On Model Reduction and Multiperiod Ahead Prediction in Vector Autoregressive Models,
P.W. Otter,
from Groningen State, Institute of Economic Research-
Keywords: econometrics ; economic models
P.W. Cote,
from Regional Research Committee NC-1014: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance
Book Review: Services and Regions in Europe: Report from the FAST Programme of the Commission of the European Communities S. ILLERIS, 1989 Aldershot: Avebury xiv+222 pp., £25.00 hardback,
P.W. Daniels,
in Urban Studies
Lighter-Than-Air Craft,
P.W. Litchfield,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Industrial Representation Plan in the Akron Fac tories of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company,
P.W. Litchfield,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Recent Decreased Ratio of Male:Female Suicide Rates,
P.W. Burvill,
in International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Office Location in the British Conurbations: Trends and Strategies,
P.W. Daniels,
in Urban Studies
Products in a Changing Environment: Disclosure, Evolution and Revolution. Seminar, 19 June 1995,
P.W. Mansell,
in British Actuarial Journal
Book Reviews: ENGLISH SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. By ROBERT ARCHEY WOODS, Lecturer at Andover Seminary and Head of the Andover House in Boston. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1891,
P.W. Ayres,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Causes of Rising Hospital Expenditures,
P.W. Abelson,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
What statistical mechanics has to say to computer scientists,
P.W. Anderson,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
On two types of obstructed random walks,
P.W. Kasteleyn,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Consumers of Washington Heights Family Planning Center, New York City and community comparison women,
P.W. Haberman,
in American Journal of Public Health
The shape of a national health program,
P.W. Purdom,
in American Journal of Public Health
TEEN TALK: Peer groups addressing teen pregnancy,
P.W. Minter,
in American Journal of Public Health
Book Reviews,
P.W. Daniels,
in The Service Industries Journal
Service industries at a crossroads: some fragile assumptions and future challenges,
P.W. Daniels,
in The Service Industries Journal
Occupancy Duration and the Analysis of Residential Change,
P.W. Cave,
in Urban Studies
Reflections on the “Old” Economy, “New” Economy, and Services,
P.W. Daniels,
in Growth and Change
Constructing Krinsky and Robb Confidence Interval for Mean and Median WTP Using Stata,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Stata Users Group
Using the world development indicators database for statistical analysis in Stata,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Stata Journal
Keywords: wdireshape, paverage, world development indicators, reshape, panel data, seeming unrelated regression
Managing the U.S. Census 2000 and World Development Indicators databases for statistical analysis in Stata,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Stata Journal
Keywords: labcenswdi, U.S. Census 2000, World Development Indicators, databases, data management, panel data
Dealing with identifier variables in data management and analysis,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Stata Journal
Keywords: identifier variables, leading zeros, FIPS codes, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis, USDA, cross-sectional data, panel data
Reshaping the World Development Indicators (WDI) for Panel Data and Seemingly Unrelated Regression Modeling in Stata,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Stata Users Group
Stata implementation of the non-parametric spatial heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent estimator,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Stata Users Group
DTA2HTML: Stata module to generate HTML code to display a Stata dataset on the web,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: data management, HTML
STAT2DATA: Stata module to generate a Dataset of Descriptive Statistics Calculated for a List of Variables,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: data manipulation, descriptive statistics, tables
HLP2HTML: Stata module to translate a list of Stata help files to HTML,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: help, HTML, log
SPSEUDOR2: Stata module to calculate goodness-of-fit measures in spatial autoregressive models,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: R-squared, goodness of fit, spatial autoregression, 2SLS, GMM
LABCENSWDI: Stata module to automatically manage datasets obtained from US Census 2000 and World Development Indicators databases,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: data management, census data, World Development Indicators
SPMLREG: Stata module to estimate the spatial lag, the spatial error, the spatial durbin, and the general spatial models by maximum likelihood,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial modeling, spatial lag, spatial error, maximum likelihood
SPWMATFILL: Stata module to assign first nearest neighbors to observations with no contiguous neighbors,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial modeling, nearest neighbors
ANKETEST: Stata module to perform diagnostic tests for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals of OLS, SAR, IV, and IV-SAR models,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial autocorrelation, OLS, IV, IV-SAR, SAR
SPLAGVAR: Stata module to generate spatially lagged variables, construct the Moran Scatter plot, and calculate Moran's I statistics,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial variables, spatial lags, Moran's scatter plot, Moran's I statistic
SPWMATRIX: Stata module to generate, import, and export spatial weights,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial weights, GeoDa, distance weights, social weights
NEARSTAT: Stata module to calculate distance-based variables and export distance matrix to text file,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: spatial data, nearest neighbors, Great Circle distance, spherical coordinates
HLP2WINPDF: Stata module to convert Stata's help files into pdf in Windows environment,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: help, PDF, Ghostscript
KEEPVAR: Stata module to keep a list of variables in the order of their appearance in the list,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: keep, order
WTPCIKR: Stata module to estimate Krinsky and Robb Confidence Intervals for Mean and Median Willingness to Pay,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: willingness to pay, confidence interval, Krinsky, Robb
PAVERAGE: Stata module to calculate p-period-average series in a panel dataset,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: data management, panel data, time averages
WDIRESHAPE: Stata module to reshape World Development Indicators database,
P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: data management, reshape, World Development Indicators
Registered author: P. Wilner Jeanty
Professional accounting environment in Brunei Darussalam,
Senarath Yapa P.w,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Using practice theory to analyse value propositions and value facilitation in self-reliance training,
Benjamin P.W. Ellway,
in International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Keywords: value production phase; value propositions; value facilitation; practice theory; habitus; field; service-dominant logic; transformative service research; well-being; self-reliance training.
In whose interest? An examination of public sector governance in Brunei Darussalam,
P.W. Senarath Yapa,
Keywords: Public sector; Corporate governance; Brunei; Accountability;
Permodelan Indeks Harga Konsumen Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Model Intervensi Multi Input,
P.W. Novianti and Suhartono,
in Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking
Keywords: CPI, Multi Input Intervention, Fuel Price Rising
Modeling of Indonesia Consumer Price Index Using Multi Input Intervention Model,
P.W. Novianti and Suhartono,
in Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking
Keywords: CPI, Multi Input Intervention, and Fuel Price Rising
Energy for freshwater supply, use and disposal in the Netherlands: a case study of Dutch households,
P.W. Gerbens-Leenes,
in International Journal of Water Resources Development
Economic determinants of international labour migration in EU/EFTA region 1985-1999,
Roel P.W. Jennissen,
from European Regional Science Association
Using Stated Preferences to Estimate Environmental Benefits of Biodiesel Fuel in Diesel Engines,
P. Wilner Jeanty and Fred Hitzhusen,
from Farm Foundation
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Analyzing the Effects of Conflicts on Food Security in Developing Countries: An Instrumental Variable Panel Data Approach,
Frederick J. Hitzhusen and P. Wilner Jeanty,
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Food Security and Poverty
Willingness to pay for renewable energy: Evidence from a contingent valuation survey in Kenya,
Sabah Abdullah and P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Contingent valuation Double bounded Electricity connection Rural Willingness to pay (WTP)
Poverty rate and government income transfers: A spatial simultaneous equations approach,
P. Wilner Jeanty and John Ulimwengu,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: endogeneity, income transfer, Poverty, SHAC, spatial econometrics,
Demand for Electricity Connection in Rural Areas: The Case of Kenya,
Sabah Abdullah and P. Wilner Jeanty,
from University of Bath, Department of Economics
Keywords: double bounded;contingent valuation;electricity connection;rural;willingness to pay (wtp)
Feed-Forward Neural Network Models Considered From an Econometrics Poit of View: Modelling, Estimation and Prediction Aspects Compared and Discussed,
P.W. Otter and A. Jongma,
from Groningen State, Institute of Economic Research-
Keywords: economic models ; econometrics ; regression analysis
A Dynamic Programming Model for On-Farm Decision Making in a Drought,
H.I. Toft and P.W. O'Hanlon,
in Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Farm Management
Reducing consumption by cascading energy inputs according to temperature level,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Effect of air velocity on thermal insulation systems,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Letters to the editor,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Energy management,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Thermal resistance behaviour of single and multiple layers of clothing fabrics under mechanical load,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Thermal accumulators,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Thermal insulation provided by dry, single-layer clothing materials,
P.W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert,
in Applied Energy
Stochastic resonance effects in the scattering of neutrons by modulated two-state systems,
P.w Lamberti and C.a Condat,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: Neutron scattering; Stochastic resonance; Glass;
H-theorems for the Brownian motion on the hyperbolic plane,
C. Vignat and P.W. Lamberti,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: H-theorem; Brownian motion; Hyperbolic plane;
Orthogonal collocation on finite elements for elliptic equations,
P.W. Chang and B.A. Finlayson,
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM)
Numerical simulation of solitons and dromions in the Davey–Stewartson system,
P.W. White and J.A.C. Weideman,
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM)
Correlation-function identities for general Ising models,
R.J. Boel and P.W. Kasteleyn,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
A review of the health effects of energy conserving materials,
L. Levin and P.W. Purdom,
in American Journal of Public Health
Morbidity and use of ambulatory care services among poor and nonpoor children,
P.W. Newacheck and B. Starfield,
in American Journal of Public Health
Trends in the hospitalization for acute childhood asthma, 1970-84,
N. Halfon and P.W. Newachek,
in American Journal of Public Health
Childhood chronic illness: Prevalence, severity, and impact,
P.W. Newacheck and W.R. Taylor,
in American Journal of Public Health
Prevalence and impact of disabling chronic conditions in childhood,
P.W. Newacheck and N. Halfon,
in American Journal of Public Health
Predictive Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Models,
Meyer M.C. and Laud P.W.,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Manufacturing Services and Servicing Manufacturing: Knowledge-based Cities and Changing Forms of Production,
P.W. Daniels and J.R. Bryson,
in Urban Studies
The Financial Reporting of Publicly-owned Collections: Whither Financial (market) Values and Contingent Valuation Estimates?,
G.D. Carnegie and P.W. Wolnizer,
in Australian Accounting Review
On the choice of weighting matrices in the minimum variance controller,
Jacob Engwerda and P.W. Otter,
from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
The reference stability of a macro-economic system with a minimum-variance controller,
Jacob Engwerda and P.W. Otter,
from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
Achtergronden, geschiedenis en praktijk van de criminaliteits-analyse,
C.J.C.F. Fijnaut and P.W. Moerland,
from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
The Financial Value Of Cultural, Heritage And Scientific Collections: An Accounting Fiction,
G.D. Carnegie and P.W. Wolnizer,
in Australian Accounting Review
Division of Labor Transaction Cost, Emergence of the Firm and Firm Size,
Xiaokai Yang and P.W. Liu,
from Chicago - Graduate School of Business
Measuring Misinformation in Repeat Trial Pick 1 of 2 tests,
P.W. Henderson and B. Buchanan,
from Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business
Keywords: economic models ; production
Willingness to Pay for Biodiesel in Diesel Engines: A Stochastic Double Bounded Contingent Valuation Survey,
P. Wilner Jeanty, Tim Haab and Frederick J. Hitzhusen,
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Accounting for spatial interactions in the demand for community-based health insurance: A Bayesian spatial Tobit analysis,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Eric Malin,
from HAL
Keywords: Community based health insurance,contingent valuation method,spatial interactions,spatial autoregressive Bayesian Tobit
The economic value of improved air quality in urban Africa: a contingent valuation survey in Douala, Cameroon,
Hermann Donfouet, Joseph Cook and P. Wilner Jeanty,
from HAL
Keywords: urban Africa,air quality
Assessing Ohio's Biomass Resources for Energy Potential Using GIS,
P. Wilner Jeanty, Dave Warren and Fred Hitzhusen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Availability, Biomass energy, Crop residues, Livestock manure, Wood wastes, Municipal solid wastes.
A spatial, simultaneous model of social capital and poverty,
Jane L. Harrison, Claire A. Montgomery and P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
Keywords: Social capital; Community well-being; Poverty; Simultaneous equation models; Spatial econometrics;
Dealing with internal inconsistency in double-bounded dichotomous choice: an application to community-based health insurance,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu,
from HAL
Keywords: community-based health insurance,internal inconsistency,double certainty calibration,Contingent valuation
Analysing spatial spillovers in corruption: A dynamic spatial panel data approach,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Eric Malin,
from HAL
Keywords: Corruption,dynamic spatial panel,endogeneity
The economic value of improved air quality in urban Africa: a contingent valuation survey in Douala, Cameroon,
Hermann Donfouet, Joseph Cook and P. Wilner Jeanty,
in Environment and Development Economics
Analysing spatial spillovers in corruption: A dynamic spatial panel data approach,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Eric Malin,
in Papers in Regional Science
Dealing with internal inconsistency in double-bounded dichotomous choice: an application to community-based health insurance,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Contingent valuation, Internal inconsistency, Double certainty calibration, Community-based health insurance, C15, D6, I38,
Estimation of a spatial simultaneous equation model of population migration and housing price dynamics,
P. Wilner Jeanty, Mark Partridge and Elena Irwin,
in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Keywords: Population change Housing prices Spatial dependence Spillovers Simultaneous equations Generalized method of moments Direct and indirect impacts Krinsky and Robb
Amenity Values versus Land Constraints: The Spatial Effects of Natural Landscape Features on Housing Values,
Elena G. Irwin, P. Wilner Jeanty and Mark Partridge,
in Land Economics
Poverty and Place across the United States,
Linda Lobao, P. Wilner Jeanty, Mark Partridge and David Kraybill,
in International Regional Science Review
Keywords: poverty; income distribution; income inequality; social and political issues; policy and applications; economic growth and development; urban and regional issues; regional econometric models; economic analysis; methods; other policy and applications; spatial dependence; generalized spatial two-stage least squares; generalized moments estimation (GMM)
A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis of Corruption,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Eric Malin,
from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
Keywords: Corruption; spatial dynamic panel
A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in European Countries,
Hermann Donfouet, P. Wilner Jeanty and Eric Malin,
from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
Keywords: Environmental Kuznets curve, spatial dynamic panel
Dealing with Internal Inconsistency in Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice: An Application to Community-Based Health Insurance,
Hermann Donfouet, Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu and P. Wilner Jeanty,
from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
Keywords: Contingent valuation; internal inconsistency; certainty calibration; community-based health insurance
P.W. Botha, J.A. Meiring and H.D. Schalkwyk,
in Agrekon
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use
An analysis of current trends in accounting professional development in People's Republic of China,
P.W. Senarath Yapa and Zhen Ping Hao,
in Asian Review of Accounting
Keywords: Accounting, China, Market economy, International trade