Economics of Farm Input Subsidies in Africa,
Stein Holden,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Amazing maize in Malawi: Input subsidies, factor productivity and land use intensification,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Maize; Malawi; improved varieties; input subsidies; fertilizer use efficiency; land productivity; farming system changes
Input subsidies and demand for improved maize: Relative prices and household heterogeneity matter!,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Improved maize varieties; input subsidies; impact on seed demand; land scarcity; intensification; cash constraints; household welfare
High discount rates: - An artifact caused by poorly framed experiments or a result of people being poor and vulnerable?,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Time preferences; poverty; climatic shocks; risk aversion; artifactual field experiment; Multiple Price List approach; Malawi
Explaining anomalies in intertemporal choice: A mental zooming theory,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Intertemporal choice; hyperbolic discountin; magnitude effects; mental zooming theory; field experiment
Agricultural Household Models for Malawi:Household Heterogeneity, Market Characteristics, Agricultural Productivity, Input Subsidies, and Price Shocks. A Baseline Report,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Agricultural household programming model; Malawi; production systems; market characteristics; impact of input subsidies; fertilizer and tobacco price shocks
Eindomsrettigheter og jordleie i Rissa gjennom 900 år,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Jordleie; leieforhold; leilending; husmann; landskyld; ødegård; oppsitter; Rissa
Risky Choices of Poor People: Comparing Risk Preference Elicitation Approaches in Field Experiments,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: expected utility theory; prospect theory; risk preferences; loss aversion; probability weighting; field experiment; multiple price lists; measurement error; Malawi
Risk Preferences, Shocks and Technology Adoption: Farmers’ Responses to Drought Risk,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Drought risk; shocks; risk aversion; subjective probability weighting; loss aversion; technology adoption; adaptation; Cragg model; maize; Drought Tolerant maize; fertilizer use
Landbrukseiendommer og jordleie i Rissa kommune,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Jordleie; salg av landbrukseiendommer; Matrikkelen; arealtilskudd; Rissa kommune
Policies for Improved Food Security: - The Roles of Land Tenure Policies and Land Markets,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Small farms; food security; land tenure; land markets; land governance
Fertilizer and Sustainable Intensification in Africa,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa; fertilizer; sustainable intensification; food security; policy.
The Economics of Fertilizer Subsidies,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Fertilizer subsidy; externality; market failure; market smart; impact; elite capture
Gender dimensions of land tenure reforms in Ethiopia 1995-2020,
Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Gender; land rights; land registration and certification; joint land certification; impacts; Ethiopia.
Peasant household modelling: Farming systems evolution and sustainability in northern Zambia,
Stein Holden,
in Agricultural Economics
Peasant household modelling: Farming systems evolution and sustainability in northern Zambia,
Stein Holden,
in Agricultural Economics
Mobile Phones, Leadership and Gender in Rural Business Groups,
Stein T. Holden and Stein T. Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Labor and Human Capital
Registered author: Stein T. Holden
Land Redistribution, Tenure Insecurity, and Intensity of Production: A Study of Farm Households in Southern Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Hailu Yohannes,
in Land Economics
Nonconvex Transaction Costs and Land Rental Market Participation in Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
in Land Economics
Transaction costs and land rental market participation in Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
from African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Financial Economics
A Farm Household Analysis of Land Use and Soil Conservation Decisions of Smallholder Farmers in the Ethiopian Highlands,
Bekele Shiferaw and Stein Holden,
from African Farm Management Association (AFMA)
Keywords: Farm Management, Land Economics/Use
Tenure Insecurity, Transaction Costs in the Land Lease Market and their Implications for Gendered Productivity Differentials,
Stein Holden and Mintewab Bezabih,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Parametric and Non-Parametric Estimation of Soil Conservation Impact on Productivity in the Northwestern Ethiopian Highlands,
Menale Kassie and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Productivity Analysis
Modes of Land Access and Welfare Impacts in Uganda,
Alex Tatwangire and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Input Subsidies, Cash Constraints and Timing of Input Supply:-Experimental Evidence from Malawi,
Stein Holden and Rodney Lunduka,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries, Food Security and Poverty, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Political Economy
Land Valuation and Perceptions of Land Sales Prohibition in Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics, Land Economics/Use
The Impact of Ethiopia s Productive Safety Net Program on Fertilizer Adoption by Small Holder Farmers in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia,
G.B. Araya and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Food Security and Poverty
Probability Weighting and Fertilizer Use in a State-Contingent Framework,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Variation in output shares and endogenous matching in land rental contracts,
Desta Gebrehiwot and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Land Access, Land Rental Markets and Rural Poverty Dynamics in Northern Ethiopian Highlands: Panel Data evidence using Survival Models,
H. Ghebru and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Can Rainfall Shocks Enhance Access to Rented Land? Evidence from Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
How Large is the Endowment Effect in the Risky Investment Game?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty
Policies for Sustainable land management in the highlands of Ethiopia: Development paths and policies for sustainable land management in Andit Tid, North Shewa: An exploration,
Stein Holden and Bekele Shiferaw,
from International Livestock Research Institute
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use
Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification: A Quasi-Experimental Evidence,
Hosaena Ghebru and Stein Holden,
in Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis
Bounded awareness and anomalies in intertemporal choice: Zooming in Google Earth as both metaphor and model,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Keywords: Intertemporal choice, Hyperbolic discounting, Magnitude effects, Google Earth, Zooming, Limited asset integration, Field experiment, Calibration test
Preferences, trust, and performance in youth business groups,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
Summary of Efficiency and productivity differential effects of the land certification program in Ethiopia,
Hosaena Ghebru and Stein Holden,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Land use, Land rights, productivity, Land tenure,
Welfare Effects of Market Friendly Land Reforms in Uganda,
Alex Tatwangire and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land transfers; land policy reforms; unobserved heterogeneity; poverty impacts
Household Welfare Effects of Low-cost Land Certification in Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Hosaena Ghebru,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land registration and certification; land rental market participation; land; productivity; welfare impact; gender; Ethiopia.
Generosity and social distance in dictator game field experiments with and without a face,
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Generosity; social distance; within-family generosity
Links between Tenure Security and Food Security: Evidence from Ethiopia,
Hosaena Ghebru and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Tenure security; land certification; food security; calorie availability; nutritional status; land rental market participation.
Unbundling Land Administrative Reform: Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia,
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land registration and certification; Second Stage registration and certification; joint land certification; land administration; gender;
Input subsidies and improved maize varieties in Malawi: -What can we learn from the impacts in a drought year?,
Stein Holden and Julius Mangisoni,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Improved maize varieties; drought; drought tolerance; input subsidies; leakage of input subsidies; targeting of subsidies; maize yields; conservation technologies; demand for maize seeds
Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Southern Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Youth unemployment; youth livelihood; rural livelihood; migration; Ethiopia
Can area measurement error explain the inverse farm size productivity relationship?,
Stein Holden and Monica Fisher,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Inverse farm size – productivity relationship; Measurement error; Land and labor market imperfections; Land quality; Malawi.
Joint Land Certification and Intra-household Decision-making:Towards Empowerment of Wives?,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Joint land certification; gender; empowerment of wives; experiments; Ethiopia
The Roles of Land Tenure Reforms and Land Markets in the Context of Population Growth and Land Use Intensification in Africa,
Stein Holden and Keijiro Otsuka,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Inverse farm size–productivity relationship; tenure security; tenure reform; land markets; migratio; livelihood opportunities
Are Wives less Selfish than their Husbands? Evidence from Hawk-Dove Game Field Experiments,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Intra-household cooperation; Hawk-Dove game; Pareto-efficiency; simultaneous games; one-way signaling games; sequential games
Joint Land Certification, Gendered Preferences, and Land-related Decisions: Are Wives Getting More Involved?,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: joint land certification; gender; empowerment of wives; Ethiopia
Land Valuation and Perceptions of Land Sales Prohibition in Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: land sale; land values; compensation values; household perceptions; Southern Ethiopia
Tools, Fertilizer or Cash? Exchange Asymmetries in Productive Assets,
Stein Holden and Sosina Bezu,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: exchange asymmetry; endowment effect; loss aversion; factor markets; productive assets; input demand elasticities; field experiment.
Can Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties Help Smallholder Farmers Adapt to Drought? Evidence from Malawi,
Stein Holden and Monica Fischer,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Improved maize varieties; drought; drought tolerance; input subsidies; maize yields; agricultural adaptation; risk aversion
Street based self-employment: A poverty trap or a stepping stone for migrant youth in Africa?,
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Informal employment; youth migration; youth unemployment; Africa; Ethiopia
Youth as Environmental Custodians: A Potential Tragedy or A Sustainable Business and Livelihood Model?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Youth; youth migration; unemployment; area exclosures; common property resource management; environmental custodians; collective action; business model.
Links between Tenure Security and Food Security in Poor Agrarian Economies: Causal Linkages and Policy Implications,
Stein Holden and Hosaena Ghebru,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Tenure security; food security; land scarcity; investment incentives; tenure reforms; youth migration
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Youth; youth groups; common pool resource management; environmental custodians; collective action; business model; group performanc
Land Distribution in Northern Ethiopia from 1998 to 2016: Gender-disaggregated, Spatial and Intertemporal Variation,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: land registry data; farm size distribution; gender-disaggregated land ownership; cumulative distribution functions; land fragmentation
Probability Weighting and Input Use Intensity in a State-Contingent Framework,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Climate risk; state-contingent production; subjective probability weighting; technology adoption; adaptation; maize; Drought Tolerant maize; fertilizer use
Group Trust in Youth Business Groups: Influenced by Risk Tolerance and Expected Trustworthiness,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Trust; trustworthiness; risk tolerance; youth groups; primary cooperative; Ethiopia
Variation in Output Shares and Endogenous Matching in Land Rental Contracts,
Desta Brhanu and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land rental contracts; sharecropping; output shares; endogenous matching; control function approach
Gender Differences in Risk Tolerance, Trust and Trustworthiness: Are They Related?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Gender differences; risk tolerance; trust; trustworthiness; youth business group members; social role theory; Ethiopia
Gender Digital Divide and Youth Business Group Leadership,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Mobile phone ownership; gender gap; education; group leadership; youth business groups; Ethiopia.
Land rental as a complementary income source for land-poor youth,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Income sources; land-poor rural youth; youth business group members; access to rented land; trust; Ethiopia
Urban proximity, demand for land and land prices in Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Farmland prices; Urban sprawl; von Thünen theory; Hedonic Price Model; Malawi
The Devil is in the Details: Risk Preferences, Choice List Design, and Measurement Error,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Risk preferences; rank dependent utility; probability weighting; measurement error; predictive power; field experiment; Ethiopia
How related are risk preferences and time preferences?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Time preferences; risk preferences; diminishing impatience; probability weighting
Youth Business Groups and Leadership: - Group Leader and Member Survey Statistics,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land-poor rural youth; youth business groups; leadership; group and member statistics; Ethiopia
Gender Assessment of Youth Business Groups: Female Participation and Characteristics,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land-poor rural youth; youth business groups; gender composition; female participation; Ethiopia.
Are land-poor youth accessing rented land? Evidence from Northern Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Continued strong population growth in already densely populated rural areas in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa makes it harder for youth to choose agriculture as their main source of income. We investigate whether near landless youth still can access rented land as a complementary source of income. We utilize a unique data of rural youth that have been allocated rehabilitated communal land to form formalized business groups for joint business activity. They rely on complementary sources of income and land renting is one of these. Utilizing a sample of 3500 youth business group members from 360 youth business groups collected in 2016 and 2019 in five districts in Tigray region of Ethiopia; we find that 42% of the youth had access to rented land in 2016 and 47% in 2019. Average area rented was 0.66ha in 2016 and 0.74ha in 2019. Land renting is the most important source of income for 17 and 16% of the youth in 2016 and 2019 and the second most important source of income for 14 and 20% in 2016 and 2019; respectively. Access to rented land is constrained; however. Male youth who own oxen are much more likely to be able to rent in land. Utilizing a trust game to elicit trust and trustworthiness of the youth; we also found a positive association between trustworthiness and access to rented land. Trust reduces transaction costs and more trustworthy youth have better access to rented land. The importance of trust is also illustrated by the dominance of kinship contracts and contracts with close neighbors reducing the costs of monitoring tenants. The prohibition of land sales in Ethiopia limits the potential of the “agricultural ladder” to facilitate that youth can climb out of poverty through purchase of land. The youth group model may; however; help to overcome the barrier associated with very small and shrinking farm sizes and facilitate the development of larger and more professional land-based production units. Land renting is one of the rural livelihood diversification options that youth pursue and that help to sustain the youth business groups.
How Do Social Preferences and Norms of Reciprocity affect Generalized and Particularized Trust?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: ocial preferences; norm of reciprocity; trust; trustworthiness; youth; sustainable business
Transaction costs and land rental market participation in Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land rental markets; Transaction costs; Dynamic random effects models; Malawi
Endowment Effects and Loss Aversion in the Risky Investment Game,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Endowment effect; loss aversion; gender difference; risky investment game; field experiment; Ethiopia.
Farm size and gender distribution of land: Evidence from Ethiopian land registry data,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Land registry data; Farm size distribution; Gender-disaggregated landholding; Cumulative distribution functions; Gini coefficients; Ethiopia
Can rainfall shocks enhance access to rented land? Evidence from Malawi,
Sarah Tione and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Rainfall shocks; Land rental markets; State-contingent framework; Malawi.
How are social preferences of youth related to their motivation to invest in environmental conservation (local public goods)?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Social preferences; incentivized experiments; attitudes towards conservation; compulsory public works; local public goods; natural resource conservation; Tigray
How Large is the Endowment Effect in the Risky Investment Game?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Risky investment game; Endowment effects; Loss aversion; Utility curvature; Field experiment; Ethiopia
Shocks and Stability of Risk Preferences,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Covariate shocks; Idiosyncratic shocks; Stability of risk preference parameters; Field experiment; Ethiopia
Gender differences in investments and risk preferences,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Gender difference; Individual investment; Risk preferences; Prospect theory; Cohen’s d; Business groups; Northern Ethiopia
Disability types and children’s schooling in Africa,
Huafeng Zhang and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Children with disability; disability types; disability effects on schooling; SDG; Sub-Saharan Africa
Can the risky investment game predict real world investments?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: risky investment game; field experiment; prediction measurement error; cognitive memory; Ethiopia
Numeracy skills learning of children in Africa: - Are disabled children lagging behind?,
Huafeng Zhang and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Numeracy skills learning; across-country comparison; children with disabilities; disability types; disability effects; school enrolment; SDG; Africa
Can climate shocks make vulnerable subjects more willing to take risks?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Covariate shocks; Idiosyncratic shocks; Stability of risk preference parameters; Field experiment; Ethiopia
Numeracy Skills, Decision Errors, and Risk Preference Estimation,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Numeracy skills; Risk preferences; Field experiment; Ethiopia
Country Socio-economic Development and Disparity in School Children's Reading Skills Learning in Africa,
Huafeng Zhang and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Socio-economic development; reading skills; urban-rural disparity; children with disabilities; poverty; educational inequality; Africa
Sibling Spillover Effects and Educational Outcomes in Ghana and Niger,
Huafeng Zhang and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Educational outcomes; children with disabilities; sibling effects; gender; school performance; Niger; Ghana
Disparity in School Children's Reading Skills in 11 African Countries,
Zhang Huafeng and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: Africa; Children with disabilities (CWD); Educational inequality; Poverty; Reading skills; Socioeconomic background; Urban-rural disparity
Does War Enhance or Undermine Other-regarding Preferences and Trust?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies
Keywords: War impacts; Social preferences; Reciprocity norms; Trust; Field experiment; Rural business groups; Ethiopia
Generosity and sharing among villagers: Do women give more?,
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business
Keywords: Dictator game; generosity; sharing; field experiment; Ethiopia; Africa
Bounded awareness and anomalies in intertemporal choice: Google Earth as metaphor and model,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business
Keywords: Intertemporal choice; hyperbolic discounting; magnitude effects; zooming; limited asset integration; field experiment; calibration test.
Climate risk and state-contingent technology adoption: The role of risk preferences and probability weighting,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, School of Economics and Business
Keywords: Climate risk; state-contingent production; subjective probability weighting; loss aversion; technology adoption; adaptation; maize; Drought Tolerant maize; fertilizer use.
Land redistribution, tenure insecurity, and intensity of production: a study of farm households in southern Ethiopia,
Stein Holden and Hailu Yohannes,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Land tenure Ethiopia., Land use Ethiopia., Gender,
Can Climate Shocks Make Vulnerable Subjects More Willing to Take Risks?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
in Environmental & Resource Economics
Keywords: Covariate shocks, Idiosyncratic shocks, Stability of risk preference parameters, Field experiment, Ethiopia
Endowment effects in the risky investment game?,
Stein Holden and Mesfin Tilahun,
in Theory and Decision
Keywords: Risky investment game, Endowment effects, Loss aversion, Salient reference points, Field experiment, Ethiopia
Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Southern Ethiopia,
Sosina Bezu and Stein Holden,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Youth unemployment, youth livelihood, rural livelihood, migration, Ethiopia, land access, youth land access
Subsidies promote use of drought tolerant maize varieties despite variable yield performance under smallholder environments in Malawi,
Stein Holden and Monica Fisher,
in Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food
Keywords: Improved maize varieties, Drought, Drought tolerance, Timing of drought, Input subsidies, Maize yields, Agricultural adaptation, Risk aversion, Q12, Q18,
Climate risk and state-contingent technology adoption: shocks, drought tolerance and preferences,
Stein Holden and John Quiggin,
in European Review of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: climate risk, state-contingent production, subjective probability weighting, loss aversion, technology adoption, adaptation, maize, drought-tolerant maize
Tenure security, resource poverty, public programs, and household plot‐level conservation investments in the highlands of northern Ethiopia,
Fitsum Hagos and Stein Holden,
in Agricultural Economics
Sharecropping efficiency in Ethiopia: threats of eviction and kinship,
Menale Kassie and Stein Holden,
in Agricultural Economics
Resource degradation and adoption of land conservation technologies in the Ethiopian Highlands: A case study in Andit Tid, North Shewa,
Bekelc Shiferaw and Stein Holden,
in Agricultural Economics