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8761 documents matched the search for Eppink, Florian in authors.
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Economic costs and environmental benefits of riparian restoration in New Zealand,
Florian Eppink and Adam Daigneault, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2016)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Comparing visible and less visible costs of the Habitats Directive: The case of hamster conservation in Germany,
Florian V. Eppink and Frank Wätzold, from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Division of Social Sciences (ÖKUS) (2007)
Keywords: Common hamster, Cost assessment, Cost-effectiveness, EU Habitats Directive, Land use, Spatial planning, Species conservation

Drivers of heritage value: A meta-analysis of monetary valuation studies of cultural heritage,
William C.C. Wright and Florian V. Eppink, in Ecological Economics (2016)
Keywords: Cultural ecosystem services; Conservation investment; Cultural economics; Historical heritage; Meta-analysis; Valuation;

The influence of labour flows on wage drift: an empirical analysis for The Netherlands,
Frank Den Butter and Florian Eppink, in Applied Economics Letters (2003) Downloads

Spatial patterns of biodiversity conservation in a multiregional general equilibrium model,
Florian V. Eppink and Cees Withagen, in Resource and Energy Economics (2009)
Keywords: Biodiversity conservation Extinction risk Monopolistic competition Population dynamics Regional specialisation Reserve sites Spatial economics

An Initial Assessment of the Economic Value of Coastal and Freshwater Wetlands in West Asia,
Florian V. Eppink, Luke M. Brander and Alfred J. Wagtendonk, in Land (2014)
Keywords: economic valuation; ecosystem services; mangroves; wetlands; value transfer

Are ecosystem service studies presenting the right information for decision making?,
William C.C. Wright, Florian V. Eppink and Suzie Greenhalgh, in Ecosystem Services (2017)
Keywords: Decision making; Ecosystem Services; Literature review; Valuation; Value presentation; Ecosystem service information use;

Ecological theories and indicators in economic models of biodiversity loss and conservation: A critical review,
Florian V. Eppink and Jeroen van den Bergh, in Ecological Economics (2007) Downloads

Modelling biodiversity and land use: urban growth, agriculture and nature in a wetland area,
Florian V. Eppink, Jeroen van den Bergh and Piet Rietveld, in Ecological Economics (2004) Downloads

How Best to Present Complex Ecosystem Information in Stated Preference Studies?,
Florian V. Eppink, Nick Hanley and Steven Tucker, in Ecological Economics (2019)
Keywords: Attribute representation; Choice experiment; Graphics; Information processing; Scale variance;

The Influence of Labour Flows on Wage Drift: an Empirical Analysis for the Netherlands,
Frank A.G. den Butter and Florian V. Eppink, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (2002)
Keywords: Wage formation; Wage drift; Labour flows

Non-Market Values in a Cost-Benefit World: Evidence from a Choice Experiment,
Florian V Eppink, Matthew Winden, Will C C Wright and Suzie Greenhalgh, in PLOS ONE (2016) Downloads

Aggregation and the matching of scales in spatial economics and landscape ecology: empirical evidence and prospects for integration,
Jan E. Vermaat, Florian Eppink, Jeroen van den Bergh, Aat Barendregt and Jasper van Belle, in Ecological Economics (2005) Downloads

Turtle Economic Value: The non-use value of marine turtles in the Asia-Pacific region,
Luke Brander, Florian Eppink, Christine Madden Hof, Joshua Bishop, Kimberly Riskas, Victoria Guisado Goñi, Lydia Teh and Louise Teh, in Ecological Economics (2024)
Keywords: Marine turtles; Asia-Pacific; Non-use values; Discrete choice experiment;

Does It Get Better? Recent Estimates of Sexual Orientation and Earnings in the United States,
Christopher S. Carpenter and Samuel T. Eppink, in Southern Economic Journal (2017) Downloads

Transgender Status, Gender Identity, and Socioeconomic Outcomes in the United States,
Christopher S. Carpenter, Samuel T. Eppink and Gilbert Gonzales, in ILR Review (2020)
Keywords: transgender status; gender identity; socioeconomic outcomes

Effects of Access to Legal Same-Sex Marriage on Marriage and Health: Evidence from BRFSS,
Christopher Carpenter, Samuel T. Eppink, Gilbert Gonzales and Tara McKay, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2018) Downloads

Effects of Access to Legal Same‐Sex Marriage on Marriage and Health,
Christopher S. Carpenter, Samuel T. Eppink, Gilbert Gonzales and Tara McKay, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2021) Downloads

Iteratively reweighted adaptive lasso for conditional heteroscedastic time series with applications to AR-ARCH type processes,
Florian Ziel, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

Contract Governance within Corporate Governance: A Lesson from the Global Financial Crisis†,
Florian Möslein, in The IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy (2011)

Aspects Concerning the Content Particularities of the Romanian Sports Press,
Florian Petrică, in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication (2011)
Keywords: Sports journalism, agenda effect, tabloidization, the Olympic Games

Les prévisions de recettes fiscales ont-elles une couleur politique? Une analyse empirique dans le contexte des cantons suisses,
Florian Chatagny, in KOF Analysen (2015)
Keywords: Tax Revenue Projection, Finance minister, Ideology, Fiscal rules

Moving Beyond Cheap Labour? Industrial and Social Upgrading in the Garment and LED Industries of the Pearl River Delta,
Florian Butollo, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2013)
Keywords: China; automation; innovation; working conditions; industrial upgrading; labour rights; occupational skills

Analysis of Budgetary Decommitment Risk for the Programming Period 2007-2013,
Florian Marin, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2016)
Keywords: decommitment, eu funds, absorbtion

The effect of knowledge on the economic growth,
Florian Buşe, in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics (2004)
Keywords: knowledge, economical resource, production factor, public good, acquire knowledge, economic growth, international trade

Editorial: Varieties of Employment,
Florian Schramm, in management revue - Socio-Economic Studies (2007) Downloads

Évaluation empirique du frein à l’endettement neuchâtelois,
Florian Chatagny, in KOF Analysen (2018)
Keywords: debt brake, public debt and investment, business cycle Choices

Die Konfiguration von Wirtschaftssystemen: Ein internationaler Vergleich,
Florian Kirchner, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2010) Downloads

Immer wieder 2001 - Anmerkungen zur aktuellen rentenpolitischen Debatte,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2012) Downloads

Aufschwung mit Hindernissen – professionelle Sorgearbeit in Deutschland,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Und sie bewegt sich doch – Anmerkungen zur aktuellen rentenpolitischen Debatte,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Warum fasziniert das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen ?,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2018) Downloads

The Challenge of the Unknown – The Effect of Pay-What-You-Want on the Market Success of Publicly Subsidized Films,
Florian Drevs, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2013) Downloads

Europarechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für eine Reform des Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetzes,
Florian Rödl, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2012) Downloads

Florian Teschner, in Journal of Prediction Markets (2013)
Keywords: prediction markets, disposition effect, market efficiency

Information multimodale en Alsace: état des lieux,
Florian Streb, from HAL (2004)
Keywords: Région Alsace,Strasbourg,Colmar,Mulhouse,Sélestat,Information multimodale,Transports collectifs,Centrale de mobilité,Information routière,Transport à la demande,Information voyageurs,Système d'information

The Digital Factory: A Reference Process Based Software Market Analysis,
Florian Himmler, in International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) (2014) Downloads

The Absorption Characteristics of the European Structural and Investment Funds in the Programming Period 2014 - 2020, in Romania,
Florian Marin, in International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM) (2019) Downloads

Problém životního prostředí ve světě a stav Evropské unie k uvedené problematice,
Florian Margan, in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations) (2007)
Keywords: životní prostředí, Evropská unie, změny klimatu

The energy distance for ensemble and scenario reduction,
Florian Ziel, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Optical computing with soliton trains in Bose–Einstein condensates,
Florian Pinsker, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (2015)
Keywords: Superfluids, optical computing, Bose-Einstein condensation, solitons, 05.45.-a, 67.85.Hj, 03.75.Kk

Florian Huehne, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF) (2007)
Keywords: Market model, Libor rates, intensity based model, Lévy-process, default risk, credit default swap, swaption

Florian Gach, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF) (2016)
Keywords: Smith–Wilson, interest rate term structure, ultimate forward rate, EIOPA curve

Local Search Applications and Urban Public Space: Interfacing Networked Individualism and Tangible Urbanism,
Florian Fischer, in International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) (2014) Downloads

Non-testability of instrument validity under continuous endogenous variables,
Florian Gunsilius, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Die neue betriebliche Altersversorgung und ihre Nutzer,
Florian Blank, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2012) Downloads

Social Market Economy and Sustainable Development,
Florian Guramulta, in Manager Journal (2017)
Keywords: economic development, social economy, sustainability, demography

Elements Of Configuring Pension Systems,
Florian Guramulta, in Manager Journal (2017)
Keywords: pension funds, prudential supervision, economic crisis

Improving the Efficiency of Economic Activity in the Context of Migration,
Florian Guramulta, in Manager Journal (2018)
Keywords: cultural, demographic decline, economic growth, efficiency, fertility rate, financial crisis, migrant, mortality rate, religious, security research.

Population Aging In Romania,
Florian Guramulta, in Manager Journal (2019)
Keywords: demography, aging, migration, economic growth, standard of living

A Regional Effects Of Population Aging,
Florian Guramulta, in Manager Journal (2019)
Keywords: demographic, population aging, young population

Arznei‐Verordungs‐Report ’97: Aktuelle Daten, Kosten, Trends und Kommentare edited by Ulrich Schwabe. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1997. ISBN 3‐437‐21091‐2,
Florian Hollenbach, in Health Economics (1999) Downloads

Krankenhaus‐Report ’97: Aktuelle Beitrage, Trends und Statistiken edited by M. Arnold and D. Paffrath. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1997. ISBN 3‐437‐21248‐6,
Florian Hollenbach, in Health Economics (1999) Downloads

HIP, RIP, and the robustness of empirical earnings processes,
Florian Hoffmann, in Quantitative Economics (2019) Downloads

Florian Schatz, in Public Administration & Development (2013) Downloads

Zur Vergütung von Arbeitnehmererfindungen als ökonomisches Allokationsproblem: Ein spieltheoretischer Lösungsansatz,
Florian Follert, in Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice (2018) Downloads

Ambivalent or indifferent? Reconsidering the structure of EU public opinion,
Florian Stoeckel, in European Union Politics (2013)
Keywords: Ambivalence; EU support; European integration; Euroskepticism; indifference; public opinion

A Perspective on the Application of Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism in the Branding Process of Hearing Aid Retail Companies,
Florian Ross, from Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise (2020)
Keywords: Branding; Marketing; Hearing Healthcare; Kapferer�s brand identity prism

Carrot or Stick? The Evolution of Reciprocal Preferences in a Haystack Model,
Florian Herold, in American Economic Review (2012) Downloads

Asias Reserve Accumulation: Part of a New Paradigm,
Florian Brugger, in Asian Economic and Financial Review (2016)
Keywords: Ideas and interests, Reserve accumulation, Asian transformation, Asian paradigm shift, Weber heuristic.

A path-sampling method to partially identify causal effects in instrumental variable models,
Florian Gunsilius, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Alternative methods of conflict resolution,
Florian Sirmon, in Ars Aequi (2016)
Keywords: mediation, negotiation, conciliation, arbitration Introducere

Social Influences on Public Monuments Management Incased in Urban Squares,
Florian Andrada, from University of Primorska Press (2017)
Keywords: art management strategy, public square management, market study

The Impact of the Economic Crisis and of Taxation on European Security Policy,
Florian Rapan, in Knowledge Horizons - Economics (2014)
Keywords: European Union, European security environment, defense budget, economic crisis, tax

Geographical Background,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1994) Downloads

La dégradation de l'environnement naturel en Pologne et dans les pays en développement,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1992) Downloads

An Interdisciplinary Study of the Farafra Oasis (Egypt) by a Team from the Institute of Developing Countries at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (2004)
Keywords: Farafra Oasis (Egypt), interdisciplinary studies, preliminary notes

Desertification on Sahara borders and in Central Asia — comparative study,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1996) Downloads

Remarques sur l'inspiration chrétienne dans les recherches géographiques,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1990) Downloads

Some Remarks on Natural Disasters and the Social and Economic Development,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1986) Downloads

Natural environment then and today,
Plit Florian, in Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development (1998) Downloads

Urban Travel Demand Models and Multi-Modal Traffic Equilibrium,
Michael Florian, from Transportation Research Forum (1976)
Keywords: Public Economics

L'évolution des procédures de clémence,
Florian Marchal, in Revue française d'économie (2013) Downloads

Le nouveau code français des marchés publics, utile contribution à la définition du périmètre administratif,
Florian Linditch, in Revue internationale de droit économique (2001) Downloads

On the equation x 2 + 2 a â‹… 3 b = y n,
Florian Luca, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2002) Downloads

Belief-Averaged Relative Utilitarianism,
Florian Brandl, from arXiv.org (2021) Downloads

Is change coming to Bosnia? Reflections on protests and their prospects,
Florian Bieber, in SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe (2013) Downloads

Belief without Representation,
Florian Klauser, in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal (2017)
Keywords: belief, representation, phenomenology, enaction

Collateral, central clearing counterparties and regulation,
Florian Heider, in Research Bulletin (2017)
Keywords: central-clearing counterparties, haircuts, margins, Repo

KARACSONYI David, TAYLOR Andrew, BIRD Deanne, (eds.), 2021, Demography of disasters: Impact for population and place, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 268 p,
Florian Bonnet, in Population (french edition) (2022) Downloads

The Characteristics of the Contracting Process within the National Program for Rural Development 2014-2020,
Keywords: NRDP; absorption; value; projects; payments made.

Should Leniency for Collective Acts Be Extended to Individual Crimes?,
Florian Baumann, in Supreme Court Economic Review (2020) Downloads

Dynamik des regionalen Arbeitsmarktes Bremen: Auszüge aus dem Ergebnisbericht zum Projekt "Abgrenzung, Dynamik und Aufnahmefähigkeit des regionalen Arbeitsmarktes Bremen" im Auftrag der Senatorin für Arbeit, Frauen, Gesundheit, Jugend und Soziales des Landes Bremen,
Florian Smets, from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany] (2009)
Keywords: Bremen ; Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Beschäftigungsentwicklung ; Betriebsstilllegung ; job turnover ; labour turnover ; Pendler ; regionaler Arbeitsmarkt ; sozialversicherungspflichtige Arbeitnehmer ; Unternehmensgründung ; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung ; Wirtschaftszweige ; zwischenbetriebliche Mobilität ; 2001-2007

The Problems of Absorption of the European Structural and Investment Funds Related to the Cohesion Policy during the Programming Period 2014-2020,
Keywords: European funds; Cohesion Policy; projects; programming period 2014 – 2020; operation programs.

The Construction of Economic Intelligence as an Academic Discipline: A Theoretical Perspective,
Florian Fougy, in International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR) (2014) Downloads

Accountingization, colonization and hybridization in historical perspective: the relationship between hospital accounting and clinical medicine in late 20th century Britain,
Florian Gebreiter, in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2021)
Keywords: New public management, Hospital accounting, Accounting history, Medicine, Sociology of professions, Sociology of expertise

Formes urbaines et coûts de la mobilité urbaine des ménages,
Florian Vanco, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: formes urbaines,coût économique de la mobilité,mobilité des ménages,budget des ménages,distances domiciles travail,distances parcourues,mobilité durable,dimension sociale de la mobilité

Improving the Performance of sparse LU Decomposition in GEMPACK,
Florian Schiffmann, from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project (2019)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Silence as Complicity: Elements of a Corporate Duty to Speak Out Against the Violation of Human Rights,
Florian Wettstein, in Business Ethics Quarterly (2012) Downloads

On Global Justice, by Mathias Risse. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0691142692,
Florian Wettstein, in Business Ethics Quarterly (2014) Downloads

Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn't. By Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, and Francesco Giavazzi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. 296 pp. Notes, references, index. Paperback, $22.95. ISBN: 978-0-69120-863-3,
Florian Schui, in Business History Review (2022) Downloads

Making up ideal recruits,
Florian Gebreiter, in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2019)
Keywords: Foucault, Professional service firms, Professional socialization, Graduate recruitment, Subjectification

Allocation of Liability: On the Efficiency of Composite Sharing Rules,
Florian Baumann, in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) (2017) Downloads

Les négociations sur la production sous licence des avions Fouga Magister et Noratlas: un exemple concret des débuts de la coopération franco-allemande en matière d’armement dans les années 1950,
Florian Seiller, in Histoire, économie & société (2010) Downloads

The Validity of Company Valuation Using Discounted Cash Flow Methods,
Florian Steiger, from arXiv.org (2010) Downloads

Florian Petrescu, in Management Research and Practice (2019)
Keywords: urban sprawl, Urban Atlas, urban development, urban expansion, land use

Ideas, Institutions, and Interests: Explaining Policy Divergence in Fostering ‘System Innovations’ towards Sustainability,
Florian Kern, in Environment and Planning C (2011) Downloads

Schulleistungen von Maedchen und Jungen. Gleichberechtigung als Bildungsmotor?,
Florian Birkenfeld, from University of Zurich, Department of Business Administration (IBW) (2008)
Keywords: Schulleistung; Familie; Gleichberechtigung; Mehrebenenanalyse

Registered author: Florian Röder

Registered author: Florian Dierickx

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