A Methodology for Estimating the Effects of Truck Driver Compensation on Driver Turnover, Safety, and Reliability,
Daniel Rodriguez,
from Transportation Research Forum
Keywords: Public Economics
Assessing Area under the Curve as an Alternative to Latent Growth Curve Modeling for Repeated Measures Zero-Inflated Poisson Data: A Simulation Study,
Daniel Rodriguez,
in Stats
Keywords: latent growth curve modeling; area under the curve; Monte Carlo simulation study; substance use; zero-inflated Poisson distribution; longitudinal data
Area under the Curve as an Alternative to Latent Growth Curve Modeling When Assessing the Effects of Predictor Variables on Repeated Measures of a Continuous Dependent Variable,
Daniel Rodriguez,
in Stats
Keywords: latent growth curve modeling; area under the curve; Monte Carlo simulation study; multiple imputation; longitudinal data
Crecimiento económico, I+D+i. El Milagro Irlandés,
Daniel Ferreiro Rodríguez,
in Economic Analysis Working Papers (2002-2010). Atlantic Review of Economics (2011-2016)
Access for Latin American and Caribbean Agrifood Products to International Markets: The Export Platforms Initiative,
Daniel Rodriguez Saenz,
in Comuniica Magazine
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade
Strengthening early literacy skills through social promotion policies? Intended and unintended consequences in Costa Rica,
Daniel Rodriguez-Segura,
in International Journal of Educational Development
Keywords: Grade repetition; Social promotion policies; Early literacy development;
A closer look at reading comprehension: Experimental evidence from Guatemala,
Daniel Rodriguez-Segura,
in International Journal of Educational Development
Keywords: Early literacy; Reading comprehension; Simple view of reading; Education in developing countries;
Statutory interpretation and political advantage,
Daniel B. Rodriguez,
in International Review of Law and Economics
What Statutes Mean: Positive Political Theory Perspectives on Legislation and its Interpretation,
Daniel B Rodriguez,
from Berkeley Olin Program in Law & Economics
Legislative Intent,
Daniel B. Rodriguez,
from Berkeley Olin Program in Law & Economics
The Wiphala Genomics: the deployment of molecular markers in small-scale potato crop systems in the Bolivian Andes,
Daniel Puente-Rodriguez,
in The European Journal of Development Research
Keywords: sociology, molecular markers, biodiversity, participation, resource-poor farmers, potatoes, Bolivia, the Andes,
Registered author: Jose Daniel Rodriguez-Delgado
EdTech in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence,
Daniel Rodriguez-Segura,
in The World Bank Research Observer
Keywords: EdTech, education policy, developing countries, innovation, cost-effectiveness
Making the Deal Stick: Enforcing the Original Constitutional Structure of Lawmaking in the Modern Regulatory State: A Comment: The Administrative State and the Original Understanding,
Daniel B Rodriguez,
in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Biotechnologizing Jatropha for local sustainable development,
Daniel Puente-Rodríguez,
in Agriculture and Human Values
Keywords: Local sustainable biotechnological developments, Genomics, Biofuels, Jatropha curcas , Gota Verde, Honduras, PRI-WUR, Territorialization,
Bankruptcy and Firm Dynamics: The Case of the Missing Firms,
Jose Daniel Rodríguez-Delgado,
from International Monetary Fund
Keywords: WP;interest rate;capital stock;fixed cost
Registered author: Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez
Safta: Living in a World of Regional Trade Agreements,
Jose Daniel Rodríguez-Delgado,
from International Monetary Fund
Keywords: WP;trade creation;trade diversion; SAFTA; RTAs; Trade Liberalization; South Asia; India-Sri Lanka FTA; SAFTA tariff; SAFTA vis-à-vis; SAFTA trade effect; SAFTA member; Tariffs; Trade balance; Imports; Trade barriers; North American Free Trade Agreement
Funding Risk, Liquidity Risk and the Solvency Ratio in a Liquidity Spiral Model,
Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
from Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, CEMLA
Keywords: Banks, Treasurer, Liquidity risk, Systemic risk, Liquidity spiral, Mark-to-market
Riesgo de fondeo, riesgo de liquidez y relación de solvencia en un modelo de espirales de liquidez,
Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
from Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, CEMLA
Keywords: Bancos, Tesorero, Riesgo de liquidez, Riesgo sistémico, Espiral de liquidez, Valoración a precios de mercado
Registered author: Arturo Daniel Alarcon Rodriguez Sr.
Openess and factor shares,
Daniel Ortega and Francisco Rodríguez,
from Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Detecting nonlinearity in time series by model selection criteria,
Daniel Peña and Julio Rodriguez,
in International Journal of Forecasting
Descriptive measures of multivariate scatter and linear dependence,
Daniel Peña and Julio Rodríguez,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Correlation Principal components Variability
A Powerful Portmanteau Test of Lack of Fit for Time Series,
Daniel Peña and Joaquin Rodriguez,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
An Evaluation of the Accessibility Benefits of Commuter Rail in Eastern Massachusetts using Spatial Hedonic Price Functions,
Robert Armstrong and Daniel Rodríguez,
in Transportation
Keywords: accessibility, commuter rail, externalities, hedonic model, spatial econometrics,
The outsourcing of R&D through acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry,
Matthew Higgins and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Journal of Financial Economics
Are displaced workers now finished at age forty?,
Daniel Rodriguez and Madeline Zavodny,
in Economic Review
Keywords: Demography; Labor supply; Labor turnover
Explaining changes in the age distribution of displaced workers,
Daniel Rodriguez and Madeline Zavodny,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Keywords: Labor turnover; Demography; Labor supply
Family structure and sex differences in postdisplacement outcomes,
Daniel Rodriguez and Madeline Zavodny,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Keywords: Employment (Economic theory); Income distribution; Wages; Labor market
Divergent thinking and post-launch entrepreneurial outcomes: non-linearities and the moderating role of experience,
Marco Caliendo and Daniel Rodríguez,
in Small Business Economics
Keywords: Divergent thinking, Entrepreneurial performance, Survival, Business expansion, Innovation
Changes in the Age and Education Profile of Displaced Workers,
Daniel Rodriguez and Madeline Zavodny,
in ILR Review
Trade Policy and Factor Prices: An Empirical Strategy,
Daniel Ortega and Francisco Rodríguez,
from Wesleyan University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Factor prices, trade policy, Stolper-Samuelson theorem, wage bargaining
Are capital shares higher in poor countries? Evidence from Industrial Surveys,
Francisco Rodríguez and Daniel Ortega,
from Wesleyan University, Department of Economics
Divergent Thinking and Post-Launch Entrepreneurial Outcomes: Non-Linearities and the Moderating Role of Experience,
Marco Caliendo and Daniel Rodriguez,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: survival, entrepreneurial performance, divergent thinking, business expansion, innovation
Divergent thinking and post-launch entrepreneurial outcomes: non-linearities and the moderating role of experience,
Marco Caliendo and Daniel Rodríguez,
from Center for Economic Policy Analysis
Keywords: divergent thinking, entrepreneurial performance, survival, business expansion, innovation
Rogerio Simao and Tomas Daniel Menendez Rodriguez,
from Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administracao e Sociologia Rural (SOBER)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries
Determination of Volcanic Plume Three-Dimensional Structure Using CHRIS/PROBA-1 Multiangular Imagery: Case Study of Mount Etna,
Sergio Baselga and Daniel Rodríguez-Pérez,
in Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Can Plasma Volume Affect Arterial Stiffness and Autonomic Modulation Response to Resistance Exercise?,
Daniel Rodriguez, Aylton Figueira and Danilo Bocallini,
in Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy
Keywords: cardiology journal, scholarly articles on cardiology, cardiology citation report, cardiology citations, cardiology medical journals, free cardiology medical journals, cardiology journals,Cardiovascular Therapy,juniper publishers, juniper publishers open access journals
Daniel Rodríguez González and Xavier Vence Deza,
in Revista Galega de Economía
Keywords: Inequality / Income / European regions / Kuznets’ curve / Semiparametric analysis
Una propuesta para la medición, seguimiento y regulación del riesgo de liquidez en Colombia,
Juanita González Uribe and Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
in Boletín
Juventud y campesinado en las falanges rurales: España, 1939-50,
Óscar Rodríguez Barreira and Daniel Lanero Táboas,
in Historia Agraria. Revista de Agricultura e Historia Rural
Keywords: agrarian fascism, Francoism, FET-JONS, rural world, youth, peasantry
A Market Risk Approach to Liquidity Risk and Financial Contagion,
Dairo Estrada and Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
in Revista ESPE - Ensayos Sobre Política Económica
Keywords: liquidity manager, liquidity risk, market risk, systemic risk, financialcontagion, mark-to-market.
Can Housing and Accessibility Information Influence Residential Location Choice and Travel Behavior? An Experimental Study,
Daniel A Rodriguez and Jennifer Rogers,
in Environment and Planning B
Keywords: transportion—land-use connection; traveler information; location choice; experimental design
Can Camp Get You Into a Better Secondary School? A Field Experiment of Targeted Instruction in Kenya,
Beth E. Schueler and Daniel Rodriguez-Segura,
in Education Finance and Policy
Capitalism and population in Latin American agriculture: recent trends and problems,
Carmen A. Miró and Daniel Rodríguez,
in Revista CEPAL
Capitalismo y población en el agro latinoamericano: tendencias y problemas recientes,
Carmen A. Miró and Daniel Rodríguez,
in Revista CEPAL
A Market Risk Approach to Liquidity Risk and Financial Contagion,
Dairo Estrada and Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
in Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica
Keywords: liquidity manager, liquidity risk, market risk, systemic risk, financial contagion, mark-to-market.
Ex-ante analysis of opportunities for the sustainable intensification of maize production in Mozambique,
Caspar W. Roxburgh and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Agricultural Systems
Keywords: Nitrogen; Climate risk; Agronomy; APSIM;
Conjugation of cascades,
Jesús San Martín and Daniel Rodríguez-Pérez,
in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Constant Sign Solutions to Linear Fractional Integral Problems and Their Applications to the Monotone Method,
Daniel Cao Labora and Rosana Rodríguez-López,
in Mathematics
Keywords: fractional calculus; integral and differential equations; constant sign
The historical configuration of the public and private hospital system in Spain from a territorial perspective: The case of Galicia,
Daniel Peñín-Agra and Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez,
in Revista Galega de Economía
Keywords: hospital, health policy, healthcare insurance, welfare state, Spain, Galicia, XIX-XX centuries
Impact of Spanish renewable support scheme reforms on the revenues of photovoltaic power plants,
Fidel Castro-Rodríguez and Daniel Miles-Touya,
in Utilities Policy
Keywords: Renewable support scheme; Spanish regulatory reform; PV plants revenue;
Surrogate-based optimization for multi-objective toll design problems,
Daniel Rodriguez-Roman and Stephen G. Ritchie,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Toll design problem; Surrogate-based optimization; Road pricing; Environmental equity;
Numerical solutions of equations of cardiac wave propagation based on Chebyshev multidomain pseudospectral methods,
Jairo Rodríguez-Padilla and Daniel Olmos-Liceaga,
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM)
Keywords: Chebyshev-pseudospectral; Cardiac wave propagation; Reaction–diffusion;
Can learning be measured by phone? Evidence from Kenya,
Daniel Rodriguez-Segura and Beth E. Schueler,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Phone-based assessments; Remote learning; School closures; Education in developing countries;
Competence-based recommender systems: a systematic literature review,
Hector Yago, Julia Clemente and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Behaviour and Information Technology
Understanding the Relationship Between Physical and Virtual Representations of Transit Agencies,
Chang Yi, Benjamin Rasmussen and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Transportation Planning and Technology
David Godschalk,
Philip R. Berke and Daniel A. Rodriguez,
in Journal of the American Planning Association
Capitalization of BRT network expansions effects into prices of non-expansion areas,
Daniel A. Rodríguez and Carlos H. Mojica,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Bus rapid transit Hedonic model Network expansion effects Mass transit Value capture
Determinantes de la innovación en productos o procesos: el caso colombiano,
Germán Daniel Lambardi and Jhon Mora Rodriguez,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Keywords: innovación en productos, Innovación en procesos, probit bivariantes
Cognitive costs and misperceived incentives: Evidence from the BDM mechanism,
Daniel Martin and Edwin Muñoz-Rodriguez,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: Imperfect perception; Rational inattention; Contingent thinking; Experiments;
Sex Differences in Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,
Daniel Enrique Rodriguez Bauza and Patricia Silveyra,
Keywords: inflammation; atopy; exercise-induced asthma; exercise-induced bronchoconstriction; sex differences
Medical Tourism Markets: Models of Sustainability. The Case of Spain and The Costa del Sol (Malaga),
Ricardo Pagan Rodriguez and Daniel Horsfall,
in Sustainability
Keywords: medical tourism; sustainability model; data availability; coronavirus crisis; Brexit; British expats; Spain; the Costa del Sol
Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990-2008,
Daniel Oesch and Jorge Rodriguez Menes,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: employment, labour market institutions, technological change, inequality, occupations
Marked crosswalks, station area built environments, and transit ridership: Associations between changes in 877 US TOD stations, 2010–2018,
Meiqing Li and Daniel A. Rodriguez,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Transit ridership; Built environment; Transportation infrastructure; Marked crosswalk; Street view image;
¡Luces fuera!: Mecanismos situacionales de disuasión y promoción del crimen por cambios en luminosidad nocturna en Colombia,
Pablo David Ramos Rodríguez and Daniel Mejía,
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: Luminosidad nocturna; crimen urbano; imágenes satelitales.
Dairo Estrada and Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: liquidity manager, liquidity risk, market risk, systemic risk,
Daniel Osorio-Rodriguez and Mauricio Avella Gómez,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: banking external indebtedness,
Determinantes de los desajustes de la educación superior en Colombia,
Juan Rodríguez Marín and Daniel Botero Guzmán,
in Revista Equidad y Desarrollo
Keywords: Desajuste educativo, infraeducación, graduados, mercado laboral, modelo logit, sobreeducación
Introduction to "25 Years of Law and Positive Political Theory: Past, Present and the Future",
Daniel B. Rodriguez and Emerson H. Tiller,
in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
The "Reformation of Administrative Law" Revisited,
Daniel B. Rodriguez and Barry Weingast,
in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Assessors influence results: Evidence on enumerator effects and educational impact evaluations,
Daniel Rodriguez-Segura and Beth E. Schueler,
in Journal of Development Economics
Keywords: Enumerator effects; Impact evaluations; Remote assessments; Education in developing countries;
Comparing the Relative Efficacy of Generalized Estimating Equations, Latent Growth Curve Modeling, and Area Under the Curve with a Repeated Measures Discrete Ordinal Outcome Variable,
Daniel Rodriguez, Ryan Verma and Juliana Upchurch,
in Stats
Keywords: area under the curve (AUC); latent growth curve modeling (LGCM); generalized estimating equations (GEE)
Statistical research in Europe: 1985–1997,
Juan Gil, Daniel Peña and Julio Rodríguez,
in TEST: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research
Keywords: Bibliometrics, productivity rankings, quality indices, trends of countries, trends of institutions, 62-00,
Epistemic engagement: examining personal epistemology and engagement preferences with climate change in Oregon,
Brianne Suldovsky and Daniel Taylor-Rodríguez,
in Climatic Change
Keywords: Public engagement, Climate change, Personal epistemology
Joint impacts of Bus Rapid Transit and urban form on vehicle ownership: New evidence from a quasi-longitudinal analysis in Bogotá, Colombia,
Tabitha S. Combs and Daniel A. Rodríguez,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit; Urban form; Motorization; Bogotá; Difference-in-differences;
The influence of residential dissonance on physical activity and walking: evidence from the Montgomery County, MD, and Twin Cities, MN, areas,
Gi-Hyoug Cho and Daniel A. Rodríguez,
in Journal of Transport Geography
Keywords: Travel behavior; Physical activity; Residential dissonance; Neighborhood locations;
Travel behavior in neo-traditional neighborhood developments: A case study in USA,
Asad J. Khattak and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Reversal of economic fortunes: Institutions and the changing ascendancy of Barcelona and Madrid as economic hubs,
Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose and Daniel Hardy,
in Growth and Change
Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship in England and Wales,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, cultural diversity, high-skilled migration, knowledge spillovers
Addressing poverty and inequality in the rural economy from a global perspective,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: poverty; inequality; rural development; territorial approach; place-based development
Firm competitiveness and regional disparities in Georgia,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: competitiveness; productivity; firms; Georgia transition economies
Reversal of economic fortunes: institutions and the changing ascendancy of Barcelona and Madrid as economic hubs,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Measurement of the Elasticity of Factor Substitution and Bias of Technical Change,
Peter Diamond, Daniel McFadden and Miguel Rodriguez,
from McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Knowledge, Technology, Innovation, Science and technology parks, Industrial parks, Emerging economies
The Theoretical Building Blocks for Technology and Industrial Parks,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge diffusion, Economic development, Agglomeration, Spillovers, Innovative environments, Innovation policies
Definitions and Key Terms,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Science and technology parks, Innovation, Research centres, Universities, Critical mass, Park management, Incubation, Incubators, Industrial parks, Enterprise zones
Cultivating Innovation in Parks,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Science and technology parks, Industrial parks, Linkages and networking for innovation, Optimum environments for innovation, Foreign direct investment, Trade
Evidence for Emerging Economies,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Science and technology parks, Industrial parks, Latin America, South and East Asia, Africa, Middle East
Evaluating Park Performance,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Barriers to technological development, Competitiveness, Local industries, Knowledge-based Institutions, Park stakeholders, Funding of parks, Park management, Multinational enterprises, Anchor tenants, New technology-based firms
Are Parks in Emerging Countries Delivering?,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Successful parks, Less successful parks, Scale, Park stakeholders, Park management, Park finance, Regional context, Firm networks, City-regions
All Things Considered,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Keywords: Science and technology parks, Industrial parks, Replicating success, Sound and wasteful development strategies, Place-based policies
Technology and Industrial Parks in Emerging Countries,
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Daniel Hardy,
from Springer
Market-Based Instruments for Managing Hazardous Chemicals: A Review of the Literature and Future Research Agenda,
Daniel Slunge and Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez,
in Sustainability
Keywords: market-based instruments; chemicals; pesticides; risk; tax; charge; subsidy; policy
A comparison of heat effects on road injury frequency between active travelers and motorized transportation users in six tropical and subtropical cities in Taiwan,
Cheng-Kai Hsu and Daniel A. Rodríguez,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Heat; Road injury; Bicycle; Walking; Motorcycle; Tropical; Taiwan;
The part-time pay penalty in a segmented labor market,
Daniel Fernández-Kranz and Núria Rodriguez-Planas,
in Labour Economics
Keywords: Fixed-term and permanent contracts Hourly wage levels and growth Prime-aged women Individual- and firm-level fixed-effects estimator Differential measurement error of LHS variable Underlying channels
Too family friendly? The consequences of parent part-time working rights,
Daniel Fernández-Kranz and Núria Rodriguez-Planas,
in Journal of Public Economics
Keywords: Female employment transitions and wages; Compositional bias; Fixed-term and permanent contract employment;
Freed from Illiteracy? A Closer Look at Venezuela’s Robinson Literacy Campaign,
Daniel Ortega, Francisco Rodríguez and Edward Miguel,
from Wesleyan University, Department of Economics
Location or design? Associations between neighbourhood location, built environment and walking,
Gi-Hyoug Cho and Daniel Rodriguez,
in Urban Studies
Keywords: neighbourhood location; obesity; physical activity; transport; walking