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911 documents matched the search for Hazama, Yasushi in authors.
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The politics of amendment in the Turkish legislature,
Hazama Yasushi, in The Developing Economies (1992)
Keywords: Turkey,Politics,Legislation,Parliaments,Law,Democracy,トルコ,政治,立法,議会,法律,民主主義

Constitutional Review and the Parliamentary Opposition in Turkey,
Hazama Yasushi, in The Developing Economies (1996)
Keywords: Internal politics,Parliaments,Constitutions,国内政治,議会,憲法

Social cleavages and electoral support in Turkey -- toward convergence?,
Hazama Yasushi, in The Developing Economies (2003)
Keywords: Turkey,Politics,Electoral systems,Social structure,トルコ,政治,選挙制度,社会構造

Retrospective Voting in Turkey: Macro and Micro Perspectives,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2006)
Keywords: Retrospective voting,Elections,Turkey,選挙,トルコ

Public Support for Enlargement: Economic, Cultural, or Normative?,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2007)
Keywords: EU,Enlargement,Public opinion,Turkey,International economic integration,拡大,世論,トルコ,国際経済統合

The Political Economy of Growth: A Review,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2008)
Keywords: Economic growth,Institutions,Governance,Democracy,Politics,経済成長,制度,ガバナンス,民主主義,政治

Constitutional Review and Democratic Consolidation: A Literature Review,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2009)
Keywords: Judiciary,Constitutional review,Democracy,Politics

Economic voting and electoral volatility in Turkish provinces,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2009)
Keywords: Electoral volatility,Economic voting,Panel analysis,Elections,Turkey,Constitutional law

Determinants of political tolerance: a literature review,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2011)
Keywords: Developing countries,Developed countries,Internal politics,Political thoughts,Authoritarianism,Ethnicity,Political tolerance,Education,Contact,Threat

Non-economic voting and incumbent strength in Turkey,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2012)
Keywords: Internal politics,Elections,Political parties,Economic conditions,Turkey,Economic voting

Minority type matters: ethnic diversity and tolerance in 29 European democracies,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2014)
Keywords: Minority ethnic group problems,Minorities,Ethnic groups,Democracy,Political tolerance,Ethnic minorities,Europe

The impact of exports on income inequality in developing countries,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2017)
Keywords: Exports,Income,International trade,Labor market,Human resources,Income inequality,Skill premium,Stolper–Samuelson theorem

Who supports free trade in developing countries and why: comparative advantage vs the skill premium,
Hazama Yasushi, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2022)
Keywords: Public opinion,Free trade,Comparative advantage,Skill premium,Turkey,Developing countries

Welfare, Corruption, and the Economic Vote of Punishment: The Turkish Case,
Yasushi Hazama, from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO) (2023)
Keywords: Economic voting|Social security|Corruption|Grievance asymmetry|Turkey

Consumer economic confidence and preference for redistribution: Main equilibrium results,
Mauricio Bugarin and Yasushi Hazama, in Economics Bulletin (2014)
Keywords: Economic confidence, preference for redistribution, electoral competition, median voter theorem, increasing government expenditure, aggregate economic shock

Preferences for social insurance: the role of job security and risk propensity,
Mauricio Bugarin and Yasushi Hazama, in Economics of Governance (2024)
Keywords: Risk aversion, Job security, Social insurance, Economic inequality, Economic shocks, Preference ordering reversal

Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Democracy, Inequality, Preferences, Political market, State capacity, Developing countries

Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Democracy, Inequality, Class, Preferences, Political market, State capacity

The State of Emerging Democracies,
Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Inequality, Preferences, Political market, State capacity, Information, Ethnicity

Multidimensionality and Preferences for Income Equality,
Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Multidimensionality, Ethnic fractionalization, Preferences, Inequality, Multilevel analysis

Political Determinants of Income Inequality: Panel Analysis,
Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Democracy, Inequality, Political market, Party competition, State capacity, Corruption, Developing countries

Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Inequality, Democracy, Developing countries

Political Determinants of Income Inequality in Emerging Democracies,
Takeshi Kawanaka and Yasushi Hazama, from Springer (2016)

Andrew Gordon, The Evolution of Labor Relations in Japan:Heavy Industry, 1853-1955,
Hiroshi Hazama, in Economic Review (1987)

Characteristics of Japanese-Style Management,
Hiroshi Hazama, in Japanese Economy (1978) Downloads

The Maturation of Society and Labor-Management Relations,
Hiroshi Hazama, in Japanese Economy (1979) Downloads

Heterogeneous Impact of Real Estate Prices on Firm Investment,
Makoto Hazama and Iichiro Uesugi, from Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) (2015) Downloads

Measuring the Systemic Risk in Interfirm Transaction Networks,
Makoto Hazama and Iichiro Uesugi, from Center for Interfirm Network, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2012)
Keywords: interfirm networks, trade credit, default propagation

Measuring the systemic risk in interfirm transaction networks,
Makoto Hazama and Iichiro Uesugi, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2017)
Keywords: Interfirm networks; Trade credit; Default propagation;

Heterogeneous Impact of Real Estate Prices on Firm Investment,
Makoto Hazama and Iichiro Uesugi, from Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2015)
Keywords: Real estate, Land, Fixed tangible investment, Collateral channel

Design and evaluation on interface for screen operation for supporting practical training using ICT in elementary and secondary education,
Hiroshi Hazama, Yasuo Ebara and Tsukasa Ogasawara, in International Journal of Innovation and Learning (2020)
Keywords: elementary and secondary education; information communication technology; ICT; wearable interface; communication; tiredness; the natural arm condition; practical training.

The Bank Lending Channel of Real Estate Prices,
Iichiro Uesugi, Makoto Hazama and Kaoru Hosono, in Economic Review (2015) Downloads

The Effect of Real Estate Prices on Banks' Lending Channel,
Makoto Hazama, Kaoru Hosono and Iichiro Uesugi, from Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2016)
Keywords: Bank Lending Channel, Real Estate Prices, Portfolio Reallocation

The Dawn of Russia’s Information-Technical Society,
Yasushi Kaito, in Spatial Economics=Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika (2005) Downloads

Asia Strategy on International Migration,
Yasushi Iguchi, in Public Policy Review (2014)
Keywords: regional economic integration, trade in services, international migration, personnel with advanced skills, brain drain, foreign students, middle skills, supply-demand mismatch in the labor market, generation effect, multicultural coexistence, immigration policy, integration policy, circular migration

Toyoaki Washida, Economic Analysis of Environment and Energy,
Yasushi Ito, in Economic Review (1994)

Domestic Oil and Gas Price and Russian Economic Development―A CGE Approach―,
Yasushi Nakamura, in Economic Review (2004) Downloads

Masaaki Kuboniwa, Growth and Structure of the Russian Economy: A New Phase of a Resource-DePendent Economy,
Yasushi Nakamura, in Economic Review (2012) Downloads

An International Comparison of Urban Consumption: Russia and the United States before WWI(in English),
Yasushi Toda, in Economic Review (1971)

Growth Accounting for the Soviet Manufacturing,
Yasushi Toda, in Economic Review (1977)

Asymmetric Information Bubbles: Survey,
Yasushi Asako, in Economic Review (2020) Downloads

An Empirical Analysis of the Long-run Energy Demand in Japan: 1887 -1998,
Yasushi Ninomiya, from Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC), School of Economics, University of Surrey (2000)
Keywords: Japan, energy demand, GNP, elasticity, underlying trend, CO2 emission.

An Empirical Examination of the Quit Behavior of Professional Baseball Players in Japan,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Journal of Sports Economics (2001) Downloads

On the Evaluation of Residential Lots: With a Focus on Their Shape,
Yasushi Asami, in Environment and Planning B (1995) Downloads

On the Shape of Houses and Rooms,
Yasushi Asami, in Environment and Planning B (1997) Downloads

Strategic Ambiguity with Probabilistic Voting,
Yasushi Asako, in Journal of Theoretical Politics (2019)
Keywords: Elections; Political ambiguity; Public promise; Campaign platform; Probabilistic voting; Polarization

Monetary and Fiscal Policy to Escape from a Deflationary Trap,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Monetary and Economic Studies (2005) Downloads

An Evaluation of Public Investment Policy in Postwar Japan,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Economic Review (1990) Downloads

The Economic Effects of Repealing Light Taxation on Dividends―An Analysis of 1989 Corporata Tax Reform―,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Economic Review (1991) Downloads

Japan's Labor Force in the Year 2020,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Economic Review (1998) Downloads

Fiscal Investment and Loan Program―A Perspective on Government Interventions in the Japanese Financial Sector―,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Economic Review (2001) Downloads

Yasushi Iwamoto, from Australian National University - Department of Economics (1990)
Keywords: fiscal policy ; investments ; capital movements

A Standard Data Base for the Analysis of Japanese Security Markets,
Yasushi Hamao, in The Journal of Business (1991) Downloads

Campaign promises as an imperfect signal: How does an extreme candidate win against a moderate candidate?,
Yasushi Asako, in Journal of Theoretical Politics (2015)
Keywords: Campaign promise; electoral competition; signaling game; voting

Soviet foreign trade and the money supply,
Yasushi Nakamura, from Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT) (2013)
Keywords: Soviet, foreign trade, money, state budget, flow of funds

An Axiomatic Approach to a Measure of Land-Use Mixture,
Yasushi Asami, in Environment and Planning A (1989) Downloads

Estimation of a Cost Function When the Cost Is Not Minimum: The Case of Soviet Manufacturing Industries, 1958-1971,
Yasushi Toda, in The Review of Economics and Statistics (1976) Downloads

Information and communication technology (ICT) for development of small and medium-sized exporters in Latin America: Chile,
Yasushi Ueki, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (2005) Downloads

Yasushi Ueki, from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (2005) Downloads

An Allocation Problem of Support Fire in Combat as a Differential Game,
Yasushi Kawara, in Operations Research (1973) Downloads

Exploiting Partial Information in Queueing Systems,
Yasushi Masuda, in Operations Research (1995)
Keywords: queues, inference, transient results

Money creation system in the Real Business Cycle theory,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Economics Letters (1993) Downloads

Statistical theory of sample survey design and analysis: H.S. Konijn, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974) pp.xv+429, $32.50,
Yasushi Taga, in Journal of Econometrics (1975) Downloads

Trade costs and exportation: A comparison between enterprises in Southeast Asia and Latin America,
Yasushi Ueki, in Journal of Business Research (2015)
Keywords: Export propensity; Export intensity; Trade cost; Inventory control; Southeast Asia; Latin America;

Customer pressure, customer–manufacturer–supplier relationships, and quality control performance,
Yasushi Ueki, in Journal of Business Research (2016)
Keywords: Supply chain compliance; Information sharing; ISO; Southeast Asia; csQCA;

First passage times of birth-death processes and simple random walks,
Yasushi Masuda, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (1988)
Keywords: simple random walks birth death processes complete monotonicity uniformization generalized phase type distributions

A determination of bid rents through bidding procedures,
Yasushi Asami, in Journal of Urban Economics (1990) Downloads

Effective tax rates and Tobin's q,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Journal of Public Economics (1992) Downloads

Some identities in isoperimetric problems in statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics,
Yasushi Takahashi, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1987) Downloads

Numerical investigation of surface level instability due to a tube in a vibrating bed of powder,
Yasushi Maeno, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1996) Downloads

Testable implications of the core in TU market games,
Yasushi Agatsuma, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2016)
Keywords: Testable implications; Core rationalization; Pareto rationalization; Market games; Revealed preference;

A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable,
Yasushi Takahashi, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1990) Downloads

A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable,
Yasushi Takahashi, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1990) Downloads

A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable,
Yasushi Takahashi, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1990) Downloads

Programme evaluation of unemployment benefits in Japan: An average treatment effect approach,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Japan and the World Economy (2004) Downloads

Japan's saving rate is indeed lower than Professor Hayashi revealed,
Yasushi Iwamoto, in Japan and the World Economy (1996) Downloads

Testing for the matching hypothesis in Japanese manufacturing,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Japan and the World Economy (1995) Downloads

Technology transfer to the USSR: The marginal-productivity differential and the elasticity of intra-capital substitution in Soviet industry,
Yasushi Toda, in Journal of Comparative Economics (1979) Downloads

Evaluation of the shape of residential lots in land-readjustment projects,
Yasushi Asami, in Regional Science and Urban Economics (1995) Downloads

Spatial structures: Martin J. Beckmann and Tonu Puu, (Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1990) pp. x+139,
Yasushi Asami, in Regional Science and Urban Economics (1991) Downloads

Japan’s Defense White Paper as a Tool for Promoting Defense Transparency,
Yasushi Sukegawa, from Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California (2012)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Japan, White Paper, defense, transparency

The oil and gas industry in the Russian economy: a social accounting matrix approach,
Yasushi Nakamura, in Post-Communist Economies (2004) Downloads

The effects of cross-regional free trade agreements under a vertical industry structure,
Yasushi Kawabata, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2014) Downloads

Did the Soviet Command Economy Command Money? A Quantitative Analysis,
Yasushi Nakamura, in Europe-Asia Studies (2011) Downloads

Production Networks and Technology Transfer: ―Empirical Analysis Based on Survey Data for Companies in Southeast Asia―,
Yasushi Ueki, in Public Policy Review (2020)
Keywords: technology transfer, continuous improvement activity, Kaizen, innovation, ASEAN

An empirical examination of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory: Using Japanese data,
Yasushi Hamao, in Japan and the World Economy (1988) Downloads

Endogenous formation of free trade agreements in vertically related markets,
Yasushi Kawabata, in Research in Economics (2015)
Keywords: Free trade agreement; Vertically related markets; Hub and spoke agreement; Multilateral free trade;

Productivity versus elasticity: a normalized constant elasticity of substitution production function applied to historical Soviet data,
Yasushi Nakamura, in Applied Economics (2015) Downloads

Industrial development, technology transfer and global competition,
Yasushi Hara, in Business History (2020) Downloads

Additional evidence for the career concern hypothesis with uncertainty of the retirement period - the case of professional baseball players in Japan,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Applied Economics (1999) Downloads

A counter evidence for the Lazear-Moore findings: an empirical study of incentive part in the wage structure in Japan,
Yasushi Ohkusa, in Applied Economics Letters (1997) Downloads

Yasushi Toda, in Review of Income and Wealth (1971) Downloads

Further Extension of Environmentally Extended Input‐Output Analysis,
Yasushi Kondo, in Journal of Industrial Ecology (2011) Downloads

Registered author: Yasushi Kawabata

Registered author: Yasushi Kondo

Yasushi Kawabata, in Bulletin of Economic Research (2010) Downloads

Yasushi Kawabata, in Manchester School (2012) Downloads

Partially Binding Platforms: Campaign Promises vis-à-vis Cost of Betrayal,
Yasushi Asako, in The Japanese Economic Review (2015) Downloads

Issues in Japanese health policy and medical expenditure,
Yasushi Iwamoto, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2004)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Economics and Finance, Social Policy and Sociology,

Conjoint analysis and effect of child-care policies on fertility,
Yasushi Ohkusa, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2004)
Keywords: Asian Studies, Economics and Finance, Social Policy and Sociology,

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