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1199 documents matched the search for Grazia Errichiello in authors.
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Absences from work and climate change: An empirical analysis,
Grazia Errichiello, from Stata Users Group (2022) Downloads

Foreign Workforce in the Arab Gulf States (1930–1950): Migration Patterns and Nationality Clause,
Gennaro Errichiello, in International Migration Review (2012) Downloads

Philosophie und kleine Geschichte der Marke,
Oliver Errichiello, from Springer (2017)

Rethinking Remote Office Work. The Opportunities of Smart Work Centers,
Luisa Errichiello and Tommasina Pianese, in Economia dei Servizi (2014)
Keywords: Telework; Remote Work; Smart Work Center; Innovation; Organizational Models; Icts.

La strategia della supply chain nei servizi,
Alessandra Marasco and Luisa Errichiello, in ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO (2007) Downloads

The role of networking in the development of new city services,
Alessandra Marasco and Luisa Errichiello, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services (ServPPINs),Networking,service innovation,smart city,innovation de service,Réseau,ville intelligente,réseaux d’innovation public-privé dans les services

Leveraging Smart Open Innovation for Achieving Cultural Sustainability: Learning from a New City Museum Project,
Luisa Errichiello and Roberto Micera, in Sustainability (2018)
Keywords: cultural sustainability; smart city; open innovation; new city museum planning; case study

Herausforderungen grüner Markenführung,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Grüner Konsum,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Die Marke verstehen,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Entwicklung, Entfaltung und Führung einer grünen Marke,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Markenmanagement: Die sechs Grundsätze grüner Markenführung,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Challenges of Green Brand Management,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Green Consumption,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Understanding the Brand,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Development, Evolution and Management of a Green Brand,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Brand Management: The Six Principles of Green Brand Management,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Die sozioökonomische Entwicklung des Tourismus,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Der Hospitality-Markt als ökonomische Größe,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Theoretische Grundlagen des touristischen Marketings,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Entwicklungen und Trends im Bereich Tourismus und Hospitality,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Die Marke im Tourismus,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Markenoperationalisierung in der Hospitality,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Marketing Controlling,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Fazit: Aktuelle strategisch-operative Herausforderungen für die Hotellerie,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

Remote Work admist the Covid-19 outbreak: Insights from an Ensemble Community-Based Keyword Network Analysis,
Carlo Drago and Luisa Errichiello, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2024)
Keywords: Remote work, telework, virtual work, covid-19, pandemic, bibliometric analysis

Remote Work admist the Covid-19 outbreak: Insights from an Ensemble Community-Based Keyword Network Analysis,
Carlo Drago and Luisa Errichiello, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) (2024)
Keywords: Health Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Grüne Markenführung,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2017)

Grüne Markenführung,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2021)

Green Branding,
Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2022)

Modernes Hospitality Marketing,
Oliver Errichiello and Sandra Bayer, from Springer (2023)

The axis of accessibility and the duality of control of remote workers: A literature review,
Joao Cunha, Luisa Errichiello and Tommasina Pianese, from HAL (2023)

Grundlagen der Markensoziologie,
Alexander Deichsel, Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche, from Springer (2017)

The Role of Merit-Based and Need-Based Financial Aid: Evidence from Trieste University's Grant Programs,
Grazia Graziosi, in Rivista italiana degli economisti (2014)
Keywords: Financial Higher Education; Evaluation of University Grants; Counterfactual Analysis. JEL classification: I22; H52; C21.

The new Italian emigration between necessity and choice: �Cordless workers� in Athens,
Grazia Moffa, in Academicus International Scientific Journal (2021)
Keywords: Italy; Greece; migrant workers; labour migration; new migration

Spatial planning. Theories, concepts, approaches. Comments about John Parr's paper,
Grazia Brunetta, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2005) Downloads

Stato, mercato, pianificazione,
Grazia Brunetta, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2006) Downloads

Competere e cooperare. Imposizione e auto-organizzazione nelle politiche territoriali,
Grazia Brunetta, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2006) Downloads

Valutazione e pianificazione. Verso l'integrazione?,
Grazia Brunetta, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2006) Downloads

CENSLOC, Politiche per lo sviluppo locale. Analisi comparata dei patti territoriali e dei contratti di programma,
Grazia Servidio, in Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno (2008) Downloads

G. De Blasio, F. Lotti (a cura di), La valutazione degli aiuti alle imprese,
Grazia Servidio, in Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno (2009) Downloads

The Use of Gold and Silver in Babylonia during the First Millennium BCE,
Grazia Giovinazzo, in Rivista di storia economica (2009) Downloads

Sanitary and phytosanitary standards: Does consumers’ health protection justify developing countries’ producers’ exclusion?,
Cristina Grazia, in Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (2012) Downloads

Leoncini R. - Montresor S. (2003), "Technological Systems and Intersectoral Innovation Flows",
Grazia Santangelo, in Economia politica (2004) Downloads

Corporate Technological Specialisation in the European Information and Communications Technology Industry,
Grazia Santangelo, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (1998)
Keywords: ICT, corporate technological specialisation, patents

Valutazione integrata territoriale per il governo del territorio,
Grazia Brunetta, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2013)
Keywords: VAS, pianificazione territoriale, valutazione, politiche regionali.

Intelligence artificielle et réseaux. Fracture sociale et virtualisation,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2021)

Giving up your privacy for free after Snowden,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2017)

Giving up your privacy for free after Snowden's revelation,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2017)

The economics of innovation: a review article,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Economics of complexity,Economics of innovation

Creative and adaptive responses in technological change,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Creative and adaptive responses,Technological change,VoIP

Economics of soft innovation: a review article,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Product differentiation,Economics of soft innovation

VoIP diffusion among new entrants: a path dependent process,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: VoIP diffusion,Path and past dependency,Localized technological change

Intelligence artificielle et réseaux face à la pandémie: fracture sociale et virtualisation,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2022)

EIBA 2007 Annual conference,
Grazia Santangelo, in Economics Bulletin (2007) Downloads

Objectives and Instruments of Industrial Policy: a Territory-level Analysis,
Grazia Servidio, in Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno (2023)
Keywords: Mezzogiorno; Industrial Policy; Regional Policy.

Study of mixing systems and geometric configurations for anaerobic digesters using CFD analysis,
Grazia Leonzio, in Renewable Energy (2018)
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion; Mixing system; Computational fluid dynamics; Geometric configuration; Statistical analysis; Process simulation;

Fluid dynamic study of anaerobic digester: optimization of mixing and geometric configuration by using response surface methodology and factorial design,
Grazia Leonzio, in Renewable Energy (2019)
Keywords: Factorial design; Response surface methodology; Anaerobic digestion; Fluid dynamic study; Mixing and geometric optimization;

Analysis and optimization of a methanol reactor with the adsorption of carbon monoxide and water,
Grazia Leonzio, in Renewable Energy (2020)
Keywords: Fluidized bed methanol reactor; Adsorption; ANOVA analysis; Response surface methodology; Optimization;

Solar systems integrated with absorption heat pumps and thermal energy storages: state of art,
Grazia Leonzio, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017)
Keywords: Photovoltaic solar systems; Photovoltaic/thermal solar systems; Thermal energy storages; Refrigeration of solar systems; Absorption heat pumps; Environmental and energy efficiency;

The impact of the information and communications technology revolution on the internationalisation of corporate technology,
Grazia Santangelo, in International Business Review (2001)
Keywords: Internationalisation Information and communications technology Technological interrelatedness Corporate technological diversification

The Regional Geography of Corporate Patenting in Information and Communications Technology (ICT): Domestic and Foreign Dimensions,
Grazia Santangelo, in Regional Studies (2002)
Keywords: Information And Communications Technology, Multinational Corporations, European Regions, Research And Development,

Creative and adaptive responses in technological change,
Grazia Cecere, from International Telecommunications Society (ITS) (2012)
Keywords: creative and adaptive responses, technological change, VoIP

Inter-European Regional Dispersion of Corporate Research Activity in Information and Communications Technology: The Case of German, Italian and UK Regions,
Grazia Santangelo, in International Journal of the Economics of Business (2000)
Keywords: Corporate Research And Development, European Regions,

VoIP Diffusion among New Entrants: A Path Dependent Process,
Grazia Cecere, in Industry and Innovation (2009)
Keywords: VoIP diffusion, path and past dependency, localized technological change,

Borders as infrastructure: the technopolitics of border control,
Grazia Tona, in Journal of Borderlands Studies (2022) Downloads

The global reach of the new Italian associationism: Challenges in the exploratory analysis of the phenomenon,
Grazia Moffa, in Academicus International Scientific Journal (2024)
Keywords: transnationalism; diaspora networks; migrant integration; associative structures; cosmopolitan migration

The tension of information sharing: Effects on subsidiary embeddedness,
Grazia Santangelo, in International Business Review (2012)
Keywords: Subsidiary embeddedness; Market competition; Pressure to innovate; Unintended private knowledge spillovers; Peripheral areas;

MNCs and linkages creation: Evidence from a peripheral area,
Grazia Santangelo, in Journal of World Business (2009)
Keywords: Multinational corporations Linkages creation periphery

The impact of FDI in land in agriculture in developing countries on host country food security,
Grazia Santangelo, in Journal of World Business (2018)
Keywords: Food security; FDI in land; land grabbing; Agriculture; Country of origin; Home institutional pressure; Spillovers; Host developing countries;

Corporate strategic technological partnerships in the European information and communications technology industry,
Grazia Santangelo, in Research Policy (2000) Downloads

Economics of soft innovation: a review article,
Grazia Cecere, in Economics of Innovation and New Technology (2012) Downloads

The economics of innovation: a review article,
Grazia Cecere, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Economics of complexity,Economics of innovation

Social Capital and Energy Transition: A Conceptual Review,
Grazia Giacovelli, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: social capital; energy transition; community change; review

The Seismic Coat: A Sustainable and Integrated Approach to the Retrofit of Existing Buildings,
Grazia Lombardo, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: seismic coat; building rehabilitation; sustainable retrofit; energy saving; seismic safety; natural stone; prestressed blocks; dry-assembled

The economics of innovation: a review article,
Grazia Cecere, in The Journal of Technology Transfer (2015)
Keywords: Economics of innovation, Economics of complexity, O3, B3, O4,

Registered author: Grazia Cecere

Innovation in Multinational Corporations in the Information Age,
Grazia Santangelo, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2002)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology,

Funding of protected areas: a purely public task?,
Grazia Withalm, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2017)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Market participation, innovation adoption and poverty in rural Ghana,
Grazia Pacillo, from Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School (2016) Downloads

Registered author: Grazia Pacillo

The Role of Corporate Communication in the Digital Age: An Era of Change for the Communication Profession,
Grazia Murtarelli, from Springer (2017)
Keywords: Wall Street Journal, Communication Professional, Organisational Success, Corporate Communication, Internal Stakeholder

The role of merit-based and need-based financial aid: Evidence from Trieste University's grant programs,
Grazia Graziosi, from DEAMS - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche "Bruno de Finetti" (2013)
Keywords: Financial higher education, Evaluation of university grants, Conterfactual analysis

Organizational control in the context of remote working: A synthesis of empirical findings and a research agenda,
Tommasina Pianese, Luisa Errichiello and Joao Vieira da Cunha, from HAL (2023)

International Workshop on Innovation, Multinationals and Local Development,
Grazia D. Santangelo and Grazia D. Santangelo, in Economics Bulletin (2005) Downloads

G. Ietto Gillies - Probability and Economics in the Works of Bruno de Finetti,
Grazia Ietto-Gillies and Grazia Ietto Gillies, in Economia Internazionale / International Economics (1987)

The Contribution of Accountancy Intelligence to the Development of the Economic Intelligence,
Petroianu Grazia – Oana, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2011)
Keywords: economic intelligence, accounting intelligence, financial intelligence, knowledge management.

The Role of Accounting Information in the Decision Making Process,
Petroianu Grazia – Oana, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2012)
Keywords: management process, accounting system, decision making process, accounting information.

The Role of Accountancy and of the Expert Accountant within the Framework of Present International Economic Crisis,
Petroianu Grazia – Oana, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2010)
Keywords: International economic crisis, Global financial system, Expert accountant.

I congressi contro la disoccupazione in Europa tra il 1906 e il 1910,
Maria Grazia Meriggi, in Economia & lavoro (2006) Downloads

Terziarization of the consumptions and competitive convergences,
Maria Grazia Cardinali, in Economia dei Servizi (2008)
Keywords: intertype competition, out of home food consumption, vertical branding, retailing

Risorse comunitarie, regioni e politiche del MBAC,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2005) Downloads

L'eredità del Quadro Comunitario di Sostegno 2000-2006,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2009) Downloads

A dieci anni dalla Conferenza Europea del Paesaggio,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2010) Downloads

I 50 anni della tutela,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2011) Downloads

Il Premio del Paesaggio del Consiglio d'Europa: buone esperienze dai territori,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2012) Downloads

Public policies for contemporary art in Italy: building a Network,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2014)
Keywords: Public Institutions; Policies and Plans for the Contemporary; Tools of Organization; Funding; Public-Private Relationships; Regional Differences; International Scene.

Periferie urbane e partecipazione sociale: l'esperienza di Corviale,
Maria Grazia Bellisario, in Economia della Cultura (2015)
Keywords: Integrated Project; Cooperation; Building/City; Relationship; Participation; Sustainability.

I nuovi modelli di sviluppo dell'innovazione di prodotto nel retailing,
Maria Grazia Cardinali, in Micro & Macro Marketing (2006) Downloads

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