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241333 documents matched the search for Malcolm, Scott A. in authors.
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Sequential Land Acquisition Decisions for Nature Reserves under Acquisition and Population Uncertainty,
Scott A. Malcolm, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2001)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Scott A. Malcolm, from University of Delaware, Department of Food and Resource Economics (2001)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Weaning Off Corn: Crop Residues and the Transition to Cellulosic Ethanol,
Scott A. Malcolm, from Farm Foundation, Transition to a Bio Economy Conferences (2008)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Land Quality and International Agricultural Productivity: A Distance Function Approach,
Scott A. Malcolm and Meredith J. Soule, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2006)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Productivity Analysis

Cellulosic Ethanol From Crop Residue Is No Free Lunch,
Scott A. Malcolm and Marcel P. Aillery, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2009)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Growing Crops for Biofuels has Spillover Effects,
Scott A. Malcolm and Marcel P. Aillery, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2009)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Model Captures the Interation Between Agriculture and the Environment,
Robert Johansson and Scott A. Malcolm, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2007)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Legal risk in agriculture: right-to-farm laws and institutional change,
Joshua Duke and Scott A. Malcolm, in Agricultural Systems (2003) Downloads

The Effects of Changing Commodity Prices On the CRP,
Daniel Hellerstein and Scott A. Malcolm, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2010)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use

Land Quality and Agricultural Efficiency: A Distance Function Approach,
Scott A. Malcolm and Meredith J. Soule, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2003)
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Environment,

Ethanol and a Changing Agricultural Landscape,
Scott A. Malcolm, Marcel P. Aillery and Marca Weinberg, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2009)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Biological reserves, rare species and the trade-off between species abundance and species diversity,
Bertrand Hamaide, Charles S. ReVelle and Scott A. Malcolm, in Ecological Economics (2006) Downloads

Joshua Duke, Scott A. Malcolm and John MacKenzie, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2001)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use

Effect of a Differentially Applied Environmental Regulation on Agricultural Trade Patterns and Production Location: The Case of Methyl Bromide,
Lori Lynch, Scott A. Malcolm and David Zilberman, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2005)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade

Evaluating the economic effectiveness of pathogen reduction technologies in cattle slaughter plants,
Scott A. Malcolm, Clare Narrod, Tanya Roberts and Michael Ollinger, in Agribusiness (2004) Downloads

Clare Narrod, Scott A. Malcolm and William E. Kost, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2000)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Clare Narrod, Scott A. Malcolm, Michael Ollinger and Tanya Roberts, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (1999)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy

Food manufacture and processing - potential benefits from biotechnology,
A. Malcolm, from University of Reading (1996)
Keywords: Agribusiness

Dedicated Energy Crops and Competition for Agricultural Land,
Ronald Sands, Scott A. Malcolm, Shellye A. Suttles and Elizabeth Marshall, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Dedicating Agricultural Land to Energy Crops Would Shift Land Use,
Ronald Sands and Scott Malcolm, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Stock prices and accounting information: evidence from Malaysia,
Scott Pirie and Malcolm Smith, in Asian Review of Accounting (2008)
Keywords: Stock prices, Accounting information, Malaysia

Accounting earnings, book values and share prices in Malaysia,
Scott Pirie and Malcolm Smith, in Asian Review of Accounting (2003) Downloads

Professional relations in sport healthcare: Workplace responses to organisational change,
Dominic Malcolm and Andrea Scott, in Social Science & Medicine (2011)
Keywords: Sports medicine Sports physiotherapy Intra-professional relations Inter-professional relations Legitimation discourses UK Elite sports

The Influence of Rising Commodity Prices on the Conservation Reserve Program,
Daniel Hellerstein and Scott Malcolm, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2011)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use

Strategy through Personal Values,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)

Why Should Strategy Be Guided by Personal Values?,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Behavioural approach to strategy, Bounded rationality, Cognitive bias, Intellectual and emotional buy-in, Personal values-guided strategy

Personal Values and Strategic Choice,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Strategic choice, Upper echelon theory, Congruency theory, Leadership-strategy match, Personal Values orientation

Developing Strategy Based on Personal Values,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Social influencing process, Strategy as storytelling, Personal values congruence, Leadership team values, Intellectual and emotional buy-in

Implementing Strategy Based on Personal Values,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Implementation, Values-based alignment, The translation process, Internal communications, Walking the talk

Postscript: Where Are We Now and Emerging Trends in Personal Values Guided Strategy,
Scott Lichtenstein and Malcolm Higgs, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Extractive and generative business models, Moral orientation, Corporate governance

Agricultural Production under Climate Change: The Potential Impacts of Shifting Regional Water Balances in the U.S,
Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel P. Aillery, Scott A. Malcolm and Ryan Williams, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2014)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis

Adaptation Can Help U.S. Crop Producers Confront Climate Change,
Scott A. Malcolm, Elizabeth Marshall, Paul W. Heisey and Michael Livingston, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2013)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy

Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in the U.S.: Potential Constraints to Adaptation Due to Shifting Regional Water Balances,
Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel P. Aillery, Ryan Williams, Scott A. Malcolm and Paul Heisey, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Political Economy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Regional Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the United States,
Scott A. Malcolm, Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel P. Aillery, Paul W. Heisey, Michael Livingston and Kelly A. Day-Rubenstein, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2012)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy

Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Economic and Environmental Implications Vary by U.S. Region,
Scott A. Malcolm, Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel P. Aillery, Paul W. Heisey, Michael Livingston and Kelly A. Day-Rubenstein, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2012)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management

MICHAEL CONANT. Antitrust in the Motion Picture Industry: Economic and Legal Analysis. (Publications of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of California.) Pp. xvii, 240. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. $5.50,
Malcolm A. Hoffmann, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1961) Downloads

Commentary on “Advertising Experiments at the Campbell Soup Company”,
Malcolm A. McNiven, in Marketing Science (1989) Downloads

Open Access: A PLoS for Education,
A Malcolm Campbell, in PLOS Biology (2004) Downloads

Decentralisation trends in the management of New Zealand's health services,
Laurence A. Malcolm, in Health Policy (1989) Downloads

Sustainability as Maritime Security: A Small Island Developing State Perspective?,
James A. Malcolm, in Global Policy (2017) Downloads

Effect of a Differentially Applied Environmental Regulation on Agricultural Trade Patterns and Production Location: The Case of Methyl Bromide,
Lori Lynch, Scott Malcolm and David Zilberman, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2005) Downloads

Valuing rights of first refusal for farmland preservation policy,
Scott Malcolm, Joshua Duke and John Mackenzie, in Applied Economics Letters (2005) Downloads

Wiseman on Federalism: A Critical Comment,
A Scott, in Environment and Planning C (1987) Downloads

The Labor Movement. By L. T. HOBHOUSE, M. A. Pp. 98. London: T. Fisher Unwin. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. I893. Kritik des Socialismus. Von LUDWIG FELIX. Pp. II7. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. I893,
A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1894) Downloads

Malcolm Abbott and A. Ahmed, in Agrekon (1999)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries

Alternative Models of Uncertain Commodity Prices for Use with Modern Asset Pricing Methods,
Malcolm P. Baker, E. Scott Mayfield and John E. Parsons, in The Energy Journal (1998) Downloads

Alternative Models of Uncertain Commodity Prices for Use with Modern Asset Pricing Methods,
Malcolm P. Baker, E. Scott Mayfield and John E. Parsons, in The Energy Journal (1998)
Keywords: Oil prices; MAP methods; DCF methods

Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and Adaptation in the U.S. Fieldcrop Sector,
Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel Aillery,, Scott Malcolm, and Ryan Williams,, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2015)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Reducing the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico: Assessing the Costs to Agriculture,
Marc Ribaudo, Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel Aillery and Scott Malcolm, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2016)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Agricultural Production under Climate Change: The Potential Impacts of Shifting Regional Water Balances in the United States,
Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel Aillery, Scott Malcolm and Ryan Williams, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2015) Downloads

An analysis of sugarcane harvesting options in the Tully mill area using dynamic and linear programming,
Roger A. Lawes and Malcolm K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2002)
Keywords: Farm Management

The Decision to Invest in Lime for Acid Soils,
A. W. Kennelly and L. R. Malcolm, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1994)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management

Implementation of community‐based landslide hazard mitigation measures: the role of stakeholder engagement in ‘sustainable’ project scale‐up,
Elizabeth A. Holcombe and Malcolm G. Anderson, in Sustainable Development (2010)
Keywords: landslide hazard , risk reduction , scale‐up , community , sustainable development , Caribbean ,

Factors Motivating the Acceptance of New Information and Communication Technologies in UK Healthcare: A Test of Three Models,
Janice A. Osbourne and Malcolm Clarke, in International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI) (2006) Downloads

Open to Ideas: Information flows from Dairy Directions to Dairy Farmers,
Katherine A. Tarrant and Bill Malcolm, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2011)
Keywords: Farm Management

Comparing cost estimates of processes at different stages of development,
Ivan V. Klumpar and Malcolm A. Weiss, in Engineering Costs and Production Economics (1988) Downloads

Retail wheeling: Déjà vu all over again?,
Jonathan A. Lesser and Malcolm D. Ainspan, in The Electricity Journal (1994) Downloads

Labor shortages, pay and training in NAFTA countries,
Malcolm Cohen and Mahmood A. Zaidi, in The North American Journal of Economics and Finance (1998) Downloads

The rising expenditure on antihypertensive drugs in New Zealand, 1981-1987,
Ichiro Kawachi and Laurence A. Malcolm, in Health Policy (1989) Downloads

Institutional productivity in criminal justice and criminology: An examination of author affiliation in selected journals,
William A. Taggart and Malcolm D. Holmes, in Journal of Criminal Justice (1991) Downloads

Carbon dioxide emissions from Russia's electricity sector: future scenarios,
Paul A. Steenhof and Malcolm R. Hill, in Climate Policy (2005) Downloads

Economic determinants of IMF financial arrangements,
Malcolm Knight and Julio A. Santaella, in Journal of Development Economics (1997) Downloads

SAC 4 And The Challenge To The Mandatory Status Of Concepts Statements,
Malcolm C. Miller and Janice A. Loftus, in Australian Accounting Review (1993) Downloads

Measurement Entering the 21st Century: A Clear or Blocked Road Ahead?,
Malcolm C. Miller and Janice A. Loftus, in Australian Accounting Review (2000) Downloads

Spatial planning with long visual range benefits escape from visual predators in complex naturalistic environments,
Ugurcan Mugan and Malcolm A. MacIver, in Nature Communications (2020) Downloads

Publisher Correction: Spatial planning with long visual range benefits escape from visual predators in complex naturalistic environments,
Ugurcan Mugan and Malcolm A. MacIver, in Nature Communications (2020) Downloads

reply: Constraints to growth of boreal forests,
Eugene A. Vaganov and Malcolm K. Hughes, in Nature (2000) Downloads

One step forwards, one step back,
Jeffrey D. Lifson and Malcolm A. Martin, in Nature (2002) Downloads

Enzyme target to latch on to,
Malcolm A. Leissring and Dennis J. Selkoe, in Nature (2006) Downloads

Global Skill Shortages,
Malcolm Cohen and Mahmood A. Zaidi, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2002)
Keywords: Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Social Policy and Sociology,

Assume Anarchy: The Educational Philosophy of Peter Boettke,
Scott A. Beaulier, in Journal of Private Enterprise (2010)
Keywords: Economic Education; Methodology; Pedagogy; Teaching; Boettke; Educational science; Economic theory; Anarchy

Book Review: The Environment for Entrepreneurship,
Burton A. Scott, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1987) Downloads

Models of Agro-industrialisation in China: the Case of the Cattle and Beef Industry,
Scott A. Waldron, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1999)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries

Front Matter,
Scott A. Lee, in SS-AAEA Journal of Agricultural Economics (1992)
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

A Work Study Exercise in Milking Parlour Performances,
A. H. Scott, from University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy (1963)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Public policy education goes global: A multi-dimensional challenge,
Scott A. Fritzen, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2008) Downloads

Dwelling Attribute Forecasts Based on Land Residual Maximization,
Scott A. Kinzy, in Land Economics (1992) Downloads

Tourism in Thailand: Exploitation or Opportunity?,
Scott A. Hipsher, in International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) (2021) Downloads

Pricing Milk to Farmers at Butter- Nonfat Dry Milk Plants,
Scott A. Walker, in Journal of Agricultural Economics Research (1953)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries

Book Review: Human Resources, Management, and Personnel: Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, and Impact,
Scott A. Snell, in ILR Review (2001) Downloads

A broad orientation to research on international attitudes: a review and discussion,
William A. Scott, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (1960) Downloads

Rationality and non-rationality of international attitudes,
William A. Scott, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (1958) Downloads

Competition Indices Identify Forb Species That Promote Overyielding of a Dominant Grass in Grassland Restoration,
Drew A. Scott, in Journal of Plant Studies (2021) Downloads

Book Reviews: DRUGS AND ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR: A GUIDE TO TREATMENT Hamid Ghodse Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1989. Pp. 328, Pb. £19.50 ISBN 0-6320-2008-3,
A. Scott Wylie, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1993) Downloads

Book Reviews: THE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF ADDICTION BEHAVIOUR Edited by Ilana Belle Glass Routledge, 1991. Pp. 366, Pb. £14.99. ISBN 0-4150-4127-9,
A. Scott Wylie, in International Journal of Social Psychiatry (1994) Downloads

Discussion of Professor Gustav Cassel's "Prices and the Monetary Problem",
William A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1920) Downloads

Popular and Unpopular Activities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks,
William A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1922) Downloads

Urban Planning amidst Ethnic Conflict: Jerusalem and Johannesburg,
Scott A. Bollens, in Urban Studies (1998) Downloads

Practical Limitations and Possibilities for Expanding Agricultural Statistical Work in the Western States,
George A. Scott, from Western Agricultural Economics Association (1948)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Costs and Efficiency in Dairy Processing Plants,
Scott A. Walker, from Western Agricultural Economics Association (1952)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis

Book Review: D. Muzio, S. Ackroyd, and J.F. Chanlat (eds) Redirections in the Study of Expert Labour Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007, £55.00 hbk (ISBN: 9781403998705), 272 pp,
Scott. A. Hurrell, in Work, Employment & Society (2009) Downloads

A History of Accounting in America. By Gary John Previts and Barbara Dubis Merino. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1979. Pp. xii + 378. $17.95,
Richard A. Scott, in Business History Review (1980) Downloads

The Rise and Decline of Liberalism. By Thomas P. Neill. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1953. Pp. ix, 321. $5.50,
John A. Scott, in The Journal of Economic History (1954) Downloads

A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States. By Stephen Mihm. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. Pp. ix, 457. $29.95,
Scott A. Redenius, in The Journal of Economic History (2008) Downloads

Basic Tactics. By Mao Tse-Tung, Translated and with an introduction by Stuart R. Schram. Foreword by Brigadier General Samuel B. Griffith II, USMC (Ret.). (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. Pp. viii, 149. $4.95.),
Scott A. Bookman, in American Political Science Review (1967) Downloads

A Foundation for Flexible Automated Electronic Communication,
Scott A. Moore, in Information Systems Research (2001)
Keywords: Agent Communication Language, Formal Communication, EDI

Book Reviews: THE PURSE AND THE CONSCIENCE.—An attempt to show the connection between Ethics and Economics. By HERBERT M. THOMPSON, B.A. Pp. 167. London: Swan, Sonneschein & Co., 1891,
William A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1892) Downloads

Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen nebst Darstellung und Kritik des Steuerwesens Schwedens. By Dr. KNUT WICKSELL. Pp. xii, 352. Price, 8 marks. Jena: Gustav Fischer, I896,
Wm A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1897) Downloads

The Quantity Theory,
Wm A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1897) Downloads

Wm A. Scott, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1897) Downloads

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