Technical proposals for processed manure as a component material for EU Fertilising Products,
Dries Huygens,
from Joint Research Centre
Registered author: Dries Huygens
Technical proposals for by-products and high purity materials as component materials for EU Fertilising Products,
Dries Huygens and Hans Saveyn,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: Fertilising products, Agronomic efficiency, By-products, Waste Framework Directive, Contaminants
Environmental and health co-benefits for advanced phosphorus recovery,
Davide Tonini, Hans Saveyn and Dries Huygens,
in Nature Sustainability
Feasibility study in support of future policy developments of the Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC),
Lukas Egle, Robert Marschinski, Arwyn Jones, Felipe Yunta Mezquita, Calogero Schillaci and Dries Huygens,
from Joint Research Centre
Technical proposals for the safe use of processed manure above the threshold established for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones by the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC),
Dries Huygens, Glenn Orveillon, Emanuele Lugato, Simona Tavazzi, Sara Comero, Arwyn Jones, Bernd Gawlik and Hans Saveyn,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: nitrogen fertiliser, manure processing, circular economy, agriculture, environmental protection, nitrates, water quality, Nitrates Directive (91 676 EEC)
Screening risk assessment of organic pollutants and environmental impacts from sewage sludge management,
Dries Huygens, Pelayo Garcia-Gutierrez, Glenn Orveillon, Calogero Schillaci, Antonio Delre, Alberto Orgiazzi, Piotr Wojda, Davide Tonini, Lukas Egle, Arwyn Jones, Alberto Pistocchi and Emanuele Lugato,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: sewage sludge, agriculture, contaminants, nutrient management
Techno-scientific assessment of the management options for used and waste textiles in the European Union,
Dries Huygens, Jacopo Foschi, Dario Caro, Carla Patinha Caldeira, Giorgia Faraca, Gillian Foster, Martyna Solis, Robert Marschinski, Loredana Napolano, Thomas Fruergaard Astrup and Davide Tonini,
from Joint Research Centre
Conventional tree height–diameter relationships significantly overestimate aboveground carbon stocks in the Central Congo Basin,
Elizabeth Kearsley, Thales de Haulleville, Koen Hufkens, Alidé Kidimbu, Benjamin Toirambe, Geert Baert, Dries Huygens, Yodit Kebede, Pierre Defourny, Jan Bogaert, Hans Beeckman, Kathy Steppe, Pascal Boeckx and Hans Verbeeck,
in Nature Communications
Emerging Trends within the Public Sector in Flanders. Towards a Self-Organising Centre of Government,
Dries Verlet,
in Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management
Keywords: Public sector innovation, self-organing teams, centre of goverment.
Vertical coordination in agri-food chains –Implications for Policy and Trade,
Liesbeth Dries,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Production Economics
Global Taxation Governance after the 2002 UN Monterrey Conference,
Dries Lesage,
in Oxford Development Studies
Liesbeth Dries,
in Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics (RAAE)
Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics
Werken met waarden in organisaties: een arbeidspsychologische analyse,
Dries Berings,
from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management
Meten is weten? Reflectie over de mogelijkheden en valkuilen van kwantitatief beleidsondersteunend onderzoek,
Dries Berings,
from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management
IKZ als denk-en handelingskader voor interne en externe kwaliteitszorg in het hoger onderwijs. Inspirerend of achterhaald?,
Dries Berings,
from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management
Dries Lesage,
from European Regional Science Association
Registered author: Dries Vermeulen
Registered author: Dries Heyman
Rethinking methods for the study of sexual behaviour,
Pierre Huygens, Ellen Kajura, Janet Seeley and Tom Barton,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: AIDS sexuality methodology Uganda
Registered author: Dries De Smet
Coevolution of Firm Capabilities and Industry Competition,
Marc Huygens, Charles Baden-Fuller, Frans Van Den Bosch and Henk Volberda,
from Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Keywords: coevolution, competitive regime, longitudinal research, multilevel research, music industry
Systematic review of model-based economic evaluations of heart valve implantations,
Simone A. Huygens, Johanna. J. M. Takkenberg and Maureen P. M. H. Rutten- van Mölken,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Systematic review, Decision-analytic model, Economic evaluation, Heart valve implantations
Methodological Challenges in the Economic Evaluation of a Gene Therapy for RPE65-Mediated Inherited Retinal Disease: The Value of Vision,
Simone A. Huygens, Matthijs M. Versteegh, Stefan Vegter, L. Jan Schouten and Tim A. Kanters,
in PharmacoEconomics
Exploring the Impact of Alliance Portfolio Management Design on Alliance Portfolio Performance,
Inge Neyens and Dries Faems,
in Managerial and Decision Economics
Private sector investments to create market-supporting institutions: The case of Malawian Agricultural Commodity Exchange,
Domenico Dentoni and Liesbeth Dries,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, Marketing
Scheduling the Belgian Soccer League,
Dries Goossens and Frits Spieksma,
in Interfaces
Keywords: recreation and sports, programming, integer, applications
Teaching Integer Programming by Scheduling the Belgian Soccer League,
Dries Goossens and Jeroen Beliën,
in INFORMS Transactions on Education
Keywords: integer programming, sports scheduling, spreadsheet optimization, real-life case
Impact of heat transfer on the performance of micro gas turbines,
Dries Verstraete and Carlos Bowkett,
in Applied Energy
Keywords: Micro turbines; Performance; Heat transfer; Configurations;
Planning Paper 109 - Comptes satellites des transports en 2005,
Dries Goffin and Estelle Nayes,
from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium
The environmental impact of decentralised generation in an overall system context,
Dries Haeseldonckx and William D'haeseleer,
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Decentralised generation Environmental impact Capacity credit PROMIX
Asymptotics for characteristic polynomials of Wishart type products of complex Gaussian and truncated unitary random matrices,
Thorsten Neuschel and Dries Stivigny,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Asymptotics; Multivariate saddle point method; Asymptotic distribution of zeros; Macroscopic density of eigenvalues; Plancherel–Rotach formula; Raney distribution; Ginibre random matrices; Complex Gaussian matrices, truncated unitary matrices; Average characteristic polynomials; Generalized hypergeometric polynomials;
Exact solution to the fully connected XY model with Gaussian random fields by the replica method,
Flaviano Morone and Dries Sels,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: XY model; Random field; Replica method; Spin glass; Long range model; Replica symmetry breaking;
Multi-project scheduling: A benchmark analysis of metaheuristic algorithms on various optimisation criteria and due dates,
Dries Bredael and Mario Vanhoucke,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Project scheduling; Multi-Project; Benchmark analysis; Metaheuristics;
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem,
Dries Bredael and Mario Vanhoucke,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Project scheduling; Genetic algorithms; Metaheuristics; Multi-project;
The EU Free Movement of Services and the growing mobility of Third-Country Nationals as posted workers,
Ninke Mussche and Dries Lens,
from Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp
Evaluating proposals in innovation contests: Exploring negative scoring spillovers in the absence of a strict evaluation sequence,
J.Paul Elhorst and Dries Faems,
in Research Policy
Keywords: Innovation; Funding; Peer effects; Evaluation spillovers;
Neo-liberalism at a Time of Crisis: the Case of Taxation*,
Dries Lesage and Mattias Vermeiren,
in European Review
The reduced form of a game,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Extending Invariant Solutions,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in Games and Economic Behavior
Universality of Nash components,
Dieter Balkenborg and Dries Vermeulen,
in Games and Economic Behavior
Keywords: Strategic form games; Nash equilibrium; Nash component; Topology;
On the topology of the set of Nash equilibria,
Dieter Balkenborg and Dries Vermeulen,
in Games and Economic Behavior
Keywords: Strategic form games; Nash equilibrium; Topology;
On the computation of stable sets for bimatrix games,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in Journal of Mathematical Economics
An ordinal selection of stable sets in the sense of Hillas,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in Journal of Mathematical Economics
Ordinality of solutions of noncooperative games,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in Journal of Mathematical Economics
On the invariance of solutions of finite games,
Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen,
in Mathematical Social Sciences
Equilibrium selection in interdependent value auctions,
Elnaz Bajoori and Dries Vermeulen,
in Mathematical Social Sciences
Causes of Changes in Agricultural Employment in Slovenia: Evidence from Micro‐data,
Štefan Bojnec and Liesbeth Dries,
in Journal of Agricultural Economics
The ECJ's Construction of an EU Mobility Regime‐Judicialization and the Posting of Third‐country Nationals,
Ninke Mussche and Dries Lens,
in Journal of Common Market Studies
Navigating a Dialectical Journey on Paradox Research: An Introduction to the Point–Counterpoint on Paradox Theory,
Dries Faems and Igor Filatotchev,
in Journal of Management Studies
Theoretical Progress in Management Studies and the Role of Qualitative Research,
Bill Harley and Dries Faems,
in Journal of Management Studies
Private sector investments to create market-supporting institutions: The case of Malawian Agricultural Commodity Exchange,
Liesbeth Dries and Domenico Dentoni,
from Maastricht School of Management
Equilibrium existence with spillover demand,
Iwan Bos and Dries Vermeulen,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Bertrand–Edgeworth competition; Edgeworth paradox; Oligopoly theory; Price-quantity competition; Spillover demand;
On pure-strategy Nash equilibria in price–quantity games,
Iwan Bos and Dries Vermeulen,
in Journal of Mathematical Economics
Keywords: Bertrand oligopoly; Bertrand–Edgeworth competition; Cournot oligopoly; Oligopoly theory; Price–quantity competition;
Equivalent distortion risk measures on moment spaces,
Dries Cornilly and Steven Vanduffel,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Coherent risk measure; Distortion function; Value-at-Risk (VaR); Expected shortfall (ES); Model uncertainty;
A conceptual framework for measuring transaction costs in agri-environmental schemes: an application to the Dutch collective scheme,
M.A.B.S. Splinter and L.K.E. Dries,
in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Does timing matter? Language course participation and language outcomes amongst new immigrants,
Jonas Wood and Dries Lens,
in Palgrave Communications
Correction: Does timing matter? Language course participation and language outcomes amongst new immigrants,
Jonas Wood and Dries Lens,
in Palgrave Communications
The Role of Business Ethics, Personality, Work Values and Gender in Vocational Interests from Adolescents,
Dries Berings and Stef Adriaenssens,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Business ethics, Vocational interest, Work values, Personality, Gender,
On the Microfoundation of Linear Oligopoly Demand,
Iwan Bos and Dries Vermeulen,
in The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
Keywords: microfoundations, oligopoly theory, product differentiation, representative consumer models
Introduction to the MathSport papers,
Goossens Dries and Spieksma Frits,
in Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
Can Pre-entry Characteristics Account for the Ethnic Attainment Gap? An Analysis of a Flemish University,
Dries Lens and François Levrau,
in Research in Higher Education
Keywords: Academic attainment, Ethnic minority students, Flemish community, Higher education, Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition
Strategies for dealing with uncertainty in time-relaxed sports timetabling,
Xiajie Yi and Dries Goossens,
in Annals of Operations Research
Keywords: Time-relaxed sports leagues, Scheduling, Quality, Uncertainty, Rest difference, Fair ranking
On the computation of stable sets and strictly perfect equilibria,
Mathijs Jansen and Dries Vermeulen,
in Economic Theory
Keywords: Bimatrix game, Computation, Stable equilibrium, Strictly perfect equilibrium.
WPO, COV and IIA bargaining solutions for non-convex bargaining problems,
Hans Peters and Dries Vermeulen,
in International Journal of Game Theory
Keywords: Nash bargaining solutions, Non-convex bargaining problems, C72, D44,
Preface to the special issue on the occasion of the first Spain Italy Netherlands meeting on Game theory (SING 1),
Hans Peters and Dries Vermeulen,
in International Journal of Game Theory
Proactive Strategies for Soccer League Timetabling,
Xiajie Yi and Dries Goossens,
from Springer
Keywords: Soccer schedule, Uncertainty, Breaks, Cancellations, Proactive strategy
Home language and self-reported language difficulties as predictors of academic achievement in higher education,
Dries Berings and Maarten Hulselmans,
from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management
Equilibrium selection in interdependent value auctions,
Elnaz Bajoori and Dries Vermeulen,
from University of Bath, Department of Economics
Johan Swinnen and Liesbeth Dries,
from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
The Impact of Vertical Coordination on Supplier Access to Finance and Investments: Evidence from the Polish Dairy Sector,
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Financial Economics, Industrial Organization
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
Keywords: Industrial Organization, Production Economics
The impact of interfirm relationships on investment: Evidence from the Polish dairy sector,
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
in Food Policy
Keywords: Central Eastern Europe Poland Dairy sector Vertical coordination Investment
Foreign Direct Investment, Vertical Integration, and Local Suppliers: Evidence from the Polish Dairy Sector,
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
in World Development
Institutional Reform and Labor Reallocation During Transition: Theory Evidence From Polish Agriculture,
Liesbeth Dries and Johan Swinnen,
in World Development
Universality of Nash Components,
Dieter Balkenborg and Dries Vermeulen,
from University of Exeter, Department of Economics
Keywords: Strategic form games, Nash equilibrium, Nash component, topology.
Hydrogen from Renewables,
Dries Haeseldonckx and William D’haeseleer,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
My kingdom for a horse (or a classic car),
Dries Laurs and Luc Renneboog,
in Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Keywords: Alternative investments; Collectibles; Emotional assets; Hedonic regression; Collectible cars; Vintage cars;
On pure-strategy Nash equilibria in price-quantity games,
Iwan Bos and Dries Vermeulen,
from Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE)
On the Microfoundation of Linear Oligopoly Demand,
Iwan Bos and Dries Vermeulen,
from Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE)
The reduced form of a game,
Dries Vermeulen and M.J.M. Jansen,
from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR)
On the computation of stable sets for bimatrix games,
Dries Vermeulen and M.J.M. Jansen,
from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR)
WPO, COV and IIA bargaining solutions,
Hans Peters and Dries Vermeulen,
from Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR)
The Carryover Effect Does Not Influence Football Results,
Dries R. Goossens and Frits C.R. Spieksma,
in Journal of Sports Economics
Keywords: football; carryover effect; existence; measure; scheduling; fairness
The sustainability of public finances in the context of population ageing,
Dries Dury and Luc Van Meensel,
in Economic Review
Keywords: sustainability, ageing, public finances, budgetary surveillance.
Posted work: what is its economic importance in Belgium?,
Dries Lens, Ive Marx and Ninke Mussche,
in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique
Keywords: posting, mobility, economic significance, European Union, free movement of services, JEL codesE24, J21, J23, J61
Pluriactivity in Italian Agriculture: Are Farmers Using Interlinked Strategies?,
Liesbeth Dries, Stefano Pascucci and Cornelis Gardebroek,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Farm Management
Understanding the Sub-Cellular Dynamics of Silicon Transportation and Synthesis in Diatoms Using Population-Level Data and Computational Optimization,
Narjes Javaheri, Roland Dries and Jaap Kaandorp,
in PLOS Computational Biology
Improving direct mail targeting through customer response modeling,
Kristof Coussement, Paul Harrigan and Dries Benoit,
from HAL
Keywords: Direct marketing,Direct mail,Response modeling,Database marketing
Gaussian processes for daily demand prediction in tourism planning,
Wai Kit Tsang and Dries F. Benoit,
in Journal of Forecasting
The impact of trust and formal control on interfirm knowledge transfer: an exploration of the micro-level foundations,
Alexander Vos de Wael and Dries Faems,
in International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies
Keywords: trust; formal control; interfirm knowledge transfer; micro-level interactions; knowledge governance; strategic business alliances; corporate investment; knowledge exchange; managerial gatekeeping; sensemaking.
Land productivity of seaport terminals: the role of exogenous factors,
Dries Verbraeken and Theo E. Notteboom,
in International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management
Keywords: terminal productivity; land utilisation; exogenous factors; container terminals; terminal performance; seaport terminals; land productivity.
Europe’s ever expanding mobility patterns – posting, third-country nationals and the single European labour market,
Dries Lens, Ninke Mussche and Ive Marx,
from Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp
Integrating coordination mechanisms in the sustainability assessment of agri-food chains: From a structured literature review to a comprehensive framework,
Carlos Moreno-Miranda and Liesbeth Dries,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Sustainability Performance Measurement; Integrated Assessment; Vertical and; Horizontal Coordination; Chain Configuration;
Multi-league sports scheduling with different leagues sizes,
Miao Li, Morteza Davari and Dries Goossens,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: OR In sports; Multi-league timetabling; Venue capacity; Round robin; Home-away patterns;
R&D manpower and technological performance: The impact of demographic and task-related diversity,
Dries Faems and Annapoornima M. Subramanian,
in Research Policy
Keywords: R&D manpower; Diversity; Technological performance;
Wigner distribution functions for complex dynamical systems: A path integral approach,
Dries Sels, Fons Brosens and Wim Magnus,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: Wigner distribution function; Reduced density matrix; Path integral; Propagator; Influence functionals;
A traditional Benders’ approach to sports timetabling,
David Van Bulck and Dries Goossens,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: OR in sports; Benders’ decomposition; First-break-then-schedule; First-day-off-then-schedule; Travelling tournament problem;
Classical trajectories: A powerful tool for solving tunneling problems,
Dries Sels, Fons Brosens and Wim Magnus,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: Wigner distribution function; Electronic transport; Tunneling; Nanostructures;