156938 documents matched the search for Jean-Pierre H. Dubé in authors.
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Microeconometric Models of Consumer Demand, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Pradeep Chintagunta,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: dynamic oligopoly, indirect network effects, tipping, standards war, high technology
The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration, Bart J. Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dube and Matthew Gentzkow,
in American Economic Review
The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dube and Matthew Gentzkow,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Joint Identification of Utility and Discount Functions From Stated Choice Data: An Application to Durable Goods Adoption, Jean-Pierre H. Dube, Günter J. Hitsch and Pranav Jindal,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Formation of Consumer Brand Preferences, Bart J. Bronnenberg and Jean-Pierre H. Dubé,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Consumer Misinformation and the Brand Premium: A Private Label Blind Taste Test, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Robert E. Sanders,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Ali Hortacsu and Joonhwi Joo,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry, Bart J. Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Joonhwi Joo,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Discrete-Choice Models and Representative Consumer Theory, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Joonhwi Joo and Kyeongbae Kim,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Intangible Marketing Capital, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Chad Syverson,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Nonparametric Estimation of Demand with Switching Costs: the Case of Habitual Brand Loyalty, Xinyao Kong, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Øystein Daljord,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Improving the Numerical Performance of BLP Static and Dynamic Discrete Choice Random Coefficients Demand Estimation, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Jeremy Fox and Che-Lin Su,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Multiple Discreteness and Product Differentiation: Demand for Carbonated Soft Drinks, Jean-Pierre Dubé,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: multiple discreteness, structural modeling, customer behavior, brand choice
Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry, Jean‐Pierre Dubé,
in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Zheng Fang, Nathan Fong and Xueming Luo,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
State-Dependent Demand Estimation with Initial Conditions Correction, Andrey Simonov, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Peter Rossi,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Andrey Simonov, Szymon Sacher, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Shirsho Biswas,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Une méthode de réconciliation des données d’enquêtes pour évaluer la dynamique spatiale de l’emploi au Canada, 1987-2008: Application à l’Enquête sur la population active (EPA), Jean Dubé,
in L'Actualité Economique
Registered author: Jean Dubé
Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sanjog Misra,
in Journal of Political Economy
Comment on “Frontiers: Spilling the Beans on Political Consumerism: Do Social Media Boycotts and Buycotts Translate to Real Sales Impact?”, Bart J. Bronnenberg and Jean-Pierre Dubé,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: political consumerism, consumer behavior, history, events, and cases
The Formation of Consumer Brand Preferences, Bart Bronnenberg and Jean-Pierre Dube,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Differences in Dynamic Brand Competition Across Markets: An Empirical Analysis, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Puneet Manchanda,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: competition, advertising, multiple geographic markets, structural models, Markov perfect equilibrium, dynamics, packaged goods
Comment, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Pradeep Chintagunta,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
The Formation of Consumer Brand Preferences, Bart J. Bronnenberg and Jean-Pierre Dubé,
in Annual Review of Economics
Keywords: brand, brand capital, preferences, advertising, marketing, market structure
Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sanjog Misra,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Cross-Brand Pass-Through in Supermarket Pricing, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sachin Gupta,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: pricing, promotion, retailing, channels of distribution, econometric models
Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dube and Joonhwi Joo,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Craft beer; Branding; Brand equity; Formation of preferences
Self-Signaling and Prosocial Behavior: A Cause Marketing Experiment, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Xueming Luo and Zheng Fang,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: self-signaling; discrete-choice games of incomplete information; behavioral economics; prosocial behavior; cause marketing
Millennials and the Takeoff of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Joonhwi Joo,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: branding, consumption capital, formation of preferences, market structure, craft beer
Income and Wealth Effects on Private-Label Demand: Evidence from the Great Recession, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Peter E. Rossi,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: private label demand; income and wealth effects; recessions and consumer demand
Consumer Misinformation and the Brand Premium: A Private Label Blind Taste Test, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dube and Robert Sanders,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Private label; Consumer information; Brands and branding; Market structure
Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?, Jean-Pierre Dube, Guenter J. Hitsch and Peter Rossi,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
Keywords: Switching Costs, Dynamic Oligopoly, Bayesian Econometrics
Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Ali Hortaçsu and Joonhwi Joo,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: demand estimation, selection correction
Beyond the Endogeneity Bias: The Effect of Unmeasured Brand Characteristics on Household-Level Brand Choice Models, Pradeep Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Khim Yong Goh,
in Management Science
Keywords: brand choice, choice models, econometric models, targeting, endogeneity, instrumental variables
Frontiers: The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Noncompliance with Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrey Simonov, Szymon Sacher, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Shirsho Biswas,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: media, persuasion, natural experiments, instrumental variables
Marketing Investment and Intangible Brand Capital, Bart J. Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Chad Syverson,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data, Harikesh Nair, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Pradeep Chintagunta,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: discrete/continuous demand system, logit demand system, aggregate data, price endogeneity, primary and secondary demand
Marketing Investment and Intangible Brand Capital, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dube and Chad Syverson,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Balancing Profitability and Customer Welfare in a Supermarket Chain, Pradeep Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Vishal Singh,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
Keywords: price discrimination, customer welfare, demand modeling,
Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants, Harikesh Nair, Pradeep Chintagunta and Jean-Pierre Dubé,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Günter Hitsch and Puneet Manchanda,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
Keywords: advertising, dynamic oligopoly, Markov perfect equilibrium, pulsing,
The Joint identification of utility and discount functions from stated choice data: An application to durable goods adoption, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Günter Hitsch and Pranav Jindal,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
Keywords: Conjoint analysis, Diffusion models, Durable goods adoption, Dynamic discrete choice models, Identification of discount factors, C14, D9, D12, M31,
Endogenous sunk costs and the geographic differences in the market structures of CPG categories, Bart Bronnenberg, Sanjay Dhar and Jean-Pierre Dubé,
in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME)
Keywords: Market structure, Endogenous sunk costs, Advertising, CPG brand, L11, L66, M30, M37, R12,
Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Zheng Fang, Nathan Fong and Xueming Luo,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: mobile marketing; price discrimination; targeting; field experiment; geoconquesting; geofence
Competitive Price Discrimination Strategies in a Vertical Channel Using Aggregate Retail Data, David Besanko, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sachin Gupta,
in Management Science
Keywords: Price Discrimination, Competition, Channels of Distribution, Scanner Data
State dependence and alternative explanations for consumer inertia, Jean‐Pierre Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Peter Rossi,
in RAND Journal of Economics
Improving the Numerical Performance of Static and Dynamic Aggregate Discrete Choice Random Coefficients Demand Estimation, Jean‐Pierre Dubé, Jeremy Fox and Che-Lin Su,
in Econometrica
Income and Wealth Effects on Private-Label Demand: Evidence From the Great Recession, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Peter Rossi,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Self-Signaling and Prosocial Behavior: a Cause Marketing Mobile Field Experiment, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Xueming Luo and Zheng Fang,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
State Dependence and Alternative Explanations for Consumer Inertia, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Peter Rossi,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants, Harikesh Nair, Pradeep Chintagunta and Jean-Pierre Dube,
from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data, Harikesh Nair, Jean-Pierre Dube and Pradeep Chintagunta,
from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
The Geography of Poverty and Nutrition: Food Deserts and Food Choices across the United States, Hunt Allcott, Rebecca Diamond and Jean-Pierre Dube,
from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Own-Brand and Cross-Brand Retail Pass-Through, David Besanko, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sachin Gupta,
in Marketing Science
Keywords: pricing, promotion, retailing, channels of distribution, econometric models
The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrey Simonov, Szymon Sacher, Jean-Pierre Dube and Shirsho Biswas,
from Becker Friedman Institute for Research In Economics
Le Maup et l’insoluble question de frontière optimale, Koffi Gbenyo and Jean Dubé,
in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine
Keywords: analysis of variance, spatial structural break, local indices, spatial micro data, modifiable areal unit problem
De l’importance de la proximité dans la capacité de résister aux chocs exogènes. Une analyse de survie d’entreprise durant la Grande Récession dans la région périphérique du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Canada, Cédric Brunelle and Jean Dubé,
in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine
Keywords: exogenous shocks, firm survival, proximity, related variety, resilience
A spatio-temporal measure of spatial dependence: An example using read estate data, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: spatial dependence,Measure
Dealing with spatial data pooled over time in statistical models, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: spatial data,statistical models
Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Data Pooled over Time: Towards an Adapted Modelling Approach, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Spatial econometrics,spatial data
Spatial econometrics and the hedonic pricing model: what about the temporal dimension, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Spatial econometrics,hedonic pricing
Modeling Spatial Data Pooled over Time: Schematic Representation and Monte Carlo Evidences, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: modeling spatial,Monte Carlo
Spatial Data and Econometrics, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics,Spatia Data
Économétrie spatiale appliquée des microdonnées, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Econométrie spatiale,Microdonnées
Development of a spatio-Temporal Autoregressive (STAR) Model Using Spatio-Temporal Weights Matrices, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
from LEG, Laboratoire d'Economie et de Gestion, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne
Keywords: Spatio-temporal autoregressive model; Hedonic pricing model; Weight matrices;Spatial autocorrelation.
(VF)Économétrie spatiale et données spatiales empilées dans le temps: Proposition d'une modélisation adaptée.(VA)Spatial Econometric and Spatial Data Pooled over Time: Towards an adapted modelling approach, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
from LEG, Laboratoire d'Economie et de Gestion, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne
Keywords: (VF)Effets frontières ; Blocs régionaux ; Autocorrélation spatiale ; Afrique Sub-Saharienne. (VA)Border effects; Regional blocs; Spatial Autocorrelation; Sub-Saharan Africa.
Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Data Pooled over Time: Towards an Adapted Modeling Approach, Jean Dubé and Dìego Legros,
in Journal of Real Estate Literature
About the Influence of Time on Spatial Dependence: A Meta-analysis using Real Estate Hedonic Pricing Models, Nicolas Devaux and Jean Dubé,
in Journal of Real Estate Literature
Proposition of a Simultaneous Selling Price and Time-on-Market Equation System Accounting for Endogenous Problem: How a Spatio-temporal Framework can Help?, Diego Legros and Jean Dubé,
from HAL
Detecting Spatio-Temporal Dependance in Spatial Data Pooled over Time, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Spatio-temporal dependence,Dépendance spatio-temporelle
A spatio-temporal measure of spatial dependence: An example using real estate data, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
in Papers in Regional Science
A Spatiotemporal Solution for the Simultaneous Sale Price and Time-on-the-Market Problem, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
in Real Estate Economics
Survival of new and small retail businesses facing mega‐retailers in non‐metropolitan areas—The case of Walmart in the province of Quebec, Ismaëlh Cissé and Jean Dubé,
in Growth and Change
Resource Curse and Regional Development: Does Dutch Disease Apply to Local Economies? Evidence from Canada, Jean Dubé and Mario Polèse,
in Growth and Change
The view from a lucky country: explaining the localised unemployment impacts of the Great Recession in Canada, Jean Dubé and Mario Polèse,
in Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Dots to dots: a general methodology to build local indicators using spatial micro-data, Jean Dubé and Cédric Brunelle,
in The Annals of Regional Science
Keywords: D22, R12, R3,
Dealing with spatial data pooled over time in statistical models, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
in Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
Keywords: Spatio-temporal data, Weights matrix, Spatial econometrics, C21, C23, C51, C81, R15,
Fixed-effects versus peers: environmental valuation and omitted variable bias treatment in hedonic pricing, Jean Dubé and Sotirios Thanos,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Keywords: aviation noise; Hedonic Pricing; Nearest Neighbors; Omitted Variable Bias
Using spatial econometric specification in hedonic pricing model: Is there a problem?, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Une application expérimentale de la méthode de minimisation de l'entropie croisée: l'estimation des flux d'échanges interrégionaux au Québec, Jean Dubé and André Lemelin,
Keywords: Estimation, commerce interrégional, flux de transport, minimisation de l'entropie croisée/interregional trade, transport flows, cross-entropy minimization
Testing for Gene-Gene Interaction with AMMI Models, Barhdadi Amina and Dubé Marie-Pierre,
in Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
Keywords: AMMI, gene-gene interaction, genetic association
Evolution and Challenges Facing Retail Atmospherics:: The Apprentice Sorcerer Is Dying, Jean-Charles Chebat and Laurette Dube,
in Journal of Business Research
Matrices de pondérations et contexte spatio-temporel en économétrie spatiale, Jean Dubé, Catherine Baumont and D. Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Autocorrélation spatiale,modèles autorégressifs spatiaux,matrice de pondération,modélisation spatio-temporelle
Matrices de pondérations et contexte spatio-temporel en économétrie spatiale, Jean Dubé, Catherine Baumont and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Matrices,Economie spatiale
Utilisation des matrices de pondérations en économétrie spatiale. Proposition dans un contexte spatio-temporel, Jean Dubé, Catherine Baumont and Diègo Legros,
from LEG, Laboratoire d'Economie et de Gestion, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne
Keywords: Spatial Autocorrelation;Spatial Autoregressive Model;Weights Matrix;Spatio-Temporal Model
Location Theories and Business Location Decision: A Micro-Spatial Investigation of a Nonmetropolitan Area in Canada, Jean Dubé, Cédric Brunelle and Diègo Legros,
in The Review of Regional Studies
Keywords: location decision, spatial distribution, regional development, spatial analysis
Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Regional Income Inequality in Canada, Yannick Marchand, Jean Dubé and Sébastien Breau,
in Economic Geography
Past price ‘memory’ in the housing market: testing the performance of different spatio-temporal specifications, Jean Dubé, Diègo Legros and Sotirios Thanos,
in Spatial Economic Analysis
Analyse spatio-temporelle des disparités régionales de l’emploi industriel en Tunisie sur la période 2003-2018, Nejib Chagour, Sébastien Bourdin and Jean Dubé,
in Region et Developpement
Keywords: Analyse exploratoire des données spatio-temporelles, Concentration industrielle, Disparités régio-nales, Politique de développement régional, Secteur manufacturier privé, Tunisie
Putting time into space: the temporal coherence of spatial applications in the housing market, Sotirios Thanos, Jean Dubé and Diègo Legros,
in Regional Science and Urban Economics
Keywords: Housing market; Hedonic pricing; Spatial Econometrics; Spatio-temporal; Expectations; STAR; SAR;
Location Theories and Business Location Decisions: A Micro-Spatial Investigation from Canada, Diego Legros, Cédric Brunelle and Jean Dubé,
from HAL
Putting time into space: the temporal coherence of spatial applications in the housing market, Sotirios Thanos, Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Housing market,Hedonic pricing,Spatial Econometrics,Spatio-temporal,Expectations,STAR,SAR
The Spatial and Temporal Decomposition of the Effect of Floods on Single-Family House Prices: A Laval, Canada Case Study, Maha AbdelHalim, Jean Dubé and Nicolas Devaux,
in Sustainability
Keywords: flood; hedonic pricing model; externalities; environmental disamenities; temporal effect
Evaluating the Impact of Floods on Housing Price Using a Spatial Matching Difference-In-Differences (SM-DID) Approach, Jean Dubé, Maha AbdelHalim and Nicolas Devaux,
in Sustainability
Keywords: causal inference; matching estimator; real estate market; urban externalities; floods
Is Smart Housing a Good Deal? An Answer Based on Monte Carlo Net Present Value Analysis, Sarah A. Elariane and Jean Dubé,
in Sustainability
Keywords: smart cities; smart housing; cost and benefits; net present value; Monte Carlo simulation; smart meters
New business location: how local characteristics influence individual location decision?, Ismaëlh Cissé, Jean Dubé and Cédric Brunelle,
in The Annals of Regional Science
Anticipation and post-construction impact of a metro extension on residential values: The case of Laval (Canada), 1995–2013, Nicolas Devaux, Jean Dubé and Philippe Apparicio,
in Journal of Transport Geography
Keywords: Hedonic pricing model; Public transportation; Housing values; Spatial difference-in-differences (SDID) estimator; Repeated sales approach; Spatiotemporal analysis;
From bus to tramway: Is there an economic impact of substituting a rapid mass transit system? An empirical investigation accounting for anticipation effect, Jean Dubé, Diègo Legros and Nicolas Devaux,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Hedonic pricing model; SDID estimator; DID estimator; Repeated sales approach; Mass transit system; Public transportation; Location rent; Spatio-temporal modeling;