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101082 documents matched the search for Hübler, Michael in authors.
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The labor market effects of outsourcing parts and components: adverse Cournot competition,
Michael Hübler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Offshoring, outsourcing, Cournot competition, intermediate goods, high-skilled, low-skilled

Can carbon based import tariffs effectively reduce carbon emissions?,
Michael Hübler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Carbon content of trade, border tax adjustment, climate policy, contraction and convergence, China

The Labour Market Effects of Outsourcing Parts and Components: A Simple Model with Cournot Competition,
Michael Hübler, in Aussenwirtschaft (2008) Downloads

Klimapolitik, Technologieoptionen und ökonomische Wachstumsmuster,
Michael Hübler, in ZEW Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen (2013) Downloads

Does Migration Support Technology Diffusion in Developing Countries?,
Michael Hübler, in World Development (2016)
Keywords: mobile phones; rural–urban migration; international migration; technology diffusion; rural development; Southeast Asia;

Carbon tariffs on Chinese exports: Emissions reduction, threat, or farce?,
Michael Hübler, in Energy Policy (2012)
Keywords: Carbon content of trade; Carbon tariff; China;

Labor mobility and technology diffusion: A new concept and its application to rural Southeast Asia,
Michael Hübler, in Journal of Asian Economics (2015)
Keywords: Technology diffusion; Mobile phones; Labor mobility; Rural development; Southeast Asia;

A new trade network theory: What economists can learn from engineers,
Michael Hübler, in Economic Modelling (2016)
Keywords: International trade; Gravity model; Network theory; Optimal tariff; Business cycles; Propagation of shocks;

The inequality-emissions nexus in the context of trade and development: A quantile regression approach,
Michael Hübler, in Ecological Economics (2017)
Keywords: Inequality; CO2 emissions; Energy intensity; Environmental Kuznets curve; Trade; FDI;

Energy saving technology diffusion via FDI and trade: a CGE model of China,
Michael Hübler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Technology diffusion, technology transfer, trade, FDI, climate change, China

Technology diffusion under contraction and convergence: A CGE analysis of China,
Michael Hübler, in Energy Economics (2011)
Keywords: Technology diffusion Technology transfer Climate policy Trade FDI China

Avoiding the trap: the dynamic interaction of North-South capital mobility and technology diffusion,
Michael Hübler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Technology diffusion, technology transfer, capital mobility, human capital, absorptive capacity

South-North convergence from a new perspective,
Michael Hübler, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Schumpeter, endogenous growth, technology diffusion, convergence, poverty trap

Avoiding the trap: The dynamic interaction of North-South capital mobility and technology diffusion,
Michael Hubler, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2011)
Keywords: technology diffusion, technology transfer, capital mobility, FDI, human capital, absorptive capacity,

A model of endogenous growth that elucidates the complexity of South--North convergence,
Michael Hübler, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2015) Downloads

Can Carbon Based Tariffs Effectively Reduce Emissions? A Numerical Analysis with Focus on China,
Michael Hübler, from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project (2010)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade

How trade in ecotourism services can save nature: a policy scenario analysis,
Michael Hübler, in Development Southern Africa (2019) Downloads

How to curb poverty-related deforestation?,
Michael Hübler, in Applied Economics Letters (2017) Downloads

A simple model of outsourcing with Cournot competition,
Michael Hübler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2007)
Keywords: Outsourcing, Cournot competition, Intermediate good, Offshoring

The Future of Foreign Aid in a Globalizing World with Climate Change,
Michael Hübler, in Global Policy (2017) Downloads

A theory-based discussion of international technology funding,
Michael Hübler, in Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2015)
Keywords: Technology fund, Technology transfer, Climate policy, F21, O11, O33, O47,

Mitarbeiterbindung als Kernthema der Zukunft,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Hintergründe und Ursprünge einer positiven Führung,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Die AGBs eines positiven Führungs-Mindsets,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Bindung als zentraler Baustein in der Leitbildentwicklung,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Ein hybrides Arbeiten erfordert ein neues Zusammenspiel zwischen Führung und Mitarbeiter:innen,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Eine neue Arbeitswelt erfordert neue Führungsinterventionen,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Nachwort: Das Manifest einer Bindungskultur auf der Basis einer positiven Führung,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

A Theory-Based Discussion of International Technology Funding,
Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2014)
Keywords: technology fund, climate policy, economic development

How Tourism Can Save Nature,
Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2015)
Keywords: international trade, tourism, non-renewable resource

The Future of Development Aid in a Globalizing World with Climate Change,
Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2014)
Keywords: foreign aid, foreign direct investment, absorptive capacity, certificate trading

A Trade Network Theory,
Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2015)
Keywords: international trade; gravity model; network theory; business cycles; propagation of shocks

Labor Mobility and Technology Diffusion: a New Concept and its Application to Rural Southeast Asia,
Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2015)
Keywords: technology diffusion; mobile phones; labor mobility; spatial correlation; rural development; Southeast Asia

Registered author: Michael Hübler

Die Führungskraft als Mediator,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2020)

Mit positiver Führung die Mitarbeiterbindung fördern,
Michael Hübler, from Springer (2022)

Is the risk of North–South technology transfer failure an obstacle to a cooperative climate change agreement?,
Michael Hübler and Michael Finus, in International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (2013)
Keywords: Climate policy, Technology transfer, Issue linkage, North–South model,

Trade-induced productivity gains reduce incentives to impose strategic tariffs,
Michael Hübler and Frank Pothen, in Economic Modelling (2017)
Keywords: Trade policy; Optimal tariff; Technology spillovers; Emerging economies; CGE;

The interaction of climate and trade policy,
Frank Pothen and Michael Hübler, in European Economic Review (2018)
Keywords: International trade; Regional model; Climate policy; Renewable energy; TTIP; CETA; CGE;

A forward calibration method for analyzing energy policy in new quantitative trade models,
Frank Pothen and Michael Hübler, in Energy Economics (2021)
Keywords: Energy transition; Forward calibration; Regional model; Structural estimation; New quantitative trade theory;

The optimal tariff in the presence of trade-induced productivity gains,
Michael Hübler and Frank Pothen, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: trade, optimal tariff, productivity gains, technology spillovers

The Optimal Tariff in the Presence of Trade-Induced Productivity Gains,
Michael Hübler and Frank Pothen, from EcoMod (2014)
Keywords: EU, USA, Russia, Brazil, India, China, East Asia, ROW, General equilibrium modeling (CGE), Trade and regional integration

The Interaction of Climate and Trade Policy,
Frank Pothen and Michael Hübler, from EcoMod (2017)
Keywords: World, Energy and environmental policy, Trade and regional integration

Socially optimal North--South capital transfer and technology diffusion,
Michael Hübler and Thomas Lontzek, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2012) Downloads

Are smartphones smart for economic development?,
Michael Hübler and Rebecca Hartje, in Economics Letters (2016)
Keywords: Smartphones; Mobile phones; Technology diffusion; Economic development; Southeast Asia;

The US trade dispute: blunt offense or rational strategy?,
Michael Hübler and Axel Herdecke, in Applied Economics Letters (2020) Downloads

Smartphones support smart labour,
Rebecca Hartje and Michael Hübler, in Applied Economics Letters (2017) Downloads

Energy savings via FDI? Empirical evidence from developing countries,
Michael Hübler and Andreas Keller, in Environment and Development Economics (2010) Downloads

Energy savings via FDI? Empirical evidence from developing countries,
Michael Hübler and Andreas Keller, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2008)
Keywords: Energy intensity, FDI, Technology transfer, Developing countries

Economic Policy and Technology Choice of Heterogeneous Producers,
Michael Hübler and Gregor Schwerhoff, in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2023) Downloads

Can smart policies solve the sand mining problem?,
Michael Hübler and Frank Pothen, in PLOS ONE (2021) Downloads

The Energy-Bias of North–South Technology Spillovers: A Global, Bilateral, Bisectoral Trade Analysis,
Michael Hübler and Alexander Glas, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2014)
Keywords: Energy intensity, Labor intensity, Trade, Technology diffusion, Convergence, Emerging countries, C23, F18, F21, O13, O33, O47, Q43,

Which indicators of absorptive capacity enhance import-induced South-North convergence in labor intensities?,
Michael Hübler and Alexander Glas, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: absorptive capacity, labor intensity, trade, South-North, convergence

The energy-bias of North-South technology spillovers: A global, bilateral, bisectoral trade analysis,
Michael Hübler and Alexander Glas, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Energy intensity, labor intensity, trade, technology diffusion, convergence, developing countries

Are Smartphones Smart for Economic Development?,
Rebecca Hartje and Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2015)
Keywords: smartphones; mobile phones; technology diffusion; economic development; Southeast Asia

Smart Phones Support Smart Labor,
Michael Hübler and Rebecca Hartje, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2015)
Keywords: smartphones; mobile phones; labor markets; labor mobility; economic development; Southeast Asia

A Regional Trade Model with Ricardian Productivity Gains and Multi-technology Electricity Supply,
Frank Pothen and Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2017)
Keywords: international trade; regional model; climate policy; renewable energy; CGE

A Forward Calibration Method for New Quantitative Trade Models,
Frank Pothen and Michael Hübler, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2018)
Keywords: EU climate policy; forward calibration; regional model; structural estimation; new quantitative trade theory

Can Smart Policies Reconcile Singapore's Green Economy with Sand Imports from Southeast Asia?,
Michael Hübler and Frank Pothen, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2018)
Keywords: Sand extraction, trade policy, Singapore, Eaton-Kortum trade model

The US trade dispute: blunt offense or rational strategy?,
Michael Hübler and Axel Herdecke, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2019)
Keywords: Trade policy, trade war, numerical model, USA, EU, China

Shocks, economic policy and technology choice of heterogenous producers,
Michael Hübler and Gregor Schwerhoff, from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (2019)
Keywords: heterogeneous producers, technology choice, climate change, coffee, Vietnam

The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050—What way to walk?,
Michael Hübler and Andreas Löschel, in Energy Policy (2013)
Keywords: EU; Roadmap 2050; Copenhagen Pledges;

The EU decarbonisation roadmap 2050: What way to walk?,
Michael Hübler and Andreas Löschel, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: EU, Decarbonisation Roadmap, Copenhagen Pledges, post Kyoto, energy-intensive sectors, competitiveness, leakage

The EU decarbonisation roadmap 2050: What way to walk?,
Michael Hübler and Andreas Löschel, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: EU, Decarbonisation Roadmap, Copenhagen Pledges, post Kyoto, energy-intensive sectors, competitiveness, leakage

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Trade-Theory Analysis of Leakage Under Production- and Consumption-Based Policies,
Michael Jakob, Robert Marschinski and Michael Hübler, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2013)
Keywords: Leakage, Carbon tariff, Consumption-based emission policy, Border tax adjustment, Climate policy, F11, F18, Q54, Q56,

Costs of climate change: The effects of rising temperatures on health and productivity,
Michael Hübler, Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2007)
Keywords: costs of climate change, health effects, heat waves, mortality, hospitalization costs, labor productivity

Does foreign aid reduce energy and carbon intensities in developing countries?,
Bettina Kretschmer, Michael Hübler and Peter Nunnenkamp, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: Energy intensity, CO2 emissions, foreign aid, developing countries

Costs of climate change: The effects of rising temperatures on health and productivity,
Michael Hübler, Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2007)
Keywords: Health effects, Heat waves, Mortality, Hospitalization costs, Labor productivity, Costs of climate change

Bettina Kretschmer, Michael Hübler and Peter Nunnenkamp, in Journal of International Development (2013)

Costs of climate change: The effects of rising temperatures on health and productivity in Germany,
Michael Hübler, Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson, in Ecological Economics (2008)
Keywords: Costs of climate change Health effects Heat waves Mortality Hospitalization costs Labor productivity

The optimal transfer of capital and embodied technologies to developing countries,
Michael Hübler and Thomas S. Lontzek, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Technology diffusion, technology transfer, capital mobility, human capital, absorptive capacity

The Effects of International Trade on Structural Convergence and CO2 Emissions,
Michael Hübler, Eduard Bukin and Yuting Xi, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2022)
Keywords: Structural change, International trade, CO2, Macro-econometrics, Panel data, WIOD

Second-best analysis of European energy policy: Is one bird in the hand worth two in the bush?,
Michael Hübler, Oliver Schenker and Carolyn Fischer, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2015)
Keywords: second-best, climate policy, energy policy, feed-in tariff, power sector, EU

Second-Best Analysis of European Energy Policy: Is One Bird in the Hand Worth Two in the Bush?,
Michael Hübler, Oliver Schenker and Carolyn Fischer, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) (2016)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Indicators of Absorptive Capacity and Import-induced South–North Convergence in Labour Intensities,
Michael Hübler, Alexander Glas and Peter Nunnenkamp, in The World Economy (2016) Downloads

Catching up of emerging economies: The role of capital goods imports, FDI inflows, domestic investment and absorptive capacity,
Alexander Glas, Michael Hübler and Peter Nunnenkamp, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2015)
Keywords: total factor productivity, imports, foreign direct investment, absorptive capacity, BRICs

Fair, optimal or detrimental? Environmental vs. strategic use of border carbon adjustment,
Matthias Weitzel, Michael Hübler and Sonja Peterson, in Energy Economics (2012)
Keywords: Climate policy; Border tax adjustment; Leakage; Trade diversion; Coalitions; General equilibrium model;

Fair, optimal or detrimental? Environmental vs. strategic use of border carbon adjustment,
Matthias Weitzel, Michael Hübler and Sonja Peterson, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2012)
Keywords: climate policy, border tax adjustment, leakage, trade diversion, coalitions, general equilibrium model

Designing an emissions trading scheme for China—An up-to-date climate policy assessment,
Michael Hübler, Sebastian Voigt and Andreas Löschel, in Energy Policy (2014)
Keywords: China; Climate policy; ETS; Linking; CGE;

More birds than stones – A framework for second-best energy and climate policy adjustments,
Carolyn Fischer, Michael Hübler and Oliver Schenker, in Journal of Public Economics (2021)
Keywords: Second-best policy; Climate and energy policy; Multiple market failures;

Second-Best Analysis of European Energy Policy: Is One Bird in the Hand Worth Two in the Bush?,
Michael Hübler, Oliver Schenker and Carolyn Fischer, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2015)
Keywords: Second-best, Climate Policy, Energy Policy, Feed-in tariff, Power Sector, EU

Designing an Emissions Trading Scheme for China – An Up-to-date Climate Policy Assessment,
Michael Hübler, Sebastian Voigt and Andreas Löschel, from EcoMod (2014)
Keywords: People's Republic of China, General equilibrium modeling (CGE), Impact and scenario analysis

Designing an emissions trading scheme for China: An up-to-date climate policy assessment,
Michael Hübler, Andreas Löschel and Sebastian Voigt, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2014)
Keywords: China, climate policy, ETS, linking, CGE

The effects of international trade on structural change and CO₂ emissions,
Michael Hübler, Eduard Bukin and Yuting Xi, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2020)
Keywords: structural change, international trade, CO2 emissions, macro-econometrics, panel data, WIOD

The distributional effects of CO2 pricing at home and at the border on German income groups,
Michael Hübler, Malin Wiese, Marius Braun and Johannes Damster, in Resource and Energy Economics (2024)
Keywords: Distributional effects; Consumer split; Climate policy; Carbon border adjustments; CBAM; climate club; Germany;

Heritability of time preference: Evidence from German twin data,
Philipp Hübler, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Twin study; genetics; heritability; patience; time preference

Estimation of standard errors and treatment effects in empirical economics: methods and applications,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2013)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Ostdeutschland ; Westdeutschland ; Auswirkungen ; Bündnis für Arbeit ; empirische Forschung ; Fehler ; Forschungsmethode ; IAB-Betriebspanel ; Kausalanalyse ; Regressionsanalyse ; Rezession ; Schätzung ; Arbeitsmarktforschung ; Wirtschaftsforschung ; 2006-2010

Geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede (Gender-specific wage differentials),
Olaf Hübler, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (2003)
Keywords: Determinanten ; Diskriminierung ; Frauenberufe ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; Gewerkschaftspolitik ; Humankapital ; Lohnunterschied ; Persönlichkeitsmerkmale ; Überstunden

Produktivitätssteigerung durch Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Partnerschaftsunternehmen? (Increase in productivity through employee participation in partnership companies),
Olaf Hübler, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1995)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Gewinnbeteiligung ; Produktivitätseffekte ; Qualitätszirkel ; Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung ; 1991-1993

Was unterscheidet Freiberufler, Gewerbetreibende und abhängig Beschäftigte?: eine ökonometrische Untersuchung über Gruppenheterogenität, Einkommensdeterminanten und Statuswechsler,
Olaf Hübler, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1991)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Determinanten ; Einkommen ; freie Berufe ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; abhängig Beschäftigte ; Schulbildung ; Selbständige ; Statusmobilität ; Stellung im Beruf ; Unternehmer ; 1984-1988

Ökonometrische Untersuchungen zum Arbeitsangebot von Frauen,
Olaf Hübler, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1983)
Keywords: Erwerbsverhalten ; Frauen ; Arbeitskräfteangebot ; 1970-1978

Do works councils raise or lower firm productivity?,
Olaf Hübler, in IZA World of Labor (2015)
Keywords: works councils, productivity, employment, wages and profit effects

Evaluation beschäftigungspolitischer Maßnahmen in Ostdeutschland / An Evaluation of Employment Measures in Eastern Germany,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1997) Downloads

Sind betriebliche Bündnisse für Arbeit erfolgreich? / Are ln-plant Alliances for Job Security Successful?,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (2005)
Keywords: ln-plant alliances, measures, establishment data, employment, profit effects

Zum Einfluß der Größe eines Landes auf seinen Außenhandel,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1976) Downloads

Einkommensdiskriminierung von Frauen und geschlechtsabhängige Einkommensdeterminanten/Sex Wage Discrimination and Sex Dependent Earnings Determinants,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1991) Downloads

The Gender-specific Role of Body Weight for Health, Earnings and Life Satisfaction in Piecewise and Simultaneous Equations Models,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (2020)
Keywords: body mass index, health, income, satisfaction, gender, non-linearity, correlated errors, endogeneity, matching, generated instrumental variables

The Gender-specific Role of Body Weight for Health, Earnings and Life Satisfaction in Piecewise and Simultaneous Equations Models,
Olaf Hübler, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (2020)
Keywords: body mass index, health, income, satisfaction, gender, non-linearity, correlated errors, endogeneity, matching, generated instrumental variables

Men earn less under working time accounts: a puzzle?,
Olaf Hübler, in Applied Economics Letters (2017) Downloads

Measuring regional income disparities in LDCs,
Olaf Hübler, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1976)
Keywords: Regional Policy

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