Registered author: Jeffrey Naecker
The Lives of Others: Predicting Donations with Non-Choice Responses,
Jeffrey Naecker,
from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Keywords: Organ donation, social preferences, lab experiment.
Using methods from machine learning to evaluate behavioral models of choice under risk and ambiguity,
Alexander Peysakhovich and Jeffrey Naecker,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Keywords: Behavioral economics; Machine learning; Risk; Ambiguity; Decision-making;
Observability Increases the Demand for Commitment Devices,
Christine L. Exley and Jeffrey Naecker,
in Management Science
Keywords: field experiment; commitment; signaling; time inconsistency
Observability Increases the Demand for Commitment Devices,
Christine L. Exley and Jeffrey Naecker,
from Harvard Business School
Keywords: field experiment; commitment; signaling; time inconsistency
Non-Choice Evaluations Predict Behavioral Responses to Changes in Economic Conditions,
B. Douglas Bernheim, Daniel Björkegren, Jeffrey Naecker and Antonio Rangel,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Causal Inference from Hypothetical Evaluations,
B. Douglas Bernheim, Daniel Björkegren, Jeffrey Naecker and Michael Pollmann,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
When Fair Isn’t Fair: Understanding Choice Reversals Involving Social Preferences,
James Andreoni, Deniz Aydin, Blake Barton, B. Douglas Bernheim and Jeffrey Naecker,
in Journal of Political Economy
When Fair Isn't Fair: Understanding Choice Reversals Involving Social Preferences,
James Andreoni, Deniz Aydin, Blake Barton, B. Douglas Bernheim and Jeffrey Naecker,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
High Frequency Traders: Angels or Devils?,
Jeffrey MacIntosh,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: Economic Growth and Innovation, Financial Services
Institutions financières et immobilier commercial aux États-Unis,
Jeffrey Rutishauser,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
The Bolivian Hyperinflation and Stabilization,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in American Economic Review
The Uneasy Case for Greater Exchange Rate Coordination,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in American Economic Review
The Changing Cyclical Behavior of Wages and Prices, 1890-1976: Reply,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in American Economic Review
What kinds of activities are common among teenagers who work well with others?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
How does PISA measure students’ ability to collaborate?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
Quels types d’activités pratiquent en général les adolescents ayant de bonnes compétences de collaboration ?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
Comment l’enquête PISA mesure-t-elle les compétences de collaboration des élèves ?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
Quel lien entre la motivation des élèves, leur performance et leur anxiété ?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
The Changing Cyclical Behavior of Wages and Prices: 1890-1976,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in American Economic Review
How does PISA define and measure reading literacy?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
War-weariness and Cumulative Effects: Victors, Vanquished, and Subsequent Interstate Intervention,
Jeffrey Pickering,
in Journal of Peace Research
Unauthorized Migrants in the United States: Estimates, Methods, and Characteristics,
Jeffrey Passel,
from OECD Publishing
Résolution collaborative de problèmes,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
African Militaries and Rebellion: The Political Economy of Threat and Combat Effectiveness,
Jeffrey Herbst,
in Journal of Peace Research
Symmetry and Polarization in the European International System, 1870 - 1879,
Jeffrey Hart,
in Journal of Peace Research
Ku systemowej regulacji migracji międzynarodowych,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Innovative Technologies for Education and Learning: Education and Knowledge-Oriented Applications of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and More,
Jeffrey Hsu,
in International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT)
Jeffrey Rubin,
in The American Economist
The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in The American Economist
Lattice-Gas Quantum Computation,
Jeffrey Yepez,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Quantum Lattice-Gas, Quantum Computing, Lattice-Gas Automata, Navier–Stokes Fluids, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Parallel Computing
Jeffrey Yepez,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Quantum computation, quantum lattice gas, diffusion equation, type-II quantum computer
Jeffrey Yepez,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Quantum computation, hybrid quantum architectuce, quantum network, quantum lattice gas
PISA 2018 results: Are students smart about money?,
Jeffrey Mo,
from OECD Publishing
Highlights of the International Conference on Hydropower, Energy and the Environment: Options for Increasing Output and Enhancing Benefits,
Jeffrey Skeer,
in Energy & Environment
Afforestation Generated Kyoto Compliant Carbon Offsets: A Case Study in Northeastern Ontario,
Jeffrey Biggs,
from University of Victoria, Resource Economics and Policy
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Global Production Networks, Competition, Regulation and Poverty Reduction: Policy Implications,
Jeffrey Henderson,
from University of Manchester, Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM)
Keywords: Industrial Organization
Wildfires, Hazard Disclosure and Land Development Trends,
Jeffrey Ferris,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use
El APRA: Religión y legitimidad popular, 1923-1945,
Jeffrey Klaiber,
in Apuntes. Revista de ciencias sociales
La pugna sobre la educación privada en el Perú 1968-1980: un aspecto del debate interno en la iglesia católica,
Jeffrey Klaiber,
in Apuntes. Revista de ciencias sociales
Divorce Rates and Bankruptcy Exemption Levels in the United States,
Jeffrey Traczynski,
in Journal of Law and Economics
The Freedom of Desire: Hegel's Response to Rousseau on the Problem of Civil Society,
Jeffrey Church,
in American Journal of Political Science
Government Has No “Religious Agency”: James Madison's Fundamental Principle of Religious Liberty,
Jeffrey Sikkenga,
in American Journal of Political Science
G.W.F. Hegel on Self‐Determination and Democratic Theory,
Jeffrey Church,
in American Journal of Political Science
Exemplary Lives and the Normative Theory of Culture,
Jeffrey Church,
in American Journal of Political Science
Discussion of “Flight to Quality in International Markets: Investors’ Demand for Financial Reporting Quality during Political Uncertainty Events”,
Jeffrey Hales,
in Contemporary Accounting Research
Macroeconomic Consequences of the One Laptop per Child Project,
Jeffrey James,
in Journal of International Development
Trait-taking versus trait-making in technical choice: the case of Africa,
Jeffrey James,
in Journal of International Development
Promoting democracy in postconflict societies, by J. De Zeeuw and K. Kumar (eds) (2006). Lynne Rienner Publishing: Boulder and London. ISBN 978-1-58826-422-0 (pbk) ISBN 1-58826-446-7 (hbk),
Alex Jeffrey,
in Journal of International Development
Letter regarding ‘characteristics of the relationship that develops from nurse–caregiver communication during telecare’,
Jeffrey Tebbs,
in Journal of Clinical Nursing
Jeffrey Fagan,
in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Jeffrey Fagan,
in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Rethinking the management of transboundary freshwater resources: a critical examination of modern international law and practice,
Jeffrey Albert,
in Natural Resources Forum
Book review: Alf Gunvald Nilsen. 2018. Adivasis and the State: Subalternity and Citizenship in India’s Bhil Heartland,
Jeffrey Witsoe,
in Journal of South Asian Development
Book Review: Friedman in China,
Jeffrey Liang,
in Cato Journal
Should Policy Attempt to Avoid Financial Crises?,
Jeffrey Miron,
in Cato Journal
Book Review: Believing in Cleveland: Managing Decline in the Best Location in the Nation,
Jeffrey Horner,
in Economic Development Quarterly
Philosophical Foundations of the Wallis Report,
Jeffrey Carmichael,
in The Economic and Labour Relations Review
Guest Editorial,
Jeffrey Johnson,
in Environment and Planning B
Implications of Illicit Financial Flows on Zimbabwe's Development,
Jeffrey Kurebwa,
in International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies
Keywords: Illicit financial flows; Financial outflows; Development; Trade mis-invoicing; Zimbabwe; Africa; Illegal; Zimbabwe.
Disengaging elections? Political interest, number of elections, and turnout in elections to the European Parliament,
Jeffrey Nonnemacher,
in European Union Politics
Keywords: Elections; European Parliament elections; European politics; political disengagement; turnout
Book Review: Manish K. Jha and Pushpendra (eds), Traversing Bihar: The Politics of Development and Social Justice,
Jeffrey Witsoe,
in Studies in Indian Politics
Book Review: Industrial Relations Theory: Are Workers' Rights Human Rights?,
Jeffrey Hilgert,
in ILR Review
Book Review: Economic and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Blue-Green Coalitions: Fighting for Safe Workplaces and Healthy Communities,
Jeffrey Hilgert,
in ILR Review
Book Review: Industrial Relations Theory: The Realities of Work,
Jeffrey Haydu,
in ILR Review
Crédito internacional: Aspectos teóricos,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in Estudios Económicos
Book Review: A civilian occupation: the politics of Israeli architecture,
Alex Jeffrey,
in Progress in Development Studies
On Barro's Theorem of Debt Neutrality: The Irrelevance of Net Wealth,
Jeffrey Carmichael,
in American Economic Review
Extent of Malnourishment Among the Rural Poor,
Jeffrey Shotland,
in Rural America/ Rural Development Perspectives
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Two Logics of Class Formation? Collective Identities among Proprietary Employers, 1880-1900,
Jeffrey Haydu,
in Politics & Society
Forward Pricing Barge Services on the merchants exchange barge trading sessions,
Jeffrey Beaulieu,
from Transportation Research Forum
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Group Litigation in Singapore,
Jeffrey Pinsler,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: representative actions; Rules of Court; discussions on the introduction of a class actions mechanism
Sexual Violence in Europe in World War II, 1939—1945,
Jeffrey Burds,
in Politics & Society
Keywords: World War II; gender; violence; rape; sexual violence; Europe; Soviet Union; Germany
Book review: Transforming Asian Cities: Intellectual Impasse, Asianizing Space, and Emerging Translocalities,
Jeffrey Lauer,
in Urban Studies
Understanding Cyber Security: A Review of the Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill in Zimbabwe,
Jeffrey Kurebwa,
in International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE)
Building an Infrastructure for Evidence-Based Policymaking: A View from a State Administrator,
Jeffrey Mays,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: Illinois State government; multiagency data infrastructure; data-analytic skills; evidence-based policymaking; employment outcomes; career information
Semiconductors, Scotland and the International Division of Labour,
Jeffrey Henderson,
in Urban Studies
Reflective Practise at Prague College,
Buehler Jeffrey,
in CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study
A framework for undergraduate research in economics,
Jeffrey Wagner,
in Southern Economic Journal
Duration, Convexity and Higher Order Hedging (Revisited),
Andrew Jeffrey,
from Yale School of Management
Jeffrey Wolcowitz,
in Business Education and Accreditation
Keywords: Substitution Effect, Output Effect, Isoquants, Consumer Theory, Production Theory, Input Demand
Fairness in Korean Society,
Jeffrey Kim,
in Technium Social Sciences Journal
Keywords: Social Fairness, Selective Rage, Social Mobility, Youth Unemployment, Political Consciousness, Cho-Kuk Incident, ICN Incident, Yonsei Incident
Jeffrey Williamson,
from Harvard University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Review of Shleifer's Inefficient Markets,
Jeffrey Zwiebel,
in Journal of Economic Literature
Metadata for Name Disambiguation and Collocation,
Jeffrey Beall,
in Future Internet
Keywords: names; metadata; name disambiguation; collocation; information retrieval
Open Data and Open Governance in Canada: A Critical Examination of New Opportunities and Old Tensions,
Jeffrey Roy,
in Future Internet
Keywords: open; data; government; governance; collective; innovation; collaboration; media; digital; online
Stochastic error and biases remain in blind wine ratings,
Jeffrey Bodington,
in Journal of Wine Economics
China’s English Language Environment,
Jeffrey Gil,
in English Language Teaching
Acute Cardiovascular Exercise Counteracts the Effect of Ego-Depletion on Attention: How Ego-Depletion Increases Boredom and Compromises Directed Attention,
Jeffrey Osgood,
in International Journal of Psychological Studies
Stabilization Policies in the World Economy: Scope and Skepticism,
Jeffrey Sachs,
in American Economic Review
Fundamental Tax Reform: An International Perspective,
Jeffrey Owens,
in National Tax Journal
Major impacts on agricultural trade: A view from the South,
Jeffrey Rae,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: International Relations/Trade
Book Review: Colin Hay and Anthony Payne, Civic Capitalism,
Jeffrey Kahana,
in Work, Employment & Society
A Review of International, Continental, Regional and Domestic Legislations on Gender Equality in Zimbabwe,
Jeffrey Kurebwa,
in Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities
Keywords: Legislations, constitution, gender equality, non-discrimination
Location strategy for US-based office operations: Driving significant financial and workforce returns through best-practice location strategy development,
Jeffrey Lessard,
in Corporate Real Estate Journal
Keywords: location strategy, demographics, incentives, footprint strategy, location selection, site selection
Mitigating cyber risks through information sharing,
Jeffrey Korte,
in Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems
Keywords: cyber security, cyber attacks, banking regulations, information sharing, Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, compliance, Sheltered Harbor, Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act 2015, information security management system
Wealth management requires a 360-degree compliance programme,
Jeffrey Cowley,
in Journal of Securities Operations & Custody
Keywords: RegTech, WealthTech, compliance, investment management, FinTech, wealth management, fiduciary monitoring
Political violence and inaccurate metaperceptions,
Jeffrey Lees,
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The internet and rural development: Elements of a new paradigm,
Jeffrey James,
in International Journal of Development Issues
Information technology and mass poverty,
Jeffrey James,
in International Journal of Development Issues