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10123 documents matched the search for Emmanuel Dubillot in authors.
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Assessment of the biological quality of port areas: A case study on the three harbours of La Rochelle: The marina, the fishing harbour and the seaport,
Marine Breitwieser, Emmanuel Dubillot, Marine Barbarin, Carine Churlaud, Valérie Huet, Frédéric Muttin and Hélène Thomas, in PLOS ONE (2018) Downloads

Towards carbon neutrality by 2040 in La Rochelle metropolitan area (France): quantifying the role of wetlands and littoral zone in the capture and sequestration of blue carbon,
Christine Dupuy, Hélène Agogué, Benjamin Amann, Frédéric Azémar, Nicolas Becu, Lauriane Bergeon, Xavier Bertin, Pierrick Bocher, Emilie Bout, Isabelle Brenon, Alexandre Carpentier, Serge Ceaux, Eric Chaumillon, Catherine Choquet, Béatrice Colin, Jonathan Deborde, Emmanuel Dubillot, Emery Claire, Sylvie Ferrari, Cédric Gaucherel, Philippe Geairon, Stéphane Gilbert, Marc Jeannin, J. Jourde, Dimitri Kalenitchenko, Nicolas Lachaussée, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Isabelle Lanneluc, Laura Lavaud, Sébastien Lavaud, Christel Lefrançois, Vincent Le Fouest, Inès Le Fur, Nathalie Long, Pierre-Yves Mahieux, Jérémy Mayen, Caroline Marais, Édouard Metzger, Raphaël Moncelon, Vincent Ouisse, Jean-Christophe Péreau, Julien Pétillon, Olivier Philippine, Philippe Pineau, Cécilia Pignon-Mussaud, Pierre Polsenaere, René Sabot, Philippe Refait, Elodie Réveillac, François-Xavier Robin, Hélène Rouquette, Sophie Sablé, Pierre-Guy Sauriau, Michèle Tackx, Philippe Turcry, Marie Vagner, Julia Vincent and Natacha Volto, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Blue Carbon,Climate mitigation,Vegetated aquatic ecosystems,Holistic approach

Analytical solutions to the generalized Black-Scholes PDE with the help of an adiabatic approximation to the Schrödinger PDE,
Emmanuel Haven and Emmanuel, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)
Keywords: Adiabatic approximation, volatility function

Macrodynamics and Pollution in Open Economy: An IS-LM Analysis,
Ouyahia Emmanuel, in Economic Analysis (2008)
Keywords: Keynesian cross diagram, macroeconomic policy, pollution

Cunning Observation: US Agricultural Statistics in the Time of Laissez-Faire,
Emmanuel Didier, in History of Political Economy (2012)
Keywords: observation, observing, agriculture, US Department of Agriculture

Yerel Yönetimlerde Özelleştirme,
Emmanuel Savas, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1995)
Keywords: yerel yönetim, idare, belediye, özelleştirme, KİT, BİT, Emmanuel Savas

État, industrie, nation: la formation des technologies aéronautiques en France (1900-1950),
Emmanuel Chadeau, in Histoire, économie & société (1985) Downloads

Stratégies d'entreprises et innovations internationales: les motoristes français d'aviation (1918-1940),
Emmanuel Chadeau, in Histoire, économie & société (1987) Downloads

Dominique Barjot, Olivier Dard, Jean Garrigues, Didier Musiedlak et Eric Anceau (dir.), Industrie et politique, en Europe occidentale et aux Etats-Unis (XIXe-XXe siècle),
Dreyfus Emmanuel, in Histoire, économie & société (2006) Downloads

Alliances en R&D, course à l'innovation et gain stratégique - Éléments théoriques et application au segment des DRAM,
Emmanuel Combe, in Revue d'Économie Industrielle (1996) Downloads

Analyse économique de la rentabilité des filtres à particules sur les véhicules diesels neufs,
Emmanuel Massé, in Économie et Prévision (2005) Downloads

Les anticipations des entrepreneurs industriels de la zone euro sont-elles rationnelles ?,
Emmanuel Michaux, in Économie et Prévision (2005) Downloads

Le « prix rémunérateur », épilogue à l'« échange inégal »,
Emmanuel Arghiri, in Revue Tiers Monde (1980) Downloads

Africa, the Arabian Gulf and Asia: Changing Dynamics in Contemporary West Africa's Political Economy,
Emmanuel Akyeampong, in Journal of African Development (2011)
Keywords: Africa, Ghana, Investment

For Prayer and Profit: West Africa's Religious and Economic Ties to the Gulf 1960s to the Present,
Emmanuel Akyeampong, in Journal of African Development (2010)
Keywords: Religion, economics, profit, West Africa, Gulf, 1960, telecommunications, development, labor

Assessment of Higher Education Personnel: Comparative Study of France and Finland,
Emmanuel Salmon, in Higher Education Management and Policy (2007) Downloads

Évaluation du personnel dans l'enseignement supérieur: Une étude comparée France-Finlande,
Emmanuel Salmon, in Politiques et gestion de l'enseignement supérieur (2007) Downloads

Private Pensions in OECD Countries: France,
Emmanuel Reynaud, from OECD Publishing (1997) Downloads

Teaching Basic Programming Concepts to Young Primary School Students Using Tablets: Results of a Pilot Project,
Emmanuel Fokides, in International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) (2018) Downloads

Emmanuel Buffet, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF) (2000) Downloads

Growth, Industrial Externality, Prospect Dynamics, and Well-being on Markets,
Emmanuel Chauvet, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Dimitris Emmanuel, in Region et Developpement (2014)

Budgeting and Fund Allocation in Higher Education in Ghana,
Emmanuel Newman, in Journal of Education and Vocational Research (2013) Downloads

Political Consumption as Supplement to Conventional Political Participation in Promoting Social Change,
Emmanuel Adugu, in International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) (2016) Downloads

On a nonlinear compactness lemma in L p ( 0, T; B ),
Emmanuel Maitre, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2003) Downloads

Compte rendu d'ouvrage - Les gars du coin. Enquête sur une jeunesse rurale,
Emmanuel Sulzer, in Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud) (2008)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics

Does Early Cash-Based Interventions in a Food Crisis Enhance Resilience? Evidence from Niger,
Emmanuel Tumusiime, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Risk and Uncertainty

Optimisation of benefits from agriculture and wildlife land uses by wards in CAMPFIRE areas in Zimbabwe,
Emmanuel Mwakiwa, in AFBM Journal (2019)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Land Economics/Use

Optimisation of benefits from agriculture and wildlife land uses by wards in CAMPFIRE areas in Zimbabwe,
Emmanuel Mwakiwa, in African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2019)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Balance of Payments Constrained Economic Growth in Nigeria,
Igbinoba Emmanuel, in African Journal of Economic Review (2017)
Keywords: Financial Economics, Institutional and Behavioral Economics

Climate Variability Since 1970 and Farmers’ Observations in Northern Ghana,
Emmanuel Nyadzi, in Sustainable Agriculture Research (2016)
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

PCSK9 Inhibitors or Cardiovascular Disease Inhibitors?,
Emmanuel Kouvoussis, in Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy (2016)
Keywords: cardiology journal, scholarly articles on cardiology, cardiology citation report, cardiology citations, cardiology medical journals, free cardiology medical journals, cardiology journals,Cardiovascular Therapy,juniper publishers, juniper publishers open access journals

The investment of social security reserves during periods of crisis: The experience of Cameroon,
Emmanuel Mounbaga, in International Social Security Review (1995) Downloads

Financing retirement pensions: Pay‐as‐you‐go and funded systems in the European Union,
Emmanuel Reynaud, in International Social Security Review (1995) Downloads

Perspectives on Risk Management,
Emmanuel Somers, in Risk Analysis (1995) Downloads

Markets, Marketing and Developing Countries: Where We Stand and Where We are Heading – Edited by Hans van Trijp and Paul Ingenbleek,
Emmanuel Yujuico, in Natural Resources Forum (2011) Downloads

Ministry of Health, Zambia and the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia,
Emmanuel Kooma, in JOJ Nursing & Health Care (2017)
Keywords: Citations Report, Journal of Nursing and Care journals, Journal of Nursing and Care Citations Report,journal of nursing, open access public health journals, nursing impact factor list, community research papers,open access journals

Public and private French debt securities are among the most held by non-residents,
Gervais Emmanuel, in Bulletin de la Banque de France (2021) Downloads

Urban Vegetational Change as an Indicator of Demographic Trends in Cities: The Case of Detroit,
R Emmanuel, in Environment and Planning B (1997) Downloads

Exploring Constructivist Perspectives in the College Classroom,
Emmanuel Mensah, in SAGE Open (2015)
Keywords: constructivism; objectivism; knowledge construction; college students; learning

Introducing to Risk Parity and Budgeting,
Emmanuel Jurczenko, in Bankers, Markets & Investors (2014) Downloads

Réseaux et régulation: Pour un institutionnalisme néo-structural,
Emmanuel Lazega, in Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs (2016)
Keywords: Infrastructures relationnelles,institutionnalisation,Juridiction Unifiée du Brevet européen,oligarchie collégiale,régulation conjointe,réseaux sociaux et organisationnels,Relational infrastructures,institutionalization,European Unified Patent Court,collegial oligarchy,joint regulation,social and organizational networks,

Promoting Entrepreneurship through Open and Distance Education in Zimbabwe. A Case Study of the Zimbabwe Open University Students at Masvingo Regional Campus,
Emmanuel Dumbu, in International Journal of Business, Economics and Management (2014)
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Open and distance education, Indigenization

The strategies of the new school of urban banditry in Cameroon: accounts of the tempted and the victims as a call to vigilance,
Emmanuel Dekane, in Technium Social Sciences Journal (2021)
Keywords: Urban Crime, cell phone, scam, ambush, spying, prudence

The Challenges of Tertiary Management Education and Strategic Learning Panacea in Nigeria,
Ezenyilimba Emmanuel, in International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (2015)
Keywords: Education management, strategic Learning and quantity and quality of education in Nigeria

Trends in Housing Markets and Finance and Subsidy Systems in the 1980s: the Case of Greece,
Dimitris Emmanuel, in Urban Studies (1990) Downloads

Addressing Housing Deficit in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects,
Emmanuel Moore, in Economic and Financial Review (2019)
Keywords: Housing Finance, Mortgage Finance, Housing, Nigeria

Aide multicritère à la décision: démarche pour une étude de territoire transfrontalier de proximité au sein de l'Europe,
Emmanuel Maineri, in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (2009)
Keywords: cross-border, territorial integration, multi-criteria decision aid

Création de valeur et sous-performance à long terme des IPO sur le second marché,
Emmanuel Boutron, in Revue française de gestion (2005) Downloads

Le capital social de l'organisation flexibilisée,
Emmanuel Lazega, in Revue française de gestion (2006) Downloads

Mary Parker Follett. La facette méconnue du management jardiné,
Emmanuel Groutel, in Revue française de gestion (2014) Downloads

Quatre siècles et demi de New (New) Law & Economics: du pragmatisme juridique dans le régime consulaire de contrôle social des marchés,
Emmanuel Lazega, in Revue française de socio-Economie (2009)
Keywords: legal pragmatism, business, social control, law & economics, institutional capture

Analyses de réseaux et classes sociales,
Emmanuel Lazega, in Revue française de socio-Economie (2012) Downloads

Jean Dumarchey: le contrôle de la valeur, clé de lecture d'une œuvre de théorie comptable,
Emmanuel Charrier, in ACCRA (2005)
Keywords: value, property, financial accounting (objectives), economy, positivism, organization

Analyse économique de la rentabilité des filtres à particules sur les véhicules diesels neufs,
Emmanuel Massé, in Economie & Prévision (2005)
Keywords: cost benefit analysis, particule filters

Les anticipations des entrepreneurs industriels de la zone euro sont-elles « rationnelles »?,
Emmanuel Michaux, in Economie & Prévision (2005) Downloads

Le réseau, outil de veille et de développement de l'entreprise ?. Cas des très petites entreprises guadeloupéennes,
Emmanuel Djuatio, in Innovations (2004) Downloads

Les pauvres, des acteurs de la lutte contre la pauvreté ?,
Emmanuel Pierru, in Regards croisés sur l'économie (2008) Downloads

Does Trade Cause Growth in Nigeria,
Emmanuel Nnadozie, in Journal of African Development (2004) Downloads

Local Authority Public Accounts Committee in Botswana. An appraisal,
Emmanuel Botlhale, in International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences (2012)
Keywords: Fiscal accountability, local authorities, Local Authority Public Accounts Committee, Botswana

3. Retrouver le sens de la mesure pour de meilleures décisions collectives: vers une intelligence artificielle humaine à l’ère des données,
Emmanuel Letouzé, in Regards croisés sur l'économie (2018) Downloads

Samuel A. Greene & Graeme B. Robertson. Putin v. the People. The Perilous Politics of a Divided Russia, Yale University Press, 2019, 296 p,
Emmanuel Dreyfus, in Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (2021) Downloads

Seed Scarification Reduces Seedling Survival And Tree Growth And Longevity In Senegalia Polyacantha At A Site In Central Zambia, Southern Africa,
Emmanuel Chidumayo, in Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA) (2018)
Keywords: Assisted forest regeneration, radial growth, seed dormancy, Senegalia polyacantha, survivorship

Numerical Method for Highly Non-linear Mean-reverting Asset Price Model with CEV-type Process,
Emmanuel Coffie, from arXiv.org (2022) Downloads

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Geotechnical Database Management System for Nigerian Soils,
Emmanuel Okunade, in Modern Applied Science (2010) Downloads

Geotechnical Properties of Some Coal Fly Ash Stabilized Southwestern Nigeria Lateritic Soils,
Emmanuel Okunade, in Modern Applied Science (2010) Downloads

Quelles sanctions contre les cartels ?. Une perspective économique,
Emmanuel Combe, in Revue internationale de droit économique (2006)
Keywords: civil action, antitrust, fines, cartel, deterrence, competition law, optimal sanction, criminal sanction, treble damage

Infrastructures relationnelles entre conventions et pratiques,
Emmanuel Lazega, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: institutionnalisme

Relationship marketing in the banking sector of Zimbabwe: Re-engineering connection with the manufacturing Micro and Small Enterprises customers,
Emmanuel Dumbu, in International Journal of Management Sciences (2013)
Keywords: Relationship Marketing, re-engineering manufacturing, Micro and Small Enterprises.

Quatre siècles et demi de New (New) Law & Economics: du pragmatisme juridique dans le régime consulaire de contrôle social des marchés,
Emmanuel Lazega, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: legal pragmatism,business,social control,law & economics,institutional capture,pragmatisme juridique,marchés,contrôle social,capture institutionnelle

Emmanuel Blanc, from HAL (2001) Downloads

Mobilité quotidienne et attractivité relative des territoires urbains à Niamey (Niger) et Puebla (Mexique),
Emmanuel Ravalet, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: mobility,accessibility,attractivity,urban,mobilité,accessibilité,attractivité,urbain,Niamey,Puebla

Défense et illustration de la théorie du travail commandé d'A Smith (2e version),
Emmanuel Blanc, from HAL (1990) Downloads

L'utilité éclairée comme principe de morale: J.-B. Say est-il utilitariste ?,
Emmanuel Blanc, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Jean-Baptiste Say

Le pilotage des réseaux. Fondements des capacités dynamiques de l'entreprise,
Emmanuel Josserand, in Revue française de gestion (2007) Downloads

Tax Spinning in the Brent Spot Market,
Emmanuel Tem, in Journal of Financial Crime (1995) Downloads

Impediments affecting the curbing of illicit financial flows of organised crime in developing economies,
Emmanuel Sotande, in Journal of Financial Crime (2019)
Keywords: Nigeria, Money laundering, Organised crime, Developing economies, Illicit financial flows

The Canadian Market‐determined Bank Rate and the Bilateral Canada/US Spot Exchange Rate,
Emmanuel Apel, in Journal of Economic Studies (1992) Downloads

Money laundering,
Emmanuel Ebikake, in Journal of Money Laundering Control (2016)
Keywords: International AML initiatives, Treaty AML obligations, Non-treaty AML obligations, Soft Law, International AML law-making process

Pourquoi la science économique ne peut être une véritable science,
Emmanuel Blanc, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Science économique

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