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3061 documents matched the search for Konig, Bettina in authors.
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Coping With Covid‐19: Older Europeans and the Challenges of Connectedness and Loneliness,
Ronny König and Bettina Isengard, in Social Inclusion (2023)
Keywords: communication; Covid‐19; Europe; healthy aging; loneliness; pandemic scenario; SHARE; social contact; social isolation; social networks; well‐being

Being Poor and Feeling Rich or Vice Versa? The Determinants of Unequal Income Positions in Old Age Across Europe,
Bettina Isengard and Ronny König, in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement (2021)
Keywords: Income, Well-being, Welfare position, Europe, SHARE

Linking system perspectives with user perspectives to identify adoption barriers to food security innovations for smallholder farmers – evidence from rural Tanzania,
Anett Kuntosch and Bettina König, in Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food (2018)
Keywords: Multilevel perspective, Adoption behavior, Innovation processes, Smallholder farmers

Money or space? Intergenerational transfers in a comparative perspective,
Bettina Isengard, Ronny König and Marc Szydlik, in Housing Studies (2018) Downloads

A framework for structuring interdisciplinary research management,
Bettina König, Katharina Diehl, Karen Tscherning and Katharina Helming, in Research Policy (2013)
Keywords: Research management; Interdisciplinary projects; Management functions; Impact assessment; Sustainability;

The Institutional Challenges of Payment for Ecosystem Service Program in China: A Review of the Effectiveness and Implementation of Sloping Land Conversion Program,
Cheng Chen, Hannes J. König, Bettina Matzdorf and Lin Zhen, in Sustainability (2015)
Keywords: grain for green program; land set-aside program; effectiveness of implementation; hybrid governance; PES; sustainability

How socioeconomic and institutional conditions at the household level shape the environmental effectiveness of governmental PES: China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program,
Cheng Chen, Bettina Matzdorf, Claas Meyer, Hannes König and Lin Zhen, from Center for Open Science (2018) Downloads

The German Translation of the Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics-9 (SAVE-9) Scale: Results from Healthcare Workers during the Second Wave of COVID-19,
Julia König, Seockhoon Chung, Verena Ertl, Bettina K. Doering, Hannah Comtesse, Johanna Unterhitzenberger and Antonia Barke, in IJERPH (2021)
Keywords: COVID-19; SAVE-9; healthcare workers; work stress; anxiety; Germany

Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity to reflect on sustainability research,
Benjamin Nölting, Bettina König, Anne B. Zimmermann, Antonietta Di Giulio, Martina Schäfer and Flurina Schneider, in Sustainability Nexus Forum (2022)
Keywords: COVID-19, Corona pandemic, Sustainable development, Sustainability research, Interdisciplinarity, Transformation, Reflection

Analysing agricultural innovation systems: a multilevel mixed methods approach,
Bettina Konig, Anett Kuntosch, Wolfgang Bokelmann, Alexandra Doernberg, Wim Schwerdtner, Maria Busse, Rosemarie Siebert, Knut Koschatzky and Thomas Stahlecker, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2012)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy

Nachhaltige Innovationen in der Landwirtschaft: komplexe Herausforderungen im Innovationssystem,
Bettina König, Anett Kuntosch, Wolfgang Bokelmann, Alexandra Doernberg, Wim Schwerdtner, Maria Busse, Rosemarie Siebert, Knut Koschatzky and Thomas Stahlecker, in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: Agricultural innovation policy, innovation mechanism, precision farming, animal monitoring, energy in horticulture

Implementing an efficient resolution framework in the Banking Union: lessons from the crisis and challenges ahead,
E. König, in Financial Stability Review (2017) Downloads

Potential Harmonization of Supplier-Retailer Interests: The US Food Industry & Comparisons with International Examples (PowerPoint),
Gabor Konig, from USDA Economists Group (2008)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Marketing

Gabor Konig, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2007)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Gabor Konig, in GAZDÁLKODÁS: Scientific Journal on Agricultural Economics (2007)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries

A változó exporttámogatások és a vámok hatása az élőmarha és a marhahús kereskedelemre,
Gábor Kőnig, in GAZDÁLKODÁS: Scientific Journal on Agricultural Economics (2004)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, International Relations/Trade

Oroszország és Magyarország agrár-külkereskedelme,
Gábor Kőnig, in GAZDÁLKODÁS: Scientific Journal on Agricultural Economics (2003)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Dokumentation beschäftigungsrelevanter Förderprogramme der EG-Kommission,
Ingeborg König, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1992)
Keywords: Beschäftigungspolitik ; EG ; Programm

Registered author: Kristián König

Bias in Tax Progressivity Estimates,
Johannes König, in National Tax Journal (2023) Downloads

European Integration and the Effects of Country Size on Growth,
Jörg König, in Journal of Economic Integration (2015)
Keywords: Country Size; European Economic Integration; Economic Growth; Economic Convergence; Panel Data; Fixed Effects

Neoklassische Investitionstheorie und Investorenverhalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
König Heinz, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1976) Downloads

Eine mikroökonomische Analyse der Effizienzwirkungen der Pendlerpauschale,
Rolf König, from arqus - Arbeitskreis Quantitative Steuerlehre (2009) Downloads

Welfare effects of outsourcing in duopolistic markets,
Jan König, from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics (2010)
Keywords: strategic outsourcing, oligopoly, welfare effects

Outsourcing motives, competitiveness and taxation,
Jan König, from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics (2010)
Keywords: outsourcing, cost structure, Cournot-competition, taxation

Gesprächsreihe zu Strukturreformen im europäischen Bankensektor: Wiederherstellung privater Haftung und die zukünftige Rolle der Aufsicht,
Elke König, from Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE (2013)
Keywords: Bail-in Anleihen, Banken, Aufsicht, Liikanen-Kommission

75 Jahre Soziale Marktwirtschaft und 30 Jahre Europäischer Binnenmarkt: Ausgangsbasis für weiteren Erfolg,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2023) Downloads

Europas Schuldenproblem: Wie sich der gordische Knoten lösen lässt,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2022) Downloads

Mehr Transfer als Stabilität? Bewertung aktueller Reformvorschläge für die Eurozone,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2018) Downloads

Bares bleibt Wahres: Bargeld als Garant für Freiheit und Eigentum,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2016) Downloads

Von der Währungs- zur Transferunion,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2016) Downloads

Hilflose Entwicklungshilfe?,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2015) Downloads

70 Jahre Soziale Marktwirtschaft,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2018) Downloads

EU-Stabilität nach Corona: Subsidiarität und Solidarität,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2020)
Keywords: Europa, Öffentliche Finanzen, Corona

CO2-Preis & Klimaschutz: CO2-Steuer oder Emissionshandel – wie lassen sich Klimaziele am besten erreichen?,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2019)
Keywords: Energie

Multilateral finance and development,
Wolfgang König, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1975)
Keywords: Financing

International subcontracting involving LDCs,
W. König, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1975)
Keywords: Subcontracting

GATT round 1973,
Hans König, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1972)
Keywords: Interview

The borders, they are a-changin'! The emergence of socio-digital borders in the EU,
Magdalena König, in Internet Policy Review: Journal on Internet Regulation (2016)
Keywords: Social sorting, Borders, Big data

Das Recht des Handelsvertreters in der EWG und Großbritannien,
Günter König, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1963) Downloads

Effizienz öffentlichen Handels - neu überdacht,
Herbert König, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1979) Downloads

Organisation der Wirtschaftspolitik,
Herbert König, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1975) Downloads

Ein neues Kapitel für die wirtschaftliche Zukunft,
Karl König, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1972) Downloads

Die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Aufgaben der Gewerkschaften in Österreich,
Herbert König, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1950) Downloads

Post-Oil-Cities - Postfossile Mobilität und Energieversorgung: Klimaneutrale Städte und Regionen. Rolle der Planung,
Michael König, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2011)
Keywords: Stadt der Zukunft, Energie, Stadtentwicklung, erneuerbare Energie, Mobilitätsmanagement, Elektromobilität, Gebäudesanierung, Post-Oil-City, Future City, energy, urban development, renewable energy, mobility management, e-mobility, building restoration, Post-Oil-Cities

Towards an evaluation of international subcontracting activities in developing countries: interim report upon completion of field work on maquiladoras" in México; borrador para comentarios",
Wolfgang Konig, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (1975) Downloads

Improving risk assessment for interdependent urban critical infrastructures,
Sandra König, from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (2020)
Keywords: Logistics, Industry 4.0, Digitalization, Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science

'Productivity growth in U.K. companies 1975-1986': by S. Nickell, S. Wadhwani and M. Wall,
Heinz Konig, in European Economic Review (1992) Downloads

Aggregate investment, the stock market and the Q-model: Robust results for six OECD countries: by G. Sensenbrenner,
Heinz Konig, in European Economic Review (1991) Downloads

'Internal versus external economies in European industry' by R.J. Caballero and R.K. Lyons,
Heinz Konig, in European Economic Review (1990) Downloads

Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside of manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe: By Robert J. Gordon,
Heinz Konig, in European Economic Review (1987) Downloads

'The pricing of bonds and bank loans in international markets: An empirical analysis of developing countries' foreign borrowing' by Sebastian Edwards,
Heinz Konig, in European Economic Review (1986) Downloads

'The rational expectations approach to the consumption function: A multi-country study' by Bilson,
H. Konig, in European Economic Review (1980) Downloads

Cost efficient utilisation of biomass in the German energy system in the context of energy and environmental policies,
Andreas König, in Energy Policy (2011)
Keywords: Bioenergy Energy system analysis Renewable energy

Target2-Salden steigen wieder – keine Krise, aber ein Weckruf: Kommentar,
Philipp König, in DIW Wochenbericht (2016) Downloads

Exchange rates and different degrees of capital market integration: A monetary approach to the Mark/Dollar rate,
Peter König, from University of Konstanz, Department of Economics (1986) Downloads

Bias in Tax Progressivity Estimates,
Johannes König, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2023)
Keywords: Income taxation, progressivity, nonlinear estimation

Towards a solution of developing countries' debt crisis: Strengthening the weakest link,
Peter König, from University of Konstanz, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 178 "Internationalization of the Economy" (1989) Downloads

Analyst Behavior: The Geography of Social Interaction,
Frederik König, in Journal of Behavioral Finance (2016) Downloads

Simultaneous treatment of risk and resilience,
Sandra König, from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (2021)
Keywords: Supply Chain Risk Management, Supply Chain Security

Liquidity Requirements: A Double-Edged Sword,
Philipp König, in International Journal of Central Banking (2015) Downloads

Reform of the EU Cohesion Policy,
Petr König, in European Review (2012) Downloads

Bicameralism and Party Politics in Germany: an Empirical Social Choice Analysis,
Thomas König, in Political Studies (2001) Downloads

Between collaboration and competition: co‐located clusters of different industries in one region—the context of Tuttlingen's medical engineering and metal processing industries,
Tobias König, in Regional Science Policy & Practice (2023) Downloads

Heinz König, in Kyklos (1978) Downloads

Heinz KÖnig, in Kyklos (1979) Downloads

Heinz KÖnig, in Kyklos (1980) Downloads

Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology, Two‐level Bargains and Technocratic Governance in the post‐Maastricht Era,
Thomas König, in Journal of Common Market Studies (2018) Downloads

Eine spieltheoretische Analyse des Schweizerischen Parlaments,
Markus König, in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES) (1996) Downloads

Makroökonometrische Modelle: Ansätze, Ziele, Probleme,
Heinz König, in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES) (1971) Downloads

Zwei Grundbegriffe der Familiensoziologie,
René König, in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES) (1945) Downloads

Poirier, Dale J., The Econometrics of Structural Change with Special Emphasis on Spline Functions. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford (North-Holland Publishing Company) 1976, 206 Seiten, US $ 26.95/Dfl. 70,—,
König Wolfgang, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1978) Downloads

Germline-editing moratorium — why we should resist it,
Harald König, in Nature (2019)
Keywords: Genetics, Biotechnology, Research management, Society

International Financial Institutions and Latin American Development,
Wolfgang König, from Palgrave Macmillan (1973)
Keywords: Development Finance, Latin American Country, Recipient Country, Economic Dependence, External Finance

Reciprocal social influence on investment decisions: behavioral evidence from a group of mutual fund managers,
Frederik König, in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (2014)
Keywords: Mutual fund managers, Social interaction, Herding , Word-of-mouth, A14, D83, G11, G23,

Aufsichtsrechtliche Anforderungen an die Compliance – Status Quo und zukünftige Handlungsfelder,
König Elke, in Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (2014) Downloads

Genossenschaftliches Wirken für den Einzelhandel,
König Paul, in Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (1955) Downloads

Die genossenschaftlich geförderte und gelenkte überbetriebliche Nutzung von Landmaschinen in Lippe-Detmold,
König Walter, in Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (1959) Downloads

WohnungsGenossenschaft und WohnungsSolidarität,
König Barbara, in Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (2003) Downloads

A review on railway delay management,
Eva König, in Public Transport (2020)
Keywords: Delay management, Railways, Operational problems, Review

Changing social categories in a changing society: studying trends with correspondence analysis,
Ruben Konig, in Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology (2010)
Keywords: Trend analysis, Survey, Correspondence analysis, Composite correspondence analysis, Multiple correspondence analysis, Joint correspondence analysis,

Career histories as determinants of gendered retirement timing in the Danish and Swedish pension systems,
Stefanie König, in European Journal of Ageing (2017)
Keywords: Retirement timing, Gender, Compensation hypothesis, Status maintenance hypothesis, Labour market attachment

An econometric framework for testing the eclectic paradigm of international firm activities,
Markus König, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2003)
Keywords: Foreign direct investiment, eclectic paradigm, OLI approach,

Net-Loss Reciprocation and the Context Dependency of Economic Choices,
Clemens König, from University of Munich, Department of Economics (2013)
Keywords: Reciprocity; Fairness; Experimental economics; Game theory; Loss aversion

The financial accelerator, wages, and optimal monetary policy,
Tobias König, in Journal of International Money and Finance (2024)
Keywords: Financial accelerator; Monetary policy; Nominal rigidities; Factor costs;

Schätzen und Testen in semiparametrischen partiell linearen Modellen für die Paneldatenanalyse,
Anja König, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (1997) Downloads

Personal Insolvency Dynamics in Germany and the UK -- A SUR-TAR Approach,
Nadja König, from University of Hamburg, Department of Socioeconomics (2016)
Keywords: Private Household Debt, Personal Insolvency Laws, Recessions

Household Debt and Macrodynamics - How do Income Distribution and Insolvency Regulations interact?,
Nadja König, from University of Hamburg, Department of Socioeconomics (2016)
Keywords: Optimal Insolvency Regulation, Income and Wealth distribution, Agent-based Model, Computational Simulation

Registered author: Nadja König

Deutschlands Energiewende- und Klimapolitik auf dem Prüfstand,
Jörg König, from Stiftung Marktwirtschaft / The Market Economy Foundation, Berlin (2024) Downloads

The Financial Accelerator, Wages, and Optimal Monetary Policy,
Tobias König, from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (2020)
Keywords: Financial accelerator, monetary policy, nominal rigidities, factor costs

Umweltverträgliches Wirtschaften als Problem von Wissenschaft und Politik Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, in Oldenburg 1992,
Heinz König, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (1993)
Keywords: Umweltökonomie;Umweltschutz;Umweltverträglichkeit

Gründungsdynamik, Innovation und Beschäftigung,
Heinz König, from University of St. Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science, Institute of Economics (FGN-HSG) (1998) Downloads

Registered author: Johannes König

The D-Mark Exchange Rate Impact,
Reiner König, from Palgrave Macmillan (1997)
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy, Current Account, European Monetary Union, Foreign Exchange Market

Registered author: Tobias König

Comment on Stefania Pasquetti,
Doris König, from Springer (2006)
Keywords: Asylum Seeker, Labor Migration, United Nations High Commissioner, Asylum Policy, National Immigration

Spirituality and Diversity,
Jutta König, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Spiritual Practice, Multicultural Society, Fundamental Shift, Spiritual Intelligence, Unconscious Thought

Vertriebs-Controlling: Umsetzung und Steuerung der Vertriebsstrategie,
Michael König, from Springer (2021)

Authigenic mineral phases as a driver of the upper-ocean iron cycle,
Alessandro Tagliabue, Kristen N. Buck, Laura E. Sofen, Benjamin S. Twining, Olivier Aumont, Philip W. Boyd, Salvatore Caprara, William B. Homoky, Rod Johnson, Daniela König, Daniel C. Ohnemus, Bettina Sohst and Peter Sedwick, in Nature (2023) Downloads

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