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332440 documents matched the search for Marburger, David A. in authors.
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The Design of the Rainfall Index Annual Forage Pilot Program,
Abby M. Biedenbach, B Brorsen, Jon T. Biermacher, James Rogers, David A. Marburger and Austin Richards, from Southern Agricultural Economics Association (2018)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Erratum to: Dimensions of innovation in a technology-intensive economy,
John Marburger, in Policy Sciences (2012) Downloads

Dimensions of innovation in a technology-intensive economy,
John Marburger, in Policy Sciences (2012) Downloads

Science, technology and innovation in a 21st century context,
John Marburger, in Policy Sciences (2011) Downloads

Vorzeitige Darlehensablösung gegen Vorfalligkeitsentschädigung: Bemerkungen zu BGH, Urteile vom 1.7.1997 - XIZR 267/96 sowie XIZR 197/96, ZBB 1998,24 und 28,
Marburger Christian, in Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB) / Journal of Banking Law and Banking (JBB) (1998) Downloads

Racial discrimination and long-term contracts in major league baseball,
Daniel Marburger, in The Review of Black Political Economy (1996) Downloads

Design of the rainfall index annual forage program,
Abby ShalekBriski, B Brorsen, James K. Rogers, Jon T. Biermacher, David Marburger and Jeff Edwards, in Agricultural Finance Review (2020)
Keywords: Annual forage, Index insurance, Precipitation, Rainfall index, Wheat pasture, G22, Q18

U. Hergenhahn, O. Kugeler, E. E. Rennie, A. Rüdel and S. Marburger, in Surface Review and Letters (SRL) (2002) Downloads

THE GAME OF LIFE: COLLEGE SPORTS AND EDUCATIONAL VALUES, by Shulman, J.L. and Bowen, W.G. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001, xxxvi+447 pp., $27.95 (cloth),
Daniel R. Marburger, in Managerial and Decision Economics (2001) Downloads

Comparing Student Performance Using Cooperative Learning,
Daniel R. Marburger, in International Review of Economic Education (2005) Downloads

Why Do Player Trades Dominate Sales?,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Journal of Sports Economics (2009)
Keywords: invariance hypothesis; risk aversion; expected marginal revenue product; player trades; player sales

Property Rights and Unilateral Player Transfers in a Multiconference Sports League,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Journal of Sports Economics (2002) Downloads

Does the Assignment of Property Rights Encourage or Discourage Shirking?,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Journal of Sports Economics (2003) Downloads

Redesigning managerial economics to suit the MBA,
Daniel R. Marburger, in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (2011)
Keywords: managerial economics; management education; MBA; Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; AACSB; microeconomics; higher education; business education; economics education.

Exchangeable arbitrator behavior: A closer look,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Economics Letters (1993) Downloads

Optimal ticket pricing for performance goods,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Managerial and Decision Economics (1997)

Absenteeism and Undergraduate Exam Performance,
Daniel R. Marburger, in The Journal of Economic Education (2001) Downloads

Does Mandatory Attendance Improve Student Performance?,
Daniel R. Marburger, in The Journal of Economic Education (2006) Downloads

How Are Athletic Directors Rewarded in the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision?,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Journal of Sports Economics (2015)
Keywords: athletic director; NCAA; intercollegiate; economic rents; market-based tournaments; job signaling

Daniel R. Marburger, in Contemporary Economic Policy (1997) Downloads

US science has never been more coherent,
John H. Marburger, in Nature (2004) Downloads

Arbitrator Compromise in Final Offer Arbitration: Evidence from Major League Baseball,
Daniel R. Marburger, in Economic Inquiry (2004) Downloads

Chasing the Elusive Salary Cap,
Daniel R. Marburger, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2006)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Do Negotiated and Arbitrated Salaries Differ under Final-Offer Arbitration?,
Paul L. Burgess and Daniel R. Marburger, in ILR Review (1993) Downloads

Can Prior Offers and Arbitration Outcomes Be Used to Predict the Winners of Subsequent Final‐Offer Arbitration Cases?,
Daniel R. Marburger and Paul L. Burgess, in Southern Economic Journal (2004) Downloads

Can Prior Offers and Arbitration Outcomes Be Used to Predict the Winners of Subsequent Final-Offer Arbitration Cases?,
Daniel R. Marburger and Paul L. Burgess, in Southern Economic Journal (2004)

Higher education in Canada: An analysis: By G.. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1988. xvi + 122 pp. price: can. $19.95,
David A. A. Stager, in Economics of Education Review (1990) Downloads

A US nuclear future?,
Charles D. Ferguson, Lindsey E. Marburger, J. Farmer and Arjun Makhijani, in Nature (2010) Downloads

Graduate Programs in Agricultural Economics: Results of a Survey,
David A. Storey and David A. Storey, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1973) Downloads

Lawyers' Earnings under Market Growth and Differentiation, 1970-80,
David A. A. Stager and David Foot, in Canadian Journal of Economics (1989) Downloads

Differential effects of advanced degrees on lawyers' earnings,
David A. A. Stager and David Foot, in Economics of Education Review (1988) Downloads

From Pain Cost to Opportunity Cost: The Eclipse of the Quality of Work as a Factor in Economic Theory,
David A. Spencer, in History of Political Economy (2004)
Keywords: labor, opportunity cost

High Hicks, Deep Hicks, and Equilibrium,
David A. Collard, in History of Political Economy (1993)
Keywords: John Hicks, equilibrium

On The Relationship Between Punitive And Actual Damages For Corporations And The BMW Case: A Note,
David A. Huettner, in Journal of Forensic Economics (1998) Downloads

The Crash and Rebound of Canary Wharf,
David L. A. Gordon, from Wharton School Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center, University of Pennsylvania Downloads

Analyzing Social Program Production: An Assessment of Supported Work for Youths,
David A. Long, in Journal of Human Resources (1987) Downloads

"A Status Group Dynamics Approach to Predicting Participation Rates in Regional Recreation Demand Studies": Comment,
David A. Christopherson, in Land Economics (1978) Downloads

Des stratégies d'opposition sous Louis XV: l'affaire des Avocats, 1730-31,
David A. Bell, in Histoire, économie & société (1990) Downloads

Les études de marchés aux Etats-Unis,
David A. Revzan, in Revue Économique (1954) Downloads

Anthony Crosland on Equity and State,
David A. Reisman, in Journal of Income Distribution (1998) Downloads

Energy, Entropy, and Economic Analysis: Some New Directions,
David A. Huettner, in The Energy Journal (1981) Downloads

Missing Survey Data in End-Use Energy Models: An Overlooked Problem,
David A. Swanson, in The Energy Journal (1986) Downloads

Production and Capital: Kenneth Arrow's Contribution in Perspective--A Review Article,
David A Starrett, in Journal of Economic Literature (1987) Downloads

The Principal Cause of Salary Differentials: Research Output or Experience? Reply,
David A Katz, in American Economic Review (1975)

Desenvolvimento de teoria. O que constitui uma contribuição teórica?,
David A. Whetten, in RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas (2003) Downloads

A Kuhnian Perspective of the Suppression of Scientific Inquiry and its Relationship to Medicinal Properties of Cannabinoids,
David A. Dawson, in International Journal of Sciences (2019) Downloads

Strategic Defense: Catastrophic Loss of Control,
David A. Bella, in Journal of Peace Research (1989) Downloads

Beyond Positive Economics: Toward Moral Philosophy,
David A. Martin, in The American Economist (1973) Downloads

Flood Insurance: Can a Feasible Program Be Created?,
David A. Grossman, in Land Economics (1958) Downloads

Forest Land Classification for Property Tax Assessment Purposes in Wisconsin,
David A. King, in Land Economics (1963) Downloads

Book Review: Success and Survival in the Family-Owned Business,
David A. Decenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1981) Downloads

Farewell to the Retiring Executive Editor,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

Small Business Observations,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

The Small Business and OSHA: An Introduction to the Feature Article,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

Small Business Observations,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

The Role of Colleges and the Small Business: An Introduction to the Feature Article,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

Book Review: Put it in Writing: A Complete Guide for Preparing Employee Policy Handbooks,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1983) Downloads

Small Business Observations,
David A. DeCenzo, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1984) Downloads

Quantum Lattice Gases and Their Invariants,
David A. Meyer, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (1997)
Keywords: Quantum Lattice Gas, Conserved Quantities, Exactly Solvable Model, Quantum Computation

David A. King, in Surface Review and Letters (SRL) (1994) Downloads

Substance Abuse Treatment and Its Implications on Science and Society,
David Christopher A, in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (2020)
Keywords: Neurological development, Genetic influence, Alternative methods, Drug addiction

Total Quality Management Techniques Explored at Carolina Cream and Scott Specialty Foods: A Case Study,
David A. Crank, in Journal of Agribusiness (1995)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety

Agglomeration and Market Area Division in a Simulated Two Level Central Place System,
David A. Vandenbrouke, in Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy (1995)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development

Farm Machinery Leasing: Evaluation and Implications for Measurement of Farm Financial Structure,
David A. Lins, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (1975)
Keywords: Farm Management

The Economics of Egg Production A Study of Production and Marketing on 70 Farms,
David A. Burton, from University of Manchester, School of Economics, Agricultural Economics Department (1978)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing, Production Economics

David A. Mortensen, from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum (1999)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

David A. Starrett, from University of Warwick - Department of Economics (1978)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Financial Economics, Public Economics

Book Review: Community Economics, Economic Structure and Change in Smaller Communities,
David A. Henderson, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1990)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development

Rural Retail Sales and Consumer Expenditure Functions,
David A. Henderson, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1990)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics

Book Review: International Financial Markets and Agricultural Trade,
David A. Stallings, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1990)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Minimum Wage Legislation and Farm Financial Structure,
David A. Lins, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1974)
Keywords: Farm Management, Financial Economics, Public Economics

New Economy Manufacturing Meets Old Economy Education Policies in the Rural South,
David A. McGranahan, in Rural America/ Rural Development Perspectives (2001)
Keywords: Production Economics, Public Economics, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

Can Manufacturing Reverse Rural Great Plains Depopulation?,
David A. McGranahan, in Rural America/ Rural Development Perspectives (1998)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Production Economics

Determinants of Net Changes in Farm Real Estate Debt,
David A. Lins, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1972)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Farm Management, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Subweakly α -continuous functions,
David A. Rose, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (1988) Downloads

Weak openness and almost openness,
David A. Rose, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (1984) Downloads

Properties of α -expansions of topologies,
David A. Rose, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (1991) Downloads

α -Scattered spaces,
David A. Rose, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (1998) Downloads

Increased Protection in the 1980's: Exchange Rates and Institutions,
David A. Stallings, from International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (1990)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

David A. Lins, from North Central Region - North Central Cooperative Extension Association (NCCEA) (1985)
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

Relevance of indigenous institutions in conflict resolution and sustainable land use management among settled Fulani agro-pastoral communities of Ogun State, Nigeria,
O. A. David, in Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (2016)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use

Should a Managed Float Use Reserve Levels of Exchange Rate Goals?: An Interesting Parallel with Domestic Monetary Policy,
David A Bowers, in Journal of Political Economy (1975) Downloads

Land Value Capitalization in Local Public Finance,
David A Starrett, in Journal of Political Economy (1981) Downloads

Policy Brief—The Effectiveness of Phosphate Bans in the United States,
David A. Keiser, in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2020) Downloads

Behaviorism in Finance and Securities Law,
David A. Skeel, in Supreme Court Economic Review (2013) Downloads

An Economic Analysis of the Webb-Pomerene Act,
David A Larson, in Journal of Law and Economics (1970) Downloads

An Efficiency Analysis of the Line Drawing in the Tax Law,
David A Weisbach, in The Journal of Legal Studies (2000) Downloads

Measurement and Tax Depreciation Policy: The Case of Short-Term Intangibles,
David A. Weisbach, in The Journal of Legal Studies (2004) Downloads

Erratum: "Distribution in a High-Level Economy: A Review Article",
David A. Revzan, in The Journal of Business (1966) Downloads

Distribution in a High-Level Economy: A Review Article,
David A. Revzan, in The Journal of Business (1965) Downloads

Uncertainty and the Provision for Depreciation in the Public Utility Industries,
David A. Kosh, in The Journal of Business (1943) Downloads

Taxation and Risk–Taking With Multiple Tax Rates,
David A. Weisbach, in National Tax Journal (2004) Downloads

Campaign Learning and Vote Determinants,
David A. M. Peterson, in American Journal of Political Science (2009) Downloads

Analyzing Computational Models,
David A. Siegel, in American Journal of Political Science (2018) Downloads

‘Risk modelling with the mixed Erlang distribution’ by G. E. Willmot and S. Lin,
David A. Stanford, in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2011) Downloads

Reply to discussants,
David A. Lane, in Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (1989) Downloads

Subjective probability and causality assessment,
David A. Lane, in Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (1989) Downloads

Reflections on the conduct of monetary and financial stability policy,
David A. Dodge, in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique (2010) Downloads

Observational research on fundamental nursing care: Enough already!,
David A. Richards, in Journal of Clinical Nursing (2020) Downloads

Promises and pitfalls: Experience in collaboration between the Canadian federal government and the voluntary sector,
David A. Good, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2003) Downloads

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