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126370 documents matched the search for Mische John, Anna in authors.
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Determining the Extent of Market and Extent of Resource for Stated Preference Survey Design Using Mapping Methods,
Shalini Vajjhala, Anna Mische John and David Evans, from National Center for Environmental Economics, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008)
Keywords: stated preference, cognitive mapping, Extent of market, Extent of resource, definition of commodity

Determining the Extent of Market and Extent of Resource for Stated Preference Survey Design Using Mapping Methods,
Shalini Vajjhala, Anna Mische John and David Evans, from Resources for the Future (2008)
Keywords: stated preference, cognitive mapping, extent of market, extent of resource, definition of commodity

An Update on the Science of Acidification in the Adirondack Park,
Anna Mische John, Dallas Burtraw, David Evans, Spencer Banzhaf, Alan Krupnick and Juha Siikamäki, from Resources for the Future (2008)
Keywords: acid rain, acidification, stated preference, willingness to pay, benefit estimation

Der ungleiche Wert geringqualifizierter Arbeit. Erwerbschancen in der Bau- und Reinigungsbranche,
Anna Gonon and Anna John, in Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management (2021)
Keywords: Geringqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Geschlecht, Beschäftigungspraktiken, branchenspezifische Regulierung, Low-skilled workers, labour market opportunities, gender, employment practices, sector-level regulation

The Impact of the Basel Accord on Greek Banks: A Stress Test Study,
John Leventides and Anna Donatou, in JRFM (2015)
Keywords: banking regulation; credit risk; stress test

Private Donations for International Development,
John Micklewright and Anna Wright, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2004)
Keywords: D64; Charities; Philanthropy; Volunteering; Development finance

Rationality and Relevance Realization,
Anna Riedl and John Vervaeke, from Center for Open Science (2022) Downloads

When Regions Collide: In What Sense a New ‘Regional Problem’?,
John Harrison and Anna Growe, in Environment and Planning A (2014)
Keywords: territorial/relational divide; cross-border metropolitan region; city-regionalism; Germany; Leitbild

Assessment of School Effectiveness in Greece using Multilevel Models,
Anna Kosmopoulou and John Panaretos, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1998)
Keywords: Multilevel modeling, Hierarchical data, Performance indicators, School effectiveness

The use (and misuse) of statistics in understanding social mobility: regression to the mean and the cognitive development of high ability children from disadvantaged homes,
John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles, from Quantitative Social Science - UCL Social Research Institute, University College London (2011)
Keywords: Educational mobility, socio-economic gap, disadvantaged children, regression to the mean

The causal effect of East Asian 'mastery' teaching methods on English children's mathematics skills?,
John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles, from Quantitative Social Science - UCL Social Research Institute, University College London (2015)
Keywords: Maths Mastery; Randomised Controlled Trial; Singapore; PISA.

The link between East Asian ‘mastery’ teaching methods and English children's mathematics skills,
John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles, in Economics of Education Review (2016)
Keywords: Maths Mastery; Randomised Controlled Trial; Singapore; PISA;

Economic influences on the political support for market reform in post‐communist transitions: Some evidence from the 1993 polish parliamentary elections,
John Gibson and Anna Cielecka, in Europe-Asia Studies (1995) Downloads

Development Made Sexy: how it happened and what it means,
John Cameron and Anna Haanstra, in Third World Quarterly (2008) Downloads

Colored Revolutions, Interpersonal Trust, and Confidence in Institutions: The Consequences of Mass Uprisings,
John Ishiyama and Anna Pechenina, in Social Science Quarterly (2016) Downloads

Social mobility, regression to the mean and the cognitive development of high ability children from disadvantaged homes,
John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (2013) Downloads

Anna Alberini and John Bartholomew, in Contemporary Economic Policy (1999) Downloads

Tax Reform and Employment in Europe,
John Hutton and Anna Ruocco, in International Tax and Public Finance (1999)
Keywords: applied general equilibrium, labour markets, tax reform,

Assessing multiple prior models of behaviour under ambiguity,
Anna Conte and John Hey, in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2013)
Keywords: Alpha model, Ambiguity, Expected utility, Mixture models, Rank dependent expected utility, Smooth model, D81, C91, C23,

Poles' Evaluation of the Benefits of the Polish Economic Transformation: A Rectification of the Misleading of Jeffrey Sachs,
Anna Cielecka and John Gibson, in Economic Change and Restructuring (1996)

Which actors drove national patterns of technological specialization into the science-based age? The British experience, 1918–1932,
John Cantwell and Anna Spadavecchia, in Industrial and Corporate Change (2023) Downloads

Private Donations for International Development,
John Micklewright and Anna Wright, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2003)
Keywords: Economic development, Nonprofit organizations, Social responsibility of business, Taxation

Health disparities across education: The role of differential reporting error,
Anna Choi and John Cawley, in Health Economics (2018) Downloads

Health Disparities Across Education: The Role of Differential Reporting Error,
John Cawley and Anna Choi, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2015) Downloads

Assessing Multiple Prior Models of Behaviour under Ambiguity,
Anna Conte and John Hey, from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (2012)
Keywords: Alpha Model, Ambiguity, Expected Utility, Mixture Models, Rank Dependent Expected Utility, Smooth Model

Commercial Real Estate Investment in New Zealand,
Anna Moodie and John Stephens, from European Real Estate Society (ERES) (2007) Downloads

Assessing multiple prior models of behaviour under ambiguity,
Anna Conte and John Hey, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2018)
Keywords: Experimental Economics, Risk, Ambiguity, Markets, Auctions, Bargaining, Econometrics, Methodology,

Assessing Multiple Prior Models of Behaviour under Ambiguity,
Anna Conte and John Hey, from Department of Economics, University of York (2012)
Keywords: Alpha Model, Ambiguity, Expected Utility, Mixture Models, Rank Dependent Expected Utility, Smooth Model.

Rehabilitating the Random Utility Model. A comment on Apesteguia and Ballester (2018),
Anna Conte and John Hey, from Department of Economics, University of York (2018) Downloads

Early Experience Under Medicare+Choice: Trends in MCO Participation and Enrollment,
Anna Cook and John McCoy, from Mathematica Policy Research (2001)
Keywords: medicare+choice , MCO , participation , enrollment

Health Disparities Across Education: The Role of Differential Reporting Error,
John Cawley and Anna Choi, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2015)
Keywords: disparities, education, health, reporting error

Online Hotel Customer’s Perceived Service Quality and Purchase Intentions,
Anna Kourtesopoulou and John Kehagias, from Springer (2019)
Keywords: Quality, Electronic services, Hotel industry business, Customer’s needs, Preferences

Performance Reporting in the Malaysian Government,
Maria Anna Mucciarone and John Neilson, in Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF) (2011)
Keywords: Malaysia public sector reporting, performance indicators, performance indicator disclosure

‘Jumping the tracks’: Crisis-driven social innovation and the development of novel trajectories,
John Bessant, Howard Rush and Anna Trifilova, in Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice (2012) Downloads

Agricultural Cooperation in Western Europe -- Section B: England, France, Italy, and Switzerland,
John H. Heckman and Anna E. Wheeler, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1954)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing

Agricultural Cooperation in Western Europe -- Section C: Norway, Sweden and Denmark,
John H. Heckman and Anna E. Wheeler, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1955)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing

Agricultural Cooperation in Western Europe -- Section A. – The Benelux Countries,
John H. Heckman and Anna E. Wheeler, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1954)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing

Consumer ethnocentrism and attitudes toward South African consumables in Mozambique,
Anna V. John and Malcolm P. Brady, in African Journal of Economic and Management Studies (2011)
Keywords: Mozambique, Consumer behaviour, Ethnocentrism

The No Child Left Behind Act,
William Duncombe, Anna Lukemeyer and John Yinger, in Public Finance Review (2008)
Keywords: accountability; costs; education finance; federal aid

The Militarization of Mass Incapacitation and Torture during the Sunni Insurgency and American Occupation of Iraq,
John L. Hagan and Anna Hanson, in Social Sciences (2016)
Keywords: crime; violence; population; war

Benefit Levels, Tax Progression and Employment,
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco, in FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis (2002) Downloads

After Shleifer, who needs Mises?,
Anna B. Faria and John Robert Subrick, in Southern Economic Journal (2023) Downloads

John Bessant, Howard Rush and Anna Trifilova, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (2015)
Keywords: Humanitarian innovation, crisis-driven innovation, reverse innovation

Tax progression and the wage curve,
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco, from University of Tübingen, School of Business and Economics (1998)
Keywords: Wage curve, progressive taxation

Human resources management in the Greek banking sector: a focus on selection methods,
Anna Daskopoulou, Panayiotis Tahinakis and John Mylonakis, in International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (2005)
Keywords: human resource management; HRM; personnel management; employee selection methods; recruitment; training; financial services; banking sector; Greece.

A framework for conceptualising virtual organising,
Anna B. Holm and John Parm Ulhoi, in International Journal of Business and Systems Research (2010)
Keywords: virtual organisations; organisational virtualisation; virtually organised business activities; virtual teams; web based teams; online teams; ambiguity; inconsistency; organisational design; strategic tools; location-based activities; time-dependent activities; time-independent organisations; space-independent organisations; electronic knowledge sharing; collaboration; decision making.

Identification of a Novel Luminal Molecular Subtype of Breast Cancer,
Anna Dvorkin-Gheva and John A Hassell, in PLOS ONE (2014) Downloads

Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management,
Louise Todd, Anna Leask and John Ensor, in Tourism Management (2017)
Keywords: Stakeholders; Multiple roles; Hallmark event tourism; Lived experience;

M-type smoothing spline ANOVA for correlated data,
Anna Liu, Li Qin and John Staudenmayer, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2010)
Keywords: Correlated data Longitudinal data Nonparametric regression Resistant smoothing parameter Robust

Risk preferences after a typhoon: An artefactual field experiment with fishers in the Philippines,
Anna Lou Abatayo and John Lynham, in Journal of Economic Psychology (2020)
Keywords: Natural disasters; Risk preferences; Artefactual field experiment; Fishers;

Endogenous vs. exogenous regulations in the commons,
Anna Lou Abatayo and John Lynham, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2016)
Keywords: Resource management; Endogenous rule-making; External regulations; Crowding out;

Resource booms and group punishment in a coupled social-ecological system,
Anna Lou Abatayo and John Lynham, in Ecological Economics (2023)
Keywords: Resource curse; Common pool resources; Social ostracism;

The effectiveness of English secondary schools for pupils of different ability levels,
Lorraine Dearden, John Micklewright and Anna Vignoles, from Quantitative Social Science - UCL Social Research Institute, University College London (2011)
Keywords: school effectiveness, school choice, value added, England

University access for disadvantaged children: A comparison across English speaking countries,
John Jerrim, Anna Vignoles and Ross Finnie, from Quantitative Social Science - UCL Social Research Institute, University College London (2012)
Keywords: : University access, educational inequality, social mobility, PISA.

The Effectiveness of English Secondary Schools for Pupils of Different Ability Levels,
Lorraine Dearden, John Micklewright and Anna Vignoles, in Fiscal Studies (2011) Downloads

Tax reform and employment in Europe,
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco, from University of Tübingen, School of Business and Economics (1998) Downloads

An entrepreneurial model of economic and environmental co-evolution,
Jason Potts, John Foster and Anna Straton, in Ecological Economics (2010)
Keywords: Economic evolution Entrepreneurship Sustainable economic growth

‘Looking for Something that Isn’t There’: A Case Study of an Early Attempt at ESG Integration in Investment Decision Making,
Anna Young-Ferris and John Roberts, in European Accounting Review (2023) Downloads

Evaluating the role of behavioral factors and practical constraints in the performance of an agent-based model of farmer decision making,
Anna Malawska and Christopher John Topping, in Agricultural Systems (2016)
Keywords: Agricultural ABM; ALMaSS; Bounded rationality; Farm-level model; Farm management simulation; Spatially-explicit ABM;

Structures and Stratagems: Making Decentralization of Authority over Land in Africa Cost-Effective,
John W. Bruce and Anna Knox, in World Development (2009)
Keywords: decentralization land tenure property rights land administration Africa

‘To invite disappointment or worse’: governance, audit and due diligence in the Ferranti–ISC merger,
Mark Billings, Anna Tilba and John Wilson, in Business History (2016) Downloads

An entrepreneurial model of economic and environmental co-evolution,
Jason Potts, John Foster and Anna Straton, from University of Queensland, School of Economics (2010) Downloads

In Search of a Common Shipping Policy for the E.C,
Anna E. Bredimas and John G. Tzoannos, in Journal of Common Market Studies (1981) Downloads

Mixture models of choice under risk,
Anna Conte, John Hey and Peter Moffatt, in Journal of Econometrics (2011)
Keywords: Expected utility theory Maximum simulated likelihood Mixture models Rank dependent expected utility theory Heterogeneity

The experiment in macroeconometrics,
John Aldrich and Anna Staszewska-Bystrova, in Journal of Economic Methodology (2007)
Keywords: experiment, impulse response analysis, ceteris paribus , structural invariance,

Incentive regulation, service quality, and standards in U.S. electricity distribution,
Anna Ter-Martirosyan and John Kwoka, in Journal of Regulatory Economics (2010)
Keywords: Incentive regulation, Service quality, Electric power, Cost incentives, L94, L98, L5,

International Comparisons of Australia's Infrastructure Performance,
Denis Lawrence, John Houghton and Anna George, in Journal of Productivity Analysis (1997)
Keywords: international benchmarking, infrastructure, price, productivity,

The descriptive and predictive adequacy of theories of decision making under uncertainty/ambiguity,
John Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti, in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2010)
Keywords: Ambiguity, Bingo blower, Choquet expected utility, Decision field theory, Decision making, (Subjective) expected utility, (Gilboa and Schmeidler) MaxMin EU, (Gilboa and Schmeidler) MaxMax EU, (Ghirardato) alpha model, MaxMin, MaxMax, Minimum regret, Prospect theory, Uncertainty, D81, C91,

The economic impact of universities: evidence from across the globe,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2016)
Keywords: universities; growth; human capital; innovation

The economic impact of universities: evidence from across the globe,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2018)
Keywords: universities; growth; human capital; innovation

How universities boost economic growth,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2016)
Keywords: universities, growth, human capital, innovation

The economic impact of universities: evidence from across the globe,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2016)
Keywords: universities, growth, human capital, innovation

The UK economy: policies for investment and productivity growth,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2019)
Keywords: productivity, Brexit, low investment, earnings

Growth and productivity,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2024)
Keywords: Election2024, Productivity, UK Economy, Green Growth, growth

The Economic Impact of Universities: Evidence from Across the Globe,
John van Reenen and Anna Valero, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2016)
Keywords: Universities; Growth; Human capital; Innovation

The economic impact of universities: Evidence from across the globe,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, in Economics of Education Review (2019)
Keywords: Universities; Growth; Human capital; Innovation;

Market access implications of non‐tariff measures: Estimates for four developed country markets,
Mike Webb, John Gibson and Anna Strutt, in The World Economy (2019) Downloads

The impact of diseases on international beef trade: Market switching and persistent effects,
Mike Webb, John Gibson and Anna Strutt, in Food Policy (2018)
Keywords: Beef; Biosecurity; BSE; FMD; Food safety, Gravity model; International trade;

Moving from Adaptive to Transformative Capacity: Building Foundations for Inclusive, Thriving, and Regenerative Urban Settlements,
Gina Ziervogel, Anna Cowen and John Ziniades, in Sustainability (2016)
Keywords: transformative capacity; adaptive capacity; agency; social cohesion; thrivability; South Africa

Social choice with independent subgroup utility scales,
John Weymark and Anna B. Khmelnitskaya, in Social Choice and Welfare (2000) Downloads

First principles study on the structural, electronic, magnetic and thermoelectric properties of CoX′NbGa (X′ = Cr, Mn, Fe) quaternary Heusler alloys,
Namitha Anna Koshi and Rita John, in The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems (2019)
Keywords: Computational Methods

Quality risk prediction at a non-sampling station machine in a multi-product, multi-stage, parallel processing manufacturing system subjected to sequence disorder and multiple stream effects,
Anna Rotondo, Paul Young and John Geraghty, in Annals of Operations Research (2013)
Keywords: Quality control, Sampling plan, Quality risk, Sequence-disorder effect, Multiple-stream effect, Multi-product, Multi-stage parallel manufacturing systems, Non-sampling stations,

The Economic Impact of Universities: Evidence from Across the Globe,
Anna Valero and John van Reenen, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2016) Downloads

Exploring Factors That Influence Perceptions of Using Genomics for Emission Reductions in Beef Cattle,
Anna Kessler, Ellen Goddard and John Parkins, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

The Determinants of Decision Time,
Anna Conte, John Hey and Ivan Soraperra, from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (2014)
Keywords: decision time, choice under uncertainty, censored regression

Education Finance Reform in New York: Calculating the Cost of a 'Sound Basic Education' in New York City,
William Duncombe, Anna Lukemeyer and John Yinger, from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University (2004) Downloads

The Importance of Biosecurity: How Diseases Can Affect International Beef Trade,
Mike Webb, John Gibson and Anna Strutt, from University of Waikato (2017)
Keywords: beef; biosecurity; BSE; FMD; food safety; gravity model; international trade

The experiment in macroeconometrics,
John Aldrich and Anna Staszewska-Bystrova, from Department of Applied Econometrics, Warsaw School of Economics (2006)
Keywords: experiment, impulse response analysis, ceteris paribus, structural invariance

Mixture models of choice under risk,
Anna Conte, John Hey and Peter Moffatt, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2018)
Keywords: Experimental Economics, Risk, Ambiguity, Markets, Auctions, Bargaining, Econometrics, Methodology,

The descriptive and predictive adequacy of theories of decision making under uncertainty/ambiguity,
John Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2018)
Keywords: Experimental Economics, Risk, Ambiguity, Markets, Auctions, Bargaining, Econometrics, Methodology,

Mixture Models of Choice Under Risk,
Anna Conte, John Hey and Peter Moffatt, from Department of Economics, University of York (2007)
Keywords: errors, expected utility theory, experimental economics, maximum simulated likelihood, mixture models, preference functionals, risky choice, rank dependent expected utility theory, unobserved heterogeneity

Choquet OK?,
John Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti, from Department of Economics, University of York (2007)
Keywords: Ambiguity, Subjective Expected Utility, Prospect Theory, Choquet Expected Utility, Decision Making, Maximin, Maximax, Minimum Regret, Bingo Blower

The Descriptive and Predictive Adequacy of Theories of Decision Making Under Uncertainty/Ambiguity,
John Hey, Gianna Lotito and Anna Maffioletti, from Department of Economics, University of York (2008)
Keywords: Ambiguity, Bingo Blower, Choquet Expected Utility, Decision Field Theory, Decision Making, Expected Utility, Hurwicz Criterion, (Gilboa and Schmeidler) MaxMin EU, (Gilboa and Schmeidler) MaxMax EU, (Ghirardato) Alpha-Model, MaxMin, MaxMax, Minimum Regret, Prospect Theory, Uncertainty.

Tax Progression and the Wage curve,
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco, from Department of Economics, University of York Downloads

Can Tax Progression Raise Employment? A Study of Four European Countries,
John P. Hutton and Anna Ruocco, from Department of Economics, University of York Downloads

Samspel för stabilitet – en ESO-rapport om rollfördelningen mellan finans- och penningpolitik,
Lars Calmfors, John Hassler and Anna Seim, from Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig ekonomi (Expert Group on Public Economics) (2022)
Keywords: Budget; Finansiella kriser; Stabiliseringspolitik;

Stability in the Balance – a Report on the Roles of Fiscal and Monetary Policy to the Expert Group on Public Economics,
Lars Calmfors, John Hassler and Anna Seim, from Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig ekonomi (Expert Group on Public Economics) (2023)
Keywords: Budget; Finansiella kriser; Stabiliseringspolitik; Financial crises; Stabilization policy;

A continuous updating weighted least squares estimator of tail dependence in high dimensions,
John Einmahl, Anna Kiriliouk and Johan Segers, from Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA) (2018)

A continuous updating weighted least squares estimator of tail dependence in high dimensions,
John Einmahl, Anna Kiriliouk and Johan Segers, from Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA) (2016)

Evaluation of E-Service Quality in the Hotel Sector: A Systematic Literature Review,
Anna Kourtesopoulou, John Kehagias and Alkistis Papaioannou, from Springer (2018)
Keywords: E-services, Quality, Hotels, Evaluation, Quality determinants, Website

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