Semiparametric estimation of CES demand system with observed and unobserved product characteristics,
Joonhwi Joo and Ali Hortacsu,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
Testing for Selection Bias,
Joonhwi Joo and Robert LaLonde,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: selection bias, program evaluation, average treatment effects
Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry,
Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dube and Joonhwi Joo,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Craft beer; Branding; Brand equity; Formation of preferences
Millennials and the Takeoff of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry,
Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Joonhwi Joo,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: branding, consumption capital, formation of preferences, market structure, craft beer
Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares,
Jean-Pierre Dubé, Ali Hortaçsu and Joonhwi Joo,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: demand estimation, selection correction
Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares,
Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Ali Hortacsu and Joonhwi Joo,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry,
Bart J. Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Joonhwi Joo,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Discrete-Choice Models and Representative Consumer Theory,
Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Joonhwi Joo and Kyeongbae Kim,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares,
Jean-Pierre Dubé, Ali Hortaçsu and Joonhwi Joo,
from Becker Friedman Institute for Research In Economics
Keywords: consumer demand, pairwise-difference estimation, endogeneity, consideration
Simple Tests for Selection: Learning More from Instrumental Variables,
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan J. Taylor,
in Labour Economics
Keywords: instrumental variable; local average treatment effect; selection; test;
Simple Tests for Selection: Learning More from Instrumental Variables,
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan Taylor,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Simple Tests for Selection: Learning More from Instrumental Variables,
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan Taylor,
from Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group
Keywords: instrumental variables, local average treatment effect, selection, test
Simple Tests for Selection: Learning More from Instrumental Variables,
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan Taylor,
from CESifo
Keywords: instrumental variable, local average treatment effect, selection, test
Simple Tests for Selection Bias: Learning More from Instrumental Variables,
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan J. Taylor,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: selection, local average treatment effects, instrumental variables
Public Choice in an Economy with Capitalization: A Dynamic Approach,
Mansoo Joo,
in Korean Economic Review
The Root and Development of Suburbanization in America in the 1950s,
Jeongsuk Joo,
in International Area Studies Review
Keywords: suburbanization; consumer culture; suburban ideal; segregated suburbanization; Federal Housing Administration
The Impact of the Automobile and its Culture in the U.S,
Jeongsuk Joo,
in International Area Studies Review
Keywords: automobile culture in the U.S; consumer culture; drive-in culture; suburbanization; mass production and mass consumption
The Hollywood Red Scare: An Attack on the Labor and Progressive Politics of Hollywood,
Jeongsuk Joo,
in International Area Studies Review
Keywords: Labor in Hollywood; Hollywood Red Scare; HUAC Hearings; Hollywood Ten; blacklist
Explaining State Intervention in Pollution Issues in South Korea: The Case of the Evacuation of the Pollution Victims in Ulsan and Onsan,
J Joo,
in Environment and Planning C
A study on the convergence test of livestock prices,
Hyunjung Joo,
in Journal of Rural Development/Nongchon-Gyeongje
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries
An Analysis of Seasonal Demand for Coffee Beans,
Joonhyung Joo,
in Journal of Rural Development/Nongchon-Gyeongje
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis
Registered author: Jincheol Joo
Facts and Findings on the Statistical Discrepancies of the Korean Balance of Payments,
Sangyong Joo,
in East Asian Economic Review
Keywords: Balance Of Payment; Dollar; Capital Flow; Korea
The Effects of Foreign Capital Inflows,
Sangyong Joo,
in East Asian Economic Review
Keywords: Foreign Capital Inflows; Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR)
Surviving, Existing, or Living: Phase-specific therapy for severe psychosis,
Eunsun Joo,
in Psychosis
Determinants of the Informal Sector and their Effects on the Economy: The Case of Korea,
Donghun Joo,
in Global Economic Review
Keywords: Informal economy, occupational choice, financial enforcement, entry cost, tax, income distribution, Korean economy,
Stock returns and inflation: a covariance decomposition,
Sangyong Joo,
in Applied Economics Letters
Effects of federal programs on children: Absolute poverty, relative poverty, and income inequality,
Myungkook Joo,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Federal programs Welfare reform Poverty Inequality Children
Registered author: Donghun Joo
Edited by SVERDLOV O. MODERN. Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials: Statistical and Practical Aspects. Boca Raton, FL. Chapman & Hall/CRC,
Jungnam Joo,
in Biometrics
Developmental Environmentalism: State Ambition and Creative Destruction in East Asia’s Green Energy Transition,
Jihyung Joo,
in Journal of Development Studies
After the Seoul Halloween crowd crush: a mixed-method approach to enhance intentions to visit Itaewon,
Kyuhyeon Joo,
in Current Issues in Tourism
Keep online option at conferences — it makes them more inclusive,
Rocío Joo,
in Nature
Keywords: Research management, Conferences and meetings
Infusion Process of Smart Grid-Related Technology Based on Coping Theory,
Jaehun Joo,
in Sustainability
Keywords: smart grid; electric vehicle; solar photovoltaic systems; coping theory; infusion; diffusion
Customers’ psychological ownership toward the third place,
Jaehun Joo,
in Service Business
Keywords: Third place, Psychological ownership, Customer participation, Place attachment, Self-expressiveness, Untact
Long-term effects of Head Start on academic and school outcomes of children in persistent poverty: Girls vs. boys,
Myungkook Joo,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Children Head Start Poverty Long-term effects Early Childhood Care and Education program (ECCE)
Explaining heterogeneity in the child poverty rate among immigrant families: Differences by parental citizenship,
Myungkook Joo,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child poverty; Decomposition; Nativity; Citizenship; Current Population Survey;
Registered author: Hyungseok Joo
키르기스스탄 광산업 투자환경의 변화와 시사점 (The Investment Environment Changes in the Mining Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and Implications),
Jinhong Joo,
from Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Keywords: Mining Industry; Mining Companies; Investment Environment; Kyrgyz Republic
Optimal Labor Contracts under Wage and Share Systems,
Joo Min Park,
in Korean Economic Review
Section 176 of Companies Act 1965 – Some Issues and Implications,
Lee Khee Joo,
in Capital Markets Review
Smart City Seoul,
Yu-Min Joo,
in East Asian Policy (EAP)
Policy and Strategy for the Growth of Agriculture Industry in Korea (Power Point),
Lee Joo-ryang,
from New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis
The Sourcing Strategy Decision for Private Brands in Grocery Retailing,
Hyun-Joo Lee,
in International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Keywords: Sourcing strategy decision, private brands, grocery retailing, in-house production, outsourcing
Asset Quality and Accounting Jugglery in Indian Banks,
Bashir Ahmad Joo,
in Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies
Keywords: Asset quality, Revenue slippage, Non-performing assets, Banking crisis, Ever greening, Capital adequacy.
A Study on Social Issue Solutions Using the “Internet of Things†(Focusing on a Crime Prevention Camera System),
Hong Joo Lee,
in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Registered author: Man-Soo Joo
Economic fundamentals and exchange rates under different exchange rate regimes: Korean experience,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Journal of Applied Economics
Keywords: Korean exchange rate regimes, economic fundamentals, exchange rate pass-through
Regulation of University Admission Quotas in Metropolitan Areas and the Competition between Universities,
Joo-hoon Kim,
from Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Promoting Good-Quality Job Creation in the Sector of SMEs,
Joo-hoon Kim,
from Korea Development Institute (KDI)
An Analysis of Corporation-SME Polarization,
Joo-hoon Kim,
from Korea Development Institute (KDI)
A Signaling Theory of Education under the Presence of Career Concerns,
Sun Joo Hwang,
in KDI Journal of Economic Policy
Keywords: education, signaling, career concerns
Research on the development of simulation-based ship block logistics system based on data, flow and space modelling,
Young Joo Song,
in International Journal of Management and Decision Making
Keywords: ship block; logistics; material flow; modelling; simulation; shipyard; layout.
The long-run effect of education on obesity in the US,
Young-Joo Kim,
in Economics & Human Biology
Keywords: Obesity; Body mass index; Education;
Non-parametric test of derivative restrictions robust to functional misspecification,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Economics Letters
A nested Tobit analysis for a sequentially censored regression model,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Economics Letters
Catholic schooling and further education,
Young-Joo Kim,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Catholic schools; Schooling; Selection bias;
Scheduling preventive maintenance for modular designed components: A dynamic approach,
Seong-Jong Joo,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Dynamic programming Inventory Maintenance OR in military Scheduling
A multi-criteria approach for prioritizing advanced public transport modes (APTM) considering urban types in Korea,
Deok-Joo Lee,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Public transport; Multi-criteria decision analysis; Advanced public transport mode;
Educational gradient in social network changes at disease diagnosis,
Won-tak Joo,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Health disparities; Discussion networks; Network activation; Aging; Chronic diseases;
The macroeconomic effects of basic income funded by a land-holding tax in Korea,
Jung Joo La,
in Journal of Policy Modeling
Keywords: Basic income; Land-holding tax; Macroeconomic effects;
Clustered airline flight scheduling: Evidence from airline deregulation in Korea,
Joo Yeon Sun,
in Journal of Air Transport Management
Keywords: Airline scheduling; Low cost carrier; Entry; Deregulation; Product differentiation;
Airport curfew and scheduling differentiation: Domestic versus international competition,
Joo Yeon Sun,
in Journal of Air Transport Management
Keywords: Airport capacity; Product differentiation; Regional airport; Curfew; Low cost carriers;
Do lesser pleas pay?: Accommodations in the sentencing and parole processes,
H. Joo Shin,
in Journal of Criminal Justice
Separability Test for the Electricity Supply Industry,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Economic Fundamentals on Exchange Rates under Different Exchange Rate Regimes,
Byung-Joo Lee,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Korean exchange rate, Flexible exchange rate regime, Exchange rate path-through
The role of observed and unobserved heterogeneity in the duration of unemployment,
Hie Joo Ahn,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Registered author: Joo-Suk Lee
. By Jane Wills, Kavita Datta, Yara Evans, Joanna Herbert, Jon May and Cathy McIlwaine,
Anna Joo Kim,
in Economic Geography
Economic Fundamentals and Exchange Rates Under Different Exchange Rate Regimes: Korean Experience,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Journal of Applied Economics
Uncovered Interest Parity: Cross-sectional Evidence,
Byung-Joo Lee,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Uncovered interest parity, Cross-sectional UIP
Developmentalist smart cities? the cases of Singapore and Seoul,
Yu-Min Joo,
in International Journal of Urban Sciences
Building fences? sectoral immigration bans in Russian regions,
Song Ha Joo,
in Post-Soviet Affairs
Decision Making for Former Welfare Recipients: The Analytic Network Process Approach,
Hyun Joo Chang,
in International Review of Public Administration
Explaining Welfare Caseload Reduction in New York State: The Effect of Policy or Economy?,
Hyun Joo Chang,
in International Review of Public Administration
Collaborative Governance in Welfare Service Delivery: Focusing on Local Welfare System in Korea,
Hyun Joo Chang,
in International Review of Public Administration
Going Wireless: Transform Your Business with Mobile Technology,
Joo Eng Lee-Partridge,
in Journal of Global Information Technology Management
Understanding the NGO revolution in Korea,
Sung Soo Joo,
in Global Economic Review
Competition and Entry Deterrence in the International Flight Market: Evidence from Korean Regional Airport,
Joo Yeon Sun,
in International Economic Journal
The power of cultural weapons in counterinsurgency: South Korea’s Jeong culture and its effectiveness in Vietnam,
Kil Joo Ban,
in Small Wars and Insurgencies
Voices of freedom,
Hyung‐Min Joo,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Peter Joo Hee Ng,
in International Journal of Water Resources Development
Peter Joo Hee Ng,
in International Journal of Water Resources Development
Adequate, resilient and sustainable: how to run a water utility in a pandemic,
Peter Joo Hee Ng,
in International Journal of Water Resources Development
The feminine sector: explaining the overrepresentation of women in the nonprofit sector in the USA,
Young-joo Lee,
in International Journal of Social Economics
Keywords: Employment, Gender, Labour, Nonprofit
Catholic schools or school quality? The effects of Catholic schools on labor market outcomes,
Young-Joo Kim,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Catholic schools Wages Selection Instruments
Uncovered interest parity puzzle: Asymmetric responses,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: Uncovered interest parity; Key currency bias; Asymmetric UIP;
Asian financial market integration and the role of Chinese financial market,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: Asian financial market integration; Panel unit root test; Panel Analysis of Nonstationarity in the Idiosyncratic and Common Components (PANIC);
Assessing determinants of industrial waste reuse: The case of coal ash in the United States,
Joo Young Park,
in Resources, Conservation & Recycling
Keywords: Waste reuse; Industrial waste; Reuse behaviors; Coal ash; Econometric analysis;
The evolution of waste into a resource: Examining innovation in technologies reusing coal combustion by-products using patent data,
Joo Young Park,
in Research Policy
Keywords: Waste reuse; Technological innovation; Patent count; Coal combustion by-product; Fly ash; Bottom ash;
Head Start, 4 years after completing the program,
Young-Joo Kim,
in Education Economics
Dynamic panel of count data with initial event and correlated heterogeneity,
Sung-Joo Yoon,
in Applied Economics Letters
A test of the answering mechanisms of the double-bounded contingent valuation method,
Joo Heon Park,
in Applied Economics Letters
General Equilibrium Effects of the Adoption of a Dual-Class Share Structure by an Innovative Firm in Korea,
Jung Joo La,
in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Macroeconomic effects of family business inheritance tax reduction: Evidence from South Korea,
Jung Joo La,
in Pacific Economic Review
Joo‐Seong Hwang,
in Papers in Regional Science
Cheol†Joo Cho,
in Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies
Uncovered Interest Parity: Cross‐Sectional Evidence,
Byung-Joo Lee,
in Review of International Economics
Global Cities at Work: New Migrant Divisions of Labour By Jane Wills, Kavita Datta, Yara Evans, Joanna Herbert, Jon May, and Cathy McIlwaine London and New York: Pluto Press, 2010,
Anna Joo Kim,
in Economic Geography
Registered author: Jung Joo La