2064 documents matched the search for Kerstin Grosch in authors.
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Contract compliance under biased expectations: Evidence from an experiment in Ghana, Sabine Fischer and Kerstin Grosch,
from Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, GlobalFood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics
Gender differences in honesty: The role of social value orientation, Kerstin Grosch and Holger Rau,
from University of Goettingen, Department of Economics
Keywords: experiment, gender differences, honesty, social value orientation
Gender equivalence in overconfidence A large-scale experimental study in a non-WEIRD country, Kerstin Grosch and Sabine Fischer,
from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Keywords: Overconfidence; gender differences; lab experiment; Sub-Saharan Africa; null results
Gender Differences in Compliance: The Role of Social Value Orientation, Kerstin Grosch and Holger A. Rau,
from Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, GlobalFood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Labor and Human Capital
Gender differences in honesty: The role of social value orientation, Kerstin Grosch and Holger A. Rau,
in Journal of Economic Psychology
Keywords: Experiment; Gender differences; Honesty; Social value orientation;
in Economic Inquiry
Closing the gender STEM gap, Kerstin Grosch, Simone Häckl and Martin Kocher,
from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Keywords: STEM; digital intervention; gender equality; field experiment
Do discriminatory pay regimes unleash antisocial behavior?, Kerstin Grosch and Holger A. Rau,
from University of Goettingen, Department of Economics
Keywords: antisocial behavior, discrimination, experiment, joy of destruction
Competition and prosociality: A field experiment in Ghana, Kerstin Grosch, Marcela Ibanez and Angelino Viceisza,
from Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, GlobalFood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Labor and Human Capital
Closing the gender STEM gap. A large-scale randomized-controlled trial in elementary schools, Kerstin Grosch, Simone Haeckl and Martin Kocher,
from University of Stavanger
Keywords: STEM; digital intervention; gender equality; field experiment
Competition and prosociality: A lab-in-the-field experiment in Ghana, Kerstin Grosch, Marcela Ibañez and Angelino Viceisza,
in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
Keywords: Competitive payment; Wage differences; Prosociality; Field experiment;
Closing the Gender STEM Gap - A Large-Scale Randomized-Controlled Trial in Elementary Schools, Kerstin Grosch, Simone Haeckl and Martin Kocher,
from CESifo
Keywords: STEM, digital intervention, gender equality, field experiment
Closing the gender STEM gap - A large-scale randomized-controlled trial in elementary schools, Kerstin Grosch, Simone Haeckl and Martin Kocher,
from Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics
Keywords: STEM, digital intervention, gender equality, field experiment
A Guide to Conducting School Experiments: Expert Insights and Best Practices for Effective Implementation, Kerstin Grosch, Simone Haeckl, Holger Rau and Paul Preuss,
from University of Stavanger
Keywords: school experiments; guide; internal validity; survey
Selection into Leadership and Dishonest Behavior of Leaders: A Gender Experiment, Kerstin Grosch, Stephan Müller, Holger A. Rau and Lilia Zhurakhovska,
from Institute for Advanced Studies
Keywords: leadership, decision for others, lab experiment, gender differences, dishonesty
Gender Differences in Dishonesty Disappear When Leaders Make Decisions on Behalf of Their Team, Kerstin Grosch, Stephan Müller, Holger A. Rau and Lilia Wasserka-Zhurakhovska,
from CESifo
Keywords: leadership, decisions for others, lab experiment, gender differences, dishonesty
Reply to “Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published”, Eric Grosch,
in PLOS Computational Biology
Micrographics, 2nd ed, Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Libraries and information science in the electronic age, Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
The complete cataloging reference set—Collected manuals of the Minnesota AACR@ trainers, Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Australian MARC specification. National Library of Australia. Canberra: National Library of Australia 83 pp. (1973), Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
INTERMARC (M): Format bibliographique d'echange pour les mon ographies: manuel. Group INTERMARC. Paris: diffusion Bibliotheque nationale; Brussels: diffusion Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier. 212 p. (1975). (ISBN 2‐7177‐1206‐2), Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Terminology of documentation = terminologie de la documentation = terminologie der dokumentation = terminologie der dokumentation = terminologia de la documentacion. Gernot Versig and Ulrich Neveling, compilers. Paris: The Unesco Press. 274 p. (1976) (ISBN 92‐3‐001232‐7, Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
What happens in library filing? Herbert H. Hoffman. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books, 176p. (1976), Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Landmarks of Library Literature 1876‐1976. Dianne J. Ellsworth and Norman D. Stevens, Eds. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 520 p. (1976) (LC 754.5139; ISBN 0‐8108‐0899‐4), Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
A work study of the review production process, Audrey N. Grosch,
in Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Fallstricke bei der Bestimmung von Vermögensverlusten deutscher Anleger im Ausland, Rainer Frey, Ulrich Grosch and Alexander Lipponer,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
Keywords: F21, F23, F32,
Aligning a Cybersecurity Strategy with Communication Management in Organizations, Ileana Hamburg and Kira Rosa Grosch,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: cybersecurity CS, CS professionals, cyberattacks, cloud computing, platforms
Water quality assessment of different reservoir types in relation to nutrient solution use in hydroponics, Dietmar Schwarz, Rita Grosch, Wolfgang Gross and Sabine Hoffmann-Hergarten,
in Agricultural Water Management
Buchbesprechungen, Grosch Ulrich, Preuße Heinz G. and Wagner Adolf,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
The impact of financial management on innovation, Marcus Illmeyer, Dietmar Grosch, Maria Kittler and Pamela Priess,
from HAL
Keywords: innovativeness,financial literacy,liquidity,innovation capacity,financial management,financial controlling
The impact of financial management on innovation, Marcus Illmeyer, Dietmar Grosch, Maria Kittler and Pamela Priess,
in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Keywords: financial management, financial controlling, liquidity, financial literacy, innovativeness, innovation capacity
Competition Effects and Terms of Trade Effects of Exchange Rates and International Prices: Evidence for Germany, Kerstin Stahn,
in Aussenwirtschaft
The implementation of migration policy in Ukraine: autonomous or directed?, Kerstin Zimmer,
in SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe
Die Ökonomisierung von Zeit im flexiblen Kapitalismus, Kerstin Jürgens,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Prekäres Leben, Kerstin Jürgens,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Ist „Vereinbarkeit“ drin, wo „Vereinbarkeit“ draufsteht? Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft auf der Gratwanderung, Kerstin Jürgens,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Die gesellschaftliche Integrationskraft der Arbeit, Kerstin Jürgens,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Camp settlement and communal conflict in sub-Saharan Africa, Kerstin Fisk,
in Journal of Peace Research
Keywords: communal conflict; inequality; political exclusion; refugees; refugee settlement; sub-Saharan Africa
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Biological aging, Caenorhabditis Elegans, dauer mutation, Monte Carlo simulation, Penna model, Stauffer model
NGOs in the United Nations system: evaluating theoretical approaches, Kerstin Martens,
in Journal of International Development
Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Iberian Trade Unionism: Democratization under the Impact of the European Union, Kerstin Hamann,
in ILR Review
Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Left's Dirty Job: The Politics of Industrial Restructuring in France and Spain, Kerstin Hamann,
in ILR Review
One-sided Violence in Refugee-hosting Areas, Kerstin Fisk,
in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Keywords: refugees; forced migration; antirefugee violence; violence against civilians; one-sided violence; civilian victimization; internal armed conflict; human security
Behavioral Effects of Nonconscious Mimicry and Social Intentions: A Reverse Engineered Pitch, Kerstin Klein,
in Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Keywords: Pitching Research, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Nonconscious Mimicry
Solidarity and political narratives in crises – responses to deviant communication during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kerstin Wüstner,
in European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Keywords: Communication, COVID-19, crises, political narratives, punitive attitudes, social representations, solidarity
Spanish Unions: Institutional Legacy and Responsiveness to Economic and Industrial Change, Kerstin Hamann,
in ILR Review
The Allocation of Authority in a Joint Project under Limited Liability, Kerstin Puschke,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Konzeption eines planungsunterstützenden Informationssystems für das Dienstleistungsunternehmen Kommune. Gezeigt an ausgewählten Beispielen der kommunalen Sozialplanung und Sozialpolitik, Kerstin Schröder,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Informationssystem, Sozialplan, Verwaltungsreform
Der Wald und die Gemeinheitsteilungen in Schweden und Dänemark. Privatisierung und soziale Veränderungen in der Agrargesellschaft, Sundberg Kerstin,
in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
Führungskraft und Frau - manchmal ein Teufelskreis, Kerstin Bruns,
from FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
Optimal hierarchies with diverse decision-makers, Kerstin Puschke,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: Authority, Decision Rights, Incomplete Contracts
Task assignment and organizational form, Kerstin Puschke,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: Task Assignment, Organizational Form, Incomplete Contracts
The allocation of authority under limited liability, Kerstin Puschke,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: Authority, Decision Rights, Incomplete Contracts
Raha- ja valuuttamarkkinoiden vakaus EMS-maissa, Kerstin Heinonen,
from Bank of Finland
Has the export pricing behaviour of German enterprises changed? Empirical evidence from German sectoral prices, Kerstin Stahn,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: export pricing, exchange rate pass-through, pricing-to-market, Germany
Has the impact of key determinants of German exports changed? Results from estimations of Germany's intra euro-area and extra euro-area exports, Kerstin Stahn,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: intra and extra euro-area exports, export demand, price competitiveness, error correction model
Konfliktkompetenz: Ein Muss im Führungsalltag, Kerstin Bruns,
from Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Lehrstuhl für Produktionswirtschaft
Lessons learned aus den Reallaboren zu Urbaner Produktion in strukturschwachen Stadtteilen im Ruhrgebiet, Kerstin Meyer,
from Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT), Westfälische Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences
Wie erfolgversprechend ist die Reproduktion institutionellen Designs? Individualbeschwerden im Kontext des Inter-Amerikanischen Menschenrechtssystems sowie des juristischen Systems der Andengemeinschaft, Kerstin Blome,
from University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597: Transformations of the State
Fallstricke und Chancen in Simbabwe: Entwickelt sich eine neue Dynamik zur Lösung des politischen Konflikts?, Kerstin Petretto,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Regionalanalyse auf Basis simulierter Geodoordinaten: Gütebeurteilung des Verfahrens am Beispiel der Wahlberechtigten in Berlin, Kerstin Erfurth,
in WISTA – Wirtschaft und Statistik
Keywords: Kerndichteschätzung, Simulierte Geokoordinaten, Kernelheaping, Choroplethenkarten, regionale Analyse, kernel density estimation, simulated geo-coordinates, kernelheaping, choropleth maps, regional analysis
Genetische Ressourcen, Biodiversitätskonvention und TRIPS-Abkommen, Kerstin Löffler,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Book Review: International Entrepreneurship Education – Issues and Newness, Kerstin Wilde,
in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Keywords: book review
in Demográfia English Edition
Keywords: Birth, Motherhood, Fertility, Birthrate, Family policy, Woman's employment, Fertility, Sociology of families, Cultural models, Role of woman and mothers, France, Germany
Perceived overqualification and performance. The role of the peer-group, Kerstin Alfes,
in Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management
Keywords: perceptions of overqualification, peer-group perceptions of overqualification, self-report performance
Review: Lorenzo Cotula, The Great African Land Grab?: Agricultural Investments and the Global Food System (2013), Kerstin Nolte,
in Africa Spectrum
Keywords: ssssssssssss
ASEAN Enlargement and Norm Change – A Window of Opportunity for Democracy and Human Rights Entrepreneurs?, Kerstin Radtke,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Keywords: Burma/Myanmar; ASEAN enlargement; regional identity; norm entrepreneur; stigmatisation; agenda-setting
Statistik, Geschichte und Geschichtswissenschaft. Eine Analyse des Verhältnisses und Gedanken zur Aufarbeitung, Kerstin Brückweh,
in WISTA – Wirtschaft und Statistik
Keywords: Behördenforschung, Historik, Politikgeschichte, historischer Kontext, Auftragsforschung, Nationalsozialismus, DDR, government research, historiography, political history, historical context, contract research, National Socialism, GDR
Markowitz in the brain - neural representations of expected reward and risk during gambling, Kerstin Preuschoff,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
Union wage setting and progressive income taxation with heterogeneous labor: theory and evidence from the German income tax reforms 1986-1990, Kerstin Schneider,
in Labour Economics
Comment on Harold A. Linstone: When is a Need a Need? The Problem of Normative Forecasting in a Changing Environment, in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 1 (1969), 55–71, Kerstin Cuhls,
in Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Keywords: Need; Foresight; Forecasting; Systems thinking; Innovation;
The German health care system and health care reform, Kerstin Kamke,
in Health Policy
For health or profit. Medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, and the state in New Zealand: Edited by P. Davis, Oxford, Oxford University Press 298 pp., 1992, ISBN 0-19-558243-8, [pound sign]15.95, Kerstin Kamke,
in Health Policy
Registered author: Kerstin Puschke
Was wir über Lernrückstände wissen (müssten)!, Schneider Kerstin,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
The institutional roots of post-war European economic underperformance: a regional approach, Kerstin Enflo,
in European Review of Economic History
The Allocation of Authority under Limited Liability, Kerstin Puschke,
Keywords: Authority, Decision Rights, Incomplete Contracts
Task Assignment and Organizational Form, Kerstin Puschke,
Optimal Hierarchies with Diverse Decision-Makers, Kerstin Puschke,
in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS)
Keywords: Industrial districts, adaptation, N/Kmodel
Discurso inaugural de la Sra. Kerstin Trone, Directora Ejecutiva Adjunta, Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (FNUAP), Kerstin Trone,
from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Grüne Vorschläge für eine gerechte, ökologische und wirtschaftspolitisch vernünftige Steuerpolitik: zurück zu soliden Haushalten, Kerstin Andreae,
in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research
From forecasting to foresight processes-new participative foresight activities in Germany, Kerstin Cuhls,
in Journal of Forecasting
Changes in import pricing behaviour: the case of Germany, Kerstin Stahn,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: import pricing, cost pass-through, exchange rate pass-through, pricing-to-market, Germany
Regional distribution and location choices of immigrants in Germany, Kerstin Tanis,
in Regional Studies
Plausible deniability? An investigation of government and government-outsourced violence in refugee hosting areas, Kerstin Fisk,
in International Interactions
Works councils and the digitalisation of manufacturing: Opportunity or threat for their power position?, Kerstin Rego,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Keywords: Co-determination; digitalisation; power position; power resources; works council
How to accelerate green technology diffusion? Directed technological change in the presence of coevolving absorptive capacity, Kerstin Hötte,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Directed technological change; Technology diffusion; Climate policy; Absorptive capacity; Agent-based model;
Spatio-temporal patterns of birch regrowth in a Western Norwegian treeline ecotone, Kerstin Potthoff,
in Landscape Research
Humanitarian interventions and the media: broadcasting against ethnic hate, Kerstin Tomiak,
in Third World Quarterly
Women musicians of Uzbekistan: from courtyard to conservatory, Kerstin Klenke,
in Central Asian Survey
Optimal taxes and pensions with myopic agents, Kerstin Roeder,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
Haushalte im Umfeld des SGB II, Kerstin Blos,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Grundsicherung nach SGB II ; Leistungsempfänger ; Anspruchsvoraussetzung ; Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger ; Arbeitsuchende
Die Bedeutung der Ausgaben und Einnahmen der Sozialversicherungssysteme für die Regionen in Deutschland, Kerstin Blos,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Beitragszahlung ; Bundeszuschuss ; gesetzliche Krankenversicherung ; IAB-Beschäftigtenhistorik ; öffentliche Ausgaben ; öffentliche Einnahmen ; Pflegeversicherung ; regionale Verteilung ; Regionalisierung ; Rentenversicherung ; Sozialversicherung ; Arbeitslosenversicherung ; Versicherungsbeitrag ; 2003-2003
Soziale Sicherung: Solidarisch über alle Grenzen, Kerstin Blos,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Ausgaben ; Finanzausgleich ; regionale Disparität ; regionale Verteilung ; Rentenversicherung ; Sozialabgaben ; Sozialleistungen ; Sozialversicherung ; Transferleistung ; Arbeitslosenversicherung ; verfügbares Einkommen
Parliamentary Democracy: Democratization, Destabilization, Reconsolidation, 1789–1999. By Klaus von Beyme. New York: St. Martin's, 2000. 248p. $59.95, Kerstin Hamann,
in American Political Science Review
Involuntary Unemployment and Environmental Policy: The Double Dividend Hypothesis, Kerstin Schneider,
in Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Bas van Leeuwen, Robert C. M. Philips, and Erik Buyst, eds., An economic history of regional industrialization (London: Routledge Explorations in Economic History, 2021. Pp. v+300. 60 illus. ISBN 9780367197520 Hbk. £120.00), Kerstin Enflo,
in Economic History Review
Einführung einer Kindergrundsicherung: Ziele, Konzeption, Herausforderung, Bruckmeier Kerstin,
in Wirtschaftsdienst