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262 documents matched the search for Datar, Gayatri in authors.
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Are irrigation rehabilitation projects good for poor farmers in Peru ?,
Gayatri Datar and Ximena V. Del Carpio, from The World Bank (2009)
Keywords: Rural Poverty Reduction,Regional Economic Development,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Labor Policies

Is Irrigation Rehabilitation Good for Poor Farmers? An Impact Evaluation of a Non‐Experimental Irrigation Project in Peru,
Ximena Del Carpio, Norman Loayza and Gayatri Datar, in Journal of Agricultural Economics (2011)

Can a market-assisted land redistribution program improve the lives of the poor ? evidence from Malawi,
Gayatri Datar, Ximena Del Carpio and Vivian Hoffman, from The World Bank (2009)
Keywords: Environmental Economics&Policies,Rural Development Knowledge&Information Systems,Economic Theory&Research,Debt Markets,Rural Poverty Reduction

Book Reviews,
Kiran Datar, in International Studies (1991) Downloads

Indians in Malaysia: An Alternative Approach,
Kiran Datar, in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs (1988) Downloads

Teaching Political Science in the Margins,
Abhay Datar, in Studies in Indian Politics (2021) Downloads

Book Reviews,
Kiran Datar, in International Studies (1996) Downloads

Book Reviews,
Kiran Datar, in International Studies (1996) Downloads

The impact of kindergarten entrance age policies on the childcare needs of families,
Ashlesha Datar, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2006) Downloads

The more the heavier? Family size and childhood obesity in the U.S,
Ashlesha Datar, in Social Science & Medicine (2017)
Keywords: Family size; Siblings; Childhood obesity; Body mass index;

Does delaying kindergarten entrance give children a head start?,
Ashlesha Datar, in Economics of Education Review (2006) Downloads

Impact of liquidity on premia/discounts in closed-end funds,
Vinay Datar, in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (2001) Downloads

Registered author: Vivek Datar

Registered author: Ashlesha Datar

Performance of Modified Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm on Cloud Data,
M Gayatri, in The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences (2014)

Analysis of Advisor Portfolio using Multivariate Time Series and Cosine Similarity,
Gayatri Pradhan, from arXiv.org (2018) Downloads

Current Trends in Software Engineering Research,
Gayatri Vijiyan, in Review of Computer Engineering Research (2015)
Keywords: Methodology, Tools, Model, Cloud computing, Android computing, Big data, Network security, Project management

Beyond Morality: The Moral Economy Framework and the Fisheries in Mumbai,
Gayatri Nair, in Journal of South Asian Development (2022)
Keywords: Class; class and inequality; community development; environmental politics; fisheries; moral economy; Mumbai

The Utilization of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception and Associated Factors Among Women in Indonesia,
Maria Gayatri, in Global Journal of Health Science (2020) Downloads

Registered author: Gayatri Ramnath

Maternal Involvement in Everyday Schooling: A Micro Study,
Gayatri Panda, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2015)
Keywords: Micro-mothering activities; mothers’ educational qualification; location in caste–class hierarchy; schooling process; mother-educator; children’s attainment

Some Reflections on Educated Mothering,
Gayatri Panda, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2019)
Keywords: Educated mothering; gendered process; aspiration for daughters; vision for girl; decision-making process; girls’ education

Approaches to valuing the hidden hydrological services of wetland ecosystems,
Gayatri Acharya, in Ecological Economics (2000) Downloads

The Political Economy of Gig Work in the Pandemic: Social Hierarchies and Labour Control of Indian Platform Workers,
Gayatri Nair, in Journal of South Asian Development (2023)
Keywords: Digital; gig work; India; labour; caste; algorithmic control; South Asia; platforms

Loci of Greed in a Caribbean Paradise: Land Conflicts in Bocas del Toro, Panama,
Gayatri Thampy, in Economic Anthropology (2014) Downloads

Valuing the environment as an input: the production function approach,
Gayatri Acharya, from Edward Elgar Publishing (1998)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Environment,

Work life balance among working women: A cross-cultural review,
Gayatri Pradhan, from Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore (2016)
Keywords: Gender-Women, Women-Work life-Family balance, Working women-Child care

Conceptualising work-life balance,
Gayatri Pradhan, from Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore (2016)
Keywords: Gender-Women, Women-Family-Work, Women-Family conflicts

Urban Poverty in Ulannabaatar,
Gayatri Singh, from The World Bank Group (2017)
Keywords: Poverty Reduction - Access of Poor to Social Services Poverty Reduction - Employment and Shared Growth Poverty Reduction - Inequality Social Protections and Labor - Labor Markets Urban Development - Urban Poverty Urban Development - Urban Services to the Poor

Power and Resistance: Silence and Secrecy in Avatar - The Last Airbender,
Gayatri Viswanath, from eSocialSciences (2014)
Keywords: American, animated, television series, Last Airbender, Avatar, Asian, human, animals, spirits, violence, trauma, resistance, water tribes, earth kingdom, sir nomads, fire nations, society, community, productive, destructive,

Unpacking Transparency and Accountability Measures,
Gayatri Sahgal, from eSocialSciences (2014)
Keywords: accountability, transparency, enforcement, governance, participation, MGNREGA, Rajasthan, India

Gayatri Menon, from Voice of Research (2015) Downloads

The value of biodiversity in the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands of Northern Nigeria,
Gayatri Acharya and Gayatri Acharya, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2000)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Environment,

Discussion of “Private Predecision Information, Performance Measure Congruity, and the Value of Delegation†*,
Srikant M. Datar, in Contemporary Accounting Research (2000) Downloads

Corporate taxation in India,
Arvind P. Datar, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2023)
Keywords: Law - Academic,

Metropolitan Area Food Prices and Children’s Weight Gain,
Roland Sturm and Ashlesha Datar, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2005)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety

Junk Food in Schools and Childhood Obesity,
Ashlesha Datar and Nancy Nicosia, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2012)

Engendering Community Rights,
Chhaya Datar and Aseem Prakash, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2001) Downloads

Physical education in elementary school and body mass index: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study,
A. Datar and R. Sturm, in American Journal of Public Health (2004)

Strategic Transfer Pricing,
Michael Alles and Srikant Datar, in Management Science (1998)
Keywords: transfer pricing, full cost allocation, incentives, costing

Sm Datar and Mv Rajan, in Journal of Accounting Research (1995)
Keywords: Incentive systems, Sequential production, Capacity constraints, Manufacturing

Do reductions in class size "crowd out" parental investment in education?,
Ashlesha Datar and Bryce Mason, in Economics of Education Review (2008)
Keywords: Human capital Educational economics

Rd Banker and Sm Datar, in Journal of Accounting Research (1989)
Keywords: Performance evaluation, Linear aggregation, Compensation contracts

The relevance of value‐at‐risk disclosures: evidence from the LTCM crisis,
Niranjan Chipalkatti and Vinay Datar, in Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (2006)
Keywords: Disclosure, Value analysis, Capital

The Availability of Child Care Centers in China and Its Impact on Child Care and Maternal Work Decisions,
M. Kilburn and Ashlesha Datar, from RAND Corporation (2002) Downloads

Book Reviews: Shirley Chew and Anna Rutherford (eds.), Unbecoming Daughters of the Empire. Sydney: Dangaroo Press, 1993. 227 pages,
Gayatri D. Acharya, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (1996) Downloads

Investigating Indian Car Buyers’ Decision to Use Digital Marketing Communication: An Empirical Application of Decomposed TPB,
Rekha Dahiya and Gayatri, in Vision (2017)
Keywords: Digital Marketing Communication; Usage Intentions; Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour; Indian Car Market

Book Reviews: K.M. George et al., Inner Spaces: New Writing by Women from Kerala. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1993. 125 pages. Rs. 70,
Gayatri D. Acharya, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (1994) Downloads

Son Preference and Child Labor in Nepal: The Household Impact of Sending Girls to Work,
Gayatri B. Koolwal, in World Development (2007) Downloads

Improving the measurement of rural women's employment: Global momentum and survey priorities,
Gayatri B. Koolwal, in World Development (2021)
Keywords: Gender; Agriculture; Employment; Unpaid Work; Labor Underutilization; Household Surveys;

Improving the Measurement of Rural Women's Employment: Global Momentum and Survey Research Priorities,
Gayatri B. Koolwal, from The World Bank (2019)
Keywords: Food Security,Employment and Unemployment,Wages, Compensation&Benefits,Gender and Development

Rationing in agricultural credit markets: evidence from Iowa farm operators,
Gayatri C. Weerawardane, from Iowa State University, Department of Economics (1993) Downloads

Deep underpricing of China's IPOs: sources and implications,
Vinay Datar and David Z. Mao, in International Journal of Financial Services Management (2006)
Keywords: IPO; initial public offerings; China; capital markets; new issues; underpricing; privatisation; Chinese stock market.

Optimal transfer pricing under postcontract information*,
Rajiv D. Banker and Srikant M. Datar, in Contemporary Accounting Research (1992) Downloads

Maternal work and children's diet, activity, and obesity,
Ashlesha Datar, Nancy Nicosia and Victoria Shier, in Social Science & Medicine (2014)
Keywords: Maternal work hours; Childhood obesity; BMI; Diet; Physical activity; Sedentary behavior;

Neighborhood and home food environment and children's diet and obesity: Evidence from military personnel's installation assignment,
Victoria Shier, Nancy Nicosia and Ashlesha Datar, in Social Science & Medicine (2016)
Keywords: USA; Body mass index; Childhood obesity; Food environments; Diet;

Price clustering in foreign exchange spot markets,
Ben J. Sopranzetti and Vinay Datar, in Journal of Financial Markets (2002) Downloads

Heterogeneity in place effects on health: The case of time preferences and adolescent obesity,
Ashlesha Datar, Nancy Nicosia and Anya Samek, in Economics & Human Biology (2023)
Keywords: Adolescent obesity; Place effects; Military families;

The Reaction of Closed End Funds to Stock Distribution Announcements,
Vinay Datar and David A Dubofsky, in The Financial Review (1999)

A Practical Method for Valuing Real Options: The Boeing Approach,
Scott Mathews, Vinay Datar and Blake Johnson, in Journal of Applied Corporate Finance (2007) Downloads

Moral hazard and management control in just-in-time settings,
M Alles, Sm Datar and Ra Lambert, in Journal of Accounting Research (1995)
Keywords: Management control, Moral Hazard, Just-in-Time management, Motivation

The response of household parental investment to child endowments,
David Loughran, Ashlesha Datar and M. Kilburn, in Review of Economics of the Household (2008)
Keywords: Birth weight, Parental investment, Test scores, D13,

Liquidity commonality and spillover in the US and Japanese markets: an intraday analysis using exchange-traded funds,
Vinay Datar, Raymond So and Yiuman Tse, in Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2008)
Keywords: Exchange traded funds, Commonality, Intraday liquidity, G14, G15,

Earnouts: The Effects of Adverse Selection and Agency Costs on Acquisition Techniques,
Srikant Datar, Richard Frankel and Mark Wolfson, in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2001)

Endowments and parental investments in infancy and early childhood,
Ashlesha Datar, M. Kilburn and David Loughran, in Demography (2010) Downloads

Heterogeneity in Place Effects on Health: The Case of Time Preferences and Adolescent Obesity,
Ashlesha Datar, Nancy Nicosia and Anya Samek, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2022) Downloads

Mortality Risks, Health Endowments, and Parental Investments in Infancy: Evidence from Rural India,
Ashlesha Datar, Arkadipta Ghosh and Neeraj Sood, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2007) Downloads

The Interactive Effect of Birth Weight and Parental Investment on Child Test Scores,
David Loughran, Ashlesha Datar and M. Kilburn, from RAND Corporation (2004) Downloads

Health Endowments and Parental Investments in Infancy and Early Childhood,
Ashlesha Datar, M. Kilburn and David Loughran, from RAND Corporation (2006) Downloads

The Response of Household Parental Investment to Child Endowments,
David Loughran, Ashlesha Datar and M. Kilburn, from RAND Corporation (2008)
Keywords: birth weight, child rearing, parenting, social status-health aspects, education-health aspects, economic indicators

Ionic Liquid Mediated Processing of Lignocellulosic Biomass and their Fractionation using Membrane Separation,
Gayatri Gogoi and Swapnali Hazarika, in International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources (2019)
Keywords: earth and environment journals, environment journals, open access environment journals, peer reviewed environmental journals,open access,juniper publishers,ournal of Environmental Sciences,juniper publishers journals , juniper publishers reivew

Survey on Prioritizing Test Cases in Various Levels of the Software Development Life Cycle,
Gayatri Nayak and Mitrabinda Ray, in International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) (2021) Downloads

Emission Taxes as a GHG Mitigation Mechanism in Agriculture: Effects on Rice Production of India,
Y.P. Gayatri and M. Jose, in Agricultural Economics Research Review (2014)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy

Spectrum of Morphological Changes and Prevalence of “P53 Signatures” in Tubal Fimbrial Epithelium in General Population and in Patients with Pelvic Serous Carcinomas,
Gayatri Ravikumar and Julian Crasta, in Cancers Review (2015)
Keywords: Fallopian tube, Morphological changes, p53 signatures, SCOUT

Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions,
Anupma Kaushik and Gayatri Shaktawat, in Journal of Developing Societies (2010)
Keywords: women; political participation; local self-government; Chittorgarh; India

Awareness of Hand Hygiene Among Health Care Workers of Chitwan, Nepal,
Gayatri Khanal and Suman Thapa, in SAGE Open (2017)
Keywords: HH; knowledge; practice; health care workers; Nepal

Tribal Population in India: Regional Dimensions & Imperatives,
Tattwamasi Paltasingh and Gayatri Paliwal, in Journal of Regional Development and Planning (2014)
Keywords: Tribal Population; Social Discrimination; Poverty; Regional Disparity; Migration

Spatialising urban health vulnerability: An analysis of NYC’s critical infrastructure during COVID-19,
Gayatri Kawlra and Kazuki Sakamoto, in Urban Studies (2023)
Keywords: built environment; health; inequality; infrastructure; machine learning; social justice; spatial regression analysis

Considerations for implementing an institutional repository at a business school in India,
Gayatri Doctor and Smitha Ramachandran, in International Journal of Information Management (2008)
Keywords: Institutional repository; Business school; Intellectual capital; DSpace;

Land Use Diversity and Urban Watersheds: The Case of New Haven County,
Gayatri Acharya and Lynne Lewis, from Western Region - Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA) (1999)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Valuing groundwater recharge through agricultural production in the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands in northern Nigeria,
Gayatri Acharya and Edward Barbier, in Agricultural Economics (2000) Downloads

How Infrastructure and Financial Institutions Affect Rural Income and Poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Shahidur Khandker and Gayatri Koolwal, in Journal of Development Studies (2010) Downloads

Elena Serfilippi and Gayatri Ramnath, in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (2018) Downloads

Valuing Open Space and Land-Use Patterns in Urban Watersheds,
Gayatri Acharya and Lynne Lewis, in The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (2001) Downloads

Using Domestic Water Analysis to Value Groundwater Recharge in the Hadejia'Jama'are Floodplain, Northern Nigeria,
Gayatri Acharya and Edward Barbier, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2002) Downloads

Estimating the endogenously determined intrahousehold balance of power and its impact on expenditure pattern: evidence from Nepal,
Gayatri Koolwal and Ranjan Ray, from The World Bank (2002)
Keywords: Gender and Social Development,Housing&Human Habitats,Anthropology,Public Health Promotion,Economic Theory&Research,Poverty Lines,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Housing&Human Habitats,Environmental Economics&Policies,Anthropology

Site Response Study of Jammu City using Micro-tremor Measurements,
P.K.S. Chauhan, Gayatri Devi and Abha Mittal, in International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE) (2014) Downloads

The Impact of Emissions Trading on Rice Production of India,
Gayatri Yammanuru Phani and Monish Jose, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2012)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Challenges of Male Contraceptive Uptake in Indonesia: Opinion of Married Couples,
Dian Kristiani Irawaty and Maria Gayatri, in Global Journal of Health Science (2021) Downloads

Segment Reporting Practices in India: A Case Study of TCS,
Gayatri Guha Roy and Bhagaban Das, in Emerging Economy Studies (2019)
Keywords: Segment reporting; business segment; geographic segment; segment revenue; segment result; segment assets

Paving the way to build the resilience of men and women. How to conduct a gender analysis of resilience,
Gayatri Koolwal, d’Errico, Marco and Ilaria Sisto, from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) (2019)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital

Hidden duplicates: 10s or 100s of Indian trials, registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, have not been registered in India, as required by law,
Sangeeta Kumari, Abhilash Mohan and Gayatri Saberwal, in PLOS ONE (2020) Downloads

The multiple mediating role of brand commitment and brand loyalty between brand identification and brand citizenship behaviour: evidence from IT companies in Bangalore,
Githa S. Heggde and Gayatri Sasi Tampi, in International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (2019)
Keywords: internal branding; brand identification; brand commitment; brand loyalty; brand citizenship behaviour; BCB.

Mond-Weir type second order minimax mixed integer programming involving generalised (φ, δ)-univex functions,
Arun Kumar Tripathy and Gayatri Devi, in International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (2013)
Keywords: minimax mixed integer programming; non-differentiable symmetric programming; self-duality; efficient solutions; Schwartz inequality; second order (phi, delta)-pseudounivexity; Mond-Weir.

Factor structure of managerial competencies, training need assessment and employee productivity of mid-level information technology managers using principal component analysis,
Gayatri Panda and Manoj Kumar Dash, in International Journal of Business Excellence (2023)
Keywords: managerial competencies; training need assessment; employee productivity; information technology; sector; PCA; correlation.

Sustainable rural electrification using rice husk biomass energy: A case study of Cambodia,
Ramchandra Pode, Boucar Diouf and Gayatri Pode, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2015)
Keywords: Cambodia; Rural electrification; Rice husk biomass; Rural energy enterprises; Sustainable & affordable energy; Financially viable business model;

Solution to sustainable rural electrification in Myanmar,
Ramchandra Pode, Gayatri Pode and Boucar Diouf, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016)
Keywords: Myanmar; Rural electrification; Rice husk biomass power plant; Sustainable and affordable energy; Financially viable business model;

Impact of Globalization and Multinational Corporations on Farmer Suicides in India: An Overview, Effects, Strategies and Policies,
Aketi Gayatri Jahnavi and M.B. Dastagiri, in The International Trade Journal (2024) Downloads

Financial Inclusion among Backward Communities: A Study of the Tea Garden Workers in Assam, India,
Priyanka Dutta, Gayatri Goswami and Hemanta Barman, in Forum for Social Economics (2023) Downloads

Getting the (Gender-Disaggregated) Lay of the Land: Impact of Survey Respondent Selection on Measuring Land Ownership and Rights,
Talip Kilic, Heather Moylan and Gayatri Koolwal, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2021)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use, Labor and Human Capital

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