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1982 documents matched the search for Kohlin, Gunnar in authors.
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Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India,
Gunnar Köhlin, in Environment and Development Economics (2001) Downloads

Registered author: Gunnar Köhlin

Preferences for domestic fuel: Analysis with socio-economic factors and rankings in Kolkata, India,
Gautam Gupta and Gunnar Köhlin, in Ecological Economics (2006) Downloads

Does purchase price matter for the waiting time to start using energy efficient technologies: Experimental evidence from rural Ethiopia?,
Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, in Energy Economics (2017)
Keywords: Energy efficient technologies; Improved stoves; Free distribution; Purchased; Ethiopia;

Fuel demand elasticities for energy and environmental policies: Indian sample survey evidence,
Haripriya Gundimeda and Gunnar Köhlin, in Energy Economics (2008) Downloads

The Impact of Food Price Inflation on Subjective Well-being: Evidence From Urban Ethiopia,
Yonas Alem and Gunnar Köhlin, in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement (2014)
Keywords: Life satisfaction, Urban Ethiopia, Food price inflation, Economic growth, Ordered probit,

Biomass Fuel Consumption and Dung Use as Manure - Evidence from Rul Households in the Amrahara Region of Ethiopia,
Alemu Mekonnen and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Biomass fuel; dung use; manure; Ethiopia

Determinants of Household Fuel Choice in Major Cities in Ethiopia,
Alemu Mekonnen and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Household fuel; urban; Ethiopia

Estimating Returns to Soil and Water Conservation Investments - An Application to Crop Yield in Kenya,
Wilfred Nyangena and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Kenya; soil conservation; switching regression; rural households; yields

Market Imperfections and Farm Technology Adoption Decisions - A Case Study from the Highlands of Ethiopia,
Mahmud Yesuf and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Bivariate probit; fertilizer adoption; market imperfections; risk aversion; time preferences; soil conservation

Soil Conservation and Small-Scale Food Production in Highland Ethiopia A Stochastic Metafrontier Approach,
Haileselassie Medhin and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Soil conservation; technical efficiency; metafrontier; technology adoption; Ethiopia

Life Satisfaction in Urban Ethiopia: Trends and determinants,
Yonas Alem and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Life Satisfaction; Urban Ethiopia; Economic Growth; Correlated Random-Effects Ordered Probit.

Tenure and Forest Management in India: Impacts on Equity and Efficiency of Van Panchayats in Uttarakhand,
Ashokankur Datta and Gunnar Köhlin, from Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
Keywords: Forest Management, Community Forestry, Asset Index, Caste Group, Joint Forest Management

Peter Berck’s Contribution to the Environment for Development Initiative and Sustainable Development,
Gunnar Köhlin and Cyndi Berck, from Springer (2023)

Spatial Variability and Disincentives to Harvest: Deforestation and Fuelwood Collection in South Asia,
Gunnar Köhlin and Peter J. Parks, in Land Economics (2001) Downloads

Trust, tenure insecurity, and land certification in rural Ethiopia,
Mintewab Bezabih, Gunnar Köhlin and Andrea Mannberg, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics) (2011)
Keywords: Trust; Land certification; Interpersonal and institutional trust; Difference-in-difference method;

Decision-making within the household: The role of autonomy and differences in preferences,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen (2020)
Keywords: preference, decision-making autonomy, willingness-to-pay

Decision-making within the household: The role of division of labor and differences in preferences,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2023)
Keywords: Preference; Decision-making autonomy; Willingness-to-pay;

Adoption and disadoption of electric cookstoves in urban Ethiopia: Evidence from panel data,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, in Resource and Energy Economics (2014)
Keywords: Cookstoves; Electric Mitad; Firewood; Panel data; Random effects probit;

Property rights, tenure security and forest investment incentives: evidence from China's Collective Forest Tenure Reform,
Yuanyuan Yi, Gunnar Köhlin and Jintao Xu, in Environment and Development Economics (2014) Downloads

Edwin Muchapondwa, Fredrik Carlsson and Gunnar Köhlin, in South African Journal of Economics (2008) Downloads

The Persistence of Subjective Poverty in Urban Ethiopia,
Yonas Alem, Gunnar Köhlin and Jesper Stage, in World Development (2014)
Keywords: Africa; Ethiopia; subjective poverty; dynamic probit;

Welfare Implications of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project,
Gunnar Köhlin and Gregory S. Amacher, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2005) Downloads

On the Use of Market-Based Instruments to Reduce Air Pollution in Asia,
Jessica Coria, Gunnar Köhlin and Jintao Xu, in Sustainability (2019)
Keywords: marked-based instruments; Asia; developing countries; taxes; subsidies; emission permits; informational policies; energy production; transport; domestic heating

What Factors Promote Peatland Fire Prevention? Evidence from Central Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Yuki Yamamoto, Kenji Takeuchi and Gunnar Köhlin, from Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University (2013) Downloads

Fuel Demand Elasticities for Energy and Environmental Policies: Indian Sample Survey Evidence,
Haripriya Gundimeda and Atheendar Gunnar Köhlin, from Madras School of Economics,Chennai,India (2006)
Keywords: LA-AIDS, fuel, India, income, price, elasticities, NSSO data

Decision-making within the Household: The Role of Autonomy and Differences in Preferences,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg (2019)
Keywords: Preference Difference; Decision-making Autonomy; Willingness-to-pay

Contingent valuation of community plantations in Ethiopia: a look into value elicitation formats and intra-household preference variations,
Fredrik Carlsson, Gunnar Köhlin and Alemu Mekonnen, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2004)
Keywords: Community plantation; Common preference model; Contingent valuation

Can local communities in Zimbabwe be trusted with wildlife management?: Evidence from contingent valuation of elephants,
Edwin Muchapondwa, Fredrik Carlsson and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: CAMPFIRE; contingent valuation; double bounded spike model; elephant; Zimbabwe

Risk Implications of Farm Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands,
Mahmud Yesuf, Menale Kassie and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: production risks; farm technology; moment-based approach; Ethiopia

The Role of Production Risk in Sustainable Land-Management Technology Adoption in the Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie, Mahmud Yesuf and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Production risk; sustainable land management technology adoption; moment based estimation; Ethiopia

The Persistence of Subjective Poverty in Urban Ethiopia,
Yonas Alem, Gunnar Köhlin and Jesper Stage, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Ethiopia; subjective poverty; dynamic probit

The Dynamics of Electric Cookstove Adoption: Panel data evidence from Ethiopia,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2013)
Keywords: Cookstoves; Electric Mitad; Firewood; Panel data; Random-Effects Probit

Decision-making within the Household: The Role of Autonomy and Differences in Preferences,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2018)
Keywords: Preference Difference; Decision-making; Autonomy; Willingness-to-pay

Variable Forest Rotation Times with Leaves Swept and Carbon Credits,
Gardner Brown, Gunnar Köhlin and Zhi Li, from Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University (2019)

The Dynamics of Electric Cookstove Adoption: Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia,
Yonas Alem, Sied Hassen and Gunnar Köhlin, from Resources for the Future (2013)
Keywords: cookstoves, electric mitad, firewood, panel data, random-effects probit

Profitability of Bioethanol Production: The Case of Ethiopia,
Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Alemu Mekonnen, Tadele Ferede and Gunnar Kohlin, in Ethiopian Journal of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Production Economics

Land rights and the economic impacts of climatic anomalies on agriculture: evidence from Ethiopia,
Mintewab Bezabih, Salvatore Di Falco, Alemu Mekonnen and Gunnar Köhlin, in Environment and Development Economics (2021) Downloads

Modeling household cooking fuel choice: A panel multinomial logit approach,
Yonas Alem, Abebe D. Beyene, Gunnar Köhlin and Alemu Mekonnen, in Energy Economics (2016)
Keywords: Ethiopia; Urban; Energy choice; Random effects multinomial logit;

Woodfuels, livelihoods, and policy interventions: Changing Perspectives,
J.E. Michael Arnold, Gunnar Köhlin and Reidar Persson, in World Development (2006) Downloads

Participation in Off-Farm Employment, Risk Preferences, and Weather Variability: The Case of Ethiopia,
Mintewab Bezabih, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Liyousew GebreMedhin and Gunnar Köhlin, from African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) (2010)
Keywords: Labor and Human Capital

Salvatore Di Falco, Gunnar Köhlin and Mahmud Yesuf, in Climate Change Economics (CCE) (2012)
Keywords: Adaptation, climate change, farm level productivity, rainfall, Ethiopia, Q18, Q54

Hailemariam Teklewold, Alemu Mekonnen, Gunnar Köhlin and Salvatore Di Falco, in Climate Change Economics (CCE) (2017)
Keywords: Multiple climate-smart practices, precipitation, temperature, multinomial endogenous switching, farm income, Ethiopia

Cropping system diversification, conservation tillage and modern seed adoption in Ethiopia: Impacts on household income, agrochemical use and demand for labor,
Hailemariam Teklewold, Menale Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw and Gunnar Köhlin, in Ecological Economics (2013)
Keywords: Ethiopia; Agrochemical use; Labor demand; Maize income; Multinomial switching regression; Sustainable agricultural practices;

Urban energy transition and technology adoption: The case of Tigrai, northern Ethiopia,
Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Alemu Mekonnen, Menale Kassie and Gunnar Köhlin, in Energy Economics (2012)
Keywords: Urban energy transition; Electric mitad cooking appliance; Technology adoption; Bivariate probit; Tigrai; Ethiopia;

Rain and impatience: Evidence from rural Ethiopia,
Salvatore Di Falco, Peter Berck, Mintewab Bezabih and Gunnar Köhlin, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2019)
Keywords: Subjective discount rates; Impatience; Rainfall anomalies; Ethiopia;

Household Tree Planting in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia: Tree Species, Purposes, and Tenure Security,
Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Alemu Mekonnen, Menale Kassie and Gunnar Köhlin, in Land Use Policy (2020)
Keywords: Tree planting; Tree attributes/purposes; Tree species choice; Tenure security; Sample selection; Tigrai; Ethiopia;

Fuelwood, forests and community management – evidence from household studies,
Priscilla Cooke, Gunnar Köhlin and William F. Hyde, in Environment and Development Economics (2008) Downloads

The Economics of Sustainable Land Management Practices in the Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie, Precious Zikhali, John Pender and Gunnar Köhlin, in Journal of Agricultural Economics (2010) Downloads

Estimating the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Low-Income Countries: Household Level Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia,
Salvatore Di Falco, Mahmud Yesuf, Gunnar Köhlin and Claudia Ringler, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2012)
Keywords: Adaptation, Climate change, Farm level productivity, Instrumental variables, Rainfall, Ethiopia,

Allocative efficiency or misallocation of resources? The emergence of forestland rental markets and the forest devolution reform in China,
Yuanyuan Yi, Fredrik Carlsson, Gunnar Köhlin and Jintao Xu, in European Review of Agricultural Economics (2023)
Keywords: allocative efficiency, household welfare, forestland rental markets, collective forest tenure reform, China

Are soil conservation technologies “win‐win?” A case study of Anjeni in the north‐western Ethiopian highlands,
Menale Kassie, Gunnar Köhlin, Randall Bluffstone and Stein Holden, in Natural Resources Forum (2011) Downloads

Thanks but No Thanks: A New Policy to Reduce Land Conflict,
Martin Dufwenberg, Gunnar Köhlin, Peter Martinsson and Haileselassie Medhin, from CESifo (2014)
Keywords: conflict, land-conflict game, social preferences, forward induction, Ethiopia, experiment, land reform

Thanks but no thanks: A new policy to reduce land conflict,
Martin Dufwenberg, Gunnar Köhlin, Peter Martinsson and Haileselassie Medhin, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2016)
Keywords: Land reform; Conflict; Voluntary agreement; Social preferences; Forward induction; Ethiopia; Experiment;

Thanks but No Thanks: A New Policy to Reduce Land Conflict,
Martin Dufwenberg, Gunnar Köhlin, Peter Martinsson and Haileselassie Medhin, from IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University (2014) Downloads

Energy, gender and development: what are the linkages ? where is the evidence ?,
Gunnar Köhlin, Erin O. Sills, Subhrendu Pattanayak and Christopher Wilfong, from The World Bank (2011) Downloads

Devolution and Collective Action in Forest Management: The Case of China,
Yuanyuan Yi, Jintao Xu, Gunnar Köhlin and Klaus Deininger, from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg (2020)
Keywords: devolution; collective action; forest management; Collective Forest Tenure Reform; China

Are Agricultural Extension Packages What Ethiopian Farmers Want? A Stated Preference Analysis,
Fredrik Carlsson, Gunnar Köhlin, Alemu Mekonnen and Mahmud Yesuf, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Agricultural extension; choice experiment; local public goods; Ethiopia; Africa

Organic Farming Technologies and Agricultural Productivity: The case of Semi-Arid Ethiopia,
Menale Kassie, Precious Zikhali, John Pender and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Conservation tillage; Chemical fertilizer; Crop productivity; Matched observations; Ethiopia

Economics of Soil Conservation Adoption in High-Rainfall Areas of the Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie, Stein Holden, Gunnar Köhlin and Randall Bluffstone, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Ethiopia; soil conservation; matched data; decomposition

Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: Does Agroecology Matter?,
Menale Kassie, Precious Zikhali, John Pender and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: reduced tillage; chemical fertilizer; crop productivity; matched observations; Ethiopia

Household Tree Planting in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia: Tree Species, Purposes, and Determinants,
Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Alemu Mekonnen, Menale Kassie and Gunnar Köhlin, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2010)
Keywords: Tree planting; tree species; tree attributes/purposes; sample selection; Tigrai; Ethiopia

Modelling Household Cooking Fuel Choice: a Panel Multinomial Logit Approach,
Yonas Alem, Abebe D. Beyene, Gunnar Köhlin and Alemu Mekonnen, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2015)
Keywords: Ethiopia; urban; energy choice; random effects multinomial logit

Household Fuel Choice in Urban Ethiopia: A Random Effects Multinomial Logit Analysis,
Yonas Alem, Abebe D. Beyene, Gunnar Köhlin and Alemu Mekonnen, from Resources for the Future (2013)
Keywords: urban Ethiopia, energy choice, random effects multinomial logit

Property Rights, Land Disputes and Water Scarcity: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia,
Salvatore Di Falco, Jérémy Laurent‐Lucchetti, Marcella Veronesi and Gunnar Köhlin, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2020) Downloads

Impact of soil conservation on crop production in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie, John Pender, Mahmud Yesuf, Gunnar Köhlin, Randall Bluffstone and Elias Mulugeta, from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2007)
Keywords: Soil conservation, Crop production, Agro-ecology, Matching method, Stochastic dominance, Modified random effects model, Land management,

The impact of climate change and adaptation on food production in low-income countries: Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia,
Mahmud Yesuf, Salvatore Di Falco, Temesgen Deressa, Claudia Ringler and Gunnar Köhlin, from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2008)
Keywords: Adaptation, Climate change, farm level productivity, rainfall,

How can African agriculture adapt to climate change: The impact of climate change and adaptation on food production in low-income countries: Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia,
Mahmud Yesuf, Salvatore Di Falco, Temesgen Deressa, Claudia Ringler and Gunnar Kohlin, from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2008)
Keywords: Adaptation, Climate change, farm level productivity, rainfall,

The impact of climate change and adaptation on food production in low-income countries: Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia [in Amharic],
Mahmud Yesuf, Salvatore Di Falco, Temesgen Deressa, Claudia Ringler and Gunnar Köhlin, from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2008)
Keywords: Adaptation, Climate change, farm level productivity, rainfall,

COVID-19 and Handwashing: Implications for Water Use in Sub-Saharan Africa,
Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah, Rebecca Afua Klege, Philip Kofi Adom and Gunnar Köhlin, from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg (2020)
Keywords: Covid-19; handwashing; water use; Sub-Saharan Africa

The Role of Soil Conservation on Mean Crop Yield and Variance of Yield - Evidence from the Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie, John Pender, Mahmud Yesuf, Gunnar Köhlin and Elias Mulugeta, from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Switching regression; stochastic dominance; propensity score matching; stone bunds; yield; yield risk; Ethiopia

The Environment for Development Initiative: lessons learned in research, academic capacity building and policy intervention to manage resources for sustainable growth,
Thomas Sterner, Yonas Alem, Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez, Cyndi Spindell Berck, Carlos Alberto Chavez Rebolledo, Johane Dikgang, Stephen Kirama, Gunnar Köhlin, Jane Mariara-Kabubo, Alemu Mekonnen and Jintao Xu, in Environment and Development Economics (2014) Downloads

Policy design for the Anthropocene,
Thomas Sterner, Edward Barbier, Ian Bateman, Inge Bijgaart, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Ottmar Edenhofer, Carolyn Fischer, Wolfgang Habla, John Hassler, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Andreas Lange, Stephen Polasky, Johan Rockström, Henrik G. Smith, Will Steffen, Gernot Wagner, James Wilen, Francisco Alpízar, Christian Azar, Donna Carless, Carlos Chavez, Jessica Coria, Gustav Engström, Sverker C. Jagers, Gunnar Köhlin, Åsa Löfgren, Håkan Pleijel and Amanda Robinson, in Nature Sustainability (2019) Downloads

Is energy the golden thread? A systematic review of the impacts of modern and traditional energy use in low- and middle-income countries,
Marc Jeuland, T. Robert Fetter, Yating Li, Subhrendu Pattanayak, Faraz Usmani, Randall A. Bluffstone, Carlos Chavez, Hannah Girardeau, Sied Hassen, Pamela Jagger, Mónica M. Jaime, Mary Karumba, Gunnar Köhlin, Luciane Lenz, Erin L. Litzow, Lauren Masatsugu, Maria Angelica Naranjo, Jörg Peters, Ping Qin, Remidius D. Ruhinduka, Montserrat Serrano-Medrano, Maximiliane Sievert, Erin O. Sills and Michael Toman, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021)
Keywords: Energy transitions; Sustainability; Development; Renewables; Systematic review; Evidence gap;

Public Corporate Governance – Bessere Steuerung kommunaler Unternehmen?,
Gunnar Schwarting, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2013) Downloads

Ulrich Cronauge unter Mitarbeit von Stefanie Pieck, Kommunale Unternehmen, 6. Auflage, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2016, 607 S. (Gunnar Schwarting),
Gunnar Schwarting, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2016) Downloads

Gunnar Bramness, from University of Warwick - Department of Economics (1979)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics

Jayson Lusk, 2016, Unnaturally delicious: how science and technology are serving up super foods to save the world,
Gunnar Rundgren, in Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu einer Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen in der EU,
Gunnar Breustedt, in German Journal of Agricultural Economics (2003)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Free Trade versus Protection: Static and Dynamic Aspects,
Gunnar FLopYSTAD, in The Pakistan Development Review (1985) Downloads

On Tariffs and Optimal Taxation Policy in Developing Countries,
Gunnar FLoYSTAD, in The Pakistan Development Review (1985) Downloads

Sweden as a Market for Developing Countries,
Gunnar Heckscher, in Foreign Trade Review (1969) Downloads

Gunnar Augustsson, in Economic and Industrial Democracy (1999) Downloads

A holistic concept for the sustainable evaluation of company shares,
Gunnar Prause, in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues (2014)
Keywords: evaluation of companies, voting power, game theory, mathematical models for economic problems

From a = b to a = a,
Gunnar Olsson, in Environment and Planning A (2000) Downloads

Gunnar Pippel, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (2015)
Keywords: Environmental, innovation, R&D, collaboration, performance, O31, Q55

A review of policies and practices related to the 'highest-low' fertility of Sweden,
Gunnar Andersson, in Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (2008) Downloads

Coping with European regulatory requirements for automated trading: Best practices and new requirements resulting from regulation,
Gunnar Stangl, in Journal of Securities Operations & Custody (2015)
Keywords: algorithmic trading, high-frequency trading, automated trading, operational risk, trading systems, MiFID, flash crash

Distribution Free Approximations in Applied Risk Theory,
Gunnar Andreasson, in ASTIN Bulletin (1966) Downloads

Claims frequency and risk premium rate as a function of the size of the risk*,
Gunnar Benktander, in ASTIN Bulletin (1973) Downloads

Contingent Workers and Health and Safety,
Gunnar Aronsson, in Work, Employment & Society (1999) Downloads

Competition and Market Processes in a Simulation Model of the Swedish Economy,
Gunnar Eliasson, in American Economic Review (1977) Downloads

Agricultural Development and Planning in the Underdeveloped Countries outside the Socialist Sphere,
Gunnar Myrdal, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (1970)
Keywords: International Development

Population Problems and Policies,
Gunnar Myrdal, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1938) Downloads

Les aspects économiques de la santé,
Gunnar Myrdal, in Revue Économique (1952) Downloads

L'État « mou » en pays sous-développé,
Gunnar Myrdal, in Revue Tiers Monde (1969) Downloads

Gunnar Bårdsen, from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration- (1988)
Keywords: long term ; error detection ; models ; regression analysis

Dynamic Modelling and the Demand for Narrow Money in Norway,
Gunnar Bårdsen, from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration- (1990)
Keywords: statistical analysis ; economic models ; credit ; regulations

Collinearity: Measures and Parameterizations,
Gunnar Bårdsen, from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration- (1991)
Keywords: econometric models ; economic models ; statistical analysis

Collinearity: Measures and Parametrizations,
Gunnar Bårdsen, from Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration- (1993)
Keywords: econometrics

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