywords: economic performance, geography, ethnic diversity

Épargner les revenus tirés des ressources naturelles dans les pays en développement: principes et règles de politiques,
Paul Collier, in Revue d’économie du développement (2013) Downloads

Savings from Natural Resource Revenues in Developing Countries: Principles and Policy Rules,
Paul Collier, in Revue d’économie du développement (2014) Downloads

Administración de Ingresos Provenientes de Recursos Naturales: Tres “Relojes” de Política,
Paul Collier, in Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy) (2015) Downloads

Ressources naturelles, développement et conflits: liens de causalité et mesures politiques,
Paul Collier, in Revue d’économie du développement (2004) Downloads

Demobilization and insecurity: A study in the economics of the transition from war to peace,
Paul Collier, in Journal of International Development (1994)

A CERT for Europe,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Financial Crime (1993) Downloads

Paul Collier, in Journal of Demographic Economics (2017) Downloads

From adjustment to development in Africa: Conflict, controversy, convergence, consensus?: Giovanni A. Cornia and Gerald Helleiner, eds., (St. Martins Press, New York and MacMillan, London, 1994), pp. xxiv + 417,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Development Economics (1996) Downloads

Is Aid Oil? An Analysis Of Whether Africa Can Absorb More Aid,
Paul Collier, in World Development (2006) Downloads

The cultural foundations of economic failure: A conceptual toolkit,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2016)
Keywords: Culture; Beliefs; Social networks; Cultural change;

Africa’s Prospective Urban Transition,
Paul Collier, in JODE - Journal of Demographic Economics (2017)
Keywords: Africa, Ubran transition

The Welfare Effects of Customs Union: An Anatomy,
Paul Collier, in Economic Journal (1979) Downloads

Africa's Economic Growth: Opportunities and Constraints,
Paul Collier, in African Development Review (2007)

Ideas, networks and jobs: rebasing growth in the Middle East and North Africa,
Paul Collier, in Middle East Development Journal (2019) Downloads

Ideas, networks and jobs: rebasing growth in the Middle East and North Africa,
Paul Collier, in Middle East Development Journal (2019) Downloads

The Institutional and Psychological Foundations of Natural Resource Policies,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Development Studies (2017) Downloads

Exodus: How Migration is Changing Our World,
Paul Collier, in Journal of Economic Sociology (2015)
Keywords: poverty; global economy; migration policy; national identity; moral values; economic approach

Malfunctioning of African Rural Factor Markets: Theory and a Kenyan Example,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1983)

Labour Mobility and Labour Utilization in Developing Countries,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1975)

The Trade Policy Review of Uganda,
Paul Collier, in The World Economy (1997) Downloads

Why the WTO is Deadlocked: And What Can Be Done About It,
Paul Collier, in The World Economy (2006) Downloads

Africa: New Opportunities, Old Impediments,
Paul Collier, in Economic Affairs (2015) Downloads

European Monetary Union and ‘1992’: Opportunities for Africa,
Paul Collier, in The World Economy (1992) Downloads

Higgledy-piggledy Liberalisation,
Paul Collier, in The World Economy (1993) Downloads

Paul Collier, in Economic Affairs (2006) Downloads

Resource Revenue Management: Three Policy Clocks,
Paul Collier, from Central Bank of Chile (2015) Downloads

Paul Collier, in National Institute Economic Review (2021) Downloads

Africa’s comparative advantage,
Paul Collier, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2000)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance,

Economic Policy in Post-Conflict Societies,
Paul Collier, from Palgrave Macmillan (2005)
Keywords: Policy Reform, Public Capital, Military Expenditure, Thematic Issue, Policy Improvement

African Growth: Why a 'Big Push'?,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Economies (2006)

Post-conflict Recovery: How Should Strategies Be Distinctive?,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Economies Downloads

The Role of the State in Economic Development: Cross-Regional Experiences,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Economies (1998)

Aid 'Dependency': A Critique,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Economies (1999)

International Political Economy: Some African Applications,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Economies Downloads

Implications of ethnic diversity,
Paul Collier, in Economic Policy (2001) Downloads

The Macroeconomic Repercussions of Agricultural Shocks and their Implications for Insurance,
Paul Collier, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2002)
Keywords: Agriculture, Insurance, Macroeconomics, Monetary policy, Prices

Aid as a Catalyst for Pioneer Investment,
Paul Collier, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2013)
Keywords: Economic assistance and foreign aid, Economic development, Investments, Macroeconomics

How To Spend It: The Organization of Public Spending and Aid Effectiveness,
Paul Collier, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2012)
Keywords: Economic assistance and foreign aid, Public expenditures, Public welfare

Ethnicity, Politics and Economic Performance,
Paul Collier, in Economics and Politics (2000) Downloads

Diverging identities: a model of class formation,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Economic Papers (2020) Downloads

Migration and Unemployment: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis Applied to Tanzania,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Economic Papers (1979) Downloads

Commodity Aggregation in Customs Unions [3 by 3 Theory of Customs Unions],
Paul Collier, in Oxford Economic Papers (1985) Downloads

Development economics in retrospect and prospect,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2015) Downloads

African urbanization: an analytic policy guide,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2017)
Keywords: Africa, urbanization

The political economy of state failure,
Paul Collier, in Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2009) Downloads

Growth Strategies for Africa,
Paul Collier, from The World Bank Group (2008)
Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Theory & Research Health, Nutrition and Population - Demographics Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Spatial and Local Economic Development

Attracting international private finance for African infrastructure,
Paul Collier, in Journal of African Trade (2014)
Keywords: International, Private, Finance, African, Infrastructure

Achieving Socio-Economic Convergence in Europe,
Paul Collier, in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy (2020) Downloads

Inclusive Growth,
Paul Collier, from Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Downloads

Fragile African States: What Should Donors Do?,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2014) Downloads

Fragile African States: What Should Donors Do?,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2014) Downloads

Fragile States and International Support,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2016) Downloads

Fragile States and International Support,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2016) Downloads

Deepening Financial Markets in Francophone West Africa,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2012) Downloads

Deepening Financial Markets in Francophone West Africa,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2012) Downloads

Housing and Urbanization in Africa: Unleashing a Formal Market Process,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2012) Downloads

Housing and Urbanization in Africa: Unleashing a Formal Market Process,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2012) Downloads

Savings from Natural Resource Revenues in Developing Countries: Principles and Policy Rules,
Collier Paul, from FERDI (2012) Downloads

Ideas, Networks and Jobs: Rebasing Growth In The Middle East And North Africa,
Paul Collier, from Economic Research Forum (2019) Downloads

Savings and Investment Decisions in Resource-Rich Developing Countries,
Paul Collier, from Economic Research Forum (2012) Downloads

Savings and Investment Decisions from Natural Resource Revenues: Implications for Arab Development,
Paul Collier, from Economic Research Forum (2013) Downloads

Africa: geography and growth,
Paul Collier, in TEN (2006)
Keywords: Africa

Africa: geography and growth,
Paul Collier, in Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole (2006)
Keywords: Africa

The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It,
Paul Collier, from Oxford University Press (2008)

Accessing Opportunities: Policy Decisions for Enhancing Urban Mobility,
Paul Collier, from eSocialSciences (2018)
Keywords: opportunities, policy decisions, urban mobility, supply, demand, investments, regulations, public transport systems, cities,

The political economy of ethnicity,
Paul Collier, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (1998) Downloads

Civil war and the economies of the peace dividend,
Paul Collier, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (1995) Downloads

Women in development: defining the issues,
Paul Collier, from The World Bank (1988)
Keywords: Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Anthropology,Banks&Banking Reform

Speech by Paul Collier on 11 May 2013,
Paul Collier, from Bank for International Settlements (2014) Downloads

Luncheon address: resource-based growth in poor countries and the role of central banks,
Paul Collier, in Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole (2011)
Keywords: Economic growth; Developing countries; Banks and banking, Central

Prevention of Threats and Emergency Responses: Challenges to Policy Making,
Paul Collier, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy

Registered author: Paul Collier

Oil, Growth and Governance in Nigeria,
Paul Collier, from Palgrave Macmillan (2008)
Keywords: Central Bank, Real Exchange Rate, Foreign Asset, Domestic Investment, Electoral Competition

Paul Collier, from Palgrave Macmillan (2015)
Keywords: Mobile Phone, Transport Infrastructure, Private Security, International Bank, Transport Logistics

Valuing intellectual capacity in the police,
Paul M. Collier, in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2001) Downloads

Audit Committees in Major UK Companies,
Paul Arnold Collier, in Managerial Auditing Journal (1993) Downloads

Policing in South Africa,
Paul M Collier, in Public Management Review (2004) Downloads

Police Performance Measurement and Human Rights,
Paul M. Collier, in Public Money & Management (2001) Downloads

Policing and the Intelligent Application of Knowledge,
Paul M. Collier, in Public Money & Management (2006) Downloads

In Search of Purpose and Priorities: Police Performance Indicators in England and Wales,
Paul M. Collier, in Public Money & Management (2006) Downloads

The downside of globalisation: Why it matters and what can be done about it,
Sir Paul Collier, in The World Economy (2018) Downloads

Stakeholder accountability,
Paul M. Collier, in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2008)
Keywords: Stakeholder analysis, Management accountability, Governance

Understanding Civil War,
Paul Collier and Nicholas Sambanis, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2002) Downloads

Prospects for Commodity Exporters,
Paul Collier and Benedikt Goderis, in World Economics (2007) Downloads

Trade Policy and Regional Integration: Implications for the Relations between Europe and Africa,
Paul Collier and John Toye, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (1994)
Keywords: Credibility; Reciprocal Distrimination; Regional Integration; Trade Liberalization

Ajuste estructural y mercado del trabajo: Nigeria después de la crisis del petróleo,
Paul Collier and Luis Riveros, in Estudios de Economia (1989) Downloads

Testing the Neocon Agenda: Democracy in Resource-Ricj Societies,
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler, from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: political economy, natural resources, growth

Structural Policies for Shock-Prone Commodity Exporters,
Paul Collier and Benedikt Goderis, from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: commodity price shocks; natural disasters; growth, policies

Review of Development Economics: Does Aid Mitigate External Shocks?,
Paul Collier and Benedikt Goderis, from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford (2008)

Testing the neocon agenda: Democracy in resource-rich societies,
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler, in European Economic Review (2009)
Keywords: Political economy Natural resources Growth

The evaluation and audit of management information systems,
Paul Collier and Rob Dixon, in Managerial Auditing Journal (1995) Downloads

Investing in Africa's Infrastructure: Financing and Policy Options,
Paul Collier and James Cust, in Annual Review of Resource Economics (2015)
Keywords: infrastructure, public investment, Africa

Public Capital in Resource Rich Economies: Is there a Curse?,
Paul Collier and Sambit Bhattacharyya, from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford (2011)
Keywords: Natural resources; public capital

Murder by Numbers: Socio-Economic Determinants of Homicide and Civil War,
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004) Downloads

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