213416 documents matched the search for Leidner, Andrew J. in authors.
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HPV vaccine status and sexual behavior among young sexually-active women in the US: evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007–2014, Andrew J. Leidner, Harrell W. Chesson and Makram Talih,
in Health Economics, Policy and Law
The activities of the Swiss watch industry in the fields of patent information and documentation, J. R. Leidner,
in World Patent Information
An Optimal Control Framework to Address the Relationship between Water Resource Management and Water-Borne Health Impacts: Focus on the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley, Andrew J. Leidner, Ronald D. Lacewell, M. Edward Rister and Allen W. Sturdivant,
from Southern Agricultural Economics Association
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
The Effect of Distance and Cost on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Texas, Richard Dunn, Wesley R. Dean, Cassandra M. Johnson, Andrew J. Leidner and Joseph R. Sharkey,
in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety
Cost-effectiveness of dengue vaccination in Puerto Rico, Guido España, Andrew J Leidner, Stephen H Waterman and T Alex Perkins,
in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Assessing the Effect of Potential Reductions in Non-Hepatic Mortality on the Estimated Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis C Treatment in Early Stages of Liver Disease, Andrew J. Leidner, Harrell W. Chesson, Philip R. Spradling and Scott D. Holmberg,
in Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Data-Related Challenges in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Vaccines, Jamison Pike, Andrew J. Leidner, Harrell Chesson, Charles Stoecker and Scott D. Grosse,
in Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Seawater Desalination for Municipal Water Production, Andrew J. Leidner, Ronald D. Lacewell, M. Edward Rister, Joshua D. Woodard, Allen W. Sturdivant and Jacob M. White,
from Southern Agricultural Economics Association
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
The Impact of Executive Information Systems on Organizational Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making, Dorothy E. Leidner and Joyce J. Elam,
in Organization Science
Keywords: executive information systems, management decision making, organization theory, executive support systems, information systems
Emotional Labor in Service Work, Robin Leidner,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Effect of Distance and Cost on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Rural Texas, Richard Dunn, Wesley R. Dean, Cassandra M. Johnson, Andrew Leidner and Joseph R. Sharkey,
in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Quiet Ego Intervention Enhances Flourishing by Increasing Quiet Ego Characteristics and Trait Emotional Intelligence: A Randomized Experiment, Guanyu Liu, Linda M. Isbell, Michael J. Constantino and Bernhard Leidner,
in Journal of Happiness Studies
Keywords: Quiet ego, Quiet ego contemplation, Cognitive intervention, Trait emotional intelligence, Flourishing, Well-being
Neoadjuvant anti-OX40 (MEDI6469) therapy in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma activates and expands antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating T cells, Rebekka Duhen, Carmen Ballesteros-Merino, Alexandra K. Frye, Eric Tran, Venkatesh Rajamanickam, Shu-Ching Chang, Yoshinobu Koguchi, Carlo B. Bifulco, Brady Bernard, Rom S. Leidner, Brendan D. Curti, Bernard A. Fox, Walter J. Urba, R. Bryan Bell and Andrew D. Weinberg,
in Nature Communications
Computer-Suported Risk Identification for the Holistic Management of Risks, Jochen L. Leidner,
from arXiv.org
Mexican Executives' Use of Information Systems: An Empirical Investigation of EIS Use and Impact, Dorothy E. Leidner,
in Journal of Global Information Technology Management
A Theory of Organizational Information Culture, Dorothy E. Leidner,
from Springer
Illusions of control and social domination strategies in knowledge mapping system use, Aurelie Dudezert and Leidner Dorothy,
from HAL
Keywords: Knowledge management,Knowledge management systems,Illusion of control,Social domination,Case study
Assessing the Impacts of IS Strategy through the Development of Dynamic Capabilities, Janice Lo and Dorothy Leidner,
from HAL
Keywords: IS Strategy
Harnessing employee innovation in internal crowdsourcing platforms: Lessons from Allianz UK, Hind Benbya and Dorothy Leidner,
from HAL
Keywords: Employee innovation,Human behavior,Idea management,Innovation platforms,Internal crowdsourcing,Organizational design,Organizational dynamics
The global virtual manager: a prescription for success, Timothy Kayworth and Dorothy Leidner,
in European Management Journal
BISE – Call for Papers Issue 3/2012, Armin Heinzl and Dorothy Leidner,
in Business & Information Systems Engineering: The International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK
Information Systems and Culture, Armin Heinzl and Dorothy Leidner,
in Business & Information Systems Engineering: The International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK
Carbon footprint of water in California, J. Andrew,
in American Journal of Public Health
Co-expression of CD39 and CD103 identifies tumor-reactive CD8 T cells in human solid tumors, Thomas Duhen, Rebekka Duhen, Ryan Montler, Jake Moses, Tarsem Moudgil, Noel F. de Miranda, Cheri P. Goodall, Tiffany C. Blair, Bernard A. Fox, Jason E. McDermott, Shu-Ching Chang, Gary Grunkemeier, Rom Leidner, Richard Bryan Bell and Andrew D. Weinberg,
in Nature Communications
Modes of Ingroup Identification and Notions of Justice Provide Distinct Pathways to Normative and Nonnormative Collective Action in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict, Hema Preya Selvanathan and Bernhard Leidner,
in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Keywords: collective action; intergroup conflict; justice; group identification
Affective Dimensions of Intergroup Humiliation, Bernhard Leidner, Hammad Sheikh and Jeremy Ginges,
Marginality and Employees’ Innovative Behavior and Performance: An investigation in the context of Innovation Management Platforms, Hind Benbya, Dorothy Leidner and Nassim Belbaly,
from HAL
Research Commentary: Technology-Mediated Learning—A Call for Greater Depth and Breadth of Research, Maryam Alavi and Dorothy E. Leidner,
in Information Systems Research
Keywords: Technology-Mediated Learning, Technology-Supported Learning, Online Education, Online Learning and Instruction, Education Research, Information Technology in Higher Education
The Information Age Confronts Education: Case Studies on Electronic Classrooms, Dorothy E. Leidner and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa,
in Information Systems Research
Keywords: educational technology, electronic classrooms, computer-assisted instruction, information technology, educational methods, case studies, inclass learning
Introduction to the HICCS-47 Minitrack on Information and Information Systems in Crisis Response, Dorothy E. Leidner and Anouck Adrot,
from HAL
Keywords: Educational institutions,Geospatial analysis,Industries,Information systems,Prototypes,Resource management,Software
Illusions of control and social domination strategies in knowledge mapping system use, Aurélie Dudezert and Dorothy E Leidner,
in European Journal of Information Systems
Bridging the work/social divide: the emotional response to organizational social networking sites, Hope Koch, Ester Gonzalez and Dorothy Leidner,
in European Journal of Information Systems
An Information Company in Mexico: Extending the Resource-Based View of the Firm to a Developing Country Context, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Dorothy E. Leidner,
in Information Systems Research
Keywords: Information Industry, International IS, Case Study, Computing in Developing Countries, Mexico, Resource-Based View, Network Analysis
Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Dorothy E. Leidner,
in Organization Science
Keywords: Global Virtual Teams, Virtual Teams, Global Teams, Virtual Organizations, Trust, Swift Trust, Computer-Mediated Communication, Group Development
Municipal Bond Pricing: A Data Driven Method, Natraj Raman and Jochen L. Leidner,
Keywords: municipal bonds; yield curves; nonparametric Bayesian; hierarchical model; sparse data
Manpower and Occupational Analysis. Concepts and Measurements by James G. Scoville, Andrew J. Winnick,
in Journal of Human Resources
Introduction to CMPS Special Issue, Andrew J. Enterline,
in Conflict Management and Peace Science
Domestic Factors in the Making of Chinese Foreign Policy*, Andrew J. Nathan,
in China Report
Keywords: Four Rings of security; China’s territorial strategy
Consumer’s Surplus and Behaviorism in a Model of the Decision-to-Move, Andrew J. Krmenec,
in Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Licence Reduction and Gear Restriction Policies in Limited Entry Fisheries: A Bioeconomic Analysis, Andrew J. Staniford,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
The Swiss Dairy Industry: An Analysis of Policy Alternatives and their Implications, Andrew J. Miller,
in SS-AAEA Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries
in Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Response to “Comment on: Decisional Conflict, Regret, and the Burden of Rational Decision Makingâ€, Andrew J. Vickers,
in Medical Decision Making
Threats to the estimation of benefit: are preference elicitation methods accurate?, Andrew J Lloyd,
in Health Economics
An informal survey of multi‐echelon inventory theory, Andrew J. Clark,
in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
The use of simulation to evaluate a multiechelon, dynamic inventory model, Andrew J. Clark,
in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
Decisional Conflict, Regret, and the Burden of Rational Decision Making, Andrew J. Vickers,
in Medical Decision Making
Collective Bargaining under Incomes Legislation: The Case of Britain's Buses, Andrew W. J. Thomson,
in ILR Review
The Effects of Teachers Unions on American Education, Andrew J. Coulson,
in Cato Journal
Biden’s China Policy: Old Wine in New Bottles?, Andrew J. Nathan,
in China Report
Keywords: United States; China; Biden; strategic competitor; human rights; decoupling; Biden; Trump; Taiwan
Should Title VII of the United States Code Prohibiting Sex Discrimination Be Based on Sexual Orientation: An Argument, Andrew J. Schatkin,
in Academicus International Scientific Journal
Keywords: prejudice; discrimination; sex orientation homosexual and lesbian; federal statute
Has the USA Educational�System Failed? Why it Has Failed and What can be Done, Andrew J. Schatkin,
in Academicus International Scientific Journal
Keywords: books; technology; the great writers�of the west; education; critical thought; USA
Book Review: Bureaucracy and Representative Government, Andrew J. Gold,
in Public Finance Review
Book Review: The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism, Andrew J. Spencer,
in Progress in Development Studies
Book review: Hitchcock, Michael, King, Victor T. and Parnwell, Michael, editors, 2010: Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia, Andrew J. Spencer,
in Progress in Development Studies
The Future of Service Learning in International Education, Andrew J. Bolt,
from Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise
Keywords: Developing Nations; Global Partnerships; International Education; Service Education; Service Learning.
Exploring Microeconomics: A Collaborative Learning Project, Andrew J. Monaco,
in Journal of Economics Teaching
Keywords: collaborative learning, intermediate microeconomics, quantitative skills
Diagnosis of the World's Elastic Currency Problems, Andrew J. Frame,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
State and Federal Control of Banks, Andrew J. Frame,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Book Reviews: Promoting Health in the Human Environment. Edited by EVELYN E. MEYER & PETER SAINSBURY. WHO, Geneva. 69 pp. Price: SW Fr. 12.00, Andrew J. Gordon,
in International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Book Reviews: Families Without Hope - A Controlled Study of 33 Problem Families. By W. L. TONGE, D. S. JAMES, and SUSAN HILLAM. Headley Bros., Ltd., Kent, England. 156 pp. Price, Andrew J. Gordon,
in International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Book Reviews: Mental Health Services in Europe. By A. R. MAY. WHO, Geneva. 1976. 59 pp. Price: SW Fr. 12.00; U.S. $4.80, Andrew J. Gordon,
in International Journal of Social Psychiatry
The Underwood Tariff Act as a Producer of Revenue, Andrew J. Peters,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
SELIGMAN, EDWIN R. A., and SHOUP, CARL S. A Report on the Revenue System of Cuba. Pp. 430. Habana, Cuba: Tal leres Tipograficos de Caras y Cia, 1932, Andrew J. Newman,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Underwood Tariff Act as a Producer of Revenue, Andrew J. Peters,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Brazil, Andrew J. Peters,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Book Reviews: The City in Communist China edited by JOHN WILSON LEWIS. London. Oxford U.P. 1971. pp. 449. £6·25 Employment and Economic Growth in Urban China 1949-1957 by CHRISTOPHER HOWE. London: Contemporary China Institute Publications, Cambridge University Press. 1971. pp. 170. £3·00, Andrew J. Watson,
in Urban Studies
The Impact of Main Street Revitalization on the Economic Vitality of Small-Town Business Districts, Andrew J. Van Leuven,
in Economic Development Quarterly
Keywords: revitalization; downtown; retail; economic vitality; place-based policy; causal inference
Rising nonmarital first childbearing among college-educated women: Evidence from three national studies, Andrew J. Cherlin,
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Keywords: fertility, marriage, education, cohabitation
Advancing capital project management, Andrew J. Grandage,
in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Keywords: Project management, Performance management, Capital budgeting
China's Forty Millions: Minority Nationalities and National Integration in the People's Republic of China. By June Teufel Dreyer. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976. Pp. 333. $14.00.), Andrew J. Nathan,
in American Political Science Review
The Undermining of the Sandinista Revolution. Edited by Gary Prevost and Harry E. Vanden. New York: St. Martin's Press. 226p. $39.95, Andrew J. Stein,
in American Political Science Review
The International Origins of the Federal Reserve System. By J. Lawrence Broz. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997. 269p. $35.00, Andrew J. Taylor,
in American Political Science Review
Oz Clarke. Red & White: An Unquenchable Thirst for Wine Little, Brown Book Group – Hachette, London, United Kingdom, 2018, 656 pp., ISBN-13 978-1408710173 (hardcover), $35.00, Andrew J. Plantinga,
in Journal of Wine Economics
What's in a Name? A Method for Extracting Information about Ethnicity from Names, J. Andrew Harris,
in Political Analysis
The Battle for Social Security: From FDR's Vision To Bush's Gamble. By Nancy J. Altman. Wiley, 2005, ISBN 0471771724, 362 pages, Andrew J. Rettenmaier,
in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Stanley Baldwin, Heresthetics and the Realignment of British Politics, Andrew J. Taylor,
in British Journal of Political Science
Monetary Intervention Really Did Mitigate Banking Panics During the Great Depression: Evidence Along the Atlanta Federal Reserve District Border, Andrew J. Jalil,
in The Journal of Economic History
Housing and Mortgage Markets in Historical Perspective. By Eugene N. White, Kenneth Snowden and Price Fishback, editors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. Pp. vii, 397. $110.00, cloth, Andrew J. Jalil,
in The Journal of Economic History
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Productivity Analysis
Conditional Party Government and Campaign Contributions: Insights from the Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Industries, Andrew J. Taylor,
in American Journal of Political Science
Synthetic Data: A Very Short Primer for Social Workers, Andrew J. Kelly,
from Center for Open Science
Towards Universal Structure-Based Prediction of Class II MHC Epitopes for Diverse Allotypes, Andrew J Bordner,
Positive Interactions between Desert Granivores: Localized Facilitation of Harvester Ants by Kangaroo Rats, Andrew J Edelman,
Recent Advances in Empirical Land-Use Modeling, Andrew J. Plantinga,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Keywords: land use, economics, policy, empirical research design, spatial data, satellite imagery
The costs of saving nature: Does it make “cents”?, Andrew J Tanentzap,
in PLOS Biology
Integrating Economic Land-Use and Biophysical Models, Andrew J. Plantinga,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Keywords: econometric models, optimization models, land-use change, land-use policy
Book Reviews: J.S. GREWAL, The New Cambridge History of India, II. 3, The Sikhs of the Punjab, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990, XXV + 264 pp, Andrew J. Major,
in The Indian Economic & Social History Review
Interview with Andy Hoffman, Andrew J. Hoffman,
in economic sociology. perspectives and conversations
What makes IoT different for the regulatory authority, Andrew J. Haire,
from International Telecommunications Society (ITS)
Keywords: IoT policy, regulation of IoT, government authority, trust, identity
Party Sub‐Brands and American Party Factions, Andrew J. Clarke,
in American Journal of Political Science
Registered author: Andrew J. Nelson
(Re)Solving Space and Time: Fulfilment Issues in Online Grocery Retailing, Andrew J Murphy,
in Environment and Planning A
Bishops, Kings and Leviathan: Nationalism and Integralism in Light of High Church Anglican Political Thought, Andrew J. Nolte,
in International Journal of Religion
Keywords: Nationalism; integralism; Anglicanism; ecclesiology; Richard Hooker; nonjurors
A Commentary on Mark Wallace’s When God was a Bird, Andrew J. Cutler,
in Journal of Posthumanism
Keywords: Commentaries; Interviews
Comparing tax and spending multipliers by controlling for monetary policy, Andrew J. Jalil,
in International Journal of Economics and Business Research
Keywords: fiscal multipliers; monetary policy; fiscal policy; tax increases; government spending cuts; endogeneity; fiscal consolidation.
Australian Sugar Mills Optimize Harvester Rosters to Improve Production, Andrew J. Higgins,
in Interfaces
Keywords: Industries: agriculture, machinery. Programming: integer, algorithms, heuristic
State Foreign Export Patterns, Andrew J. Cassey,
in Southern Economic Journal
Review: Tan, Kevin Yew Lee, Marshall of Singapore. A Biography, Andrew J. Harding,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Keywords: Singapore; law; minister; Ministerial authority and coordination
Jane Lopes: Vignette: Stories of Life & Wine in 100 Bottles Hardie Grant, London, UK, 2019, 304 pp., ISBN: 978-1743795323, $25.70, Andrew J. Plantinga,
in Journal of Wine Economics