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11683 documents matched the search for Klaus Rennings in authors.
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Towards a Theory and Policy of Eco-Innovation - Neoclassical and (Co-)Evolutionary Perspectives,
Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1998)
Keywords: eco-innovation, innovation theory, co-evolution, double externality, regulatory push/pull effect, social innovation, institutional innovation

Redefining innovation -- eco-innovation research and the contribution from ecological economics,
Klaus Rennings, in Ecological Economics (2000) Downloads

Implementing transition management,
Klaus Rennings, in Science and Public Policy (2005) Downloads

Registered author: Klaus Rennings

A Lead Market Approach towards the Emergence and Diffusion of Coal-Fired Power Plant Technology,
Klaus Rennings and Wilko Smidt, in Economia politica (2010) Downloads

Do first mover advantages for producers of energy efficient appliances exist? The case of refrigerators,
Thomas Cleff and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Household appliances, energy efficiency, refrigerators, lead market, first mover

A Lead Market Approach Towards the Emergence and Diffusion of Coal-fired Power Plant Technology,
Klaus Rennings and Wilko Smidt, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Lead Markets, Coal Power plants, Energy Technology, Energy Policy

Linking Weak and Strong Sustainability Indicators: The Case of Global Warming,
Klaus Rennings and Olav Hohmeyer, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1997)
Keywords: weak sustainability, strong sustainability, environmental space, invers scenario, external costs, climate change, global wearming, damage costs

The Impact of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme on Competitiveness in Europe,
Ulrich Oberndorfer and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: emissions trading, competitiveness, environmental regulation

Neue Wege in der Energiepolitik unter Berücksichtigung der Situation in Baden-Württemberg,
Klaus Rennings and Hendrik Laurer, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1995) Downloads

Externe Kosten der Energieversorgung und ihre Bedeutung im Konzept einer dauerhaft-umweltgerechten Entwicklung,
Klaus Rennings and Henrike Koschel, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1995) Downloads

The impact of national environmental policy on the global success of next-generation automobiles,
Marian Beise and Klaus Rennings, in International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (2004)
Keywords: regional lead markets; environmental technologies; zero-emission vehicles; fuel efficient cars; fuel cells; hybrid vehicles; electric vehicles; automotive energy; automobile industry; alternative fuels.

Steps towards indicators of sustainable development: Linking economic and ecological concepts,
Klaus Rennings and Hubert Wiggering, in Ecological Economics (1997) Downloads

Are there first mover advantages for producers of energy-efficient appliances? The case of refrigerators,
Thomas Cleff and Klaus Rennings, in Utilities Policy (2016)
Keywords: Energy efficiency; Lead market; First mover;

Environmental innovations and profitability: How does it pay to be green? An empirical analysis on the German innovation survey,
Claudia Ghisetti and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Profitability, Externality Reducing Innovations, Energy and Material Efficiency Innovations, Mannheim Innovation Panel

Environmental innovation and employment dynamics in different technology fields: An analysis based on the German community innovation survey 2009,
Jens Horbach and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: Employment, Environmental Innovation, Innovation Behaviour

Long-term impacts of environmental policy and eco-innovative activities of firms,
Klaus Rennings and Sascha Rexhäuser, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: environmental policy, environmental innovation, innovation surveys

Lead Markets of Environmental Innovations: A Framework for Innovation and Environmental Economics,
Klaus Rennings and Marian Beise, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Lead markets, technological progress, environmental innovation, wind energy, fuel-efficiency

Employment impacts of cleaner production: evidence from a German study using case studies and surveys,
Friedhelm Pfeiffer and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1999) Downloads

Determinants of Environmental Innovations in Germany: Do Organizational Measures Matter? A Discrete Choice Analysis at the Firm Level,
Klaus Rennings and Andreas Ziegler, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Environmental Innovations, Environmental Organizational Measures, Discrete Choice Models, Sustainability

Thomas Cleff and Klaus Rennings, in Interdisciplinary Management Research (2014)
Keywords: Lead markets, environmental innovation, fi rst mover advantages, innovation strategies

Lead markets and regulation: a framework for analyzing the international diffusion of environmental innovations,
Marian Beise and Klaus Rennings, in Ecological Economics (2005) Downloads

National Environmental Policy and the Global Success of Next-Generation Automobiles,
Marian Beise and Klaus Rennings, from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University (2004)
Keywords: Lead market, Environmental technologies, Zero emission vehicles, Fuel efficient cars

Employment impacts of cleaner production – evidence from a German study using case studies and surveys,
Friedhelm Pfeiffer and Klaus Rennings, in Business Strategy and the Environment (2001) Downloads

Klaus Rennings and Thomas Zwick, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (2002)
Keywords: Cleaner production, environmental technologies, innovation, labour demand

The employment impact of cleaner production on the firm level: empirical evidence from a survey in five European countries,
Klaus Rennings and Thomas Zwick, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Environmental technologies, cleaner production, innovation, labour demand

The impact of regulation-driven environmental innovation on innovation success and firm performance,
Klaus Rennings and Christian Rammer, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2010) Downloads

Increasing energy and resource efficiency through innovation: an explorative analysis using innovation survey data,
Klaus Rennings and Christian Rammer, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Resource efficiency, energy efficiency, environmental innovations, innovation surveys

The Impact of Regulation-Driven Environmental Innovation on Innovation Success and Firm Performance,
Klaus Rennings and Christian Rammer, in Industry and Innovation (2011)
Keywords: Environmental innovation, environmental regulation, innovation, Porter hypothesis,

Increasing Energy and Resource Efficiency through Innovation: An Explorative Analysis Using Innovation Survey Data,
Klaus Rennings and Christian Rammer, in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver) (2009)
Keywords: resource efficiency, energy efficiency, environmental innovations, innovation surveys

Are there any first‐mover advantages for pioneering firms?,
Thomas Cleff and Klaus Rennings, in European Journal of Innovation Management (2012)
Keywords: Lead markets, Environmental innovation, First‐mover advantages, Innovation strategies, Innovation, Management strategy

Theoretical and Empirical Evidence of Timing-to-Market and Lead Market Strategies for Successful Environmental Innovation,
Thomas Cleff and Klaus Rennings, from Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University (2011)
Keywords: Lead markets, environmental innovation, first mover advantages,innovation strategies

How clean is clean? Incremental versus radical technological change in coal-fired power plants,
Klaus Rennings, Peter Markewitz and Stefan Vögele, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Radical innovations, incremental innovations, carbon capture storage, coal power plants

Inkrementelle versus radikale Innovationen am Beispiel der Kraftwerkstechnik,
Klaus Rennings, Peter Markewitz and Stefan Vögele, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: inkrementelle Innovationen, radikale Innovationen, evolutorische Ökonomie, Kraftswerkstechnik

What Triggers Environmental Management and Innovation? - Empirical Evidence for Germany,
Klaus Rennings, Jens Horbach and Manuel Frondel, from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (2004)
Keywords: Environmental Technological Change, Environmental Management Systems, Discrete Choice Models, Environmental Regulation

End-of-Pipe or Cleaner Production? An Empirical Comparison of Environmental Innovation Decisions Across OECD Countries,
Manuel Frondel, Jens Horbach and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Cleaner production, end-of-pipe-technologies, technological innovation, technological change, government policy, discrete choice models

What triggers environmental management and innovation? Empirical evidence for Germany,
Manuel Frondel, Jens Horbach and Klaus Rennings, in Ecological Economics (2008) Downloads

Der Einfluss ökologischer und sozialer Nachhaltigkeit auf den Shareholder Value europäischer Aktiengesellschaften,
Michael Schröder, Klaus Rennings and Andreas Ziegler, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2002)
Keywords: Sustainability, Umwelt- und Sozialperformance, CAPM, Multifaktormodell

End‐of‐pipe or cleaner production? An empirical comparison of environmental innovation decisions across OECD countries,
Manuel Frondel, Jens Horbach and Klaus Rennings, in Business Strategy and the Environment (2007) Downloads

The impacts of the European Emissions Trading Scheme on competitiveness and employment in Europe: A literature review,
Ulrich Obernhofer, Klaus Rennings and Bedia Sahin, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: International competition, Employment effect, EU countries, Emissions trading

The effect of environmental and social performance on the stock performance of european corporations,
Andreas Ziegler, Michael Schröder and Klaus Rennings, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2007)
Keywords: Sustainability, Environmental and social performance, Stock performance, CAPM, Multifactor model, Q01, Q56, G12,

The Effect of Environmental and Social Performance on the Stock Performance of European Corporations,
Andreas Ziegler, Michael Schröder and Klaus Rennings, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2008) Downloads

How clean is clean? Incremental versus radical technological change in coal-fired power plants,
Klaus Rennings, Peter Markewitz and Stefan Vögele, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2013)
Keywords: Radical innovations, Incremental innovations, Carbon capture sequestration, Coal power plants, Q01, Q55, O31, O33,

Determinants of eco-innovations by type of environmental impact. The role of regulatory push/pull, technology push and market pull,
Jens Horbach, Christian Rammer and Klaus Rennings, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Innovation, Environmental Impacts, Discrete Choice Models, Regulation, Cost Savings, Demand Pull, Environmental Policy

Determinants of eco-innovations by type of environmental impact — The role of regulatory push/pull, technology push and market pull,
Jens Horbach, Christian Rammer and Klaus Rennings, in Ecological Economics (2012)
Keywords: Eco-innovation; Environmental impacts; Discrete choice models; Regulation; Cost savings; Demand pull; Environmental policy;

Employment changes in environmentally innovative firms,
Klaus Rennings, Andreas Ziegler and Thomas Zwick, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Innovation, labour demand, discrete choice models

The effect of environmental innovations on employment changes: an econometric analysis,
Klaus Rennings, Andreas Ziegler and Thomas Zwick, in Business Strategy and the Environment (2004) Downloads

A Regulatory Framework for a Policy of Sustainability: Lessons from the Neo-Liberal School,
Klaus Rennings, Henrike Koschel, Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Isabel Kühn, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1997)
Keywords: sustainability targets, regulatory rules, neo-liberal framework, environment and international trade, environmental policy assessment

Lead markets for clean coal technologies: A case study for China, Germany, Japan and the USA,
Jens Horbach, Qian Chen, Klaus Rennings and Stefan Vögele, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: Lead Markets, Coal Power plants, Energy Technology, Energy Policy

Environmental Policy Tools and Firm-Level Management Practices: Empirical Evidence for Germany,
Manuel Frondel, Jens Horbach, Klaus Rennings and Till Requate, from Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Department of Economics (2004)
Keywords: Environmental Management Systems, EMAS, Environmental Policy Instruments

Integrated Product Policy and Environmental Product Innovations: An Empirical Analysis,
Katharina-Maria Rehfeld, Klaus Rennings and Andreas Ziegler, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Integrated Product Policy, Product Innovation, Environmental Innovation, Innovation Management, Technological Innovation, Discrete Choice Models

Integrated product policy and environmental product innovations: An empirical analysis,
Katharina-Maria Rehfeld, Klaus Rennings and Andreas Ziegler, in Ecological Economics (2007) Downloads

The influence of different characteristics of the EU environmental management and auditing scheme on technical environmental innovations and economic performance,
Klaus Rennings, Andreas Ziegler, Kathrin Ankele and Esther Hoffmann, in Ecological Economics (2006) Downloads

A regulatory framework for a policy of sustainability: lessons from the neo-liberal school,
Klaus Rennings, Henrike Koschel, Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Isabel Kuhn, in Ecological Economics (1999) Downloads

Klimaverträglichkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Einklang bringen – Ergebnisse und Lösungsansätze aus der Klimaökonomie,
Karen Pittel, Klaus Rennings, Katrin Sommerfeld and Johann Wackerbauer, in ifo Schnelldienst (2016)
Keywords: Klimawandel, Ressourcenökonomik, Energiereserven, Nachhaltige Energieversorgung, Wettbewerb, Wirtschaftslage

Voluntary agreements in environmental protection: experiences in Germany and future perspectives,
Klaus Rennings, Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Heidi Bergmann, in Business Strategy and the Environment (1997) Downloads

Voluntary Agreements in Environmental Protection - Experiences in Germany and Future Perspectives,
Klaus Rennings, Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Heidi Bergmann, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1997)
Keywords: negotiated agreements, climate protection, circular economy, economic instruments of environmental policy

Wegweiser für die „Bali-Roadmap“,
Andreas Löschel, Ulf Moslener, Klaus Rennings and Bodo Sturm, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2008) Downloads

External Costs of Road, Rail and Air Transport - a Bottom-Up Approach,
Sigurd Weinreich, Klaus Rennings, Barbara Schlomann, Christian Geßner and Thomas Engel, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1998)
Keywords: external costs, transport systems, environmental impacts, bottom-up approach

The Influence of the EU Environmental Management and Auditing Scheme on Environmental Innovations and Competitiveness in Germany: An Analysis on the Basis of Case Studies and a Large-Scale Survey,
Esther Hoffmann, Kathrin Ankele, Andreas Ziegler, Klaus Rennings and Jan Nill, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Environmental management systems, environmental innovation, technological progress, cleaner production

What's Driving Sustainable Energy Consumption? A Survey of the Empirical Literature,
Rolf Wüstenhagen, Joachim Schleich, Klaus Rennings, Stefanie Heinzle and Bettina Brohmann, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Sustainable consumption, consumer behaviour, domestic appliances, micro-power, green electricity

Eignung von Strukturindikatoren als Instrument zur Bewertung der ökonomischen Performance der EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Wirtschaftsreformen: Evaluierung der EU-Strukturindikatoren und Möglichkeit ihrer Weiterentwicklung. Schlussbericht an das Bundesministerium für Finanzen zum Forschungsauftrag 5/04,
Friedrich Heinemann, Andreas Ammermüller, Jürgen Egeln, Marcus Kappler, Margit Kraus, Hendrik Lambrecht, Georg Licht, Christian Rammer, Klaus Rennings and Tobias Schmidt, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Sozialer Indikator, Wirtschaftsindikator, Wirtschaftsreform, Wirkungsanalyse, EU-Staaten

The suitability of structural indicators for the assessment of EU countries' economic performance with a particular focus on economic reforms: An evaluation of EU structural indicators and options for improvement. Non-technical summary and short version of the final report to the Bundesministerium für Finanzen Research contract 5/04,
Friedrich Heinemann, Andreas Ammermüller, Jürgen Egeln, Marcus Kappler, Margit Kraus, Hendrik Lambrecht, Georg Licht, Christian Rammer, Klaus Rennings and Tobias Schmidt, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Economic Indicator, EU Regional Policy, Economic Reform, EU Countries

Profiting from innovation when digital business ecosystems emerge: A control point perspective,
René Bohnsack, Michael Rennings, Carolin Block and Stefanie Bröring, in Research Policy (2024)
Keywords: Digital business ecosystem; Control points; Agricultural industry; Profiting from innovation; Digital transformation;

What constitutes a “Key Enabling Technology” for transition processes: Insights from the bioeconomy's technological landscape,
Anna Waßenhoven, Michael Rennings, Natalie Laibach and Stefanie Bröring, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2023)
Keywords: Key Enabling Technologies; Technological change; Sustainability transition; Hierarchical clustering; Principal component analysis;

On the emergence of interdisciplinary scientific fields: (how) does it relate to science convergence?,
Philipp Baaden, Michael Rennings, Marcus John and Stefanie Bröring, in Research Policy (2024)
Keywords: Science and technology studies; Evolution of scientific field; Convergence; Science convergence; Interdisciplinary research;

Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture,
Michael Rennings, Philipp Baaden, Carolin Block, Marcus John and Stefanie Bröring, in Scientometrics (2024)
Keywords: Sustainability-oriented innovation, Emerging technology, Technology assessment, Spectral clustering, Precision agriculture

Using a bio-economic farm model to evaluate the economic potential and pesticide load reduction of the greenRelease technology,
T. Kuhn, N. Möhring, A. Töpel, F. Jakob, Wolfgang Britz, S. Bröring, A. Pich, U. Schwaneberg and M. Rennings, in Agricultural Systems (2022)
Keywords: greenRelease; Bio-economic farm model; FarmDyn; Economic potential; Pesticide load; Pesticide risk indicator;

A self-matched leaky-wave antenna for ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging with low specific absorption rate,
G. Solomakha, J. T. Svejda, C. Leeuwen, A. Rennings, A. J. Raaijmakers, S. Glybovski and D. Erni, in Nature Communications (2021) Downloads

Agent based simulations visualize Adam Smith's invisible hand by solving Friedrich Hayek's Economic Calculus,
Klaus Jaffe, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

The Wealth of Nations: Complexity Science for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Economics,
Klaus Jaffe, from arXiv.org (2017) Downloads

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Ausbildung an Universitõten in deutschen Sprachen,
Klaus Brockhoff, in Homo Oeconomicus (1997)

M÷ller, Rudolf: Interpersonelle Nutzenvergleiche. Wissenschaftliche M÷glichkeit und politische Bedeutung,
Klaus Wieland, in Homo Oeconomicus (1984)

─rztliche Unsicherheit und nil nocere,
Klaus Wieland, in Homo Oeconomicus (1989)

Klaus Wieland, in Homo Oeconomicus (1989)

Médias Media Accountability in Austria in Web 2.0 - To What Extent do Blogs, Twitter and Co. Watch, Reflect and Criticize Austrian Journalism,
Klaus Bichler, in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication (2012)
Keywords: Media Watch blog, Online Media Accountability, Austria, Web 2.0, Twitter, Facebook

Europa şi crizele sale (euristică, ecologică, economică). O viziune pragheză,
Klaus Václav, in Revista OEconomica (2009) Downloads

Have volatility spillover effects of cointegrated European stock markets increased over time?,
Klaus Grobys, in The Review of Finance and Banking (2010) Downloads

European and American Approaches toward China as an Emerging Power,
Klaus Rupprecht, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2001)

Zwischen Ablehnung und Akzeptanz – Menschenrechte und Geschichte im modernen China,
Klaus Mühlhahn, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2006)

Federal Almanya Dışişleri Bakanı Klaus Kinkel Ve Güvenlik Konseyi''nde Reform,
Klaus Ki̇nkel, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1997)
Keywords: Türkiye, Almanya, ilişki, siyaset, Avrupa Birliği, entegrasyon, Klaus Kinkel, Birleşmiş Milletler

Türk Alman İlişkileri,
Klaus Ki̇nkel, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1996)
Keywords: Türkiye, Almanya, ilişki, siyaset, Avrupa Birliği, Klaus Kinkel

Market timing and statistical arbitrage: Which market timing opportunities arise from equity price busts coinciding with recessions?,
Klaus Grobys, in Journal of Applied Finance & Banking (2011) Downloads

The stock selection problem: Is the stock selection approach more important than the optimization method? Evidence from the Danish stock market,
Klaus Grobys, in Journal of Applied Finance & Banking (2011) Downloads

The less likely the better: An empirical analysis of trading strategies accounting for the presence of stock market regimes,
Klaus Grobys, in Journal of Applied Finance & Banking (2011) Downloads

What are the benefits of globally invested mutual funds? Evidence from statistical arbitrage models,
Klaus Grobys, in Journal of Applied Finance & Banking (2012) Downloads

A Non-Parametric Approach of Heteroskedasticity Robust Estimation of Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) Models,
Klaus Grobys, in Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis (2012) Downloads

L’UEM sera plus forte, plus large, plus intégrée et fonctionnera mieux en 2019,
Klaus Regling, in Revue d'Économie Financière (2010) Downloads

The Economic Monetary Union Will be Stronger, Larger, More Integrated and Function Better in 2019,
Klaus Regling, in Revue d'Économie Financière (2010) Downloads

La politica culturale affidata alle aziende: costi e pericoli,
Klaus Draskowitsch, in Economia della Cultura (2003) Downloads

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