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77546 documents matched the search for Frank, Richard in authors.
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A Model of State Expenditures on Mental Health Services,
Richard G. Frank, in Public Finance Review (1985) Downloads

New estimates of drug development costs,
Richard G. Frank, in Journal of Health Economics (2003) Downloads

Human trafficking indicators: A new dataset,
Richard W. Frank, in International Interactions (2022) Downloads

Long-term Care Financing in the United States: Sources and Institutions,
Richard G. Frank, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2012) Downloads

Long-term Care Financing in the United States: Sources and Institutions,
Richard G. Frank, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2012) Downloads

Pricing and Location of Physician Services in Mental Health,
Richard G Frank, in Economic Inquiry (1985)

Note---On Making the Illustration Illustrative: A Comment on Banker, Conrad and Strauss,
Richard G. Frank, in Management Science (1988)
Keywords: cost function, aggregation, casemix, hospital

Behavioral Economics and Health Economics,
Richard G. Frank, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2004) Downloads

Pricing and Location of Physician Services in Mental Health,
Richard G. Frank, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1984) Downloads

The health care challenge: some perspectives from behavioral economics,
Richard G. Frank, in Conference Series ; [Proceedings] (2005)
Keywords: Health care reform

The Evolution of US Policy Responses to the Opioid Epidemic,
Richard G. Frank, from Office of Health Economics (2020)
Keywords: The Evolution of US Policy Responses to the Opioid Epidemic

The Bayesian Score Statistic,
Frank Kleibergen, Richard Kleijn and Richard Paap, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (2000)
Keywords: bayesian statistics

Custom-made versus ready-to-wear treatments: Behavioral propensities in physicians' choices,
Richard G. Frank and Richard Zeckhauser, in Journal of Health Economics (2007) Downloads

High-Priced Drugs in Medicare Part D: Diagnosis and Potential Prescription,
Richard G. Frank and Richard Zeckhauser, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2018) Downloads

Custom Made Versus Ready to Wear Treatments; Behavioral Propensities in Physician's Choices,
Richard G. Frank and Richard Zeckhauser, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2007) Downloads

Excess Prices for Drugs in Medicare: Diagnosis and Prescription,
Richard G. Frank and Richard Zeckhauser, from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government (2018) Downloads

Health Insurance Exchanges — Making the Markets Work,
Richard Zeckhauser and Richard Gabriel Frank, from Harvard Kennedy School of Government (2009) Downloads

The Bayesian Score Statistic,
Frank Kleibergen, Richard Kleijn and Richard Paap, from Tinbergen Institute (2000) Downloads

The Effect of Compensation Awards upon Consumption and Savings,
Frank Slesnick and Richard Dolin, in Journal of Forensic Economics (1988) Downloads

Economic Incentives for Controlling Trade-Related Biological Invasions in the Great Lakes,
Richard Horan and Frank Lupi, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2005) Downloads

Tradeable risk permits to prevent future introductions of invasive alien species into the Great Lakes,
Richard Horan and Frank Lupi, in Ecological Economics (2005) Downloads

The economics of invasive species control and management: The complex road ahead,
Richard Horan and Frank Lupi, in Resource and Energy Economics (2010) Downloads

Richard Horan and Frank Lupi, from American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association) (2003)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Economic Incentives for Controlling Trade-Related Biological Invasions in the Great Lakes,
Frank Lupi and Richard Horan, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2005)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Priors, posteriors and Bayes factors for a Bayesian analysis of cointegration,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (1998)
Keywords: Bayes factors, Bayesian analysis of cointegration, Cointegration, posterior densities

Generalized Reduced Rank Tests using the Singular Value Decomposition,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (2003)
Keywords: GMM, cointegration, stochastic discount factor model

Generalized Reduced Rank Tests using the Singular Value Decomposition,
Richard Paap and Frank Kleibergen, from Econometric Society (2004)
Keywords: Rank test; Cointegration; GMM

Priors, posteriors and bayes factors for a Bayesian analysis of cointegration,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, in Journal of Econometrics (2002) Downloads

The network structure of malware development, deployment and distribution,
Mitch Macdonald and Richard Frank, in Global Crime (2017) Downloads

Illicit payments for illicit goods: noncontact drug distribution on Russian online drug marketplaces,
Alexander Mikhaylov and Richard Frank, in Global Crime (2018) Downloads

Differences of opinion and selection bias in the credit rating industry,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, in Journal of Banking & Finance (1997) Downloads

The Transition of Land to Urban Use,
Richard Arnott and Frank Lewis, from Economics Department, Queen's University (1977)

Sovereign risk assessment and agency credit ratings,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, in European Financial Management (1996) Downloads

The Male-Female Pay Gap Driven by Coupling between Labor Markets and Mating Markets,
Steven Frank and Richard Mckenzie, in Journal of Bioeconomics (2006)
Keywords: discrimination, gender bias, labor economics, mate choice, sexual selection, wage gap,

Stock options and capital structure,
Richard MacMinn and Frank Page, in Annals of Finance (2006)
Keywords: Stock options, Managerial compensation, Capital structure, Pecking order theory, Convexity and risk,

Comment: Stimulating employer-provided general training,
Richard Murnane and Frank Levy, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (1994) Downloads

Priors, Posterior Odds and Lagrange Multiplier Statistics in Bayesian Analyses of Cointegration,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (1996)
Keywords: Bayesian analyses, Lagrange multiplier statistics, cointegration

Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, in Journal of Econometrics (2006) Downloads

MCMC methods for comparing stochastic volatility and GARCH models,
Richard Gerlach and Frank Tuyl, in International Journal of Forecasting (2006) Downloads

An Assessment of Measurement Error Bias for Estimating the Effect of Mental Distress on Income,
Richard Frank and Paul Gertler, in Journal of Human Resources (1991) Downloads

Welfare Reform, Work Requirements, and Employment Barriers,
Ellen Meara and Richard Frank, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Choice, Price Competition and Complexity in Markets for Health Insurance,
Richard Frank and Karine Lamiraud, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2008) Downloads

Using a Control Function to Resolve the Travel Cost Endogeneity Problem in Recreation Demand Models,
Richard Melstrom and Frank Lupi, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Market Forces, Diversification of Activity, and the Mission of No t-for -Profit Hospitals,
Richard Frank and David Salkever, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2000) Downloads

Incentives, Optimality, and Publicly Provided Goods: The Case of Mental Health Services,
Richard Frank and Martin Gaynor, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1991) Downloads

Identifying demand for health resources using waiting times information,
Richard Blundell and Frank Windmeijer, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2000) Downloads

Cluster effects and simultaneity in multilevel models,
Richard Blundell and Frank Windmeijer, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (1997) Downloads

Land Drainage Policy in Ireland,
Richard Bruton and Frank Convery, from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) (1982) Downloads

A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service,
Frank Kelly and Richard Steinberg, in Management Science (2000)
Keywords: auctions, combinatorial bidding, universal service, carrier of last resort, telecommunications, synergies

The Transition of Land to Urban Use,
Richard Arnott and Frank Lewis, in Journal of Political Economy (1979) Downloads

U.S. Earnings Levels and Earnings Inequality: A Review of Recent Trends and Proposed Explanations,
Frank Levy and Richard Murnane, in Journal of Economic Literature (1992) Downloads

Guest Editors' introduction to special topic on "China's economic presence: implications for the Asia Pacific region",
Richard Hooley and Frank Hsiao, in Journal of Asian Economics (2004) Downloads

Using a Control Function to Resolve the Travel Cost Endogeneity Problem in Recreation Demand Models,
Richard Melstrom and Frank Lupi, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: Recreation demand, random utility model, travel cost method, travel cost endogeneity, control function, alternative specific constants, recreational fishing

From Low-cost Carriers to Network Carriers without Legacy? Evolving Airline Business Models in Europe,
Richard Klophaus and Frank Fichert, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2019)
Keywords: Airline management, low-cost carrier (LCC), network topology, connecting traffic, point-to-point network, hub-and-spoke network, mesh network

EUROMOD Country Report Germany: EUROMOD Version F6.0; Project on Behalf of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission,
Richard Ochmann and Frank Fossen, from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (2012) Downloads

Cluster effects and simultaneity in multilevel models,
Richard Blundell and Frank Windmeijer, in Health Economics (1997) Downloads

Identifying demand for health resources using waiting times information,
Richard Blundell and Frank Windmeijer, in Health Economics (2000) Downloads

With What Skills Are Computers a Complement?,
Frank Levy and Richard Murnane, in American Economic Review (1996) Downloads

Sovereign credit ratings,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, in Current Issues in Economics and Finance (1995)
Keywords: Debts, External; Corporate bonds; Credit

Determinants and impact of sovereign credit ratings,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, in Economic Policy Review (1996)
Keywords: Credit; Debts, External

Standards, information, and the demand for student achievement,
Frank Levy and Richard Murnane, in Economic Policy Review (1998)
Keywords: Education

The credit rating industry,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, in Quarterly Review (1994)
Keywords: Credit

Multiple ratings and credit standards: differences of opinion in the credit rating industry,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1995)
Keywords: Credit; Corporate bonds

Determinants and impacts of sovereign credit ratings,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1996)
Keywords: Credit; Debts, External

Multiple ratings and credit standards: differences of opinion in the credit rating industry,
Richard Cantor and Frank Packer, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1996)
Keywords: Corporate bonds; Sampling (Statistics); Credit

The Attitudes of Canadians to Productivity: Balancing Standard of Living and Quality of Life,
Frank Graves and Richard Jenkins, from Centre for the Study of Living Standards (2002)
Keywords: Government, Productivity, Growth, Labour Productivity, Labor Productivity, Living Standards, Quality of Life, Policy, Public Opinion, Innovation, Jobs, Employment, Unemployment, Investment

Generalized Reduced Rank Tests using the Singular Value Decomposition,
Frank Kleibergen and Richard Paap, from Tinbergen Institute (2003)
Keywords: stochastic discount factor model; cointegration; GMM

Organizational Strategy and Technological Adaptation to Global Change,
Frank McDonald and Richard Thorpe, from Palgrave Macmillan (1998)

Frank McDonald and Richard Thorpe, from Palgrave Macmillan (1998)
Keywords: Direct Foreign Investment, Global Change, International Business, Institutional Framework, European Monetary Union

The Effect of Benefit Design on the Length of Stay of Medicaid Psychiatric Patients,
Richard G. Frank and Judith R. Lave, in Journal of Human Resources (1986) Downloads

A Comparison of Hospital Responses to Reimbursement Policies for Medicaid Psychiatric Patients,
Richard G. Frank and Judith R. Lave, in RAND Journal of Economics (1989) Downloads

Identifying seasonality in futures prices using X‐11,
Richard Vaughn, Marvin Kelly and Frank Hochheimer, in Journal of Futures Markets (1981) Downloads

Migrant remittances and the onset of civil war,
Patrick M. Regan and Richard W. Frank, in Conflict Management and Peace Science (2014)
Keywords: Civil conflict; economic shocks; migrants; remittances

Population Size and Industrial Diversification: A Rejoinder,
Frank Clemente and Richard B. Sturgis, in Urban Studies (1973) Downloads

Population Size and Industrial Diversification,
Frank Clemente and Richard B. Sturgis, in Urban Studies (1971) Downloads

The Sallie Rohrbach story: lessons for auditors and fraud examiners,
Frank S. Perri and Richard G. Brody, in Journal of Financial Crime (2011)
Keywords: Workplace, Violence, Fraud, Murder

The optics of fraud: affiliations that enhance offender credibility,
Frank S. Perri and Richard G. Brody, in Journal of Financial Crime (2012)
Keywords: Affinity fraud, Ponzi scheme, Projection bias, White‐collar crime, Fraud, Criminals

The optics of fraud: affiliations that enhance offender credibility,
Frank S. Perri and Richard G. Brody, in Journal of Financial Crime (2012)
Keywords: Fraud, Crimes, Trust, Affinity fraud, Ponzi scheme, Projection bias, White‐collar crime

Fraud detection suicide: the dark side of white-collar crime,
Richard G. Brody and Frank S. Perri, in Journal of Financial Crime (2016)
Keywords: Suicide, White-collar crime, Red-collar crime

The dark triad: organized crime, terror and fraud,
Frank S. Perri and Richard G. Brody, in Journal of Money Laundering Control (2011)
Keywords: Terrorism, Crimes, Fraud

The Evolution of Mexican Migration to the United States: A Case Study,
Richard Mines and Carole Frank Nuckton, from University of California, Davis, Giannini Foundation (1982)
Keywords: International Development, Labor and Human Capital

Will Standards-Based Reforms Improve the Education of Students of Color?,
Richard J. Murnane and Frank Levy, in National Tax Journal (2001) Downloads

For now, middle-skilled jobs are the most vulnerable,
Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane, in CESifo Forum (2006)
Keywords: Arbeitsplatzsicherung, Anforderungsprofil, Verlust, Arbeitsplatz, Globalisierung, Industriestaaten, Job security, Occupational profile, Loss, Job, Globalization, Industrialized countries

Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capital Investors and Entrepreneurs,
Frank Kerins, Janet Smith and Richard Smith, in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2004) Downloads

The sleeping watch dog: aka the Securities and Exchange Commission,
Frank S. Perri and Richard G. Brody, in Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (2011)
Keywords: Securities and Exchange Commission, Fraud, Ponzi schemes, Securities

Deficit Reduction and Income Redistribution,
Edward Gramlich, Richard Kasten and Frank Sammartino, in American Economic Review (1989) Downloads

Nonprofit Organizations in the Health Sector,
Richard G. Frank and David Salkever, in Journal of Economic Perspectives (1994) Downloads

Work for Welfare: How Much Good Will It Do?,
Frank Levy and Richard C Michel, in American Economic Review (1986) Downloads

The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First?,
Robert Frank and Richard T Freeman, in The Review of Economics and Statistics (1978) Downloads

Lasting scars: The impact of depression in early adulthood on subsequent labor market outcomes,
Buyi Wang, Richard Frank and Sherry Glied, in Health Economics (2023) Downloads

Hospital responses to incentives in alternative reimbursement systems,
Robert L. Seidman and Richard G. Frank, in Journal of Behavioral Economics (1985) Downloads

Measurement-Based Usage Charges in Communications Networks,
Costas Courcoubetis, Frank Kelly and Richard Weber, in Operations Research (2000)
Keywords: Communications: measurement-based charging

The impact of prospectively set hospital budgets on psychiatric admissions,
Richard G. Frank and Catherine A. Jackson, in Social Science & Medicine (1989)
Keywords: prospective payment psychiatric care hospitals economics

Technical and allocative efficiency in production of outpatient mental health clinic services,
Richard G. Frank and Carl A. Taube, in Social Science & Medicine (1987)
Keywords: production function allocative efficiency staffing

Importance of system components and fault tree events,
Richard E. Barlow and Frank Proschan, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (1975)
Keywords: coherent structures fault trees component importance min cuts structural importance competing risk maintained systems

Quality, quantity and total expenditures on publicly provided goods: the case of public mental hospitals,
Richard G. Frank and Mark S. Kamlet, in Journal of Public Economics (1986) Downloads

Low cost carriers going hybrid: Evidence from Europe,
Richard Klophaus, Roland Conrady and Frank Fichert, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2012)
Keywords: Airline industry dynamics; Airline strategies; Low-cost airlines; Hybrid airlines;

In recognition of Joseph P. Newhouse,
Richard G. Frank and Thomas G. McGuire, in Journal of Health Economics (2007) Downloads

Piero Sraffa and 'the true object of economics': the role of the unpublished manuscripts,
Stephanie Blankenburg, Richard Arena and Frank Wilkinson, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Piero Sraffa

The Adaptive Consequences of Pride in Personal Selling,
Willem Verbeke, Frank Belschak and Richard Bagozzi, from Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2004)
Keywords: hubris, marketing, meta-emotions, organizational citizenship behaviors, pride, work motivation

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