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3474 documents matched the search for Jochem, Dominik in authors.
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Forstbetriebliche Schadholzlagerbestände nach natürlichen Störungsereignissen - Verfahren zur nationalen Schätzung,
Klaus Zimmermann and Dominik Jochem, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2024)
Keywords: Klimawandel, natürliche Störungsereignisse, Schadholzlager, Berichterstattung, climate change, natural disturbances, damaged timber storage, reporting

Rohstoffmonitoring Holz: Holzwerkstoffindustrie 2021,
Sebastian Glasenapp and Dominik Jochem, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2024)
Keywords: Holzwerkstoffe, Holzwerkstoffindustrie, Kapazität, Produktion, Spanplatten, Faserplatten, OSB, Wood-based materials, Wood-based industry, Capacity, Production, Particleboards, Fiberboards, Oriented Strand Board (OSB)

Rohstoffmonitoring Holz: Holzwerkstoffindustrie 2021,
Sebastian Glasenapp and Dominik Jochem, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2024)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Forstbetriebliche Schadholzlagerbestände nach natürlichen Störungsereignissen - Verfahren zur nationalen Schätzung,
Klaus Zimmermann and Dominik Jochem, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2024)
Keywords: Climate Change, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Risk and Uncertainty

Holzverwendung im Bauwesen: Eine Marktstudie im Rahmen der "Charta für Holz",
Weimar, Holger (Ed.) and Jochem, Dominik (Ed.), from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2013) Downloads

Verflechtungen der Forst-, Holz- und Papierwirtschaft mit den kritischen Infrastrukturen in Deutschland (KRITIS),
Susanne Iost, Matthias Bösch, Dominik Jochem and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics

Verflechtungen der Forst-, Holz- und Papierwirtschaft mit den kritischen Infrastrukturen in Deutschland (KRITIS),
Susanne Iost, Matthias Bösch, Dominik Jochem and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: Kritische Infrastrukturen, systemrelevant, Zellstoff, Hygienepapier, Verpackung, Energie, Wärme, Critical infrastructure, system-relevant, pulp, sanitary paper, packaging, energy, heating

National wood fiber balances for the pulp and paper sector: An approach to supplement international forest products statistics,
Dominik Jochem, Matthias Bösch, Holger Weimar and Matthias Dieter, in Forest Policy and Economics (2021)
Keywords: Recovered pulp; Wood fiber equivalent; Recycling rate; Wood balance; Recovered paper; FAOSTAT;

Physical input-output accounting of the wood and paper flow in Germany,
Matthias Bösch, Dominik Jochem, Holger Weimar and Matthias Dieter, in Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2015)
Keywords: Physical input-output table; Forest sector; Hypothetical extraction method; Inter-industry linkages; Germany;

Entwicklung der Rahmenbedingungen für das Bauen mit Holz in Deutschland: Eine Innovationssystemanalyse im Kontext der Evaluation der Charta für Holz 2.0,
Alexandra Purkus, Jan Lüdtke, Dominik Jochem, Sebastian Rüter and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Entwicklung der Rahmenbedingungen für das Bauen mit Holz in Deutschland: Eine Innovationssystemanalyse im Kontext der Evaluation der Charta für Holz 2.0,
Alexandra Purkus, Jan Lüdtke, Dominik Jochem, Sebastian Rüter and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: Holzbau, nachhaltiges Bauen, Klimaschutz, Bioökonomie, Holznutzung, Innovationssystemanalyse, wood construction, sustainable construction, climate change mitigation, bioeconomy, wood use, innovation system analysis

Holzaufkommen und -verwendung in Deutschland - Entwicklung seit 2000 und Ausblick bis 2040,
Susanne Iost, Sebastian Glasenapp, Dominik Jochem, Liliya Shmyhelska and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2024)
Keywords: Biokraftstoffe, Biomasse, Holzrohstoffe, Kalamität, Schadholz, Aufkommen, Verwendung, Szenarien, systematische Literaturanalyse, advanced biofuels, woody biomass, woody residues, calamities, damaged timber, supply, use, scenarios, systematic literature review

A study on free-floating carsharing in Europe: Impacts of car2go and DriveNow on modal shift, vehicle ownership, vehicle kilometers traveled, and CO2 emissions in 11 European cities,
Hansjörg Fromm, Lukas Ewald, Dominik Frankenhauser, Axel Ensslen and Patrick Jochem, from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) (2019) Downloads

Monitoring Sustainability Effects of the Bioeconomy: A Material Flow Based Approach Using the Example of Softwood Lumber and Its Core Product Epal 1 Pallet,
Jörg Schweinle, Natalia Geng, Susanne Iost, Holger Weimar and Dominik Jochem, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: bioeconomy; monitoring; material flow analysis; sustainability assessment; softwood lumber; wood pallet

Does free-floating carsharing reduce private vehicle ownership? The case of SHARE NOW in European cities,
Patrick Jochem, Dominik Frankenhauser, Lukas Ewald, Axel Ensslen and Hansjörg Fromm, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2020)
Keywords: Free-floating carsharing; Survey; Europe; Cities; Car Ownership;

German Bioeconomy: Economic Im portance and Concept of Measurement,
Susanne Iost, Naemi Labonte, Martin Banse, Natalia Geng, Dominik Jochem, Jörg Schweinle, Sascha Weber and Holger Weimar, in German Journal of Agricultural Economics (2019)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Labor and Human Capital, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Setting up a bioeconomy monitoring: Resource base and sustainability,
Susanne Iost, Natalia Geng, Jörg Schweinle, Martin Banse, Simone Brüning, Dominik Jochem, Andrea Machmüller and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: bioeconomy, material flow, sustainability, monitoring, bio-based, assessment, Bioökonomie, Stofffluss, Nachhaltigkeit, biobasiert, Bewertung

Setting up a bioeconomy monitoring: Resource base and sustainability,
Susanne Iost, Natalia Geng, Jörg Schweinle, Martin Banse, Simone Brüning, Dominik Jochem, Andrea Machmüller and Holger Weimar, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2020)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Introduction to the Special Issue,
Eberhard Jochem, in Energy & Environment (1998) Downloads

Long-Term Potentials of Rational Energy use - The Unknown Possibilities of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
Eberhard Jochem, in Energy & Environment (1991) Downloads

Do Differences in Climate Change Policy Reflect Different Cultures and Vice Versa?,
Eberhard Jochem, in Energy & Environment (1998) Downloads

R&D and Innovation Policy — Preconditions for Making Steps towards a 2000 WATT/CAP Society,
Eberhard Jochem, in Energy & Environment (2004)
Keywords: Energy and material efficiency; material substitution; entrepreneurial innovations; process substitution; 2000 W per capita society; R&D identification; back-casting; R&D and innovation system

Skandinavische Beschäftigungspolitik - Stärken und Schwächen im internationalen Vergleich,
Sven Jochem, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2009) Downloads

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) für die aus dem Gastgewerbe stammenden Projektteilnehmer von "Sustainable Bonn – Konferenzort der Nachhaltigkeit",
Tobias Jochem, from International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE), Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (2017) Downloads

Quantifying the irreducible uncertainty in near‐term climate projections,
Jochem Marotzke, in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (2019) Downloads

Inspirational Intuition – A new Managerial Approach to Operationalize a Success Factor for Inventions,
Jochem Müller, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2021)
Keywords: Intuition, Insprational, knowledge, imagination, inventory, creativity, competence, survey

Sozialpolitik in der Ära Kohl: Die Politik des Sozialversicherungsstaates,
Sven Jochem, from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS) (1999) Downloads

The social democratic full-employment model in transition: The Scandinavian experiences in the 1980s and 1990s,
Sven Jochem, from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS) (1998) Downloads

National Competitiveness and Economic Growth: The Changing Determinants of Economic Performance in the World Economy: Tino J. Hamalainen, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, 380 pp., [UK pound]79.95, ISBN 1-84064-454-0,
Eberhard Jochem, in Research Policy (2004) Downloads

Reducing CO2 emissions -- the West German plan,
Eberhard Jochem, in Energy Policy (1991) Downloads

An Agenda for Energy and Material Efficiency Policy – An Element of Technology Policy for a More Sustainable Use of Natural Resources,
Eberhard Jochem, from CEPE Center for Energy Policy and Economics, ETH Zurich (2005)
Keywords: Innovation policy, energy efficiency policy, material efficiency, R&D energy policy

Energy Efficiency - the Focus for Transition from an Energy Supply to an Energy Service Policy,
Eberhard Jochem, in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (1999) Downloads

Using Energy and Materials More Efficiently: Large and Profitable Potentials, But Little Attention from Energy and Climate Policy,
Eberhard Jochem, in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Energy efficiency, efficiency potential, energy innovation, energy services, global energy system, energy efficieny policy

Bildung und inspirierende Intuition –Triebkräfte für Entrepreneurship,
Jochem Müller, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2023)
Keywords: Bildung, Inspirierende Intuition, Kreativität, Intuitive Kompetenz, Entrepreneurship, Inkubation

Inspirational Intuition – A new controlling approach to moderate the intuitive imagination of knowledge,
Jochem Müller, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2021)
Keywords: Inspiration, Intuition, Imagination, Knowledge, Controlling

Inspirational Intuition – Bridge to Future Viability,
Jochem Müller, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2023)
Keywords: Intuition, Innovation, Inspiration, Knowledge, Imagination, Inventory, Creativity, Competence, Principal Component Analysis, Questionnaire, Leadership, Future Viability

Monetary stabilization in countries in transition,
Axel Jochem, in International Advances in Economic Research (1999) Downloads

A grip on ice-age ocean circulation,
Jochem Marotzke, in Nature (2012) Downloads

Erfordert die Europäische Währungsunion die Koordination der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik in den Mitgliedsländern? / Does the EMU necessitate the Co-ordination of Active Labour Market Policy in the Member Countries?,
Axel Jochem, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1999)
Keywords: Game theory, co-ordination, employment policy, active labour market policy, European Union.

International Financial Competitiveness and Incentives to Foreign Direct Investment,
Axel Jochem, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (2010)
Keywords: Competitiveness, foreign direct investment, international integration, Competitiveness, foreign direct investment, international integration

Erfordert die Europäische Währungsunion die Koordination der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik in den Mitgliedsländern? / Does the EMU necessitate the Co-ordination of Active Labour Market Policy in the Member Countries?,
Axel Jochem, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1999)
Keywords: Game theory, co-ordination, employment policy, active labour market policy, European Union., Spieltheorie, Koordination, Beschäftigungspolitik, aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Europäische Union., Game theory, co-ordination, employment policy, active labour market policy, European Union.

International financial competitiveness and incentives to foreign direct investment,
Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2008)
Keywords: Competitiveness, foreign direct investment, international integration

Timing and sequenzing der monetären Integration,
Axel Jochem, from Bundeswehr University Munich, Economic Research Group (2000)
Keywords: EWU, Transformationsländer, Wechselkurspolitik, EMU, Economies in Transition, Exchange Rate Policy

Währungspolitische Interdependenz der EU-Beitrittskandidaten und die Wahl eines geeigneten Wechselkurssystems,
Axel Jochem, from Bundeswehr University Munich, Economic Research Group (1999)
Keywords: EWU, Transformationsländer, Wechselkurspolitik, Spieltheorie, EMU, Economies in Transition, Exchange Rate Policy, Game Theory

Currency board and crawling peg,
Axel Jochem, in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy (1998) Downloads

Evaluation der Charta für Holz 2.0: Methodische Grundlagen und Evaluationskonzept,
Alexandra Purkus, Jan Lüdtke, Georg Becher, Matthias Dieter, Dominik Jochem, Ralph Lehnen, Mirko Liesebach, Heino Polley, Sebastian Rüter, Jörg Schweinle, Holger Weimar and Johannes Welling, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2019)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Evaluation der Charta für Holz 2.0: Methodische Grundlagen und Evaluationskonzept,
Alexandra Purkus, Jan Lüdtke, Georg Becher, Matthias Dieter, Dominik Jochem, Ralph Lehnen, Mirko Liesebach, Heino Polley, Sebastian Rüter, Jörg Schweinle, Holger Weimar and Johannes Welling, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2019)
Keywords: Forstwirtschaft, Holzwirtschaft, Holznutzung, Klimaschutz, Bioökonomie, Evaluation, Innovationspolitik, forestry, forest-based industries, wood use, climate change mitigation, bioeconomy, evaluation, innovation policy

Planning Cultures in Europe: Decoding Cultural Phenomena in Urban and Regional Planning,
Jochem de Vries, in Regional Studies (2010) Downloads

Venturing Into Unknown Territory: The Preparation and Formulation of the Second Benelux Structural Outline,
Jochem De Vries, in European Planning Studies (2008) Downloads

Planning and Culture Unfolded: The Cases of Flanders and the Netherlands,
Jochem de Vries, in European Planning Studies (2015) Downloads

The compact city and the environment: a review,
Jochem Van Der Waals, in Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (2000) Downloads

Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society – Edited by ANDREAS FALUDI,
Jochem De Vries, in Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (2009) Downloads

The Future of EU Trade Defence Investigations against Imports from China,
Jochem de Kok, in Journal of International Economic Law (2016) Downloads

Measuring subjective survival expectations – Do response scales matter?,
Jochem de Bresser, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2019)
Keywords: Subjective expectations; Test-retest reliability; Life cycle model; Rounding;

Evaluating the Accuracy of Counterfactuals: Heterogeneous Survival Expectations in a Life Cycle Model,
Jochem de Bresser, in The Review of Economic Studies (2024)
Keywords: Subjective expectations, Life cycle model

Evaluating the Accuracy of Counterfactuals The Role of Heterogeneous Expectations in Life Cycle Models,
Jochem de Bresser, from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research (2021)
Keywords: Subjective expectations; life cycle model

Registered author: Patrick E.P. Jochem

Registered author: Axel JOCHEM, Sr.

Test-Retest Reliability of Subjective Survival Expectations,
Jochem de Bresser, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2016) Downloads

Measuring Subjective Survival Expectations: Do Response Scales Matter?,
Jochem de Bresser, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2019) Downloads

Evaluating the Accuracy of Counterfactuals The Role of Heterogeneous Expectations in Life Cycle Models,
Jochem de Bresser, from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management (2021) Downloads

Registered author: Gordon Jochem Klein

Felicidade Interna Bruta (FIB) e desenvolvimento econômico: uma análise no município de Rio do Sul (SC), sul do Brasil,
Charles Jochem and Valdinho Pellin, in Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana (2019)
Keywords: Qualidade de Vida, Desenvolvimento Econômico.

Local learning-networks on energy efficiency in industry - Successful initiative in Germany,
Eberhard Jochem and Edelgard Gruber, in Applied Energy (2009)
Keywords: Energy efficiency Local learning-networks Industry Transaction cost Climate-change mitigation Innovations

Architectures, methods and tools for enterprise engineering,
K. Mertins and R. Jochem, in International Journal of Production Economics (2005) Downloads

From primary to final energy consumption-Analysing structural and efficiency changes on the energy supply side,
Michael Landwehr and Eberhard Jochem, in Energy Policy (1997) Downloads

The internal energy market The new coalition against energy efficiency and environmental concerns?,
Michael Brand and Eberhand Jochem, in Energy Policy (1990) Downloads

Obstacles to rational electricity use and measures to alleviate them,
Eberhard Jochem and Edelgard Gruber, in Energy Policy (1990) Downloads

Nachtrag: Versorgungssicherheit – wie sollte die zukünftige Energiepolitik gestaltet werden?,
Eberhard Jochem and Harald Bradke, in ifo Schnelldienst (2006)
Keywords: Energieversorgung, Energiepolitik, Deutschland

Measuring the immeasurable -- A survey of sustainability indices,
Christoph Bohringer and Patrick Jochem, in Ecological Economics (2007) Downloads

Decentralized optimization approaches for using the load flexibility of electric heating devices,
Thomas Dengiz and Patrick Jochem, in Energy (2020)
Keywords: Demand response; Decentralized optimization; Electric heating devices; Smart grid;

Die Rolle von Elektroautos in der Mobilität von morgen: Ambitionierte Flottenemissionsnormen und flankierende Politikinstrumente helfen, deutsche Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen,
Frederic Rudolph and Patrick Jochem, from Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2021) Downloads

CO2 Emission Reduction in Freight Transports How to Stimulate Environmental Friendly Behaviour?,
Georg Bühler and Patrick Jochem, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Freight Transports, CO2 Emissions, Mode Shift, Combined Transport

Measuring the immeasurable: a survey of substainability indices,
Christoph Böhringer and Patrick Jochem, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Sustainability Indices, Composite Indicators, Sustainability, Indices

Measuring the Immeasurable: A Survey of Sustainability Indices,
Christoph Böhringer and Patrick Jochem, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Sustainability Indices, Composite Indicators, Sustainability, Indices

Economic experiments support Ostrom’s polycentric approach to mitigating climate change,
Manfred Milinski and Jochem Marotzke, in Palgrave Communications (2022) Downloads

Housing careers and the Great Recession,
Wolter Hassink and Jochem Zweerink, in Journal of Housing Economics (2021)
Keywords: Residential mobility; Housing careers; Great Recession;

TARGET balances in the euro area: the case of Germany,
Timo Bettendorf and Axel Jochem, in Applied Economics (2023) Downloads

The effect of foreign carbon prices on German outward FDI,
Jonas Böschemeier and Axel Jochem, in Economics Letters (2024)
Keywords: FDI; Carbon prices; Competitiveness; Carbon leakage;

Retirement Expectations and Satisfaction with Retirement Provisions,
Jochem Bresser and Arthur Soest, in Review of Income and Wealth (2015) Downloads

Jochem Oorschot and Chen Zhou, in Econometric Theory (2022) Downloads

Portfolio holdings in the euro area - home bias and the role of international, domestic and sector-specific factors,
Axel Jochem and Ute Volz, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2011)
Keywords: Financial Integration, Home Bias, Institutional Sectors, Financial Crisis

Trade balances of the central and east European EU member states and the role of foreign direct investment,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2005)
Keywords: foreign direct investment, trade balance, gravity model

The international integration of foreign exchange markets in the central and east European accession countries: speculative efficiency, transaction costs and exchange rate premiums,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2003) Downloads

Die internationale Intregration der Devisenmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Spekulative Effizienz, Transaktionskosten und Wechselkursprämien,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2003) Downloads

The international integration of money markets in the central and east European accession countries: deviations from covered interest parity, capital controls and inefficiencies in the financial sector,
Axel Jochem and Sabine Herrmann, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2003) Downloads

Die internationale Integration der Geldmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Abweichungen von der gedeckten Zinsparität, Kapitalverkehrskontrollen und Ineffizienzen des Finanzsektors,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2003) Downloads

Risky sovereign bond holdings by commercial banks in the euro area: Do safe assets availability and differences in bank funding costs play a role?,
Axel Jochem and Ernest Lecomte, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2024)
Keywords: sovereign-bank nexus, safe assets, funding costs

What drives the German TARGET balances? Evidence from a BVAR approach,
Timo Bettendorf and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2021)
Keywords: target balances, risk, monetary policy, bayesian vector autoregression, sign restrictions

Current account adjustment in EU countries: Does euro-area membership make a difference?,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2013)
Keywords: Balance of Payments, European Monetary Union, Exchange Rate Regime, Current Account Adjustment, Financial Crisis

Internalizing External Costs of Transport with a Focus on Climate Change,
Patrick Jochem and Werner Rothengatter, from Springer (2011)
Keywords: European Union, External Effect, Transport Sector, External Cost, Damage Cost

Project finance or corporate finance for renewable energy? an agent-based insight,
Thomas Baldauf and Patrick Jochem, in Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2024)
Keywords: Agent-based modeling, Energy finance, Financial network interactions, Heterogeneity

School Satisfaction of Elementary School Children: The Role of Performance, Peer Relations, Ethnicity and Gender,
Maykel Verkuyten and Jochem Thijs, in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement (2002) Downloads

Global and Ethnic Self-esteem in School Context: Minority and majority groups in the Netherlands,
Maykel Verkuyten and Jochem Thijs, in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement (2004)
Keywords: minorities, multiculturalism, school composition, self-esteem,

Real and nominal convergence in the central and east European accession countries,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy (2003) Downloads

Two-stage stochastic program optimizing the cost of electric vehicles in commercial fleets,
Maximilian Schücking and Patrick Jochem, in Applied Energy (2021)
Keywords: Battery electric vehicle; Total cost of ownership; Stochastic programming; Hidden Markov model; Scenario reduction;

Determinants of current account developments in the central and east European EU member states - consequences for the enlargement of the euro area,
Sabine Herrmann and Axel Jochem, from Deutsche Bundesbank (2005)
Keywords: current account, new EU member countries, catching-up process

Two-stage stochastic program optimizing the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles in commercial fleets,
Maximilian Schücking and Patrick Jochem, from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) (2020)
Keywords: Battery electric vehicle, Total cost of ownership, Stochastic programming, Hidden Markov model, Scenario reduction

Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents,
Jens Dietrichson and Torsten Jochem, from Lund University, Comparative Institutional Analysis, School of Economics and Management (2014)
Keywords: Organizational coordination; Commmunication; Stochastic stability; Bounded rationality; Simulation

Exploring the drivers behind automotive exports in OECD countries: An empirical analysis,
Patrick Jochem and Joachim Schleich, from Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) (2012)
Keywords: lead markets, international trade, export potential, automotive industry

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