720 documents matched the search for Jasmin Gröschl in authors.
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Climate Change and the Relocation of Population, Jasmin Gröschl,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Neuer Protektionismus – Gefahren für den Freihandel, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Protektionismus, Freihandel, Weltwirtschaft
Gravity Model Applications and Macroeconomic Perspectives, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Do Natural Hazards Cause International Migration?*, Jasmin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
Within U.S. trade and the long shadow of the american secession, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Gröschl,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
Natural disasters and the effect of trade on income: A new panel IV approach, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Gröschl,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
in Economic Inquiry
Natural disasters and the effect of trade on income: A new panel IV approach, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Gröschl,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: Per capita income; Openness; Natural disasters; Gravity; Instrumental variable estimation; Panel econometrics;
Do Natural Hazards Cause International Migration?, Jasmin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
in CESifo Economic Studies
Keywords: natural hazards, international migration, gravity model, heterogeneity across income groups
SPS measures and trade: Implementation matters, Pramila Crivelli and Jasmin Gröschl,
from World Trade Organization (WTO), Economic Research and Statistics Division
Keywords: International Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Conformity Assessment, Heckman Selection Model
Naturally negative: The growth effects of natural disasters, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Gröschl,
in Journal of Development Economics
Keywords: Natural disasters; Income per capita; Openness; Institutions;
Complex Europe: Quantifying the cost of disintegration, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Inga Heiland,
in Journal of International Economics
Keywords: Structural gravity; European trade integration; General equilibrium; Quantitative trade models;
Kurz zum Klima: Extreme Wetterlage oder Klimawandel? Daten und Fakten zu Temperaturen, Niederschlägen und Hurrikanen, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Klima, Klimaveränderung, Klimaforschung, Naturkatastrophe, Welt
Complex Europe: Quantifying Cost of Disintegration, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Inga Heiland,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures on Market Entry and Trade Flows, Pramila Crivelli and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The Trade Effects of Border Controls, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
Keywords: Trade integration; European integration; Schengen agreement; gravity
Wohlfahrtseffekte der Handelsliberalisierung: Studie im Auftrag des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Endbericht vom 22. September 2017, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Benjamin Jung,
from German Council of Economic Experts / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Quantifying Welfare Gains of Increased Trade Integration, Benjamin Jung, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Gröschl,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Keywords: NewQuantitative TradeModels, Gravity equation, European Integration, Gains from Trade
Free Trade from Lisbon to Vladivostok: Who Gains, Who Loses from a Eurasian Trade Agreement?, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
in CESifo Forum
Keywords: Freihandel, Handelsabkommen, EU-Außenwirtschaftspolitik, WTO-Mitgliedschaft, EU-Staaten, Russland
Within US Trade and the Long Shadow of the American Secession, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Freihandel von Lissabon bis Wladiwostok, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Natürlich negativ: Der Wachstumseffekt von Naturkatastrophen, Gabriel Felbermayr and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Naturkatastrophe, Klimawandel, Sozialprodukt, Wirtschaftspotenzial, Makroökonomischer Einfluss
Die Auswirkungen der Russland-Sanktionen auf Unternehmen, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Feodora Teti,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Unternehmen, Außenwirtschaftspolitik, Sanktion, Politischer Konflikt, Russland, EU-Staaten
Quantifying the supply and demand effects of natural disasters using monthly trade data, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Benedikt Heid,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: economic effects of natural disasters, monthly trade data, dynamic quantitative trade model, earthquakes, storms, aggregate productivity
Quantifying Brexit: from ex post to ex ante using structural gravity, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Marina Steininger,
in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
Keywords: Structural gravity, General equilibrium, Treatment heterogeneity, Brexit
Flood Events and Plant Level Trade: A Chinese Experience, Jasmin Gröschl and Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Keywords: China, trade, firm heterogeneity, natural disasters
The Trade Effects of Border Controls: Evidence from the European Schengen Agreement, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
Keywords: Trade Integration, European Integration, Schengen Agreement, Gravity
Do Natural Hazards Cause International Migration?, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from CESifo
Keywords: natural hazards, international migration, gravity model, heterogeneity across income groups
Containerschifffahrt in stürmischen Zeiten – Analyse und Ausblick, Andreas Baur, Lisandra Flach and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Internationaler Handel, Containerschifffahrt, Epidemie
Die (Handels-)Kosten einer Nicht-EU, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Inga Heiland and Jürgen Stehn,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: Costs of a Non-EU, Trade Costs, Simulation, Kosten einer Nicht-EU, Handelskosten
Europe and India: Relaunching a Troubled Trade Relationship, Gabriel Felbermayr, Devashish Mitra, Rahel Aichele and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Free Trade from Lisbon to Vladivostok: Who gains, who loses from a Eurasian Trade Agreement?, Gabriel Felbermayr, Rahel Aichele and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The trade effects of border controls, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Undoing Europe in a New Quantitative Trade Model, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Inga Heiland,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The Trade Effects of Border Controls: Evidence from the European Schengen Agreement, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Deutschland seit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs: Die Realeinkommenseffekte der zunehmenden Integration in die Weltwirtschaft, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Benjamin Jung,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Handelseffekte von Grenzkontrollen, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Thomas Steinwachs,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Handelseffekt, Grenze, Kontrolle
Die Internationalisierungsagenda des ifo Zentrums für Außenwirtschaft: Mit vollster Unterstützung durch Meinhard Knoche, Gabriel Felbermyr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Erdal Yalcin,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Economic Effects of Brexit on the European Economy, Gabriel Felbermayr, Clemens Fuest, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Daniel Stöhlker,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Naturally Negative: The Growth Effects of Natural Disasters, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Gabriel J. Felbermayr,
from CESifo
Keywords: natural disasters, income per capita, openness, institutions
Natural Disasters and the Effect of Trade on Income: A New Panel IV Approach, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Gabriel J. Felbermayr,
from CESifo
Keywords: per capita income, openness, natural disasters, instrumental variable estimation, panel econometrics
Quantifying the Supply and Demand Effects of Natural Disasters Using Monthly Trade Data, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl and Benedikt Heid,
from CESifo
Keywords: economic effects of natural disasters, monthly trade data, dynamic quantitative trade model, earthquakes, storms, aggregate productivity
Borders, Roads and the Relocation of Economic Activity Due to Extreme Weather, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Vincent Schippers and Thomas Steinwachs,
from CESifo
Keywords: light emission, weather, connectivity, border effect, road network
How Do Institutions Affect the Impact of Natural Disasters?, Jaap W.B. Bos, Jasmin Gröschl, Martien Lamers, Runliang Li, Mark Sanders, Vincent Schippers and Jasmin Katrin Gröschl,
from CESifo
Keywords: natural disasters, resilience, institutions, efficiency
International Supply Chains - Need for Reform and Opportunities, Lisandra Flach, Jasmin Gröschl, Marina Steininger, Feodora Teti and Andreas Baur,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The economic impact of weather anomalies, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl, Mark Sanders, Vincent Schippers and Thomas Steinwachs,
in World Development
Keywords: Climate change; Weather anomalies; Economic impact; Local impact; Night lights; Spatial spillovers;
Shedding Light on the Spatial Diffusion of Disasters, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl, Mark Sanders, Vincent Schippers and Thomas Steinwachs,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Keywords: natural disaster and weather shocks, night-time light emission, spatial spillovers, grid cell analysis
Ökonomische Effekte eines Brexit auf die deutsche und europäische Wirtschaft, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Inga Heiland, Martin Braml and Marina Steininger,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
The Implications of Market Liberalisation and Free Trade for the Economy, Growth and Employment in Germany, 1990–2014, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Wilhelm Kohler, Tobias Brändle and Andreas Koch,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Wie geht es mit dem Brexit weiter?, Paul Welfens, Michael Hüther, Matthias Diermeier, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl, Karsten Nowrot and Andreas Grimmel,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
Quantifying Brexit: From Ex Post to Ex Ante Using Structural Gravity, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Marina Steininger and Gabriel J. Felbermayr,
from CESifo
Keywords: structural gravity, general equilibrium, treatment heterogeneity, Brexit
Shedding Light on the Spatial Diffusion of Disasters, Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Mark Sanders, Vincent Schippers, Thomas Steinwachs and Gabriel J. Felbermayr,
from CESifo
Keywords: natural disaster and weather shocks, night light emission, growth, spatial spillovers, grid cell analysis
Die volkswirtschaflichen Kosten der Sanktionen in Bezug auf Russland, Lisandra Flach, Mario Larch, Yoto Yotov, Martin Braml, Jasmin Gröschl, Feodora Teti, Marina Steininger and Georg Schneider,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Reena Marwah and Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake, China’s Economic Footprint in South and Southeast Asia: A Futuristic Perspective—Case Studies of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand. World Scientific, 2021, 356 pp., US$ 108, ISBN-10: 9811236372 (hardcover), ISBN-13: 9789811236396 (e-book), Jasmin,
in Journal of Asian Economic Integration
Economic effects of Brexit on the German and European economy - updated estimation considering current developments, Lisandra Flach, Gabriel Felbermayr, Rolf Langhammer, Jasmin Gröschl, Katrin Kamin, Feodora Teti, Sonali Chowdhry, Marina Steininger, Lena Wiest and Gabriel J. Felbermayr,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Leading Resistance to Doing Business as Usual, Stefan Gröschl and Patricia Gabaldon,
in management revue - Socio-Economic Studies
Gender Compositions in Executive Management Teams and their Impact on Firm Peformance, Sridhar Arcot and Stefan Gröschl,
from Governance Research and Development Centre (CIRU), Zagreb
Keywords: CEM, female executive management
A Few Good Companies: Rethinking Firms’ Responsibilities Toward Common Pool Resources, Patricia Gabaldon and Stefan Gröschl,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Sustainability, Common pool resources, Social trapping,
Business Schools and the Development of Responsible Leaders: A Proposition of Edgar Morin’s Transdisciplinarity, Stefan Gröschl and Patricia Gabaldon,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Business school education, Edgar Morin, Transdisciplinarity, Responsible leadership
Ekonomske institucije: nacionalni i globalni efekti, Jasmin Halebic,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: ekonomske institucije, ekonomski rast, koeficijent bogatstva, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska
Koliko košta ekonomski razvoj u Bosni i Hercegovini?, Jasmin Halebi?,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: bilanca pla?anja, temeljni devizni transfer, deficit robne razmjene, Bosna i Hercegovina
Na putu ka Europskoj uniji – slu?aj Bosne i Hercegovine, Jasmin Halebi?,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: konvergencija, gospodarski razvoj, Europska Unija, Bosna i Hercegovina
Gospodarski izazovi i uloga države: slucaj Bosne i Hercegovine, Jasmin Halebic,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: gospodarski rast, monetarizam, kejnzijanizam, nezaposlenost, Bosna i Hercegovina
Performance Testing in Beef Cattle Improvement Programmes, Jasmin Holness,
from Caribbean Food Crops Society
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Productivity Analysis
Consumer Bankruptcy Pathologies, Jasmin Gider,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Unterschiede effizienter Biogaserzeugung - wirtschaftliche und verfahrenstechnische Potenziale, Jasmin Becker,
from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Keywords: Agribusiness
Dynamisierung der Pflegeleistungen: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft, Jasmin Häcker,
from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Finanzwissenschaft
Keywords: Pflegeversicherung, Leistungsdynamisierung, Demographie
Dynamisierung der Pflegeleistungen: Vergangenheit - Gegenwart - Zukunft, Jasmin Häcker,
from University of Freiburg, Research Center for Generational Contracts (FZG)
Keywords: Pflegeversicherung, Leistungsdynamisierung, Demographie
Unterschiede effizienter Biogaserzeugung - wirtschaftliche und verfahrenstechnische Potenziale, Jasmin Becker,
from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Das Phänomen Sharing Economy am Beispiel des Foodsektors, Jasmin Schreyer,
from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Foodsharing, Foodora, Nachhaltigkeit
Friedensverhandlungen auf den Philippinen: Wege aus der Sackgasse. Die Rolle nationaler Reformen für die Beendigung des Bürgerkrieges in Mindanao, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Bangladesch: Erfolge im Kampf gegen islamistische Militanz. Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit als Schutz gegen Radikalismus, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Peace talks in the Philippines: Ways out of the impasse, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Bangladesh: Successes in the fight against Islamist militancy. Democracy and the rule of law as a bulwark against radicalism, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Politischer Islam in Bangladesh: Wie die schwache Staatlichkeit und autoritäte Regierungführung islamistische Gruppierungen stärken, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Keywords: Bangladesch, Autoritäre Herrschaft
Do SEC Detections Deter Insider Trading? Evidence from Earnings Announcements, Jasmin Gider,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Registered author: Jasmin Joecks
Der Rückzug des UN Global Fund aus Myanmar: Chancen und Risiken humanitärer Hilfe im autoritären System, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Myanmar – Ein Fall für den Sicherheitsrat?, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Civil Society under Authoritarian Rule: The Case of Myanmar, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Myanmar’s Civil Society – a Patch for the National Education System? The Emergence of Civil Society in Areas of State Weakness, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s eroding Dayton constitutional order, Jasmin Mujanović,
in SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe
The apocalyptics. Cancer and the big lie: by E. Efron Simon and Schuster, New York, 1984 589 pp, Claude Jasmin,
in Health Policy
Decolonizing Digital Citizen Science: Applying the Bridge Framework for Climate Change Preparedness and Adaptation, Jasmin Bhawra,
in Societies
Keywords: decolonizing research; citizen science; digital health; health equity; data sovereignty; self-governance; indigenous health; two-eyed seeing; climate change; food security
Rethinking Japanese feminisms, Jasmin Rückert,
in Contemporary Japan
Accommodating Purdah to the Workplace: Gender Relations in the Office Sector in Pakistan, Jasmin Mirza,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Free, full‐day programming for four‐year‐old children in Nova Scotia and women's labour market outcomes, Jasmin Thomas,
in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique
Shared Perceptions of Green? The perception and acceptance of European Union values and rules in environmental policy in Jordan, Jasmin Gerau,
from Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)
Keywords: Environmental policy, EU external governance, Normative Power Europe
Sharing ≠ Sharing Economy: Ausprägungen der digitalen Sharing Economy im Lebensmittelsektor, Jasmin Schreyer,
from University of Stuttgart, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies
Patriots or World Citizens: The Identity of Post-Soviet People in a Globalised World, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Analysis of Developmental and Other Aspects of Investments in Research and Development of a Group of Countries in the Southeast Europe, Jasmin Komić,
in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Let’s talk about researchers’ mental well-being, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Central Asian Survey
Smartphones and public support for LGBTQ+ in Central Asia, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Central Asian Survey
in UTMS Journal of Economics
Keywords: multinational company; intra-company exchange; integration; intra-firm trade; foreign direct investment
How language power, white subalternity and compressed modernity frame highly-skilled non-Western migrants in an East-German company: insights from multi-sited ethnography, Jasmin Mahadevan,
in Journal of Global Mobility
Keywords: Self-initiated expatriates, Whiteness, Cosmopolitanism, Integration, Global South, Highly-skilled migrants, East Germany, Compressed modernity, Language power, White subaltern
Deutschlands Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie aus entwicklungspolitischer Perspektive: Zielkonflikte thematisieren, Synergien stärken, Jasmin Lorch,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn
Keywords: Sicherheit, Sicherheitspolitik, Entwicklungspolitik, Frieden, Demokratie, Autokratie, Prävention, Klimawandel, Ressourcen, Handel
Florian Bieber: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans, Mujanović Jasmin,
in Comparative Southeast European Studies
The International Place Branding Association Conference (IPBA 2017) in Swansea, Wales, Jasmin Séra,
in Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
First impression biases in the performing arts: taste-based discrimination and the value of blind auditioning, Jasmin Droege,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Keywords: First impression, Bias, Blind audition, Taste-based discrimination, Performance uncertainty
Multifactor Productivity Growth: Empirical Results for a Major United States Utility, Jasmin Ansar,
in Journal of Regulatory Economics