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5524 documents matched the search for Hirsch, Boris in authors.
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Joan Robinson Meets Harold Hotelling: A Dyopsonistic Explanation of the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2007)
Keywords: monopsony, gender, discrimination

Dual labour markets at work: The impact of employers' use of temporary agency work on regular workers' job stability,
Boris Hirsch, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2015) Downloads

Dual Labor Markets at Work,
Boris Hirsch, in ILR Review (2016)
Keywords: temporary agency work; temporary workers; job stability; job security; dual labor markets; duration analysis; labor market flexibility

Gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, in IZA World of Labor (2016)
Keywords: gender wage gap, wage discrimination, imperfect labor market competition, monopsony power, monopsonistic discrimination

The impact of female managers on the gender pay gap: Evidence from linked employer–employee data for Germany,
Boris Hirsch, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Gender pay gap; Discrimination; Female managers; Germany;

Boris Hirsch, in Scottish Journal of Political Economy (2009) Downloads

Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Market, Labour Supply, Market Power, Wage Distribution, Imperfect Competition

Concluding Remarks,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Market, Travel Cost, Heterogenous Preference, Economic Space, Perfect Competition

Simple Static Monopsony,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)

Short-Run Spatial Monopsony,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Supply, Travel Cost, Market Area, Spatial Competition, Economic Space

Long-Run Spatial Monopsony,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Supply, Travel Cost, Market Area, Equilibrium Wage, Conjectural Variation

Spatial Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Supply, Travel Cost, Wage Differential, Male Worker, Wage Discrimination

Spatial Monopsony and Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Market, Propensity Score, Travel Cost, Male Worker, Labour Supply Elasticity

Simple Dynamic Monopsony,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)

A General Equilibrium Model of Dynamic Monopsony,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Market, Labour Supply, Reservation Wage, Wage Dispersion, Wage Offer

Dynamic Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)
Keywords: Labour Supply, Unobserved Heterogeneity, Female Worker, Separation Rate, Collective Agreement

Monopsonistic Labour Markets and the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Springer (2010)

Dual Labour Markets at Work: The Impact of Employers' Use of Temporary Agency Work on Regular Workers' Job Stability,
Boris Hirsch, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2015)
Keywords: dual labour markets, job stability, temporary agency work

Registered author: Boris Hirsch

Joan Robinson Meets Harold Hotelling: A Dyopsonistic Explanation of the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2007)
Keywords: monopsony, gender, discrimination

The effect of housework on wages in Germany: no impact at all,
Boris Hirsch and Thorsten Konietzko, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2012)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Ehepartner ; Einkommenseffekte ; erwerbstätige Frauen ; erwerbstätige Männer ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; Hausarbeit ; allein Stehende ; Lohnhöhe ; Lohnunterschied ; Teilzeitarbeit ; Vollzeitarbeit ; Zeitbudget ; 2000-2009

The effect of housework on wages in Germany: No impact at all,
Boris Hirsch and Thorsten Konietzko, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2011)
Keywords: housework, time use, gender pay gap, Germany

Is there monopsonistic discrimination against immigrants? First evidence from linked employer-employee data,
Boris Hirsch and Elke Jahn, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2012)
Keywords: monopsony, native-immigrant wage differential, discrimination, Germany

Firm leadership and the gender pay gap: Do active owners discriminate more than hired managers?,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2010)
Keywords: gender pay gap, firm leadership, Germany

Temporary agency work and the user firm's productivity: First evidence from German Panel Data,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2010)
Keywords: temporary agency work, firm productivity, flexible labour

Firm wage premia, industrial relations, and rent sharing in Germany,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Müller, from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) (2018)
Keywords: firm wage premium, industrial relations, trade unions, works councils, bargaining power, rent sharing, wage inequality, Germany

Is there monopsonistic discrimination against immigrants? First evidence from linked employer employee data,
Elke Jahn and Boris Hirsch, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2012) Downloads

Firm Wage Premia, Industrial Relations, and Rent Sharing in Germany,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, in ILR Review (2020)
Keywords: firm wage premium; industrial relations; trade unions; works councils; bargaining power; rent sharing; wage inequality; Germany

Firm leadership and the gender pay gap: do active owners discriminate more than hired managers?,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Müller, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2013)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Auswirkungen ; erwerbstätige Frauen ; erwerbstätige Männer ; Führungskräfte ; Geschäftsführer ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; abhängig Beschäftigte ; IAB-Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz ; Lohndiskriminierung ; Lohnunterschied ; Unternehmensführung ; Unternehmer ; 2007-2007

Is There Monopsonistic Discrimination against Immigrants?,
Boris Hirsch and Elke Jahn, in ILR Review (2015)
Keywords: monopsony; native–immigrant wage differential; discrimination

The Productivity Effect of Temporary Agency Work: Evidence from German Panel Data,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, in Economic Journal (2012) Downloads

Non‐base compensation and the gender pay gap,
Boris Hirsch and Philipp Lentge, in LABOUR (2022) Downloads

Unions as insurance: Workplace unionization and workers' outcomes during COVID‐19,
Nils Braakmann and Boris Hirsch, in Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society (2024) Downloads

How Selective Are Real Wage Cuts? A Micro-analysis Using Linked Employer–Employee Data,
Boris Hirsch and Thomas Zwick, in LABOUR (2015) Downloads

Let's take bargaining models seriously: The decline in union power in Germany, 1992 - 2009,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2011)
Keywords: trade union power, wage bargaining, labour share, Germany

Women move differently: Job separations and gender,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2010)
Keywords: job separations, gender, gender pay gap, Germany

Let's take bargaining models seriously: The decline in union power in Germany, 1992 - 2009,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Economics (2011)
Keywords: trade union power, wage bargaining, labour share, Germany

Women move differently: Job separations and gender,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Economics (2010)
Keywords: job separations, gender, gender pay gap, Germany

What can we Learn from Bargaining Models about Union Power? The Decline in Union Power in Germany, 1992–2009,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, in Manchester School (2014) Downloads

How selective are real wage cuts? A micro-analysis using linked employer-employee data,
Boris Hirsch and Thomas Zwick, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2013)
Keywords: real wage rigidity, real wage cuts, selectivity, Germany

How selective are real wage cuts? A micro-analysis using linked employer-employee data,
Boris Hirsch and Thomas Zwick, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: real wage rigidity, real wage cuts, selectivity, Germany

Women Move Differently: Job Separations and Gender,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, in Journal of Labor Research (2012)
Keywords: Job separations, Gender, Gender pay gap, Germany, J62, J63, J16,

The effect of housework on wages in Germany: no impact at all,
Boris Hirsch and Thorsten Konietzko, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2013)
Keywords: Housework, Time use, Gender pay gap, Germany

Firm leadership and the gender pay gap: do active owners discriminate more than hired managers?,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2014)
Keywords: Gender pay gap, Firm leadership, Discrimination, Germany

Firm Wage Premia, Industrial Relations, and Rent Sharing in Germany,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Müller, from CESifo (2018)
Keywords: firm wage premium, industrial relations, trade unions, works councils, bargaining power, rent sharing, wage inequality, Germany

Non-Base Compensation and the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch and Philipp Lentge, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2021)
Keywords: gender pay gap, bonus payments, shift premia, overtime pay, glass ceilings

Unions as Insurance: Employer–Worker Risk Sharing and Workers' Outcomes during COVID-19,
Nils Braakmann and Boris Hirsch, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2023)
Keywords: unions, risk-sharing, implicit contracts, insurance effects, COVID-19

Firm wage premia, industrial relations,and rent sharing in Germany,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Mueller, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2018)
Keywords: firm wage premium, industrial relations, trade unions, works councils, bargaining power, rent sharing, wage inequality, Germany

Non-Base Compensation and the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch and Philipp Lentge, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2021)
Keywords: gender pay gap, bonus payments, shift premia, overtime pay, glass ceilings

Unions as insurence: Employer–worker risk sharing and workers‘ outcomes during COVID-19,
Nils Braakmann and Boris Hirsch, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2023)
Keywords: Unions; risk-sharing; implicit contracts; insurance effects; COVID-19

Women Move Differently: Job Separations and Gender,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2010)
Keywords: job separations, gender, gender pay gap, Germany

Let's Take Bargaining Models Seriously: The Decline in Union Power in Germany, 1992-2009,
Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2011)
Keywords: Germany, trade union power, wage bargaining, labour share

Is There Monopsonistic Discrimination against Immigrants? First Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data,
Boris Hirsch and Elke Jahn, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2012)
Keywords: monopsony, native-immigrant wage differential, Germany, discrimination

How Selective Are Real Wage Cuts? A Micro-Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data,
Boris Hirsch and Thomas Zwick, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2014)
Keywords: Germany, selectivity, real wage cuts, real wage rigidity

Firm Wage Premia, Industrial Relations, and Rent Sharing in Germany,
Boris Hirsch and Steffen Müller, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2018)
Keywords: rent sharing, bargaining power, works councils, trade unions, industrial relations, firm wage premium, wage inequality, Germany

The urban wage premium in imperfect labour markets,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Michael Oberfichtner, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2016)
Keywords: urban wage premium, imperfect labour markets, monopsony, search frictions

The urban wage premium in imperfect labour markets,
Michael Oberfichtner, Boris Hirsch and Elke Jahn, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2015) Downloads

Regionale Unterschiede im "Gender Pay Gap": Lohnabstand von Frauen in der Stadt kleiner als auf dem Land (Regional differences in the gender pay gap: pay gap for women smaller in metropolitan than in rural areas),
Boris Hirsch, Marion König and Joachim Möller, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2009)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; IAB-Regionalstichprobe ; ländlicher Raum ; Lohnunterschied ; regionale Verteilung ; Stadt ; 1995-2004

Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, Marion König and Joachim Möller, in Scottish Journal of Political Economy (2013) Downloads

Birds, Birds, Birds: Co‐Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Thomas Zwick, in British Journal of Industrial Relations (2020) Downloads

Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?,
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2022)
Keywords: collective bargaining, union wage, uncovered workers, Germany

The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2014)
Keywords: gender pay gap, discrimination, product market competition

The cyclical behaviour of employers' monopsony power and workers' wages,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2013)
Keywords: monopsony power, business cycle, entry wages

Work councils and separations: voice, monopoly, and insurance effects,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2009)
Keywords: works council, separations, collective voice, duration models, Germany

Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2006)
Keywords: labor supply, monopsony, gender, discrimination

Betriebsräte und andere Formen der betrieblichen Mitarbeitervertretung – Substitute oder Komplemente?,
Sebastian Ertelt, Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, in Industrielle Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management (2017)
Keywords: employee representation, works councils, plant-specific forms of participation

Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?,
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Economics (2022)
Keywords: collective bargaining, union wage, uncovered workers, Germany

The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Institute for Economics (2014)
Keywords: gender pay gap, discrimination, product market competition

The cyclical behaviour of employers' monopsony power and workers' wages,
Elke Jahn, Boris Hirsch and Claus Schnabel, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2014) Downloads

Coming to work while sick: An economic theory of presenteeism with an application to German data,
Boris Hirsch, Daniel Lechmann and Claus Schnabel, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2016) Downloads

Do Employers Have More Monopsony Power in Slack Labor Markets?,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Claus Schnabel, in ILR Review (2018)
Keywords: monopsony power; business cycle; wage cyclicality

Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?,
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel, in British Journal of Industrial Relations (2022) Downloads

Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms and the Gender Pay Gap: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, in Journal of Labor Economics (2010) Downloads

Do women benefit from competitive markets? Product market competition and the gender pay gap in Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, in Economics Bulletin (2012)
Keywords: Gender pay gap, discrimination, product market competition, Germany

The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, in IZA Journal of Labor Economics (2014)
Keywords: Gender pay gap, Discrimination, Product market competition,

Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2006)
Keywords: discrimination, labor supply, monopsony, gender

Uncovered Workers in Plants Covered by Collective Bargaining: Who Are They and How Do They Fare?,
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2022)
Keywords: uncovered workers, union wage, collective bargaining, Germany

The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2014)
Keywords: gender pay gap, discrimination, product market competition

Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity, and Voluntary Turnover,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Thomas Zwick, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2019)
Keywords: workforce demography, co-worker similarity, workplace diversity, voluntary turnover

Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?,
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge and Claus Schnabel, from University of Lüneburg, Institute of Economics (2022)
Keywords: collective bargaining, union wage, uncovered workers, Germany

Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms and the Gender Pay Gap: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section. (2008)
Keywords: labor supply, monopsony, gender, gender pay gap, discrimination, monopsony papers, Germany

Works Councils and Separations: Voice, Monopoly, and Insurance Effects,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2009)
Keywords: duration models, works council, separations, collective voice, Germany

Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, Marion König and Joachim Möller, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2009)
Keywords: matching, urban-rural differences, gender pay gap, monopsonistic discrimination

The Cyclical Behaviour of Employers' Monopsony Power and Workers' Wages,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2013)
Keywords: monopsony power, business cycle, entry wages

The Levelling Effect of Product Market Competition on Gender Wage Discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2014)
Keywords: discrimination, product market competition, gender pay gap

The Urban Wage Premium in Imperfect Labour Markets,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Michael Oberfichtner, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2016)
Keywords: monopsony, imperfect labour markets, urban wage premium, search frictions

Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity, and Voluntary Turnover,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn and Thomas Zwick, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2019)
Keywords: workplace diversity, co-worker similarity, workforce demography, voluntary turnover

Gender Differences in Labor Supply to Monopsonistic Firms: An Empirical Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Germany,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2006)
Keywords: labor supply, monopsony, gender, discrimination

Works Councils and Separations: Voice, Monopoly, and Insurance Effects,
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank and Claus Schnabel, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2009)
Keywords: works council, separations, collective voice, duration models, Germany

Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap,
Boris Hirsch, Marion König and Joachim Möller, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2009)
Keywords: Gender pay gap, urban-rural differences, matching, monopsonistic discrimination

The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination,
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel, from Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE) (2014)
Keywords: gender pay gap, discrimination, product market competition

Organised labour, labour market imperfections, and employer wage premia,
Sabien Dobbelaere, Boris Hirsch, Steffen Müller and Georg Neuschäffer, from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) (2023)
Keywords: collective wage agreements, employer monopsony, employer wage premia, labour market power, wage mark-downs, wage mark-ups, worker monopoly, works councils

Does better pre-migration performance accelerate immigrants' wage assimilation?,
Elke Jahn, Boris Hirsch, Ott Toomet and Daniela Hochfellner, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2013) Downloads

Do better pre-migration skills accelerate immigrants' wage assimilation?,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn, Ott Toomet and Daniela Hochfellner, in Labour Economics (2014)
Keywords: Migration; Labor market assimilation; Ethnic Germans; Transferability of human capital;

The urban wage premium in imperfect labour markets,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2019)
Keywords: urban wage premium, imperfect labour markets, monopsony, search frictions

The wage elasticity of recruitment,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2022)
Keywords: monopsony, imperfect labour markets, wage elasticity of recruitment

The Urban Wage Premium in Imperfect Labor Markets,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, in Journal of Human Resources (2022) Downloads

The urban wage premium in imperfect labour markets,
Boris Hirsch, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2019)
Keywords: urban wage premium; imperfect labour markets; monopsony; search frictions

The urban wage premium in imperfect labor markets,
Hirsch Boris, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2020) Downloads

The wage elasticity of recruitment,
Hirsch Boris, Elke Jahn, Alan Manning and Michael Oberfichtner, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2022)
Keywords: monopsony; imperfect labour markets; wage elasticity of recruitment

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