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690 documents matched the search for Eckhardt Bode in authors.
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Einige kritische Anmerkungen zu empirischen Tests des Ricardianischen Äquivalenztheorems/Some Critical Remarks upon Empirical Tests of the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem,
Eckhardt Bode, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1989) Downloads

Eckhardt Bode, in Journal of Regional Science (2008) Downloads

Knowledge externalities, innovation clusters and regional development,
Eckhardt Bode, in Papers in Regional Science (2009) Downloads

Die Reform der Handwerksordnung: Ein notwendiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2003) Downloads

Aktive und passive Sanierung im Wachstumsprozess ostdeutscher Regionen,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2003) Downloads

Zur Bedeutung von regionalem Mismatch am Arbeitsmarkt in Agglomerationen: der Fall des Ballungsraumes Hamburg,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1995) Downloads

Einige kritische Anmerkungen zu empirischen Tests des ricardianischen Äquivalenztheorems,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1989) Downloads

Lokale Wissensdiffusion und regionale Divergenz in Deutschland,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1998) Downloads

African sovereign defaults and the common framework: Divergent Chinese interests grant Western countries a "consumer surplus",
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2024)
Keywords: Sovereign Debt, Africa, Motives of Lending, China, Western Countries, CommonFramework, Consumer Surplus, Staatsverschuldung, Afrika, Motive der Kreditvergabe, China, westliche Länder, Common Framework, Konsumentenrente

The motives for Chinese and Western countries' sovereign lending to Africa,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2024)
Keywords: Sovereign lending, Economic motives, Geopolitical motives, Africa, China, Western countries

Annual educational attainment estimates for US counties 1990 - 2005,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: educational attainment, U.S. counties, Panel regression

Is regional innovative activity path-dependent? An empirical analysis for Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2001)
Keywords: knowledge spillovers, path-dependence, endogenous growth, spatial econometrics, Germany, regional innovation

Localized knowledge spillovers and regional employment growth: evidence from Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1999) Downloads

Konvergieren oder divergieren die regionalen Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in Westdeutschland? Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand von Markov-Ketten,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1996) Downloads

Ursachen regionaler Wachstumsunterschiede: wachstumstheoretische Erklärungsansätze,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1996) Downloads

The spatial pattern of localized R&D spillovers: an empirical investigation for Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, in Journal of Economic Geography (2004)

Annual educational attainment estimates for U.S. counties 1990–2005,
Eckhardt Bode, in Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences (2011)
Keywords: Educational attainment, U.S. counties, Panel regression, C33, C61, R12,

Registered author: Eckhardt Bode

Agglomeration Externalities in Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, from European Regional Science Association (2004) Downloads

Commuting, externalities, and the geographical sizes of metropolitan areas,
Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2006)
Keywords: Commuting, Agglomeration economies, Land price gradient, Urban fringe, Germany, Urban economics

Testing Nonlinear New Economic Geography Models,
Eckhardt Bode and Jan Mutl, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: New Economic Geography, Spatial econometrics

Does foreign direct investment promote regional development in developed countries? A Markov chain approach for US states,
Eckhardt Bode and Peter Nunnenkamp, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2007)
Keywords: Likelihood ratio test, FDI, Per-capita income, Regional development, United States of America, Markov transition probability

Interregionale Arbeitskräftewanderungen: theoretische Erklärungsansätze und empirischer Befund,
Eckhardt Bode and Sebastian Zwing, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1998) Downloads

Evaluating the Markov Property in Studies of Economic Convergence,
Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode, in International Regional Science Review (2003) Downloads

Disproportionality Measures of Concentration, Specialization, and Localization,
Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode, in International Regional Science Review (2008)
Keywords: disproportionality measures; specialization; concentration; localization; spatial disproportionality measures

Adult training in the digital age,
Robert Gold and Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017)
Keywords: digitalization, employability, job mobility, adult training, skills, G20

Adult training in the digital age,
Eckhardt Bode and Robert Gold, in Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020) (2018)
Keywords: digitalization, employability, job mobility, adult training, skills, G20

New Economic Geography and Reunified Germany at Twenty: A Fruitful Match?,
Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode, in Spatial Economic Analysis (2013) Downloads

Disproportionality measures of concentration, specialization, and polarization,
Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2006)
Keywords: Regional specialization, Industrial concentration, Economic polarization, Geographical weighting, statistical measures

Markov or not Markov - this should be a question,
Frank Bickenbach and Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2001)
Keywords: Markov process, chi-square tests, U.S. regional growth, Convergence

Does foreign direct investment promote regional development in developed countries? A Markov chain approach for US states,
Eckhardt Bode and Peter Nunnenkamp, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2011)
Keywords: Markov transition probability, Likelihood ratio test, FDI, Per capita income, Regional development, United States of America, F23, O18, O51,

Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Regional Development in Developed Countries? A Markov Chain Approach for US States,
Eckhardt Bode and Peter Nunnenkamp, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: Markov transition probability, likelihood ratio test, FDI, per-capita income, regional development, United States of America

Testing Nonlinear New Economic Geography Models,
Eckhardt Bode and Jan Mutl, from Institute for Advanced Studies (2010)
Keywords: New economic geography, spatial econometrics

Markov or not Markov - this should be a question,
Eckhardt Bode and Frank Bickenbach, from European Regional Science Association (2002) Downloads

The spatial dimension of economic growth and convergence,
Eckhardt Bode and Sergio J. Rey, in Papers in Regional Science (2006) Downloads

Creativity, education or what? On the measurement of regional human capital,
Eckhardt Bode and Lucia Perez-Villar, in Papers in Regional Science (2017) Downloads

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2012) Downloads

Wie stark strahlt die Industrierezession auf die Dienstleistungsbranchen aus?,
Eckhardt Bode, Nils Jannsen and Ulrich Stolzenburg, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2019) Downloads

Aging and regional productivity growth in Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse and Ulrich Stolzenburg, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2023)
Keywords: Workforce aging, Population aging, Productivity growth, Regional analysis, Germany

Sektorale Strukturprobleme und regionale Anpassungserfordernisse der Wirtschaft in den neuen Bundesländern,
Eckhardt Bode and Christiane Krieger-Boden, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1990) Downloads

Die mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder als Unternehmensstandort,
Bernhard Heitger, Klaus Schrader and Eckhardt Bode, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1992) Downloads

Creativity, education or what? On the measurement of regional human capital,
Eckhardt Bode and Lucia Perez Villar, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2014)
Keywords: Human Capital, Education, Creativity, Cognitive Skills, Noncognitive Skills, Occupation, Regional Wages, Regional Growth

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, US States, Spatial Econometrics, Marshallian Externalities

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique (2012) Downloads

Aging and regional productivity growth in Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse and Ulrich Stolzenburg, in Review of Regional Research: Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft (2023)
Keywords: Workforce aging, Population aging, Productivity growth, Regional analysis, Germany

Book reviews,
Eckhardt Bode, Friedrich Sell and Oliver Lorz, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2003) Downloads

Industrierezession und Dienstleistungsbranchen,
Eckhardt Bode, Nils Jannsen and Ulrich Stolzenburg, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2020) Downloads

Creativity, education or what? On the measurement of regional human capital,
Eckhardt Bode and Lucia Perez Villar, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017)
Keywords: human capital, education, creativity, cognitive skills, non‐cognitive skills

Worker Personality: Another Skill Bias beyond Education in the Digital Age,
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner, in German Economic Review (2019) Downloads

European integration, regional structural change and cohesion in Portugal,
Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Florian Siedenburg and Rüdiger Soltwedel, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2005) Downloads

European integration, regional structural change and cohesion in Spain,
Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Florian Siedenburg and Rüdiger Soltwedel, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2005) Downloads

European Integration, regional structural change and cohesion in Germany,
Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Florian Siedenburg and Rüdiger Soltwedel, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2005) Downloads

European Integration, regional structural change and cohesion in France,
Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Florian Siedenburg and Rüdiger Soltwedel, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2005) Downloads

Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital age,
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2016)
Keywords: Worker personality, Noncognitive skills, Digital transformation, Direction of technical change, Germany

Does domestic offshoring precede international offshoring? Industry-level evidence,
Franz-Josef Bade, Eckhardt Bode and Eleonora Cutrini, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2011)
Keywords: International offshoring, domestic offshoring, functional fragmentation, industry life cycle, Germany, K density

Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital age,
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner, from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Economics and Management (2016)
Keywords: Worker personality, Noncognitive skills, Digital transformation, Direction of technical change, Germany

Closing the gap between absolute and relative measures of localization, concentration or specialization,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode and Christiane Krieger-Boden, in Papers in Regional Science (2013) Downloads

Cross-border activities, taxation and the European single market,
Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden and Konrad Lammers, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1994) Downloads

Worker Personality: Another Skill Bias beyond Education in the Digital Age,
Eckhardt Bode, Ott Ingrid, Stephan Brunow and Alina Sorgner, in German Economic Review (2019)
Keywords: Non-cognitive skills, digitalization, skill-biased technological change, Germany

Spatial fragmentation of industries by functions,
Franz-Josef Bade, Eckhardt Bode and Eleonora Cutrini, from Macerata University, Department of Studies on Economic Development (DiSSE) (2012)
Keywords: fragmentation,localization,colocalization,functions,offshoring,Germany,K density,manufacturing

Night lights and regional GDP,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Mareike Lange and Peter Nunnenkamp, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2013)
Keywords: night lights, regional GDP data, stability of lights elasticities, emerging markets, developed economies

Structural cohesion in Europe: Stylized facts,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode and Christiane Krieger-Boden, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: Theil index, localization, specialization, concentration, European Union, cohesion

Closing the gap between absolute and relative measures of localization, concentration or specialization,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode and Christiane Krieger-Boden, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010)
Keywords: Localization, Concentration, Specialization, Theil index

Spatial fragmentation of industries by functions,
Franz-Josef Bade, Eckhardt Bode and Eleonora Cutrini, in The Annals of Regional Science (2015)
Keywords: C19, L60, F23, R12,

Night lights and regional GDP,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Mareike Söder, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2016)
Keywords: Night lights, Regional GDP, Stability of lights elasticities, Emerging economies, Developed economies

Veränderungen von Tätigkeitsprofilen im Zuge des digitalen Wandels in Deutschland,
Ronald Bachmann, Eckhardt Bode, Holger Görg and Bernhard Schmidpeter, from Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) - Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation, Berlin (2021) Downloads

Worker Personality: Another Skill Bias beyond Education in the Digital Age,
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner, from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (2016)
Keywords: Worker personality, Noncognitive skills, Digital transformation, Direction of technical change, Germany

Domestic and International Offshoring of Tasks,
Eckhardt Bode, Franz-Josef Bade Bade and Eleonora Cutrini, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Worker Personality: Another Skill Bias beyond Education in the Digital Age,
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2016)
Keywords: Worker personality, Noncognitive skills, Digital transformation, Direction of technical change, Germany

Struktur und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Wirtschaft in der deutsch-dänischen Grenzregion,
Eckhardt Bode, Martin Hoffmeyer, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Claus-Friedrich Laaser, Konrad Lammers and Lotte Holler, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1991) Downloads

Digitalisierung. Dekarbonisierung. Demografie. Wandel gestalten: Mittelstandsbericht Thüringen 2020,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse, Sophia Fehrenbacher, Robert Gold, Ulrich Stolzenburg and Julian Vehrke, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2022)
Keywords: Mittelstand, Wirtschaftspolitik, Demografie, Digitalisierung, Dekarbonisierung, Ostdeutschland, small business sector, economic policy, demography, digitalization, decarbonization, East Germany

Die Bedeutung von Vorleistungsimporten und nichtpreislicher Wettbewerbsfähigkeit für den deutschen Leistungsbilanzsaldo,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Ursula Fritsch, Holger Görg, Dennis Görlich and Tillmann Schwörer, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2014) Downloads

Structural adjustment: Will the financial sector shrink and entrepreneurship boom?,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse, Aoife Hanley and Rainer Schweickert, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009) Downloads

Adjustment after the crisis: Will the financial sector shrink and entrepreneurship boom?,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse, Aoife Hanley and Rainer Schweickert, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009) Downloads

Adjustment after the crisis: Will the financial sector shrink and entrepreneurship boom?,
Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Dirk Dohse, Aoife Hanley and Rainer Schweickert, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009) Downloads

The effects of digitalization on gender equaliy in the G20 economies: Women20 study,
Alina Sorgner, Eckhardt Bode, Christiane Krieger-Boden, Urvashi Aneja, Susan Coleman, Vidisha Mishra and Alicia M. Robb, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017) Downloads

Regionale Verteilung von Innovations- und Technologiepotentialen in Deutschland und Europa: Endbericht an das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Referat Z 25 - Kurzfassung der Projektergebnisse,
Knut Koschatzky, Emmanuel Muller, Andrea Zenker, Alexander Eickelpasch, Ingo Pfeiffer, Dirk Dohse, Eckhardt Bode, Birgit Gehrke, Harald Legler and Jörg Schmidt, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2000) Downloads

Deregulierung in Deutschland: eine empirische Analyse,
Alfred Boss, Jürgen Stehn, Claus-Friedrich Laaser, Klaus-Werner Schatz, Eckhardt Bode, Hans Böhme, Ernst-Jürgen Horn, Astrid Rosenschon, Birgit Sander and Rainer Schmidt, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (1996) Downloads

Produktivität in Deutschland: Messbarkeit und Entwicklung,
Martin Ademmer, Frank Bickenbach, Eckhardt Bode, Jens Boysen-Hogrefe, Salomon Fiedler, Klaus Gern, Holger Görg, Dominik Groll, Cecília Hornok, Nils Jannsen, Stefan Kooths and Christiane Krieger-Boden, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2017) Downloads

Big Data in der makroökonomischen Analyse,
Martin Ademmer, Joscha Beckmann, Eckhardt Bode, Jens Boysen-Hogrefe, Manuel Funke, Philipp Hauber, Tobias Heidland, Julian Hinz, Nils Jannsen, Stefan Kooths, Mareike Söder, Vincent Stamer and Ulrich Stolzenburg, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2021)
Keywords: Big Data, makroökonomische Analyse, Konjunktur, Konjunktur Deutschland, MachineLearning

Attitudes of Canadian peace groups,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (1972) Downloads

The Factor of Militarism,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1969) Downloads

Symbiosis between Peace Research and Peace Action,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1971) Downloads

A Conformity Theory of Aggressian,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1974) Downloads

Primitive Militarism,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1975) Downloads

Research Communication: Global Compassion and Compulsion,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1979) Downloads

Bridging the Gap Between Peace Action, Education and Research,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1988) Downloads

Civilizations, Empires, and Wars,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Peace Research (1990) Downloads

War propaganda, Welfare values, and political ideologies,
William Eckhardt, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (1965) Downloads

Labour and New Social Movements in a Globalising World System By Berthold Unfried and Marcel van der Linden, eds., with the help of Christine Schindler. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2004. Pp. 253. (ITH-Tagungsberichte 38). ISBN 3-931982-36-X,
Eckhardt Fuchs, in Journal of Global History (2006) Downloads

Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organisations Across Nations,
Giana Eckhardt, in Australian Journal of Management (2002) Downloads

Logistik - ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsbereich in Deutschland,
Eckhardt Wohlers, from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) (2015) Downloads

Employment trends in the USA, Japan and the EC,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1986)
Keywords: Employment

The shadow economy—An expanding field of activity,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy (1966 - 1988) (1984)
Keywords: Informal Economy

Günstige Konjunkturperspektiven im Vorfeld der EWU,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

Gedämpft optimistisch,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

Allmähliche Belebung der Inlandsnachfrage,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

Licht und Schatten,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

Konjunktur ohne Schwung,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

Überfällige Steuerreform,
Eckhardt Wohlers, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (1997) Downloads

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