Microplastic Contamination of Wild and Captive Flathead Grey Mullet ( Mugil cephalus ),
Lewis T. O. Cheung, Ching Yee Lui and Lincoln Fok,
Keywords: microplastic; ingestion; captive mullets; wild mullets; marine pollution
Greater Than Parts,
Shagun Mehrotra, Lincoln Lewis, Mariana Orloff and Beth Olberding,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Environment - Adaptation to Climate Change Environment - Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases Urban Development - City Development Strategies Urban Development - City to City Alliances Urban Development - National Urban Development Policies & Strategies Urban Development - Regional Urban Development Urban Development - Urban Economic Development Urban Development - Urban Economics
Metropolitan Semarang,
Wiwandari Handayani, Rukuh Setiadi, Bintang Septiarani and Lincoln Lewis,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Urban Development - City Development Strategies Urban Development - National Urban Development Policies & Strategies Urban Development - Regional Urban Development Urban Development - Rural Urban Linkages Urban Development - Urban Economic Development Urban Development - Urban Governance and Management Water Resources - River Basin Management Environment - Adaptation to Climate Change Environment - Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases
“Incentives for Managed Growth”: A Case Study of Incentives-Based Planning and Budgeting in a Large Public Research University,
James C. Hearn, Darrell R. Lewis, Lincoln Kallsen, Janet M. Holdsworth and Lisa M. Jones,
in The Journal of Higher Education
An Investigation of Willingness to Pay for Geopark Management and Conservation: A Case Study of Geotourists in the Greater China Region,
Wei Fang, Gloria Rui Gou, Lewis T. O. Cheung, Lincoln Fok, Alice S. Y. Chow and Ke Zhang,
in Resources
Keywords: willingness to pay; contingent valuation method; place attachment; satisfaction
Understanding the Determinants of Geologically Responsible Behaviour among Geotourists: A Multi-Destination Analysis,
Gloria Rui Gou, Wei Fang, Lewis T. O. Cheung, Lincoln Fok, Alice S. Y. Chow and Ke Zhang,
in Tourism and Hospitality
Keywords: geotourism; geologically responsible behaviours; place attachment; geoparks; Greater China region
Business vulnerability assessment: a firm-level analysis of micro- and small businesses in China,
Alex Lo, Shuwen Liu, Alice S. Y. Chow, Qing Pei, Lewis T. O. Cheung and Lincoln Fok,
in Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards
Keywords: Small business, Sensitivity, Adaptive capacity, Vulnerability assessment, Natural hazards, China
Incentivos aos investimentos americanos no Brasil,
Lincoln Gordon,
in RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas
Tidal Power in Maine,
Lincoln Smith,
in Land Economics
The Regulation of Some New England Holding Companies,
Lincoln Smith,
in Land Economics
Credit Unions in the United States,
Lincoln Clark,
in The Journal of Business
Businessmen as Regulatory Commissioners,
Lincoln Smith,
in The Journal of Business
West Coast Longshore Work Rules,
Lincoln Fairley,
in ILR Review
Book Review: Labor Conditions and Problems: Automation Funds and Displaced Workers,
Lincoln Fairley,
in ILR Review
LOUISE E. SWEET. Tell Toquaan: A Syrian Village. (Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 14.) Pp. xiv, 280. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960. No price,
Lincoln Armstrong,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
DAVID YAUKEY. Fertility Differences in a Modernizing Country: A Survey of Lebanese Couples. Pp. xviii, 204. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $4.00,
Lincoln Armstrong,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
BEARD, CHARLES A. Public Policy and the General Welfare. Pp. xii, 176. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. College Ed. $1.00; Trade Ed. $1.50,
Lincoln Gordon,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
GEORGE L. HARRIS in collaboration with others. Iraq: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. (Survey of World Cultures.) Pp. 350. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1958. $7.00,
Lincoln Armstrong,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
A Comparison of Traditional and Discrete-Choice Approaches to the Analysis of Residential Mobility and Locational Attainment,
Lincoln Quillian,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: migration; residential mobility; locational attainment; segregation; discrete choice; neighborhood poverty; conditional logit
Media and the digital continuum,
Lincoln Wallen,
in Journal of Digital Media Management
Keywords: media distribution, media creation, digital disruption, transformation, digital continuum
Public Opinion and Political Dynamics. By Marbury Bladen OgleJr., (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1950. Pp. v, 362, $3.50.),
Lincoln Harter,
in American Political Science Review
Alan Haworth, Anti-Libertarianism, Markets, Philosophy and Myth, London, Routledge, 1994, pp. 154,
Lincoln Allison,
in Utilitas
The Organization for European Economic Cooperation,
Lincoln Gordon,
in International Organization
The Colonial Life of Pharmaceuticals: Medicines and Modernity in Vietnam. By Laurence Monnais. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 290 pp. Illustrations. Paperback, $32.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-46653-0,
Martha Lincoln,
in Business History Review
Diversification in rural pubs: a strategy for survival and community value?,
Guy Lincoln,
in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Keywords: rural economies; pubs; diversification; licencee skills; strategy; rural business support; public houses; UK; United Kingdom; small business.
Funding Cost and a New Capital Model,
Lincoln Hannah,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: CVA - Credit Value Adjustment DVA - Debit Value Adjustment FVA - Funding Value Adjustment EL - Expected Loss Capital Debt CVA - Credit Value Adjustment DVA - Debit Value Adjustment FVA - Funding Value Adjustment PD – Probability of Default EL - Expected Loss Capital Debt Attribution
National Life and Character; a Forecast. By CHARLES H. PEAR- SON. Pp. 357. Price, $2.00. New edition. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., I894,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Position of the American Representative in Congress,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Richelieu. By RICHARD LODGE, M. A. Pp. 235. Price, 75 cents. London and New York: The Macmillan Co., I896,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Rousseau and the French Revolution,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Histoire financière de l'Assemblée constituante. Par CHARLES GOMEL. Vol. II. I790-9I. Pp. 586. Price, 8 fr. Paris: Guil laumin et Cie,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Contemporary American Opinion of the French Revolution. By CHARLES DOWNES HAZEN. Pp. x, 3I5. Price, $2.00. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, I897,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Des Origines et de l'Etat social de la Nation Française. By H. SOU- LIER. Pp. 520. Price, I0 fr. Paris: Giard et Brière, I898,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
A Constitutional History of the American People, I776-I850. Illus trated with maps. By FRANCIS NEWTON THORPE. In two volumes. Pp. xxvii, 486; xv, 520. Price, $2.50. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, I898,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Rise and Growth of American Politics. By HENRY JONES FORD. Pp. viii, 409. Price, $I.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, I898,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The American Revolution. Part i, I766-I776. By the RT. HON. SIR GEORGE O. TREVELYAN, Bart. 8vo. Pp. xiii, 434. Price, $3.00. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I899,
C.H. Lincoln,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Environment, resources and directions of growth,
Lincoln Gordon,
in World Development
An empirical study of the usefulness of accounting ratios to describe levels of insolvency risk,
Mervyn Lincoln,
in Journal of Banking & Finance
Economic Contribution of Sustainable Tourism Development in Bangladesh,
Zakaria Lincoln,
in International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs (IJBEA)
Keywords: Tourism, Economic contribution, Sustainable tourism
Russia’s vision of cyberspace: a danger to regime security, public safety, and societal norms and cohesion,
Lincoln Pigman,
in Journal of Cyber Policy
Working for Regional Development? The Case of Canadian Labour-sponsored Investment Funds,
Andrew Lincoln,
in Regional Studies
Keywords: Labour-SPONSORED Investment Funds, Trade Unions, Socially Responsible Investment, Regional And Community Development,
The fragility of empowerment: changing gender relations in a Zimbabwean resettlement area,
Lincoln Addison,
in Review of African Political Economy
Comment on Tsugami's "FTAs Take Off in East Asia",
Edward Lincoln,
in Japanese Economy
Whither Trade Policy with Japan?,
Edward Lincoln,
in Japanese Economy
The Businessman in Government,
Lincoln Smith,
in Challenge
Government Controls in War and Peace,
Lincoln Gordon,
in Business History Review
Economic Aspects of Coalition Diplomacy—the NATO Experience,
Lincoln Gordon,
in International Organization
Politics, Welfare, and Conservation: A Survey of Meta-planning,
Lincoln Allison,
in British Journal of Political Science
Politics and the Problem about ‘Science',
Lincoln Allison,
in British Journal of Political Science
Sport and Civil Society,
Lincoln Allison,
in Political Studies
Lincoln Allison,
in Political Studies
A social history of British naval officers 1775–1815 – By Evan Wilson,
Margarette Lincoln,
in Economic History Review
The Manager System and Collectivism,
Lincoln Smith,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Study the role of hubris in nations’ COVID-19 response,
Martha Lincoln,
in Nature
Keywords: Government, Sociology
Environmental engineering,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Demography Death and the demon drink in Russia,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Cold comfort for anglers and toxicologists,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Mostly in the mind,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Natural attraction,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Nipped in the bud,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Brain, heart and stress,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Ancient Australian arthropods,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Lucy takes a stroll,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Crack-up under the Pacific,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Earth science Melting moments,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Darwin and Archimedes come under the hammer,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A big slip,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A bigger Hockney,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Roots of a conservationist,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Taking the squeeze off sperm,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
The bulge of Casita,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Case of the bends,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Bottom of the top of the world,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Bias at the ballot box,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Bite size,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A sex-specific switch,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A bright side of precipitation,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Why little swimmers take turns,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Kelp in postglacial time,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
An ill wind for finches,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Grass and the X factor,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Fisheye views,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Spores ride a cooperative wind,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Cardiac arrest can be less of a gamble,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Martian motion,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Snap judgements,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Creating a bioinformatics nation,
Lincoln Stein,
in Nature
African reflections,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Stressed in Alaska,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A liverwort cheat,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Light touch on the rudder,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
A magnificent seven,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Nose of moose,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Variations on a golden core,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Glacial pace picks up,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Cue for kin,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
Congo's art,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
The whiff of danger,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature
In defence of maize,
Tim Lincoln,
in Nature