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12320 documents matched the search for Meller, Barbara in authors.
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The two-sided effect of financial globalization on output volatility,
Barbara Meller, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2011)
Keywords: output volatility, financial openness, financial risk

The two-sided effect of financial globalization on output volatility,
Barbara Meller, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2013)
Keywords: Output volatility, Financial openness, Financial risk, E32, F36, F41,

Know your (holding) limits: CBDC, financial stability and central bank reliance,
Barbara Meller and Oscar Soons, from European Central Bank (2023)
Keywords: digital currency, financial intermediation, financial stability, liquidity risk

The synchronization of credit cycles,
Barbara Meller and Norbert Metiu, in Journal of Banking & Finance (2017)
Keywords: Clustering; Credit booms; Credit cycles; Synchronization;

Detecting multiple breaks in long memory: The case of US inflation,
Uwe Hassler and Barbara Meller, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2011)
Keywords: Fractional integration, break in persistence, unknown break point, inflation dynamics

The impact of the European Monetary Union on inflation persistence in the euro area,
Barbara Meller and Dieter Nautz, from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics (2009)
Keywords: Monetary Policy Effectiveness and Inflation Persistence, Panel Test for Fractional Integration, Change in Inflation Persistence

The impact of the European Monetary Union on inflation persistence in the Euro area,
Barbara Meller and Dieter Nautz, from Humboldt University Berlin, Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk (2009)
Keywords: Monetary policy effectiveness and inflation persistence, panel test for fractional integration, change in inflation persistence

Inflation persistence in the Euro area before and after the European Monetary Union,
Barbara Meller and Dieter Nautz, in Economic Modelling (2012)
Keywords: Monetary policy effectiveness and inflation persistence; Panel test for fractional integration; Change in inflation persistence;

Detecting multiple breaks in long memory the case of U.S. inflation,
Uwe Hassler and Barbara Meller, in Empirical Economics (2014)
Keywords: Fractional integration, Break in persistence, Unknown break point, Inflation dynamics, C22, E31,

The synchronization of European credit cycles,
Barbara Meller and Norbert Metiu, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2015)
Keywords: Business cycles, Credit booms, Financial cycles, Financial integration, Synchronization

Know your (holding) limits: CBDC, financial stability and central bank reliance,
Barbara Meller and Oscar Soons, from DNB (2023)
Keywords: digital currency; financial intermediation; financial stability; liquidity risk

Using large exposure data to gauge the systemic importance of SSM significant institutions,
Giovanni Covi, Christoffer Kok and Barbara Meller, in Macroprudential Bulletin (2018)
Keywords: contagion, interconnectedness, macroprudential policy, systemic risk

The credit quality channel: Modeling contagion in the interbank market,
Kilian Fink, Ulrich Krüger, Barbara Meller and Lui-Hsian Wong, in Journal of Financial Stability (2016)
Keywords: Contagion; Systemic risk; Macroprudential policy; Policy evaluation; Interconnectedness;

The credit quality channel: Modeling contagion in the interbank market,
Kilian Fink, Ulrich Krüger, Barbara Meller and Lui-Hsian Wong, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2015)
Keywords: contagion, systemic risk, macroprudential policy, policy evaluation, interconnectedness

How useful is market information for the identification of G-SIBs?,
Pascal Busch, Giuseppe Cappelletti, Vlad Marincas, Barbara Meller and Nadya Wildmann, from European Central Bank (2021)
Keywords: bank regulation, global systemically important banks, systemic risk measures

Enhanced Model Formulations for Optimal Facility Layout,
Hanif D. Sherali, Barbara M. P. Fraticelli and Russell D. Meller, in Operations Research (2003)
Keywords: Facilities/equipment planning, layout: MIP model for the rectangular facility layout problem, Programming, integer, cutting plane/facet: valid inequalities and disjunctive representations

La Medición en Entropía como Indicador del Grado de Concentración Industrial en Chile: Años 1937, 1957, 1967,
Patricio Meller, in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía (1973) Downloads

Algunas críticas a la metodología de la ciencia económica,
Patricio Meller, in Estudios de Economia (1978) Downloads

Las empresas transnacionales y los países en desarrollo: aspectos económicos,
Patricio Meller, in Estudios de Economia (1980) Downloads

Apreciaciones globales y específicas en torno del Plan Cruzado,
Patricio Meller, in El Trimestre Económico (1987)

Zarzadzanie placowka medyczna – optymalizacja dzialan organizacyjnych na przykladzie przychodni przyszpitalnej (Medical Institution Management – Optimization of Organizational Activities: An Example of a Hospital Clinic),
Jolanta Meller, in Research Reports (2019)
Keywords: management principles and functions, management, optimization of organizational processes, remedial processes

Oceania and Beyond: Essays on the Pacific Since 1945. Edited by F. P. King. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976. Pp. xxii + 265 and 6pp. maps. $22.50.),
Norman Meller, in American Political Science Review (1978) Downloads

Problems and Approaches for Solution of an Association Between Fiji/Tonga/Western Samoa and the European Community. By Klaus Billerbeck. (Berlin: German Development Institute, 1974. Pp. 70. DM 5.),
Norman Meller, in American Political Science Review (1977) Downloads

Remuneração e Emprego das Filiais Manufatureiras Norte-Americanas na América Latina,
Patrício Meller, in Revista Brasileira de Economia - RBE (1984) Downloads

Resena sobre el exitoso crecimiento de las exportaciones chilenas,
Patricio Meller, in Coyuntura Económica (1993)
Keywords: Informes de Investigación, Exportaciones, Exportaciones Menores, Subsidios a las Exportaciones, Ventaja Comparativa, Estrategias Comerciales, Reforma Estructural, Coyuntura Económica Latinoamericana

Book Reviews: HARVARD SPODEK, Urban-Rural Integration in Regional Development: A Case Study of Saurashtra, India, 1800-1960, Chicago, University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper 171, 1976,
Helen Meller, in The Indian Economic & Social History Review (1977) Downloads

Energie: ein ganz besonderer Markt,
Eberhard Meller, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (2004) Downloads

Economía política de la apertura comercial chilena,
Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1992) Downloads

A política antiinflacionária chilena da década de 90,
Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1997) Downloads

Revisión de los enfoques teóricos sobre ajuste externo y su relevancia para América Latina,
Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1989) Downloads

Economía política de la apertura comercial chilena,
Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1993) Downloads

Revisión de los enfoques teóricos sobre ajuste externo y su relevancia para América Latina,
Patricio Meller, in Revista CEPAL (1987) Downloads

Criticisms and suggestions on the cross-conditionality of the IMF and the World Bank,
Patricio Meller, in Revista CEPAL (1989) Downloads

Review of the theoretical approaches to external adjustment and their relevance for Latin America,
Patricio Meller, in Revista CEPAL (1987) Downloads

En torno a la doble condicionalidad del FMI y del Banco Mundial,
Patricio Meller, in Revista CEPAL (1989) Downloads

A. L. EPSTEIN. Matupit: Land, Politics, and Change among the Tolai of New Britain. Pp. xiii, 335. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. $8.75,
Norman Meller, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1970) Downloads

Income distribution, structure of economy and employment: Felix Paukert, Jiri Skolka and Jef Maton, (International Labour Office, Croom Helm, Ltd., London, 1981) pp. 169, [UK pound]12.95,
Patricio Meller, in Journal of Development Economics (1983) Downloads

A review of Chilean privatization experience,
Patricio Meller, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (1993) Downloads

Two-sided moment estimates for a class of nonnegative chaoses,
Rafał Meller, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2016)
Keywords: Polynomial chaoses; Tail and moment estimates; Logarithmically concave tails;

Adjustment and social costs in Chile during the 1980s,
Patricio Meller, in World Development (1991) Downloads

A review of the crisis in economics (Keynesianism versus monetarism),
Patrício Meller, in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (1987)
Keywords: Keynesianism, monetarism, history of economic thought, economic methodology

Enfoques sobre demanda de trabalho: relevância para a América Latina,
Patrício Meller, in Revista Brasileira de Economia - RBE (1980) Downloads

La Teoría de la Firma Competitiva en Distintos Contextos Institucionales,
Patricio Meller, in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía (1972) Downloads

The Routledge handbook of planning history,
Helen Meller, in Planning Perspectives (2018) Downloads

Nachtrag: Mehr Wettbewerb auf dem Energiemarkt durch die Einrichtung einer Regulierungsbehörde?,
Eberhard Meller, in ifo Schnelldienst (2003)
Keywords: Energiemarkt, Elektrizität, Regulierung, Aufsichtsbehörde, Wettbewerb, Deutschland

EG-Binnenmarkt und Umweltschutz aus der Sicht der Industrie,
Eberhard Meller, in ifo Schnelldienst (1990)
Keywords: Umweltschutz, Industrie, Umweltpolitik, EU-Binnenmarkt

Centralization in Hawaii: Retrospect and Prospect1,
Norman Meller, in American Political Science Review (1958) Downloads

The politics of the poor: the east end of London 1885–1914,
Helen Meller, in Economic History Review (2005) Downloads

The Pattern of Industrial Concentration in Latin America,
Patricio Meller, in Journal of Industrial Economics (1978) Downloads

From unilateral liberalization to regional free trade agreements: a Latin America perspective,
Patricio Meller, in Economic Change and Restructuring (2009)
Keywords: Latin America, Import liberalization, Free trade agreements,

Incentives in R&D markets: Analysing the relation between the elasticities of patent values and the optimality of patent policy,
Leandro Meller, from Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (2023) Downloads

Vorteile aus dem kreditgenossenschaftlichen Geschäftsmodell bei der Einhaltung von Liquiditätsvorschriften (MaRisk),
Meller Florian, in Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (2011) Downloads

Production Functions for Industrial Establishments of Different Sizes: The Chilean Case,
Patricio Meller, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1975) Downloads

Efficiency Frontiers for Industrial Establishments of Different Sizes,
Patricio Meller, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1976) Downloads

Pobreza y distribución del ingreso en Chile (década del 90),
Patricio Meller, from Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile (2000) Downloads

El modelo económico y la cuestión social,
Patricio Meller, from Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile (2000) Downloads

Beneficios y costos de la globalización: perspectiva de un país pequeño (Chile),
Patricio Meller, from Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile (2001) Downloads

El cobre chileno y la política minera,
Patricio Meller, from Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile (2002) Downloads

A Developing Country View on Liberalization of Tariff and Trade Barriers,
Patricio Meller, from Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile Downloads

La Medición de Entropía como Indicador del Grado de Concentración Industrial en Chile 1937-1957-1967,
Patricio Meller, from Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Downloads

Indicadores Económico-Descriptivos de los Establecimientos Industriales Chilenos: Año 1967,
Patricio Meller, from Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Downloads

Patent Length and Breadth as Policy Instruments: A Systematic Review of Recent Contributions to the Theory of Optimal Patent Design,
Leandro Meller, from Red Nacional de Investigadores en Economía (RedNIE) (2022) Downloads

The Unidad Popular and the Pinochet Dictatorship,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (2000)

The Road to Socialism of the Unidad Popular,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (2000)
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Real Wage, Presidential Election, Structural Reform, Black Market

The Economic Model of the Military Dictatorship,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (2000)
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy, Current Account, Real Exchange Rate, Real Wage

A Tentative Synthesis,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (2000)
Keywords: Latin American Country, Structural Reform, Nominal Exchange Rate, Social Spending, Military Regime

The Roles of International Financial Institutions: A Latin American Reassessment,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (1996)
Keywords: Government Expenditure, Latin American Country, Exchange Rate Regime, Adjustment Programme, Fiscal Deficit

Effects of the Current Global Economic System on LDCs: A Latin American Perspective,
Patricio Meller, from Palgrave Macmillan (1997)
Keywords: Latin American Country, Capital Mobility, Capital Inflow, Exchange Rate Volatility, Current Account Deficit

La Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) de Chile: modelo y buenas prácticas para promover la sostenibilidad de la minería pequeña y artesanal en la región andina,
Ariel Meller and Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (2021) Downloads

Digital euro safeguards – protecting financial stability and liquidity in the banking sector,
Claudia Lambert, Barbara Meller, Cosimo Pancaro, Antonella Pellicani, Petya Radulova, Oscar Soons and Anton van der Kraaij, from European Central Bank (2024)
Keywords: bank intermediation, CBDC, digital euro, financial stability risks

Book Reviews: NARAYANI GUPTA, Delhi Between Two Empires 1803-1931: Society, Government and Urban Growth, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 260 illus, Rs. 90,
Helen E. Meller, in The Indian Economic & Social History Review (1982) Downloads

The impact of multiple stocking points on system profitability,
Russell D. Meller, in International Journal of Production Economics (1995) Downloads

Das Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz (KapMuG) … Eine Zwischenbilanz,
Meller-Hannich Caroline, in Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB) / Journal of Banking Law and Banking (JBB) (2011) Downloads

Registered author: Leandro Matías Meller

La Experiencia Socialista-Populista Chilena: La Unidad Popular, 1970-1973,
Felipe Larraín and Patricio Meller, in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía (1990) Downloads

¿Son siempre las universidades la mejor opción para un título profesional? Evidencia chilena,
Patricio Meller and David Rappoport, in El Trimestre Económico (2008)
Keywords: educación superior, institutos profesionales, ingresos

The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Social Workers' Relationships with Clients,
Y. Meller and D. Macarov, in International Journal of Manpower (1987) Downloads

Saving Lives: Evidence from a Conditional Food Supplementation Program,
Marian Meller and Stephan Litschig, in Journal of Human Resources (2014) Downloads

Adapting the Supply of Education to the Needs of Girls: Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Rural India,
Marian Meller and Stephan Litschig, in Journal of Human Resources (2016) Downloads

Apertura comercial y diferencial salarial en Chile,
Patricio Meller and Andrea Tokman, in Coyuntura Económica (1996)
Keywords: Informes de Investigación, Apertura Comercial, Salarios, Comercio, Industria, Reforma Estructural, Apertura Económica, Empleo, Chile

Total content of macroelements and trace elements in Holocene calcareous gyttja from the post-bog area of north-western Poland,
Grzegorz Jarnuszewski and Edward Meller, in Soil and Water Research (2019)
Keywords: calcareous (gyttja) deposits, chemical composition of major and trace elements, pedogenetic processes

Reactivación inerna ante una severa restricción externa: análisis de distintas política económicas,
Patricio Meller and Andrés Solimano, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1985) Downloads

Evaluation of a Chile-US Free Trade Agreement,
Andrea Butelmann and Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1995) Downloads

Evaluación de un ALC entre EEUU y Chile,
Andrea Butelmann and Patricio Meller, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1995) Downloads

A simple macro model for a small open economy facing a binding external constraint (Chile),
Patricio Meller and Andres Solimano, in Journal of Development Economics (1987) Downloads

strategias de comercio exterior y su impacto sobre el empleo: Chile en la década del 60,
Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Meller, in Estudios de Economia (1979)
Keywords: Esquema analítico, factores productivos (trabajo, capital).

La sustitución de trabajo, capital humano y capital físico en la industria manufacturera chilena,
Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Meller, in Estudios de Economia (1979)
Keywords: Funciones de producción.

Trade and Employment: Chile in the 1960's,
Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Meller, in American Economic Review (1979) Downloads

The translog production function: Some evidence from establishment data,
Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Meller, in Journal of Econometrics (1979) Downloads

An analytical model for A-frame system design,
Jennifer Pazour and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2011) Downloads

Incorporating vertical travel into non-traditional cross aisles for unit-load warehouse designs,
Kirby Clark and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2013) Downloads

Erratum for “A sequence-pair representation and MIP-model-based heuristic for the facility layout problem with rectangular departments”,
Qi Liu and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2009) Downloads

A note on worker blocking in narrow-aisle order picking systems when pick time is non-deterministic,
Pratik Parikh and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2010) Downloads

Estimating picker blocking in wide-aisle order picking systems,
Pratik Parikh and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2009) Downloads

Aisle configurations for unit-load warehouses,
Kevin Gue and Russell Meller, in IISE Transactions (2009) Downloads

Report on ‘Planning History Workshop’ held at TU Delft, June 11--13, 2015,
Helen Meller and Carola Hein, in Planning Perspectives (2016) Downloads

Tätigkeitsbezogene Begeisterung in der Erwerbsarbeit: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Exploration,
Meller Simone and Ducki Antje, in Arbeit (2002)
Keywords: Arbeitszufriedenheit, Begeisterung, Emotionen in der Arbeit, Selbstverwirklichung in der Arbeit, Sinnerleben

A multiple-drawer medication layout problem in automated dispensing cabinets,
Jennifer Pazour and Russell Meller, in Health Care Management Science (2012)
Keywords: Pharmaceutical, Quadratic assignment problem, Patient safety, ADCs,

US multinationals and Latin American manufacturing employment absorption,
Patricio Meller and Alejandra Mizala, in World Development (1982) Downloads

Alternative Trade Strategies and Employment Implications: Chile,
Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Meller, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1980) Downloads

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