60690 documents matched the search for Martin Kittel in authors.
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Die anvisierten Wasserstoff-Importe sind ambitioniert und sollten rasch gesichert werden: Interview, Martin Kittel and Erich Wittenberg,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Temporal aggregation of time series to identify typical hourly electricity system states: A systematic assessment of relevant cluster algorithms, Martin Kittel, Hannes Hobbie and Constantin Dierstein,
in Energy
Keywords: Cluster analysis; Time series aggregation; Variable renewable energy; Electricity market modeling; Typical system states;
Temporal aggregation of time series to identify typical hourly electricity system states: A systematic assessment of relevant cluster algorithms, Martin Kittel, Hannes Hobbie and Constantin Dierstein,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: Cluster analysis, Time series aggregation, Variable renewable energy, Electricity market modeling, Typical system states
Renewable Energy Targets and Unintended Storage Cycling: Implications for Energy Modeling, Martin Kittel and Wolf-Peter Schill,
from arXiv.org
Measuring the Dunkelflaute: How (not) to analyze variable renewable energy shortage, Martin Kittel and Wolf-Peter Schill,
from arXiv.org
National Hydrogen Strategy: Clear Focus and Consistent Implementation Necessary, Martin Kittel, Dana Kirchem, Wolf-Peter Schill and Claudia Kemfert,
in DIW Weekly Report
Keywords: hydrogen, electrolysis, imports
Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie konsequent und mit klarem Fokus umsetzen, Martin Kittel, Dana Kirchem, Wolf-Peter Schill and Claudia Kemfert,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: hydrogen, electrolysis, imports
Strommarkt erklärt: Preisbildung, Preiskrise und die „Strompreisbremse“: Ein Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte über Eingriffe in den Strommarkt, Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth and Wolf-Peter Schill,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Coping with the Dunkelflaute: Power system implications of variable renewable energy droughts in Europe, Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth and Wolf-Peter Schill,
from arXiv.org
Milieu rural et radicalisme politique: l'évolution contrastée de la Corrèze et de la Franconie (de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années 1930), Manfred Kittel,
in Histoire, économie & société
Ziele und Strategien des BML für die deutsche Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft im EG-Binnenmarkt und im geeinten Deutschland, W. Kittel,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Book review: Hans Slomp Between Bargaining and Politics. An Introduction to European Labour Relations, Westport/Conn./London: Praeger Publishers, 165 pages, hardback: 1996, ISBN 0-275-95608-3, paperback: 1998, ISBN 0-275-96466-3, Bernhard Kittel,
in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Book Review: EU Social Policy in the 1990s. Towards a corporatist policy community, Bernhard Kittel,
in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Marktstrategien im Hypothekarkreditgeschäft. Der Wettbewerb zwischen den Hypothekarkreditinstituten in der Wohnungsbaufinanzierung, Hermann Kittel,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Hypothek, Wohnungsbaufinanzierung
How bargaining mediates wage determination: An exploration of the parameters of wage functions in a pooled time-series cross-section framework, Bernhard Kittel,
from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
EMU, EU enlargement, and the European Social Model: Trends, challenges, and questions, Bernhard Kittel,
from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
The present state and prospects of the European Communities, Walter Kittel,
in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988)
Keywords: EC
Das neue Programm für langfristige Zusammenarbeit, Walter Kittel,
in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007)
Registered author: Bernhard Kittel
Complexity in high-energy physics, W. Kittel,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: High energy physics; Multiparticles dynamics; Correlations;
The Social Recognition of Needs, Bernhard Kittel,
from Springer
Scenarios for Coal-Exit in Germany—A Model-Based Analysis and Implications in the European Context, Martin Kittel, Leonard Goeke, Claudia Kemfert, Pao-Yu Oei and Christian R. von Hirschhausen,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: Energy transition, Germany, Energiewende, Electricity modeling, Coal phase-out, Energy policy, Climate policy
Successful Climate Protection via Rapid Coal Phaseout in Germany and North Rhine-Westphalia, Leonard Göke, Martin Kittel, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, Pao-Yu Oei and Christian von Hirschhausen,
in DIW Weekly Report
Keywords: coal, climate protection, Germany, North Rhine Westphalia, Europe
Erfolgreicher Klimaschutz durch zügigen Kohleausstieg in Deutschland und Nordrhein-Westfalen, Leonard Göke, Martin Kittel, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, Pao-Yu Oei and Christian von Hirschhausen,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: coal, climate protection, Germany, North Rhine Westphalia, Europe
Scenarios for Coal-Exit in Germany—A Model-Based Analysis and Implications in the European Context, Martin Kittel, Leonard Goeke, Claudia Kemfert, Pao-Yu Oei and Christian von Hirschhausen,
in Energies
Keywords: energy transition; Germany; energiewende; electricity modeling; coal phase-out; energy policy; climate policy
DIETERpy: A Python framework for the Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous Renewables, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth and Wolf-Peter Schill,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: Power sector modeling, Open-source modeling, GAMS, Python, Energy storage, Flexibility options, Sector coupling, Renewable energy integration
Expanding Solar Energy Capacity to Power the Transition to Heat Pumps, Alexander Roth, Carlos David Gaete Morales, Adeline Guéret, Dana Kirchem, Martin Kittel and Wolf-Peter Schill,
in DIW Weekly Report
Keywords: heat pumps, natural gas, sector coupling, energy modeling
Versorgungssicherheit im Stromsektor: Analyse unterschiedlicher Kapazitätsmechanismen und ihrer Interaktionen mit nachfrageseitigen Flexibilitätspotenzialen: Ergebnisse aus dem gemeinsamen DIW-Brückenprojekt „SichER“ der Abteilungen Klimapolitik und Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt, Karsten Neuhoff, Martin Kittel, Franziska Klaucke, Mats Kröger, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill and Leon Stolle,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Security of Supply in the Electricity Sector: Analysing Different Capacity Mechanisms and Their Interactionswith Demand-side Flexibility Potentials: Results from the Joint DIW Bridge Project "SichER" of the Departments Climate Policy and Energy, Transportation, Environment, Karsten Neuhoff, Martin Kittel, Franziska Klaucke, Mats Kröger, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill and Leon Stolle,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Wärmepumpen statt Erdgasheizungen: Umstieg durch Ausbau der Solarenergie unterstützen, Alexander Roth, Carlos David Gaete Morales, Adeline Guéret, Dana Kirchem, Martin Kittel and Wolf-Peter Schill,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: heat pumps, natural gas, sector coupling, energy modeling
Versorgungssicherheitsreserve kann Strommarkt absichern und Flexibilität erschließen, Karsten Neuhoff, Claudia Kemfert, Martin Kittel, Franziska Klaucke, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill and Leon Stolle,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: capacity mechanisms, capacity markets, capacity reserve, security of supply, market design
Kohleausstieg in NRW im deutschen und europäischen Kontext - Energiewirtschaft, Klimaziele und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Pao-Yu Oei, Hanna Brauers, Claudia Kemfert, Martin Kittel, Leonard Göke, Christian von Hirschhausen and Paula Walk,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Bidirectional coupling of a long-term integrated assessment model REMIND v3.0.0 with an hourly power sector model DIETER v1.0.2, Chen Chris Gong, Falko Ueckerdt, Robert Pietzcker, Adrian Odenweller, Wolf-Peter Schill, Martin Kittel and Gunnar Luderer,
from arXiv.org
Impacts of power sector model features on optimal capacity expansion: A comparative study, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Hans Christian Gils, Hedda Gardian, Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn, Alexander Murmann, Jann Launer, Laura Torralba-Díaz and Christian Bußar,
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Power sector modeling; Model comparison; Capacity expansion; Optimization; Scenario analysis;
Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling—Quantification and drivers, Hans Christian Gils, Hedda Gardian, Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Murmann, Jann Launer, Felix Gaumnitz, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Jennifer Mikurda and Laura Torralba-Díaz,
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Power sector modeling; Model comparison; Sector coupling; Optimization;
Lohnverhandlungssysteme und Geldpolitik, Bernhard Kittel and Franz Traxler,
in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG
Arbeit in Non-Profit-Organisationen aus arbeitssoziologischer Perspektive: Arbeitsmarktintegration zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Laura Vogel and Bernhard Kittel,
in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG
Erwerbsverläufe und psychisches Wohlbefinden während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie in Österreich, Bernhard Kittel and Thomas Resch,
in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG
Negotiating reforms in the public services: Trajectories of new public management policies in the Swedish and French police forces, Jennie Auffenberg and Bernhard Kittel,
from University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597: Transformations of the State
Who Shall Not Be Treated: Public Attitudes on Setting Health Care Priorities by Person-Based Criteria in 28 Nations, Jana Rogge and Bernhard Kittel,
Development and implementation of multi-agent systems for demand response aggregators in an industrial context, Stefan Woltmann and Julia Kittel,
in Applied Energy
Keywords: Multi-agent systems; Demand response; Demand side management; Virtual power plants; Smart grid;
Differential economic stability and psychosocial stress at work: associations with psychosomatic complaints and absenteeism, Isabelle Godin and France Kittel,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Stress Job control Occupational health Absenteeism Economic stability Belgium
Psychosocial factors of coronary heart disease in women: A review, Veronika Brezinka and France Kittel,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: coronary heart disease women psychosocial factors psychosocial risks review
Political parties, institutions, and the dynamics of social expenditure in times of austerity, Bernhard Kittel and Herbert Obinger,
from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
How reliable is pooled analysis in political economy? The globalization welfare state nexus revisited, Bernhard Kittel and Hannes Winner,
from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Decision making in networks: an experiment on structure effects in a group dictator game, Bernhard Kittel and Wolfgang Luhan,
in Social Choice and Welfare
Why Prioritize Needs?, Bernhard Kittel and Stefan Traub,
from Springer
Conclusion: Elements of a Theory of Need-Based Justice, Bernhard Kittel and Stefan Traub,
from Springer
Indicators of social dialogue: concepts and measurements, Lane Kenworthy and Bernhard. Kittel,
from International Labour Organization
Keywords: social pact., trade unionization., collective bargaining, wage determination, workers participation, workers representation, data collecting, measurement., pacte social, syndicalisation, négociation collective, fixation du salaire, participation des travailleurs, représentation des travailleurs, collecte des données, mesure, concertación social, sindicalización, negociación colectiva, determinación del salario, participación de los trabajadores, representación de los trabajadores, recopilación de datos, medición
Need-Based Distributive Justice, Stefan Traub and Bernhard Kittel,
from Springer
Flexible Workflows and Compliance: A Solvable Contradiction?!, Stefan Sackmann and Kai Kittel,
from Springer
Priority of Needs?, Bernhard Kittel and Stefan Traub,
from Springer
Modeling flexibility in energy systems — comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases, Hans Christian Gils, Hedda Gardian, Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn, Alexander Murmann, Jann Launer, Alexander Fehler, Felix Gaumnitz, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Christian Bußar, Jennifer Mikurda, Laura Torralba-Díaz, Tomke Janßen and Christine Krüger,
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Power sector modeling; Model comparison; Sector coupling; Optimization;
Competition, Income Distribution, and the Middle Class: An Experimental Study, Bernhard Kittel, Fabian Paetzel and Stefan Traub,
in Journal of Applied Mathematics
Globalisation, collective bargaining and performance, Franz Traxler, Bernhard Kittel and Stephan Lengauer,
in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
Politikpositionen im Reformprozess des öffentlichen Dienstes: Zur Übertragbarkeit der quantitativen Textanalyse, Kamil Marcinkiewicz, Jennie Auffenberg and Bernhard Kittel,
from University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597: Transformations of the State
A structural fit between states and markets? Public administration regulation and market economy models in the OECD, Markus Tepe, Karin Gottschall and Bernhard Kittel,
from University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597: Transformations of the State
Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im internationalen Vergleich, Bernhard Kittel, Herbert Obinger and Uwe Wagschal,
from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS)
Book Review: A General Theory of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-Opportunity Nexus, Ute Grabowski and Ellen Kittel-Wegner,
in International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
Keywords: book review
Making and breaking coalitions: Strategic sophistication and prosociality in majority decisions, Jan Sauermann, Manuel Schwaninger and Bernhard Kittel,
in European Journal of Political Economy
Keywords: Coalition formation; Bargaining; Majority rule; Social preferences; Strategic sophistication;
Let the others do the job: Comparing public good contribution behavior in the lab and in the field, Ilona Reindl, Roman Hoffmann and Bernhard Kittel,
in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
Keywords: Cooperation; Public good game; Free-riding; Experiment; Lab-field-comparison;
Communication and Voting in Multi‐party Elections: An Experimental Study, Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang Luhan and Rebecca Morton,
in Economic Journal
Information exchange in laboratory markets: competition, transfer costs, and the emergence of reputation, Roman Hoffmann, Bernhard Kittel and Mattias Larsen,
in Experimental Economics
Keywords: Reputation, Trust, Moral hazard, Information sharing, Competition, Experiment
Less Supervision, More Satisficing? Comparing Completely Self-Administered Web-Surveys and Interviews Under Controlled Conditions, Mühlböck Monika, Steiber Nadia and Kittel Bernhard,
in Statistics, Politics and Policy
The Transmission of Work Centrality within the Family in a Cross-Regional Perspective, Bernhard Kittel, Fabian Kalleitner and Panos Tsakloglou,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: work values; intergenerational transmission; employment commitment; labor force participation; regions; Europe; multilevel analysis
The impact of need on distributive decisions: Experimental evidence on anchor effects of exogenous thresholds in the laboratory, Bernhard Kittel, Sabine Neuhofer and Manuel Schwaninger,
Knowledge, power, and self-interest, Bernhard Kittel, Georg Kanitsar and Stefan Traub,
in Journal of Public Economics
Keywords: Redistribution; Power; Self-interest; Inequality; Network; Experiment;
Die subjektive Erfahrung des Bezugs der Bedarfsorientierten Mindestsicherung in Niederösterreich: eine interviewbasierte Analyse, Stefanie Stadlober, Laura Vogel and Bernhard Kittel,
from Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien, Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik
Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed, Monika Mühlböck, Nadia Steiber and Bernhard Kittel,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Keywords: Active labor market policies; employability; further education; unemployment; youth
The impact of occupational structures on ethnic and gendered employment gaps: An event history analysis using social security register data, Stefan Vogtenhuber, Nadia Steiber, Monika Mühlböck and Bernhard Kittel,
Effects of a Dutch work-site wellness-health program: The Brabantia project, Sebastiaan Maes, C. Verhoeven, F. Kittel and H. Scholten,
in American Journal of Public Health
Infilling Sparse Records of Spatial Fields, Johns C.J., Nychka D., Kittel T.G.F. and Daly C.,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Scarring Dreams? Young People’s Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment, Monika Mühlböck, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber and Bernhard Kittel,
in Social Inclusion
Keywords: job aspirations; job expectations; latent deprivation; scarring effects; youth unemployment
Desperate entrepreneurs: no opportunities, no skills, Monika Mühlböck, Julia-Rita Warmuth, Marian Holienka and Bernhard Kittel,
in International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Economic crisis, Entrepreneurial skills, Opportunities
An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse properties, Eduard Prat, Andre Al Haddad, Christopher Arrell, Sven Augustin, Marco Boll, Christoph Bostedt, Marco Calvi, Adrian L. Cavalieri, Paolo Craievich, Andreas Dax, Philipp Dijkstal, Eugenio Ferrari, Rolf Follath, Romain Ganter, Zheqiao Geng, Nicole Hiller, Martin Huppert, Rasmus Ischebeck, Pavle Juranić, Christoph Kittel, Gregor Knopp, Alexander Malyzhenkov, Fabio Marcellini, Stefan Neppl, Sven Reiche, Nicholas Sammut, Thomas Schietinger, Thomas Schmidt, Kirsten Schnorr, Alexandre Trisorio, Carlo Vicario, Didier Voulot, Guanglei Wang and Tobias Weilbach,
in Nature Communications
Ischemic heart disease and regional variations of socio-cultural characteristics in Belgium, Raphaël Lagasse, France Kittel, Michèle Dramaix, Hubert Gheyssens, Guy de Backer and Marcel Kornitzer,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: life-style heart disease Belgium
A generic mechanism determining the fractality of basin boundary structures, J. Parisi, J. Peinke, A. Kittel, M. Klein and O.E. Rössler,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Greater Greenland Ice Sheet contribution to global sea level rise in CMIP6, Stefan Hofer, Charlotte Lang, Charles Amory, Christoph Kittel, Alison Delhasse, Andrew Tedstone and Xavier Fettweis,
in Nature Communications
Homeostatic synaptic plasticity rescues neural coding reliability, Eyal Rozenfeld, Nadine Ehmann, Julia E. Manoim, Robert J. Kittel and Moshe Parnas,
in Nature Communications
Long Working Hours and Alcohol Use: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Published Studies and Unpublished Individual Participant Data, Marianna Virtanen, Markus Jokela, Solja T Nyberg, Ida E H Madsen, Tea Lallukka, Kirsi Ahola, Lars Alfredsson, G David Batty, Jakob B Bjorner, Marianne Borritz, Hermann Burr, Annalisa Casini, Els Clays, Dirk De Bacquer, Nico Dragano, Raimund Erbel, Jane E Ferrie, Eleonor I Fransson, Mark Hamer, Katriina Heikkilä, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, France Kittel, Anders Knutsson, Markku Koskenvuo, Karl-Heinz Ladwig, Thorsten Lunau, Martin L Nielsen, Maria Nordin, Tuula Oksanen, Jan Pejtersen, Jaana Pentti, Reiner Rugulies, Paula Salo, Jürgen Schupp, Johannes Siegrist, Archana Singh-Manoux, Andrew Steptoe, Sakari B Suominen, Töres Theorell, Jussi Vahtera, Gert Wagner, Peter J M Westerholm, Hugo Westerlund and Mika Kivimäki,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Health Behaviours As a Mechanism in the Prospective Relation between Workplace Reciprocity and Absenteeism: A Bridge too Far ?, Bart De Clercq, Els Clays, Heidi Janssens, Dirk De Bacquer, Annalisa Casini, France Kittel and Lutgart Braeckman,
Giant heat transfer in the crossover regime between conduction and radiation, Konstantin Kloppstech, Nils Könne, Svend-Age Biehs, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Ludwig Worbes, David Hellmann and Achim Kittel,
in Nature Communications
Correction: Publisher Correction: Giant heat transfer in the crossover regime between conduction and radiation, Konstantin Kloppstech, Nils Könne, Svend-Age Biehs, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Ludwig Worbes, David Hellmann and Achim Kittel,
in Nature Communications
Job Strain and Tobacco Smoking: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis of 166 130 Adults in 15 European Studies, Katriina Heikkilä, Solja T Nyberg, Eleonor I Fransson, Lars Alfredsson, Dirk De Bacquer, Jakob B Bjorner, Sébastien Bonenfant, Marianne Borritz, Hermann Burr, Els Clays, Annalisa Casini, Nico Dragano, Raimund Erbel, Goedele A Geuskens, Marcel Goldberg, Wendela E Hooftman, Irene L Houtman, Matti Joensuu, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, France Kittel, Anders Knutsson, Markku Koskenvuo, Aki Koskinen, Anne Kouvonen, Constanze Leineweber, Thorsten Lunau, Ida E H Madsen, Linda L Magnusson Hanson, Michael G Marmot, Martin L Nielsen, Maria Nordin, Jaana Pentti, Paula Salo, Reiner Rugulies, Andrew Steptoe, Johannes Siegrist, Sakari Suominen, Jussi Vahtera, Marianna Virtanen, Ari Väänänen, Peter Westerholm, Hugo Westerlund, Marie Zins, Töres Theorell, Mark Hamer, Jane E Ferrie, Archana Singh-Manoux, G David Batty, Mika Kivimäki and for the IPD-Work Consortium,
Job Strain and Alcohol Intake: A Collaborative Meta-Analysis of Individual-Participant Data from 140 000 Men and Women, Katriina Heikkilä, Solja T Nyberg, Eleonor I Fransson, Lars Alfredsson, Dirk De Bacquer, Jakob B Bjorner, Sébastien Bonenfant, Marianne Borritz, Hermann Burr, Els Clays, Annalisa Casini, Nico Dragano, Raimund Erbel, Goedele A Geuskens, Marcel Goldberg, Wendela E Hooftman, Irene L Houtman, Matti Joensuu, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, France Kittel, Anders Knutsson, Markku Koskenvuo, Aki Koskinen, Anne Kouvonen, Constanze Leineweber, Thorsten Lunau, Ida E H Madsen, Linda L Magnusson Hanson, Michael G Marmot, Martin L Nielsen, Maria Nordin, Jaana Pentti, Paula Salo, Reiner Rugulies, Andrew Steptoe, Johannes Siegrist, Sakari Suominen, Jussi Vahtera, Marianna Virtanen, Ari Väänänen, Peter Westerholm, Hugo Westerlund, Marie Zins, Töres Theorell, Mark Hamer, Jane E Ferrie, Archana Singh-Manoux, G David Batty, Mika Kivimäki and for the IPD-Work Consortium,
Mortality, Morbidity and Health-Related Outcomes in Informal Caregivers Compared to Non-Caregivers: A Systematic Review, Patrick Janson, Kristina Willeke, Lisa Zaibert, Andrea Budnick, Anne Berghöfer, Sarah Kittel-Schneider, Peter U. Heuschmann, Andreas Zapf, Manfred Wildner, Carolin Stupp and Thomas Keil,
Keywords: cohort studies; longitudinal studies; cross-sectional studies; family caregivers; informal caregiving; mental health; physical health; population-based studies; systematic review
Occurrence of Mental Illness and Mental Health Risks among the Self-Employed: A Systematic Review, Kristina Willeke, Patrick Janson, Katharina Zink, Carolin Stupp, Sarah Kittel-Schneider, Anne Berghöfer, Thomas Ewert, Ryan King, Peter U. Heuschmann, Andreas Zapf, Manfred Wildner and Thomas Keil,
Keywords: incidence; mental disorders; mental health; mental illness; prevalence; self-employed; small business; systematic review
Antarctic meteorites threatened by climate warming, Veronica Tollenaar, Harry Zekollari, Christoph Kittel, Daniel Farinotti, Stef Lhermitte, Vinciane Debaille, Steven Goderis, Philippe Claeys, Katherine Helen Joy and Frank Pattyn,
in Nature Climate Change
Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird, Svenja Engels, Nils-Lasse Schneider, Nele Lefeldt, Christine Maira Hein, Manuela Zapka, Andreas Michalik, Dana Elbers, Achim Kittel, P. J. Hore and Henrik Mouritsen,
in Nature
Assessment of Response to Lithium Maintenance Treatment in Bipolar Disorder: A Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen) Report, Mirko Manchia, Mazda Adli, Nirmala Akula, Raffaella Ardau, Jean-Michel Aubry, Lena Backlund, Claudio EM Banzato, Bernhard T Baune, Frank Bellivier, Susanne Bengesser, Joanna M Biernacka, Clara Brichant-Petitjean, Elise Bui, Cynthia V Calkin, Andrew Tai Ann Cheng, Caterina Chillotti, Sven Cichon, Scott Clark, Piotr M Czerski, Clarissa Dantas, Maria Del Zompo, J Raymond DePaulo, Sevilla D Detera-Wadleigh, Bruno Etain, Peter Falkai, Louise Frisén, Mark A Frye, Jan Fullerton, Sébastien Gard, Julie Garnham, Fernando S Goes, Paul Grof, Oliver Gruber, Ryota Hashimoto, Joanna Hauser, Urs Heilbronner, Rebecca Hoban, Liping Hou, Stéphane Jamain, Jean-Pierre Kahn, Layla Kassem, Tadafumi Kato, John R Kelsoe, Sarah Kittel-Schneider, Sebastian Kliwicki, Po-Hsiu Kuo, Ichiro Kusumi, Gonzalo Laje, Catharina Lavebratt, Marion Leboyer, Susan G Leckband, Carlos A López Jaramillo, Mario Maj, Alain Malafosse, Lina Martinsson, Takuya Masui, Philip B Mitchell, Frank Mondimore, Palmiero Monteleone, Audrey Nallet, Maria Neuner, Tomás Novák, Claire O’Donovan, Urban Ösby, Norio Ozaki, Roy H Perlis, Andrea Pfennig, James B Potash, Daniela Reich-Erkelenz, Andreas Reif, Eva Reininghaus, Sara Richardson, Guy A Rouleau, Janusz K Rybakowski, Martin Schalling, Peter R Schofield, Oliver K Schubert, Barbara Schweizer, Florian Seemüller, Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Giovanni Severino, Lisa R Seymour, Claire Slaney, Jordan W Smoller, Alessio Squassina, Thomas Stamm, Jo Steele, Pavla Stopkova, Sarah K Tighe, Alfonso Tortorella, Gustavo Turecki, Naomi R Wray, Adam Wright, Peter P Zandi, David Zilles, Michael Bauer, Marcella Rietschel, Francis J McMahon, Thomas G Schulze and Martin Alda,
Information ranks highest: Expectations of female adolescents with a rare genital malformation towards health care services, Elisabeth Simoes, Alexander N Sokolov, Andrea Kronenthaler, Hanna Hiltner, Norbert Schaeffeler, Katharina Rall, Esther Ueding, Monika A Rieger, Anke Wagner, Leonie S Poesch, Marie-Christin Baur, Judith Kittel and Sara Y Brucker,
Treatment of Peripartum Depression with Antidepressants and Other Psychotropic Medications: A Synthesis of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Europe, Sarah Kittel-Schneider, Ethel Felice, Rachel Buhagiar, Mijke Lambregtse- van den Berg, Claire A. Wilson, Visnja Banjac Baljak, Katarina Savic Vujovic, Branislava Medic, Ana Opankovic, Ana Fonseca and Angela Lupattelli,
Keywords: clinical practice guideline; depression; anxiety; antidepressant; psychotropic medications; peripartum
Quantitative super-resolution imaging of Bruchpilot distinguishes active zone states, Nadine Ehmann, Sebastian van de Linde, Amit Alon, Dmitrij Ljaschenko, Xi Zhen Keung, Thorge Holm, Annika Rings, Aaron DiAntonio, Stefan Hallermann, Uri Ashery, Manfred Heckmann, Markus Sauer and Robert J. Kittel,
in Nature Communications
CrÃtica a las “imposturas†posmodernas, Hayled Martin Reyes Martin,
in Revista Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales
Keywords: CrÃtica a las imposturas posmodernas, posmodernismo.
Luis Perdices Blas: Pablo de Olavide (1725–1803), el Ilustrado, Editorial Complutense, Madrid, 614 pp., índice de autores, Victoriano Martín Martín,
in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
Reflexiones criticas sobre la historia del pensamiento economico a proposito de un libro*, Victoriano Martin Martin,
in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
Proyecto * de investigacion sobre «El socorro a los pobres». Los opusculos de Vives, Soto y Medina, Victoriano Martin Martin,
in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
The incremental expansion of Born Internationals: A comparison of new and old Born Internationals, Martin Johanson and Oscar Martín Martín,
in International Business Review
Keywords: Born Globals; Born Internationals (BIs); International commitment; International experience; International performance, Internationalization;
Age Differences in Stress, Social Resources, and Well-Being in Middle and Older Age, Mike Martin, Martin Grünendahl and Peter Martin,
in The Journals of Gerontology: Series B
Potentialities of Economic Analysis of International Trade Law, Martin Orgoník,
in Annals - Juridical Science Series
Keywords: economic analysis, international trade law, background economy theory.