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4085 documents matched the search for Mathias Drton in authors.
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Multiple solutions to the likelihood equations in the Behrens-Fisher problem,
Mathias Drton, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2008) Downloads

Multimodality of the likelihood in the bivariate seemingly unrelated regressions model,
Mathias Drton, in Biometrika (2004)

Model selection for Gaussian concentration graphs,
Mathias Drton, in Biometrika (2004)

Seat excess variances of apportionment methods for proportional representation,
Udo Schwingenschlögl and Mathias Drton, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2006)
Keywords: Divisor methods Quota method of greatest remainders Rounding methods Seat bias

Order-invariant prior specification in Bayesian factor analysis,
Dennis Leung and Mathias Drton, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2016)
Keywords: Exploratory factor analysis; Latent factor model; Permutation invariance;

Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Gaussian Chain Graph Models under the Alternative Markov Property,
Mathias Drton and Michael Eichler, in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2006) Downloads

Generic Identifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models by Ancestor Decomposition,
Mathias Drton and Luca Weihs, in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2016) Downloads

A Bayesian information criterion for singular models,
Mathias Drton and Martyn Plummer, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (2017) Downloads

Confidence in causal inference under structure uncertainty in linear causal models with equal variances,
Strieder David and Drton Mathias, in Journal of Causal Inference (2023)
Keywords: confidence intervals, causal-effects, linear structural equation models, equal error variances, graphical models

Quantifying the failure of bootstrap likelihood ratio tests,
Mathias Drton and Benjamin Williams, in Biometrika (2011) Downloads

Finiteness of small factor analysis models,
Mathias Drton and Han Xiao, in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2010)
Keywords: Algebraic statistics, Graphical model, Multivariate normal distribution, Latent variables,

Asymptotic seat bias formulas,
Mathias Drton and Udo Schwingenschlögl, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2005)
Keywords: Apportionment methods, rounding methods, Webster, Jefferson, Hamilton, Sainte-Laguë, d’Hondt, Hare,

Seat allocation distributions and seat biases of stationary apportionment methods for proportional representation,
Udo Schwingenschlögl and Mathias Drton, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2004)
Keywords: Apportionment methods, rounding methods, Webster, Jefferson, Hamilton, Sainte-Laguë, d’Hondt, Hare,

Distribution-Free Consistent Independence Tests via Center-Outward Ranks and Signs,
Hongjian Shi, Mathias Drton and Fang Han, in Journal of the American Statistical Association (2022) Downloads

Binary models for marginal independence,
Mathias Drton and Thomas S. Richardson, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (2008) Downloads

High-dimensional causal discovery under non-Gaussianity Abstract: Summary We consider graphical models based on a recursive system of linear structural equations. This implies that there is an ordering, $\sigma$, of the variables such that each observed variable $Y_v$ is a linear function of a variable-specific error term and the other observed variables $Y_u$ with $\sigma(u),
Y Samuel Wang and Mathias Drton, in Biometrika (2020)
Keywords: Causal discovery, Directed graphical model, High-dimensional statistics, Non-Gaussian data, Structural equation model

Comments on: Sequences of regressions and their independencies,
Mathias Drton, Chris Fox and Andreas Käufl, in TEST: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (2012) Downloads

Efficient computation of the Bergsma–Dassios sign covariance,
Luca Weihs, Mathias Drton and Dennis Leung, in Computational Statistics (2016)
Keywords: Binary tree, Kendall’s tau, Nonparametric correlation, Spearman’s rho, Rank correlation, Test of independence

Conditional independence models for seemingly unrelated regressions with incomplete data,
Mathias Drton, Steen A. Andersson and Michael D. Perlman, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2006)
Keywords: Acyclic directed graph Graphical model Incomplete data Lattice conditional independence model MANOVA Maximum likelihood estimator Multivariate analysis Missing data Seemingly unrelated regressions

On causal discovery with an equal-variance assumption,
Wenyu Chen, Mathias Drton and Y Samuel Wang, in Biometrika (2019)
Keywords: Causal discovery, Equal variance, Structural equation model

Estimation of a covariance matrix with zeros,
Sanjay Chaudhuri, Mathias Drton and Thomas S. Richardson, in Biometrika (2007) Downloads

Center-Outward Sign- and Rank-Based Quadrant, Spearman, and Kendall Tests for Multivariate Independence,
Marc Hallin, Hongjian Shi, Mathias Drton and Fang Han, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2021)
Keywords: distribution-freeness, vector independence, rank tests, multivariate ranks

Rate-Optimality of Consistent Distribution-Free Tests of Independence Based on Center-Outward Ranks and Signs,
Hongjian Shi, Marc Hallin, Mathias Drton and Fang Han, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2020)
Keywords: Multivariate ranks and signs; Le Cam’s third lemma; Hájek representation; independence test; multivariate dependence measure; center-outward ranks and signs

Semiparametrically Efficient Tests of Multivariate Independence Using Center-Outward Quadrant, Spearman, and Kendall Statistics,
Hongjian Shi, Mathias Drton, Marc Hallin and Fang Han, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2023)
Keywords: Semiparametrically Efficient Tests, Multivariate Independence, Center-Outward Quadrant, Spearman, Kendall Statistics

Determinantal Generalizations of Instrumental Variables,
Weihs Luca, Robinson Bill, Dufresne Emilie, Kenkel Jennifer, Kubjas Reginald McGee II Kaie, Reginald McGee, Nguyen Nhan, Robeva Elina and Drton Mathias, in Journal of Causal Inference (2018)
Keywords: trek separation, half-trek criterion, structural equation models, identifiability,generic identifiability

Symmetric rank covariances: a generalized framework for nonparametric measures of dependence,
L Weihs, M Drton and N Meinshausen, in Biometrika (2018)
Keywords: Dependence, Hoeffding’s D, Independence testing, Kendall’s tau, U-statistic

On the power of Chatterjee’s rank correlation,
H Shi, M Drton and F Han, in Biometrika (2022)
Keywords: Dependence measure, Independence test, Le Cam’s third lemma, Rank correlation, Rate-optimality

Die Mekong-Region - Potenziale und Risiken aus chinesischer Perspektive,
Mathias Haase, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2002)

Les enjeux de la gestion d'actifs en Europe,
Steffen Mathias, in Revue d'Économie Financière (2005) Downloads

Les marchés sans mythes,
Mathias Emmerich, in Revue de l'OFCE (1996) Downloads

Politique industrielle et intégration régionale,
Mathias Sinamenye, in Revue Tiers Monde (1986) Downloads

André Corten (avec la collaboration de Marie-Blanche Tahon), Proletariado y processos de proletarización en República Dominicana,
Mathias Gilberto, in Revue Tiers Monde (1987) Downloads

Neuville Doriac, Esclavage, assimilation et guyanité,
Mathias Gilberto, in Revue Tiers Monde (1987) Downloads

État et salarisation restreinte au Brésil,
Gilberto Mathias, in Revue Tiers Monde (1987) Downloads

Energy and the Industrial Revolution. In memoriam - Carlo M. Cipolla,
Peter Mathias, in Rivista di storia economica (2003) Downloads

Arbeiten im Projekthaus,
Mathias Heiden, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2008) Downloads

Verborgene Konflikte der Krise von Arbeit und Reproduktion,
Mathias Heiden, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2015) Downloads

Winter Wheat in 1963 and 1964 Costs and Returns for 60 farms in the North-West,
K. Mathias, from University of Manchester, School of Economics, Agricultural Economics Department (1967)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Maincrop Potato Production in Lancashire and Shropshire, 1965,
K.L. Mathias, from University of Manchester, School of Economics, Agricultural Economics Department (1967)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Wakulira Mathias, from Collaborative Masters Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics (2009)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Asylum Cooperation among Asymmetric Countries,
Mathias Czaika, in European Union Politics (2009)
Keywords: asylum policy; burden-sharing; transfer payments

Book Review: Using Conflict in Organizations,
T.A. Mathias, in Management and Labour Studies (1999) Downloads

Book Review: Cultural Complexity in Organizations — Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions,
T.A. Mathias, in Management and Labour Studies (1999) Downloads

Book Review: Body Language — A Guide for Professionals,
T.A. Mathias, in Management and Labour Studies (1999) Downloads

Does left-libertarianism have coherent foundations?,
Mathias Risse, in Politics, Philosophy & Economics (2004)
Keywords: equality; left-libertarianism; libertarianism; original appropriation; property; self-ownership

Fairness in trade I: obligations from trading and the Pauper-Labor Argument,
Mathias Risse, in Politics, Philosophy & Economics (2007)
Keywords: the state; World Trade Organization; development; oppression; exploitation

Les réserves spéculatives de pétrole des pays de l’Opep durant la « bataille des quotas »,
Mathias Berthod, in Revue française d'économie (2016) Downloads

‪Christel Coton, Officiers. Des classes en lutte sous l’uniforme ‪. Marseille, Agone, coll. « L’Ordre des choses », 2017,
Mathias Thura, in Travail et Emploi (2018) Downloads

Is Automotive Leasing a Risky Business?,
Mathias Schmit, in Finance (2005) Downloads

Yahya El Yahyaoui (2021), Économie des plateformes numériques: captation de la valeur, pouvoir de marché et communs collaboratifs, L’esprit économique, Paris, L’Harmattan,
Mathias Béjean, in Innovations (2021) Downloads

4. La banalisation de l’alternance dans la vie politique française au début du XXI e siècle: expression d’une maturité démocratique ou rejet de l’offre politique ?,
Mathias Bernard, in Regards croisés sur l'économie (2017) Downloads

Gestion des risques et quiproquos,
Mathias Szpirglas, in Revue française de gestion (2006) Downloads

Commitment and efficiency-inducing tax and subsidy scheme in the development of a clean technology,
Mathias Berthod, from HAL (2020) Downloads

Commitment and efficiency-inducing tax and subsidy scheme in the development of a clean technology,
Mathias Berthod, from CEE-M, Universtiy of Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro (2020) Downloads

Écrire de la fiction pour vivre la théorie des organisations. Le roman dont vous êtes le héros, un dispositif pédagogique innovant,
Mathias Szpirglas, in Revue française de gestion (2022) Downloads

Understanding the trends in income, consumption and wealth inequality and how important are life-cycle effects?,
Mathias Sommer, from Sonderforschungsbreich 504 (2008)
Keywords: inequality , income , consumption , wealth , savings , portfolio choice , bequests

The Natural Resources Industry Depends on Foreign Direct Investment: A Plea for Robust Investment Protection,
Mathias Wolkewitz, in CESifo Forum (2015)
Keywords: Rohstoffwirtschaft, Mineralölwirtschaft, Gaswirtschaft, Auslandsinvestition, Protektionismus

Laws in Physics,
Mathias Frisch, in European Review (2014) Downloads

The Silent Revolution: The Industrial Revolution in England as a Source of Cultural Change. By John W. Osborne. New York, Scribners, 1970. Pp. xi + 232. $7.95,
Peter Mathias, in Business History Review (1971) Downloads

Capital and the Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution. By Seymour Shapiro. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 293. $9.00,
Peter Mathias, in The Journal of Economic History (1969) Downloads

Sustainable Corporate Responsibility - The Foundation of Successful Business in the New Millennium,
Mathias Schüz, in Central European Business Review (2012)
Keywords: Responsibility, structure of responsibility, scope of corporate responsibility, sustainability, corporate responsibility, Triple Corporate Responsibility, Triple Bottom Line, Sustainable Corporate Responsibility (SCR), Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Education for Future Managers and Entrepreneurs,
Mathias Schüz, in Central European Business Review (2012) Downloads

The assessment of students’ creative and critical thinking skills in higher education across OECD countries: A review of policies and related practices,
Mathias Bouckaert, from OECD Publishing (2023) Downloads

Does Political Representation Increase Participation? Evidence from Party Candidate Lotteries in Mexico,
Mathias Poertner, in American Political Science Review (2023) Downloads

Factor productivity in EU agriculture: A microeconometric perspective,
Mathias Kloss, from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Labor and Human Capital, Productivity Analysis

Dilution priors for groups of variables in BMA: An application to the recent financial crisis,
Mathias Moser, from EcoMod (2012)
Keywords: World / Emerging Europe, Macroeconometric modeling, Growth

Registered author: Mathias Brunner

Community rating and choice between traditional health insurance and managed care,
Mathias Kifmann, in Health Economics (1999) Downloads

The free expression of the efficiency potentials of each individual being as the motor of efficient organisational movement,
Mathias Naudin, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: changement,éthique,gestion,management

The need for a philosophically grounded and human-centred ethical questioning for the management of people in organisations,
Mathias Naudin, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: ethics,management,phenomenology,reification,efficiency,grounded theory,critical incident technique,demotivation,éthique,phénoménologie,réification,efficacité,incidents critiques,démotivation

Six intersecting facets of ethics for the use of managers, managers and managed,
Mathias Naudin, from HAL (2012) Downloads

Change management in question,
Mathias Naudin, from HAL (2012) Downloads

Die Verschuldung der Landwirtschaft und die Ermäßigung ihrer Zinslasten in Ungarn,
Matolcsy Mathias, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1934) Downloads

Trade effects of a negative export shock on direct exporters and wholesalers,
Mathias Juust, in Journal of Economic Studies (2022)
Keywords: Trade policy, Export shock, Trade effects

The keys to the kingdom. Overcoming GDPR-concerns to unlock access to platform data for independent researchers,
Mathias Vermeulen, from Center for Open Science (2020) Downloads

Öffentliche Förderung des Sports. Eine ordnungspolitische Analyse,
Mathias Langer, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (2011)
Keywords: Marktversagen im Sport, Ordnungspolitik, Sportförderung

Alternative modelling and inference methods for claim size distributions,
Mathias Raschke, in Annals of Actuarial Science (2020) Downloads

3615 Monique avec Mathias Szpirglas Podcast "Histoire en Séries",
Mathias Szpirglas, from HAL (2021)

Yahya El Yahyaoui (2021), Économie des plateformes numériques: captation de la valeur, pouvoir de marché et communs collaboratifs, L’esprit économique, Paris, L’Harmattan,
Mathias Béjean, from HAL (2021)

Innovation beyond Fiction,
Mathias Béjean, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Innovation,Mathematics,Philosophy,Fiction and essay

Interdisciplinary Perspectives,
Mathias Béjean, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Concept Maturity Levels,Innovation processes,Healthcare

Écrire de la fiction pour vivre la théorie des organisations,
Mathias Szpirglas, from HAL (2022)

Penser le jardinier-créateur: vers une caractérisation d’un projet de conception singulier,
Mathias Béjean, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: projet de conception,jardins artistiques,espace de conception,espace de jugement

Registered author: Mathias Hasler

Multi-level Fusion in Deep Convolutional Networks for Enhanced Image Analysis,
Lea Mathias, from Center for Open Science (2023) Downloads

Internal and international migration as response of double deprivation: some evidence from India,
Mathias Czaika, from Verein für Socialpolitik, Research Committee Development Economics (2011)
Keywords: Relative deprivation, internal and international migration, India

Marketing-Erfolgsfaktoren bei Innovationen: Eine kritische Analyse der Studien von Cooper und Kleinschmidt,
Mathias Rüdiger, from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (1997) Downloads

Compensating wages under different exchange rate regimes,
Mathias Hoffmann, from University of Cologne, Centre for Financial Research (CFR) (2005)
Keywords: Exchange Rate Regimes, Factor Prices, Monetary Policy, Uncertainty

Die private Krankenversicherung in Chile: Vollversicherung oder Zusatzversicherung für ambulante Leistungen?,
Mathias Kifmann, from University of Konstanz, Department of Economics (1997) Downloads

To commit or not to commit: A health insurance monopoly with variable quality and uncertain types of individuals,
Mathias Kifmann, from University of Konstanz, Department of Economics (1997)
Keywords: health insurance, premium risk, unverifiable quality, commitment

Risk Selection and Complementary Health Insurance: The Swiss Approach,
Mathias Kifmann, from University of Konstanz, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: health insurance, risk selection, complementary insurance

Austerity and private debt,
Mathias Klein, from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen (2016)
Keywords: fiscal consolidation, private debt, local projection

Factor productivity in EU agriculture: A microeconometric perspective,
Mathias Kloss, from Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural factor productivity, Labour productivity, Production function estimation, Outlier detection, Farm Accountancy Data Network, European Union

Stiftungsunternehmen in Deutschland: Gesetzliche Grundlagen, unternehmerische Motive, Reformvorschläge,
Mathias Habersack, from Stiftung Familienunternehmen / Foundation for Family Businesses (2021)
Keywords: Familienunternehmen, Stiftung, Rechtsform, Reform, Deutschland

Strategic aspects of voluntary disclosure programs for corruption offences: Towards a design of good practice,
Mathias Nell, from University of Passau, Faculty of Business and Economics (2007)
Keywords: Corruption, Criminal Law, Leniency, Self-Reporting, Voluntary Disclosure Program

Contracts induced by means of bribery: Should they be void or valid?,
Mathias Nell, from University of Passau, Faculty of Business and Economics (2007)
Keywords: Bribery, Contracts, Corruption, Due Diligence, Enforcement, Impugnment, Liability, Leniency, Nullity, Private Law Validity, Voidability, Voluntary Disclosure (Program)

Austerity and Private Debt,
Mathias Klein, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2016) Downloads

Die regionale Struktur der verarbeitenden Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko,
Mathias Bruch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1977) Downloads

Financial Sources of small-scale manufacturers: A micro-analysis for Malaysia,
Mathias Bruch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1982) Downloads

Zur Finanzierung kleiner Industriebetriebe in den ASEAN-Ländern,
Mathias Bruch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1982) Downloads

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