14173 documents matched the search for Hoffmann, Julia in authors.
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Bottle size matters: Heterogeneity in the German carbonated soft drink market, Julia Hoffmann and Julia Bronnmann,
in Agribusiness
Product differentiation in the German soft drink market: which attributes matter?, Julia Bronnmann and Julia Hoffmann,
in Applied Economics Letters
Dynamics of Two Populations with Different Birth Rates, Julia Hoffmann and Andrzej Pekalski,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Population Competition, Differential Equations, Monte Carlo, Gompertz Law, Penna Ageing Model
Common Pool Politics and Inefficient Fishery Management, Julia Hoffmann and Martin Quaas,
in Environmental & Resource Economics
Keywords: Fisheries, Fishery economics, Environmental uncertainty, Constant escapement, Political economy, Dynamic game theory, Q22, Q57, D78,
Can detailed instructions and comprehension checks increase the validity of crosswise model estimates?, Julia Meisters, Adrian Hoffmann and Jochen Musch,
Controlling social desirability bias: An experimental investigation of the extended crosswise model, Julia Meisters, Adrian Hoffmann and Jochen Musch,
Nothing but the truth? Effects of faking on the validity of the crosswise model, Adrian Hoffmann, Julia Meisters and Jochen Musch,
A New Approach to Detecting Cheating in Sensitive Surveys: The Cheating Detection Triangular Model, Julia Meisters, Adrian Hoffmann and Jochen Musch,
in Sociological Methods & Research
Keywords: social desirability; randomized response; Cheating Detection Model; Triangular Model; validity
Railway crew scheduling: Models, methods and applications, Julia Heil, Kirsten Hoffmann and Udo Buscher,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Transportation; Railway; Crew scheduling; Literature review;
Environmental Protection, Energy Policy and Poverty Reduction – Synergies of an Integrated Approach, Renate Schubert, Julia Blasch and Kristin Hoffmann,
from IED Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich
Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry, Julia Hoffmann, Stefan Hirsch and Johannes Simons,
in Papers in Regional Science
The role of risk management orientation and the planning function of budgeting in enhancing organizational resilience and its effect on competitive advantages during times of crises, Julia Eichholz, Nicole Hoffmann and Anja Schwering,
in Journal of Management Control: Zeitschrift für Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung
Keywords: Competitive advantage, Corporate planning, Crisis, Organizational resilience, Risk management
The Hare and the Hedgehog: Empirical evidence on the relationship between the individual Pace of Life and the speed-accuracy continuum, Christin Hoffmann, Julia Amelie Hoppe and Niklas Ziemann,
Der Schutzbereich des Markenrechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Aspekte, Julia Bröcher, Marie-Luise Hoffmann and Tatjana Sabel,
from University of Münster, Competence Center Internet Economy and Hybrid Systems, European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS)
Stated versus revealed knowledge: Determinants of offsetting CO2 emissions from fuel consumption in vehicle use, Andreas Ziegler, Julia Schwarzkopf and Volker H. Hoffmann,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Climate change; CO2 offsetting; Vehicle use;
Faster, harder, greener? Empirical evidence on the role of the individual Pace of Life for productivity and pro-environmental behavior, Christin Hoffmann, Julia Amelie Hoppe and Niklas Ziemann,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Charitable giving; Limits of growth; Pace of Life; Pro-environmental behavior; Speed-Up Society;
Legal Compatibility as a Characteristic of Sociotechnical Systems, Axel Hoffmann, Thomas Schulz, Julia Zirfas, Holger Hoffmann, Alexander Roßnagel and Jan Leimeister,
in Business & Information Systems Engineering: The International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK
Keywords: Legal compatibility, Requirements, Requirement patterns,
in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
The fast and the furious—An experimental investigation of the pace of life and risky speed choice in traffic, Carina Goldbach, Christin Hoffmann, Julia Hoppe, Thomas Pitz and Kirsten Thommes,
Marktbericht Wohnen für Ältere in Berlin, Torsten Bölting, Michael Cirkel, Björn Eisele, Peter Enste, Julia Fiest, Sabrina Hoffmann and Sebastian Merkel,
from Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT), Westfälische Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences
Linked fire activity and climate whiplash in California during the early Holocene, Julia Homann, Jessica L. Oster, Cameron B. Wet, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach and Thorsten Hoffmann,
in Nature Communications
Cultural gap bridging in multinational teams, Julia Backmann, Rouven Kanitz, Amy Wei Tian, Patrick Hoffmann and Martin Hoegl,
in Journal of International Business Studies
Keywords: teams and teamwork, survey methods, multiple regression analysis, multiculturals, cultural intelligence, cultural gap bridging behaviors
Indicators for monitoring sustainable development goals: An application to oceanic development in the European Union, Wilfried Rickels, Jonas Dovern, Julia Hoffmann, Martin Quaas, Jörn O. Schmidt and Martin Visbeck,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Indicators for monitoring sustainable development goals: An application to oceanic development in the EU, Wilfried Rickels, Jonas Dovern, Julia Hoffmann, Martin Quaas, Jörn Schmidt and Martin Visbeck,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Indicator Selection, Composite Indicators, Ocean
Spatial variability of soil properties affected by grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia grassland, Ying Zhao, Stephan Peth, Julia Krümmelbein, Rainer Horn, Zhongyan Wang, Markus Steffens, Carsten Hoffmann and Xinhua Peng,
in Ecological Modelling
Keywords: Grazing intensity; Spatial variability; Geostatistics; Soil properties; Correlations;
About some difficulties with interpreting and measuring corporate performance, Julia,
in Bank i Kredyt
Keywords: corporate performace, industrial organisation, corporate finance, financial ratios
β-arrestin1 and 2 exhibit distinct phosphorylation-dependent conformations when coupling to the same GPCR in living cells, Raphael S. Haider, Edda S. F. Matthees, Julia Drube, Mona Reichel, Ulrike Zabel, Asuka Inoue, Andy Chevigné, Cornelius Krasel, Xavier Deupi and Carsten Hoffmann,
in Nature Communications
Maternal thyroid hormone receptor β activation in mice sparks brown fat thermogenesis in the offspring, Rebecca Oelkrug, Lisbeth Harder, Mehdi Pedaran, Anne Hoffmann, Beke Kolms, Julica Inderhees, Sogol Gachkar, Julia Resch, Kornelia Johann, Olaf Jöhren, Kerstin Krause and Jens Mittag,
in Nature Communications
Gouault (Jacques) - Comment la france est devenue républicaine. Les élections générales et partielles à l'Assemblée nationale, 1870-1875, Hoffmann Stanley,
in Revue Économique
Mus (Paul) - Le Destin de l'Union française. De l'Indochine à l'Afrique, Hoffmann Stanley,
in Revue Économique
Farmer (Paul) - Vichy Political Dilemma, Hoffmann Stanley,
in Revue Économique
Luc Cambrézy, Réfugiés et exilés. Crise des sociétés, crise des territoires, Hoffmann Odile,
in Revue Tiers Monde
Elasticidade da Pobreza em Relação à Renda Média e à Desigualdade no Brasil e nas Unidades da Federação, Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Economia
Keywords: Pobreza, Elasticidade, Distribuição log-normal
I rapporti di lavoro europei e i sindacati fra modernizzazione della società e "globalizzazione", Jürgen Hoffmann,
in Economia & lavoro
from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics]
Stochastic Models of Software Vulnerability Life Cycle, Romuald Hoffmann,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: software vulnerability life cycle, SVLC, expanded software vulnerability life cycle, stochastic model, homogeneous Markov process, Markov Chain, Continuous Time Markov Chain, CTMC, system dynamics
Gewerkschaft spolitische Herausforderungen aus der Perspektive des DGB, Reiner Hoffmann,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
O planejamento e o mecanismo de preços, Helga Hoffmann,
in RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas
Arms Debates - a 'Positional' Interpretation, Fredrik Hoffmann,
in Journal of Peace Research
The Functions of Economic Sanctions: a Comparative Analysis, Fredrik Hoffmann,
in Journal of Peace Research
Comentários sobre o artigo intitulado “Políticas públicas, distribuição de renda e pobreza no meio rural brasileiro no período de 1995 a 2005”, Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology (Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural-RESR)
Keywords: Agribusiness
Desigualdade entre os imóveis rurais no Brasil conforme sua área, número de módulos e valor da produção, Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology (Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural-RESR)
Keywords: Agribusiness
25 Jahre Weinmarktordnung in Europa – eine kritische Ziel-Realitäten- Analyse, D. Hoffmann,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries
Landwirtschaftliche Beratung wohin? Leitlinien und Gestaltungsprinzipien einer Organisationsreform des deutschen landwirtschaftlichen Beratungssystems, V. Hoffmann,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession
Medien für Erwachsenenbildung und Beratung im ländlichen Schwarz-Afrika, V. Hoffmann,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: International Relations/Trade, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession
Einfluss veränderter Preis-Kosten-Verhältnisse auf Betriebsorganisation und Einkommen in Grünlandbetrieben, H. Hoffmann,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries
Der Obst- und Gemüsemarkt in einer erweiterten EG - Korreferat, D. Hoffmann,
in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Marketing
Der Markt für Wein, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Der Markt für Wein, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Beratung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe: Bund und Länder weiterhin in der Pflicht, Volker Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, Marketing
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Marketing
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Marketing
Der Weinmarkt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
Der Weinmarkt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing
Zur Systematik der Bodennutzungs- und Betriebsformen, E. Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Industrial Organization
E. Busch Entwicklung des Landwarenhandels in Schleswig-Holstein, E. Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness
Landwirtschaftliche Betriebsleiterforschung, methodische Ansätze und vorliegende Ergebnisse, V Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Farm Management
Der Markt für Wein, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade
Identification of spatial agglomerations in the German food processing industry, J. Hoffmann,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Labor and Human Capital
HIP, RIP, and the robustness of empirical earnings processes, Florian Hoffmann,
in Quantitative Economics
Geography Against Development A Case for Landlocked Developing Countries ‐ by Anwarul Chowdhury and Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Jan Hoffmann,
in Natural Resources Forum
Der Markt für Wein, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, International Relations/Trade
South Asia and European Integration — Lessons from the Past and Future Prospects, Lutz Hoffmann,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Comments on the paper "The exchange rate as an instrument of economic development", Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy
Labor values, reproduction prices and land rent, Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy
Keywords: Labor values, surplus value, reproduction prices, joint production, land rent
Comments on the paper "Banking and regional inequality in Brazil: an empirical note", Rodolfo Hoffmann,
in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy
Hungary's Trade and Economic Relations with Developing Countries: An Overview, Magdalena Hoffmann,
in Foreign Trade Review
Beschäftigungstendenzen im Dienstleistungssektor der USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Edeltraud Hoffmann,
in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; USA ; Beschäftigungsentwicklung ; Dienstleistungsbereich ; internationaler Vergleich ; 1960-1986
Zur Beschäftigung älterer Arbeitnehmer in Westdeutschland: qualitative und quantitative Aspekte, Edeltraud Hoffmann,
in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Westdeutschland ; berufliche Qualifikation ; Beschäftigtenstatistik ; Betriebsgröße ; ältere Arbeitnehmer ; Altersstruktur ; Rentenreform ; Stellung im Beruf ; Arbeitsmarktchancen ; Wirtschaftszweige ; 1991-2010
CARTER GOODRICH. Government Promo tion of American Canals and Railroads 1800-1890. Pp. x, 382. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. $7.50, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Gunnar Myrdal. Beyond the Welfare State: Economic Planning and Its International Implications. Pp. xiii, 287. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1960. $4.50, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
FRANCIS M. BATOR. The Question of Government Spending: Public Needs and Private Wants. Pp. xvi, 167. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960. $3.75, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Proceedings, International Conference on Control of Restrictive Business Practices. (Sponsored by The Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.) Pp. xx, 380. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $10.00, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
GEOFFREY H. MOORE (Ed.). Business Cycle Indicators, Vol. I: Contributions to the Analysis of Current Business Conditions; Vol. II: Basic Data on Cyclical Indicators. (A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.) Pp. xxxv, 757; xvii, 179. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50; $4.50; $15.00, the set, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
RICHARD HUGHES. The Chinese Communes. Pp. 90. Chester Springs, Pa.: Dufour Editions, 1961. $2.95, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
CARTER GOODRICH (Ed.). Canals and American Economic Development. Pp. vi, 303. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1961. $7.50, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Transformation and continuity in Cuba, Bert Hoffmann,
in Review of Radical Political Economics
Keywords: Cuba; Economic transition; Socialism
OSKAR MORGENSTERN. International Fi nancial Transactions and Business Cy cles. (A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.) Pp. xxvi, 591. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1959. $12.00, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
ALBERT FEUERWERKER. China's Early In dustrialization: Sheng Hsuan-huai (1844- 1916) and Mandarin Enterprise. (Har vard East Asia Studies.) Pp. xii, 331, xxxii. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. $6.50, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
RENDIGS FELS. American Business Cycles 1865-1897. Pp. 244. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1959. $6.00, Charles Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Meaning of ‘Environment’ in the German Legal Order, Hoffmann Jan,
in Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics
International Relations, Stanley Hoffmann,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods
A dynamic limit order market with fast and slow traders, Peter Hoffmann,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: high-frequency trading, limit order market
The Markov models of cyber-attack life cycles, Romuald Hoffmann,
in Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals
Keywords: cyber-attack lifecycle with iterations, simple cyber-attack lifecycle, cyber-attack process, cyber kill chain, Homogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chain
Der Weinmarkt in der Welt, Dieter Hoffmann,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Development
Interest rate risk in the euro area, Peter Hoffmann,
in Research Bulletin
Keywords: Banking, Hedging, Interest Rate Risk, Risk Management
Researchers Develop Method To Estimate Economic Impact of Foodborne Illness Outbreak Response, Sandra Hoffmann,
in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America
Researchers Develop Method To Estimate Economic Impact of Foodborne Illness Outbreak Response, Sandra Hoffmann,
in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Land Economics/Use
in Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP)
Keywords: Trade and environment, global warming, sustainability environmental accounting, F18, Q54, Q56, Q15
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Micronutrient Content and Fungal Contamination of Foods in Developing Countries, Vivian Hoffmann,
in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
Property, possession and natural resource management: towards a conceptual clarification, Sabine Hoffmann,
in Journal of Institutional Economics
Sisyphus and the Avalanche: The United Nations, Egypt and Hungary, Stanley Hoffmann,
in International Organization
National Attitudes and International Order: The National Studies on International Organization, Stanley Hoffmann,
in International Organization
De Gaulle, Europe, and the Atlantic Alliance, Stanley Hoffmann,
in International Organization