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147 documents matched the search for Douadia Bougherara in authors.
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Efficacité des marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité: une application aux produits écolabellisés,
Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,LABEL VERT,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR

Rôle de l’aversion au risque des agriculteurs dans l’utilisation de pesticides et implications pour la régulation,
Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2011) Downloads

Conditions d’efficacité d’un éco-étiquetage sur les produits alimentaires,
Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2009) Downloads

Registered author: Douadia Bougherara

ESNIE 2005 Project: Analysis of agro-environmental schemes,
Douadia Bougherara and . Esnie, from HAL (2005)

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Crop Insurance,Cumulative Prospect Theory,premium subsidy,skewness

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Crop Insurance,Cumulative Prospect Theory,premium subsidy,skewness

Marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité des biens: une application aux produits écolabellisés,
Virginie Piguet and Douadia Bougherara, in Économie et Prévision (2008) Downloads

Designing Ecolabels In Order To Mitigate Market Failures,
Douadia Bougherara and Gilles Grolleau, in Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics (2005)
Keywords: Ecolabeling; Market failures; Agrofood products

The Impact of Farmers’ Risk Preferences on the Design of an Individual Yield Crop Insurance,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2014)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

The impact of farmers' risk preferences on the design of an individual yield crop insurance,
Laurent Piet and Douadia Bougherara, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2016)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Risk and Uncertainty

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2018)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Préférences vis-à-vis du risque et choix d’intrants: le cas des pesticides,
Douadia Bougherara and Céline Nauges, in INRAE Sciences Sociales (2022)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty

Marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité des biens: une application aux produits écolabellisés,
Douadia Bougherara and Virginie Piguet, in Economie & Prévision (2008)
Keywords: credence goods, eco-labeling, quality, information, experimental economics

L'éco-étiquetage des produits est-il crédible ? Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse,
Douadia Bougherara and Gilles Grolleau, in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (2004)
Keywords: eco-labels, credence attributes, transaction costs, credibility

Market Behavior with Environmental Quality Information Costs,
Douadia Bougherara and Piguet Virginie, in Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization (2009)
Keywords: information costs, credence goods, eco-labeling, experimental economics

Marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité des biens: une application aux produits écolabellisés,
Douadia Bougherara and Virginie Piguet, from HAL (2008)

Eco-labelled food products: what are consumers paying for?,
Douadia Bougherara and Pierre Combris, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: CONSENTEMENT A PAYER,ECONOMIE EXPERIMENTALE,WILLINGNESS TO PAY,ECOLABEL,EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS,BECKER DEGROOT MARSCHAK,cost-benefit analysis,food product,économie,écocertification,analyse coût avantage,comportement des consommateurs,produit alimentaire,expérimentation

Designing ecolabels in order to mitigate market failures: an application to agrofood products,
Douadia Bougherara and Gilles Grolleau, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,IAA,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,consumers,consommateur,écolabel

Impact of decoupled payments and cross-compliance on decisions to withdraw land from production,
Douadia Bougherara and Laure Latruffe, from HAL (2006)

Marchés avec coûts d'information sur la qualité des biens: une application aux produits écolabellisés,
Douadia Bougherara and Virginie Piguet, from HAL (2006)

Consumers' valuation of environmental attributes: an experimental study applied to orange juice,
Douadia Bougherara and Pierre Combris, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,écolabel,jus d'orange,évaluation contingente

L'éco-étiquetage des produits est-il crédible ? Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse,
Douadia Bougherara and Gilles Grolleau, from HAL (2004)
Keywords: environmental control,food product,shadow prices overhead costs,regulation,ISO standard,use efficiency,Consommation,distribution et transformation,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,numerical models,étiquetage,modèle,protection de l'environnement,produit alimentaire,coût,comportement des consommateurs,réglementation,norme iso,écolabel,asymétrie d'information,écoétiquetage,bien de croyance,efficacité,qualité du produit

L'éco-labellisation: comment viser l'efficacité de l'étiquetage ?,
Douadia Bougherara and Virginie Piguet, from HAL (2010) Downloads

Mesure de l'attitude des agriculteurs vis-à-vis du risque,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: RISQUE

Préférences vis-à-vis du risque et choix d'intrants: le cas des pesticides,
Douadia Bougherara and Celine Nauges, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Pesticide,Externalités,Incitation

Améliorer les outils numériques d’aide à la décision pour la protection phytosanitaire des cultures,
Douadia Bougherara and Sophie Thoyer, from HAL (2024)
Keywords: pesticides,outils d’aide à la décision,information sur la qualité,valeur de l’infor- mation,évaluation ex ante,évaluation ex post,aversion au risque,croyances,apprentissage

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from CEE-M, Universtiy of Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro (2018)
Keywords: Crop Insurance,Cumulative Prospect Theory,premium subsidy,skewness

Eco-labelled food products: what are consumers paying for?,
Douadia Bougherara and Pierre Combris, in European Review of Agricultural Economics (2009) Downloads

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: crop insurance,cumulative prospect theory,premium subsidy,Skewness,théorie des perspectives cumulées,subvention de la prime d’assurance,assurance récolte

Potential impact of Single Farm Payments on French landowners’ decisions to withdraw land from production,
Douadia Bougherara and Laure Latruffe, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: cross compliance,single farm payment,intention,farmer

How laboratory experiments could help disentangle the influences of production risk and risk preferences on input decisions,
Douadia Bougherara and Celine Nauges, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2018)
Keywords: laboratory experiment; input choice; production risk; risk preferences; subsidy; insurance

The impact of farmers' risk preferences on the design of an individual yield crop insurance,
Laurent Piet and Douadia Bougherara, from INRAE UMR SMART (2016)
Keywords: yield, crop insurance, cumulative prospect theory, premium subsidy, France

On the role of probability weighting on WTP for crop insurance with and without yield skewness,
Douadia Bougherara and Laurent Piet, from INRAE UMR SMART (2018)
Keywords: crop insurance, cumulative prospect theory, premium subsidy, Skewnes

Is more information always better? An analysis applied to information-based policies for environmental protection,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, in International Journal of Sustainable Development (2007)
Keywords: information overload; information provision; informational elasticity; environmental policy; environmental information; sustainable development; sustainability.

Benefiting from a Clean Environment versus Undertaking Efforts to Protect the Environment,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, in Review of Agricultural Economics (2007) Downloads

Benefiting from a Clean Environment versus Undertaking Efforts to Protect the Environment,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, in Review of Agricultural Economics (2007) Downloads

L'exclusion des produits agroalimentaires du dispositif d'écolabellisation,
Douadia Bougherara, Luc Thiébaut and Gilles Grolleau, in Économie rurale (2003) Downloads

Making or Buying Environmental Public Goods: Do Consumers Care?,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl, in Land Economics (2013) Downloads

Risk-taking and skewness-seeking behavior in a demographically diverse population,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Céline Nauges, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2022)
Keywords: Risk; Skewness; Certainty equivalent; Experiment;

Eliciting Risk Preferences: A Field Experiment on a Sample of French Farmers,
Douadia Bougherara, Xavier Gassmann and Laurent Piet, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2011)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Making or buying environmental public goods: do consumers care?,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2012)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

A structural estimation of French farmers’ risk preferences: an artefactual field experiment,
Douadia Bougherara, Xavier Gassmann and Laurent Piet, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2011)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2009)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

economie et environnement. Gestion et environnement: anatomie d'une relation,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiebaut, in Innovations (2004) Downloads

Réputation environnementale en agro-alimentaire: « milieu de production » versus « processus de production »,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (2003)
Keywords: environmental reputation, environmental differentiation, ecolabeling, environmental rent

Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, in Ecological Economics (2009)
Keywords: Community supported agriculture Food supply Transaction cost economics

Consumer inequality aversion and risk preferences in community supported agriculture,
Kévin Bernard, Aurélie Bonein and Douadia Bougherara, in Ecological Economics (2020)
Keywords: Inequality aversion preferences; Risk aversion; Field experiment; Community-supported agriculture;

Impact of private labels and promotion on ecolabeled food,
Carole Ropars-Collet and Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2013)

The 'Make or Buy' Decision in Private Environmental Transactions,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from HAL (2009)

Buy local, pollute less: what drives households to join a community supported farm?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: community supported agriculture,food supply,transaction cost economics,coûts de transaction,amap

How to make promises without having to fulfill them? An application to the food stamp program (SNAP) and rebate schemes,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: ACCESS COSTS ,HOUSEHOLDS,PROMISES,MARKETING STRATEGIES,PERSONAL INCOME,CONSUMER BEHAVIOR,TAUX DE REMISE,PROMESSE,STRATEGIE POLITIQUE,food relief,comportement des consommateurs,économie,discrimination,aide alimentaire,stratégie commerciale,revenu

Can labelling policies do more harm than good ? An analysis applied to environmental labelling schemes,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, from HAL (2005)
Keywords: Environnement,espace et société,environmental control,regulation,use efficiency,protection de l'environnement,comportement des consommateurs,réglementation,politique de l'environnement,écolabel,efficacité,évaluation

Benefiting from a clean environment versus undertaking efforts to protect the environment,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: INDUSTRIE AGROALIMENTAIRE,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,environment,environmental control,environnement,protection de l'environnement,comportement des consommateurs,écolabel

Réputation environnementale en agro-alimentaire: "milieu de production" versus "processus de production",
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiebaut, from HAL (2003)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,environmental control,food product,shadow prices overhead costs,protection de l'environnement,produit alimentaire,coût,comportement des consommateurs,écolabel,asymétrie d'information,qualité du produit

L'écolabellisation des produits agro-alimentaires: un complément aux autres instruments des politiques environnementales ?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, from HAL (2002)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,environmental control,food product,regulation,ISO standard,use efficiency,protection de l'environnement,produit alimentaire,comportement des consommateurs,réglementation,politique de l'environnement,norme iso,écolabel,cycle de vie,efficacité,qualité du produit,étiquetage,évaluation contingente

Gestion et environnement: anatomie d'une relation,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, from HAL (2004)
Keywords: Environnement,espace et société,ISO standard,gestion de l'environnement,politique de l'environnement,norme iso

Mise en perspective et discussion de l'exclusion des produits agro-alimentaires du dispositif d'écolabellisation,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, from HAL (2003)

L'exclusion des produits agroalimentaires du dispositif d'écolabellisation,
Douadia Bougherara, Luc Thiebaut and Gilles Grolleau, from HAL (2003)
Keywords: Consommation,distribution et transformation,INFORMATION DU CONSOMMATEUR,environmental control,food product,shadow prices overhead costs,regulation,réglementation,écolabel,protection de l'environnement,produit alimentaire,coût

Consumer Inequality Aversion and Risk Preferences in Community Supported Agriculture,
Kévin Bernard, Aurélie Bonein and Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Inequality aversion preferences,Risk aversion,Field experiment,Community supported agriculture

Are consumers willing to pay for farmers’ Use of carbon offsets ?,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl, from HAL (2011) Downloads

Do risk preferences really matter? the case of pesticide use in agriculture,
Christophe Bontemps, Douadia Bougherara and Celine Nauges, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Pesticides,Production risk,Risk preferences

L’économie expérimentale: révéler les préférences et les facteurs de décision des individus,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Muller and Sabrina Teyssier, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: économie expérimentale,préférences,décision,comportement économique

How can Transaction Cost Economics Help Regulators Choose Between Environmental Policy Instruments?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012)
Keywords: Transaction cost economics, Williamson, environmental policy

The ‘make or buy’ decision in private environmental transactions,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, in European Journal of Law and Economics (2009)
Keywords: Property rights, Environmental transactions, Measurement, Transaction-cost economics, D23, K32, Q58,

Can Labelling Policies Do More Harm Than Good? An Analysis Applied to Environmental Labelling Schemes,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Luc Thiébaut, in European Journal of Law and Economics (2005)
Keywords: labelling, ecolabelling, policy, environmental elasticity,

How to Make Promises Without Having to Fulfill Them: An Application to the Food Stamp Program (SNAP) and Rebate Schemes,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, in Journal of Economic Issues (2010) Downloads

Community Supported Agriculture and Preferences for Risk and Fairness,
Kévin Bernard, Aurélie Bonein and Douadia Bougherara, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2016)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty

Risk Taking with Left- and Right-Skewed Lotteries,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, from University of Queensland, School of Economics (2020)
Keywords: Risk; Skewness; Laboratory Experiment; Probability Weighting

Risk Taking and Skewness Seeking Behavior in a Demographically Diverse Population*,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, from University of Queensland, School of Economics (2021)
Keywords: Risk; Skewness; Certainty Equivalent; Experiment

Risk Taking with Left- and Right-Skewed Lotteries,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Risk,Skewness,Laboratory experiment,Probability weighting

Risk-taking and skewness-seeking behavior in a demographically diverse population,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Céline Nauges, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Risk,Skewness,Certainty Equivalent,Experiment

Risk Taking with Left- and Right-Skewed Lotteries*,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (2021)
Keywords: Risk, Skewness, Laboratory experiment, Probability weighting

Risk Taking and Skewness Seeking Behavior in a Demographically Diverse Population,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2022)
Keywords: We study the interaction between risk taking and skewness seeking behavior among the French population using an experiment that elicits certainty equivalent over lotteries that vary the second and third moments orthogonally. We find that the most common behavior is risk avoidance and skewness seeking. On average, we find no interaction between the two, and a weakly significant interaction only in some segments of the population. That is, in most cases, skewness seeking is not affected by the variance of the lotteries involved, nor is risk taking affected by the skewness of the lotteries. We also find a significant positive correlation between risk avoiding and skewness seeking behavior. Older and female participants make more risk avoiding and more skewness seeking choices, while less educated people and those not in executive occupations are more skewness seeking.

Fertilizer use and risk: New evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa,
Celine Nauges, Douadia Bougherara and Estelle Koussoubé, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2021) Downloads

Do Risk Preferences Really Matter? The Case of Pesticide Use in Agriculture,
Christophe Bontemps, Douadia Bougherara and Celine Nauges, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2020) Downloads

Risk Taking with Left- and Right-Skewed Lotteries,
Douadia Bougherara, Lana Friesen and Celine Nauges, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2020)
Keywords: Risk; Skewness; Laboratory Experiment; Probability Weighting

Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?,
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi, from INRAE UMR SMART (2009)
Keywords: community supported agriculture; food supply; transaction cost economics

A structural estimation of French farmers’ risk preferences: an artefactual field experiment,
Douadia Bougherara, Xavier Gassmann and Laurent Piet, from INRAE UMR SMART (2011)
Keywords: risk attitudes, field experiment, farmer

Making or buying environmental public goods: do consumers care?,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl, from INRAE UMR SMART (2012)
Keywords: offsets, willingness to pay, stated choice

Creating vs maintaining threshold public goods in conservation contracts,
Laurent Denant-Boèmont, David Masclet and Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: threshold public good,free riding,framing effect,environmental resources

Creating vs. maintaining threshold public goods in conservation policies,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: public good experiment,threshold,framing effects,conservation policies

Creating versus maintaining threshold public goods in conservation policies,
Laurent Denant-Boèmont, David Masclet and Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: public goods experiment,threshold,framing effects,conservation policies

Creating vs. maintaining threshold public goods in conservation policies,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: public goods experiment,threshold,framing effects,conservation policies

« Éviter le mal ou... faire le bien »: gestion des biens environnementaux et politiques de développement durable Une étude expérimentale,
Laurent Denant-Boèmont, David Masclet and Douadia Bougherara, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: protection de l'environnement,biens publics,developpement durable,économie expérimentale

Cooperation and framing effects in provision point mechanisms: Experimental evidence,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Public goods experiment,provision point,framing effects

Do farmers prefer increasing, decreasing, or stable payments in Agri-Environmental Schemes?,
Douadia Bougherara, Margaux Lapierre, Raphaële Préget and Alexandre Sauquet, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Choice experiment,Cover crops,Farming practices,Sequences of outcomes,Agri-Environmental Schemes,Discounted utility

Does aversion to the sucker's payoff matter in public goods games?,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa, Gilles Grolleau and Lisette Ibanez, from Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2009)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

« Éviter le mal ou... faire le bien »: gestion des biens environnementaux et politiques de développement durable. Une étude expérimentale,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, in Revue économique (2008) Downloads

Impact of Private Labels and Information Campaigns on Organic and Fair Trade Food Demand,
Douadia Bougherara, Ropars-Collet Carole and Saint-Gilles Jude, in Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization (2022)
Keywords: organic, fair trade, information campaign, AIDS model

Dealing with aversion to the sucker's payoff in public goods games,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa, Gilles Grolleau and Lisette Ibanez, in Economics Bulletin (2009)
Keywords: Experiments, Public good, Sucker's payoff, Assurance

Cooperation and framing effects in provision point mechanisms: Experimental evidence,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, in Ecological Economics (2011)
Keywords: Public goods experiment Provision point Framing effects

Do farmers prefer increasing, decreasing, or stable payments in Agri-environmental schemes?,
Douadia Bougherara, Margaux Lapierre, Raphaële Préget and Alexandre Sauquet, in Ecological Economics (2021)
Keywords: Sequences of outcomes; Agri-environmental schemes; Discounted utility; Farming practices; Cover crops; Choice experiment;

Dealing with aversion to the sucker's payoff in public goods games,
Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa, Gilles Grolleau and Lisette Ibanez, from HAL (2009)

Economic performance in organic farming in France: incentive or disincentive to convert?,
Laure Latruffe, Douadia Bougherara and Jasmin Sainte-Beuve, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: organic farming,farm profitability,France,conversion,agriculture biologique,rentabilité de l'exploitation agricole

Mesure de l'aversion au risque des agriculteurs de Vivescia. Premiers résultats de l’enquête commune INRA-Arvalis,
Douadia Bougherara, Xavier Gassmann, Laurent Piet and Valérie Leveau, from HAL (2012)

Eco-Labeled Food Products: What are Consumers Paying for ?,
Douadia Bougherara, Pierre Combris and . University of Illinois, from HAL (2007)

Développement durable: conservation et création de biens environnementaux. Une étude expérimentale,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: ÉCONOMIE EXPÉRIMENTALE,public policy,évaluation,politique publique,bien environnemental

Is decentralization of agri-environmental policy welfare enhancing ?,
Douadia Bougherara, Carl Gaigne and . Iowa State University, from HAL (2007)

Développement durable: conservation et création de biens environnementaux. Une étude expérimentale,
Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: ÉCONOMIE EXPÉRIMENTALE,public policy,évaluation,politique publique,bien environnemental

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