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4051 documents matched the search for Louise Croneborg in authors.
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Digital Elevation Models,
Louise Croneborg, Keiko Saito, Michel Matera, Don McKeown and Jan van Aardt, from The World Bank Group (2020)
Keywords: Conflict and Development - Disaster Management Environment - Natural Disasters Urban Development - Hazard Risk Management Water Resources - Flood Control

Developmental Freedom and Social Order: Rethinking the Relation between Work and Equality,
Louise Haagh, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2007)
Keywords: Developmental freedom, occupation stability, Welfare Contractualism, economic institutions, dynamic efficiency

La morbidité hospitalière en 1970,
Louise Deruffe, in Économie et Statistique (1973) Downloads

The Determinants of the Macroeconomic Implications of Aging,
Louise Sheiner, in American Economic Review (2014) Downloads

The Swedish business cycle, 1969-2013,
Louise Holm, in OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis (2016) Downloads

The use of Canadian bank notes,
Louise Hyland, in Bank of Canada Review (1994) Downloads

Fashion Design: Facilitating Generational Change,
Louise Valentine, in Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering (2018)
Keywords: fashion technology trends ,fashion technology advances ,fashion and technology articles ,fashion technology books pdf ,textile science engineering journal ,textile science,open access,juniper publishres ,high impact journals ,online journals publishers,open access journals list

Book Review: Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods,
Louise Folkes, in Sociological Research Online (2016) Downloads

Book Review: Social Mobility for the 21st Century: Everyone a Winner?,
Louise Folkes, in Sociological Research Online (2018) Downloads

Invariance d'un convexe fermé par un semi-groupe associé à une forme non-linéaire,
Louise Barthélemy, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (1996) Downloads

Consumer Attitudes to Genetically Modified Crops,
Louise Sylvan, from Crawford Fund (2002)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics

Book reviews,
Louise Blackmore, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2015) Downloads

Doctor Suicide: The Elephant in the Examining Room,
Louise Stanger, in Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine (2017)
Keywords: Journal of Addiction,Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, journal research on addiction,journal of physical therapy, rehabilitation impact factor, physical therapy rehabilitation articles, peer reviewed physical therapy journals,juniper publishers reivew,high impact journals in juniper publishers

Opioids, Marijuana & Alcohol: A Losing Trifecta,
Louise Stanger, in Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine (2017)
Keywords: Journal of Addiction,Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, journal research on addiction,journal of physical therapy, rehabilitation impact factor, physical therapy rehabilitation articles, peer reviewed physical therapy journals,juniper publishers reivew,high impact journals in juniper publishers

In Pain? Talk to Your Doctor and Dentist Before Opioids Are Prescribed,
Louise Stanger, in Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine (2017)
Keywords: Journal of Addiction,Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine,Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, journal research on addiction,journal of physical therapy, rehabilitation impact factor, physical therapy rehabilitation articles, peer reviewed physical therapy journals,juniper publishers reivew,high impact journals in juniper publishers

Labor Market Conditions and Cultural Change: Evidence from Vietnam,
Louise Grogan, in Journal of Human Capital (2018) Downloads

Marginal Tax Rates and Health Care Reform,
Louise Sheiner, in National Tax Journal (1994) Downloads

Costing neonatal care alongside the ECMO trial,
Louise Hallam, in Health Economics (1996) Downloads

The Use of Generalized Estimating Equations for Risk Assessment in Developmental Toxicity,
Louise Ryan, in Risk Analysis (1992) Downloads

Dilemmas of Progressives in Government: Playing Solomon in an Age of Austerity,
Louise Simmons, in Economic Development Quarterly (1996) Downloads

Responses by Teachers and Their Unions to Changing Work,
Louise Fitzgerald, in The Economic and Labour Relations Review (2011) Downloads

Rana Dasgupta, Capital: A Portrait of Twenty-First Century Delhi and Arundhati Roy, Capitalism: A Ghost Story,
Louise Rawlings, in The Economic and Labour Relations Review (2015) Downloads

MA in Sustainable Development at Staffordshire University, UK,
Louise Bonner, in Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (2008) Downloads

2010 Surely will be Better: How Public Policy and Economic Development Organizations in the USA Have Responded to the Recession,
Louise Anderson, in Local Economy (2010) Downloads

National and Subnational Comparative Politics: Why, What and How,
Louise Tillin, in Studies in Indian Politics (2013) Downloads

HOLCOMBE, A. N. The New Party Politics. Pp. viii, 148. New York City: W. W. Norton Co., 1933. $1.75,
Louise Overacker, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1934) Downloads

The Operation of the State -Wide Direct Primary in New York State,
Louise Overacker, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1923) Downloads

Home-Making Education in the Colleges,
Louise Stanley, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1929) Downloads

ROSEWATER, VICTOR. Back Stage in 1912. Pp. xi, 227. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, Inc., 1932. $2.00,
Louise Overacker, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1933) Downloads

Re-Imagining Social Mobility: The Role of Relationality, Social Class and Place in Qualitative Constructions of Mobility,
Louise Folkes, in Sociological Research Online (2022)
Keywords: fulfilment; kinship; place; relationality; selfhood; social class; social mobility; success; value practices

La révision comptable: des perspectives à renouveler,
Louise Briand, in ACCRA (1998)
Keywords: auditing, research, responsibility, standardization, internal control

Reconceptualisation du contrôle de gestion: une étude de cas fondée sur la théorie de la structuration,
Louise Briand, in ACCRA (2004)
Keywords: control, structuration, Anthony Giddens, duality of structure, structure, rules, social system, social integration, system integration

De qui mesure-t-on l’intégration ? Remigration des immigrés et insertion professionnelle en France,
Louise Caron, in Population (french edition) (2018)
Keywords: integration, immigration, emigration, remigration, employment, cross-sectional data, panel, France

Les formes contemporaines de l'esclavage,
Louise Guillouët, in Regards croisés sur l'économie (2014) Downloads

Do Claims about the Naturalness and Dose of Cosmetics Ingredients Affect the Public’s Perception of Their Safety?,
Louise Chandon, in J (2020)
Keywords: safety; perception; cosmetics; media; claim

Louise Kessler, in Climate Change Economics (CCE) (2017)
Keywords: Climate change impacts, carbon feedbacks, permafrost, Integrated Assessment Model, social cost of carbon, optimal abatement paths

Making a difference? The use (and abuse) of diversity management at the UK’s elite law firms,
Louise Ashley, in Work, Employment & Society (2010)
Keywords: class; diversity management; equal opportunities; ethnicity; inequality; law firm

A Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Model with Time-Varying Endogeneity,
Louise Laage, from arXiv.org (2022) Downloads

Influencer marketing: How to run successful and authentic video campaigns with creators,
Louise Peres, in Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing (2020)
Keywords: influencer marketing, creators, YouTube, social media marketing, online video

Application of the Certified Persons Regime: Evolving best practice and potential pitfalls,
Louise Gowland, in Journal of Financial Compliance (2023)
Keywords: fitness and propriety, accountability, responsibility, methodology, technology

Currency attacks, information externalities and search,
Louise Allsopp, in Journal of Economic Studies (2003) Downloads

2. Scientific Method in the Study of Electoral Problems,
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1927) Downloads

The Government and the Press,
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1928) Downloads

The American Government of Today. By William Starr Myers. (New York and London: Harper & Brothers. 1931. Pp. viii, 556.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1931) Downloads

Legislative Processes; National and State. By Joseph P. Chamberlain. (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1936. Pp. xi, 369.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1936) Downloads

Democracy Under Pressure. By Stuart Chase. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1945. Pp. ix, 142. $1.00.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1945) Downloads

The Politics of Equality; New Zealand's Adventures in Democracy. By Leslie Lipson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1948. Pp. xiv, 520. $6.00.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1949) Downloads

A History of the Labour Party from 1914. By G. D. H. Cole. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.1948. Pp. viii, 500. 15s.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1949) Downloads

The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. By L. F. Crisp. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. 336. $5.00.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1950) Downloads

How America Supports Retirement: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Who Benefits. Peter J. Brady. Routledge, 2016, ISBN 1-878731-58-0, 200 pages,
Louise Sheiner, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2018) Downloads

Expert Systems in Business and Finance: Issues and Applications. Edited by Paul R. Wilkins and Lance B. Eliot (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1993),
Louise Pryor, in British Actuarial Journal (1995) Downloads

Promises and Performances in Australian Politics. By Russell H. Barrett. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1959. Pp. 126. S2.50.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1960) Downloads

The Costs of Democracy. By Alexander Heard. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1960. Pp. xxv, 493. $6.00),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1960) Downloads

Australian Party Politics. By James Jupp. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1964. Pp. ix, 235 $7.50.),
Louise Overacker, in American Political Science Review (1965) Downloads

Unravelling the textiles trade: How accurate were GTAP models in predicting the impact of the end of the MFA?,
Louise Curran, from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project (2008)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

DDA - Key issues for future research,
Louise Curran, from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project (2004)
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Agricultural and Food Policy

Watery Entanglements in the Cypriot Hinterland,
Louise Steel, in Land (2018)
Keywords: Cyprus; Bronze Age; water; materiality; new materialisms; entanglements; assemblages; networks; central place theory

Wihtol de Wenden Catherine, 2016, Atlas des migrations, un équilibre mondial à inventer, Paris, Autrement, Atlas-monde, 96 p,
Louise Caron, in Population (french edition) (2017) Downloads

Making time and space: the impact of mindfulness training on nursing and midwifery practice. A critical interpretative synthesis,
Louise Hunter, in Journal of Clinical Nursing (2016) Downloads

Household Electrification, Fertility, and Employment: Evidence from Hydroelectric Dam Construction in Colombia,
Louise Grogan, in Journal of Human Capital (2016) Downloads

Understanding the role of the broker in business non-profit collaboration,
Louise Lee, in Social Responsibility Journal (2015)
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Cross-sector collaboration, Broker, Business non-profit collaboration, Employee volunteering, Social alliance

Louise Martel, from HAL (1999)
Keywords: comptabilité environnementale,outil de prise de décision

La financiarisation de marchés immobiliers à Mexico: le résultat de collaborations et de résistances entre acteurs territoriaux,
Louise David, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: non précisé

Book Reviews: Highly Discriminating: Why the City Isn’t Fair and Diversity Doesn’t Work. By Louise Ashley,
Louise Folkes, in ILR Review (2023) Downloads

Class, Students and Place: Encountering Locality in a Post-industrial Landscape,
Louise Wattis, in Urban Studies (2013) Downloads

Organisational Social Mobility Programmes as Mechanisms of Power and Control,
Louise Ashley, in Work, Employment & Society (2022)
Keywords: financial services; Foucault; governmentality; professions and occupations; social class; social mobility; socio-economic background

Wear:Where? The Convergent Geographies of Architecture and Fashion,
Louise Crewe, in Environment and Planning A (2010) Downloads

Public state ownership within varieties of capitalism: regulatory foundations for welfare and freedom,
Louise Haagh, in International Journal of Public Policy (2019)
Keywords: public ownership; public state ownership; PSO; varieties of capitalism; VOC; welfare state typology; welfare conditionality; human development governance.

Corporate volunteering – business implementation issues,
Louise Lee, in International Journal of Business Environment (2011)
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; implementation challenges; community involvement; business implementation; volunteering initiatives; business managers; drivers; operating practices; volunteer schemes; motivation; internal stakeholders; external stakeholders; stakeholder concerns; social goals; strategic interests; meaningful experiences; employees; programme organisation; New Zealand; business environment; corporate volunteering; volunteers; conceptual embedment; empirical research; future perspectives.

Resources, Tariffs and Trade: Ontario's Stake, par J.R. WILLIAMS. — ONTARIO ECONOMIC COUNCIL RESEARCH STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, Toronto, 1976, 117 p,
Louise Dulude, in L'Actualité Economique (1977) Downloads

L’effort consacré à la recherche et au développement: un facteur explicatif de la structure et de l’évolution des exportations de pays industrialisés,
Louise Dulude, in L'Actualité Economique (1978) Downloads

Horizon 1982,
Louise Dulude, in L'Actualité Economique (1978) Downloads

Evaluer le « bien-être » à l’échelle des territoires dans un contexte de transitions: les apports de la théorie des besoins humains,
Louise Herry, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Indicateurs alternatifs de richesse,Indicateurs territoriaux de bien-être,Théorie des besoins humains fondamentaux,Développement soutenable

How America Supports Retirement: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Who Benefits. Peter J. Brady. Routledge, 2016, ISBN 1-878731-58-0, 200 pages. – CORRIGENDUM,
Louise Sheiner, in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (2018) Downloads

Department Publications 1996,
Louise Letnes, from University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics (1997) Downloads

From inside to out: Reinventing a brand globally and locally,
Louise Felton, in Journal of Brand Strategy (2017)
Keywords: Intel, technology, transformation, brand value, experience, localisation, brand strategy

Exploring the emancipatory dimensions of globalisation: The struggle over IFRS8 and country-by-country reporting,
Keywords: Emancipatory; Globalisation; Social movement theory; Country-by-country reporting (CbCR); Diffusion;

Mark Baker and Jonathan Kusel, Community Forestry in the United States: Learning from the Past, Crafting the Future, Island Press, Washington (2003) ISBN 1559639849 247 pp,
Louise Fortmann, in Ecological Economics (2004) Downloads

There and Back Again: Neuro-Diverse Employees, Liminality and Negative Capability,
Louise Nash, in Work, Employment & Society (2024)
Keywords: liminality; negative capability; neuro-diversity; organisational space; workplace diversity

International students? transition from pathway program to mainstream university: Insights and challenges,
Louise Kaktins, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2017)
Keywords: international students, pathway programs, higher education, international education, group work, transition to university, Australia

International students? use of technology and the implications for pedagogy: A case study,
Louise Kaktins, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2018)
Keywords: internet, pedagogy, digital literacy, educational technology, digital natives, digital immigrants

Health and hostile hospitality: Understanding asylum applicants’ narratives of life and health in the UK,
Louise Tomkow, in Social Science & Medicine (2020)
Keywords: UK; Immigration; Asylum seekers; Refugees; Migration; Health; Narrative; Biocredibility;

How large are the subsidies provided by the system of financing unemployment insurance?,
Louise Laurence, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (1993) Downloads

Drivers and barriers for city shopping: Perspectives from retailers and consumers in regional Australia,
Louise Grimmer, in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2021)
Keywords: Retail; Cities; Consumer behaviour;

How everyone’s business can become no one’s business: A systems study of interprofessional referral to child contact centres,
Louise Caffrey, in Children and Youth Services Review (2020)
Keywords: Child protection; Complex adaptive systems; Interprofessional working; Systems approach; Child contact centres;

Working Life, Well-Being and Welfare Reform: Motivation and Institutions Revisited,
Louise Haagh, in World Development (2011)
Keywords: economic security work motivation institutions well-being stability economic control

Talking claims: Discursive strategies in contesting property,
Louise Fortmann, in World Development (1995) Downloads

Individualism and the Decision to Withdraw Life Support,
Louise Chartrand, in Societies (2018)
Keywords: end-of-life; autonomy; individualism; decision making; treatment withdraw; the 1996 Health Care Consent Act of Ontario; hospital ethnography; qualitative research

Feminism in Early Twentieth-century Ireland: A Sociological Study,
Louise Ryan, in Irish Economic and Social History (1994) Downloads

Les enseignants, leur formation ainsi que les outils mis à leur disposition,
Louise Poirier, from CIRANO (2021)
Keywords: , Éducation,Formation,Mathémathique,Discipline,Science

Manufacturing employment and women’s agency: Evidence from Lesotho 2004–2014,
Louise Grogan, in Journal of Development Economics (2023)
Keywords: Lesotho; Manufacturing; Trade; Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA); Demographic and Health Surveys; IPUMS census; World Bank Enterprise Surveys; Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS); Female labour supply; Contraceptives; Fertility; Autonomy;

Extended Restrictions to Health Care Entitlements for Refugees: Negative Health Consequences Without the Anticipated Savings,
Louise Biddle, in DIW Weekly Report (2024)
Keywords: refugees, asylum seekers, health care entitlement, health care access, health inequities

Verlängerte Leistungseinschränkungen für Geflüchtete: Negative Konsequenzen für Gesundheit – erhoffte Einsparungen dürften ausbleiben,
Louise Biddle, in DIW Wochenbericht (2024)
Keywords: refugees, asylum seekers, healthcare entitlement, healthcare access, health inequities

The Diffusion of Hospital Technologies: Some Econometric Evidence,
Louise Russell, in Journal of Human Resources (1977) Downloads

The Impact of the Extended-Care Facility Benefit on Hospital Use and Reimbursements under Medicare,
Louise Russell, in Journal of Human Resources (1973) Downloads

Safety Incentives in Workmen's Compensation Insurance,
Louise Russell, in Journal of Human Resources (1974) Downloads

The Demand for Short Term Hospital Admissions under Medicare,
Louise Russell, in The American Economist (1975) Downloads

How Treatment Advances Affect Prevention's Cost-Effectiveness,
Louise Russell, in Medical Decision Making (2000) Downloads

Is Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Unfair?,
Louise Russell, in Medical Decision Making (2004) Downloads

Comparing Model Structures in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,
Louise Russell, in Medical Decision Making (2005) Downloads

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