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8738 documents matched the search for Florian PELGRIN in authors.
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Contraintes de liquidité et capital humain dans une petite économie ouverte,
Florian Pelgrin, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: Economic models

SVARs in the Frequency Domain using a Continuum of Restrictions,
Alain Guay and Florian Pelgrin, from Chair in macroeconomics and forecasting, University of Quebec in Montreal's School of Management (2021)
Keywords: SVARs, Frequency domain, Asymptotic least squares, Continuum of identifying restrictions.

Time-consistent control in nonlinear models,
Steven Ambler and Florian Pelgrin, in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2010)
Keywords: Optimal government policy Time consistency Control theory

Structural VAR models in the Frequency Domain,
Alain Guay and Florian Pelgrin, in Journal of Econometrics (2023)
Keywords: SVARs; Frequency domain; Asymptotic least squares; Continuum of identifying restrictions;

Time-Consistent Control in Non-Linear Models,
Steven Ambler and Florian Pelgrin, from Bank of Canada (2007)
Keywords: Fiscal policy; Monetary policy framework

Bayesian inference and state number determination for hidden Markov models: an application to the information content of the yield curve about inflation,
Nicolas Chopin and Florian Pelgrin, in Journal of Econometrics (2004) Downloads

Estimating aggregate autoregressive processes when only macro data are available,
Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, in Economics Letters (2014)
Keywords: Autoregressive process; Aggregation; Heterogeneity;

On the long-run fluctuations of inheritance in two-sector OLG models,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2022)
Keywords: Two-sector overlapping generations model; Altruism; Bequest; Endogenous fluctuations; Quasi-palindromic polynomial; Periodic and quasi-periodic cycles;

Un regard bayésien sur les modèles dynamiques de la macroéconomie,
Florian Pelgrin and Stéphane Adjemian, in Économie et Prévision (2008) Downloads

Un regard bayésien sur les modèles dynamiques de la macroéconomie,
Stéphane Adjemian and Florian Pelgrin, in Economie & Prévision (2008)
Keywords: Bayesian econometrics, VAR models, DSGE models

Time Consistent Control in Non-Linear Models,
Steven Ambler and Florian Pelgrin, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)
Keywords: Optimal government policy; Time consistent control

Specification and the Technology-Hours Debate: What Can We learn from Bayesian VARSs?,
Florian Pelgrin and Paul Corrigan, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)
Keywords: Real Business Cycles, Technology Shocks, Stationarity of Hours.

The U.S. New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Empirical Assessment,
Alain Guay and Florian Pelgrin, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: Inflation and prices; Econometric and statistical methods

Using Implied Probabilities to Improve the Estimation of Unconditional Moment Restrictions for Weakly Dependent Data,
Alain Guay and Florian Pelgrin, in Econometric Reviews (2016) Downloads

Financial development and investment: panel data evidence for OECD countries from 1970 to 1997,
Sebastian Schich and Florian Pelgrin, in Applied Economics Letters (2002) Downloads

Computing Optimal Policy in a Timeless-Perspective: An Application to a Small-Open Economy,
Michel Juillard and Florian Pelgrin, from Bank of Canada (2007)
Keywords: Monetary policy framework

Which order is too much? An application to a model with staggered price and wage contracts,
Florian Pelgrin and Michel Juillard, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2004)
Keywords: Approximation methods, Perturbations, Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models

Which order is too much? An application to a model with staggered price and wage contratcs,
Florian Pelgrin and Michel Juillard, from Society for Computational Economics (2004)
Keywords: Approximation methods, Perturbations, DSGE models

Computing optimal policy functions in a timeless perspective: An application,
Florian Pelgrin and Michel Juillard, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)

On the long-run fluctuations of inheritance in two-sector OLG models,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Two-sector overlapping generations model,Altruism,Bequest,Endogenous fluctuations,Quasi-palindromic polynomial,Periodic and quasi-periodic cycles

On the long-run fluctuations of inheritance in two-sector OLG models,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: altruism,bequest,two-sector overlapping generations model,optimal growth,endogenous fluctuations,quasi-palindromic polynomial,periodic and quasi-periodic cycles

Introduction aux modèles espace-état et au filtre de Kalman,
Matthieu Lemoine and Florian Pelgrin, in Revue de l'OFCE (2003) Downloads

Introduction aux modèles espace état et au filtre de Kalman,
Matthieu Lemoine and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Introduction aux modèles espace état et au filtre de Kalman,
Matthieu Lemoine and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Health and (Other) Asset Holdings,
Julien Hugonnier and Florian Pelgrin, in The Review of Economic Studies (2013) Downloads

Panel Cointegration Analysis of the Finance-Investment Link in OECD Countries,
Florian Pelgrin and Sebastian Schich, from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) (2002) Downloads

Aggregating Rational Expectations Models in the Presence of Unobserved Micro Heterogeneity,
Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from Swiss Finance Institute (2009)
Keywords: Aggregation, Rational expectations models, Heterogeneity.

Estimating Aggregate Autoregressive Processes When Only Macro Data are Available,
Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from Swiss Finance Institute (2014)
Keywords: Autoregressive process, Aggregation, Heterogeneity

Bayesian Hidden Markov Analysis of the Information Content of the Yield Curve about Inflation,
Nicolas Chopin and Florian Pelgrin, from Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (2001) Downloads

National Saving-Investment Dynamics and International Capital Mobility,
Florian Pelgrin and Sebastian Schich, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: International topics

On the long-run fluctuations of inheritance in two-sector OLG models,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, from Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France (2020)
Keywords: two-sector overlapping generations model, optimal growth, endogenous fluctuations, quasi-palindromic polynomial, periodic and quasi-periodic cycles, altruism, bequest

Using Implied Probabilities to Improve Estimation with Unconditional Moment Restrictions,
Alain Guay and Florian Pelgrin, from CIRPEE (2007)
Keywords: Information-based inference, Implied probabilities, Weak identification, Generalized method of moments, Philips curve

La baisse des taux d'épargne privée durant les années 90 dans les pays de l'OCDE: Contribution des déterminants autres que la richesse,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain de Serres, in Revue économique de l'OCDE (2004) Downloads

The Decline in Private Saving Rates in the 1990s in OECD Countries: How Much Can be Explained by Non-Wealth Determinants?,
Alain de Serres and Florian Pelgrin, from OECD Publishing (2002)
Keywords: effet de richesse, estimations de panel, panel estimates, private saving, wealth effects, épargne privée

The Implications of Information Lags for the Stabilization Bias and Optimal Delegation,
Jean-Paul Lam and Florian Pelgrin, from Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (2007)
Keywords: Stabilization bias, Inflation Targeting, Discretion, Commitment, Information Lag

Parametric inference of autoregressive heteroscedastic models with errors in variables,
Salima El Kolei and Florian Pelgrin, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2017)
Keywords: Hidden Markov model; Parametric estimation; Deconvolution; Heteroscedasticity;

Long-memory process and aggregation of AR(1) stochastic processes: A new characterization,
Bernard Candelpergher, Michel Miniconi and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Aggregation,Autoregressive process,Heterogeneity,Complex variable analysis

The Implications of Transmission and Information Lags for the Stabilization Bias and Optimal Delegation,
Jean-Paul Lam and Florian Pelgrin, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: Transmission of monetary policy; Inflation targets

Life cycle responses to health insurance status,
Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, in Journal of Health Economics (2016)
Keywords: Demand for health; Endogenous morbidity and mortality risks; Asset accumulation; Medicare; Simulated moments estimation;

Aggregating Phillips Curves,
Eric Jondeau, Jean Imbs and Florian Pelgrin, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2007)
Keywords: Heterogeneity; Inflation persistence; Marginal costs; New keynesian phillips curve; Nominal rigidities

Aggregating Phillips curves,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2006)
Keywords: Inflation, New Keynesian Phillips curve, aggregation, GMM, Maximum likelihood

Aggregating Phillips curves,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from European Central Bank (2007)
Keywords: heterogeneity, inflation persistence, marginal costs, new Keynesian Phillips curve

The Decline in Private Saving Rates in the 1990s in OECD Countries: How Much Can Be Explained by Non-wealth Determinants?,
Florian Pelgrin and Alain de Serres, in OECD Economic Studies (2003) Downloads

Sectoral Phillips curves and the aggregate Phillips curve,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve,Heterogeneity,Inflation Persistence,Marginal Costs

Sectoral Phillips curves and the aggregate Phillips curve,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve,Heterogeneity,Inflation Persistence,Marginal Costs

Sectoral Phillips curves and the aggregate Phillips curve,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve,Heterogeneity,Inflation Persistence,Marginal Costs

Sectoral Phillips curves and the aggregate Phillips curve,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2011) Downloads

The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Empirical Assessment,
Florian Pelgrin, Alain Guay and Richard Luger, from Society for Computational Economics (2004)
Keywords: Phillips curve, Inflation dynamics, GMM

The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An empirical assessment,
Florian Pelgrin, Alain Guay and Richard Luger, from Econometric Society (2004)
Keywords: GMM, Phillips Curve, Inflation dynamics

Translog ou Cobb-Douglas? Le rôle des durées d'utilisation des facteurs,
Eric Heyer, Florian Pelgrin and Arnaud Sylvain, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: Economic models

Durées d’utilisation des facteurs et fonction de production: une estimation par la méthode des moments généralisés en système,
Eric Heyer, Florian Pelgrin and Arnaud Sylvain, from Bank of Canada (2004)
Keywords: Economic models

Entreprises...en crise,
Odile Chagny, Florian Pelgrin and Mathieu Plane, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Capital operating time and working time in the production function: an evaluation on a panel firms over the period 1989-2001,
Florian Pelgrin, Arnaud Sylvain and Eric Heyer, from HAL (2004) Downloads

Durées d'utilisation des facteurs et fonction de production: une estimation par la méthode des moments généralisés en système,
Florian Pelgrin, Arnaud Sylvain and Eric Heyer, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Entreprises...en crise,
Odile Chagny, Florian Pelgrin and Mathieu Plane, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Capital operating time and working time in the production function: an evaluation on a panel firms over the period 1989-2001,
Florian Pelgrin, Arnaud Sylvain and Eric Heyer, from HAL (2004) Downloads

Durées d'utilisation des facteurs et fonction de production: une estimation par la méthode des moments généralisés en système,
Florian Pelgrin, Arnaud Sylvain and Eric Heyer, from HAL (2003) Downloads

Capital Operating Time and Working Time in the Production Function: An Evaluation on a Panel of French Firms over the Period 1989-2001,
Eric Heyer, Florian Pelgrin and Arnaud Sylvain, from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) (2004) Downloads

Durées d’utilisation des facteurs et fonction de production: une estimation par la méthode des moments généralisés en système,
Eric Heyer, Florian Pelgrin and Arnaud Sylvain, from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) (2003) Downloads

Aggregating Phillips Curves,
Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from Swiss Finance Institute (2007)
Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Heterogeneity, Inflation Persistence, Marginal Costs.

Life Cycle Responses to Health Insurance Status,
Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from Swiss Finance Institute (2015)
Keywords: Household Finance, Endogenous Morbidity and Mortality Risks, Demand for Health, Medicare and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Simulated Moments Estimation

Medium term endogenous fluctuations in three-sector optimal growth models,
Kazuo Nishimura, Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: mid-term fluctuations,Hopf bifurcation,endogenous cycle,periodicity,Three-sector optimal growth models

Medium term endogenous fluctuations in three-sector optimal growth models,
Kazuo Nishimura, Florian Pelgrin and Alain Venditti, from Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France (2023)
Keywords: three-sector optimal growth models; mid-term fluctuations; Hopf bifurcation; endogenous cycle; periodicity

Projection de trajectoires économiques par microsimulation. Quelle équité pour les retraites ?,
Alexis Dantec, Emmanuelle Nauze-Fichet and Florian Pelgrin, in Revue Économique (2000) Downloads

Increases in Business Investment Rates in OECD Countries in the 1990s: How Much Can be Explained by Fundamentals?,
Florian Pelgrin, Sebastian Schich and Alain de Serres, from OECD Publishing (2002)
Keywords: développement financier, financial development, investissement, investment, non-stationary panels, panel non-stationnaire

Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic and at Gunpoint,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, in The Economic Journal (2022) Downloads

Closing down the shop: Optimal health and wealth dynamics near the end of life,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St‐Amour, in Health Economics (2020) Downloads

Soccer labour market equilibrium and efficient training of players,
Marnix Amand, Arnaud Chéron, Florian Pelgrin and Anthony Terriau, in European Economic Review (2023)
Keywords: Human capital; Training; Poaching; Football; Transfer fees;

Soccer labour market equilibrium and efficient training of players,
Marnix Amand, Arnaud Chéron, Florian Pelgrin and Anthony Terriau, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Human capital,Training,Poaching,Football,Transfer fees

Health and (other) Asset Holdings,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from Swiss Finance Institute (2009)
Keywords: Portfolio, Health Investment, Mortality Risk.

A structural analysis of the health expenditures and portfolio choices of retired agents,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from Swiss Finance Institute (2010)
Keywords: Asset allocation; Expected lifetime; Health production function; Mortality risk; Recursive utility; Value of health; Value of life

Closing Down the Shop: Optimal Health and Wealth Dynamics Near the End of Life,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from Swiss Finance Institute (2018)
Keywords: End of life; Life cycle; Dis-savings; Endogenous mortality risk; Unmet medical needs; Right to refuse treatment

Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic and at Gunpoint,
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from Swiss Finance Institute (2018)
Keywords: Value of Human Life, Human Capital, Value of Statistical Life, Hicksian Willingness to Pay, Equivalent Variation, Mortality, Structural Estimation

Soccer Labour Market Equilibrium and Efficient Training of Talents,
Marnix Amand, Arnaud Chéron, Florian Pelgrin and Anthony Terriau, from TEPP (2022) Downloads

Retraites de l'Europe,
Alexis Dantec, Florian Pelgrin and Département analyse et prévision de l'OFCE, in Revue de l'OFCE (1998) Downloads

Contributions of Financial Systems to Growth in OECD Countries,
Michael Leahy, Sebastian Schich, Gert Wehinger, Florian Pelgrin and Thorsteinn Thorgeirsson, from OECD Publishing (2001)
Keywords: actionnaires, analyse par panel, creditors, croissance, créanciers, development, développement, enforcement, financial systems, growth, innovation, innovation, investissement, investment, panel analysis, recouvrement, shareholders, système financier, transparence, transparency

Aggregating Phillips Curves,
FAME,Eric Jondeau, University of Lausanne-HEC, Jean Imbs, Eric Jondeau and Florian Pelgrin, from Society for Computational Economics (2006)
Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Aggregation, GMM, bias

L’été meurtrier,
Xavier Timbeau, Eric Heyer, Hélène Baudchon, Odile Chagny, Valerie Chauvin, Gael Dupont, Amel Falah, Thierry Latreille, Sabine Le Bayon, Matthieu Lemoine, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Florian Pelgrin, Mathieu Plane, Christine Rifflart, Paola Veroni and Françoise Charpin, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Compétitivité,Commerce mondial,Revenus des ménages,Reprise

Reprise en porte-à-faux,
Xavier Timbeau, Eric Heyer, Hélène Baudchon, Odile Chagny, Valerie Chauvin, Gael Dupont, Thierry Latreille, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Florian Pelgrin, Mathieu Plane, Christine Rifflart, Paola Veroni, David Jestaz, Hervé Péléraux and Françoise Charpin, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Marché financier,Bourse,Taux de change

L’été meurtrier,
Xavier Timbeau, Eric Heyer, Hélène Baudchon, Odile Chagny, Valerie Chauvin, Gael Dupont, Amel Falah, Thierry Latreille, Sabine Le Bayon, Matthieu Lemoine, Catherine Mathieu, Hervé Péléraux, Florian Pelgrin, Mathieu Plane, Christine Rifflart, Paola Veroni and Françoise Charpin, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Compétitivité,Commerce mondial,Revenus des ménages,Reprise

Reprise en porte-à-faux,
Xavier Timbeau, Eric Heyer, Hélène Baudchon, Odile Chagny, Valerie Chauvin, Gael Dupont, Thierry Latreille, Sabine Le Bayon, Catherine Mathieu, Florian Pelgrin, Mathieu Plane, Christine Rifflart, Paola Veroni, David Jestaz, Hervé Péléraux and Françoise Charpin, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Marché financier,Bourse,Taux de change

Life cycle responses to health insurance status,
F. Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2014)
Keywords: household finance;endogenous morbidity and mortality risks; demand for health; medicare and patient protection and a ordable care act; simulated moments estimation;

Closing Down the Shop: Optimal Health and Wealth Dynamics near the End of Life,
Julien Hugonnier, F. Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2016)
Keywords: End of life; Life cycle; Dis-savings; Endogenous mortality risk; Unmet medical needs; Right to refuse treatment;

Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic and at Gunpoint,
Julien Hugonnier, Pelgrin, F.; and St-Amour, P.;, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2018)
Keywords: value of human life; human capital; value of statistical life; Hicksian willingness to pay; equivalent variation; mortality; structural estimation;

Iteratively reweighted adaptive lasso for conditional heteroscedastic time series with applications to AR-ARCH type processes,
Florian Ziel, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

Contract Governance within Corporate Governance: A Lesson from the Global Financial Crisis†,
Florian Möslein, in The IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy (2011)

Aspects Concerning the Content Particularities of the Romanian Sports Press,
Florian Petrică, in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication (2011)
Keywords: Sports journalism, agenda effect, tabloidization, the Olympic Games

Les prévisions de recettes fiscales ont-elles une couleur politique? Une analyse empirique dans le contexte des cantons suisses,
Florian Chatagny, in KOF Analysen (2015)
Keywords: Tax Revenue Projection, Finance minister, Ideology, Fiscal rules

Moving Beyond Cheap Labour? Industrial and Social Upgrading in the Garment and LED Industries of the Pearl River Delta,
Florian Butollo, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2013)
Keywords: China; automation; innovation; working conditions; industrial upgrading; labour rights; occupational skills

Analysis of Budgetary Decommitment Risk for the Programming Period 2007-2013,
Florian Marin, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2016)
Keywords: decommitment, eu funds, absorbtion

The effect of knowledge on the economic growth,
Florian Buşe, in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics (2004)
Keywords: knowledge, economical resource, production factor, public good, acquire knowledge, economic growth, international trade

Editorial: Varieties of Employment,
Florian Schramm, in management revue - Socio-Economic Studies (2007) Downloads

Évaluation empirique du frein à l’endettement neuchâtelois,
Florian Chatagny, in KOF Analysen (2018)
Keywords: debt brake, public debt and investment, business cycle Choices

Die Konfiguration von Wirtschaftssystemen: Ein internationaler Vergleich,
Florian Kirchner, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2010) Downloads

Immer wieder 2001 - Anmerkungen zur aktuellen rentenpolitischen Debatte,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2012) Downloads

Aufschwung mit Hindernissen – professionelle Sorgearbeit in Deutschland,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Und sie bewegt sich doch – Anmerkungen zur aktuellen rentenpolitischen Debatte,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Warum fasziniert das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen ?,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2018) Downloads

The Challenge of the Unknown – The Effect of Pay-What-You-Want on the Market Success of Publicly Subsidized Films,
Florian Drevs, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2013) Downloads

Europarechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für eine Reform des Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetzes,
Florian Rödl, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2012) Downloads

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