93111 documents matched the search for De Valck, Jeremy in authors.
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Registered author: Jeremy Mathieu De Valck
Spatial Heterogeneity in Stated Preference Valuation: Status, Challenges and Road Ahead, Jeremy De Valck and John Rolfe,
in International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
Keywords: Environmental, non-market valuation, preference heterogeneity, GIS, spatial statistics, ecosystem services
Comparing biodiversity valuation approaches for the sustainable management of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Jeremy De Valck and John Rolfe,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Comparing biodiversity valuation approaches for the sustainable management of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Jeremy De Valck and John Rolfe,
in Ecosystem Services
Keywords: Environmental; Non-market valuation; Ecosystem services; Resilience; Natural capital; Biodiversity finance;
Consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for improved environmental standards: insights from cane sugar in the Great Barrier Reef region, Jeremy De Valck, John Rolfe, Darshana Rajapaksa and Megan Star,
in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Does coal mining benefit local communities in the long run? A sustainability perspective on regional Queensland, Australia, Jeremy De Valck, Galina Williams and Swee Kuik,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Hybrid cost-benefit analysis; Environmental impact assessment; Land use; Externalities; Sustainable development; GIS;
Consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for improved environmental standards: insights from cane sugar in the Great Barrier Reef region, Jeremy De Valck, John Rolfe, Darshana Rajapaksa and Megan Star,
in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Towards Zero Emissions Noosa, Carina Anderson, Robert Passey, Jeremy De Valck and Rakibuzzaman Shah,
in Sustainability
Keywords: Noosa; community; zero emissions; renewable energy; modeling; toolbox of options
Contrasting the collective social value of outdoor recreation and the substitutability of nature areas using hot spot mapping, Jeremy De Valck, Steven Broekx, Inge Liekens, Leo de Nocker, Jos van Orshoven and Liesbet Vranken,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centre for Agricultural and Food Economics
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Land Economics/Use, Public Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Virtual communities of consumption: networks of consumer knowledge and companionship, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtual communities,consumption,consumer knowledge,companionship
Le concept des bloggeurs: Le bouche à oreille dans les communautés online, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: bloggeurs,communautés online,bouche à oreille
Word-of-Mouth in Virtual Communities: A Netnographic Analysis, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Word-of-Mouth,Virtual Communities,Netnographic,Analysis
Bioscoopbeelden Kunnen Gerust Bezichtigd Worden; Rotterdamse Bioscopen in het Seizoen 1908/1909, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Bioscoopbeelden,Rotterdam,Bioscopen,1908,1909
The War of the eTribes: Online Conflicts and Communal Consumption, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: War,eTribes,Online,Conflicts,Communal,Consumption
Virtual Community Intelligence: Using Netnography to Extract Knowledge from Online Consumer Conversations, Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtual Community,Intelligence,Netnography,Extract,Knowledge,Online,Consumer,Conversations
The sources of preference heterogeneity for nature restoration scenarios, Jeremy De Valck, Pieter Vlaeminck, Inge Liekens, Joris Aertsens, Wendy Chen and Liesbet Vranken,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centre for Agricultural and Food Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Testing the influence of substitutes in nature valuation by using spatial discounting factors, Jeremy De Valck, Steven Broekx, Inge Liekens, Joris Aertsens and Liesbet Vranken,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centre for Agricultural and Food Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Valuing urban ecosystem services in sustainable brownfield redevelopment, Jeremy De Valck, Alistair Beames, Inge Liekens, Maarten Bettens, Piet Seuntjens and Steven Broekx,
in Ecosystem Services
Keywords: Green infrastructure; Urban ecosystem services; Sustainability; Urban development; Urban resilience; Non-market valuation;
Using Online Forums for In-Home Product Testing: A Field Experimentation, Kristine de Valck and Christine Balagué,
from HAL
Keywords: Online Forums,In-Home,Product Testing,Field Experimentation
Look Who's Talking! Technology-Supported Impression Formation in Virtual Communities, Kristine de Valck and Claire Dambrin,
from HAL
Keywords: Technology-Supported Impression,Formation,Virtual Communities
Which online interactive platform to test products ?: a field experimentation, Kristine de Valck and Christine Balagué,
from HAL
Keywords: Platform,Online,Test,Interactive,Products,Field Experimentation
Pixelize me': Digital Storytelling and the creation of archetypal myths through explicit and implicit self-brand association in fashion and luxury blogs, Kristine de Valck and G. Kretz,
from HAL
Keywords: Digital,Storytelling,creation,archetypal myths,brand association,fashion,luxury,blogs
Better Understanding Construction of the Self: An Investigation of the Materiality of Consumption Experiences in Online Discussion Forums, Kristine de Valck and A. Schwob,
from HAL
Keywords: Understanding,Construction,Self,Investigation,Materiality,Consumption,Experiences,Online Discussion Forums
Using blogs to solicit consumer feedback: the role of directive questioning versus no questioning, Christine Balagué and Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Online consumer feedback,Market research,Directive questioning,Blogs
Using Blogs to Solicit Consumer Feedback: The Role of Directive Questioning Versus No Questioning, Christine Balagué and Kristine de Valck,
in Journal of Interactive Marketing
Keywords: Directive questioning; Online consumer feedback; Blogs; Market research;
Home users blogs to test products: a field experimentation, Christine Balagué and Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Innovation,Blog,Product test
Creativity and Information use in Teams, Kristina B. Dahlin, Kevyn Yong and Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: Creativity,Information use,Teams
Brothers in Paint: Practice-Oriented Inquiry into a Tribal Marketplace Culture, Kristine de Valck, Joonas Rokka and Joel Hietanen,
from HAL
Keywords: Practice-Oriented,Inquiry,Tribal,Marketplace,Culture
Patterns of Participation in Virtual Communities ofConsumption: A Member Typology, Kristine de Valck, G. H. van Bruggen and Berendt Wierenga,
from HAL
Keywords: consumption,virtual communities of consumption
Patterns of Participation in Virtual Communities of Consumption: A Member Typology, Kristine de Valck, G. H. van Bruggen and Berendt Wierenga,
from HAL
Keywords: consumption,vitual communities of consumption
Virtuele connecties tussen consumenten: netwerken van consumptiekennis en kameraadschap, Kristine de Valck, G. H. van Bruggen and Berendt Wierenga,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtuele connecties tussen consumenten,netwerken van consumptiekennis,kameraadschap
Satisfaction with Virtual Communities of Interest: Effect on Members' Visit Frequency, Kristine de Valck, Fred Langerak, Peter Verhoef and Peeter Verlegh,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtual Communities,Interest,members,visit,frequency
The Effect of Members' Satisfaction with a Virtual Community on Member Participation, Kristine de Valck, Fred Langerak, Peter Verhoef and Peeter Verlegh,
from HAL
Keywords: virtual community,satisfaction,internet,consumers,relationship age
Brothers in Paint: Practice-Oriented Inquiry into a Tribal Marketplace Culture, Kristine de Valck, J. Rokka and J. Hietanen,
from HAL
Keywords: Practice-Oriented,Inquiry,Tribal,Marketplace,Culture
Videography as Analytical Approach to Study Marketplace Cultures, Kristine de Valck, J. Rokka and J. Hietanen,
from HAL
Keywords: Videography,Marketplace Cultures
Creativity and Information use in Teams, Kevyn Yong, K. de Valck and Kristina B. Dahlin,
from HAL
Keywords: Creativity,Information use,Teams
Videography in Consumer Research; Visions for a Method on the Rise, Kristine de Valck, J. Rokka and J. Hietanen,
from HAL
Keywords: Videography,Consumer Research,Visions,Method
Opening the Black Box of Buzzing Bloggers; Understanding How Consumers Deal with the Tension between Authenticity and Commercialism in Seeded WOM Campaigns, Kristine de Valck, Robert Kozinets, Sarah Wilner and Andrea Wojnicki,
from HAL
Keywords: Consumers,Authenticity,Commercialism,WOM,Word-of-mouth
Show Bizz Becomes Show Buzz: How Viral Diffusion Changes the Traditional Meaning-Making Process of a Rising Star, Kristine de Valck, G. Kretz and D. Rasolofoarison,
from HAL
Keywords: Show Bizz,Show Buzz,Viral Diffusion,Meaning-Making Process,Rising Star
Show Bizz Becomes Show Buzz; How Viral Diffusion Changes the Traditional Meaning-Making Process of a Rising Star, Kristine de Valck, G. Kretz and D. Rasolofoarison,
from HAL
Keywords: Show Bizz,Show Buzz,Viral Diffusion,Traditional,Meaning-Making,Process,Rising Star
Creating Loyalty in Virtual Communities, Kristine de Valck, F. Langerak, P.C. Verhoef and P.W.J. Verlegh,
from HAL
Keywords: Loyalty,Virtual Communities
Using Virtual Communities as Reference Groups: Antecedents and Consequences in the Context of Consumer Decision-Making, Kristine de Valck, B. Wierenga and G. H. van Bruggen,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtual Communities,Reference Groups,Antecedents,Consequences,Consumer,Decision-Making
The Effect of Members' Satisfaction with a Virtual Community on Member Participation, Kristine de Valck, F. Langerak, P.C. Verhoef and P.W.J. Verlegh,
from HAL
Keywords: Members,Satisfaction,Virtual Community,Member Participation
The Role of Virtual Communities in the Consumer Decision Process, Kristine de Valck, B. Wierenga and G. H. van Bruggen,
from HAL
Keywords: Virtual Communities,Consumer,Decision Process
How information use turns diversity into creativity, Kristina B. Dahlin, Kristine de Valck and Kevyn Yong,
from HAL
Keywords: information,diversity,creativity
Understanding emerging adults' consumption of TV series in the digital age: A practice-theory-based approach, Stephanie Feiereisen, Dina Rasolofoarison, Kristine De Valck and Julien Schmitt,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Television series; Emerging adults; Digital network; Practice theory; In-depth interviews;
The Effect of Members' Satisfaction with a Virtual Community on Member Participation, Fred Langerak, Peter Verhoef, Peter Verlegh and Kristine de Valck,
from Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Keywords: consumers, internet, relationship age, satisfaction, virtual community
Understanding emerging adults' consumption of TV series in the digital age: A practice-theory-based approach, Stephanie Feiereisen, Dina Rasolofoarison, Kristine de Valck and Julien Schmitt,
from HAL
Keywords: Television series,Emerging adults,Digital network,Practice theory,In-depth interviews
A l’heure de Netflix, les jeunes adultes conquis mais frustrés, Stéphanie Feiereisen, Dina Rasolofoarison, Julien Schmitt and Kristine de Valck,
from HAL
Keywords: télévision,cinéma,consommation,Internet,jeunes consommateurs
Videography in Consumer Research: Visions for a Method on the Rise, Kristine de Valck, Joonas Rokka and Joel Hietanen,
from HAL
Networked Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Kristine de Valck, Roberts Kozinets, Andrea Wojnicki and Sarah Wilner,
from HAL
Keywords: advertising and promotions,consumer communication,online communities,online consumer behavior,Internet marketing,social media,word of mouth
Virtual communities: A marketing perspective, Kristine de Valck, Gerrit van Bruggen and Berendt Wierenga,
from HAL
Keywords: Consumer decision process,Interpersonal influence,Marketing,Netnography,Virtual communities of consumption,Virtual community members,Virtual community participation,Word-of-mouth
Testing the Influence of Substitute Sites in Nature Valuation by Using Spatial Discounting Factors, Jeremy Valck, Steven Broekx, Inge Liekens, Joris Aertsens and Liesbet Vranken,
in Environmental & Resource Economics
Keywords: Benefit transfer, Discrete choice experiment, Ecosystem services, GIS, Latent class, Nature, Non-market valuation, Spatial, Substitute
Social Control in Online Communities of Consumption: A Framework for Community Management, Olivier Sibai, Kristine de Valck, Andrew M. Farrell and John M. Rudd,
from HAL
Keywords: online communities of consumption,consumers,management,OCCs
Buzzing Bloggers: How do Word-of-Mouth Campaigns Evolve?, Kristine de Valck, Robert Kozinets, P. Thoburn, Andrea Wojnicki and Sarah Wilner,
from HAL
Keywords: Buzzing,Bloggers,Word-of-Mouth,Campaigns
Lost in Translation: The Social Shaping of Marketing Messaging, Kozinets Robert V., Kristine de Valck, Wojnicki Andrea and Wilner Sarah J. S.,
in NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
Keywords: WOM, Blogs, Social Media, Product Seeding, Network Co-Production, Consumer-Marketer, Social Brand Engagement
Social Commerce: A Contingency Framework for Assessing Marketing Potential, Manjit S. Yadav, Kristine de Valck, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Donna L. Hoffman and Martin Spann,
in Journal of Interactive Marketing
Keywords: Social commerce; Social media; Social networks; Online communities; Consumer decision process; Facebook; F-commerce; Digital marketing strategy;
Social Commerce: A Contingency Framework for Assessing Marketing Potential, Manjit Yadav, Kristine de Valck, Thorsten Henning-Thurau, Donna Hoffman and Martin Spann,
from HAL
Keywords: Social commerce,Social media,Social networks,Online communities,Consumer decision process,Facebook,F-commerce,Digital marketing strategy
Networked Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Robert Kozinets , Andrea C. Wojnicki , Sarah J. S. Wilner and Kristine De Valck ,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: Word of mouth; online communities; online consumer behavior; advertising and promotions; consumer communication; Internet marketing
Sicherung digitaler Fahrzeugspuren zur Verkehrsunfallaufnahme, Silke Paul and Mareike Valck,
from Springer
Keywords: Digitale Fahrzeugspuren, Verkehrsunfallaufnahme, Ganzheitliche Spurensicherung, Sachbeweis, ProDigi, Polizei NRW, Verkehr, Auslese-Team
International Trade in Biofuels: Legal and Regulatory Issues, Jeremy de Beer and Stuart J. Smyth,
in Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Political Economy, Public Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
When is a search not a search? Part 3 - The worst of the worst: When complex applications also lack unity, Jeremy R.M. Scott and Sytse de Jonge,
in World Patent Information
Keywords: EPO Complex applications Non-unity Patent searching ESOP WOISA WOFA EPC European Patent Office
When is a search not a search? Part 2 - Non-unity, the EPO approach, Jeremy R.M. Scott and Sytse de Jonge,
in World Patent Information
Keywords: Non-unity Plurality EPO Inventive concept Special technical features WOISA ESOP PCT
The ARMA model in state space form, Piet de Jong and Jeremy Penzer,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Filter steady state Kalman filter smoother State space model Time series
Nothing happened, something happened: silence in a makerspace, François-Xavier de Vaujany and Jeremy Aroles,
from HAL
Keywords: Silence,Learning,Embodiment,Visibility,Merleau-Ponty,Makerspace,Work Practices,Collaborative spaces
from International Trade and Finance Association
Nothing happened, something happened: Silence in a makerspace 1, François-Xavier de Vaujany and Jeremy Aroles,
from HAL
Keywords: Silence,Learning,Embodiment,Visibility,Merleau-Ponty,Makerspace,Work Practices,Time
Millennial Work Ethic: A Preliminary Examination of the Work Ethic Profile of Filipino University Students, Velasco Joseph Ching and Jeremy de Chavez,
in Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: millennials, Filipino university student, work ethic, Generation Y, ethics, work
China’s Maritime Nexus in Southeast Asia, Jérémy Jammes and Marie-Sybille de Vienne,
from HAL
La Nouvelle route de la soie maritime (BRI) en action en Asie du Sud-Est, Jérémy Jammes and Marie-Sybille de Vienne,
from HAL
Life cycle model of alternative fuel vehicles: emissions, energy, and cost trade-offs, Jeremy Hackney and Richard de Neufville,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Transatlantic Copyright Comparisons: Making Available via Hyperlinks in the European Union and Canada, Mira Burri and Jeremy de Beer,
from World Trade Institute
Have domestic prudential policies been effective? Insights from bank-level property loan data, Veronica Bayangos and Jeremy De Jesus,
from Bank for International Settlements
Social funds: an effective instrument to support local action for poverty reduction?, Arjan de Haan, Jeremy Holland and Nazneen Kanji,
in Journal of International Development
The impact of the global financial and economic crisis on poverty in the Philippines, Celia Reyes, Alellie Sobreviñas and Jeremy De Jesus,
from Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)
Keywords: Public Economics
Open branding: Managing the unauthorized use of brand-related intellectual property, Karen Robson, Jeremy de Beer and Ian P. McCarthy,
in Business Horizons
Keywords: Brand management; Open branding; Intellectual property; IP; Creative consumers; Consumer innovation;
The future of coal and renewable power generation in Australia: A review of market trends, Jeremy Webb, H. Nadeeka de Silva and Clevo Wilson,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
Keywords: Coal and renewable energy; Cost of electricity generation: Market trends; Future of electricity generation; Australia;
Analysis of assembly systems with service level constraints, Ton G. de Kok and Jeremy W. C. H. Visschers,
in International Journal of Production Economics
Mapping themes in the study of new work practices, Jeremy Aroles, Nathalie Mitev and François-Xavier de Vaujany,
from HAL
Keywords: New Ways of Working,Future of work,Litterature Review
Experiencing the New World of Work, Jeremy Aroles, François-Xavier de Vaujany and Karen Dale,
from HAL
Keywords: Organizational change,Industrial sociology,technological innovations
Experiencing the New World of Work, Jeremy Aroles, François-Xavier de Vaujany and Karen Dale,
from HAL
Keywords: Organizational change,technological innovations,Industrial sociology,labor
'Becoming mainstream': the professionalization and corporatization of digital nomadism, Jeremy Aroles, Edward Granter and François-Xavier de Vaujany,
from HAL
Keywords: digital nomadism,new ways of working,future of work,professionalisation,corporatisation,gig economy,institutionalisation
Towards a Political Philosophy of Management: Performativity & Visibility in management practices, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Pierre Laniray,
from HAL
Keywords: Performativity,Visibility,Management practices,Merleau-Ponty,Austin
Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Perezts,,
from HAL
At the heart of new work practices: A paradoxical approach to silence in a coworking space, Stephanie Faure, Jeremy Aroles and Francois-Xavier de Vaujany,
from HAL
Innovation ambidexterity and public innovation Intermediaries: The mediating role of capabilities, Muthu De Silva, Jeremy Howells, Zaheer Khan and Martin Meyer,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Innovation ambidexterity; Public innovation intermediaries; Exploitative innovation; Exploratory innovation; Knowledge integration; Network building;
Innovation intermediaries and collaboration: Knowledge–based practices and internal value creation, Muthu De Silva, Jeremy Howells and Martin Meyer,
in Research Policy
Keywords: Innovation intermediaries; Knowledge based practices; Value creation; European union; Research and technology organisations; Knowledge capitalization;
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Poverty in the Philippines, Alellie Sobreviñas, Jeremy de Jesus and Celia M. Reyes,
from Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Keywords: poverty impacts;Philippines;community-based monitoring system;global financial and economic crisis;impact transmission channels;CBMS indicators;household-coping strategies;program targeting;leakages and exclusion
Complete and Partial Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility, Andreas Rasche, Frank de Bakker and Jeremy Moon,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Organization studies, Corporate social responsibility, CSR standards, Cross-sector partnerships, Partial organization, Institutional theory, Complete organization,
Limits on the Range and Rate of Change in Power Take-Off Load in Ocean Wave Energy Conversion: A Study Using Model Predictive Control, Jeremy W. Simmons and James D. Van de Ven,
in Energies
Keywords: wave energy conversion; WEC; power take-off; PTO; load control; model predictive control
A Comparison of Power Take-Off Architectures for Wave-Powered Reverse Osmosis Desalination of Seawater with Co-Production of Electricity, Jeremy W. Simmons and James D. Van de Ven,
in Energies
Keywords: wave energy conversion; WEC; power take-off; PTO; reverse osmosis; RO; desalination
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Poverty in the Philippines, Celia Reyes, Alellie Sobreviñas and Jeremy de Jesus,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: global financial and economic crisis, poverty impact, community-based monitoring system (CBMS), impact transmission channels, CBMS indicators, household-coping strategies, program targeting, leakages and exclusion
Higher education in a post-covid world: propositions for an open university, Jeremy Aroles, David Vallat and François-Xavier de Vaujany,
from HAL
Credit and Voting, Eleonora Brandimarti, Giacomo De Giorgi and Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti,
from arXiv.org
Medical Spending of the U.S. Elderly, Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French, John Jones and Jeremy McCauley,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Pérezts,
from HAL
Keywords: Phenomenology,Management,Organization studies,Organizational theory
Between Being and Becoming: Appearances and Subjectivities of Organizing, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Perezts,
from HAL
Keywords: phenomenologies,appearances,organizing,subjectivity,subjectivation,future of phenomenologies in MOS
Introduction: Phenomenologies and Organization Studies: Organizing Through and Beyond Appearances, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Pérezts,
from HAL
Keywords: phenomenology,phenomenologies,post-phenomenologies,experience,management,organization studies
The informal economy, innovation and intellectual property - Concepts, metrics and policy considerations, Jeremy de Beer, Kun Fu and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent,
from World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division
Conceptualizing the electronic word-of-mouth process: What we know and need to know about eWOM creation, exposure, and evaluation, Ana Babić Rosario, Kristine Valck and Francesca Sotgiu,
in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Keywords: Electronic word of mouth (eWOM), Motivation, Opportunity, Ability (MOA) framework, eWOM process, eWOM creation, eWOM exposure, eWOM evaluation, Systematic review, Research agenda