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27632 documents matched the search for Esteban Boj Garcia in authors.
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Funding dam safety regulation: an international comparative analysis and example application in Australia,
John D. Pisaniello, Joanne L. Tingey-Holyoak, Marcus J. Wishart, Kimberley N. Lyon and Esteban Boj García, in International Journal of Water Resources Development (2023) Downloads

Laying the Foundations,
Marcus J. Wishart, Satoru Ueda, John D. Pisaniello, Joanne L. Tingey-Holyoak, Kimberly N. Lyon and Esteban Boj García, from The World Bank Group (2020)
Keywords: Energy - Hydro Power Infrastructure Economics and Finance - Infrastructure Economics Water Resources - Dams and Reservoirs Water Resources - Water Policy & Governance Water Resources - Water Resources Institutions and Participations

Laying the Foundations,
Marcus J. Wishart, Satoru Ueda, John D. Pisaniello, Joanne L. Tingey-Holyoak, Kimberly N. Lyon and Esteban Boj Garcia, from The World Bank Group (2021)
Keywords: Energy - Hydro Power Water Resources - Dams and Reservoirs Water Resources - Transboundary Water Management Water Resources - Water Policy & Governance

Brand Effect On Consumer Preference (The Case of Olive Oil in Albania),
Morena Boj, in Godishnik na UNSS (2022)
Keywords: brand, olive oil, products, consumer preferences

Medidas de apoyo frente a la crisis energética y al repunte de la inflación: un análisis del coste y de los efectos distribucionales de algunas de las actuaciones desplegadas según su grado de focalización,
Esteban García Miralles, in Boletín Económico (2023)
Keywords: Medidas fiscales, inflación, crisis energética, focalización en hogares vulnerables, microsimulación.

Support measures in the face of the energy crisis and the rise in inflation: an analysis of the cost and distributional effects of some of the measures rolled out based on their degree of targeting,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, in Economic Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: Fiscal measures, inflation, energy crisis, targeting vulnerable households, microsimulation

Telecollaboration for Civic Competence and SDG Development in FL Teacher Education,
Soraya Garcia-Esteban, in European Journal of Education Articles (2020)
Keywords: Telecollaboration, Civic Competence, Global Competence, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), FL Teacher training

The Crucial Role of Social Welfare Criteria and Individual Heterogeneity for Optimal Inheritance Taxation,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2020)
Keywords: optimal inheritance taxation, social welfare function, wealth inequality

The Crucial Role of Social Welfare Criteria and Individual Heterogeneity for Optimal Inheritance Taxation,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2020)
Keywords: optimal inheritance taxation, social welfare function, wealth inequality

Análisis cualitativo de la industria cinematográfica colombiana y el impacto de las políticas públicas en el mercado de ideas,
Esteban García Jimeno, from Universidad Externado de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho (2015) Downloads

Degradacion de las condiciones de trabajo y nuevos riesgos laborales en las nuevas organizaciones de trabajo,
Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2002)
Keywords: work environment

Le travailleur sous-traité: intérim et louage des services,
Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2003)
Keywords: subcontracting

Salud y nuevas formas de organizacion del trabajo,
Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2004)
Keywords: work environment

The crucial role of social welfare criteria for optimal inheritance taxation,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, from Banco de España (2017)
Keywords: optimal taxation, inheritance, social welfare criteria

Registered author: Esteban Garcia-Miralles

Registered author: Eva Boj, II

La reciente diversificación de los flujos turísticos internacionales hacia España,
Blanca Jiménez-García Jiménez-García and Coral García Esteban, in Boletín Económico (2024)
Keywords: Turismo internacional, pernoctaciones hoteleras

Rapid internationalization and long-term performance: The knowledge link,
Raquel García-García, Esteban García-Canal and Mauro F. Guillén, in Journal of World Business (2017)
Keywords: Internationalization; Firm performance; Speed; Knowledge-based view; Organizational learning theory;

International Dispersion and Profitability: An Institution-Based Approach,
Raquel García-García, Esteban García-Canal and Mauro F. Guillén, in Management International Review (2019)
Keywords: Internationalization, Profitability, Liability of foreignness, Regionalization, Institution-based view, Infrastructure firms

Strategic responses to sustainability reporting regulation and multiple stakeholder demands: an analysis of the Spanish EU non-financial reporting directive transposition,
Rosa Esteban-Arrea and Nicolas Garcia-Torea, in Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2022)
Keywords: Sustainability reporting, Stakeholder demands, Strategic responses, Institutional pressure, EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive, Sustainability reporting regulation

Sobre la probabilidad de fracaso de las empresas conjuntas promovidas por el IMPI,
Ana Valdés Llaneza and Esteban Garcia Canal, in Investigaciones Economicas (1995) Downloads

Educational Impacts and Cost-Effectiveness of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Developing Countries: A Meta-analysis,
Juan Esteban Saavedra and Sandra García, from Escuela de Gobierno - Universidad de los Andes (2013) Downloads

adabag: An R Package for Classification with Boosting and Bagging,
Esteban Alfaro, Matias Gamez and Noelia García, in Journal of Statistical Software (2013) Downloads

Location, shared suppliers and the innovation performance of R&D outsourcing agreements,
Andrea Martínez-Noya and Esteban García-Canal, in Industry and Innovation (2018) Downloads

Los ingresos públicos tras la pandemia. Residuos fiscales e inflación,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jorge Martínez Pagés, in Boletín Económico (2023)
Keywords: Impuestos, ingresos públicos, inflación, déficit estructural, pandemia

Government revenue in the wake of the pandemic. Tax residuals and inflation,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jorge Martínez Pagés, in Economic Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: Taxes, government revenue, inflation, structural deficit, pandemic

Adverse Selection and the Choice between Joint-Ventures and Acquisitions: Evidence from Spanish Firms,
Cristina López-Duarte and Esteban García-Canal, in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) (2002) Downloads

Technological capabilities and the decision to outsource/outsource offshore R&D services,
Andrea Martínez-Noya and Esteban García-Canal, in International Business Review (2011)
Keywords: Intellectual property rights R&D outsourcing R&D offshore outsourcing Technological capabilities

One more only if it is one of us. The number of partners and the stock market reaction to domestic and international alliance formation in EU telecom firms,
Esteban García-Canal and Pablo Sánchez-Lorda, in International Business Review (2007)
Keywords: Strategic alliances between competitors Number of partners Event study Telecom industry Europe

Innovation performance feedback and technological alliance portfolio diversity: The moderating role of firms’ R&D intensity,
Andrea Martínez-Noya and Esteban García-Canal, in Research Policy (2021)
Keywords: Alliance portfolio; Partner diversity; R&D intensity; Innovative performance; Performance feedback; Behavioral theory;

La estructura de propiedad de la inversión directa exterior,
Cristina López-Duarte and Esteban García-Canal, in Investigaciones Economicas (1998) Downloads

Risk and the strategy of foreign location choice in regulated industries,
Esteban García‐Canal and Mauro F. Guillén, in Strategic Management Journal (2008) Downloads

Efficient Port Pricing: A New Methodology Applied to Spanish Commercial Ports,
C Perez-Labajos and J Esteban García, in Maritime Economics & Logistics (2000) Downloads

The Effect of Firm and Host Country Characteristics on the Choice of Entry Mode: Empirical Evidence from Spanish Firms,
Cristina López-Duarte and Esteban García-Canal, in Journal of Management & Governance (2002)
Keywords: entry mode, foreign direct investment, foreign establishment mode, ownership structure,

Lasers go nano,
Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal and Esteban Moreno, in Nature (2009) Downloads

Direct competition, number of partners and the longevity of stakes in joint ventures,
Ana Valdés-Llaneza and Esteban García-Canal, in Management International Review (2006) Downloads

Stock market reaction to foreign direct investments: Interaction between entry mode and FDI attributes,
Cristina López-Duarte and Esteban García-Canal, in Management International Review (2007)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investments, Event Study, Multinationality and Performance, Entry Mode

Direct and moderating effects of public R&D support on external knowledge acquisition: the interaction with performance feedback,
Andrea Martinez-Noya and Esteban Garcia-Canal, in Industry and Innovation (2024) Downloads

Public Pensions and Private Savings,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jonathan Leganza, in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2024) Downloads

Joint retirement of couples: Evidence from discontinuities in Denmark,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jonathan Leganza, in Journal of Public Economics (2024)
Keywords: Joint retirement; Pension eligibility age; Couples labor supply;

Joint Retirement of Couples: Evidence from Discontinuities in Denmark,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jonathan Leganza, from CESifo (2021)
Keywords: joint retirement, pension eligibility age, couples labor supply

Learning from exporting: The moderating effect of technological capabilities,
Francisco García, Lucía Avella and Esteban Fernández, in International Business Review (2012)
Keywords: Learning from exporting; Technological capabilities; Absorptive capacity; Productivity; Exports;

Are Children's Socio-Emotional Skills Shaped by Parental Health Shocks?,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Miriam Gensowski, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. The Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) (2020)
Keywords: Big Five personality traits, development of personality traits, parental health shocks, socio-emotional skills, non-cognitive skills, skill formation

Public Pensions and Private Savings,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Jonathan Leganza, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. The Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) (2021)
Keywords: social security, private savings, pension reform

Managerial turnover and performance in outside boards: Ownership makes the difference,
Esteban Lafuente and Miguel Angel García-Cestona, in TEC Empresarial (2019)
Keywords: Corporate governance; executive turnover; banks; ownership types

CEO turnover in public and private organizations: analysis of the relevance of different performance horizons,
Esteban Lafuente and Miguel Á. García-Cestona, in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (2021)
Keywords: CEO turnover, Dynamic binary choice models, Path dependency, Private firms, Public firms

Are Children's Socio-Emotional Skills Shaped by Parental Health Shocks?,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Miriam Gensowski, from CESifo (2022)
Keywords: Big Five personality traits, development of personality traits, parental health shocks, socio-emotional skills, non-cognitive skills, skill formation

Définition juridique et statistique de la catégorie cadres en Belgique,
Marianne De Troyer and Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2002)
Keywords: executives

Stress et Bien-être dans le secteur bancaire: rapport de recherche pour le compte de la Commission paritaire pour les banques (CP 310),
Valter Cortese and Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2002)

Structure organisationnelle et mobilisation des ressources humaines: indicateurs pour une politique élargie en matière d'innovation, rapport de recherche pour le compte des services de la politique scientifique fédérale,
Valter Cortese and Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2004)

Progresividad en frío: el impacto heterogéneo de la inflación sobre la recaudación por IRPF,
Sofía Balladares and Esteban Garcia-Miralles, from Banco de España (2024)
Keywords: personal income tax, revenue, inflation, indexation, inequality.

The robustification of distance-based linear models: Some proposals,
Eva Boj and Aurea Grané, in Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2024)
Keywords: dblm; dbstats; Mixed-type data; Outliers; Robust distance; R;

Understanding the Meaning of Conformity to Feminine Norms in Lifestyle Habits and Health: A Cluster Analysis,
Sara Esteban-Gonzalo, Petula Sik Ying Ho, Marta Evelia Aparicio-García and Laura Esteban-Gonzalo, in IJERPH (2020)
Keywords: feminine role conformity; lifestyle; marital status; alcohol; tobacco

El efecto de las TLTRO III en el balance de las entidades de crédito españolas,
M.ª Carmen Castillo Lozoya and Enrique Esteban García-Escudero, in Boletín Económico (2022)
Keywords: política monetaria, BCE, Eurosistema, TLTRO, crisis del COVID-19, sistema bancario español, crédito bancario, exceso de liquidez..

Recovery of an Abandoned Singular Infrastructure as a Key Factor for Regional Sustainable Development; A Study Case: “ El Caminito del Rey ” [“The King’s Little Path”],
Antonio Esteban-López, Agustín Castillo-Martínez and Antonio Peña-García, in Land (2023)
Keywords: sustainable development; regional development; human welfare; natural spaces; leisure time; abandoned infrastructure; tourism

Social Media Fingerprints of Unemployment,
Alejandro Llorente, Manuel Garcia-Herranz, Manuel Cebrian and Esteban Moro, in PLOS ONE (2015) Downloads

Do travel uncertainty and invasion rhetoric spur Metaverse financial asset? – Gauging the role of media influence,
Indranil Ghosh, Esteban Alfaro-Cortés, Matías Gámez and Noelia García, in Finance Research Letters (2023)
Keywords: Metaverse; Media chatter; Travel uncertainty; Invasion rhetoric;

Analyzing the impact of monetary policy on financial markets in Chile,
Alicia García-Herrero, Eric Girardin and Hermann Esteban González, from BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department (2016)
Keywords: Banks , Chile , Financial regulation , Latin America , Working Paper

¿Por qué la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias de los bancos centrales no importa (tanto)?,
Enrique Esteban García-Escudero and Luna Azahara Romo González, in Boletín Económico (2024)
Keywords: Banco central, pérdidas y ganancias, Eurosistema, estabilidad de precios, política monetaria

El comportamiento reciente de las exportaciones de bienes. Algunos factores explicativos,
Coral García Esteban, Cesar Martin Machuca and Ana Gómez Loscos, in Boletín Económico (2023)
Keywords: Exportaciones, competitividad-precio, crisis energética, comercio mundial

La evolución reciente de las importaciones de bienes a la luz de algunos condicionantes,
Coral García Esteban, Ana Gómez Loscos and Cesar Martin Machuca, in Boletín Económico (2023)
Keywords: Importaciones, crisis energética, penetración de las importaciones

La recuperación del turismo internacional en España tras la pandemia,
Coral García Esteban, Ana Gómez Loscos and Cesar Martin Machuca, in Boletín Económico (2023)
Keywords: Turismo internacional, pernoctaciones hoteleras, gasto turístico

Some explanatory factors of the recent behaviour of goods exports,
Coral García Esteban, Cesar Martin Machuca and Ana Gómez Loscos, in Economic Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: Exports, price competitiveness, energy crisis, world trade

Recent developments in goods imports in light of certain determinants,
Coral García Esteban, Ana Gómez Loscos and Cesar Martin Machuca, in Economic Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: Imports, energy crisis, import penetration

Why a central bank’s bottom line doesn’t matter (that much),
Enrique Esteban García-Escudero and Luna Azahara Romo González, in Economic Bulletin (2024)
Keywords: Central banking, profit and loss, Eurosystem, price stability, monetary policy

Speed of ICT integration strategies in absorptions: Insights from a qualitative study,
Esteban Garcia-Canal, Alex Rialp and Josep Rialp-Criado, in European Management Journal (2013)
Keywords: Information and communications technology (ICT) implementation; Absorptions; Organizational learning; Spanish firms;

International R&D service outsourcing by technology-intensive firms: Whether and where?,
Andrea Martinez-Noya, Esteban Garcia-Canal and Mauro F. Guillen, in Journal of International Management (2012)
Keywords: R&D offshore outsourcing; Governance capabilities; R&D services; Technological firms; Developing economy;

Legal Family and Infrastructure Voids as Drivers of Regulated Physical Infrastructure Firms' Exposure to Governmental Discretion,
Laura Fernández-Méndez, Esteban García-Canal and Mauro F. Guillén, in Journal of International Management (2015)
Keywords: Governmental discretion; Regulated physical infrastructure firms; Location choice; Legal system; Political capabilities; Infrastructure voids;

Contractual form in repeated alliances with the same partner: The role of inter-organizational routines,
Esteban García-Canal, Ana Valdés-Llaneza and Pablo Sánchez-Lorda, in Scandinavian Journal of Management (2014)
Keywords: Previous cooperative relationships; Contractual form; Technology alliances; Joint ventures; Partner-specific experience;

Domestic political connections and international expansion: It's not only ‘who you know’ that matters,
Laura Fernández-Méndez, Esteban García-Canal and Mauro F. Guillén, in Journal of World Business (2018)
Keywords: Political connections; Home country; International expansion; FDI; Board of directors; Location choice;

Technological flows and choice of joint ventures in technology alliances,
Esteban Garcia-Canal, Ana Valdes-Llaneza and Pablo Sanchez-Lorda, in Research Policy (2008) Downloads

Análisis de la Competitividad Exportadora de los Productores de Mezcal de Oaxaca y Michoacán hacia el Mercado de Estados Unidos,
Esteban Salinas García and Jorge Víctor Alcaraz Vera, from Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Facultad de Contaduría y Ciencias Administrativas (2021)
Keywords: Competitividad, Exportación, México, Mezcal

Fiscal Policy Approaches: An Inquiring Look From The Modern Monetary Theory,
Eduardo Garzón Espinosa, Bibiana Medialdea García and Esteban Cruz Hidalgo, in Journal of Economic Issues (2021) Downloads

R & D Outsourcing and the Effectiveness of Intangible Investments: Is Proprietary Core Knowledge Walking out of the Door?,
Andrea Martinez-Noya, Esteban Garcia-Canal and Mauro F. Guillen, in Journal of Management Studies (2013) Downloads

The Economic Impact of Climate Risk on Extensive Livestock: The Case of Lamb Production in Extremadura, Spain,
Esteban Thomasz, Ismael Pérez-Franco and Agustín García, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: climate impact; economic valuation; extensive livestock; lamb

Multiclass Corporate Failure Prediction by Adaboost.M1,
Esteban Alfaro Cortés, Matías Gámez Martínez and Noelia García Rubio, in International Advances in Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Corporate failure prediction, Ensemble classifiers, Adaboost.M1, C10, G30, M00,

Waste Heat Recovery from Air Using Porous Media and Conversion to Electricity,
Pablo Donoso-García, Luis Henríquez-Vargas and Esteban Huerta, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: numerical simulation; porous media; thermoelectricity; waste heat recovery

The macroeconomic impact of the electricity price: lessons from Chile,
Renato Agurto, Fernando Fuentes, Carlos García and Esteban Skoknic, in Empirical Economics (2021)
Keywords: Business cycle, Electric energy, Bayesian estimation, Macroeconomics models

The impact of immigration on interregional migrations: an input–output analysis with an application for Spain,
Esteban Fernández Vázquez, Ana García Muñiz and Carmen Ramos Carvajal, in The Annals of Regional Science (2011)
Keywords: C67, J61, R15,

The Spanish personal income tax: facts and parametric estimates,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, Nezih Guner and Roberto Ramos, in SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (2019)
Keywords: Personal income tax, Tax functions, Income distribution

Crowdsourcing roles, methods and tools for data-intensive disaster management,
Marta Poblet, Esteban García-Cuesta and Pompeu Casanovas, in Information Systems Frontiers (2018)
Keywords: Disaster management, Crowdsourcing, Microtasking, Data management, Online platforms, Mobile technologies, Ontologies

Crowdsourcing roles, methods and tools for data-intensive disaster management,
Marta Poblet, Esteban García-Cuesta and Pompeu Casanovas, in Information Systems Frontiers
Keywords: Disaster management, Crowdsourcing, Microtasking, Data management, Online platforms, Mobile technologies, Ontologies

Robust clustering of functional directional data,
Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban and Luis A. García-Escudero, in Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2022)
Keywords: Cluster analysis, Robustness, Functional data analysis, Directional data, Warping

Dynamic Data-Driven Deterioration Model for Sugarcane Shredder Hammers Oriented to Lifetime Extension,
Diego Rodriguez-Obando, Javier Rosero-García and Esteban Rosero, in Mathematics (2024)
Keywords: data-driven method; deterioration model; extension of lifetime; maintenance; management of lifetime; prognostics and health management (PHM); reliability; reliability adaptive system (RAS); RUL prognostics; sugarcane shredder

Price-Level Convergence in the Eurozone,
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux and David Esteban Guerrero Burbano, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico (2015)
Keywords: Price convergence; Price levels; Relative price; Inflation; EMU.

Market Integration Dynamics and Asymptotic Price Convergence in Distribution,
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux, David Esteban Guerrero Burbano and Michael McAleer, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico (2015)
Keywords: Regional and global markets, Integration, Asymptotic price convergence, Mean, Variance, Distribution.

When Death was Postponed: The Effect of HIV Medication on Work and Marriage,
Mette Ejrnæs, Esteban Garcia-Miralles, Mette Gørtz and Petter Lundborg, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. The Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) (2022)
Keywords: Life Expectancy, Labor Supply, Marriage, HIV

Power Generation and the Business Cycle: The Impact of Delaying Investment,
Renato Agurto, Fernando Fuentes, Carlos García and Esteban Skoknic, from Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business (2013)
Keywords: Business Cycle, Electric Energy, Bayesian Econometrics, DSGE models

Impacto Macroeconómico del Retraso en las Inversiones de Generación Eléctrica en Chile,
Renato Agurto, Fernando Fuentes, Carlos García and Esteban Skoknic, from Universidad Alberto Hurtado/School of Economics and Business (2013)
Keywords: Energía Eléctrica, econometría bayesiana, modelos DSGE

More than two are a crowd. Different paths to effectiveness in dyadic and multi-party joint ventures,
Esteban Garcia-Canal, Ana Valdes and Africa Ariño, from IESE Business School (1999)
Keywords: joint venture;

Cooperation, competition and the longevity of stakes in joint ventures: A value creation approach,
Africa Ariño, Esteban Garcia-Canal and Ana Valdes, from IESE Business School (1999)
Keywords: Cooperation; joint ventures; competition;

Longevity of strategic alliances between competitors: A dynamic value creation approach,
Africa Ariño, Esteban García-Canal and Ana Valdes, from IESE Business School (1999)
Keywords: Strategic alliances; value creation;

Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses in Belgium,
Danièle Meulders, Síle O'Dorchai, Esteban Martinez-Garcia and Leila Maron, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2008)

Bélgica, traduction,
Mateo Alaluf, Estelle Krzeslo and Esteban Martinez-Garcia, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2002)

Central bank currency swap lines,
Enrique Esteban García-Escudero and Elisa J. Sánchez Pérez, from Banco de España (2020)
Keywords: central bank swap lines, IMF, International Monetary System, dollar funding, non-US banks, global financial crisis, COVID-19 crisis, cross-currency basis, international lender of last resort

Los swaps de divisas entre bancos centrales,
Enrique Esteban García-Escudero and Elisa J. Sánchez Pérez, from Banco de España (2020)
Keywords: swaps de divisas entre bancos centrales, FMI, Sistema Monetario Internacional, financiación en dólares, bancos de fuera de Estados Unidos, crisis financiera global, crisis del coronavirus, cross-currency basis, prestamista de última instancia internacional

The Spanish personal income tax: facts and parametric estimates,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, Nezih Guner and Roberto Ramos, from Banco de España (2019)
Keywords: personal income tax, tax functions, income distribution

When death was postponed: the effect of hiv medication on work, savings and marriage,
Mette Ejrnæs, Esteban Garcia-Miralles, Mette Gørtz and Petter Lundborg, from Banco de España (2023)
Keywords: esperanza de vida, empleo, matrimonio, VIH

The Spanish Personal Income Tax: Facts and Parametric Estimates,
Esteban Garcia-Miralles, Nezih Guner and Roberto Ramos, from CEMFI (2019)
Keywords: Personal income tax, tax functions, income distribution.

The recovery of international tourism in Spain after the pandemic,
Coral García Esteban, Ana Gómez Loscos and Cesar Martin Machuca, in Economic Bulletin (2023)
Keywords: International tourism, overnight stays, tourism expenditure

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