Manfred Deistler and the General-Dynamic-Factor-Model Approach to the Statistical Analysis of High-Dimensional Time Series,
Marc Hallin,
in Econometrics
Keywords: high-dimensional time series; general dynamic factor model; spiked covariance model; reduced-rank process
Mixed autoregressive-moving average multivariate processes with time-dependent coefficients,
Marc Hallin,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Time series difference equations stochastic equations
Marc Hallin,
in Journal of Time Series Analysis
From Mahalanobis to Bregman via Monge and Kantorovich,
Marc Hallin,
in Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of Statistics
Keywords: Bregman divergence, Gradient of convex function, Mahalanobis distance, Measure transportation, McCann theorem, Monge-Kantorovich problem, Multivariate distribution function, Multivariate quantiles, Outlyingness
On the Non Gaussian Asymptotics of the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for Homogeneity of Covariance,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
On Distribution and Quantile Functions, Ranks and Signs in R_d,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: multivariate distribution function; multivariate quantiles; multivariate ranks; multivariate signs; multivariate order-preserving transformation; glivenko-cantelli; invariance/equivariance; gradient of convex function
From Mahalanobis to Bregman via Monge and Kantorovich towards a “General Generalised Distance”,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Bregman divergence; gradient of convex function; Mahalanobis distance; measure transportation; McCann theorem; Monge-Kantorovich problem; multivariate distribution function; multivariate quantiles; outlyingness
Manfred Deistler and the General Dynamic Factor Model Approach to the Analysis of High-Dimensional Time Series,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: High-dimensional time series, General Dynamic Factor Models, spiked covariance model, reduced-rank process.
Measure Transportation and Statistical Decision Theory,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Measure transportation; statistical decision theory
Etude statistique des facteurs influençant un risque,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Subjectively mixed strategies: the public event case,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Méthodes statistiques de construction de tarifs,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Mixed autoregressive-moving average multivariate processes with time-dependent coefficients,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Addendum to Invertibility and generalized invertibility,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Invertibility and generalized invertibility of time-series models,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Spectral factorization of nonstationary moving average processes,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Band strategies: the random walk of reserves,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Nonstationary q-dependent processes and time-varying moving average models: invertibility properties and the forecasting problem,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Rank tests for time-series analysis: a bibliographical survey,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Moving average models for time-dependent autocovariance functions,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Asymptotic influence of initial values on parametric and rank-based measures of residual autocorrelation: proceedings of the colloque de mathématiques appliquées, April 1993, Oujda,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
The theoretical model-building problem for nonstationary moving average processes,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
From premium calculation to premium rating,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Performances asymptotiques des modèles MA dans la prévision des processus q-dépendants,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
On the Pitman nonadmissibility of correlogram-based time series methods,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Happy birthday to you Mr Wilcoxon! Invariance, semiparametric efficiency, and ranks,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Fractions continuées matricielles et matrices-bandes définies positives infinies,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Nonstationary second-order moving average processes II: model-building and invertibility,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Eléments de la théorie asymptotique des expériences statistiques,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Nonstationary first-order moving average processes: the model-building problem,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Tests sans biais, tests de permutation, tests invariants, tests de rangs,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Nonstationary second-order moving average processes,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Les séquences généralisées, outil pour l'analyse des séries hétéroscédastiques? conférence prononcée à l'occasion de la remise du prix du statisticien d'expression française,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Tests de rangs et tests de rangs signés pour le modèle linéaire général et les modèles autorégressifs,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Chernoff-Savage theorems, contiguity, differentiability in quadratic mean, Hoeffding's U statistics, Lebesgue decomposition, Le Cam's first lemma, Le Cam's third lemma, local asymptotic mixed normality, local asymptotic normality, oP and OP notation, rank autocorrelation coefficients, serial rank statistics, U-statistics,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Rank tests,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Modèles non stationnaires-Séries univariées et multivariées,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Modèles non stationnaires-Séries univariées et multivariées,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Une propriété des opérateurs moyenne-mobile: mélanges offerts au Professeur P.P. Gillis à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Stratégies subjectivement mixtes,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Modèles non inversibles de séries chronologiques: comptes rendus du colloque Processus aléatoires et problèmes de prévision, Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique, Bruxelles, Avril 1980,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Jeux de survie économique et théorie moderne du risque,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Jeux à information incomplète,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Structures de coalition et problèmes de négociation: échanges d'information dans les jeux à information incomplète,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Jeux de marchandage et fonctions d'utilité multidimensionnelles: comptes rendus du colloque Aide à la décision et jeux de stratégies, Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique, Bruxelles, Avril 1979,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Subjectively mixed strategies - The public event case,
Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Registered author: Marc Hallin
A Berry-Ess\'een Theorem for Serial Rank Statistics,
Marc Hallin and K. Rifi,
from Humboldt University of Berlin, Interdisciplinary Research Project 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes
Optimal Tests of Noncorrelation Between Multivariate Time Series,
Marc Hallin and Abdessamad Saidi,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Locally Optimal Tests against Periodic Autoregression: Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches,
Mohamed Bentarzi and Marc Hallin,
in Econometric Theory
Dynamic factors in the presence of blocks,
Marc Hallin and Roman Liska,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Panel data High dimensional time series data Dynamic factor model Dynamic principal components
Forecasting value-at-risk and expected shortfall in large portfolios: A general dynamic factor model approach,
Marc Hallin and Carlos Trucíos,
in Econometrics and Statistics
Keywords: Conditional covariance; High-dimensional time series; Large panels; Risk measures; Volatility;
Factor models in high-dimensional time series—A time-domain approach,
Marc Hallin and Marco Lippi,
in Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Keywords: Time series; High dimension; Factor model; Dynamic eigenvalue; Dynamic eigenvector; Dynamic principal component; Spectral density; Panel data;
Rank-based partial autocorrelations are not asymptotically distribution-free,
Bernard Garel and Marc Hallin,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Time series Autoregressive model Rank test Order identification Robust methods
Elliptical multiple-output quantile regression and convex optimization,
Marc Hallin and Miroslav Šiman,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Quantile regression; Elliptical quantile; Multivariate quantile; Multiple-output regression;
Aligned Rank tests for Linear Models with Autocorrelated Error Terms,
Marc Hallin and L.M. Puri,
from Universite Libre de Bruxelles - C.E.M.E.
Keywords: economic models ; econometrics
Local Asymptotic Normality of Multivariate ARMA Processes with a Linear Trend,
B. Garel and Marc Hallin,
from Universite Libre de Bruxelles - C.E.M.E.
Keywords: econometrics ; economic models
New Book Review Editor for the International Statistical Review,
Marc Hallin and Vijay Nair,
in International Statistical Review
Editors’ Note,
Marc Hallin and Vijay Nair,
in International Statistical Review
Editors’ Note,
Marc Hallin and Vijay Nair,
in International Statistical Review
Testing Non‐Correlation and Non‐Causality between Multivariate ARMA Time Series,
Marc Hallin and Abdessamad Saidi,
in Journal of Time Series Analysis
Optimal tests for homogeneity of covariance, scale, and shape,
Marc Hallin and Davy Paindaveine,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: 62M15 62G35 Elliptical densities Homogeneity of covariances Local asymptotic normality Locally asymptotically most stringent tests Multivariate analysis of variance
Determining the Number of Factors in the General Dynamic Factor Model,
Marc Hallin and Roman Liska,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model: One-Sided Estimation and Forecasting,
Mario Forni and Marc Hallin,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Factor models, Forecsting, Business cycle
Networks, Dynamic Factors, and the Volatility Analysis of High-Dimensional Financial Series,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from arXiv.org
Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Consistency, rates, and prediction intervals,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from arXiv.org
Dynamic Factor Models: a Genealogy,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from arXiv.org
Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities: recovering the market volatility shocks,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Volatility; Dynamic Factor Models; Block Structure
Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities estimation and forecasting,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: volatility; dynamic factor models; GARCH models
A network analysis of the volatility of high-dimensionalfinancial series,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: dynamic factor models; sparse autoregression models; volatility; systemic risk; Standard & Poor’s 100 index
Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities: recovering the market volatility shocks,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
in Econometrics Journal
A network analysis of the volatility of high dimensional financial series,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C
Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities: estimation and forecasting,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Volatility; Dynamic factor models; GARCH models; High-dimensional time series;
Generalized dynamic factor models and volatilities: Consistency, rates, and prediction intervals,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Volatility; Dynamic factor models; Prediction intervals; GARCH;
Parametric and semiparametric inference for shape: the role of the scale functional,
Marc Hallin and Paindaveine Davy,
in Statistics & Risk Modeling
Keywords: elliptical densities, shape matrices, local asymptotic normality, efficiency
R -Estimation for Asymmetric Independent Component Analysis,
Marc Hallin and Chintan Mehta,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Rank Tests for Time Series Analysis, A Survey,
Marc Hallin and M.L. Puri,
from Universite Libre de Bruxelles - C.E.M.E.
Keywords: time series ; econometrics
Affine-invariant aligned rank tests for the multivariate general linear model with VARMA errors,
Marc Hallin and Davy Paindaveine,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Multivariate ranks and signs Affine-invariant inference VARMA models
Mohamed Bentarzi and Marc Hallin,
in Journal of Time Series Analysis
Adaptive Estimation of the Lag of a Long–memory Process,
Marc Hallin and Abdeslam Serroukh,
in Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Keywords: AMS 1980 subject classification: 62G10, 62M10., time series, long memory process, adaptive estimation, local asymptotic normality, locally asymptotically minimax estimator,
Foreword from the Editors,
Marc Hallin and Yury Kutoyants,
in Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Foreword from the editors…,
Marc Hallin and Yury Kutoyants,
in Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
A Berry-Esséen Theorem for Serial Rank Statistics,
Marc Hallin and Khalid Rifi,
in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Keywords: Berry-Esséen bounds, serial rank statistics, time series,
Kernel density estimation for linear processes: Asymptotic normality and optimal bandwidth derivation,
Marc Hallin and Lanh Tran,
in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Keywords: Density estimation, linear process, kernel, bandwidth, mean square error,
Local asymptotic normality of multivariate ARMA processes with a linear trend,
Bernard Garel and Marc Hallin,
in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Keywords: Multivariate linear model, multivariate ARMA process, local asymptotic normality,
The Dynamic, the Static, and the Weak factor models and the analysis of high-dimensional time series,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from arXiv.org
Dynamic Factors in the Presence of Block Structure,
Marc Hallin and Roman Liska,
from European University Institute
Keywords: Panel data; Time series; High dimensional data; Dynamic factor model; Business cycle; Block specific factors; Dynamic principal components; Information criterion.
Factor Models in High-Dimensional Time Series: A Time-Domain Approach,
Marc Hallin and Marco Lippi,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
R-Estimation for Asymmetric Independent Component Analysis,
Marc Hallin and Chintan Mehta,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: independent component analysis (ICA); local asymptotic normality (LAN); ranks; R-Estimation; Robustness
Dynamic Factors in the Presence of Block Structure,
Marc Hallin and Roman Liska,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Panel data; Time series; High dimensional data; Dynamic factor model; Business cycle; Block specific factors; Dynamic principal components; Information criterion
Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Estimation and Forecasting,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: volatility; dynamic factor models; GARCH models
Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities. Recovering the Market Volatility Shocks,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: volatility; dynamic factor models; block structure
Multiple-Output Quantile Regression,
Marc Hallin and Miroslav Šiman,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Networks, Dynamic Factors, and the Volatility Analysis of High-Dimensional Financial Series,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Time Series; Dynamic Factor Models; Network Analysis; Volatility; Systemic Risk
Elliptical Multiple Output Quantile Regression and Convex Optimization,
Marc Hallin and Miroslav Šiman,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Consistency, Rates, and Prediction Intervals,
Matteo Barigozzi and Marc Hallin,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Volatility, Dynamic Factor Models, Prediction intervals, GARCH
Center-outward Rank- and Sign-based VARMA Portmanteau Tests,
Marc Hallin and Hang Liu,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Multivariate ranks and signs, Measure transportation, Distributionfreeness, Le Cam’s asymptotic theory, Multivariate time series
On the Finite-Sample Performance of Measure Transportation-Based Multivariate Rank Tests,
Marc Hallin and Gilles Mordant,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Ranks; Time series; Frequency domain; Time-reversibility
Center-OutwardMultiple-Output Lorenz Curves and Gini Indices a measure transportation approach,
Marc Hallin and Gilles Mordant,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Center-outward quantiles; Measure transportation; Concentration indices; Inequality measurement; Definition of “middle class”
Forecasting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall in Large Portfolios: a General Dynamic Factor Approach,
Marc Hallin and Carlos Trucíos,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: conditional covariance; high-dimensional time series; large panels; risk measures; volatility