138 documents matched the search for Kuijsten, Anneleen in authors.
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Stephen Jackson, Britain's Population: Demographic issues in contemporary society, Anton Kuijsten†,
in European Journal of Population
A sustainability compass for policy navigation to sustainable food systems, Aniek Hebinck, Monika Zurek, Thom Achterbosch, Björn Forkman, Anneleen Kuijsten, Marijke Kuiper, Birgit Nørrung, Pieter van ’t Veer, and Adrian Leip,
from Center for Open Science
Assessing Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security of the EU Food System—An Integrated Approach, Monika Zurek, Aniek Hebinck, Adrian Leip, Joost Vervoort, Marijke Kuiper, Maria Garrone, Petr Havlík, Thomas Heckelei, Sara Hornborg, John Ingram, Anneleen Kuijsten, Lindsay Shutes, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Ida Terluin, Pieter Van ’t Veer, Jo Wijnands, Andrea Zimmermann and Thom Achterbosch,
in Sustainability
Keywords: food systems; metrics; interdisciplinarity; sustainable food and nutrition security; food system assessment; participatory approach; SUSFANS
Interim employment and a leading indicator for the Belgian labour market, Anneleen Peeters,
in Brussels Economic Review
The Impact of Accounting Restatements on a Firm’s Cost of Public Debt, Anneleen Cornil,
in Review of Business and Economic Literature
Keywords: Accounting Restatement, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity, Materiality
Post-politics contested: Why multiple voices on climate change do not equal politicisation, Anneleen Kenis,
in Environment and Planning C
Keywords: Climate change; democracy; politicisation; post-politics; social movements
Multinationals or Cooperatives: Does it Matter to Farmers? - A Study of the Dairy Sector in Punjab (India), Anneleen Vandeplas,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries
Clashing Tactics, Clashing Generations: The Politics of the School Strikes for Climate in Belgium, Anneleen Kenis,
in Politics and Governance
Keywords: Chantal Mouffe; climate change; climate law; depoliticisation; intergenerational justice; new climate activism; politicisation; post-politics; School Strikes for Climate; technocracy; Youth for Climate
Interim Employment and a Leading Indicator for the Belgian Labour Market, Anneleen Peeters,
from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven
Interim Employment and a Leading Indicator for the Belgian Labour Market, Anneleen Peeters,
from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven
Registered author: Anneleen Vandeplas
The concept employability: a complex mosaic, Anneleen Forrier, Luc Sels,
in International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
Keywords: employability; movement capital; labour market transitions; employability enhancement.
Social policy and forms of family life in Europe, Anton Kuijsten, Klaus Peter Strohmeier and Hans‐Joachim Schulze,
in International Social Security Review
Greening the Economy or Economizing the Green Project? When Environmental Concerns Are Turned into a Means to Save the Market, Anneleen Kenis and Matthias Lievens,
in Review of Radical Political Economics
Keywords: green economy; green growth; climate change; post-politics; climate justice; hegemony
Temporary Employment and Employability: Training Opportunities and Efforts of Temporary and Permanent Employees in Belgium, Anneleen Forrier and Luc Sels,
in Work, Employment & Society
Flexibility, turnover and training, Anneleen Forrier and Luc Sels,
in International Journal of Manpower
The role of the media in staging air pollution: The controversy on extreme air pollution along Oxford Street and other debates on poor air quality in London, Anneleen Kenis and Benjamin Barratt,
in Environment and Planning C
Keywords: Air pollution; media; politicisation; London; Chantal Mouffe, conflict, Oxford Street
Just air? Spatial injustice and the politicisation of air pollution, Anneleen Kenis and Maarten Loopmans,
in Environment and Planning C
Regularisation and P-splines in generalised linear models, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Testing for constancy in varying coefficient models, Mohamed Ahkim and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Imagining the carbon neutral city: The (post)politics of time and space, Anneleen Kenis and Matthias Lievens,
in Environment and Planning A
Keywords: Carbon neutrality; post-politics; the political; repoliticisation; climate change
The effect of spatiotemporal resolution on predictive policing model performance, Anneleen Rummens and Wim Hardyns,
in International Journal of Forecasting
Keywords: Predictive policing; Crime forecasting; Spatiotemporal forecasting; Decision making; Predictive modeling;
Extended cyclic innovation model as a tool for failure identification in innovation management. Case study of 25 years of CMOS image sensor technology in Belgium, Peter Teirlinck and Anneleen Bruylant,
in Technovation
Keywords: Cyclic innovation model; Entrepreneurship; Organizational context; Innovation failure;
Dividend decisions in family businesses: A systematic review and research agenda, Vincent Molly and Anneleen Michiels,
in Journal of Economic Surveys
A Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity? Evidence from the Dairy Sector in India, Astrid Sneyers and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries
Food quality in domestic markets of developing economies: a comparative study of two countries, Anneleen Vandeplas and Bart Minten,
in Agricultural Economics
Revisiting the "Cotton Problem" - A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire Delpeuch and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries
Revisiting the “Cotton Problem”—A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire Delpeuch and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in World Development
Keywords: sub-Saharan Africa; cotton reforms; self-enforcing contracts;
Mental Health in Family Businesses and Business Families: A Systematic Review, Diane Arijs and Anneleen Michiels,
Keywords: mental health; well-being; mental disorders; family business
Rich consumers and poor producers: Quality and rent distribution in global value chains, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Contract farming, Enforcement, Development, Rent distribution, High-value agriculture, Globalization, Markets,
Contracting, Competition, and Rent Distribution Theory and Empirical Evidence from Developing and Transition Countries, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Farm Management
From Public to Private Governance of Agri-food Supply Chains in Transition Countries: Some Theoretical and Empirical Lessons, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Market Power and Rents in Global Supply Chains, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness, Marketing
Market power and rents in global supply chains, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in Agricultural Economics
Rich Consumers and Poor Producers: Quality and Rent Distribution in Global Value Chains, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in Journal of Globalization and Development
Keywords: contracting, imperfect enforcement, development, rent distribution, value chains
Girl Power in Agricultural Production: How Much Does it Yield? A Case-Study on the Dairy Sector in India, Astrid Sneyers and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from eSocialSciences
Keywords: girl, agricultural production, dairy sector, India, Andhra Pradesh, South India
Price Transmission and Market Power in Modern Agricultural Value Chains, Johan Swinnen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from eSocialSciences
Keywords: Price Transmission, exogenous, consumer price, price shocks, producer prices, income changes, institutional, agricultural, food marksts, supply chains, market power
The Macro-Economic Benefits of Gender Equality, Anne Kingma and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
Keywords: Gender equality, growth, labour supply, productivity, public finance, Kingma, Vandeplas.
Family Life and Family Policies in Europe: Volume 1: Structures and Trends in the 1980s, Anton Kuijsten, Franz-Xaver Kaufmann, Hans-Joachim Schulze and Klaus Peter Strohmeier,
from Oxford University Press
Family Life and Family Policies in Europe: Volume 2: Problems and Issues in Comparative Perspective, Franz-Xaver Kaufmann, Anton Kuijsten, Hans-Joachim Schulze and Klaus Peter Strohmeier,
from Oxford University Press
Rethinking environmental justice: capability building, public knowledge and the struggle against traffic-related air pollution, Maarten Loopmans, Linde Smits and Anneleen Kenis,
in Environment and Planning C
Keywords: Capabilities; environmental justice; air pollution; public knowledge; social movement strategy
Can fat taxes and package size restrictions stimulate healthy food choices?, Elke Huyghe and Anneleen Van Kerckhove,
in International Journal of Research in Marketing
Keywords: Sales promotion; Packaging; Price; Food; Vice; Virtue;
Conditional Sure Independence Screening, Emre Barut, Jianqing Fan and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Semiparametric quantile regression using family of quantile-based asymmetric densities, Irène Gijbels, Rezaul Karim and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Keywords: Asymptotic distribution; Bandwidth selection; Local likelihood; Local polynomial fitting;
A new distance based measure of asymmetry, Jonas Baillien, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Asymmetry measure; Mode; Nonparametric estimation; Parametric estimation; Reflective symmetry; Uniform consistency;
The labour income share in the euro area, Elizaveta Archanskaia, Eric Meyermans and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)
Keywords: Euro area economy, Capital Markets Union, convergence, resilience, technological progress capital deepening, shift-share decomposition labour share, labour income share, wage share, minimum wage
On Quantile‐based Asymmetric Family of Distributions: Properties and Inference, Irène Gijbels, Rezaul Karim and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in International Statistical Review
Response to the Letter to the Editor on ‘On Quantile‐based Asymmetric Family of Distributions: Properties and Inference’, Irène Gijbels, Rezaul Karim and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in International Statistical Review
The relationship between status and happiness: Evidence from the caste system in rural India, Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
Keywords: Subjective well-being; Happiness; Social status; Social comparison;
Formal HRM in family SMEs: the role of family-centered goals and family governance, Anneleen Michiels, Diane Arijs and Lorraine Uhlaner,
in Review of Managerial Science
Keywords: HRM, Family firms, Family governance, Attention-based view
Flexible asymmetric multivariate distributions based on two-piece univariate distributions, Jonas Baillien, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Keywords: Affine combination, Maximum likelihood estimation, Multivariate skew distribution
Lower in rank, but happier: the complex relationship between status and happiness, Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
Keywords: subjective well-bejing, happiness, social status, social comparison
The relationship between status and happiness: evidence from the caste system in rural India, Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
Keywords: subjective well-being, happiness, social status, social comparison
Linking urban consumers and rural farmers in India: A comparison of traditional and modern food supply chains, Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural marketing, Market transformation, Rural-urban linkages, Globalization, Markets,
The broken broker system?: Transacting on agricultural wholesale markets in India (Uttarakhand), Bart Minten, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural marketing, brokers, interlinkages,
Revisiting the "Cotton Problem:" A Comparative Analysis of Cotton Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire Delpeuch, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
from African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries
Revisiting the “Cotton Problem”: A comparative analysis of cotton reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire Delpeuch, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Institutional and Behavioral Economics
Revisiting the “cotton problem”: A comparative analysis of cotton reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire Delpeuch, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: International Development
Governance and Surplus Distribution in Commodity Value Chains in Africa, Johan Swinnen, Anneleen Vandeplas and Miet Maertens,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness
On food quality in domestic markets of developing economies, Anneleen Vandeplas, Bart Minten and Johan Swinnen,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
The broken broker system? Transacting on horticulture wholesale markets in India (Uttarakhand), Bart Minten, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Marketing
Multinationals versus cooperatives: The income and efficiency effects of supply chain governance in India, Anneleen Vandeplas, Bart Minten and Johan Swinnen,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Industrial Organization, International Development
Multinationals vs. Cooperatives: The Income and Efficiency Effects of Supply Chain Governance in India, Anneleen Vandeplas, Bart Minten and Johan Swinnen,
in Journal of Agricultural Economics
Regulations, Brokers, and Interlinkages: The Institutional Organization of Wholesale Markets in India, Bart Minten, Anneleen Vandeplas and Johan Swinnen,
in Journal of Development Studies
Liberalization, Endogenous Institutions, and Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Reforms in Africa, Asia, and Europe, Johan Swinnen, Anneleen Vandeplas and Miet Maertens,
in The World Bank Economic Review
Skills Mismatch and Productivity in the EU, Anneleen Vandeplas and Anna Thum-Thysen,
from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
Lower in Rank, but Happier: The Complex Relationship between Status and Happiness, Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from eSocialSciences
Keywords: subjective well-being, happiness, social status, social comparison, middle, high castes, education levels, Punjab, birth, India, status, happiness, Andhra Pradesh
Slack vs. tightness in euro area labour markets: growing mismatch after COVID-19?, Áron Kiss, Alessandro Turrini and Anneleen Vandeplas,
in Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)
Keywords: Labour market slack, labour shortages, mismatch, Beveridge curve
Conceptual framework for the analysis of the determinants of food and nutrition security, Hannah Pieters, Andrea Guariso and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from LEI Wageningen UR
The Relationship between Status and Happiness: Evidence from the Caste System in Rural India, Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: subjective well-being, happiness, social status, social comparison
The relationship between qualitative job insecurity and OCB: Differences across age groups, Dave Stynen, Anneleen Forrier, Luc Sels and Hans De Witte,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Keywords: Basic need satisfaction; job insecurity; OCB (organizational citizenship behaviour); older worker; stressors
Monetary Scarcity Leads to Increased Desire for Assortment, Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Renaud Lunardo and Gavan J. Fitzsimons,
in Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
Developmental HRM, employee well‐being and performance: The moderating role of developing leadership, Elise Marescaux, Sophie de Winne and Anneleen Forrier,
from HAL
Quantile Regression in Space-Time Varying Coefficient Model of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Data, Bertho Tantular, Budi Nurani Ruchjana, Yudhie Andriyana and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Mathematics
Keywords: longitudinal data; P-splines; quantile regression; space-time varying coefficient model
The Amazing Race to India: Prominence in reality television affects destination image and travel intentions, Tina Tessitore, Mario Pandelaere and Anneleen Van Kerckhove,
in Tourism Management
Keywords: Product placement; Reality television; Perception; Destination marketing;
Treatment delivery of the community reinforcement approach in outpatient addiction treatment, Anneleen E.M. Kraan, Boukje A.G. Dijkstra and Wiebren Markus,
in Evaluation and Program Planning
Keywords: Substance use; Community reinforcement approach; Treatment delivery; Therapist characteristics;
Honey they shrank the food! An integrative study of the impact of food granularity and its operationalization mode on consumption, Gudrun Roose, Anneleen Van Kerckhove and Elke Huyghe,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Food granularity; Partitioning; Grouping; Tempting foods; Self-control conflict; (Un)restrained eating;
Mock meat in the butchery: Nudging consumers toward meat substitutes, Jolien Vandenbroele, Hendrik Slabbinck, Anneleen Van Kerckhove and Iris Vermeir,
in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Keywords: Sustainability; Meat substitutes; Choice architecture; Visibility; Shelf management;
Family business employer brand: Understanding applicants’ perceptions and their job pursuit intentions with samples from the US and Belgium, Diane Arijs, Isabel C. Botero, Anneleen Michiels and Vincent Molly,
in Journal of Family Business Strategy
Keywords: Perceptions of family firms; Job pursuit intentions; Symbolic and instrumental factors; Careers; Family business branding; Family business employer brand;
On a family of two–piece circular distributions, Jose Ameijeiras-Alonso, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Keywords: Circular statistics; Flexible modeling; Peakedness; Skewness; Unimodality;
If you work it, flaunt it: Conspicuous displays of exercise efforts increase mate value, Jolien Vandenbroele, Anneleen Van Kerckhove and Maggie Geuens,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Mating; Health; Costly signal; Self-promotion; Social media;
Triggering brand switching in online stores: The effectiveness of recommendations for private labels versus national brands, Barbara Kobuszewski Volles, Anneleen Van Kerckhove and Maggie Geuens,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Recommendation; Private label; National brand; Brand switching; Online store; Brand loyalty;
The economic impact of Covid-19 learning deficits, Joana Elisa Maldonado, Anneleen Vandeplas and Lukas Vogel,
in Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)
Keywords: Covid-19, education, labour market
Leasing as an Alternative Form of Financing within Family Businesses: The Important Advisory Role of the Accountant, Anneleen Michiels, Jelle Schepers, Pieter Vandekerkhof and Alessandro Cirillo,
in Sustainability
Keywords: family businesses; financing; leasing
Studying retirement from a career perspective: are people who take charge of their career less inclined to retire?, An De Coen, Anneleen Forrier and Luc Sels,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Business and Management,
Financing decisions in private family firms: a family firm pecking order, Katrien Jansen, Anneleen Michiels, Wim Voordeckers and Tensie Steijvers,
in Small Business Economics
Keywords: Family firms, Small- and medium-sized firms, Pecking order, Financing decisions, Socioemotional wealth
Dividends and family governance practices in private family firms, Anneleen Michiels, Wim Voordeckers, Nadine Lybaert and Tensie Steijvers,
in Small Business Economics
Keywords: Family firms, Dividends, Agency costs, Principal–principal conflict, Family governance, L2, L29, G35, L26,
Consumers Believe That Products Work Better for Others, Evan Polman, Ignazio Ziano, Kaiyang Wu and Anneleen Van Kerckhove,
in Journal of Consumer Research
Keywords: perceived product efficacy, self-other differences, stimulus sampling, linear mixed-effects modeling, perceived uniqueness, perceived malleability
A Motivational Account of the Question-Behavior Effect, Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Maggie Geuens and Iris Vermeir,
in Journal of Consumer Research
The Floor Is Nearer than the Sky: How Looking Up or Down Affects Construal Level, Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Maggie Geuens and Iris Vermeir,
in Journal of Consumer Research
Intention superiority perspectives on preference-decision consistency, Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Maggie Geuens and Iris Vermeir,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Intention; Choice; Preference; Consistency;
Flexible two-piece distributions for right censored survival data, Worku B. Ewnetu, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Lifetime Data Analysis: An International Journal Devoted to Statistical Methods and Applications for Time-to-Event Data
Keywords: Censored data, Complete data, Flexible distributions, Hazard function, Maximum likelihood, Quantile
How Donors Can Better Support Urban Refugees in Kampala and Nairobi, Johnstone Kotut, Anneleen Vos, Helen Dempster and Harrison Tang,
from Center for Global Development
Van aanbieden naar aanbesteden. Buitenlandse ervaringen met marktwerking bij arbeidsbemiddeling en -reïntegratie, Ludo Struyven, Geert Steurs, Anneleen Peeters and Veerle Minne,
from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation, Leuven
Two-piece distribution based semi-parametric quantile regression for right censored data, Worku Biyadgie Ewnetu, Irène Gijbels and Anneleen Verhasselt,
in Statistical Papers
Keywords: Local likelihood, Quantile regression, Right random censoring, Survival analysis, Two-piece distributions
Supply chains and economic development: Insights from the Indian dairy sector, Mara Squicciarini, Anneleen Vandeplas, Emma Janssen and Johan Swinnen,
in Food Policy
Keywords: Dairy sector; India; Pro-poor development;
Horticulture Wholesale Trade and Governance in India, Bart Minten, Anneleen Vandeplas, Yashodhan Ghorpade and Johan Swinnen,
in Journal of South Asian Development
The Possible Implications of the Green Transition for the EU Labour Market, Anneleen Vandeplas, Istvan Vanyolos, Mauro Vigani and Lukas Vogel,
from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
Help, I need somebody! Business and technology advisors in emerging science-based ventures at American universities, Lien Denoo, Anneleen Van Boxstael and Andrea Belz,
in The Journal of Technology Transfer
Keywords: Advisors, Entrepreneurship, Founder experience, Science-based ventures, Technology commercialization
Facing the Digital Transformation: Are Digital Skills Enough?, Maria-Chiara Morandini, Anna Thum-Thysen and Anneleen Vandeplas,
from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
Keywords: human capital, skills mismatch, productivity, inclusive growth, structural policy, Morandini, Thum-Thysen, Vandeplas.