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117643 documents matched the search for Menard, R. Jamey in authors.
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Tennessee Agri-industry Brief: Tennessee County-level Producers' Average Age,
Jamey Menard, from University of Tennessee, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2024)
Keywords: Farm Management, Labor and Human Capital

Tennessee Agri-industry Brief: Southern States County-level Producers' Average Age,
Jamey Menard, from University of Tennessee, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2024)
Keywords: Farm Management, Labor and Human Capital

Registered author: Robert Jamey Menard

Economic Impact of Tennessee Forest Product Exports in 2022,
Andrew Muhammad, R. Jamey Menard, David Hughes, Harrison Clark and Adam Taylor, from University of Tennessee, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2023)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Estimated Economic Impacts of the 2019 Midwest Floods,
Burton English, S. Aaron Smith, R. Jamey Menard, David Hughes and Michael Gunderson, in Economics of Disasters and Climate Change (2021)
Keywords: 2019 Midwestern floods, Input manufacturers, Prevented plantings, Economic impacts, Input-output

Expanding the Role of Biofuels in America's Energy Portfolio: Analysis of the 25x'25 Vision,
Daniel De La Torre Ugarte, Burton English, Kim L. Jensen, Chad M. Hellwinckel and R. Jamey Menard, from Farm Foundation (2007)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Estimate of Economic Impacts for Tourist Attraction Improvements for Big Ridge State Park,
Burton English, Jamey Menard, David Hughes and Kimberly L. Jensen, from University of Tennessee, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2021)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Land Economics/Use

Estimated Economic Contributions From the Nursery/Greenhouse Industry in Tennessee,
Kimberly L. Jensen, Burton English, Jamey Menard, Susan Schexnayder, Jared Bruhin and Amy Fulcher, from University of Tennessee, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2020)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries

Economic Impacts from an On-Farm Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Event in Tennessee,
Jamey Menard, Jada Thompson, Burton English, David Hughes, Andrew P. Griffith, Aaron Smith and Kimberly Jensen, in The Review of Regional Studies (2020)
Keywords: multipliers, economic impacts, poultry, implan, vian influenza

Traders, Planters, and Slaves: Market Behavior in Early English America. By David W. Galenson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. xiv + 230 pp. Maps, illustrations, charts, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $34.50,
Russell R. Menard, in Business History Review (1987) Downloads

Comment on Paper by Ball and Walton,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1976) Downloads

The Economic Rise of Early America. By Gary M. Walton and James F. Shepherd. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. x, 226. $19.95 cloth, $4.95 paper,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1979) Downloads

United States and Canada - Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modern Era. Edited by Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984. Pp. ix, 508. $28.50 cloth; $14.95 paper,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1987) Downloads

British Capitalism and Caribbean Slavery: The Legacy of Eric Williams. Edited by Barbara L. Solow and Stanley L. Engerman. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. x, 345. $29.95,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1990) Downloads

United States,
Russell R. Menard, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1997) Downloads

The growth of population in the Chesapeake colonies: A comment,
Russell R. Menard, in Explorations in Economic History (1981) Downloads

In Pursuit of Profit: The Annapolis Merchants in the Era of the American Revolution, 1763–1805. By Edward C. Papenfuse. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Pp. xvi + 288. $12.00,
Russell R. Menard, in Business History Review (1976) Downloads

Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 1718–1775. By A. Roger Ekirch. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. xvii + 277 pp. Maps, illustrations, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00,
Russell R. Menard, in Business History Review (1988) Downloads

Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650–1720. By Gloria L. Main. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1982. Pp. xv, 326,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1984) Downloads

The Atlantic World and Virginia, 1550–1624. Edited by Peter C. Mancall. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. Pp. vi, 596, $65, cloth; $27.50, paper,
Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (2008) Downloads

Optimal N Application Rates on Switchgrass for Producers and a Biorefinery,
Keven Alan Robertson, Burton English, Christopher Clark, Jada Thompson, Kimberly L. Jensen, Robert Jamey Menard and Nicole Labbé, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: switchgrass; ash content; optimal nitrogen; farmer; biorefinery

Biotechnology, Sound Science, and the Foreign Agricultural Service: A Case Study in Neoliberal Rollout,
Jamey Essex, in Environment and Planning C (2008) Downloads

A review of The End of Development: A Global History of Poverty and Prosperity. By Andrew Brooks,
Jamey Essex, in Economic Geography (2018) Downloads

International development institutions and the challenges of urbanisation: the case of Jakarta,
Jamey Essex, in Development in Practice (2016) Downloads

Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: An Introduction to the Global South – By Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine,
Jamey Essex, in Growth and Change (2010) Downloads

Sustainability, Food Security, and Development Aid after the Food Crisis: Assessing Aid Strategies across Donor Contexts,
Jamey Essex, in Sustainability (2010)
Keywords: sustainability; development; food aid; global food crisis

Land, Labor, and Economies of Scale in Early Maryland: Some Limits to Growth in the Chesapeake System of Husbandry,
Lois Green Carr and Russell R. Menard, in The Journal of Economic History (1989) Downloads

The Effectiveness of Alternative Water Governance Arrangements,
Claude Menard and R. Maria Saleth, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Institutions,governance,water sector,efficiency,organization

The Effectiveness of Alternative Water Governance Arrangements,
Claude Menard and R. Maria Saleth, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Institutions,governance,water sector,efficiency,organization

Jamey M. Lowdermilk, Scott R. Templeton, Privette, Charles V., and John C. Hayes, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Enhancing reproducibility of gene expression analysis with known protein functional relationships: The concept of well-associated protein,
Joël R Pradines, Victor Farutin, Nicholas A Cilfone, Abouzar Ghavami, Elma Kurtagic, Jamey Guess, Anthony M Manning and Ishan Capila, in PLOS Computational Biology (2020) Downloads

Exploring the Changing Faces of Housing Development and Demand in California: Millennials, Casitas, and Reducing VMT,
Jamey M B Volker, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2020)
Keywords: Arts and Humanities, vehicle miles traveled, housing, environmental review, accessory dwelling units, planning

Private Sector Metrics Contributions to Social Change: Customer Satisfaction Meets Agriculture Development,
David Bonbright and Jamey Power, in IDS Bulletin (2010) Downloads

Increasing Highway Capacity Induces More Auto Travel,
Jamey Volker and Susan Handy, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2023)
Keywords: Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Calculators, Traffic forecasting, Travel demand, Vehicle miles of travel

Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Only the Beginning: A Literature Review of the Co-Benefits of Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled,
Kevin Fang and Jamey Volker, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2017)
Keywords: Engineering, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Benefit cost analysis, Environmental impacts, Exhaust gases, Greenhouse gases, Literature reviews, Pollution, Public health, Travel demand management, Vehicle miles of travel

Updating the Induced Travel Calculator,
Jamey Volker and Susan Handy, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2023)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Calculators, Traffic forecasting, Travel demand, Vehicle miles of travel

Single-Family Neighborhoods in Sacramento Have Sufficient Parking to Accommodate Accessory Dwelling Units,
Jamey Volker and Calvin Thigpen, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2022)
Keywords: Engineering, Parking, Garage, Accessory Dwelling Units, Single-Family Home

A musculoskeletal modelling approach of the assessment of the risk of hamstring injuries in professional soccer players: a pilot study,
M. Ménard, A. Sorel, R. Boumpoutou, H.a Kerhervé, R. Kulpa and B. Bideau, in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (2019) Downloads

Hybrids: where are we?,
Claude Ménard, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Contracts,decision rights,governance,hybrids,legal regime,organization,property rights

Market Transparency in Food Supply Chain: Goals, Means, Limits,
Claude Ménard, from HAL (2018) Downloads

Disentangling institutions: a challenge,
Claude Ménard, from HAL (2022) Downloads

Registered author: Boris Ménard

Embedding organizational arrangements: towards a general model,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: cost,institution,transaction costs,Organizations

About some distortions in the interpretation of 'The Problem of Social Cost',
Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Transaction costs,property rights,organization,environmental policies

Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Organization Theories

El reto economico de abrir la caja negra de la toma de decisiones politicas,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Democracy, Political Transction costs, public policies

Ronald H. Coase and the Economics of Network Infrastructures,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Transaction costs, infrastructures, networks, institutions, meso-institutions

Research frontiers of new institutional economics,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: New institutional economomics,Organization theory,Institutional analysis

Will emerging local supply chains be resilient?,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2020) Downloads

A New Institutional Perspective on Environmental Issues,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Organizations,Institutions,Property Rights,Contracts,Regulation,Transaction Costs,Water

Is Public-Private Partnership Obsolete? Assessing the Obstacles and Shortcomings of PPP,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Public-Private Partnership,transaction costs,organization,infrastructures,misalignment

Oliver E. Williamson: Des organisations aux institutions,
Claude Menard, in Revue d'économie politique (2010) Downloads

Comportement rationnel et coopération: le dilemme organisationnel,
Claude Menard, in Cahiers d'Économie Politique (1994) Downloads

Une nouvelle approche de l'agro-alimentaire: l'économie néo-institutionnelle,
Claude Menard, in Économie rurale (2000) Downloads

Hutchison (T. W.) - On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge,
Claude Menard, in Revue Économique (1981) Downloads

Le pilotage des formes organisationnelles hybrides,
Claude Menard, in Revue Économique (1997) Downloads

Enjeux d'eau: la dimension institutionnelle,
Claude Menard, in Revue Tiers Monde (2001) Downloads

Plural Forms of Organization: Where Do We Stand?,
Claude Menard, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2013)

Claude Menard, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1) (1989)
Keywords: cooperatives ; economic systems

Embedding organizational arrangements: towards a general model,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: cost,institution,transaction costs,Organizations

About some distortions in the interpretation of 'The Problem of Social Cost',
Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Transaction costs,property rights,organization,environmental policies

Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Organization Theories

El reto economico de abrir la caja negra de la toma de decisiones politicas,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Democracy, Political Transction costs, public policies

Ronald H. Coase and the Economics of Network Infrastructures,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Transaction costs, infrastructures, networks, institutions, meso-institutions

Research frontiers of new institutional economics,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: New institutional economomics,Organization theory,Institutional analysis

Will emerging local supply chains be resilient?,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2020) Downloads

Facing Crises: Economy, Democvracy, and Political Transaction Costs,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Democracy,Economy,Political Transaction Costs Economy

Market Transparency in Food Supply Chain: Goals, Means, Limits,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2018) Downloads

Hybrids: where are we?,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Contracts,decision rights,governance,hybrids,legal regime,organization,property rights

Disentangling institutions: a challenge,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2022) Downloads

Hybrid Organizations,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Hybrid organizations,hierarchies,coordination,rent sharing

A New Institutional Perspective on Environmental Issues,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Organizations,Institutions,Property Rights,Contracts,Regulation,Transaction Costs,Water

Is Public-Private Partnership Obsolete? Assessing the Obstacles and Shortcomings of PPP,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Public-Private Partnership,transaction costs,organization,infrastructures,misalignment

Facing Crises: Economy, Democvracy, and Political Transaction Costs,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Democracy,Economy,Political Transaction Costs Economy

Three Forms of Resistance to Statistics: Say, Cournot, Walras,
Claude Menard, in History of Political Economy (1980)
Keywords: statistics, Leon Walras, Jean-Baptiste Say, Cournot

Hybrid organization of production and distribution,
Claude Menard, in Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review (2006)
Keywords: Hybrid Organizations, Transactions Costs, Modes of Governance, Assets Specificity, Contractual Hazards, Franchising, Subcontracting

The New Institutional Perspective: Concepts, Methods, Results,
Claude Menard, in Cahiers d’économie politique / Papers in Political Economy (2003) Downloads

Please, open the windows!,
Claude Menard, in Journal of Institutional Economics (2020) Downloads

Why do we need a more complex institutional model? A research agenda [Chapter 1],
Claude Menard, from HAL (2020)

Dimensionalizing institutions [chapter 8],
Claude Menard, from HAL (2019)

Regulatory Issues in the Water Sector,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Infrastructures,water,regulation,contracts

On Hybrids, Contracts, and Modes of Organization,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Organbization theory,transaction c osts,hybrid forms

L'approche néo-institutionnelle est-elle une alternative au 'mainstream' ou son extension?,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Néo-institutionalisme,contrats,coûts de transaction,droitsz de propriété

Hybrids Arrangements: An alternative to the organization of transactions",
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Organization theory,transaction costs,agency theory,hybrid organizations

Hybrid Organizations and Competition,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Organizeation theory,competition,competition authorities,hybrid organizations

Governance of Hybrids and Relational Contracts,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: Organization theory,RElational contracts,hybrid organizations

Oliver Williamson's Contribution to Economics,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: Transaction cost,economic theory,organization theory,regulation,competition

Liberalization in the Water Sector: Three leading models,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: Infrastructures,Water,Liberalization,Privatization,Transaction Costs,Organization

Coherence between institutions and organizations: key concepts",
Claude Menard, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: Infrastructures,critical transactions,organizations,institutions,coherence

Water Regulation: the Key Role of Micro-Institutions,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: Regulation,water,transaction costs,micro-institutions,efficiency

Contracts and conflicts: a neo-institutionalist perspective,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Contracts,conflicts,transaction costs,institutions

From intuition to institutionnalization: the emergence of New Institutional Economics,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Institutionalisme,economie des coûts de transaction,histoire d'un concept,naissance d'une prganisation

Transaction Costs and the Economics of Infrastructure,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Transaction Costs Economics,Governance,Infrastructures

Aligning modes of organization with technology: critical transactions in the reform of infrastructures,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Infrastructures,critical transactions,technology,iunstitutions,organizations,coherence

A Critical Evaluation of Public-Private Partnerships,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Risks,Infrastructures,Governance,Water,Regulation,Public-Private Parnership

Is Public-Private Partnership outmoded? Difficulties and Limits,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: public-private partnership,contracts,institutioins,Infrastructures,governance,finance

"Plural Forms of Organization: Where do we Stand"?,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: OPRganization theory,hybrids,transaction costs,property rights,decision rights,micro-institutions

Risks in Urban Water Reform: A Challenge to Public-Private Partnership,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Infrastructures,reforms,regulation,institutions,transaction costs,Risk

A Puzzling Issue in Organization Theory: Plural Forms of Governance for Similar Transactions,
Claude Menard, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: agency theory,trade-off,Organization theory,hybrids,plural forms,transaction costs

Organization and governance in the agrifood sector: How can we capture their variety?,
Claude Ménard, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Economics of Organizations,Economics of Institutions,Economics of Infrastructures,Industrial Organization,Contracts,Governance,Regulation,Agrifood

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