2994 documents matched the search for Laux, Lena in authors.
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¿Es sostenible el reciclaje? Propuestas para conciliar los aspectos sociales, ecológicos y económicos en Argentina, Anna Pegels, Stefanie Heyer, David Ohlig, Felix Kurz, Lena Laux and Prescott Morley,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
How sustainable is recycling? Reconciling the social, ecological, and economic dimensions in Argentina, Anna Pegels, Stefanie Heyer, David Ohlig, Felix Kurz, Lena Laux and Prescott Morley,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Keywords: waste management, urban recycling, cartoneros, sustainability, Argentina
Consumer Protection and the Role of Advice in the Market for Retail Financial Services, Christian Laux,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Corporate Governance, Board Oversight, and CEO Turnover, Volker Laux,
in Foundations and Trends(R) in Accounting
Louis Fischer. The Road to Yalta: Soviet Foreign Relations, 1941-1945. Pp. xi, 238. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. $8.95. Josef Korbel. Détente in Europe: Real or Imaginary? Pp. vii, 302. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. $10.00, Jeanne Laux,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Delegated Information Acquisition and Capital Budgeting: On the Separation of Project Evaluation and Project Management, Christian Laux,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
The economic consequences of extending the use of fair value accounting in regulatory capital calculations: A discussion, Christian Laux,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Banks; Fair value accounting; Prudential regulation; AOCI filter; Regulatory capital;
Corporate insurance design with multiple risks and moral hazard, Christian Laux,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Multiline Insurance, Umbrella Policies, Integrated Risk Management, Deductible Insurance
Limited-Liability and Incentive Contracting with Multiple Projects, Christian Laux,
in RAND Journal of Economics
On the value of influence activities for capital budgeting, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Stock option vesting conditions, CEO turnover, and myopic investment, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Financial Economics
Keywords: Executive pay; Stock option vesting; Managerial myopia; CEO turnover;
Effects of Litigation Risk on Board Oversight and CEO Incentive Pay, Volker Laux,
in Management Science
Keywords: corporate governance, director liability, board oversight, CEO incentive pay, earnings management
Financial instruments, financial reporting, and financial stability, Christian Laux,
in Accounting and Business Research
Discussion of 'The role of revenue recognition in performance reporting' by Alfred Wagenhofer (2014), Bob Laux,
in Accounting and Business Research
On the benefits of allowing CEOs to time their stock option exercises, Volker Laux,
in RAND Journal of Economics
The Ignored Performance Measure, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Executive Pay, Innovation, and Risk‐Taking, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Supporting and Assessing Agents, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting Research
Board Independence and CEO Turnover, Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting Research
Bedingungen der Anreizkompatibilität, Fundierung von Unternehmenszielen und Anreize für deren Umsetzung, Helmut Laux,
from Department of Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Marktwertmaximierung und CAPM im Ein- und Mehrperioden-Fall, Helmut Laux,
from Department of Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Project-Specific External Financing and Headquarters Monitoring Incentives, Christian Laux,
in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Herbert Hax zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres, Helmut Laux,
in Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research
Registered author: Christian Laux
Integrating Corporate Risk Management, Christian Laux,
from Springer
Keywords: Risk Management, Cash Flow, Credit Default Swap, Financial Distress, Insurance Contract
Performance Measurement and Information Production, Christian Laux and Volker Laux,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Accounting conservatism and managerial information acquisition, Christian Laux and Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Accounting conservatism; Debt contracting; Early warning; Managerial information acquisition;
Board Committees, CEO Compensation, and Earnings Management, Christian Laux and Volker Laux,
from Department of Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation, Earnings Management, Board Oversight
Small States and Inter-European Relations: An Analysis of the Group of Nine, Jeanne Kirk Laux,
in Journal of Peace Research
Promotion and Control of Industry in Postwar France. By John Sheahan. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. 301. $5.95, James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
Ernest Mercier: French Technocrat. By Richard F. Kuisel. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967. Pp. x + 184. $5.75, James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
Louis Renault: A Biography. By Anthony Rhodes. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970. Pp. x + 233. $6.95, James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
La Communication dans les Organisations Industrielles: Contributions a L'Etude de la Presse d'Entreprise et Essai de Bibliographie. By Dimitri Weiss. Paris, Sirey, 1971. Pp. 238. 28 francs, James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
Organized Business in France. By Henry W. Ehrmann. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957. Pp. xx, 514. $7.50, James M. Laux,
in The Journal of Economic History
The World Automotive Industry. By Gerald Bloomfield. North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1978. Pp. 368. $32.50, James M. Laux,
in The Journal of Economic History
The VW Beetle. By Robin Fry. Newton Abbot, England, and North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1980. Pp. 208. $22.50. - Saab: The Innovator. By Mark Chatterton. Newton Abbot, England, and North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1980. Pp. 160, $26.00, James M. Laux,
in The Journal of Economic History
How Private is Privatization?, Jeanne Kirk Laux,
in Canadian Public Policy
Economics, James M. Laux,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Theoretical studies in islamic banking and finance: Moshin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor, eds., (The Institute for Research and Islamic Studies, Houston, TX, 1987) pp. xvi + 245, Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of Development Economics
Impossibility of exclusion and characteristics of public goods, Wolfgang Laux-Meiselbach,
in Journal of Public Economics
Addiction as a market failure: using rational addiction results to justify tobacco regulation, Fritz L. Laux,
in Journal of Health Economics
Dealer market structure, outside competition, and the bid-ask spread, Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Une Entreprise Horlogère du Val-De-Travers: Fleurier Watch CO. SA. By François Jequier. Neuchâtel, Editions de la Baconnière, 1972. Pp. 406. 30 francs, James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
De la Forge à la Manufacture Horologère (XVIIIe–XXe siècles). By François Jequier, assisted by Chantal Schindler-Pittet. (Lausanne: Bibliothèque Historique Vaudoise, 1983. 713 pp.), James M. Laux,
in Business History Review
STRIKES IN FRANCE: 1830–1968. By Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1974. Pp. 428. $27.50, James M. Laux,
in The Journal of Economic History
Herbert Austin: The British Motor Car Industry to 1941. By Roy Church. London: Europa Publications Ltd., 1979. Pp. lii, 233. £12.00, James M. Laux,
in The Journal of Economic History
in Journal of Financial Research
A Note on Import Substitution versus Export Promotion as Strategies for Development, Wolfgang Laux‐Meiselbach,
in Kyklos
Diesel Trucks and Buses: Their Gradual Spread in the United States, James M. Laux,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Gasoline Engine, Fuel Cost, Heavy Truck, Diesel Truck, Diesel Power
Die beschleunigte Demokratie - Überlegungen zur Weltwirtschaftskrise, Hartmut Rosa and Henning Laux,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Board Independence, Executive Pay, and the Adoption of Pet Projects, Volker Laux and Brian Mittendorf,
in Contemporary Accounting Research
Kooperationspotenziale touristischer Stakeholder in der Hauptstadtregion Berlin-Potsdam. Erste Ergebnisse aus einem 18-monatigen Forschungsprojekt, Laux Silke and Soller Jörg,
in Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft
ART Versus Reinsurance: The Disciplining Effect of Information Insensitivity, Silke Brandts and Christian Laux,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Cat Bonds, Risk Transfer, Index Trigger, Adverse Selection
Mutual versus stock insurers: Fair premium, capital, and solvency, Christian Laux and Alexander Muermann,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Ownership Structure, Insurance, Qwner-Manager Conflict, Capital, Default
Tying lending and underwriting: Scope economies, incentives, and reputation, Christian Laux and Uwe Walz,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Tying, Investment Banking, Universal Banking
Corporate Governance, Accounting Conservatism, and Manipulation, Judson Caskey and Volker Laux,
in Management Science
Keywords: corporate governance; conservatism; manipulation; investment decisions
Conservative Accounting, Audit Quality, and Litigation, Sebastian Kronenberger and Volker Laux,
in Management Science
Keywords: conservative accounting, litigation, audit quality
Financing risk transfer under governance problems: Mutual versus stock insurers, Christian Laux and Alexander Muermann,
in Journal of Financial Intermediation
Insider versus outsider CEOs, executive compensation, and accounting manipulation, Prasart Jongjaroenkamol and Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Insider versus outsider CEOs; CEO compensation; CEO turnover; Accounting manipulation;
Effects of accounting conservatism on investment efficiency and innovation, Volker Laux and Korok Ray,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Optimal contracting; Innovation; Accounting conservatism; Investment efficiency;
ART versus reinsurance: the disciplining effect of information insensitivity, Silke Brandts and Christian Laux,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: cat bonds; risk transfer; index trigger; adverse selection
Incentives in Internal Capital Markets: Capital Constraints, Competition, and Investment Opportunities, Roman Inderst and Christian Laux,
in RAND Journal of Economics
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Investment Policy; cost of capital Firm Organization and Market Structure: Markets vs. Hierarchies; Vertical Integration; Conglomerates Firm Value; Firm; Firms; Investment
Corporate Boards and SEOs: The Effect of Certification and Monitoring, Miguel Ferreira and Paul Laux,
in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Catastrophe Bonds and Reinsurance: The Competitive Effect of Information‐Insensitive Triggers, Silke Finken and Christian Laux,
in Journal of Risk & Insurance
Procyclicality of U.S. Bank Leverage, Christian Laux and Thomas Rauter,
in Journal of Accounting Research
Managerial Optimism and Debt Covenants, Jakob Infuehr and Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting Research
What Role Do Boards Play in Companies with Visionary CEOs?, Xu Jiang and Volker Laux,
in Journal of Accounting Research
Disclosure, transparency, and market discipline, Xavier Freixas and Christian Laux,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Mark-to-Market, Fair-Value Accounting, Credit Rating Agencies, Financial Crisis, Regulation, Financial Institutions, Banks
Cross-Selling Lending and Underwriting: Scope Economies and Incentives, Christian Laux and Uwe Walz,
in Review of Finance
Did fair-value accounting contribute to the financial crisis?, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Mark-to-Market Accounting, Financial Institutions, Liquidity, Financial Crisis, Banks, Financial Regulation, Procyclicality, Contagion
Herbert Hax in Memoriam, Günter Franke and Helmut Laux,
in Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research
Did Fair-Value Accounting Contribute to the Financial Crisis?, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Ambiguous Effects of Rankings: Strategically Biased Forecasting by Advisers, Christian Laux and Daniel Probst,
from Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Universität Mannheim
Incentives in Internal Capital Markets, Roman Inderst and Christian Laux,
from Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Universität Mannheim
Extracting the Wisdom from the Crowd: A Comparison of Approaches to Aggregating Collective Intelligence, Thomas Görzen and Florian Laux,
from Paderborn University, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Keywords: Crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, wisdom of the crowd, aggregation approaches
The crisis of fair value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Mark-to-market, Fair value accounting, Financial institutions, Liquidity, Financial crisis, Banks, Procyclicality
Did Fair-Value Accounting Contribute to the Financial Crisis?, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
The crisis of fair-value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
in Accounting, Organizations and Society
Bid‐ask spreads in financial futures, Paul A. Laux and A. J. Senchack,
in Journal of Futures Markets
Fragmentation and complementarity: The case of EFPs, Sharon Brown‐Hruska and Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of Futures Markets
The Ambiguous Effect of Rankings: Strategically Biased Forecasting by Advisers, Christian Laux and Daniel A. Probst,
from Sonderforschungsbreich 504
Lean Six Sigma leadership in higher education institutions, Jing Lu, Chad Laux and Jiju Antony,
in International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Leadership, Higher education, Public sector organizations
Multinational corporations and economic nationalism: Conflict over resource development in Canada, Jeanne Kirk Laux and Maureen Appel Molot,
in World Development
The sources of GARCH: empirical evidence from an intraday returns model incorporating systematic and unique risks, Paul A. Laux and Lilian K. Ng,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
One signal, two opinions: strategic heterogeneity of analysts' forecasts, Christian Laux and Daniel A. Probst,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
The effect of media-linked directors on financing and external governance, Alberta Di Giuli and Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of Financial Economics
Keywords: Media; Boards of directors; Financing policy; External governance;
Managerial reporting, overoptimism, and litigation risk, Volker Laux and Phillip C. Stocken,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Mandatory disclosure; Litigation; Overoptimism;
Economic Perspectives on Addiction: Hyperbolic Discounting and Internalities, Fritz L. Laux and Richard M. Peck,
in Journal of Economic Insight
Portfolio flows, volatility and growth, Miguel Ferreira and Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
Keywords: Portfolio flows Financial integration Growth Economic development
Accounting standards, regulatory enforcement, and innovation, Volker Laux and Phillip C. Stocken,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Accounting standards; Regulatory enforcement; Innovation;
Signaling private information via accounting system design, Aysa Dordzhieva, Volker Laux and Ronghuo Zheng,
in Journal of Accounting and Economics
Keywords: Information system design; Accounting bias; Signaling;
Improving Task Instructions for Data Annotators: How Clear Rules and Higher Pay Increase Performance in Data Annotation in the AI Economy, Johann Laux, Fabian Stephany and Alice Liefgreen,
from arXiv.org
Accounting Changes and Enforcement of Bank Capital Requirements in a Crisis, Natalija Kostic, Viktoria Muthsam and Christian Laux,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Corporate Governance, Idiosyncratic Risk, and Information Flow, Miguel Ferreira and Paul A. Laux,
in Journal of Finance
Understanding Bank Payouts during the Crisis of 2007–2009, Peter Cziraki, Christian Laux and Gyöngyi Lóránth,
in The Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Bank Regulation, CEO Compensation, and Boards, Julian Kolm, Christian Laux and Gyöngyi Lóránth,
in Review of Finance
Keywords: Bank regulation, Executive compensation, Corporate governance
Accounting for financial stability: Bank disclosure and loss recognition in the financial crisis, Jannis Bischof, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
in Journal of Financial Economics
Keywords: Banks; Financial crisis; Financial stability; Disclosure; Loan loss accounting; Expected credit losses; Incurred loss model; Prudential filter; Fair value accounting;
Accounting for financial stability: Lessons from the financial crisis and future challenges, Jannis Bischof, Christian Laux and Christian Leuz,
from Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
Keywords: Banks, Financial crisis, Financial stability, Disclosure, Loan loss accounting, Expected credit losses, Incurred loss model, Prudential filter, Fair valueaccounting
Retirement Wealth under Fixed Limits: The Optimal Strategy for Exponential Utility, Lena Schutte,
from arXiv.org
L'évolution relative des revenus dans les régions, Lena Lori,
in Économie et Statistique