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29324 documents matched the search for Holt, Charles in authors.
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On the use of profit data to estimate the social cost of monopoly power in an oligopoly,
Charles Holt, in Journal of Economics and Business (1982) Downloads

Forecasting Rules as Equilibrium Strategies in Duopoly Models,
Charles Holt, in The American Economist (1979) Downloads

The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments,
Charles Holt, in Journal of Law and Economics (1989)

Teaching Economics with Classroom Experiments: A Symposium,
Charles Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999) Downloads

John F. Nash, Jr.: Introduction and Postscript,
Charles Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (2002) Downloads

Economic Science: An Experimental Approach for Teaching and Research,
Charles Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (2003) Downloads

John Nash: Flashes of Brilliance in Different Directions,
Charles Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (2015) Downloads

Classroom Games: Trading in a Pit Market,
Charles Holt, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1996) Downloads

Preference Reversals and the Independence Axiom,
Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1986) Downloads

An Experimental Test of the Consistent-Conjectures Hypothesis,
Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1985) Downloads

Uncertainty and the Bidding for Incentive Contracts,
Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1979) Downloads

Forecasting Requirements from the Business Standpoint,
Charles Holt, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1960) Downloads

Competitive Bidding for Contracts under Alternative Auction Procedures,
Charles Holt, in Journal of Political Economy (1980) Downloads

Teaching Experimental Economics: Reinforcing Paradigms and Bringing Research into the Undergraduate Classroom,
Charles Holt, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Education,

A System of Information Centers for Research and Decision Making,
Charles C Holt, in American Economic Review (1970) Downloads

Improving the Labor Market Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment,
Charles C Holt, in American Economic Review (1969) Downloads

Segmentation of the Labor Market: Rejoinder,
Charles C Holt, in American Economic Review (1975)

Labor Market Structure: Implications for Micro Policy,
Charles C Holt, in American Economic Review (1978) Downloads

2002 Presidential Address Economic Science: An Experimental Approach for Teaching and Research,
Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (2003)

John Nash Tribute - John Nash: Flashes of Brilliance in Different Directions,
Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (2015) Downloads

Learning How to Plan Production, Inventories, and Work Force,
Charles C. Holt, in Operations Research (2002)
Keywords: Dynamic programming/optimal control/applications. Inventory/production: applications. Philosophy of modeling: corporate, Professional: comments on

Who benefited from the prosperity of the twenties?,
Charles F. Holt, in Explorations in Economic History (1977) Downloads

Wage Inflation and the Structure of Regional Unemployment: Comment,
Charles C Holt, in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (1973) Downloads

Forecasting seasonals and trends by exponentially weighted moving averages,
Charles C. Holt, in International Journal of Forecasting (2004) Downloads

Author's retrospective on 'Forecasting seasonals and trends by exponentially weighted moving averages',
Charles C. Holt, in International Journal of Forecasting (2004) Downloads

Charles C. Holt, in Journal of Finance (1962) Downloads

Wages and Job Availability in Segmented Labour Markets,
Charles C. Holt, from Palgrave Macmillan (1980)
Keywords: Labour Market, Minimum Wage, Wage Rate, Real Wage, Aggregate Demand

Teaching Economics with Classroom Experiments: A Symposium,
Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999)

Linear Decision Rules for Economic Stabilization and Growth,
Charles C. Holt, in The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1962) Downloads

Registered author: Charles A. Holt

A model of noisy introspection,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in Games and Economic Behavior (2004) Downloads

Classroom Games: Understanding Bayes' Rule,
Charles Holt and Lisa Anderson, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1996) Downloads

Classroom Games: Information Cascades,
Lisa Anderson and Charles Holt, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1996) Downloads

Classroom Games: Voluntary Provision of a Public Good,
Charles Holt and Susan Laury, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1997) Downloads

Classroom Games: Rent-Seeking and the Inefficiency of Non-market Allocations,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1999) Downloads

Classroom Games: Making Money,
Susan Laury and Charles Holt, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (2000) Downloads

Market Power and Mergers in Laboratory Markets with Posted Prices,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in RAND Journal of Economics (1994) Downloads

The Loser's Curse,
Charles Holt and Roger Sherman, in American Economic Review (1994) Downloads

Conspiracies and Secret Discounts in Laboratory Markets,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Economic Journal (1998) Downloads

Equilibrium Cooperation in Three-Person, Choice-of-Partner Games,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Games and Economic Behavior (1994) Downloads

Waiting-Line Auctions,
Charles Holt and Roger Sherman, in Journal of Political Economy (1982) Downloads

Strategic Voting in Agenda-Controlled Committee Experiments,
Catherine Eckel and Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1989) Downloads

Hierarchical package bidding: A paper & pencil combinatorial auction,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in Games and Economic Behavior (2010)
Keywords: FCC spectrum auctions Package bidding Experiments

Introduction: SEA Symposium in Honor of Roger Sherman,
Charles Holt and Catherine Eckel, in Southern Economic Journal (2014) Downloads

An Explanation of Anomalous Behavior in Models of Political Participation,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in American Political Science Review (2005) Downloads

Editors' Preface,
Charles Holt and Arthur Schram, in Experimental Economics (1998) Downloads

Permutation tests for experimental data,
Charles Holt and Sean Sullivan, in Experimental Economics (2023)
Keywords: Permutation test, Randomization test, Experimental economics, Nonparametric

Endogenous reference price auctions for a diverse set of commodities: an experimental analysis,
Olivier Armantier and Charles Holt, in Experimental Economics (2024)
Keywords: Auction design, Laboratory experiment, Allocation mechanism

Advertising and Product Quality in Posted-Offer Experiments,
Charles Holt and Roger Sherman, in Economic Inquiry (1990)

Experimental economics: Methods, problems and promise,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Estudios Económicos (1993) Downloads

Markets with posted prices: recent results from the laboratory,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Investigaciones Economicas (1996) Downloads

The effects of discounting opportunities in laboratory posted-offer markets,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Economics Letters (1994) Downloads

Asymmetric inequality aversion and noisy behavior in alternating-offer bargaining games,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in European Economic Review (2000) Downloads

An experimental study of costly coordination,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in Games and Economic Behavior (2005) Downloads

Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects,
Charles Holt and Susan Laury, in American Economic Review (2002) Downloads

Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects: New Data without Order Effects,
Charles Holt and Susan Laury, in American Economic Review (2005) Downloads

An Experimental Test of Equilibrium Dominance in Signaling Games,
Jordi Brandts and Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1992) Downloads

Classroom Games: A Market for Lemons,
Charles Holt and Roger Sherman, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1999) Downloads

Risk Aversion and the Winner's Curse,
Charles Holt and Roger Sherman, in Southern Economic Journal (2014) Downloads

Classroom Games: Speculation and Bubbles in an Asset Market,
Sheryl Ball and Charles Holt, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1998) Downloads

Price rigidities and institutional variations in markets with posted prices (*),
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in Economic Theory (1996)

Adjustment Patterns and Equilibrium Selection in Experimental Signaling Games,
Jordi Brandts and Charles Holt, in International Journal of Game Theory (1993)

Equilibrium cooperation in two-stage games: Experimental evidence,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, in International Journal of Game Theory (1999)
Keywords: Experimental economics · renegotiation proof equilibria

Reprint of: Price and quantity collars for stabilizing emission allowance prices: Laboratory experiments on the EU ETS market stability reserve,
Charles Holt and William Shobe, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2016)
Keywords: Emission markets; Price collars; EU ETS; Market stability reserve; Experiments; Emission trading; Cap and trade; Emission auctions;

The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

The Effects of Collusion in Laboratory Experiments,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

Information Cascade Experiments,
Lisa Anderson and Charles Holt, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

Voluntary Provision of Public Goods: Experimental Results with Interior Nash Equilibria,
Susan Laury and Charles Holt, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

Theoretical Explanations of Treatment Effects in Voluntary Contributions Experiments,
Charles Holt and Susan Laury, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

Payoff Scale Effects and Risk Preference Under Real and Hypothetical Conditions,
Susan Laury and Charles Holt, from Elsevier (2008) Downloads

The Concept of Job Vacancies in a Dynamic Theory of the Labor Market,
Charles Holt and Martin David, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1966) Downloads

Limitations of dominance and forward induction: Experimental evidence,
Jordi Brandts and Charles Holt, in Economics Letters (1995) Downloads

Further Reflections on Prospect Theory,
Susan Laury and Charles Holt, from Experimental Economics Center, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (2005) Downloads

Stochastic Game Theory: For Playing Games, Not Just for Doing Theory,
Charles Holt and Jacob Goeree, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics (1999)
Keywords: experiments, stochastic game theory, bounded rationality, quantal response equilibrium, introspection, learning, evolution

An Experimental Study of Costly Coordination,
Charles Holt and Jacob Goeree, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics
Keywords: coordination games, laboratory experiments, stochastic potential, logit equilibrium, bounded rationality, minimum effort game, median effort game

An Explanation of Anomalous Behavior in Binary-Choice Games: Entry, Voting, Public Goods, and the Volunteers' Dilemma,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics (2000)
Keywords: participation games, entry, voting, step-level public goods games, volunteers' dilemma, quantal response equilibrium, El Farol problem, bounded rationality.

Asymmetric Inequality Aversion and Noisy Behavior in Alternating-Offer Bargaining Games,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics
Keywords: bargaining, ultimatum game, bounded rationality, logit equilibrium, fairness, equity aversion, endowment effects, envy, guilt

Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics (2000)
Keywords: Nash equilibrium, noncooperative games, experiments, bounded rationality, introspection

A Model of Noisy Introspection,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, from University of Virginia, Department of Economics (2000)
Keywords: game theory, introspection, Nash equilibrium, experiments.

Dominance and Forward Induction: Experimental Evidence,
J. Brandt and Charles Holt, from Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC) (1990)
Keywords: game theory ; economic equilibrium

Jordi Brandts and Charles Holt, from Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC) (1989)
Keywords: game theory ; decision making ; communication ; economic equilibrium

Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions,
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, from David K. Levine (2004) Downloads

Information Cascades in the Laboratory,
Lisa Anderson and Charles Holt, in American Economic Review (1997) Downloads

Investigation of the Effects of Emission Market Design on the Market-Based Compliance Mechanism of the California Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
Charles Holt and William Shobe, from Center for Economic and Policy Studies (2013)
Keywords: Emission markets; experiments; cap and trade; greenhouse gas emissions; market design

Banking and price containment in the California greenhouse gas emissions market: an experimental analysis of market design,
Charles Holt and William Shobe, from Center for Economic and Policy Studies (2013)
Keywords: cap and trade; uniform price auction; market liquidity; price containment reserve; emission markets; carbon markets

Can Discount Window Stigma Be Cured? An Experimental Investigation,
Olivier Armantier and Charles Holt, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2024)
Keywords: lender-of-last-resort (LOLR); Lender of last resort; discount window; stigma; laboratory experiments

Introduction to Experimental Economics,
Douglas Davis and Charles Holt, from Princeton University Press (1992)
Keywords: laboratory experiments, financial markets, price competition, auctions, bargaining, games, decision making, uncertainty

Price and Quantity “Collars” for Stabilizing Emissions Allowance Prices: An Experimental Analysis of the EU ETS Market Stability Reserve,
Charles Holt and William Shobe, from Resources for the Future (2015)
Keywords: EU Emissions Trading System, market stability reserve, price collar, allowance prices, emissions allowances

A Procurement Auction for Toxic Assets with Asymmetric Information,
Olivier Armantier, Charles Holt and Charles Plott, in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2013) Downloads

Labor Force Participation and Earnings in a Demographic Model of the Labor Market,
Richard S Toikka and Charles C Holt, in American Economic Review (1976) Downloads

Multimarket Equilibrium, Trade, and the Law of One Price,
Susan K. Laury and Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999)

Agendas and Strategic Voting,
Charles A. Holt and Lisa R. Anderson, in Southern Economic Journal (1999)

C. Monica Capra and Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999)

Employment and Prices in a Simple Macroeconomy,
Jacob K. Goeree and Charles A. Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999)

Introduction: SEA Symposium in Honor of Roger Sherman,
Charles A. Holt and Catherine C. Eckel, in Southern Economic Journal (2014) Downloads

Risk Aversion and the Winner's Curse,
Charles A. Holt and Roger Sherman, in Southern Economic Journal (2014) Downloads

Critique of: "Verification of Computer Simulation Models",
William E. Schrank and Charles C. Holt, in Management Science (1967) Downloads

A Computer Aided Approach to Employment Service Placement and Counseling,
Charles C. Holt and George P. Huber, in Management Science (1969) Downloads

Employment and Prices in a Simple Macroeconomy,
Jacob K. Goeree and Charles Holt, in Southern Economic Journal (1999) Downloads

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