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122014 documents matched the search for Livy, Mitchell R. in authors.
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Determining the effect of abnormal temperatures on the housing market,
Mitchell Livy, in Applied Economics Letters (2020) Downloads

The effect of local amenities on house price appreciation amid market shocks: The case of school quality,
Mitchell Livy, in Journal of Housing Economics (2017)
Keywords: School quality; House price appreciation; District boundaries; Amenity valuation;

Catastrophe Capitalization: Estimating Changes in Perceptions of Extreme Natural Events over Time,
Mitchell Livy, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2017)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource/Energy Economics and Policy, Demand and Price Analysis

Extreme natural events are associated with significant economic losses and expected to increase in frequency and intensity with time. While previous research has primarily investigated singular event types, the relative impact of multiple types of reoccurring events on the housing market has not been extensively studied. Filling this void in the literature, I estimate the housing price capitalization of numerous fire and flooding incidents in Southern California between 2000 and 2015. The results provide evidence that capitalization of extreme natural events is heterogeneous across type, time, and reoccurrence, and these variables are important when considering related policies involving outreach and education,
Mitchell Livy, in Economics Bulletin (2020)
Keywords: Housing prices, Nonmarket valuation, Extreme natural events

Intra-school district capitalization of property tax rates,
Mitchell Livy, in Journal of Housing Economics (2018)
Keywords: Property tax capitalization; Housing prices; Regression discontinuity;

Assessing the housing price capitalization of non-destructive flooding events,
Mitchell Livy, in Research in Economics (2023)
Keywords: Flooding; Housing; Extreme natural events;

Registered author: Mitchell Livy

Determining the Drivers of Housing Market Seasonality,
Mitchell Livy, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2023)
Keywords: housing market, seasonality, housing price capitalization

Preference Tradeoffs Across Spatial Scales: Developing a Micro Level Sorting Model,
Mitchell R. Livy and Henry Klaiber, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

The Impact of Pollution Burden on Micro-Level Residential Sorting,
Cristina Connolly and Mitchell Livy, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2016)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy

Maintaining Public Goods: Household Valuation of New and Renovated Local Parks,
Mitchell Livy and Henry Klaiber, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Consumer/Household Economics, Public Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Measuring environmental (dis)amenity value during a pandemic: Early evidence from Maryland,
Nicholas Irwin and Mitchell Livy, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2021)
Keywords: Environmental valuation; Noise pollution; Open space; Hedonics; COVID-19;

Maintaining Public Goods: The Capitalized Value of Local Park Renovations,
Mitchell Livy and Henry Klaiber, in Land Economics (2016) Downloads

Equilibrium Outcomes and Amenity Valuation in a Multispatial Residential Sorting Framework,
Mitchell Livy and Henry Klaiber, in Land Economics (2021) Downloads

Price and Liquidity Dynamics for Single and Multi-Family Homes during Housing Market Shocks,
Nicholas Irwin and Mitchell Livy, in The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (2022)
Keywords: House prices, Market liquidity, Degree of overpricing, Real estate shocks

Days and Confused: Housing Price and Liquidity Response to New Local Public Schools,
Nicholas B. Irwin and Mitchell Livy, in Journal of Real Estate Research (2021) Downloads

Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept Shale Drilling: A Survey of Ohio Residents,
Mitchell Livy, Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Henry Klaiber and Brian Roe, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2015)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

The effects of climate change on wheat yields: sensitivity of model predictions to increases in cloud cover,
R. Mitchell, from University of Reading (1989)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

C. Matthew Rendleman, William C. Peterson, Livy M. Coe, Phillip R. Eberle and Kenneth E. Griswold, from Southern Agricultural Economics Association (2004)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Dairy Farm Financial Results: A Three Year Survey, 117 Farms - 1950-51 to 1952-53,
J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1954)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Farm Financial Returns, 1960-61: Dairy Farms,
J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1962)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Financial Economics, Livestock Production/Industries

Financial Account and Costing Summary: Figures For Farm Management Advisory Work; No. 4,
J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1965)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Financial Economics

ASHMORE, HARRY S. The Negro and the Schools. Foreword by Owen J. Roberts. Pp. xv, 228. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1954. $2.75,
Morris R. Mitchell, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1955) Downloads

Russia's Failed Revolutions: From the Decembrists to the Dissidents. By Adam B. Ulam. (New York: Basic Books, 1981, Pp. vii + 453. $18.95.),
R. Judson Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1982) Downloads

The History of Marxism: Vol. I, Marxism in Marx's Day. Edited by Eric J. Hobsbawn. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. xxiv + 349. $25.00.),
R. Judson Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1983) Downloads

New International Communism: The Foreign and Defense Policies of the Latin European Communist Parties. By Lawrence L. Whetten. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1982. Pp. xx + 262. $26.95.),
R. Judson Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1984) Downloads

National Communism. By Peter Zwick. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1983. Pp. x + 249. $28.50, cloth; $12.00, paper.),
R. Judson Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1985) Downloads

The Struggle for the Third World. By Jerry F. Hough (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1986. x, 293 p. $32.95, cloth; $12.95, paper). - Soviet Power and the Third World. By Rajan Menon (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. ix, 261 p. $20.00),
R. Judson Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1987) Downloads

Foreign Policy Problems and Polarized Political Communities: Some Implications of A Simple Model,
C. R. Mitchell, in British Journal of Political Science (1971) Downloads

The Industrial Revolution. Edited by R. M. Hartwell. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. Pp. x+ 179. $7.25,
B. R. Mitchell, in Business History Review (1972) Downloads

Essays on a Mature Economy: Britain After 1840. Edited by Donald N. McCloskey. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. xv + 439. $12.50,
B. R. Mitchell, in Business History Review (1972) Downloads

Immigrants and Minorities in British Society. Edited by Colin Holmes. Winchester, Mass.: Allen & Unwin. Pp. 208. $24.75,
B. R. Mitchell, in The Journal of Economic History (1979) Downloads

Poor Richard's Politicks: Benjamin Franklin and His New American Order. By Paul W. Connor. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. xi, 285, $6.50.),
Stephen R. Mitchell, in American Political Science Review (1967) Downloads

Classifying Conflicts: Asymmetry and Resolution,
C. R. Mitchell, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1991) Downloads

Alternative frameworks for technology strategy,
Graham R. Mitchell, in European Journal of Operational Research (1990) Downloads

Depression and the Spiritual in Modern Art: Homage to Mirò edited by J. J. Schildkraut and A. Otero John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 1996 (244 pages). £40.00, hardback, ISBN 0-471-95403-9,
A. R. K. Mitchell, in European Review (1997) Downloads

The Coming of the Railway and United Kingdom Economic Growth*,
B. R. Mitchell, in The Journal of Economic History (1964) Downloads

The History of the British Coal Industry. Vol. 4: 1913–1946: The Political Economy of Decline. By Barry Supple, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Pp. xxv, 733. $98.00,
B. R. Mitchell, in The Journal of Economic History (1989) Downloads

ECOP's Futures Task Force Report: An Overview,
Mitchell R. Geasler, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1988) Downloads

British Historical Statistics,
B. R. Mitchell, from Cambridge University Press (2011)

Estimation of health benefits from a local living wage ordinance,
R. Bhatia and K. Mitchell, in American Journal of Public Health (2001)

Property and the Right to Water,
Jeremy J. Schmidt and Kyle R. Mitchell, in Review of Radical Political Economics (2014)
Keywords: human rights; commons; liberalism; property; water

Lessons from the Issue Correlates of War (ICOW) project,
Paul R Hensel and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, in Journal of Peace Research (2015)
Keywords: conflict data; contentious issues; data collection; data management; ICOW project

AN INVESTIGATION OF STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR THE${\rm Cu}\left({110} \right) - \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\,\,\,2} 2 \\ { - 1} 1 \\\end{array}} \right)-{\rm P}$RECONSTRUCTED SURFACE,
W. Liu and K. A. R. Mitchell, in Surface Review and Letters (SRL) (1996) Downloads

From territorial claims to identity claims: The Issue Correlates of War (ICOW) Project,
Paul R Hensel and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, in Conflict Management and Peace Science (2017)
Keywords: Ethnicity; ICOW; identity; maritime; rivers; territory

Socio-Economic Factors and Job Satisfaction among Public Health Care Registered Nurses in Trinidad and Tobago,
Jenine A. Mitchell and Talia R. Esnard, in International Journal of Business and Social Research (2014)
Keywords: Job satisfaction; Nurses; Trinidad and Tobago;

Socio-Economic Factors and Job Satisfaction among Public Health Care Registered Nurses in Trinidad and Tobago,
Jenine A. Mitchell and Talia R. Esnard, in International Journal of Business and Social Research (2014)
Keywords: Job satisfaction; Nurses; Trinidad and Tobago;

International Institutions and Compliance with Agreements,
Sara McLaughlin Mitchell and Paul R. Hensel, in American Journal of Political Science (2007) Downloads

A new bivariate negative binomial distribution,
C. R. Mitchell and A. S. Paulson, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1981) Downloads

EAVE, a Generative Expert System for Detailing,
J R Mitchell and A D Radford, in Environment and Planning B (1987) Downloads

Further Reflections on Wage Controls,
Arnold R. Weber and Daniel J.B. Mitchell, in ILR Review (1978) Downloads

Rational Models and the Ending of Wars,
C. R. Mitchell and Michael Nicholson, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (1983) Downloads

A Public Choice Analysis of the Demand for Property Tax Circuit-Breaker Legislation,
Thomas R. Ireland and William E. Mitchell, in Public Finance Review (1976) Downloads

Reporting Shell Egg Movements into Retail Channels in Four West Coast Cities,
John R. Pedersen and William L. Mitchell, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1961)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Shell Egg Market Structure in Five Eastern Metropolitan Areas,
John R. Pedersen and William L. Mitchell, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (1963)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing

Guest Editorial,
C Philo, R Mitchell and A More, in Environment and Planning A (1998) Downloads

Working in Research Teams: Lessons from Personal Experiences,
Thomas W. Lee and Terence R. Mitchell, in Management and Organization Review (2011) Downloads

A solution for queues with instantaneous jockeying and other customer selection rules,
R. L. Disney and W. E. Mitchell, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1970) Downloads

Training O.R. Practitioners,
R. C. Tomlinson and G. H. Mitchell, in Interfaces (1971) Downloads

M/M/1 queues with interdependent arrival and service processes,
C. R. Mitchell and A. S. Paulson, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1979) Downloads

Psychology in an integrated undergraduate medical curriculum,
Monica Hayes and Kenneth R. Mitchell, in Social Science & Medicine (1982) Downloads

Conditional probability judgments: Effects of imagining vs experiencing the conditioning event,
William S. Waller and Terence R. Mitchell, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (1991) Downloads

"... Do i love thee? Let me count..." toward an understanding of intuitive and automatic decision making,
Terence R. Mitchell and Lee Roy Beach, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (1990) Downloads

Blasphemy in the classroom: in search of microeconomics textbooks for heterodox instructors,
Erik Dean and Mitchell R. Green, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2017)
Keywords: heterodox economics, microeconomics, pluralism, pedagogy, curriculum, textbooks

The Sensitivity of U.S. Wheat and Coarse Grain Exports and Prices to Alternative Yield Scenarios: A Forecast to 1981,
Donald Mitchell and David R. Armstrong, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (1979)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

The relationship between financial distress and life-course socioeconomic inequalities in well-being: Cross-national analysis of European welfare states,
C.L. Niedzwiedz, J.P. Pell and R. Mitchell, in American Journal of Public Health (2015)
Keywords: aged; cultural factor; Europe; female; health disparity; health survey; human; longitudinal study; male; middle aged; satisfaction; social class; social welfare, Aged; Cross-Cultural Comparison; Europe; Female; Health Status Disparities; Health Surveys; Humans; Longitudinal Studies; Male; Middle Aged; Personal Satisfaction; Social Class; Social Welfare

An exploratory analysis of stakeholders’ expectations and perceptions of corporate social and environmental reporting in South Africa,
C G Mitchell and T R Hill, in South African Journal of Accounting Research (2010) Downloads

Cooperative Planning, Uncertainty, and Managerial Control in Concurrent Design,
Victoria L. Mitchell and Barrie R. Nault, in Management Science (2007)
Keywords: concurrent design, uncertainty, coordination, cooperative planning, concurrent engineering, project management, delay, process redesign, rework

Some Reservations About a “Rational Choice” Model Predicting Employee Turnover,
Terence R. Mitchell and Thomas W. Lee, in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2013) Downloads

The Moral Minority: Evangelical Protestants in Northern Ireland and Their Political Behaviour,
Claire Mitchell and James R. Tilley, in Political Studies (2004) Downloads

Analysis of a Two-Stage Case–Control Study with Cluster Sampling of Controls: Application to Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer,
Thomas R. Fears and Mitchell H. Gail, in Biometrics (2000) Downloads

John R. Harris and Frank Mitchell, in Kyklos (1970) Downloads

Editors' Forum: Research and Publishing Ethics,
Thomas W. Lee and Terence R. Mitchell, in Management and Organization Review (2011) Downloads

Editors' Forum: Research and Publishing Ethics,
Thomas W. Lee and Terence R. Mitchell, in Management and Organization Review (2011) Downloads

Glutamate spillover suppresses inhibition by activating presynaptic mGluRs,
Simon J. Mitchell and R. Angus Silver, in Nature (2000) Downloads

What is the Basis of Farm Financial Progress?,
P. E. McNall and D. R. Mitchell, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1949) Downloads

Electricity provisioning under the Green New Deal: a Modern Monetary Theory approach,
Avraham I. Baranes and Mitchell R. Green, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy

American Views About Election Fraud in 2024,
Mitchell Linegar and R. Michael Alvarez, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

Retirement Responses to Early Social Security Benefit Reductions,
Olivia Mitchell and John W. R. Phillips, from University of Michigan, Michigan Retirement Research Center (2000) Downloads

Retirement in Japan and the United States: Cross-national Comparisons using the Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement (JSTAR) and the U.S. Health and Retirement Study (HRS),
Olivia Mitchell and John W. R. Phillips, from University of Michigan, Michigan Retirement Research Center (2012) Downloads

An Analysis of Air Force EOQ Data with an Application to Reorder Point Calculation,
C. R. Mitchell, R. A. Rappold and W. B. Faulkner, in Management Science (1983)
Keywords: inventory/production: applications, inventory/production: approximations, inventory/production: parameter estimation

Monetary environments and international stock returns,
C. Mitchell Conover, Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, in Journal of Banking & Finance (1999) Downloads

Monetary Conditions and International Investing,
C. Mitchell Conover, Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, in Financial Analysts Journal (1999) Downloads

An Inductively Generated Typology and Process Model of Workplace Courage,
Pauline Schilpzand, David R. Hekman and Terence R. Mitchell, in Organization Science (2015)
Keywords: qualitative research, workplace courage

Emerging Markets: When Are They Worth It?,
C. Mitchell Conover, Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, in Financial Analysts Journal (2002) Downloads

The Relationship between Temperament and Life Satisfaction in Early Adolescence: Cognitive and Behavioral Mediation Models,
Livy Fogle, E. Scott Huebner and James Laughlin, in Journal of Happiness Studies (2002)
Keywords: life satisfaction, temperament, social self-efficacy, subjective well-being, adolescence,

Wages and the Pay Board,
Daniel J B Mitchell and Arnold R Weber, in American Economic Review (1974) Downloads

Expenditure, Income and Return on a Small Group of Dairy Farms: 1943-44 to 1947-48,
J. A. Gilchrist and J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1949)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Farm Financial Returns, 1948-49: Summary Tables for some Farms in South-West Scotland,
J. A. Gilchrist and J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1950)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Farm Management

Farm Financial Returns, 1950-51,
J. A. Gilchrist and J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1952)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Financial Economics

Period Summary of Financial Returns for Groups of Dairy, Hill-Sheep and Cropping Farms up to 1954-55 Year,
J. A. Gilchrist and J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1956)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Financial Economics

Oat Costings, 1955 Crop: Averages for 28 Binder-Cut Crops,
J. F. Macpherson and J. A. R. Mitchell, from Scotland's Rural College (formerly Scottish Agricultural College) (1957)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

The effect of correlated exponential service times on single server tandem queues,
C. R. Mitchell, A. S. Paulson and C. A. Beswick, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1977) Downloads

Heuristic modeling of supply availabilities in large networks,
W. M. Patterson, A. E. Olson and C. R. Mitchell, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1985) Downloads

The Application of Statistical Pattern-Recognition Techniques in Dating Ancient Architectural Construction,
W J Mitchell, B Aran and R S Liggett, in Environment and Planning B (1982) Downloads

An Analysis of HR Certification Value and Demand in Internet Job Announcements,
Mitchell R. Gee, Tammy G. Hunt and James B. Hunt, in International Journal of Human Resource Studies (2019) Downloads

The Influence of a Physician's Use of a Diagnostic Decision Aid on the Malpractice Verdicts of Mock Jurors,
Hal R. Arkes, Victoria A. Shaffer and Mitchell A. Medow, in Medical Decision Making (2008)
Keywords: malpractice; decision aids; jury decision making.

An Individual Differences Measure of Attributions That Affect Achievement Behavior,
N. C. Higgins and Mitchell R. P. LaPointe, in SAGE Open (2012)
Keywords: attribution theory; attributional style; achievement behavior; persistence; measurement; validity

James L. Novak, Mitchell, Charles C., and Jerry R. Crews, in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics (1990)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Acute care nurses' views on family participation and collaboration in fundamental care,
Benjamin R Mackie, Andrea Marshall and Marion Mitchell, in Journal of Clinical Nursing (2018) Downloads

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