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60538 documents matched the search for Paul Benneworth in authors.
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Book Review: Sustainable development: economics and policy,
Paul Benneworth, in Progress in Development Studies (2001) Downloads

Creating new industries and service clusters on Tyneside,
Paul Benneworth, in Local Economy (2002) Downloads

Reviews: New Labour and Thatcherism: Political Change in Britain,
Paul Benneworth, in Environment and Planning C (2002) Downloads

Five scalar challenges and barriers to innovative practice in regeneration management,
Paul Benneworth, in Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal (2010)
Keywords: Open innovation, democratic innovation, social inclusion, innovative regeneration

A review of Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. By Anssi Paasi, John Harrison, and Martin Jones,
Paul Benneworth, in Economic Geography (2019) Downloads

Seven Samurai Opening Up the Ivory Tower? The Construction of Newcastle as an Entrepreneurial University,
Paul Benneworth, in European Planning Studies (2006) Downloads

In what sense ‘regional development?’: entrepreneurship, underdevelopment and strong tradition in the periphery,
Paul Benneworth, in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development (2004) Downloads

Between certainty and comprehensiveness in evaluating the societal impact of humanities research,
Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015) Downloads

Civic and Regional Engagement and Accountability,
Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2017)
Keywords: third mission, university accountability, performance indicators, quality assurance, university engagement, university regional engagement

The role of research to shape local and global engagement,
Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2017)
Keywords: Responsible Research & Innovation, Socially relevant research, University Engagement, University Third Mission, University Societal Compact

"Buying them like shoes" The limits of the 'one-size fits all' approach to the establishment of RDAs in the UK,
Paul Stephen Benneworth, from European Regional Science Association (1999) Downloads

Paul Benneworth, Paul Benneworth and James De Filippis, in Local Economy (2002) Downloads

The regional engagement of universities: Building capacity in a sparse innovation environment,
Paul Benneworth and Alan Sanderson, in Higher Education Management and Policy (2009) Downloads

Devolution, Sustainability and Local Economic Development: Impacts on Local Autonomy, Policymaking and Economic Development Outcomes,
Paul Benneworth and Peter Roberts, in Local Economy (2002) Downloads

International Urban Festivals as a Catalyst for Governance Capacity Building,
Paul Benneworth and Hugh Dauncey, in Environment and Planning C (2010) Downloads

Where Is the Value Added in the Cluster Approach? Hermeneutic Theorising, Economic Geography and Clusters as a Multiperspectival Approach,
Paul Benneworth and Nick Henry, in Urban Studies (2004) Downloads

Pathways to the Future? An Initial Assessment of RDA Strategies and their Contribution to Integrated Regional Development,
Peter Roberts and Paul Benneworth, in Local Economy (2001) Downloads

The G1000 Firework Dialogue as a Social Learning System: A Community of Practice Approach,
Franziska Eckardt and Paul Benneworth, in Social Sciences (2018)
Keywords: social learning systems; communities of practice; common ground formation; participatory decision-making processes; participatory local governance; G1000

Reframing the Role of Knowledge Parks and Science Cities in Knowledge-Based Urban Development,
Paul Benneworth and Tiago Ratinho, in Environment and Planning C (2014)
Keywords: knowledge-based development; knowledge-based urban development; urban scale; urban innovation; science parks; technopoles

Strengthening Global-Local Connectivity in Regional Innovation Strategies: Implications for Regional Innovation Policy,
Paul Benneworth and Adrie Dassen, from OECD Publishing (2011)
Keywords: economic development, firms, innovation policy, networks, regional competitiveness, regional development, regional innovation strategies, universities

Are We Realizing Our Potential? Joining Up Science and Technology Policy in the English Regions,
David Charles and Paul Benneworth, in Regional Studies (2001) Downloads

The City as a Focus for Human Capital Migration: Towards a Dynamic Analysis of University Human Capital Contributions,
Paul Benneworth and Mikolaj Herbst, in European Planning Studies (2015) Downloads

Challenges of knowledge combination in strategic regional innovation processes - the Creative Science Park in Aveiro,
Lisa Nieth and Paul Benneworth, in European Planning Studies (2020) Downloads

Plant Closure and Institutional Modernisation,
David Charles and Paul Benneworth, in Local Economy (1999) Downloads

Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review,
Peter Arbo and Paul Benneworth, from OECD Publishing (2007) Downloads

Why do universities have little systemic impact with social innovation? An institutional logics perspective,
Ridvan Cinar and Paul Benneworth, in Growth and Change (2021) Downloads

The construction of new scientific norms for solving Grand Challenges,
Kate Maxwell and Paul Benneworth, in Palgrave Communications (2018) Downloads

How to measure the impact of social innovation initiatives?,
Jorge Cunha and Paul Benneworth, in International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (2020)
Keywords: Social innovation, Universities, Impact assessment, Conceptual framework

Contextualizing the role of universities to regional development: introduction to the special issue,
Paul Benneworth and Rune Fitjar, in Regional Studies, Regional Science (2019) Downloads

Universities’ contributions to social innovation: reflections in theory & practice,
Paul Benneworth and Jorge Cunha, in European Journal of Innovation Management (2015)
Keywords: Innovation, Tacit knowledge

Understanding universities and entrepreneurship education,
Paul Benneworth and Mike Osborne, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: entrepreneurship education, university institutional architecture, knowledge creation, communities of practice, innovation policy, university enterprise, university entrepreneurship

Involving universities in regional upgrading in the periphery,
Paul Benneworth and Rómulo Pinheiro, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: Higher education, regional development, universities, Northern Europe, local relevance and global excellence, tensions

Measuring the contribution of higher education to innovation capacity in the EU,
Paul Benneworth and Nadine Zeeman, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2016)
Keywords: contribution, human capital, indicators, innovation capacity, knowledge transfer, spill-overs, universities

Policy-making for structural reforms in Welsh higher education landscape,
Paul Benneworth and Nadine Zeeman, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2017)
Keywords: bottom-up coordination, higher education institutions, higher education systems, mergers, open method of coordination, structural reforms, Wales

Involving Universities in Regional Upgrading in the Periphery: Lessons from Northern Europe,
Paul Benneworth and Rómulo Pinheiro, from Springer (2017)
Keywords: Higher education, Regional development, Universities, Northern Europe, Local relevance and global excellence, Tensions

University spin-off policies and economic development in Less successful regions: Learning from two decades of policy practice,
Paul Benneworth and David Charles, in European Planning Studies (2005) Downloads

The New Economic Geography of Old Industrial Regions: Universities as Global — Local Pipelines,
Paul Benneworth and Gert-Jan Hospers, in Environment and Planning C (2007) Downloads

Innovation in an old industrial region: the case of Twente,
Gert-Jan Hospers and Paul Benneworth, in International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (2012)
Keywords: regional development; industrial regions; path dependency; Netherlands; Holland; Twente; textile industry; mindware; universities; higher education; regional upgrading; learning; intellectual capital; innovation.

Is the entrepreneurial university also regionally engaged? Analysing the influence of university's structural configuration on third mission performance,
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo and Paul Benneworth, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2019)
Keywords: Entrepreneurial university; Engaged university; Third mission performance; Internal structure; Region;

Toward a spatial perspective on sustainability transitions,
Lars Coenen, Paul Benneworth and Bernhard Truffer, in Research Policy (2012)
Keywords: Geographies of transitions; Multi-level perspective; Technological innovation systems; Economic geography;

Strategic agency and institutional change: investigating the role of universities in regional innovation systems (RISs),
Paul Benneworth, Rómulo Pinheiro and James Karlsen, in Regional Studies (2017) Downloads

Building Localized Interactions Between Universities and Cities Through University Spatial Development,
Paul Benneworth, David Charles and Ali Madanipour, in European Planning Studies (2009) Downloads

Strategic Connectivity, Sustainable Development and the New English Regional Governance,
Paul Benneworth, Leanne Conroy and Peter Roberts, in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2002) Downloads

An openness framework for ex ante evaluation of societal impact of research,
Paul Benneworth and Julia Olmos-Peñuela, in Research Evaluation (2024)
Keywords: ex ante evaluation, research evaluation, research impact, societal impact, knowledge exchange, science policy

Changing conceptualization of innovation in the European Union and its impact on universities: Critical junctures and evolving institutional demands,
Ridvan Cinar, Paul Benneworth and Lars CoenenMohn, in Research Evaluation (2024)
Keywords: innovation, universities, critical juncture, European Union, institutional demands

Measuring the effects of the social rural university campus,
Paul Benneworth, Kate Maxwell and David Charles, in Research Evaluation (2024)
Keywords: rural university, social impact, communities of practice, rural development

Higher Education for Smart Specialisation: The Case of the Northern Netherlands,
Paul Benneworth and Eskarne Arregui-Pabollet, from Joint Research Centre (2021)
Keywords: Smart specialisation strategies, higher education institutions, universities, territorial development, human capital, skills, innovation and growth, entrepreneurship

Diversification of knowledge production actors (including university-industry partnerships),
Paul Benneworth and Julia Olmos-Peñuela, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Business and Management, Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Education, Environment, Geography, Innovations and Technology, Law - Academic, Politics and Public Policy Research Methods, Sociology and Social Policy,

Towards a spatial perspective on sustainability transitions,
Lars Coenen, Paul Benneworth and Bernhard Truffer, from Lund University, CIRCLE - Centre for Innovation Research (2010)
Keywords: transitions studies; economic geography; territorial innovation systems; multi-scalarity; geographies of transitions

Resolving tensions of research utilization: The value of a usability-based approach,
Paul Benneworth and Julia Olmos-Peñuela, from INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) (2018) Downloads

What makes the difference?,
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo and Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: entrepreneurial university, regional innovation system university, performance, internal structure, region

How academic entrepreneurship meets the university,
Einar Rasmussen, Paul Benneworth and Magnus Gulbrandsen, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: Academic entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial competencies, innovation policy, university spin-offs, university stakeholders

The role of proximity on innovation dynamics in knowledge community precincts,
Milana Korotka, Paul Benneworth and Tiago Ratinho, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2017)
Keywords: university third mission, knowledge exchange, proximity & cognateness, knowledge-based urban development, communities of practice

A conceptual framework to understand academic student volunteerism,
Jorge Cunha, Rainer Mensing and Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2018)
Keywords: Student Volunteerism, Academic volunteering, Global south, Sustainable development, University engagement, Knowledge society

Between Good Intentions and Enthusiastic Professors: The Missing Middle of University Social Innovation Structures in the Quadruple Helix,
Paul Benneworth, Jorge Cunha and Ridvan Cinar, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Universities and social innovation, Universities’ third mission, Institutional logics, Quadruple Helix, Social innovation upscaling, Entrepreneurial universities

Scoping paper: Developing University Innovation Capacity: How can innovation policy effectively harness universities’ capability to promote high-growth technology businesses?,
Einar Rasmussen, Paul Benneworth and Magnus Gulbrandsen, from Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo (2013) Downloads

National higher education policies challenging universities’ regional engagement activities,
Paul Benneworth, Nadine Zeeman, Rómulo Pinheiro and James Karlsen, in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía (2017)
Keywords: Noruega, Norway, actividades de implicación, desarrollo regional, engagement activities, exceso de propósitos, mission overload, regional development, resilience, resiliencia, tercera misión, third mission, universidades, universities

Universities' Contributions to Sustainable Development's Social Challenge: A Case Study of a Social Innovation Practice,
Douglas Paulesky Juliani, Ania Silva, Jorge Cunha and Paul Benneworth, in International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) (2017) Downloads

Reviews: Pressure Groups and British Politics, the Nature of British Local Government, Ecological Modernisation around the World: Perspectives and Critical Debates, New Labour in Government,
Michael Woods, Brian Jacobs, Nayna J Jhaveri and Paul Benneworth, in Environment and Planning C (2001) Downloads

Reviews: The Powers behind the Prime Minister: The Hidden Influence of Number Ten, Political Ideology in Britain, New Labour's Grassroots: The Transformation of the Labour Party Membership, England: The State of the Regions, Governing London: Competitiveness and Regeneration for a Global City,
Paul Benneworth, Tristan Clayton and I R Struder, in Environment and Planning C (2003) Downloads

Living labs: Challenging and changing the smart city power relations?,
Huong Thu Nguyen, Pilar Marques and Paul Benneworth, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
Keywords: Citizen inclusion; Living labs; Organising collaborative systems; Power relations; Smart cities;

Institutionalization of cross-border regional innovation systems: the role of university institutional entrepreneurs,
Jos van den Broek, Paul Benneworth and Roel Rutten, in Regional Studies, Regional Science (2019) Downloads

Border blocking effects in collaborative firm innovation,
Jos van den Broek, Paul Benneworth and Roel Rutten, in European Planning Studies (2018) Downloads

Knowledge bases and responsibility within regional innovation systems: reflections from the Twente region,
Paul Benneworth, Verena Schulze-Greiving and Kornelia Konrad, in European Planning Studies (2019) Downloads

Innovation and SMEs in Interreg policy: too early to move beyond bike lanes?,
Jos Van Den Broek, Roel Rutten and Paul Benneworth, in Policy Studies (2020) Downloads

Exploring the Multiple Roles of Lund University in Strengthening Scania's Regional Innovation System: Towards Institutional Learning?,
Paul Benneworth, Lars Coenen, Jerker Moodysson and Bjørn Asheim, in European Planning Studies (2008) Downloads

From productive interactions to impact pathways: Understanding the key dimensions in developing SSH research societal impact,
Reetta Muhonen, Paul Benneworth and Julia Olmos-Peñuela, in Research Evaluation (2020)
Keywords: societal impact, social sciences and humanities, impact pathways, productive interactions, research evaluation

The conflict of impact for early career researchers planning for a future in the academy,
Marta Natalia Wróblewska, Corina Balaban, Gemma Derrick and Paul Benneworth, in Research Evaluation (2024)
Keywords: early career researchers, impact, research culture, evaluative behaviour

Are ‘STEM from Mars and SSH from Venus’?: Challenging disciplinary stereotypes of research’s social value,
Julia Olmos-Peñuela, Paul Benneworth and Elena Castro-Martínez, in Science and Public Policy (2014) Downloads

Explaining researchersâ readiness to incorporate external stimuli in their research agendas,
Julia Olmos Peñuela, Paul Benneworth and Elena Castro-Martínez, from INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) (2014) Downloads

Towards regional responsible research and innovation? Integrating RRI and RIS3 in European innovation policy,
Rune Fitjar, Paul Benneworth and Bjørn Terje Asheim, in Science and Public Policy (2019)
Keywords: smart specialisation, responsible research and innovation, innovation policy, regions, European Union policy

Exploring the factors related with scientists’ willingness to incorporating external knowledge,
Julia Olmos‐Peñuela, Paul Benneworth and Elena Castro‐Martínez, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: science and innovation policy, technology transfer, knowledge exchange, research processes, mode 2 research practices, knowledge production

Resources exchange patterns with diverse institutional partners within R&D collaborative relationships,
Africa Villanueva Felez, Paul Benneworth and Jordi Molas‐Gallart, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2015)
Keywords: university‐industry interactions, researcher networks, R&D networks, R&D collaboration, tie strength, institutional distance

Border blocking effects in collaborative firm innovation,
Jos van den Broek, Paul Benneworth and Roel Rutten, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2016)
Keywords: Borders, Dutch-Flemish border region, case study, innovation, collaboration, firms

Social Entrepreneurship and Shrinking Regions paper thoughts,
Paul Benneworth, Willem-Jan Velderman and Martin Stienstra, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2016)
Keywords: social entrepreneurship, rural shrinkage, entrepreneurial motivation, demographic change, rural development

The transformative role of universities in regional innovation systems,
Jos van den Broek, Franziska Eckardt and Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2017)
Keywords: border regions, cross-border regional innovation, university internationalisation university regional engagement, university third mission

From productive interactions to impact pathways,
Reetta Muhonen, Paul Benneworth and Julia Olmos-Peñuela, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2018)
Keywords: entrepreneurial university, regional innovation system university, performance, internal structure, region

Does usable research face higher obstacles within the academy?,
Julia Olmos Peñuela, Paul Benneworth and Elena Castro-Martínez, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2018)
Keywords: societal engagement, obstacles, openness, academic norms, research management

The Role of Universities in Building Dense Triple Helix Ecosystems in Sparse Regional Environments,
Maria Salomaa, Liliana Fonseca, Lisa Nieth and Paul Benneworth, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Regional innovation systems, Peripheral regions, Entrepreneurial universities, University regional engagement, Innovation barriers, Institutional diversity

Social innovation futures: beyond policy panacea and conceptual ambiguity,
Paul Benneworth, Effie Amanatidou, Monica Edwards Schachter and Magnus Gulbrandsen, from Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo (2015) Downloads

The transformative role of universities in regional innovation systems: Lessons from university engagement in cross-border regions,
Jos van den Broek, Franziska Eckardt and Paul Benneworth, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2019)
Keywords: Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology, Urban and Regional Studies,

How Social Entrepreneurship Can Contribute to Upscale Social Innovation Practices,
Jorge Cunha, Paul Benneworth, Floor Stolk, Lalith Welamedage and Madalena Araujo, in International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) (2022) Downloads

University contributions to the 21st Century Challenges through social innovation,
Douglas Juliani, Ania Tamilis da Silva, Jorge Cunha and Paul Benneworth, from University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) (2016)
Keywords: Social innovation, Universities’ mission, social change, community development, case study

Rethinking the Role of Productive Interactions in Explaining SSH Research Societal Impacts: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Productive Science System Dynamics,
Paul Benneworth, Elena Castro-Martínez, Julia Olmos-Peñuela and Reetta Muhonen, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Research evaluation, Research impact, Social sciences and humanities, Science policy, Science studies

Reviews: Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence, Environmental Transport Processes, Globalization and the City, City Worlds, Urban Transformations: Power, People, and Urban Design, Urban Conservation, the Encyclopedia of Housing, Understanding Cities. Unruly Cities?, New Directions in Urban Public Housing,
Phil McManus, Rachael A McDonnell, Paul Benneworth, Richard Dennis, Rob Imrie, Sam Romaya, Carla Chifos, David Wilson and Alan Murie, in Environment and Planning B (2000) Downloads

Review: European Energy Industry Business Strategies, Local Economies in Turmoil: The Effects of Deregulation and Globalization, Creating an Economic Development Action Plan: A Guide for Development Professionals, Elections in Britain: A Voter's Guide, Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership, the Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War, Pariah: Misfortunes of the British Kingdom,
Adriaan Perrels, Glauco Arbix, Eduardo I Palavicini Corona, Matt Badcock, Carolina K Reid, Paul Benneworth and Tristan Clayton, in Environment and Planning C (2003) Downloads

Reviews: Social Power and the Urbanization of Water: Flows of Power, An Uncooperative Commodity: Privatizing Water in England and Wales, the Aesthetics of Free Speech: Rethinking the Public Sphere, Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities, Political Globalization: State, Power and Social Forces, Corruption, Politics and Development: The Role of the World Bank, Comparative Health Policy, Paths to a New Europe, Greenhouse Economics: Value and Ethics,
Paul Benneworth, Noel Castree, Lucía Díaz, Charalampos Koutalakis, Tatiana Coutto, Harvey Neo, Martin Karlsson, Andrew Glencross and Victor Savage, in Environment and Planning C (2005) Downloads

Considering the dilemma of societal alignment: A response,
Barbara Ribeiro, Philip Shapira, Paul Benneworth, Lars Bengtsson, Susanne Bührer, Elena Castro-Martínez, Meiken Hansen, Katharina Jarmai, Ralf Lindner and Julia Olmos-Peñuelag, from Center for Open Science (2020) Downloads

Embedding entrepreneurial regional innovation ecosystems: reflecting on the role of effectual entrepreneurial discovery processes,
L. Nieth, P. Benneworth, D. Charles, L. Fonseca, C. Rodrigues, M. Salomaa and M. Stienstra, in European Planning Studies (2018) Downloads

Project Portfolio Management Software,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2006)
Keywords: project portfolio management, IT projects, software development

Project Portfolio Management Applications Testing,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2006)
Keywords: software testing, projects, project portfolio management, application development

Project Portfolio Management Prototype Application Design,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2007)
Keywords: project management, project portfolio management, applications development.

Java ME Clients for XML Web Services,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2008)
Keywords: Web services, mobile applications, Java ME, SOAP, XML, m-learning

Testing Java ME Applications,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2008)
Keywords: mobile applications, mobile devices, software testing, WAP, Java ME, Junit

Enhancing Privacy for Biometric Identification Cards,
Paul Balanoiu, in Informatica Economica (2009)
Keywords: security, smart card, identification, passport, biometrics, public key infrastructure, government, identification

Developing Mobile Learning Applications for Android using Web Services,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2010)
Keywords: Mobile Application, Android Operating System, Web Service

Android Applications Security,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2011)
Keywords: Mobile Application, Security, Malware, Android, Permissions

Building Database-Powered Mobile Applications,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2012)
Keywords: Mobile Application, Data Persistence, Embedded Database, SQL, Mobile Platform

Developing an M-Learning Application for iOS,
Paul Pocatilu, in Informatica Economica (2013)
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Mobile Application Development, iOS, Model View Controller, Web Service, Assessment

Universalized Prisoner's Dilemma With Risk,
Paul Studtmann, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

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